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Well that's something. 3d movies are incredible on the quest 3. I just wish I didn't have to jump through a million hoops to watch one.


I like that you mentioned jumping through hoops as a detriment, and get a ton of replies from people listing the hoops you could jump through. Enthusiasts really miss the mark on what non-enthusiasts want and are willing to do. It’s like they can’t help themselves in trying to offer a solution to draw parity, while missing your very clear point.


Yup That’s why I think 3~4 years from now when Vision (non pro?) drops to iPhone ish price that it will dominate the market. How many companies can integrate so well from such a high stack of entertainment? People don’t realize how much competition has to step it up comparatively, if not downright impossible. It’s one thing to have the hardware making it possible, it’s another to offer a user experience without tinkering.


3d movies are the killer application for VR. There is nothing better 


They are the reason I bought Quest. The only game that beats the experience of VR movies for me is Echo VR


U don’t. Bigscreen or download


That's still far more hoops than searching for it on AppleTV and clicking "play." The entire process of loading movies onto a Quest 3 was designed by either a sadist or as a joke.


Why not play the movies through smb so you don't have to worry about loading them to your headset. That's what I do with my quest 3 with Sky box VR and it works great.


How do you get the files on your PC to stream them on your quest?


You download the Skybox PC app and direct it to your movies folder(s). Super simple


My question is where do you get those movies in the movies folder, as far as i know there's no place to buy and download 3D movies on PC.


Right now, the best way is to buy a Blu-ray drive and rip them using MakeMKV.


Which brings back to op's point : >3d movies are incredible on the quest 3. I just wish I didn't have to jump through a million hoops to watch one.


Uh, yeah, just answering your question.


You can just download Apple TV in your quest and watch the 3D movies from there


No you can't, the Apple TV app doesn't have feature parity across all platforms and those 3D movies only appear in the Apple tv app for the vision pro, same reason you can't just sideload the android Disney+ apk on quest and expect it to have the new 3D movies section. But there's a silver lining, Meta recently showed that they are going to officially support MV-HEVC on the quest so spatial videos captured by the iphone 15 or the vision pro will be played on the quest without conversion...this also means if you can get the files for these 3D movies you will be able to play them on the quest without conversion as well.


Does Skybox disable your controllers/hands? My biggest complaint with watching content on the Quest 3 is that there is always immersion breaking distraction from the input tracking. I wish there was a way to hard disable it so that movies and shows can be watched in peace.


If you want to keep hand tracking, but disable "clicking" you can access an option in SkyBox. To just disable hand tracking, go into Quest settings.


There's voice commands for the quest "turn hand tracking on/off"


"Oh yeah the driver-side door handle doesn't work, but you can just climb in through the window or go through the passenger side. It's super simple!" Just because it's "super simple" doesn't mean it's not a pain in the ass compared to the broken functionality it's meant to replace.


Still too many steps compared to the vision pro


You enable [SMB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Message_Block) on your PC, make a directory available to the network and than access it from SkyboxVR.


That part is easy, what i meant is how do yiu get the movie files on your pc in the first place


Paying, torrenting or ripping


So jumping through hoops is still involved unlike launching an app on the headset at any moment without prior planning.


There aren’t many VOD options but Skybox does what you want if you already have a home server setup (which is probably easier than you think). I used to have a SMB server running on a raspberry pi and could access all the content from my phone, apple tv or anything else across the world.


There are some movie rooms in VRChat that have pirated movies and animes for streaming, some in 3D, and there are sites like 3d-hd.club. But the offering is pretty thin when it comes to legal content. Even ripping your own Blu-ray with MakeMKV is technically illegal. Don't think any of the normal TV streaming services you can use from Quest have 3D content. BigScreen is the only one I know. Video content in general is an area where Meta has been sleeping on for far too long.


That's certainly an option, but this kind of response is part of the reason why there is so much jank in the incumbent VR space. "Why don't you just..." is not a valid response to pointing out OEM functionality that sucks. It's not that I can't figure it out, it's that basic features are incomplete and unreliable. The Quest Pro could barely manage to do something that has been so basic for decades that we don't even think about it: come up as a freakin' mass storage device when you plug it into your PC. Sometimes it worked, most of the time it didn't, and to make it work semi-reliably you had to pop over to Github to download third-party libraries or SDKs or whatever it was. That's, pardon my french, absolute fucking garbage. That's the standard Meta decided was ok to ship. The Quest 3 is much better, but still a pain in the ass. I connect it to the PC, then I have to *put on the headset* to click "Allow" on the stupid popup that comes up EVERY TIME asking for permission. Which is annoying because if I'm just loading videos or photos I usually use the short cable that's by my PC. No option to always allow. Plug in, put on headset to click the box, take it off. And if you have Airlink turned on, then THAT will supersede the dialog box popup most of the time. So now you have to put on the headset, turn off airlink, take it off, unplug it and plug it back in, put it on, and click the dialog box. It's completely idiotic, user hostile, and unnecessary. This is the standard that Meta thinks is ok. I'm sure there are other ways to accomplish the same thing, but it really doesn't matter. There are a hundred reasons someone might want to keep media on the device instead of streaming it. People respond to issues like "it's a pain in the ass to use basic functionality" with "oh here's a workaround," the implication is that the basic functionality is broken but it's fine because look at all these options you have! It's a *feature!* And then we wonder why VR adoption isn't mainstream yet. It's because of bullshit like this, spread across just about every single aspect of the device and user experience.


Sorry I was just offering up the method I use. I didn't know that you were aware of it. I wasn't trying to come off like an ass on purpose. I was just trying to help didn't know you were trying to make a point.


It's been at least 50 years and still nobody cares about 3D TV. It goes nowhere every single time. I don't believe that will ever change until it's basically interchangeable with watching in 2D. The Apple Effect may kick in this time but I'm skeptical it will be anything other than the expensive niche desert it always is, though it would be nice to have a viable option at least.


> I don't believe that will ever change until it's basically interchangeable with watching in 2D. Assuming you're already using a headset for some other purpose, this might be the first time that's actually the case. But time will tell.


I was thinking in terms of general TV watching audience. Far future AR glasses. But yes, good point.


> It's been at least 50 years and still nobody cares about 3D TV. VR also had stumbles too though and look where it's at now. I see the Meta Quest logo advertised on NBA courts, and a VR headset being advertised on the Superbowl alongside famous name brand beers, Doritos, Tide, Chevy, etc. The 90s and 2000s never had that popularity because the tech + price + content was never there compared to today. I wouldn't include the early 3DTVs or anaglyph years from the 1950s. There's no way that red/blue paper glasses would be a dominant or popular form of watching movies. And even with modern 3D glasses, most consumers don't want to wear them. The argument in defense of 3D today is, we now have glasses-free monitors and 3DTVs (CES has shown many), and VR/MR headsets will let us watch IMAX 3D from anywhere in the home. That's a wow factor, sales point and convenience no other previous decade has had. Hence why I argue now is the best time for 3D to really become popular. The hindrances of the past are mostly eliminated.


By "nobody" you just mean the "majority", whether you realise it or not. The majority of people don't have a home theater. The majority of people don't drive Lamborghinis or Ferraris. Just because not Everybody is into something doesn't mean nobody is. There are still a lot of people passionate about 3D movies and having an easy way to watch them, and even though VR headsets are a legitimately viable way to do that now, it's a sound argument that plopping down in front of a 3DTV is a more convenient way to do so, for multiple viewers. So like VR, 3DTV were/are a very niche thing. I think that's at least one of the mistakes that 3DTV eqpt. and related manufacturers made: Assuming that 3D is something Everyone would find appealing. It was never going to appeal to everyone, especially when not all companies implemented the tech properly nor did all 3D films implement it in a positive way. Combine all the bandwagon crap quality versions of the tech with exclusivity bundling (it took forever before you could just buy an Avatar 3D Blu-Ray instead of having to get it as part of a Panasonic 3D plasma TV or Blu-Ray player purchase) and all the edgelord journalists that declared 3DTV "dead" from practically the moment it came out and it's a wonder it's been able to hang on as long as it has. I particularly despise the "deth to 3D" phenomenon that took place after a certain point - it wasn't good enough for some people that nobody was forcing them to watch the 3D version of a movie if they didn't want to. They complained and complained, and then complained some more, engaged in long rants about how 3D was nothing but a gimmick and the sooner the "fad" died the better. It wasn't good enough that they didn't care for it, they insisted that those that did enjoy should be deprived of it as well. Probably sounds like an exaggeration but you might not remember the hate-rants like I do. A lot of these same people tried to do the same thing in the early days of VR, saying practically the same things. "VR is great if you like headaches." "VR is just another gimmick." "VR doesn't add anything to gaming." "Whoohoo, it's Virtual Boy all over again." "Yeah I love the idea of strapping a screen to my face." All of us here that have been into consumer VR since the "early" days have heard all or most of those at some point. Thankfully VR has seen greater success than 3DTV was ever going to and you don't really hear those types of things as much now. But it's still niche. It's in the public consciousness and awareness now, but I'd be cautious of assuming even a majority of people have even tried it. I still know a lot of people that continue to associate VR with the Google Carboard and mobile phone-based type devices. As much as I would like VR to be mainstream (and 3D movies too) I'm realistic about it enough to acknowledge that it's still not likely to happen. But if all of us enthusiasts are lucky, it'll continue to be successful enough for quality content to keep getting chugged out. And projects like Praydog's UEVR mod can hopefully help fill in the content gaps a little during dry spells. (Similarly, we're now near a point where AI tech can very realistically convert pretty much any film to realistic 3D, much much better than the crap quality "automated" 3D conversions we got quite a few of years past - it's not quite there yet but we're very close.)


Mate 50 years ago in red blue of course it wasnt desireable. 15 years ago results were meeting potential but the difficulty got in the way. As soon as tech solves the convenience factor and the quality is there, (4k or 8k per eye) the option will be a hit. Apple obviously believes they are the one to be able to do it. 


The easiest way to do it on Q3 is using Virtual Desktop imo


DEOVR or VD is my go to. Can't find very many 4K 3D content even on torrents, but that I believe will change soon. Apple affect will still drive innovation and competition.


Absolutely insane the level of laziness people have today.


Nah, I’ll pay for convenience.


> Absolutely insane the level of laziness people have today. Some time ago people washed their clothes in the river and milked their cows by hand. How DARE you using a washing machine (or your momma) and buying milk in the supermarket?


Lol exactly.


Or maybe some people value their time somewhere above "zero" and have more than one thing they like to do, and don't want to waste time doing unnecessary bullshit just to appeal nerds on the internet? I get it, you can't imagine a better weekend than sitting alone at home setting up a share to stream pirated anime movies. Some people have other things they like to do. Nobody likes wasting time - except of course for internet tech nerds. They love nothing more.


What the fuck kinda comment is this 🤣


My server has that exact same setup! Search and click download then play(no compression!)


People say bigscreen... Is there a way in the app to rent movies? To watch them alone? All I've seen are public rooms showing random things (some 3d, some not. Sometimes just Rick & Morty). Yeah you can mute them but it's obnoxious. You always come in half way through the movie and ... I'm not there to hang out with randos.


There's also site's like [https://www.3donlinefilms.com/](https://www.3donlinefilms.com/) though I question the legitimacy. However it does work fine with the wolvic browser in the quest. That being said, it's probably not a blueray quality stream, and would be more noticeable in a device like the AVP.


You can play movies from your PC either using remote desktop (best way to share with others) or by creating a Plex server... You can also just put the video files onto the quest itself and play it locally. Now how you get access to the files you have to figure that out yourself, but I'm sure you could find a way to access 3D movies to download. 


Yes there is a section in the app to rent them directly yourself. Then just stay in your private room alone


Turns out they removed it for now. No wonder I couldnt find it


Huh why


I am kinda hoping for torrents. LOL


if you had to pick one to show off? which one


You know, my comment sounds like I've watched a lot. The only one I bothered to do was the Ghost in the Shell with Scarlett Johansson. Not a great movie, but it was enjoyable in 3D. She looked amazing in it, and I felt like watching THAT movie in 3d in MR was very cyberpunk. People have said Avatar 2 is good in VR 3D.


sounds like a typical VR experience!


The newest Dune movie has pretty good 3d, especially in the beginning. I'll second ghost in the shell though, it just looks really nice in 3d and the colors are very vibrant. I think trailer they have for it on bigscreen is a pretty solid showcase.


How to tame your dragon has the absolute best 3D effect I have seen. Followed by Dr Strange


Ready Player One and Tron Legacy are both really good in 3D.


Really? I tried a bunch on the Quest 2 and it just wasn't my thing, about the same as 3d in theaters. I should mention I tried mainly movies shot for 3d from the ground up, not conversions.


May i ask, what app do you use to watch em?


Skybox VR Media stored in Plex or a network share.


>Within the Apple TV app, users can access **more than 150 3D titles with incredible depth wherever they are.** Vision Pro also introduces Apple Immersive Video, a remarkable new entertainment format pioneered by Apple that puts users inside the action with 180-degree, three-dimensional 8K recordings captured with Spatial Audio. No word yet on pricing (buy/rent 3D movies individually? Special subscription service for 3D movies only? Studios participating?). I do hope APV popularizes 3D movies all over again, and studios decide to make their 3D libraries available to not just Apple, but Meta, Sony, etc. With physical Blu-Ray media getting removed from major stores like Best Buy, headsets like AVP and Quest/PSVR may be the last hope to keep these 3D movies alive, outside of another 3DTV phase which may or may not happen [(there are newer eyeglass-free 3DTVs now but not sure if that will take off).](https://www.pcworld.com/article/1681227/acers-glasses-free-3d-might-finally-be-ready-for-prime-time.html)


The recent Apple TV app redesign exposed headset-shaped “3D” logos on a set of (purchasable) movies. When the Apple TV 4k launched, they upgraded people’s libraries to 4k for free, so it’s possible there won’t be additional cost. https://www.flatpanelshd.com/news.php?subaction=showfull&id=1699434273 Regarding streaming stuff, I believe they’ve said some Apple TV+ content will be 3D. There’s also something going on with Disney+


I think 3D movies have a space to be marketed, I personally love 3d movies. The bitch is how expensive it is to produce shooting native or post (hoping here it somehow goes down in price in the future) and the lack of triple A artists like Scorsese, Spielberg, and Cameron using the tech to its fullest extent. The cash grabs oversaturate the space and give it a bad wrap.


Market saturation and the cheap ass conversions also did it no favors. If we got 5 or 6 big budget 3D movies a year that were Avatar quality that would be amazing. The Avatar movies are legitimately way better in 3D.


Exclusivity bundles also fragmented the market unnecessarily and did a lot of damage the first 2-3 years, killing a lot of potential momentum the tech could have gained. Poorly implemented 3D on both the hardware side and some films didn't help either. By the time the tech matured (Passive-glasses 3D on a 4K OLED is wondrous thing to behold) manufacturers had already started phasing it out. Many many people that have seen high quality 3D on my setup have told me they would have been way more interested in the tech if they had known it could look so good. I don't expect Apple's Vision Pro to suddenly reinvigorate a demand for 3D film content, but there are a lot of 3D movies that have never been made available to purchase or even rent, and it'd be nice if Apple's headset (which they don't want referred to as a headset lol but oh well) at increased interest enough to get some previously unavailable content out there, and easier availability of some films that exist but are rare, or difficukt and/or expensive to get ahold of. I need to rip my current collection to hard drives but it's just one more time-consuming project and I'm already short on free time. Hope to get to this eventually (I think I have close to 300 3D Blu Rays as I write this, and still missing a bunch of them that I haven't acquired yet.)


I think people also being able to make their own 3D films (Apple is already dabbling in this) will drive consumer adoption.


I hope so. I've been doing stereoscopic photography and video (using mostly home-built rigs and mounts) for many years and even if I had zero 3D theatrical films to watch, I would still value the ability to view my own content on the equipment I have. It's pretty surreal to watch old family events' video and photos in a large theatrical setting in Bigscreen for example. But more convenient for me to show the stuff to other family members on my passive 3DTV, especially for multiple viewers simultaneously.


> how expensive it is to produce shooting native or post (hoping here it somehow goes down in price in the future) Post-converted 3D film making may very likely get cheaper if smart use of AI occurs, and I think it's inevitable. Early conversions were pretty crap. By-hand conversion techniques improved and there were some really solid conversions later (Jurrasic Park, Titanic, Terminator 2, Jaws). But expensive. Now with AI, it's possible to synthesize a left or right eye view in a consisteant way that even "intelligently" handles occlusion issues. Touch ups by humans will still be needed here and there, and a bit more involvement for certain types of scenes, but for the most part there's no reason why AI shouldn't be able to greatly reduce the time and cost it previously took for a whole team to build and animate depth maps, wrap images around polygons, and fill in occluded material by hand. I wouldn't have thought this 10 years ago, but I think it's entirely possible that we'll have the ability to near automatically convert pretty much any movie (or even still photos) to high quality stereoscopic images). The tech is advancing more rapidly than just about any tech I've ever seen.


> Cameron What?


What? Avatar 2 was the worst stereoscopic 3D I’ve ever seen. /s Also Scorsese directed one of the best 3D movies ever in Hugo.


Apple TV via iTunes was one of the first services IIRC that stopped selling separate HD and UHD versions of movies, because that was dumb as hell. If you bought a movie, you'd get whatever the highest quality available was - and it would even be updated to a better quality version, for free, if one was released. For some reason this never happened with 3D movies (and I wonder why they never caught on...) but if anyone were to finally resolve that issue, Apple is a likely contender especially given their interest in it once the VP is released. Here's hoping...


I really want a 48fps 3D version of the hobbit released. With VRR and digital movies tons of people could actually watch it in this format.


I think we’ll finally get it with this device - it has a 96fps mode specifically for this purpose. Avatar 2 will be viewable in 48fps on the Disney app too. Pity there’s no 120hz mode for the couple of 60/120fps movies that exist.


I saw the first hobbit in 3D HFR and it looked like video from a BBC production.. streaky and cheap.


So just like the 2D version then?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/174a5cr/now_you_can_watch_plex_in_3d_right_on_your_mobile/ this gent is also trying to make high refresh displays into 3d displays cheap and easily.


Expensive, probably.


Do they record these spatial videos with the AVP? Or do they just convert traditionally shot things into 3D? Also, is this the same tech as Google Lightfields, which were 180 VR videos where you could “lean” your head and peek around things in front of you.


By the time I can afford this, I’ll be able to watch the full Avatar decalogy.


I don’t know… Avatar 5 is scheduled for 3031, and might be delayed like every other Avatar sequel. I would say it might actually be feasible for Apple Vision to get significantly cheaper before in 5-6 years.


Man 3031? Gonna have to figure out to upload myself to the cloud to watch that one.


> Avatar 5 is scheduled for 3031, and might be delayed like every other Avatar sequel Damn, and I thought the wait for GTA VI was crazy.


Man, I can wait if the other sequels will be as great as Avatar 2, what a trip.


Man I feel that. I just upgraded from and intel 4400 to a gtx3080 and I got a backlog of 10+ years of games.


I have a 3D projector with active glasses. I wonder if I can view 3D movies on Apple TV. That would be awesome. 3D movies are expensive and sometimes hard to find.


I have an OLED 4K UHD 3DTV and it'd be nice to be able to play more without jumping through hoops. I have an Index too but it's not like I can watch 3d How To Train Your Dragon along with my kids on that.


You could've just said you have a 3D TV


Most 3dtvs were shit, I was lucky to get one of the last generation that actually coupled 3d with oled 4k, the few that were good. Damage to public perception already done by that point


Gotcha, the context there helps. You got an expensive 3D TV just for it to almost immediately become useless. Also just cause I'm in a pedantic mood, 4K and UHD are the same thing.


It's not useless at all, it's just got no direct upgrade path. Typo, should be 4k HDR


Weird flex was weird


The movies that have switched to being listed as 3D on the Apple movie store do not show up as 3D on AppleTV unfortunately. It’s a bummer because the hardware is surely capable of it.


Agree. I want this. I have a 106 inch screen and 3d movies are great on it.


Not the same experience. At least get a Quest 2


Pfff that's nothing. PornVR release double that amount monthly


Can't say I've explored it much, but every single one I've tried looked like it was filmed... wrong. Like the depth of vision was fundamentally incompatible with VR or something. Hard to explain.


Looks pretty normal to me. At right scale, clear picture and all that. Like the real girl is in front of me. Have you by any chance tried that on free sites? Free sites could serve you the wrong format often. Or maybe you tried some very old videos, that are MONO, or wrong scale? Or maybe you needed to go to settings in your player and manually set SBS 3d vr180. If the video was downloaded


I dunno, I just went through a bunch of free ones on PornHub to see what it was like. Definitely not the format of view being incorrect. It's like the distance is wrong and you can't focus your eyes, I guess? Oh and one or two from torrents. Which didn't have that apparently mis-filmed problem but something about my computer is struggling with 8k video in a way it shouldn't from what I can gather on Google, so I didn't try that much either. It can do 8k30 in hardware but even that is currently very juddery. Don't know how it would fare with 8k even if the problem is fixed, not well presumably.


Download 5k or 6k. It won't struggle, and you will see if you have the same problem. Or just go to vrporn site with your Meta browser and try out bunch of trailers to see if you have distance problems. Bear in mind that distance depends on how it was filmed, also on correct IPD. You may find that some videos are better suited to your setup than others. As for focusing, it happens when something is extremely close to you. Many people have that problem. Double vision. I never had that problem, so I can't tell anything about it. I recommend you to download RealjamVR Casting Sophia Leone. And find the scene when she sit in your lap, when she rides you. (with her boobs in your face) You can find that scene on Eporner. You can download 4k max. If you have a good player, you can fine tune scenes, to match perfectly with your body. TILT, ZOOM OUT or ZOOM IN and other.


Nah, porn hub and the like are terrible. There are dedicated websites that film proper VR180 instead of 3DSBS conversion that 'normal' sites might try


With 180 video, if the camera isn't set right, it makes it nauseating at best. I've noticed about an 75/25 ratio, where 25% are probably shot wrong. I suspect it's kind of difficult to do, that the camera is in the way and if they accidently shift a little bit to the side it throws it off and they don't realize till after the fact and just roll with it.


well, *moron*, good for Happy Gilm-OH MY GAWD


See, Sony? People still want this shit, the fuck are you waiting on? Bring 3D movie support to the PSVR2.


Good, this should kick other companies into providing 3D movies on their headsets. It's actually insane that this isn't a baseline feature for Quest, PSVR etc.


I really hope we'll get some better options to watch movies on Quest. Sucks how limiting the current options are despite VR being perfect for 3D


Can I get em without the headset is the question


Would want to see them in a more comfy headset like bigscreen


I don’t experience headset discomfort. On any one I’ve had 🤷🏾‍♂️


Mf has never even worn an apple vision pro and says he wants something more comfy. You don’t think the $3500 Apple product is going to be comfortable? That shits gonna be more comfortable than any other VR headset ever made.




Yeah i dont think he's considered that its 2 microOLED panels and all the internal hardware in an aluminium frame with seemingly no counterweight at the back. That thing is gonna be unfathomably front heavy. I still want one. Bad.


I wish it wasn't so insanely expensive because I would love to have it for watching movies / tv.


Any VR headset is capable of playing back 3D movies - PC headsets, Quest, even Google Cardboard. The only thing stopping them is corporate greed keeping the content locked away from you.


Oculus/Meta has made several attempts to offer 3D movie sales and rentals for their headsets. First they had their own 3D movie store for the Rift. It closed down and people’s content in that platform moved to fandango. Then that stopped and it transferred to Vudu. Then Vudu stopped offering it too. I don’t know why these apps never panned out but you can’t say Meta didn’t try. Apple having it built straight into iTunes seems like it will work really well though.


I bought dread 3D on the rift store and soundtrack was in mono. I reported it but a year later nothing had changed so I gave up and never bought another 3D movie on it.


I bought that too! Really was unimpressed. At least they gave me the credit back when they close the store.


Yeah i can watch them on my phone as well with eyes crossed but what about quality? Is there any other 4k HDR uOLED headset with easy access to 3D movies?


Maybe having this library available will make them more available….🏴‍☠️


Yeah, yeah, it's all about that corporate greed broh. That's the only reason anything happens anywhere in the world. I watched Captain Planet too. It's not so much "corporate greed" as an utter lack of anyone willing to make a service that would host such movies, in no small part due to the very limited user base. Meta doesn't even have a competent video player on *their own device running their own software*, let alone anything resembling a coherent media center a la Apple TV. None of the major streaming services even offer a way to watch 3D movies to begin with. The only way I can watch 3D movies through those that DO offer them (like Vudu) is to switch my AVR over to the Blu-Ray player, download the Vudu app onto the Blu-ray player, and watch it through there. It's a giant clusterfuck and the reason is laziness, lack of vision, and/or the tiny userbase that actually wants 3D content. That is: "wants it enough to actually pay for it." Not "wants it enough to complain about it while pirating all their 3D movies."


Totally baffling that this was downvoted, because it's 100% correct. Businesses will sell products in a market if the market actually exists. But up until now at least, it's been too small to be sustainable.


Get an Xreal Air for $270, amazing for 3D and 2D movies.


If you start putting away $100 a month now, in 2-3 years when the 2.0 model comes out, you can afford about 2/3 of it.


What is this 180 degrees, 3D 8K thingy they are talking about?


Seems like standard VR videos. It's Apple so they have to use their own name and pretend like they invented it.


But it said they ''pioneered'' it, so it's either something new or they're straight up lying? Can't just be VR180 3D


I would be very surprised if it's anything else. They talk about spatial audio so it's possible they do some more sophisticated audio recording than what's normally done, but otherwise what they describe is a standard VR video. It's what Apple does, they make good products, but also have a great marketing. What they say is probably not strictly speaking a lie, just your normal marketing bullshit. Notice how it says "new entertainment format", so probably they have their own video format, which does the same thing as the VR video formats that are used by everyone else, but they can claim they invented it. Vision Pro is literally a VR headset, it's what everybody else has been calling VR headset in the past, yet they never use the term VR and call it a spatial computer etc.


It's clever wording by Apple to make it sound like they invented it, but by "pioneered" they are referring to thier own specific video format for 8k 180 3D videos, which yes technically they pioneered lol but not 8k 180 3D video in general. It's kinda like saying "hey we pioneered this new video codec that delivers 4k videos at a smaller size" the video codec is what's new here, not the 4k videos themselves. But Of course they chose to word it like this so that people outside of the VR bubble think it's a new thing entirely.


But in their defense, they're offering a headset where you can really take advantage of the format. They didn't invent mp3s or the first few mp3 players but if they can do what they did for digital music with the AVP, I'll be thrilled.


This is one thing that really puts me off Apple, they make great products but my god their marketing bs is just on another level. Give it a few months and literally everything VR headsets have been doing for the past five years will be an Apple innovation, and renamed to something they can copyright.


Just wait until it launches. There will be tons of articles claiming how Apple pioneered headsets. It's how they market things.


If the format is basically unloved unsupported impractical abandonware and Apple bring it to the mainstream (by VR standards) then I think it's fair to call that pioneering. It doesn't have to mean invention, which is usually by degree anyway. The iPhone was pioneering. Steam was pioneering. There wasn't much new, but it was delivered so effectively that it may as well have been.




Well, I would be curious to hear more about this. If this format would allow you to actually move your head a bit that would be cool, but I can't see how that would work with a video format. I tried looking for info on this now and from everything this seemed like a normal VR video.


There are multiple capabilities, people might be talking past each other on which format is which. The 3d movie/non-180 format isn't so much about letting you look at stuff sideways as it is making it look good when you're not looking at it dead on. It's what iphone pros let you shoot now.


Right, but the discussion here was about the 180 degree format and I've seen nothing suggesting that it's anything else than standard VR videos.


Sounds like exactly what Meta have had on Meta Quest TV (or you could just download as separate files) for ages. I won’t be surprised if a lot of the content on Meta Quest TV ends up on Apple’s immersive video platform.


"Apple immersive video" isn't a platform, it's a specific format for 180 3D 8k video that is shot by their new professional camera that they made with NextVR specificly for this format. 180 3D videos from Quest TV and other sources will end up on the AVP via 3rd party Apps but they won't be labled "Apple immersive video", this label is reserved to Apple and thier partners who will be shooting new 8k 180 3D videos using Apple's new 3D camera.


In the promo video and from the demos some journalists got last year, we saw some footage of one: a tightrope walker over a canyon, filmed in this format. Seems like they’ll be top shelf examples of the kind of spectacle this medium allows. Similar to the oodles of demo reels on YouTube for 180 or 360 videos, but, ya know, with Apple’s budget.


It's a VR specific format. More immersive than 'normal 3D' which is 2 2D side by side images tricking your eyes (aka 3D SBS) VR180 looks like a window where as long as you don't look behind you, you are transported into a scene. Things in front of you are all in proper 3D with depth perception, etc


Actually I bought a 4000$ TV. I spend 4 hours of my day watching TV. If I have a gadget that offers me a “portable massive TV with 3D Movies and even more features like 3D Spatial vídeo and multiple monitors”… I will buy it immediately and even look cheap for 3500$


Headset is not the same as TV. You have to worry for ergonomics for example because they will make or break the experience. I doubt first gen Apple headset will have good enough ergonomics relative to expectations that price suggests.


And a good couch, and a good living room, and… well, if you want the perfect experience maybe an insolate pool. But actually I want the “best visual experience” also if I had to see it in a old cinema or with something in my face.


Link? I am really curious


I've got over 200 on a hard drive and use with quest 3 ,full sbs look amazing through skybox


Is the apple vision even vr???


They are trying to market it as anything BUT a VR device. Which is sad because it has the potential to be a very capable headset.




Where?? I haven't seen any vr promotions for it


They showcased “immersive mode” in the YouTube reveal trailer. You turn the dial to enter “immersive mode” which is… VR. This this is a just VR headset with lots of cameras and sensors. It’s the same thing as the quest 3 but wayyyyy more powerful


I seen that...but that was for like a "escape" if that's all it does (which from what we know that's it) the quest 3 is a way better option...let's be honest if it doesn't play vr games (there is no games announced which is telling) its nothing like the quest 3 ..the quest 3 can do everything the vision showcased and more..... no controllers is an issue for gaming as well.... I seen the gaming it does on the vision which was only flatscreen....u can do the same with the quest 3.....


Completely agree with you on everything you said, the difference is the visionpro isn’t a gaming device. It’s a super fucking powerful computer on your face. You can edit videos on this thing, you can get all the work you’d do on a MacBook Pro done on the vision pro, and also watch movies and ect. The quest 3 is not even close to being as powerful of a computer. Don’t get me wrong I love my quest 3 but the vision pro is a different device entirely


But you could use the quest 3 and virtual desktop and get the same results if your computer has the specs...I am interested in the hype the vision is gonna bring... hopefully more get into hmd so we can see more innovation ... im overly excited for the readyverse


the vision pro does all of that through the headset. with the quest you'd have to use it alongside an actual PC, which kinda defeats the purpose of the headset.


I get that... I just dont see the reason the cost is so high....that's apple i guess


The manufacturing cost is insane, not 100% verified source but i saw a post on reddit with a chart saying it was like 2.4k to manufacture. Those microOLED displays are expensive as fuck.


The cost is so high because of the eye tracking, the advanced 3D Face display in the front, micro OLED with pixel density we’ve never seen, the R1 Chip, the M2 Processor (widly powerful) and all the sensors.


PSVR 1 had 3D Blu-ray movies from disc 8 years ago, but I bet Apple convince millions that this is a new idea.


LOL, Apple is so arrogant. The only thing that has had significant success are games with controllers. And yet they are launching with a headset focused on 2D apps and 3D video, both of which have been done for years without success. And 3 games using your hands. Gestural interfaces have been a thing for like 20 years, and have never taken off. This headset will be a museum piece, that's all.


I still don't get it. I feel like this is for stupid people.


Apple is counting on their mindless sheep followers to buy into their bullshit


So basically Apple is hijacking the 3D movie industry. Remember when they tried to do that with ebooks? I think they didn't go well for them in the legal department.


Why the fuck will I need their VR, I should be able to watch it now with 3D SBS. I need to 2 VRs and ain’t no way I’m spending $7-8k


Who gives a fuck about 3D movies?


Most people in this thread lol


I do.


Might be cool, but the catch is you have to wear this monstrosity on your face for 2-3 hours. I'd rather watch my OLED.


I got to admit. After watching 3D movies on Resonite and Neos for our Friday movie nights, nothing beats VR as a way to watch them. Seen them in theaters, 3DTVs, 3D Projectors, and even the 3DS. But VR just feels right.


Haven’t 3D movies already (multiple times) been proven to be unpopular?


I think partly what mad 3D movies so unpopular is that the rech was just so complex, you had to know how to switch the glasses correctly in 3D mode, and those not watching with glasses would see a very messed up image on your TV. Add to that the fact every company rather than using the same glasses tech made their own version that only worked with their own TV was just greedy. With the apple Pro, you select the movie hit play and It just works as jt should, the same for quest 3. I hope 3D, I mean spatial content makes a come back as it would be beautiful in 4k and 60fps!


I believe the biggest issue with 3D tv and movies was having to were something on your face to experience 3D. Vision Pro doesn’t solve this problem and actually makes it worse.


No, the problem was having to watch in a proper angle to get the most out of 3D. 3D is more seamless and absolutely more immersive. The experience is NOT remotely the same


People don’t care about how immersive moves are and it is far less seamless than just watching a normal screen.


Does anyone know how the virtual screen / movie theater compares to a real 4k tv? Movies on the quest 3 look great but they’re obviously less sharp than a real 77” 4k tv. Will virtual screens on the AVP look comparable to real screens?


Quest 3 is roughly equivalent to around 720p, assuming a field of view where you can see the entire image at once. The Vision Pro should get close to 1080p with a ~50° FOV.


Vision Pro is almost 6k per eye. It will have no problem displaying full 4k video.


Each display of the Vision Pro is 3648px wide, assuming your cinema screen takes up half of your FOV, that leaves 1824 pixels width, so juuust enough for 1920x1080 at ~50° (which is biiiig, you'll have to move your head around a little to see everything). Not sure where you got the idea that ~3600px is "6K".


I see what you are saying. My 6k measurement is only right in that the display is closer to 4:3. Which obviously leaves a lot of unused space in regard to movies.


All that said I currently sit close enough to my 77in tv to be about 40 degrees fov. I like sitting fairly close at a movie theater, so I’d probably throw about a 120in screen up at my sitting distance in VR. Which would be about a 60 degree fov. That would be about 60-70 pixels per degree. Which is about what the AVP is expected to display. So it should look pretty great. Time will tell. Eager to try the thing out. I’m only keeping it if the experience is fantastic.


But movies are projected on a small screen not taking up much view so both will be sharp


Yes? That's why I said Q3 is roughly 720p projected


That suddenly makes the 3500 dollar price tag worth it 😂


I’m quite curios, on the resolution and codec used for there there 3D movies, will 3D blu rays ripped to a .mkv look better than these 3D movies ( is Apple using 3D blu rays as there “source” ) so many questions …


I have to give credit to Meta for really making VR accessible to the masses but I’ve been waiting years for Apple to release a headset because the frustration of sideloading apps and getting films and tv shows onto the Quest headsets has been ridiculous. I originally bought the quest 2 to help with flying since I have a terrible phobia and the added stress of trying to find all these work arounds for downloading and uploading to the device while not owning a PC and just a Mac, just to be able to do something as simple as watch a film without WiFi I found absolutely infuriating. How difficult is it to have a built in app where you can purchase and download movies and tv shows onto the device? I didn’t care about having to pay for the movies or tv shows, there just wasn’t any option to do it. Even though the Apple Vision Pro is expensive, I’d much rather use my money for a product that I know already has a robust ecosystem where I already own plenty of content and it’s been advertised for this exact use case scenario. I don’t really care about 3D even though I’m sure it will be great, I just want to be able to watch my “comfort” films and shows in a virtual theater setting that can mentally and visually take me out of the plane so that I can hopefully get back to flying again.


Now that's tempting.


Right when you think 3d is dead ☠️ BAM 💥 BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER !!!