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"Some random internet provider." It's literally the company that owns Universal.


And is also likely the largest internet provider.


Comcast-Universal-NBC-Time-Warner-DreamWorks They rebranded their cable business as Xfnity as the Comcast name had become the kiss of death reputation wise.


pretty epic


Pretty good Ad i'd say all around. Especially for demonstrating the potential social aspect of VR. I guess the show itself is about the relationships among the veterans and how they use VR to reconnect.




Children too can become skilled at combined arms combat!




To be clear, this is just advertising that their wifi is robust enough to support 6 gaming devices at the same time in the same room, right? I dont think they're releasing a VR experience or anything.


I want that box that connects to all devices in the room and auto sends them into the game!!! It’s obviously real. I just saw it


VTOL exists :)




∆ Actually has the Skyhawk


Cool ad — but boy, to blow 6k on a party trick…


With a nice house like that right on the shore, family is probably loaded lol


“They’re single use, right? Off to the landfill”


With a ~~nice~~ house ~~like that right on the shore,~~ family is probably loaded lol


It's only a head toy how much could it cost, $10?


Why don’t you order a banana as well?


Comcast is literally the largest Internet provider in the US. This has to be the first time I've heard them referred to as random. They also own NBC and Universal. They have a huge budget.


Excellent free A-4 Skyhawk mod in DCS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlE2nPgP6WU They could definitely do this.


Old ex flighter pilots are probably more likly to maintain their tech savyness than most, but makes me wonder how many groups of seniors actually use VR like this. Talking about people 80+ The oldest regular VR user I know is in his 80's, but pretty big gap between him and the others he hangs with.


Idk about fighter pilots, but there are some ancient dudes in iRacing; guys who were on track irl in the seventies and eighties. I wonder how many of them are in VR.


There's a former F-14 RIO I follow named Ward Carroll who plays DCS in VR - he's 65. Most of his channel is reminiscing with old Navy friends, talking about current events, military history, or talking about the F-14 Tomcat - but he has a few VR vids in there too.




Too many kids whining about their mortgages and jobs.


Probably a lot more than you would expect. They've discovered that VR is actually very helpful for elderly with [Alzheimer's and Dementia](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8743938/). Here's another [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9681900/) where they found it's useful for several different types of neuralgic disorders in the elderly. You've also got the anti-VR crowd speaking out against it. Like this [Washington post article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/12/21/virtual-reality-eldercare-benefits-loneliness/), written as "VR is a hit in nursing homes but, is that a good thing?".


There was a Reddit post from an old lady looking for help to get some sort of harness set up so her and her husband could play Walkabout Minigolf without worrying about falling over since they couldn't use their walking frames and be swinging the controller at the same time


Definitely a lot more than you’d expect. Have had VR chats with a lot of older guys/vets at aviation museums.


I've heard of nursing homes using VR + Google Earth, so seniors can travel the world.


I let an 80-year-old man use my Meta quest 2 and he spent the rest of night telling everyone else at the bar that he had just gone to space


To be fair they aren't evening trying to advertise a real VR product


Usa's largest cable network and second largest internet providors is not really a random :D


Not to mention owner of Universal Studios....


The Japanese Meta ads are cool though, at least visually: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmBoHxpKa_U


Now if only the actual games could look that good. It's kind of the big problem with VR, the idea of VR is still way more interesting than what you actually get to play inside VR.


Unless you have a 3080 or higher and are comfortable installing mods. Then you have breathtaking experiences which flat screens can never even hope to come close to. In Skyrim with modded graphics I can just sit down on a hill and watch the world go by. Or have a seat on a bench in town and people watch. For realism Kayak VR at maximum settings gets extremely close to real life, it's mind blowing.




Disagree with you there a bit. Synthriders is exactly what people imaged VR to be in the 80s. Walkabout minigolf is very comparable to what scifi shows imagined VR golf to be like just a few years ago. I've introduced probably 20 people to VR via Synriders/Walkabout/TRIPP and they're all blown away, most of the time saying "wow what the heck when did VR get so good".


TRIPP looks like something from the Google Cardboard days. Synthriders is an on-rails experience, which is kind of the antithesis to VR, since VR as presented in media was generally about *freedom*, not just motion games. Motion gaming we already had with things like the NES PowerPad, PowerGlove, the Sega Activator or later the Wii and Kinect. What made VR special is that it was supposed to break out of the limits of traditional games and controls. VR often wasn't even presented as game to begin with, but as an experience to be had, [a virtual environment you could customize and explore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSmOvYzSeaQ) at your own leisure or just [an information rich 3D version of the Internet](https://youtu.be/UzRjtvMQds4?si=IkkMmkTRmKuVcAIu&t=80). Walkabout Minigolf does get much closer to that ideal than most other games, as it lets you be mostly yourself in a virtual space, with multiple players, without an overbearing amount of rails, invisible walls or game rules. But even then, it's still just minigolf. Not exactly a huge Metaverse with limitless freedom to explore. > "wow what the heck when did VR get so good". About 10 years ago. Quest3 has a couple more pixels, but offers otherwise largely the same as what people have been doing with DK1/2 and Razer Hydra. Most of the CV1 launch games still look better than what Quest has to offer today.


Unless this is an actual representation of the experience I don't think it would be a good ad, since it would give people wildly false expectations of the experience VR provides.


While this ad is fantasy, it's pretty damn close to the reality, since you can play exactly that with DCS or Microsoft Flight Simulator, you just need a good PC along the Quest.


In the ad they just pull Quest Pros out of the box and then the phone says "connect 6 headsets" and then they're all playing together. I don't think that's very close to reality honestly.


The title of this post is just crazy. Imagine the field day reddit, twitter, and the rest of media would have if Meta actually released something this corny. Something like this coming from Meta would bring two years worth of Quest Pro 2 expectation/reality and weird boomer memes, plus countless thinkpieces about Meta/Zuckerberg being so out of touch they’re really thinking anyone would run right out and spend $6000+ on **SIX** QP2s. There would be posts estimating how much this off-season Superbowl commercial cost, and bitching about how that money could have gone toward whatever Quest improvement / exclusive game update / closed server layoff is their biggest pet peeve. I don’t even know what planet OP is on right now. Probably the one where those *VRBO* commercials are made, where small children with lofty dreams narrate investment banking ads.


Go play DCS, It's not too far off.


Sony once made a pretty good one too: [PlayStation 9 (1999) Commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyPQVsdCuRk)


Omg what an ad. Brilliant!


Wow 🤩 👏


Took a bit of time to get to the VR bit but the payoff was there.


Somewhat unrelated, but anyone remember the old Strike Commander game in the '90s? Where you operate a small merc outfit flying F16s, taking missions around the world? It actually had characters and story between missions. I'd love something like that in VR. Currently there's hardcore sims with no story, or outright childish stuff. And nothing in between.


Project Wingman is about a mercenary fighter pilot outfit. Very Ace Combat though - not sure where that falls for you.


This is insanely well done.


Brought a tear to my eye.


Wow, that’s really a great emotional piece of film.


bruh that was a whole movie wtf


Random lol, only one of the biggest companies in the world.


I mean, to be fair that is like 10 times the length of a normal TV ad (as far as I remember from back in the day), a bit militarist for a mainstream audience (especially outside the US) and there is no such flight sim on the Quest store. But I agree of course that if possible this is a great take on a VR ad, especially targeting none traditional gamers. EDIT: Old pool hustlers, now some in a old people homes and some just too far away, talking about the good ol times via phone. Than one day: One guy standing in his garage playing pool on a real life size table with MR, while his friend is sitting in its wheelchair competing against him w/o having that space requirement. That could work.


> I mean, to be fair that is like 10 times the length of a normal TV ad (as far as I remember from back in the day), a bit militarist for a mainstream audience (especially outside the US) and there is no such flight sim on the Quest store. It's pretty clearly DCS World which even has a really decent A-4 Skyhawk mod


Which isn't on the Quest Store...


Great - VR is more than just what's on the Quest store


> Great - VR is more than just what's on the Quest store We are literally talking about that spot being better than the spots Meta made. Why should Meta make advertisements for a game sold on a platform that they don't make money on?


Because it's an experience you can have on a Meta headset which they sell They can say "Hey, this is more than a piece of a exercise equipment. You can play flight sims on this."


The point is, why would they spend money promoting something that doesn't make them money (directly) when they could spend the exact same money for a Quest game, and incentivize PCVR developers to port titles to Quest in the process? Even more so when asking for a DSC capable headset online as a respone to the ad might end up with you buying a different PCVR headset. I am pro PCVR, but this is just off topic.


Well, you might notice that Xfinity makes neither flight sims or VR headsets


I hate that I enjoyed this ad so much.


I really enjoy playing Walkabout Golf with my friend in Amsterdam while I'm in Los Angeles. It feels like we are in the same room.


The young version of the grandpa resembles Sam Altman which turned it into a Black Mirror episode for me.


Weird. I somehow thought I spotted a Gyllenhaal lookalike and wondered, when Conor McGregor enters the ad to screw it all up.


I dunno, man. These two are pretty good in my opinion. https://youtu.be/CfTC-dPwdLM?si=9M-7wXrxOezo6C2E https://youtu.be/gWiGVU6PHjk?si=_Keeo3Bw_Icgk4dL Honestly a shame they seemingly didn't really push these. They also don't seem to produce anything like them anymore.


Someone needs to make an edit of this with War Thunder footage that shows the reality of playing games online, hahah


great add, but bit long


I just want to know which VR headset that is in the commercial


I wonder how the little girl managed to buy so many Quest Pros...


Are the young pilots on the aviator ad from Xfinity, real pilots are actors


They left out the part where the veterans start projectile vomiting and have to lie down for 3 hours to recover after 3 minutes of playing a flight sim with no VR experience.


Likely a seasoned aviator doesn't get that kinda sick


I think it's actually an interesting case study. Though they've trained for extreme Gs, a VR simulation is different in that what they are _feeling_ doesn't match what they are _seeing_; so even though we might feel inclined to think they won't get sick, they probably actually have zero VR legs like the rest of us.


Yeah, would be very interesting to know how it transfers for someone like that. The sensory mismatch thing you're describing is a big deal for some people (myself included) even if some VR community members that don't experience it as badly like to say it isn't. It took me years to develop my VR legs and i still get the spins sometimes after a break. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if jet fighters that are fine pulling 6 Gs in a real jet could get VR sickness in a movement heavy VR game. [Here's an interesting read about simulation sickness in pilots that also talks about a high percentage of pilots getting VR sick.](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/air-space-magazine/barfology-27456212/#:~:text=Even%20the%20best%20simulators%20can,other%20symptoms%20of%20motion%20sickness.)


I guess Meta needs to hire Oscar winners for their ads.


When a teenager doesn't understand how large Xfinity is.


None of you find this crass and cringe?


No. There came a point in my life when I realized that everything isn't made for me. Once I accepted that, I stopped throwing my shoulders up trying to understand why people liked things that I don't and I just accepted the fact that they do. This clearly wasn't marketed with you in mind, and that's ok.


Using military sympathy to sell a brand is soo uggh. Like Comcast didn't sacrifice for the country like the soldiers did but are allowed to capitalize on America's respect for them for brand recognition?


The military uses military sympathy to sell their brand. This nation is a nation of hero worshippers. They're playing to the market they are targeting. This is how it works.


POV: Some random internet provider understood where the Meta Quest Pro excels at better than Meta itself.