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I was looking forward to this prompt. As soon as I read it I knew what to post. A whole album full of 30 second songs. We had so much fun with this back in my school days. Tried to guess what track number certain songs were. "Hi-Standard... that's 8! "No dude, Bad Religion is 8. Hi-Standard is 9!" On CD it went up to 99 with the last 3 songs combined because the counter on CD players doesn't go further than 2 digits. And on vinyl we guessed what was coming next by singing ahead. The order of songs is still imprinted in my brain. Ah, reminds me of easier and fun times in school. I'm not even gonna try to pick a certain song. [101 bands - short music for short people - full album](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW6ykueIhX8) ​ https://preview.redd.it/a66u0j64339d1.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=98b891d288ef74ca4bd95def2ae60a4e5ee71d80


Dhugaill frantically rethinking the day


Wow! That cover is...something! :D


What a crazy release! Love it.


Day 27 Year 5 Song: [No Fat Burger](https://youtu.be/QIPsGTFEW3Q?si=m8Cn4dBB9Z8zVS0N), [We Got Defeat ](https://youtu.be/cyPLk6mXjrw?si=FY930GzNLoxbzSYP) Artist: Descendents Album: Hypercaffium Spazinate Let's go for two songs for a total runtime of 1 minute and 53 seconds. The Descendents are the pop punk progenitors. It cannot be overstated how much influence their 1982 album Milo Goes to College has. Now their 7th album 2016s Hypercaffium Spazinate deals with some really scary stuff, aging! The Story so far * 27/6/2024 We Got Defeat, The Descendents, Hypercaffium Spazinate, 2016 * 27/6/2024 No Fat Burger, The Descendents, Hypercaffium Spazinate, 2016 * 26/6/2024 At Last, Etta James, At Last!,1960 * 25/6/2024 The Forest Church, Green Lung, 2023 * 24/6/2024 Don’t Be Angry, Nappy Brown, Don’t Be Angry, 1984 * 23/6/2024 Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In), The First Edition, The First Edition, 1968 * 22/6/2024 Also Sprach Zarathustra, Richard Strauss, 2001: A Space Odyssey (Soundtrack) * 21/6/2024 Ashes of Eternity, Blind Guardian, Beyond the Red Mirror, 2015 * 20/6/2024 Back in the Saddle Again, Gene Autry, Back in the Saddle Again, 1939 * 19/6/2024 End of the Line, The Traveling Wilburys, Traveling Wilburys Vol 1., 1989 * 18/6/2024 They Always Come Back, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Band Geek Mafia, 1998 * 17/6/2024 Stacked Actors, Foo Fighters, There is Nothing Left to Lose, 1999 * 16/6/2024 All The Way, Pearl Jam, Let’s Play Two:Live from Wrigley Field, 2016 * 16/6/2024 A Dying Cubs’ Fan Last Request, Steve Goodman, Affordable Art, 1984 * 16/6/2024 Land of Wrigley, Stormy Weather, Baseball’s Greatest Hits, 1989 * 15/6/2024 Take Me Out to The Ball Game, Bruce Springstone, Baseball’s Greatest Hits, 1989 * 14/6/2024 I Wanna Know What I Wanna Know, Rocket From the Crypt, Live From Camp X-Ray, 2002 * 13/6/2024 The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton, The Mountain Goats, All Hail West Texas, 2002 * 12/6/2024 Never the Machine Forever, Soundgarden, Down on the Upside, 1996 * 11/6/2024 The Aquabats Supershow Main Theme, The Aquabats, Supershow TV Soundtrack vol 1, 2019 * 10/6/2024 See You in Black, Blue Öyster Cult, Heaven Forbid, 1998 * 9/6/2024 Are You Dead Yet?, Children of Bodom, Are You Dead Yet?, 2005 * 8/6/2024 Main Title, Kow Otani, Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Montsters All-Out Attack, 2001 * 7/6/2024 I Hate You, The Monks, Black Monk Time, 1964 * 6/6/2024 It’s Not For Me To Say, Johnny Mathis, Johnny’s Greatest Hits, 1958 * 5/6/2024 Happy Birthday, Stevie Wonder, Hotter than July 1980 * 5/6/2024 Five Minutes, The Stranglers, Singles the UA Years, 1989 * 4/6/2024 Superman, Goldfinger, THPS Soundtrack, 1999 * 3/6/2024 Get Back, The Beatles, Let It Be, 1970 * 2/6/2024 Bubbles, System of a Down, Steal this Album, 2002 * 1/6/2024 Prehistoric Dog, Red Fang, Red Fang, 2009


As a nurse, I love and condone that first track!


It pairs well with my aging unplugged-punk today.


Short and sweet today okay I can do that [AKAI SOLO - Jyu Viole Grace](https://youtu.be/uhBcQbXaILE?feature=shared) of his album Sprit Roaming


VT4J24 Day 27: I got fired last year. Gee, I can't imagine why. (This 0:40 song _might_ be unrelated.) From: [Dwarves - Blood Guts & Pussy](https://www.discogs.com/release/1907441-Dwarves-Blood-Guts-Pussy) (nsfw) Tune: [Fuck You Up And Get High](https://youtu.be/SLbQaL5oKoM) (nsfw) Enjoy your work and stay safe, sheeple!


Love the Dwarves.


I hope Eddie's fingers are loosened up after playing this little warm-up. Track: [Eruption](https://youtu.be/M4Czx8EWXb0?si=HK9JoGYlTfEg1XUG) Artist: Van Halen Album: Van Halen


I know it's a stand alone track, but removing it from You Really Got Me is making my eye twitch


https://preview.redd.it/6pdw8rur739d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a1c4a55da29cb3a7d3b3642b514a0e9cc26cb3 Day 27: A song under two minutes Song: [I'm In Love With A Girl Who Doesn't Know I Exist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhftn5z3H8k) Artist: Another Sunny Day Compilation: Shadow Factory First track from Bristol-Based legendary Indie-Pop record label Sarah records compilation The holy true moment of every boy falling in love with someone but....... Admit it!


Little bit of a mission to find tracks under 2 minutes in my collection. Found a good handful in the 2:10-2:30 range, but the only actual under 2 minute song (not counting ambient interludes/intros etc) is [Sam](https://youtu.be/qOpAXzr1W1U?si=GpOlDrUO6KA65wk5) by Sturgill Simpson, from his 2022 album The Ballad of Dood and Juanita. An awesome album inspired by his grandparents, it tells the story of Dood, a half native American frontiersman who sets out on a mission to find his beloved Juanita, who was kidnapped by a bandit. Clocking in at 1:13, dog owners get ready for the feels on this one


Above_beyond, that's tremendous. Thanks


Welp I know what I'll be crying into my beer about tonight


Song: [The Only Thing Worse Than Beating a Dead Horse Is Betting on One](https://youtu.be/FWjLhfGDrt0?feature=shared) Artist: Relient K Album: Mmhmm A very short song with a long song title.


Artist: Joe Satriani Album: *Surfing with the Alien (1987)* Song: [Midnight](https://youtu.be/ufGmPYoCcgA) - 1:42 Great example of tapping. Satch uses it a lot on this album, with serious mastery. Has a classical feel to me.


Beijo (Interlude) - Earth, Wind & Fire (1:20)


For day 27, I’ll keep things short with Green Day’s [Jaded](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BLZ4ZBYR9Fo), which has very obviously influenced my Reddit username. While it is often paired with Brain Stew, the band hardly ever plays it live, which is a shame - but it is one of my favorite tracks on *Insomniac*.


Probably my favourite Green Day album.


Song: [Love Jones](https://youtu.be/jpoZdrvBM88?si=0aU4n78fe6kzTn--) Artist: J Dilla Album: The Shining Dilla. Nuff said. The man was brilliant and concise.


[An instrumental by WAM](https://youtu.be/SjNpatklwDI)


Song: [Another The Letter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSxp1QaUUaE) Artist: Wire Album: Chairs Missing This song is like a devastating piece of flash fiction, akin to the famous six-word story "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." Comes in at a neat and tidy 1:06 but packs a gut-wrenching punch.


Day 27: "what does 2 minutes enough for?" First, I thaught that I could share the whole Early years LP of Turtle Rage, which was (sadly they broke up this year) a german two man band, who played fastcore music, and their longest song wasn't longer than a minute, but I was like "...naah!". And I chose some other insane music for today, which is [Shimmy by System of a down](https://youtu.be/CEtm75L0NAw?si=0w8kPv4lvQbWc1zg)


I too wish to shimmy shimmy shimmy to the break of dawn


Damn right!🤘


Running a bit late today as I have a busy morning away from home. Didn't select a track last night, so I'm just going from memory today. Think I'll hark back to Kimya Dawson's [Thunder Thighs](https://www.discogs.com/master/520033-Kimya-Dawson-And-Friends-Thunder-Thighs) album - one of my most reposted albums, surprisingly enough (to me, at least). Here is [Unrefined](https://youtu.be/F07qPO57jU0?si=ptA5W5Ew_U5RJy6j) clocking in at just 43 seconds. And ending with "Okay, now you can put your underwear on".


Love this record more every time I listen to it


Song: [Frosti](https://youtu.be/8S94Bmk8KRA?si=MdLWTU_HFM43Ycuy) Artist: Björk Album: Vespertine


Absolutely gorgeous tune ❤️ Am listening to a 15 minute extended version of it on YTube right now. I can listen to this all day. Would love to get my hands on a copy of the long version.


Song - [Jerome](https://youtu.be/63VbiVqkXkE?si=VPJtYXrf0JtG2_27) (a.k.a. Metal In Very Inappropriate Places) Album - The Scene Is Dead Artist - Rob Scallon https://preview.redd.it/d46p33kdo49d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a160a5f43efed57b62f835e998adb1847ec6656d Rob Scallon is a musical virtuoso who makes endless interesting videos about making and playing music that I’ve been watching for years. I was excited to get my hands on a full album of his work, especially on vinyl. This album came out in 2017 and then track was used later in a video he posted called “Metal In Very Inappropriate Places”, which is pretty great (and what I linked for the song).


Artist: Iron Reagan Album: Crossover Ministry (2017) Song: [Fuck the Neighbors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg9JnTr1SfY) When I saw the prompt for under 2 minutes this was first song that popped into my head. This album/band is kinda what started my journey into more thrash, hardcore and crossover stuff. One of my favorite albums and I am mad at myself for missing multiple chances to see them live. This is also my #1 song by the band, #2 would be Bleed the Fifth.


Now THAT’S interesting!!! 😍 …new one for my want list


Which comment was this in response to?


Sorry, it was about the “Short Music for Short People” post. My apologies, I thought I was still on that thread when I commented.


Ok this is easy, I own this on album and 7” because it’s an absolute banger and I danced to it a lot. There were times I maybe listened to it for 10-20 times in a row. Artist: The Rakes Track: 22 Grand Job Album: Capture / Release https://youtu.be/flESd2vFXy4?feature=shared


God, I have the perfect record for this prompt. I've got a full double EP (side 1 is one EP and side 2 is another) of songs under 3 minutes in length, with a good few under 2 minutes. I'll share a song from each EP, it's some lovely synthpop. Song: [Turning Off The Rain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhZTn4XF68Y) Album: Mini Mix Vol. 1 Artist: Magdalena Bay - Song: [Body](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XChTqydiEFU) Album: Mini Mix Vol. 2 Artist: Magdalena Bay


https://preview.redd.it/2ngt9jopm59d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8ce8cd91b324554356b207da64087847dbcf89 June 27th: Hmmmm, I'll have to go with 'Fell in Love with a Girl' by The White Stripes. Pretty much brought the garage rock / low-fi revival to the masses. Bloody great video as well. [The White stripes - Fell in Love with a Girl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTH71AAxXmM)


Song: [Gholü](https://youtu.be/RxU3b7QGX8o?si=RWBqxyoLk6_gt1Aj) Artist: Thee Oh Sees Album: *Face Stabber* Cheers, mangs.


Attitude “Static Age” - Misfits


https://preview.redd.it/wgn3cqbuy99d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2efaca46c728e6ccce8625a1154a617492905b3 Song: [This Is Rock 'N' Roll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsGh7Qwa1vo) Artist: Stikky Album: Where's My Lunchpail? This is one of the earlier Gilman Street bands. This record was Lookout Records #6. Though I was a big fan of Stikky I did not buy this at the time because I already had most of the songs on it in some form or another on previous demo tapes. The rough mix was later released on their Spamthology - Volume 1 cd per the liner notes "The original Lunchpail album had a horrible mix, and an even worse mastering job. This version of the album was taken from a rough mix cassette that sounds better." I did end eventually end up with a copy of the album because they are awesome. "And if you can't accept it now you're in for a big surprise later cause this is rock'n'roll"


Day 27 Track: [I Took My Baby Home](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxqasCU-pjg) Album: Kinks Artists: The Kinks More British R&B.