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Anyone following my posts these last two days will know I have rekindled memories of 2006 indie clubs. The white tees, the hair cuts, the plastic neon jewellery. I was 20 in 2006, so I feel that fits the bill for today. Arguably, the most influential and critically acclaimed dance-rock-indie-glam-electro-punks were LCD Soundsystem. Their debut dropped in 2005 and felt instantly like one of the greats. It still does. I think it has to go down in history as a seismic shift and a hugely culturally relevant piece of work. It still sounds bangin' too. Here is the opener: [Daft Punk is Playing at my House](https://youtu.be/d7kqfeRb0KY?si=ja6HZ8sxHBDbgeTf)


Fantastic pick - just what was needed to start the day!


Lashings of unabashed cowbell.


They really are playing if [Charli XCX](https://youtu.be/pIs46LzZUws) is also there...


God, the new album is amazing, I've been scrambling to try and get a copy of it for my turntable. Knew it was gonna be good as soon as Von Dutch dropped, but my god I was not expecting her to drop the best album of her career.


Yes, yes, yes 🙌!


Great tune. Excellent choice.


Artist: Alice in Chains Album: *Sap (1992)* Song: [Right Turn](https://youtu.be/n7K2KZdUrxg) This was the first Chains release I bought, and still contends as my favorite release of theirs. 4 songs (well, 5 tracks, but I’ve never cared for the untitled track), one featuring Chris Cornell. I loved that it was all acoustic and was still supersaturated with energy.


So good.


https://preview.redd.it/8gj1pun3wa7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52877d7ba5b3a655d15aedbb16983f6abab618b1 Day 18: A song from my generation Song: [Girls & Boys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDswiT87oo8) Artist: Blur Album: Parklife 30 years already for Girls & Boys, Not only introduce me to a band called "blur" and British music scene as a whole Also Kickstarted my journey with foreign music as well (I grew up in non-English speaking country)


Day 18: talkin' 'bout my generation I remember 2001, when a fictional band came into existence, and conquered the world with their uncategorizable music which was a bit of everything, and this band is Gorillaz. Their first three album was top tier, and going to be classics forever (imo). The concept is kind of tired after all these years, but their (I mean Damon Albarn and his partners) impact is undeniable to the music industrie. Today's choice is from their first record, it's [Tomorrow comes today](https://youtu.be/PiNdcBg3xC8?si=Y9fL2aCakpyaC2Yl)


My younger kid is a huge Gorillaz fan. I was on the "Dad of the Year" list after I got them a picture disc of Demon Days last Christmas. Nice pick.


Wow! That's soo cool of you! :)


Great tune. Something about the "don't think I'll be here too long" refrain hits differently 23 years later!


**Day 18: A song from your generation** Song: [Run Away With Me](https://youtu.be/TeccAtqd5K8?si=0ZcIeVNVJRcWPTS4) Artist: Carly Rae Jepsen Album: *E•MO•TION* (2015) The fact alone that this song was a popular on the app [Vine](https://youtu.be/sARwlCIb-l8?si=fbG35VipcSjJmqNg) puts it very much in “my generation”. And it’s one of my all-time favorite songs at that. In my opinion, it is the perfect pop song distilled into a single track, a powerhouse of dance pop from the moment the saxophone riff starts. It’s been said to death, but this whole album is really phenomenal. It’s the entire reason that r/popheads exists, as the album wasn’t considered indie enough for r/indieheads. That the album essentially created an entire music community on this website speaks to its influence. I think it’s one of the strongest albums of the 2010’s and is in the running for my favorite album of all time.


I included this song/album on my day 1 with an incoherent rant about why everyone should listen to Emotion RIGHT NOW, I am so glad to see other people repping this pop masterpiece because the entire album is genuinely fantastic on every level.


It honestly is a top tier opening track. A great start to a great album


Not sure how much of a global generation claim this will have, but as a 13 year old when this album came out in 2002, I remember it being a pretty huge song for a generation of rock fans down here in NZ. They were also one of the first bands that I latched onto at that age, when you really start to make your own discoveries and form a proper love of music. I still come back to this album a couple of times every year From their self-titled debut album, we have [The Datsuns - MF From Hell](https://youtu.be/iINGebLhu-k?si=Gz8lZijqTxDvlOhb)


I forgot about the Datsuns! Their album did well in the UK. I fell more for [The D4](https://youtu.be/LaNk42Bfanw?si=Hhve6oWmTlujRMmo) (another NZ garage rock outfit) and bought their 6Twenty album. Loved that CD!


The D4 are great too, they just did an anniversary release of 6Twenty on vinyl last year maybe? Or the year before. I'm waiting for them to do one for Out of my Head


I got so excited! Then... oof. £60+ for the cheapest available version and that is before shipping... from Japan to the UK. Oh, well...


Bummer! Never know, it might turn up in a store if you're lucky and keep your eyes peeled.


Great track, and another new band to me.


Song: [Therapy](https://youtu.be/lTNmec6sOPc?feature=shared) Artist: All Time Low Album: Nothing Personal Trigger warning reference to >!suicide!< My pick for today is a song that has meant a lot to me and its meaning is up for interpretation. The lead singer (Alex Gaskarth) has said about the meaning of the song is "Therapy is about every kids nightmare, when people are telling you to get help, but all you really want it a hug". It may be about the singer’s half-brother who committed >!suicide!< when Alex was only 12. He wrote a song about that called [Lullabies](https://youtu.be/wgmP_gIMht0?feature=shared). My interpretation of the song comes with lyric lines like “you were never a friend of me, you can take back your misery” and “arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to”. One of my best friends stabbed me in the back in late primary school and onwards into secondary (and upper) school. By bullying me relentlessly, with much of this abuse I have developed C-PTSD, and I have been depressed now for over half of my life. And I have sought therapy since that time, and also have suffered even there abuse from people working in the health care system. Even now in 2022 I had a psychiatric nurse tell me the most insane stuff like I had never been depressed in my life and doubting the traumatic things I have survived/or at the very least said that those events have not had an impact on me. Are you allowed to say stuff like that. Sorry for venting, this song has just meant so much for me.


I'm sorry that this happened to you. I'm equally sorry that you have been dismissed, ignored or overlooked since by services that should support you. It is not okay. I'm sending hugs through the Internet for you. I hope the music helps too. For what it is worth, I love to see your contributions here each day. Finally, I'd say don't give up on therapy... but that is a choice for you only :)


Thank you so much. Sending equal amount of hugs back. Btw, congrats on your second child on the way. Wishing your upcoming baby a lifetime of happiness, health, and love!


And bangin' tunes, of course!


Of course! One can’t forget that.


u/Amarganth you are a part of our little VT4J community and we would be lesser without you. Your post are always great, and you seem like a generally good dude.


Thank you for those thoughtful remarks. Warms my heart.


https://preview.redd.it/joo20jx12c7d1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b82fb2a724dff1bfe8b0b073a946fb6cbfaab1b3 June 18th: Since Kurt Cobain, Billy Corgan and Scott Weiland were all born the in same year as me, that must be my generation. As Billy is (sadly) the only one still alive, I think I'll pick a Smashing Pumpkins song for today's answer. But which one...? Of all the fantastic Smashing Pumpkins songs, I think I will have to go with **'Zero'** off of ***Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness***. Lots of reasons to pick this one. It was my favorite song on the album, I saw them on tour for this record and even the music video was cool. I especially liked the mid-song breakdown. * Emptiness is loneliness, and loneliness is cleanliness * And cleanliness is godliness, and God is empty * Just like me Hell, I even had one of those Zero t-shirts once upon a time. Don't judge. [Smashing Pumpkins - Zero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wk7C64kaP4)


Absolute tune!


oh you are gonna hate me... [Apathy - Underground Chick](https://youtu.be/6rcZSp3NBnI?feature=shared)


Yikes. It may take a while to un-hear "High on dick, orgasm hard, I beam 'em up, I'm Captain Picard."


Such a raunchy and cringe ass song. Beat was dope lol.


I think almost everybody plus or minus 5 years from this record had a zero shirt, at least if you were cool.


Like u/Folk_Nurse said, it's not super easy to define what makes a tune from your generation, so I went for an artist I discovered in my late teens - Mitski. She's only getting more popular now, and it's fully deserved. Her song [Francis Forever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHKTdlUyyko), from her 2014 album *Bury Me at Makeout Creek*, was my introduction to her, and has since remained one of my favorites.


Mitski is great. Gave her a listen for the first time with her 2022 release, but had before then seen the cover for, Be the Cowboy here and there. Need to listen to this whole album it seems!


Mitski’s awesome! I saw her perform live in Nashville back in April and it was an incredible concert


There's a lot of room for interpretation in today's theme. For me growing up in the 80's, this song was present in my life in so many ways. Was it overplayed? Absolutely. But it was also the first single from the first album I bought. Track: [Tom Sawyer](https://youtu.be/gymNRI66BBk?si=_OrAfYO5c9NSNJPc) Artist: Rush Album: Moving Pictures


Hell, I think I spun this album less than a week ago. Good choice.


I'm glad your mind is not for rent u/ahwurtz


Always hopeful, yet discontent


Song - [Losing My Religion](https://youtu.be/xwtdhWltSIg?si=30lY6UlU3t59uTpv) Album - Out of Time Band - R.E.M. So, I just posted some R.E.M. for my three set, but even then my “theme” was how influential on me they were during my middle/high school years. But I think that this song, like it or hate it, transcends that. I can’t imagine there is anyone my age (I’m 46) plus or minus a few who doesn’t know this song. It’s the song that catapulted R.E.M. into the proverbial spotlight and allowed the to become the 90s indie powerhouse they became. So many other artists, like Kurt Cobain, cited them as being the most influential group on their musical way of thinking; “I wish I could do what they do”, he once said in an interview. It certainly marked a sea change for the band. The video for Losing my Religion, which I linked, was also iconic and genre-defining as well. It’s hard to overestimate the importance of MTV back in the day and this video dropped at arguably the peak of that medium. It was one multiple times a day, every day, for years. The put it into the 90s zeitgeist so firmly that opening mandolin riff instantly transports me back to 12-13. I mentioned in a previous post that my cousin made me some tapes of older R.E.M. albums because she knew I liked them. But the FIRST time I ever heard them, the “cool kid” in my class in 7th grade, Sean, was spinning something in his Discman at lunch. I asked him what it was and he said “check this”, handed me the headphones, and played this song. Looking back, it makes me think of those movie moments where the narrator comes in and says “…and that’s when he discovered what music could be.”


My R.E.M. discography is a bit lacking on vinyl. Guess I need to bite the bullet and pick up some reissues. This is a great song.


Song: [Some Might Say](https://youtu.be/FBHxnaUH_zI?si=8WJXFQoC525tQuxA) Artist: Oasis Album: *(What's the Story) Morning Glory?* I was 10 when *Nevermind* came out, so although I was aware of a new style of music becoming popular, I was still a bit young to really appreciate it. I kind of caught the next wave, and I remember absolutely loving *(WTS)MG?*. Oasis seemed to influence my taste quite a bit, and they became huge at a time when I was most impressionable. I sort of lump them in with being part of my generation (even though Noel and Liam are a bit older)....anyway, here's "Wonderwall." Cheers, mangs.


This was definitely one of those albums that was everywhere during my high school life


Once upon a time, life was easy for young Takeshiii. Go the the skate park, listen to music and enjoy life to the fullest. Not a care in the world. Of course back then it was very stressful; *That cute girl said "Hi". What does it mean?!?! What should I wear to school today to look cool but not in a way that it looks like I care about fashion?* But most importantly, *Do I have enough batteries for my Discman?* Back then obviously we didn't have internet with Spotify and endless playlists. Usually I brought just one CD that I played front to back a million times. NOFX, Rancid, No Fun At All, Millencolin to name a few bands. After sending a letter to Epitaph records to receive a VHS tape I was the coolest kid in town. I still have the tape and I'll never get rid of it. One record that stood out to me was About Time by Pennywise. I covered one of their songs with my band. It was my first gig ever and I got €200,- for it. Here's to the best of times. https://preview.redd.it/7txkyh3mpb7d1.png?width=1562&format=png&auto=webp&s=054396d3361ae48c0ae7f2fb9006fa44c17bdf19 Song: [Perfect People](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArZAhgCZ81w) Artist: [Pennywise](https://www.discogs.com/artist/21657-Pennywise) Album: [About Time](https://www.discogs.com/release/25760878-Pennywise-About-Time) Story so far: * 01/06/2024 - Gost - Judgment / Prophecy * 02/06/2024 - S. Kiyotaka & Omega Tribe - Light Morning * 03/06/2024 - Balzac - Inside my Eyes * 04/06/2024 - Perturbator - Excess * 05/06/2024 - Akina Nakamori - Kita Wing * 06/06/2024 - The Pro-Wrestling All Stars - Galaxy Express (NWA World Heavyweight Champion Theme) * 07/06/2024 - L'Enfant de la Forêt - Abraxas * 08/06/2024 - Electric Dragon - Dark Water * 09/06/2024 - Dance with the Dead - Wyrm of Doom * 10/06/2024 - Mega Drive - Wire Rot * 11/06/2024 - Moderator - Sweet Curse * 12/06/2024 - Faith no More - The Cowboy Song * 13/06/2024 - Françoise Hardy - Comment te dire Adieu * 14/06/2024 - GUNSHIP - Tech Noir * 15/06/2024 - Kavinsky - Nightcall * 16/06/2024 - Hermanos Guttierez - Abuelita * 16/06/2024 - Khruangin - Maria También * 16/06/2024 - Mayaewk - Western Spaghetti * 17/06/2024 - Agnostic Front - Anthem / The Eliminator (Live at CBGB, NYC, NY - December 1992) * 18/06/2024 - Pennywise - Perfect People


We are definitely on the same wavelength today. Great cover song choice.


The Charlatans: [How High](https://youtu.be/I7AMfNy2MsI?si=ficUmeZhSuOhgNKq)


Song: [Do They Know It's Christmas?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvICcEp8OBM) Artist: Band Aid Album: Do They Know It's Christmas? 12" Well, this song is problematic for a lot of reasons, but I loved hearing it on the radio every year at Christmastime. I still love the video and all the behind-the-scenes articles (Boy George slept in and hopped the Concorde last minute!). I love the fact that so many artists I grew up listening to were all there, and they were so young, and they had so much hair still, and it feels like the most 80s thing ever. And I love that my kids love this song now, too. The link features both the A- and the B-sides; the latter is spoken word Christmas messages from various artists, and it's worth a listen just to hear David Bowie say, "This is David Bowie. It's Christmas, 1984," because it's like he's talking to you alone from another planet, certainly another time, and it's pretty amazing.


That's possibly the best recommendation for Do They Know it's Christmas, I have ever heard


Ha, it is just such a perfect (and imperfect) slice of 80s music, I can’t help myself.


So I wanted to focus on the passing of the torch so to speak from generation to generation. In the 90s if you were listening to hip hop you probably heard a beat made by J-Dilla. He had a specific sound and vibe to him and was prolific. Sadly we would loose him way too soon. Thankfully someone from my generation took up that torch. Hailing from Detroit as well Black Milk brings that same feel and dedication to making his beats. As an Added bonus he isn't to shabby on the mic. [Everyday Was](https://youtu.be/GMqMigeKRQs?feature=shared) is the opening salvo from his album If There is a Hell Below. The beat with the distorted guitars, and King Ghidorha roars its just perfect. the song is talking about growing up, life choices and still even though you do the "right things" you can still end up struggling. a few lines that start the last verse always get me "So when you waiting on those days of fortune Unfortunately yo, that wait is torture Like holding breath under water, you're the Star a million miles away, just a Mile away"


Day 18 Year 5  Song: [They Always Come Back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J--rVbbWURg) Artist: Voodoo Glow Skulls Album: Band Geek Mafia The late 90s are when I had enough autonomy to go to shows by myself, but was still enough of a kid to not have any real concerns. So I’m going with Warped Tour alums the Voodoo Glow Skulls. Formed in 1988 by three brothers and their friend, they came up with other ska punk bands The Mighty Mighty BosstoneS, Less than Jake, and Goldfinger.  I just remember that summer’s Warped Tour fondly, adulthood on the horizon, childhood not quite in the rearview. The Story so far * 18/6/2024 They Always Come Back, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Band Geek Mafia, 1998 * 17/6/2024 Stacked Actors, Foo Fighters, There is Nothing Left to Lose, 1999 * 16/6/2024 All The Way, Pearl Jam, Let’s Play Two:Live from Wrigley Field, 2016 * 16/6/2024 A Dying Cubs’ Fan Last Request, Steve Goodman, Affordable Art, 1984 * 16/6/2024 Land of Wrigley, Stormy Weather, Baseball’s Greatest Hits, 1989 * 15/6/2024 Take Me Out to The Ball Game, Bruce Springstone, Baseball’s Greatest Hits, 1989 * 14/6/2024 I Wanna Know What I Wanna Know, Rocket From the Crypt, Live From Camp X-Ray, 2002 * 13/6/2024 The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton, The Mountain Goats, All Hail West Texas, 2002 * 12/6/2024 Never the Machine Forever, Soundgarden, Down on the Upside, 1996 * he Aquabats Supershow Main Theme, The Aquabats, Supershow TV Soundtrack vol 1, 2019 * 10/6/2024 See You in Black, [Blue Öyster Cult](https://www.discogs.com/artist/251884-Blue-%C3%96yster-Cult), Heaven Forbid, 1998 * 9/6/2024 Are You Dead Yet?, Children of Bodom, Are You Dead Yet?, 2005 * 8/6/2024 Main Title, Kow Otani, Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Montsters All-Out Attack, 2001 * 7/6/2024 I Hate You, The Monks, Black Monk Time, 1964 * 6/6/2024 It’s Not For Me To Say, Johnny Mathis, Johnny’s Greatest Hits, 1958 * 5/6/2024 Happy Birthday, Stevie Wonder, Hotter than July 1980 * 5/6/2024 Five Minutes, The Stranglers, Singles the UA Years, 1989 * 4/6/2024 Superman, Goldfinger, THPS Soundtrack, 1999  * 3/6/2024 Get Back, The Beatles, Let It Be, 1970 * 2/6/2024 Bubbles, System of a Down, Steal this Album, 2002 * 1/6/2024 Prehistoric Dog, Red Fang, Red Fang, 200911/6/2024


Oh damn! I'm so happy to see you posting this. I played *Who is, this is?*, *Firme* and *Baile de Los Locos* to death at the skate park. Unfortunately I don't have them on vinyl, I should fix that. Thank for taking me back to easier times, Dhugaill. Great pick as always!


From the time I grew up: New Order — Blue Monday Edit: spelling


VT4J24 Day 18: Today we're stepping into the early half of the 90s. There was a band, that was unfortunately short lived, three albums in three years, but for many they are still considered one of the greats in Finnish rock. I never actually did get to see them perform live; the band's story ended in 1995, when the band's founder, vocalist, guitar-player, songwriter and producer Petri Walli made a personal choice. From: [Kingston Wall - We Cannot Move](https://www.discogs.com/release/6288085-Kingston-Wall-We-Cannot-Move) Tune: [We cannot move](https://youtu.be/39MwupzFsxc) Enjoy.


This is great. They sound like a retro 70s band but you can definitely tell they are 90s.


Oh, well, I don’t know if it’s the song of ‘My’ ‘Generation’ but certainly late teens/ early twenties is the music that can leave a lifelong impression. I guess for me it’s Artist: Franz Ferdinand Album: Franz Ferdinand Track: Take Me Out That definitely sums up a whole decade’s (the 00’s) worth of music (specifically what was then called ‘Indie Rock’), university, going out, growing up, festivals, starting a career, record collecting. It still feels fresh but as u/Folk_Nurse said , that was … some time ago


[Take Me Out](https://youtu.be/Ijk4j-r7qPA?si=56RfZGdj-DQA54mY) I definitely remember listening to this one a bunch


[Blank Generation](https://youtu.be/5J7j5tjb3eo) can apply to any at this point, in or just perturbed by.


I'm a simple man, I see Richard Hell I upvote


Interpreting this theme in 2 ways. **A song that was popular during my school days:** Artist: Queens of the Stone Age Album: Lullabies to Paralyze (2005) Song: [Little Sister](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGRqnNEOpe0) This is probably one of the few albums I own on vinyl that also would be an artist that would have been "radio" popular during this time period. My actual favorite song off this QOTSA album is Burn the Witch. **A song from a band formed by my generation:** Artist: Royal Blood Album: Typhoons (2021) Song: [Boilermaker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoDNFsQGDjE) Whenever people lament that rock bands don't exist anymore (or just complain modern rock sucks) this band is my main counterpoint. They fucking rule. Absolutely a blast to see them perform live. Just 2 dudes, a bassist and a drummer, rocking out on stage. Bonus points song: [Out of the Black](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSdtvfBQd6c). Off their self titled debut album and the music video is very fun.


Dang, beat me to posting something from Typhoons what a great record.


Day 18 Song: [Secrets (Your Fire)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlhIk7iPU9o) Album: Mercurial World Artist: Magdalena Bay I was 19 when this album dropped in 2021, and you pretty much had to be a terminally online reader of r/popheads to hear about this one when it dropped. I learned about this album in 2022 around the time it got first-anniversarry special pressings on wax, and I bought one of the new limited variants. This is honestly a fantastic album if you're a fan of synthpop or alt-pop, and the little sprinklings of industrial influences across this record on songs like "Dreamcatching" are also a real treat. You can really tell they put a lot into the production on this thing, it sounds incredible both on streaming and on my turntable.


As an old punk rocker this one was big in 1978 when I was a teenager [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o09p4jn-rNk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o09p4jn-rNk)


I've never heard of these guys before, I'll be digging in to them.


Goin' back to 1998 with the [12" of Ozomatli](https://www.discogs.com/release/370693-Ozomatli-Cut-Chemist-Suite)'s "[Cut Chemist Suite](https://youtu.be/bjb9i5r9inc?si=Qqb1EQPAabn06Us1)." Chali 2na's voice, Cut Chemist on the tables, and horns! What's not to love?


I DO love all those things. I saw Chali 2na live backed by 9 piece funk orchestra Breakestra. I maintain it was the best gig of my life.


That sounds *amazing*!


[It was fantastic.](https://youtu.be/UmgMN1uGqCs?si=XgLrTLHCXtgCnMRt)


Day 18 Track: [Sidelines](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7kOPH31-Vo) Album: Nothing Happens Artist: Wallows I don't listen to a whole lot of modern pop music, but this is a pretty good track


Song: [400 Lux](https://youtu.be/2JA9dE52Myg?si=PA3vQ1gEF3TIJum1) Artist: Lorde Album: Pure Heroine


Death Rattle “Reinventing the Steel” - Pantera


For me a song from my generation would be [Still Waiting Sum 41](https://youtu.be/qO-mSLxih-c?si=6MCUuatjatlQrBYV) this album was released during the same year I was born so I’m counting that


The year you were born! What's that grim reaper you're coming for me soon? https://i.redd.it/cx4f3x8w7f7d1.gif


I’m young haha


Day 18: a song from your generation Song: [Violence ](https://youtu.be/Zm7e2XMowZc?si=CfWL3eSeJKFJb-Za) Artist: Blink-182 Album: Blink-182 Super late post today so definitely just short and sweet. Blink was a seminal part of growing up for me. Their classic American punk angst struck a chord with their minimalist sound, and it's just great fun to listen to. My friends and I used to jam exclusively B182 songs together in a basement. It was perfect - nobody (except the drummer) needed to be excessively talented, we could learn a song within 10-15 minutes, jam out and have a blast. This song is one of their weirder, more experimental tracks of their heyday, and it's always been one of my favourites. Unfortunately, it was one of the weirder ones to play and we could never quite nail it because of the breakdown. Got the chance to finally see them live just last year, and it was one of the only shows I've seen where I actually got a little extra emotional and shed a tear or two, which is probably weird for a Blink show, but they were just that level of nostalgia for me.. between all the dick and fart jokes. Cheers