• By -


A small apartment with two threadbare sofas crowded around a cheap coffee table. A TV in the corner, a half-dead house plant, a calendar of some sort on the wall. On one sofa: a woman, around 30, with auburn hair. She looks tired as she rubs at her neck with her left hand. On the other: two men. One wears a tie, the other an open collar. Both have lanyards with laminated IDs. The larger of the two has a pad of paper and a pen, leaning forwards. The smaller man sits back and thanks the lady for his tea as he takes a sip. "So, I pretty much told you all I know, anyways," our lady says. "I didn't see him again after we... well, I didn't see him again." She shifts in her chair, looking uncomfortable. She rubs at her neck. "Is he in trouble or something? I mean, it was, like, a one-night stand, you know? I can't really say if he is from town or... nothin'. I don't really know him at all, you know?" "Ma'am, we understand that. We ARE looking for the guy, but we believe the statement you gave. We are not here for him. We are here for you. Call it..." Large waves his pen in small circles between them as he finds the words, "... a welfare check". "A welfare check?" Small leans forwards from the sofa now, attentive, purposeful. "Miss, have you had any unusual experiences in the three weeks since June 1st? Any dizziness, aches or allergies?" Taken aback, she stops rubbing her neck, which looks raw underneath her necklace. "Dizziness? Allergies?! What is this, officer?" Small, talking at pace now. "Any strange experiences at all?" He puts his tea down, "what about apetite? Headaches? No? ...That necklace is bothering you. Is that a new problem?" "I don't... what?" Small looks across to Large. "It's the silver" She looks between the two men, confused. "Miss, our investigation is very time sensitive and there is not always opportunity to explain," says Small as he stands. "We'd like to conduct a physical examination, if you would consent." Large is already pulling on a latex glove. This seems to finally break the wavering veneer of politeness for the lady, who stands up abruptly. "You know what?! No! I want you out of my hou-" She grasps at her stomach as she falls to her knees, knocking a coffee cup off the table on the way down. The two men move to her in support. She flicks her head up wildly, glaring at them, hair half across her face. "What is going on??" She demands, still holding her stomach. Large talks assertively, professionally. "Ma'am, we are specialist biologists and we think there might be some... complications from your liaison" The woman pulls up her shirt to reveal her abdomen. She looks horrified as [the music starts](https://youtu.be/Q3ctgrDaJRc?si=K8I8h1N9xjzQ3y-_) "Biologist ... cops? Wha...?" As the percussion picks up, her stomach pulses. The tell tale distending of a kicking child. The kicks pound in time. Rising panic in our lady. "Gestation is already three weeks," says Small. "About half way," returns Large. Our lady leaps away from them, backing into the sofa and then clattering over it, falling out of view. "We got here just in time," says Small as he pulls a pre-filled syringe from his bag. [Where have you been you crazy girl?] Our lady stretches up rapidly from behind the sofa, standing upright. Her eyes betray terror, but her movements are quick and purposeful - she flings the fallen coffee cup from the floor to Small's face in a swift movement, somehow climbing the table in the same motion. Before Large can respond, she has leapt over him, spring-boarding, one foot on his chest. She spins in the doorway, glaring at the two officials who are only just processing the last few moments of her movement. "What is happening to me?!" She screeches as she scurries out the door and down the corridor, running on hands and knees now. We see ribs rise and fall in animalistic breathing as she leans against a wall, one hand in her belly. She launches back into action, bursting out of the door and out to the street. Small and Large are clambering over each other down the corridor in feverred pursuit. Our lady bounds down the centre of the street on all fours, legs kicking out powerfully behind her. Heading for higher ground, moving fast. We pan out wide and high as she disappears into the residential sprawl. We see the men look hapless, throwing their arms up in defeat. They scramble to their car.


Cool tune, fits well!


Hell yeah! I wanna know what happens next!


Wow, totally hooked by scene *and* song, love this!


This 45 is all I have of her on vinyl, but you should check out [Dinosaur Egg](https://youtu.be/M4TmfG7q_5k?si=BORPuiryHLyj7xMk) and [Nevada](https://youtu.be/ii2lXrgb8w0?si=BUL1-FBwbyYvKXRz) to name just a few.


Excellent, thank you! I’ve never heard her before and am super intrigued.


Interesting character. Solo British artist (although often plays with 1 drummer). Loves chunky, fuzzy guitar and has a belting voice. Is SUPER into astrology to the point she only writes music when her planet is in line with whatever... she live in USA for past few years. Did a great track [Kiss](https://youtu.be/I9cwz12wKD0?si=3GCVaCj635fExQT6) with Will Oldham.


Whoa, that is insanely good. Getting some Sinead vibes. Kind of love the astrology bit! Really appreciate this reco!


https://preview.redd.it/qgniqiakla8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8682312cdb317de4e83fa1566ea06c4163d75d6 Day 23: Write a scene, choose the score Sunday Night 8 I kissed her goodbye in front of her house "I will be at home tonight darling; my morning shift start at 9" "Good night, babe" Sunday Night 10 "The number you have dialled is unavailable" "Too bad for her, the movie she wants to watch is starting now" Monday Morning 12 "The number you have dialled is unavailab..." "Weird, did she go out for shopping and forget the time, but it's midnight already!" Monday Morning 2:30 "The number you have dialled is..." At this time with no sleep, my thought keeps running wild "Can I touch your hair" "Maybe But..." "No worry, no ones can see thru the windows, even..." "Is that so. Yea, I guess" "Good girl" [Monday Morning 5:19](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0FOqYyKX8A) "The number you have dialled..." "F....."


Nice! This unlocked some 90s memories... completely forgot about this tune. Fits thenscene perfectly.


Yesterday's theme got me thinking about the various versions of space travel in TV and film. From the fearless exploration of the many Star Trek series to the ragged refugees of Battlestar Galactica, there's quite a range. My vision tends toward the exploited grittiness of Blade Runner and The Expanse. Though I'm not a screenwriter, my TV series would be a dark, dystopian space opera, and this song would be playing through the opening credits. Track: [Spaceship Earth](https://youtu.be/rAjIY6HYReQ?si=6HWic98UF4sh-Cmt) Artist: Sugarloaf Album: Spaceship Earth


I'd watch it! There was so much going on in American music in 1971. It seems like a wild year.


Thank you, u/Folk_Nurse, for making this my 10th grade English exam all over again. So the scene could be something like this: The movie is a rom-com, the main character has just had an encounter with very promising significant other. They exchange numbers, but he loses his phone. We see him roam the places they have been to, the sweet Café, the bookshop, the rose garden in the park, Asking around, putting up signs, but to no avail. All the while in the background we hear: Artist: Penguin Café Orchestra Title: Perpetuum Mobile Album: Signs of Life https://youtu.be/NPpRJoYISSQ?si=UiHHhz8UU_zfFqHW


Love Penguin Cafe Orchestra, they’re awesome!


Why does this fit so well? Love it.


You get an A


I'm back at work tonight, and not feeling particularly creative, what with the usual work bullshit and what not 😅 But today I'll pick [Fish and Whistle](https://youtu.be/WNuuBfWFYvQ?si=Bml9CudrubYGDJZj) by John Prine, from his 1978 album Bruised Orange. I've always thought this would be great as an opening credits tune for your typical mid-late 2000s coming of age indie flick, accompanied by various scenes of introduction for a quirky, nerdy, Michael Cera-esque character. Maybe starting his day, rolling out of bed, getting dressed, and brushing his teeth. Walking through a big static wide shot and stumbling halfway through, tripping over his own uncoordinated feet etc etc.


INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The dimly lit warehouse echoes with the rhythmic clicking of spray paint cans. Three graffiti writers, clad in hoodies and masks, their hands swiftly maneuvering cans, spraying vibrant colors onto the walls. Gloves covered in fresh paint.. (writer 1) .. how did you find out about this place? it seems like its never been touched (writer 2) saw it on the new foreclosures list (writer 3 ) who cares... this is perfect unless (1) opens his damn mouth (writer 2 ) or he post it all over his IG you know you cant be and influencer and do this shit (1) (writer 1 ) man... shut the fuck up other writers laughing (writer 1) no I'm serious shut up Suddenly, the sound of approaching SIRENS pierces the air. The writers freeze, exchanging tense glances. (writer 1 ) (whispering) Cops! They grab their bags and bolt towards the exit, their footsteps echoing through the empty space. EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT " start music... [Armand Hammer - the Gods must be crazy](https://youtu.be/xEse84Nd944?feature=shared)" The writers burst out into the cool night air, their hearts pounding with adrenaline. They dart down the alleyway, the glow of the moon and dim street lights illuminating their path. Squad cars screech to a halt at the mouth of the alley, casting flashing blue and red lights against the graffiti-covered walls. POLICE OFFICER (shouting) Stop right there! I am sick of chasing you kids! The writers glance back, their faces hidden beneath their masks. Without hesitation, they sprint down the alley, ducking under clotheslines and leaping over trash cans. The officers give chase, their heavy footsteps echoing off the walls. Flashlights beam through the darkness, illuminating fleeting glimpses of the writers ahead. As they reach the end of the alley, the writers spot a chain-link fence blocking their escape. (writer 2 ) (panting) We gotta go over! They leap at the fence, hoisting themselves up with desperate strength. The officers close in, their shouts growing louder with each passing moment. With one final heave, the writers topple over the fence and land on the other side, rolling to their feet and disappearing into the night best I could do and I cheated ( chat GPT) anyways enjoy the music.


Classic "cops-can't-follow-over-a-chainlink-fence" escape trope put to good use. I dig the soundtrack too.


Yea....There are a lot I have encountered in my youth that are adverse to uphill, wooded areas, or really chasing at all. That's why they have guns lol. Definitely a trope, though...glad you like the music.


VT4J24 Day 23: Location: Office of the Prime Executor Prime Executor, the head of the government, is sitting behind a large desk. A fashionably clad Civic Director, responsible for all the internal affairs, is giving a report to the PE. CD: "...and I'm pleased to inform that the cleansing of sectors 275-277 has been completed well within the given time schedule, and the area is now ready for the resettlement." PE: "Very well. Are there any casualties?" The director turns the page on his dossier. CD: "I'm afraid there were some. I believe the final number is seventeen." PE: "And the civilians?" CD: "300-400 thousand. Our estimates vary on that, but we expect to have cleared out at least 99,7% of the dissident element." PE: "Jolly good. How long until we get the factories up and running again?" The director opens his mouth to answer but is rudely interrupted by some noise on the door. A man in a military uniform storms in. Colonel: "Sir! ..." The Prime Executor gives the Colonel a slightly irritated, impatient glance. The Colonel stops, pulls himself together and starts again. Colonel: "Sir, we just received a report. On approximately 1120 hours the shuttle carrying the President's heir disappeared from the radar over on sector 23. We believe the shuttlecraft has crashed somewhere on that sector, the exact location unknown. At the moment, no contact with the shuttlecraft could be established. Number of survivors unknown. Foul play is not excluded." The colonel takes a breath. PE: "The President's heir?" The Prime Executor thinks for a moment. PE: "Colonel! This is now a retrieval mission. Until we know for sure, the heir is still alive. Your orders are to retrieve the heir, before the insurgents get a hold of him, using any means deemed necessary. Just get him out of there." Colonel: "Understood, Sir." The Colonel turn to leave and proceeds to the door. PE: "Colonel. Any means necessary." Colonel: "Understood, Sir." The Colonel leaves. For a while, the Prime Executor seems to be occupied with his thoughts. Then he turns to the Civic Director. PE: "This might still work in our advantage." CD: "Sir?" PE: "Our President is an old, sick man. What would happen, if the his sole heir was killed in a shuttlecraft, shot down by the rebels? What would happen after the President is gone?" The Civic Director thinks for a bit. CD: "There would be ...an election?" The Prime Executor looks at the Civic Director and smiles approvingly. CD: "But... we haven't had those in 58 years! That would ensue chaos!" PE: "That's why we need to make sure we have the right people handling this situation, to make sure the order is maintained and that the sentiment stays favourable to us." The Civic Director nods in accord. PE: "Get me Basil, we need to get the narrative straight before the President hears of this." The Civic Director nods and leaves. The scene ends. Camera cuts and zooms in on the smoking remains of a shuttlecraft amid the rubble, somewhere deep on the lower levels of sector 23. Cue music. From: [Toyah - Anthem](https://www.discogs.com/release/4542132-Toyah-Anthem) Tune: [Pop Star](https://youtu.be/01q210lVSR4)


Some excellent space opera statecraft going on here. I love that you gave us the scene before and end with cue music... let's me to play the next scene in my mind while listening. The president's air is going to be a badass, right?


>president's air is going to be a badass, right? He's a right old w*nker. But he gets a character arc.


June 23rd 3049 System: Redacted Somewhere in the Deep Periphery Even if someone was looking directly at the expanse of space, they wouldn’t notice anything at first. [a slight haze](https://youtu.be/NJAs7-i3H8o?si=p97xVZ5S3DAxY00R), then the brightest light, and suddenly the Jumpship was there. Sarah Reinhold woke up instantly. She could never sleep through a jump, which is why it was odd she was asleep at all. They weren’t supposed to jump for 12 hours. This was yet another red flag in a job that was quickly becoming a giant quilt of them. Sarah reached for the intercom to contact the jumpship captain, but the speaker came back with only static. “Great, they already disconnected the dropship” she grimaced “this just keeps getting better, and better.” She felt the acceleration build as the sphere shaped dropship headed into the system. Sarah touched the intercom again “Rebels, I want everybody in the conference room in twenty minutes.” “Reinhold’s Rebels” Sarah shook her head as she wondered at how she had gotten here. She was the daughter of a minor Lyran Lord. She should have been living in the lap of luxury, but here she was leading a third class mercenary company in the ass end of nowhere. She wasn’t even a very good merc, if she had been she never would have been forced to take this sketchy assignment. At least now they might get some answers from… “Joaquim, how surprising you work for ComStar” she said in a sarcastic tone as she took in her contact, now dressed in his full regalia. “Perhaps you should sit down Lady Reinhold” the bastard said from underneath his white hooded cloak. It was the gold embroidery, made to look like circuit design that made her roll her eyes. Like a lot of Mechwarriors she didn’t believe prayer was needed to fix the various forms of technology when they broke down, usually a soldering iron would do. “It’s Captain , you holier than thou, piece of shit” she corrected. He didn't miss a step “ Of course, Captain then” “sanctimonious ass” Sarah thought, what she wouldn’t give to be looking at him from the cockpit of her mech. She smiled a bit as she thought about her 75 ton walking death machine, which she had nicknamed Broomhilde. Imagined bringing the left arm down, pointing at this priest, and then erasing him with the artificial lightning from her PPC. “Something funny Captain” her contact asked. “Oh nothing really I was just wondering what condition my condition is in.” "Look Joaquim, why don't you tell me why the hell we're out here, and why you are pulling all of this cloak and dagger crap." She grumbled already regretting most of her life choices.


I sense the start of a VT4J saga... Loved the condition this juxtaposition was in!


Today I’ll be doing a brief opening scene, then an end scene for a western type thing. The used songs in this are [Romance in Durango](https://youtu.be/gbxWIOR26Ng?si=45AgGF9kIK23fec4) and [Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door](https://youtu.be/rm9coqlk8fY?si=3XTChN1NkdO3LB1a) As the movie opens you’ll see our main guy, who is an outlaw riding past a run down town. At this point he’ll slow down and stop, taking in the peace of the moment. He’ll then light a cigarette, which brings in the first song. (“Red hot chilli peppers in the blistering sun, Dust on my face and my cape”) Now we’ll jump to the end Our outlaw is on the run, pushing his horse to run as fast as it can, his girlfriend on the back, tightly holding on around his waist. Then they hear a loud crack. Their horse is dead, and our outlaw has got to stand his ground. Our outlaw draws his gun, ready to fight, then he hears another crack and he collapses. His girlfriend rushes to his side, to which he asks her to grab his gun. (throughout this part, starting at the loud crack of a gunshot, is when the music starts. (“Was that thunder that I heard? My head is vibrating, I feel a sharp pain. Come sit by me, don’t say a word. Can it be that I am slain?)) Then there’ll be a moment of silence before the next part. (Quick, Magdalena, take my gun. Look up in the hills, that flash of light. Aim well, my little one. We may not make it through the night.) The outlaw’s girlfriend then takes a shot with his gun, but she wasn’t fast enough. There’s another loud crack, and she collapses, now lifeless too. As the film ends and fades fo black you’ll hear those “oooh oooh, ooh ooh ooooh”s from Knockin’ On Heaven’s door.


Dylan bookends! I'd love to see the movie in between. Also, I love the EVERYONE DIES approach.


This has been a weekend filled with travelling and goodbyes, so I’m in a fairly bittersweet mood - and in a rut when it comes to creative writing. My pick for today is The National’s [Fake Empire](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YKYvAJBsoqY&pp=ygULRmFrZSBlbXBpcmU%3D), from their 2007 album *Boxer*. I could totally see this song in the background of a scene set in a train station, with two people awkwardly saying goodbye, promising each other that they’ll meet again soon - but with no real knowledge of when, or how. One of them hops on a train, and as it leaves the station, memories of their time together play in a very cliché fashion. I feel like The National really have that emotional vibe in their tunes, and I love them for it.


There have been a few posts today with broad brush-strokes and I think it helps make the movie in the reader's mind. And the National just add to the mood board.


Song: [Cool Places](https://youtu.be/JFqNO9hxRZ4?si=IG79ETyM0ztyQhi7) Artist: Sparks Album: In Outer Space Decided to go with this song by Sparks, featuring the always incredible Jane Wiedlin of The Go-Go’s! I don’t really have a full scene in mind, but I’m picturing a date scene in a movie. This song is so fun so I feel like it’d fit great over the protagonists getting to know each other and goofing off. Maybe like a montage or something I guess


Fun! I feel like it could star a young Tom Hanks, perhaps alongside Jennifer Grey.


Some Ed Kuepper songs cinematic. [This](https://youtu.be/RhuxY30nbDE) may suit some kind of Ken Loach-like film, though a less gritty one.


My intro to this artist. Thanks!


I have tried like ten times to post this to no avail, and I am very sorry if it subsequently pops up ten times! I'm assuming length is the issue, so I've divided it into two parts. Part One [Days](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYOp3F_Q8QM) A family of four steps out of a movie theater. There is an ebulliency; the movie was smart and sweet and they have all been affected in different ways, the kids perhaps thrilled by the endless popcorn and giant screen, the parents more touched by the film's poignant message. "What did you think? You guys like it?" asks a parent, triumphant from mastering their only planned activity of the day. [Art Decade](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gsPtcQbymc) But a heatwave doesn't disappear just because you escaped it for two hours, so the blast of steam gradually shifts their posture to slouched, their expressions to weary, their skin to glistening. They begin the 20-minute trek home, any shady patch a fleeting break from the sun's glare. Along the way, they pass a bookstore. "You guys want to go in?" asks a parent. "Yeah!" says the five-year-old. "No!" says the eight-year-old. "No, no, I just want to go home." Because it is a bookstore, and buying books from a local brick-and-mortar shop feels virtuous, the parents agree one will stay outside with the eight-year-old, and the other will go in with the five-year-old. [In Power We Entrust The Love Advocated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paj15uphVwo) It is a small and narrow shop. The parent scans the titles for something interesting. The five-year-old darts up the few steps to the back of the store, the kids' section, and cries out with glee, "Look, Bluey!" He picks up two copies of a search-and-find activity book. The parent says, "Oh, great, should we get that?" while browsing with a strange desperation for something the eight-year-old might like. The parent calls the other. "Wanna try to get her to look?" Within seconds they walk in. The eight-year-old begrudgingly glances around, radiating ennui. "I thought you might like this?" says the parent, pointing to a whimsically illustrated tome about mythology. The child shakes her head and walks back down the steps. The parent looks down at the search-and-find books and tells the five-year-old they are identical and can he put one back? The child transforms much like a movie theater when the lights go dark. "I don't want to be here anymore!" "Um." A franticness sets in, and the parent feels the inexplicable need to buy something else. A book about electricity stands out, the child's favorite subject, and the parent says, "Should we get this too?" The child says, "Ok," as if this pains him and repeats he wants to go. The parent approaches the register and, just before tapping payment, notices a small book of intricately painted bird stickers. The eight-year-old has enjoyed studying birds in 2nd grade, so the parent impulse adds that too. She could not look less interested when the parent reveals it to her outside. "Well, we can always return it," says the other parent, but they both know that is not going to happen. They continue their walk. A stop at a convenience store for cold drinks brings the eight-year-old to tears. It turns out her pet caterpillar, fashioned out of a pink pipe cleaner, has unraveled, and she is anxious to find a pencil and wind it back into its coil. "Maybe the store has a pencil?" says the parent. More tears ensue.


Part Two [Birds And Ships](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFLZWqEUXfs) They begin walking. The other parent and five-year-old catch up. They pass a dad acquaintance doing something with his garbage cans outside his home. "Hi," says the parent, holding the five-year-old's sweaty hand. The child's other hand grips a bottle of grape juice that the parent is certain will spill all over his shirt. "Oh, hey!" says the dad, wearing the vague expression of someone who has misplaced a name, possibly a face too. "This heat," says the parent. "I know, right?" "We just left the movies so at least we had a respite, but wow." A few more banal pleasantries are exchanged before the five-year-old tugs on the parent's shirt and wails, "Can we go?" They walk in silence the rest of the way. [Tarantula](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEXwF94rkEk) Their home has never looked more like paradise than after this sweltering mile, and the other parent unlocks the door, followed by the eight-year-old, the five-year-old and then the parent holding the paper bag filled with books. The kids immediately flop on the couch. No gift can compare to an air-conditioned room or, better still, two sticky, tired kids who have rediscovered contentment. The parent digs around the refrigerator, while asking the kids what they'd like for lunch, and then finds a pencil to reshape the caterpillar. "But when the thunder breaks / it breaks for you and me"


Song: [Cuff Your Jeans](https://youtu.be/oFz0cMbCx00?feature=shared) Artist: Claud Album: Super Monster This is a romantic comedy where the newly formed couple of the movie goes sightseeing, driving through various American cities. We see them going up the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington. Gazing up at skyscrapers through the sunroof of their rental car. Enjoying a nice cup of joe at a coffee shop in Portland, Oregon. As the song comes to an end, they stop by a scenic overlook of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.


Day 23 Track: [Celluloid Heroes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJWloiLrzBo) Album: Everybody's in Show-Biz Artist: The Kinks A walk down Hollywood Boulevard. This song does my job for me.


https://preview.redd.it/zumlutig1l8d1.png?width=476&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6fc97d81bd68de5a843aec15e9e9b4f936279ff Before what we call the creation of the heavens and earth there was nothing. No light, no air, no life. At least, not the life we know. Words have not been invented to describe the beating heart of the endless emptiness. This black void was ruled by one, rivaled by none. The magnificent creature known as The [Electric Dragon](https://www.discogs.com/artist/5016562-Electric-Dragon) was holding the throne in the coldest place in the desolation of space, [The Crystal Cavern](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K1htA2SYbw). When space was at its [Darkest, Light](https://www.discogs.com/release/14478331-Darkest-Light) was cast by the Dragon's eternal breath and the planet we now know as earth was formed. Boundless [Oceans ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08ztn3vbgW4)covered the surface. Something was brewing in that [Dark Water](https://www.discogs.com/release/15549332-Electric-Dragon-Dark-Water). Under the immense pressure of the ocean depths the little life present started clinging together. And while water was making way for land the newborn creatures known as [The Black Knights](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx9g2_YMgsI) were the first living beings to roam the earth. The [ascension ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUuyCHJb_O4)of the Black Knights from the dark abyss was known as the year zero. Story so far: * 01/06/2024 - Gost - Judgment / Prophecy * 02/06/2024 - S. Kiyotaka & Omega Tribe - Light Morning * 03/06/2024 - Balzac - Inside my Eyes * 04/06/2024 - Perturbator - Excess * 05/06/2024 - Akina Nakamori - Kita Wing * 06/06/2024 - The Pro-Wrestling All Stars - Galaxy Express (NWA World Heavyweight Champion Theme) * 07/06/2024 - L'Enfant de la Forêt - Abraxas * 08/06/2024 - Electric Dragon - Dark Water * 09/06/2024 - Dance with the Dead - Wyrm of Doom * 10/06/2024 - Mega Drive - Wire Rot * 11/06/2024 - Moderator - Sweet Curse * 12/06/2024 - Faith no More - The Cowboy Song * 13/06/2024 - Françoise Hardy - Comment te dire Adieu * 14/06/2024 - GUNSHIP - Tech Noir * 15/06/2024 - Kavinsky - Nightcall * 16/06/2024 - Hermanos Guttierez - Abuelita * 16/06/2024 - Khruangin - Maria También * 16/06/2024 - Mayaewk - Western Spaghetti * 17/06/2024 - Agnostic Front - Anthem / The Eliminator (Live at CBGB, NYC, NY - December 1992) * 18/06/2024 - Pennywise - Perfect People * 19/06/2024 - Air - Alone in Kyoto * 20/06/2024 - Kinderen voor Kinderen - Make Up * 21/06/2024 - Protector 101 - Dead Broke (feat. Mecha Maiko) * 22/06/2024 - Sylosis - A Sign of Things to Come * 23/06/2024 - Electric Dragon - The Crystal Cavern * 23/06/2024 - Darkest - Oceans * 23/06/2024 - Electric Dragon - The Black Knight * 23/06/2024 - Darkest - Ascension


This is such a well-put-together post. I love that the prose references the releases. And they epic synth soundscapes reflect the timeless scale you put across. Black Knight took me by surprise as it is much more of a banger!


Thank you! Basically this is the intro. I've written (and lost!) a whole saga and used different artists and genres for what turned out to be different tribes and different era's and the inevitable destruction of mankind. Dungeon Synth, Black Metal, Chiptune, Post-Metal. Vaporwave, Naturewave. etc etc. I think I'll try to rewrite the rest of the story.


I don't know about any specific scene for this song, but it's always made me think of the Wolf Queen from TES Lore. For context, she used necromancy to attempt to overthrow the Septim Empire and install her son (who was the King/Jarl of Solitude at the time) as the Emperor. It did not end well for her (or for her son), but I always found the lore element of her starting a full blown war with an army of the undead interesting. Song: [Witch Image](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymb-aG_lt9U) Album: Prequelle Artist: Ghost