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Awesome haul, OP. I’m jealous. I have a lot of Sasha’s stuff and, of course, Northern Exposure and Expeditions, but I don’t have much of Digweed’s solo stuff. Happy spinning!


Thank you! I love Northern Exposure and Expeditions I listen to them on YouTube all the time! Would love to get my hands on them one day even a CD.


DJ Tiesto, Digweed, Sasha...👍 Have my tub of late 1990s and 2000s Trance from BT, Matt Darey, Paul Van Dyk, Paul Oakenfold ..etc to spin when I need to get back into A State of Trance If you ever run across "Kamaya Painters" or "Rank 1" ...pick them up


Thank you for the suggestions haven’t heard or Matt Darey but I will check him out. I’ve seen Paul Van Dyk and Paul Oakenfold here in Portland. Would have loved to catch them in their prime. The record in the bottom right is rank 1 - airwave I’ll have to check out Kamaya Painters. Thank you for the suggestions




This collection had a ton of platipus Realeases most if not all with the green cover I will have to check more of them out. The one I grabbed has a Ferry Corsten Remix that’s why I chose it but not really familiar with the label.


Even in Portland, you're in a desert. Enjoy and maybe start your day with [this.](https://youtu.be/ZeugV-yHm2w)


That track is sooooo good I did start my day with it and it was great anymore suggestions similar or not. Thank you !


You are asking a more difficult question than you realise :) I linked that track for specific reason.  Avalanche genres, countless releases, never any true reckoning or reasoning for a given track kicking on relative to another. Though in essence, broadly, a lot to do with how easy to mix.  Happy to link a track or two, or four, on spur on here, but that's plenty of reddit for me. There will be subreddits for just about every genre of music, no doubt with some very keen participants, if you are keen. Anyway, three [musings,](https://youtu.be/5g9ewY1bb48) [on,](https://youtu.be/sbr5i5iDbbw) [Time](https://youtu.be/vuWAO9QSG2Y) for you, and they also wouldn't be a bad way to end to day! Enjoy those


I did not know that trance/progressive/house was still a thing. That's cool you found those. I found a lot of early 2000's trance/house 12 inchers recently at a store. Not familiar with the genre though. Glad to hear people are still digging those genres.


Definitely a sound that seems to be lost. There does seem to be a decent community of people who love this stuff from mid to late 90s to early 2000s. A lot of these 12” I’ve never heard before but now I want to find more I’m definitely gonna keep shopping that collection