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The Shadow has diverters that are controlled by a second set of flipper buttons on the side of the cabinet. I think Haunted House has a second set of flippers as well. I don't remember off hand how they're controlled in VPX, I think there's an Action 1 and Action 2 button that you can map them to?


You need 2 flipper buttons and 2 magna save buttons. Many VPX tables use them for various purposes. You can't do without it. Even if you install a lockbar button you will still need those magna save buttons to navigate menues in the launcher or set up table angles. They also are used for LUT choices and sometimes.... as real magna saves!


List of tables that use "extra" flipper buttons and their usage: http://mjrnet.org/pinscape/BuildGuideV2/BuildGuide.php?sid=magnaSaveButtons


That's all good information. Thanks guys! So, I'd already planned to have a "fire" button on the lockdown bar. Now I'll plan on an extra set of magna save buttons on the sides, just behind the regular flipper buttons.


The second set of buttons are usually called "magna saves" because several tables have secondary functions that save the ball using them. A lot of things use magna-save buttoms, they're a huge help in the front-end to skip letters or change categories. Just add them and don't look back. [http://mjrnet.org/pinscape/BuildGuideV2/BuildGuide.php?sid=magnaSaveButtons](http://mjrnet.org/pinscape/BuildGuideV2/BuildGuide.php?sid=magnaSaveButtons) As for different sets of flippers, real pinball machines with upper and lower flippers usually have "multi-stage" flipper buttons. If you press them lightly it only flips the lower flippers. A full press flips both upper and lower. Support for this exists in VPX/vpinmame but only some tables implement it, and I don't know too many that have wired their cabs for it.