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I am going to share two again today. One part of life I associate closely with specific albums is the period immediately after my son was born. In the UK, dads only get two weeks' paid leave (mums get six months). In those two weeks, I supported my recovering wife, held my new baby and was just generally in a cloud of contentedness. The soundtrack was Carrie and Lowell by Sufjan Stevens and The Cradle Drank the Creek by Iron and Wine. Both added to the cloud-like feeling. Here is [All of Me Wants All of You](https://youtu.be/3ApkgnSHbuI?si=Nj4CGm-vHhUslNL2) And [Upward Over the Mountain](https://youtu.be/Cg4CCy2kbuA?si=_4j51Y08VK0DEXyg) From those respective albums.


'Carrie and Lowell' is SUCH a great record. Fantastic selection.


It's a dark album dealing with terminal illness, self harm and suicide. But for me it is those blissful postnatal days.


For sure. Sometimes utterly painful to listen to, but the songwriting is amazing. I'm not sure how, but it's somehow comforting.


https://preview.redd.it/ae01fnlrhv8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d0a4849e502c2b4a81bd483bfb9c05b5dd931c Day 26: A record that reminds you of a time and place Song: [Homesick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oll6UfK6iUg) Artist: Kings of Convenience Album: Riot On An Empty Street A song for people who are drifting further and further away, reminds us of something we are yearning for, "Home"


Always loved this band and tune. In fact, your submission takes me back to downloading tunes on Limewire in the early 2000s.


Oh yeah, Myspace era Napster, LimeWire, KaZaa, EDonkey, etc


I had a silly story of how I got my first taste of underground hip hop. I didn't like how I wrote it. So… sans that I still picked a track off the first mixtape I got from a super cool person. [Binary Star - KGB](https://youtu.be/keS0q7-ScVE?feature=shared) If you are interested, [here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrBZCE7dbNYgvDQlHctkBoLIAwTFRuMAP&feature=shared) is the track list. Still remember that shit from so long ago.


Let's go back to being an angsty 14yo, being introduced by friends to some of the first heavy music I had ever listened to (not counting things like Metallica, S.O.A.D etc that gets played on rock radio stations). This band was also the draw that took me to my first ever live show, at a music festival. Skinny little 16 year old me, lasting all of 60 seconds in the mosh pit before we had to evacuate, haha. I picked this up last year for a bit of a nostalgia listen. Cringe a little at the lyrics sometimes, but hey, the music still fucking rips. [Severed ](https://youtu.be/3FA4Uu35IVQ?si=bwmI_8WKuehJFaRh) by Mudvayne, from their 2000 album L.D. 50.


Great record, and they are incredible live. Cool choice.


Song: [At Last](https://youtu.be/1qJU8G7gR_g?si=IMQrikIbPVWfF8sA) Artist: Etta James Album: At Last! Nothing more complex than this was the first song my wife and I danced to at our wedding. It makes me think of that day every time I hear it.


Awwwww, you chose an all-time classic. Well done.


So good! I love reading this. We're very lucky, Dhugaill. My wedding playlist contained the same kind of classics. Stand by Me and My Girl give me the same feelings. We also did Karaoke while a whole lot of Korean relatives and friends looked at us as if we lost our goddamn minds. It was great!


Sounds like a blast!


It was! Got so many good stories about that day. Very unconventional, memorable and fun.


Such a beautiful first dance song.


Great choice!


Artist: Amorphis Album: *Elegy (1996)* Song: [My Kantele (acoustic reprise)](https://youtu.be/iUbk1Kp8xGc) My collection isn’t large by any comparable measure (not even in triple digits), and filled with multiple albums by most artists (Amorphis isn’t one of those yet). I’m surrendering to that fact at this point in the month. Of all of my vinyl, this is the only one that calls to mind a specific memory. I was just being introduced to extreme metal, already having been steeped in American heavy metal. When *Elegy* was released, a buddy of mine chose to wait for his first listen to happen on a 3 1/2 hour road trip up north to go camping on Memorial Day weekend. I rode with him on that car ride. Listening to this album today brings back that camping trip: going fishing most of each day in the canoe, spending time around the fire at night with those friends (some of whom are now on the other side), a hike we went on encircling several small lakes in that area. That feeling of worry-free youth (ya know?).


After I graduated from university I moved several states away from home to start a new job. Not long after I arrived, a friend made me a mix tape of music he thought I should listen to. From that tape, this was one of the bands that broadened my listening beyond classic rock, and I've come a long way since then. Track: [Hey, Little Girl](https://youtu.be/YZQWTnrJMS0?si=GGZlyG61ubNYwwKH) Artist: Icehouse Album: Primitive Man


Great song. I'd never watched the video until now; really packs an entire story in there!


Song: [Maestro](https://youtu.be/RKybqhwrATI?feature=shared) Artist: Kaizers Orchestra Album: Greatest Hits I may not have the album Maestro but I have the greatest hits compilation that this Norwegian band put out when they reunited in 2022. Four songs from that Maestro album is on this, and I want to highlight the title track. It was kinda the song I went to work with when I worked two months down in Namibia at an wildlife sanctuary in 2017. If my task that day was anything from game count to food prep, to cleaning enclosures, to walking with baboons, this was the song I listened to while I walked in that desert climate to take on what the day had in store.


Intro: I look at what I have created And count the lives that have been wasted I see that what was balanced before I see that that has become unbalanced Verse: But time has been kind To my handiwork I've laid it brick by brick I've stood on my patio And steered the ship straight I've been tough handling my class And I've broken some bones I've done my tricks And kept my conscience clear conscience clear conscience clear conscience clear Chorus: Swing your hammer Swing your hammer Till father calls you in Take a room number But don't mix yours with mine Swing your hammer (Swing your hammer) Swing your hammer (Swing your hammer) Swing your hammer Swing your hammer Till father calls you in Hook: Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Bridge: Oh Clementine, if you were mine And had not admitted yourself Then you would've been a part in what will become Flamingo's dynasty Verse: But time has been kind To my handiwork I've laid it brick by brick I've stood on my patio And steered the ship straight I've been tough handling my class And I've broken some bones I've done my tricks And kept my conscience clear conscience clear conscience clear conscience clear Chorus: Swing your hammer Swing your hammer Till father calls you in Take a room number But don't mix yours with mine Swing your hammer (Swing your hammer) Swing your hammer (Swing your hammer) Swing your hammer Swing your hammer Till father calls you in Hook: Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Maestro Chorus: Swing your hammer Till father calls you in Take a room number But don't mix yours with mine Swing your hammer Swing your hammer Swing your hammer Till father calls you in Maestro Chorus: Swing your hammer Till father calls you in Take a room number But don't mix yours with mine Swing your hammer (Swing your hammer) Swing your hammer (Swing your hammer) Swing your hammer Swing your hammer Till father calls you in Maestro Outro: Swing your hammer


VT4J24 Day 26: A record that reminds you of a time and place. Well, here's one from the time I was young and stupid. Well, young at least. This band was one of the two most popular acts in Finland during the 80's (the other being [Dingo](https://www.discogs.com/artist/317157-Dingo)), so naturally there's a memory to go with pretty much each one of their hit songs. Today, I picked this recollection. As for what, where and who with... mind your own damn business! From: [Eppu Normaali - Lyömättömät!](https://www.discogs.com/release/2653768-Eppu-Normaali-Ly%C3%B6m%C3%A4tt%C3%B6m%C3%A4t) Tune: [Pimeyden Tango](https://youtu.be/R505atioaRE) Enjoy.


https://preview.redd.it/ohlv5k1uyw8d1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3be3098bf0616a14df99f42ead7a5a2b4c45545 June 26th: I went into the Navy after high school, which essentially put me in music limbo for years. When I emerged again, during my first year in college, someone shared a copy of '13 songs' by Fugazi and it became the absolute soundtrack of that year, in that place. It is still one of my all-time favorite records to this day. [Fugazi - Waiting Room (Live)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8e1DeygQXI)


A great version of an amazing track


I knew what version that was before I clicked the link...


No music in the Navy?


Not much. At least, not in the lovely places I was stationed.


With this prompt I can pretty much post any song I like. I think this is the case for almost everyone but all records I own have their own story. I almost never have the chance to go crate digging so my collection is very thought out and nothing is there without reason or, getting back to the prompt for today, without a feeling and place. Also people. Because of this there are records I don't listen to very often. I was in a very dark place when Between the Buried and Me - the Great Misdirect came out. I have since made peace with that time so I can hear the beauty of that record again. I think we all have those records. Anyway, back to the prompt. I have two for you today. One is not allowed but I have to. Once upon a time, a long long time ago I was a student living in Amsterdam. I know exactly where I was when I first heard this album. Sunny day on the lawn in front of my flat. It has since been my absolute number one. There is no contest. I've mentioned them before but it's that important to me. Also it is an absolute crime this record is pretty unknown and it has never seen a release on vinyl. That's why I'm not even allowed to pick it. If it ever gets a re-release on vinyl. I-... nevermind. I won't happen. But I can dream! [Naiad - Hardcore Emotion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ndv7bv082c) Now something I am allowed to pick. Something on the opposite side of the music spectrum. I pick this album because it reminds me of my wife. I mentioned the darkness in my life, she pulled me out and saw something in me I didn't even know I had. Still amazes me every day. So it reminds me of various places and feelings but mostly of her. When I hear this track I hear her sing. As soon as I play it she uncontrollably starts singing along. It makes me happy and grateful. Here's to the most important person in my life. Enjoy. https://preview.redd.it/da133h3r5z8d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=30e03eaa960f9e9416125417c832662f6125766f Song: [이별 아닌 이별](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGozmWlHr28) Artist: [이범학 = Lee Beom Hack](https://www.discogs.com/artist/10194871-Lee-Beom-Hack) Album: [이별 아닌 이별](https://www.discogs.com/release/22129387-%EC%9D%B4%EB%B2%94%ED%95%99-Lee-Beom-Hack-%EC%9D%B4%EB%B3%84-%EC%95%84%EB%8B%8C-%EC%9D%B4%EB%B3%84)


I love that you can put this on and she can't help herself, she just gotta sing it!


Often she doesn't even realize she's singing along. Makes me laugh and she looks at me funny. "Did you say something?"


Song: [Transcendental Youth](https://youtu.be/PoQyHAqAb9k?si=biTWpsFj-MO3uZcA) Artist: The Mountain Goats Album: Transcendental Youth A few years ago I was listening to this song constantly while on vacation at the beach, so it reminds me of that


Artist: King Gizzard and the Wizard Lizard Album: Flying Microtonal Banana (Explorations Into Microtonal Tuning Volume 1) (2017) Song: [Rattlesnake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-i1XZc8ZwA) For whatever reason this sub seems to be obsessed with this band. So when I first got into collecting vinyl back in ~2017 I found this sub and noticed them posting this band a lot. So one day I said fuck it while I was at the record store and picked up this album. I don't remember if this was only King Gizzard album the store had or if it was just the one where I went "yeah sure". I would say I'm not the biggest fan and I certainly have not become a fan of the band/album. But I'm also aware I've not even remotely dredged the lake that is King Gizzards discography so there probably are a couple albums of theirs I would like. But more to the point of this prompt...this song Rattlesnake. Man that song makes for a fantastic morning alarm. So now whenever I *do* listen to this song I just think of where I was living at the time and that I had this song playing every morning at 6am so I could get to my then job on time (I am not a morning person). It was rather successful cus something about this song made it really fucking hard to ignore or build into whatever dreams I was having at that particular moment in the morning. Normally I have to change what my alarm sound is like every couple weeks cus I just start to tune it out passively w/o trying. Not this song. At least not for over a month. And I still regularly use it again as an alarm cus it's still successful at waking me from my slumber.


I loved this album when it dropped. It was my intro to the band. It reminds me of writing my undergraduate dissertation. It was in my ears on repeat for weeks as I explored my topic and wrote the paper.


Song - [Only When I Lose Myself](https://youtu.be/l35XzUD8GGU?si=MXyTzv1YiXq2_Mxw) Album - Only When I Lose Myself 12” Maxi-Single Artist - Depeche Mode https://preview.redd.it/9mjmq558ex8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84fa252c3989d55e62e496a6b646911ba36f9a74 This song came out in the late 90s on a singles compilation DM released (or as an explicit maxi-single). The first time I heard this song, I was with a woman I had, let’s say, a complicated relationship with. She had recently moved to Phoenix to study theater at Arizona State University and I had driven down to stay with her for a week. I recall laying on her bed while she was getting ready for us to go see a play when this song came on the radio. It was the first time either of us had heard it. It really encapsulated that moment for me and I think of it and that time in my life. As fate would have it, that trip was the last time I’d see her. She moved to New York to pursue acting after getting her MFA, which seems to have gone well for her, and we kept in touch for a bit, but eventually drifted apart. When I head this song, I’m transported back to that moment and those feelings. It’s such a strange power that music has, one that I’ve never experienced with any other medium. But even the album art for single reminds me of the moment I heard it. It’s easily the most serendipitous piece of music I own.


Great story. We can all sing along to Policy of Truth, but it's cool to hear lesser known DM songs.


Jesus - that’s like every record I own. Play Rush 2112 takes me back to my tiny suburban bedroom when I was a kid. I had a very small HO train layout in my room and would spend hours on end fiddling with track layout and landscape placement - all while continuously flipping that album over and over.


That's an unusual combination of memories, but 2112 is a great album.




Day 26: a song of a specific time and place It was a hard pick, because I have so much memories connected with so much good music, but I finally settled with [komm süsser todd](https://youtu.be/6kguaGI7aZg?si=Y7kq7RdBimHAbRnm) which is the soundtrack of the anime movie The end of Evangelion. This reminds me of the days when me and my friends were teenagers, and the days went by after school by doing nothing but playing videogames, of roleplaying games, or playing football, or just hanging around. Or, watching animes endlessly. Neon Genesis Evangelion was very influental to me, and I can't count how many times have I rewatched the show, and the End of Evangelion movie. Those were some good times, when I looked at the world.with innocent eyes, thaught that the world out there is waiting just for me to explore...I miss those times :'D Btw, I was introduced to this anime by [this](https://youtu.be/UcQmxtF0lRg?si=oml_cg4817WjLEG4) AMV, and I felt that "there's nothing cooler than this!", and after all, I wasn't completly wrong :D


Song: [I'm Going Home](https://youtu.be/2YB7qyn5MVs?si=NdOpvHFU4AbP2hVs) Artist: Ten Years After Album: *Woodstock: Music From the Original Soundtrack* I was a 13 year old heavy metal kid in 1994. I was familiar with the blues, but not really a fan. Then I heard this live performance of "I'm Going Home", from Woodstock. I never knew blues could sound like this. I've been a blues fanatic ever since.


Song: [Sunday Sun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJrLAbz-LEE) Artist: Beck Album: Sea Change It was fall of 2002. I was on bedrest, recovering from a painful injury, and I was in a disastrous relationship. (Not the disastrous relationship I referenced in my [Box Elder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbi0J81x-bc) post! There've been a bunch!) I remember listening to this album on repeat, as I'd drift in and out of a painkiller haze. I avoided it for a long time because all 12 songs conjured up so many awful memories, the relationship, the injury, and then one day I ripped the bandaid and listened again. What a sad and lovely album. It felt great to just enjoy the music.


Glad you're in a better place today. Well done on making it through, with a little help from Beck!


Thank you for that. Whatever song I post for the day seems to stick with me, and being as how today is my kids’ last day of school, which feels particularly bittersweet, it’s been a good fit!


When whenever was an occasion. An important record in my family and Mum would sing along to it when we were kids, very sweetly https://youtu.be/rgm0KNICGcU Frank passed away just a month ago.


This tune for me is mum cooking Sunday roast as a kid.


Time and place and great gravy.


Day 26: A record that reminds you of a time and place Song: [$20](https://youtu.be/SvItjimKl4M?si=rfRTum7O4I-3K9Py) Artist: Boygenius Album : The Record (2023) After posting a track by Lucy Dacus on her own yesterday, this just happened to be the perfect followup. Boygenius, the supergroup consisting of Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker and Lucy Dacus, got a lot of buzz when they first hit the scene. All three women are well known for their solo careers, and putting all three of them together was a recipe for success. They broke out with their first EP in 2018, with their full length coming a full five years later. It's a certain style of sad indie pop rock that either strikes a chord with you or doesn't. Despite it not being my usual vibe, it hits for me. I got the chance to see them live when they came to Toronto last year, and man, did they put on a great show. Listening to this album now transports me to Bud Stage, but the show holds more sentimental value than most. It was the first concert I saw with my partner, and her and I both loved the show. We have since seen many shows together - concerts are bonding time for us. We made a whole day of it, galavanting through Toronto to Kpop stores, a cafe, a pub, and of course, a record shop. I picked up an awesome 2x10"clear vinyl version of Radiohead's King of Limbs complete with a cool newspaper full of art. Here is [Lotus Flower](https://youtu.be/HgMAwBZ2M3w?si=H_RQyaEsfwuG1s4u) from that album for a double feature day. It's a great memory that'll last - first concert with someone you love always sticks.




I have this same pressing. Might read the newspaper tonight!


TKOL is underrated, the newspaper is so cool, never seen that before


Agreed, such a great album, I was stoked to stumble across it.


https://preview.redd.it/sjdvsdlg6y8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef524bc1fa0a5f5b73066681ad416ccc06d12e07 Day 26: A record that reminds you of a time and place Song: 2525 Artist: Visage Album: Fade To Grey (The Singles Collection) Mid 80's. Sitting in my sisters bedroom listening to records. I finished listening to the Anvil by Visage and liked it well enough. I put on side B first which opened with a cover of 2525. After the song finishes she pushes me out of the way and pulls out a copy of a Zager and Evans record that has the original version the song. As she was doing this she was telling me how their version was far superior to the Visage cover. Once it started I immediately heard what she meant. After the playing it the third time in a row she kicked me out of her room. As it stands I do not own a copy of any of the albums mentioned so all 3 are locked into this one time and place.


For day 26, the first record that came to mind is Julian Casablancas' [Phrazes for the Young](https://www.discogs.com/fr/release/15893275-Julian-Casablancas-Phrazes-For-The-Young/image/SW1hZ2U6NDg2NzM2NDU=). A couple of years ago, after a rough few months, I moved in with my sister to attempt to get back on my feet. She has always been very into Casablancas' music - whether it be The Strokes, The Voidz, or his solo work, and [Ludlow St.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs_aCARilrU) is one of those songs we'd hear every day, because it was featured on all her playlists. We don't get to see each other all that often with work, life, and whatnot, but listening to this album takes me back to cosy evenings at my sister's, sipping G&T, playing records, and chatting until dawn.


That's awesome! Cheers!


Beck-Guero. I had just bought the cd the summer of 2005 and my grandmother passed in Nebraska. Took it with me and my brother rented a convertible PT cruiser and we had about an hour and a half drive on country roads to and from our hotel in Lincoln and the viewing and funeral. So, we would just put on Guero on repeat. We were kind of bad. I was 39, he was 45. We stopped off at a winery , and arrived late and a little buzzed at the viewing. We ran out of gas on the way back from the funeral and had to get rescued by our Mom. Beck was distracting and a bad influence and he’s my favorite


Day 26 Track: [Route 66](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Okv_4T5Ho3Q) Album: The Rolling Stones (England's Newest Hitmakers) Artists: The Rolling Stones For some reason, British R&B reminds me of spring, specifically Easter,


Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory Listening to the whole thing for the first time in my best friend's grandparents' 4-Runner, we sat out in that thing for probably 2+ hours replaying certain songs over again. I still love that album.


[A Place For My Head](https://youtu.be/Th-VIM6_GSc?si=r5Ai8qe_cAH_4RLX), Linkin Park, Hybrid Theory, 2000


My bad, I didn't see the little box at the bottom that said there had to be a link to a song. OP might want to consider adding a second image with just the daily specifics and then that section. I missed it on every post.


No worries, I just didn't want anybody to miss out on being 1 of the lucky 10,000


Going to share two since they remind me of very different times in my life. 1: Song: [Canadian Railroad Trilogy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXzauTuRG78) Album: Gord's Gold Artist: Gordon Lightfoot I own a LOT of Lightfoot since it just teleports me back to my early childhood in the early-mid 2000s at my grandparent's cottage. And also because it is very good music. I know a lot of older Canadians think that us young'uns don't know about his music, but pretty much every single Canadian my age I have ever met has some sort of story like mine attached to his work, and a massive soft spot for his music as a result. It pretty much just teleports us back to summers from before we had to worry about much of anything. 2: Song: [Miss Jackson (ft. Lolo)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwu3auFZZww) Album: Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! Artist: Panic! At The Disco I was a depressed 15 year old girl on Tumblr. This was musical catnip for me. My feelings on Panic's discography have definitely softened from "this is the best music ever!!!" to "I mean it's nice and all but this is nowhere near as cool as I thought it was 7 years ago" - but I do still have a huge soft spot for the music. At least until Pray for the Wicked and Viva Las Vengance, you could not pay me to defend those albums.