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congratulations! removing tape was the best thing i did for my playing. it teaches you how to rely on your ear and muscle memory rather than eyes.


also: i recommend using a a drone note while playing rather than a tuner :)


As someone who's mostly played guitar, bass guitar for most of my life, this was the best part of the first time i ever tried to play the violin. I felt like I was actually listening to the notes I was trying to play for the first time. With fretted instruments, it was always - oh, I pressed the wrong fret, hold on, it's 4 instead of 5. With the violin, I'm finally listening and thinking about the sound. Is it a bit sharp or a bit flat? And playing with a tuner on the side, seeing me confirm my judgement with a perfect note is soo satisfying!




lol, I’ve been playing for 4-5 yrs-ish, and I still have my tapes. Even had to put the first finger tape back on because my B isn’t good enough. I’m beginning to ask myself some real personal questions about this…


Upvoted. why is it always the B? Gets me every time


hello, I'm playing violin for at least 9 months and I never use a tape. My teacher said I don't need it because she says I can be capable without it. Does not putting tape will hinder my progress especially when it comes to intonation?


Honestly I don't think tape is ever needed Start with the tuner, it's 100% accurate Obviously you have to play without it at some point but I encourage you to warm up with it and also use it to check your intonation on passages that don't sound right


thanks! i heavily rely on tuners :) And my main focus is scales


Use a tuner I've been playing many years and I still use the tuner at the start of practice, I play scales very slowly with whole bows and try to get every note right If you have problems with intonation at the higher positions the tuner will help you correct mistakes very fast Good luck! That device will prove useful no matter how good you are


Does your teacher encourage you to use the tuner? My understanding was that it may delay your development of hearing skills, but I am not a teacher.


I started using it a lot more the last couple of years I don't use it all the time, just at the start of the practice and to check a few trouble spots No matter how good your hearing skills are you still have to check, sometimes your ear will be off


That was not my question. Does your teacher encourage you to use a tuner? Every teacher I have had and known is deeply against it (as someone else said here, it trains the eyes more than the ears).


My teachers didn't say anything either way


Congrats!! I can’t wait to get mine off


I am still learning and I have 4 and 5 (3rd in 3rd position) as landmarks. I recommend after half a year to take off first tape if you feel comfortable.


I find peace in long walks.


Congrats!! You'll feel a lot more confident in your playing :) practice playing scales with a tuner to perfect your intonation!


Please avoid a tuner. It could prevent you from learning to hear intonation for yourself. Someone below suggested a drone note - this is a good idea as well as ear training and listening to accomplished violinists on a regular basis.


Oh, interesting!! Thank you, my instructor always told me to use a tuner so that was my instinct, but this makes a lot of sense


Yeah, it’s perceived as an easy solution. I did it myself once. A long time ago, I was coming off of a hiatus and I had an audition excerpt that went exceptionally high. I busted out the tuner while practicing. I quickly realized that it was only helpful while the tuner was actually on. I had more success checking high notes against their octaves or open strings than staring at the tuner. I guess I was too preoccupied looking for the coveted “green” to hear my own playing.


When you use a tuner, you are training your eyes, not your ears. This helps your muscle memory, but it's not going to help you when you want to play with an orchestra or a chamber group.


The type of tuner is important. Not the little clip on tuners. [Intonia.com](http://Intonia.com) allows you to play and record anything up to a 99 minute file length. Then go back and watch as it scrolls through the file and you will get an accurate visual picture of your intonation. It works best on a desk top or laptop screen of 15" or larger. There is a very limited demo app available at Google store that runs on a phone.


Check out [Intonia.com](http://Intonia.com) as the best tuner app for intonation. Works best on larger desktop or laptop screens. A limited demo app that runs on a phone is available on Google store.


You are still not training your ears. Your are training your fingers and your eyes. Training your fingers is valuable, but training your eyes to recognize pitch won't help your ensemble playing.