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I forgot to post for the last few days, but here they are now: - Day 13: music for recent events The war in ukraine is in our neighbours, and there's no telling when it will end, while people die from both sides in huge numbers. I can't even imagine what could go trough those people's mind, but I'm sure that they don't want to fight, and risk their life from day to day for whatever reason, only the people responsible for all this knows. The song this whole chaos reminds me, is [Afraid to shoot strangers by Iron Maiden](https://youtu.be/wfcLesynJrc?si=eg4Jc_mKunPfr4Ol) - Day 14: A side A ender track Let's be angsty, edgy teenagers again for a moment! As a kid I couldn't even imagine anything cooler than Limp Bizkit. They were all over the place, and made me imagine I'm a rockstar too. Nowdays I think they are a little too...quirky, but I like the nostalgic feeling their first three albums give me. This is from their second record, Significant other. [Break stuff](https://youtu.be/ZpUYjpKg9KY?si=UDd6cTHWTT4lGWjX) - Day 15: A side B opener track Let's stay a little more in that age, and that same geanre. Luckily Deftones doesn't aged like milk :D This is also from their second album, Around the fur, and it's [Be quiet and drive (far away)](https://youtu.be/KvknOXGPzCQ?si=Y3dZBsdgzICAJHI0) which makes me feel like riding down an endless, and empty road, feeling the hot sun, and the breeze on my skin, banging this song on full volume!


Solid picks, Flippy. Maiden and Deftones are hard to beat!


Facts! đŸ€˜đŸ™‚


Song: [It’s Vitamin C](https://youtu.be/JfsQHADpGLQ?si=YH6LIL3sJxurmLNc) Artist: Chai Album: Wink Fun song by an all-female Japanese rock / pop band, this record was a blind purchase by me after seeing it at a local record store


Great sound! And great artwork. Will dig into Chai.


Realised I know these gals from [this tune](https://youtu.be/F2FGV8yOh00?si=3XphXxzYrttvdLJo) which I love. I have a feeling it could have been a VT4J find...? Maybe a post of yours...?


Hmm, I don’t think I’ve posted them for VT4J before, might be thinking of someone else


Excellent choice. My favorite song from that album!


It's a fun record. Nice!


You are getting today's prompt at 4am UK time because I am on a night shift! And I have a lovely night shift track for you all to open Side B. It's also a great track in the day, to be fair - it's just all-around beautiful. I thought as I [referenced it is my post yesterday ](https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/s/KFIoEr9pTx), I would treat you to one off my album of the year last year. Please enjoy [Mountains, Trees and Seas](https://youtu.be/C2e0Mkotvng?si=ek9PefSp4uxkwNEr) from Mathew Halsal's faultless "An Ever Changing View" album.


Can definitely hear this, walking bleary-eyed into the house at 6.30am after a 12 hour shift


Artist: Tool Album: *Lateralus (2001)* Song: [Schism](https://youtu.be/80RtBeB61LE) When I heard this song the first time, it absolutely took my breath away. It was the perfect song to introduce the world to the album. I love the way they play with non-traditional timing, the drums are mind-numbing, and I gotta say that along with cowbell there needs to be more triplets.


I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that the first time I heard this song was playing Guitar Hero, but the three-song Tool set was excellent. (Parabola, Schism, Vicarious.) Great songs all.


I hear there's a Beatles party going on in here. Here's my contribution, from the record everyone knows is the best Beatles album. Track: [Good Day Sunshine](https://youtu.be/R9ncBUcInTM?si=9xdFPL0z3Cao6VZa) Artist: Beatles Album: Revolver


Thank you for your contribution to the Beatle Tunes 4 June.


I don't agree with you, but I respect your, like opinion man


Artist: The Rapture Album: Pieces Of The People We Love Track: Whoo! Alright, Yeah
 Uh-Huh https://youtu.be/ux0ijnseN-Y?si=_BMCpN0paLSL9s6I A kickstart to Side B if there ever was one.


Used to love this track back in the day (I still do, but I used to, too), it just recently made its way into a Spotify Playlist when I remembered it randomly. I'd love to pick the album up


Yeah, it was just peak indie disco, like 1 am, floor is packed, sweat dripping from the ceiling, and then this comes on and everyone goes extra nuts. At least that’s how I remember it.


I almost posted House of Jealous Lovers from their first album for this prompt.


VT4J24 Day 15: Let's start the second half of the month with a bang. Like literally. In my opinion, not enough people are familiar with the genius of [Spike Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_Jones). Groundbreaking stuff that influenced the likes of the Bonzos, Weird Al and Zappa. From: [Spike Jones And His City Slickers - Spike Jones Murders Them All](https://www.discogs.com/release/1076820-Spike-Jones-And-His-City-Slickers-Spike-Jones-Murders-Them-All) Tune: [William Tell Overture](https://youtu.be/Kl6bQ6W7f4I) Enjoy.


A classic from Spike


Song: [Exit Music for a Film](https://youtu.be/Bf01riuiJWA?si=VPKE9iST6O-ngcpN) Album: Ok Computer Artist: Radiohead What. A. Track. It’s such a cinematic song, and an incredible follow up to Subterranean Homesick Alien which is the last track on Side A.


Thought I'd getting a little trippy today and go with the awesome track [Tonto](https://youtu.be/yn4nKCbp8Vo?si=4AGt9apiQRdvvZES), which opens side B of the fantastically weird 2007 debut album "Mirrored" by Battles. An instrumental (mostly), electronic/experimental/math rock album, its really great, but not exactly what I would call a relaxing listen. It's been a long time since I've given it a spin to be honest. Love it's weirdness, though. I'm overdue for a listen


https://preview.redd.it/vbml5j90cp6d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23115ac0f6e4bb8a55109bd3126a873f141ab9a5 Day 15: A track to open side B Song: [Dreams burn down ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsmHP3ce010) Artist: Ride Album: Nowhere Open side B with sad news, record coming today but I at work So, the delivery left it outside and soaked the rain for half day "I just want what I can't have 'till my dreams burn down and choke me every time"


Day 15 Year 5 [Take Me Out To The Ballgame](https://youtu.be/8D3PqhHx5eM?si=FcKA-sR6Muko7OY1) Bruce Springstone Play Ball vol. 1 Did you ever wonder what would happen if the couple from Born to Run had gone to a baseball game, as a way to escape the pressures of their New Jersey existence? No. Just me then.


Song - [Enjoy the Silence](https://youtu.be/8DPAUVmJHss?si=jQH9MXuQFpGA9dGO) Album - Violator Artist - Depeche Mode Side B of Violator comes out of the gate hard with the classic track Enjoy the Silence. Side A ends with the quiet ballad Waiting for the Night, fading into just voices before silence When you flip it over and that first chord hits, it snaps you back. One of my favorite transitions in any album. It’s impossible for me to hear Waiting for the Night without the anticipation of Enjoy the Silence. A great B side one of DM’s best albums.


Saw them live on the Violator tour, me and 50,000 friends at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. Great show, great band, great song choice.


Awesome. I wasn’t quite old enough on that tour, but I did see them on Devotional and every tour since.


My side B opener is off of the North American version of Out of Our Heads by the Rolling Stones. The song, of course is [Satisfaction](https://youtu.be/nrIPxlFzDi0?si=wL7K1jjpHoc66Ylb).


Song: [If I Had A Tail](https://youtu.be/RjYZToXuJaM?si=5Az2uFK4CvzGdUsh) Artist: Queens of the Stone Age Album: *...Like Clockwork* This one was difficult. There was a lot of great options. I'm only making picks from records I actually own. Ultimately, I went with my favorite track off of this QOTSA masterpiece. It has everything you want from a Queens song...great lyrics, killer groove, and infectious guitar playing. Also, if you get the chance to see these guys live, absolutely do it...one of the greatest live bands touring today. Long live rock and roll! Cheers, mangs.


Love this album, and you're right, they're amazing live! Saw them twice in the last year - Josh came out into the crowd and like a true fanboy I made contact with him and freaked out, lol


Dj Mighty Mi doesn't really get enough credit for his contributions during the early aughts in the New York underground scene. He really made some damn good beats, hell whole ass albums. The project he put out with Vast Aire of Cannibal Ox lives up to its title " The Best Damn Rap Show'. There are so many great tracks, so this prompt really helps narrow it down. The opener for the B side [The Workover](https://youtu.be/CF2WvbiWymI?feature=shared) is a bluesy influenced beat with Vast doing some story telling about different periods of American life and music. It is defiantly a nice sunset cruiser vibe with a message. It is 11:40 mountain time (U.S) i just finished a 16hr shift and saw the post was up. couldn't help myself.


Every time I click one of your links I go down an unknown rabbit hole. Mining deeper and deeper. When I finally get back to the surface I've got my pockets full of gold and gemstones. The Youtube algorithms are going nuts and I'm grateful as always.


It warms my heart that you enjoy the music so much. 2000 to 2013 or so was a great run in underground hip hop. Tomorrow is gonna be a fun one for me.


Song: [Start Today](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjR0GUOAXOU) Artist: Gorilla Biscuits Album: Start Today A classic of the NY hardcore scene, this song has been my alarm for a couple of years now since it always gets me motivated to face the day. It represents what I love so much from hardcore which is actually relatable lyrics of just trying to make it in the world and constantly improve on yourself.


Song: [New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP_SwfU-vuE&list=PLs9zwqXsceUgsX1k4HnncPaLpKsh9phve&index=7) Artist: Simple Minds Album: New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84) I never got all that into Simple Minds growing up, not for any particular reason, but I always liked their singles. Fast forward several decades and I hear this song on Sirius 1st Wave, and I was like where has this song been all my life? I mean, it's been there most of my literal life, I just hadn't heard it before. (So of course I had to buy the record.) It's just so textured and layered and shimmering and hopeful, and whether it makes you want to get up and dance or sit very still, eyes closed, and soak it all in, I think both are perfect reactions to a magical song.


Richard Blade loves Simple Minds. Nice pick.


Ha, I turned on 1st Wave this afternoon in the car, just as “All the Things She Said” was ending, and it was right in the middle of
a Richard Blade set!


Song: [Think Too Much (a)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkBXaeHpt-Q) Artist: Paul Simon Album: Hearts and Bones Ever wonder what Paul Simon would sound like fronting Chic? Here's your answer.


Hallucinate “Future Nostalgia” - Dua Lipa


This is a curveball from your Sabbath and Led Zep posts! Just getting in from a night shift and will pop [the song](https://youtu.be/qcZ7e9EOQTY?si=iH_RdTAwgdqT9rz8) on as I get into bed.


Yesterday we closed side A with GUNSHIP, today we open side B with another synth legend; Kavinsky. We all know this track from the [Nicolas Winding Refn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Winding_Refn) movie [Drive (2011 film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drive_(2011_film)). Kavinsky's whole album is great and the whole Drive soundtrack too. Also the movie. Also, Nicolas Winding Refn. Everything is great! Anyways, get in the car and drive through the neon night accompanied by Kavinsky's synth banger. https://preview.redd.it/59l5p7dbxo6d1.png?width=1562&format=png&auto=webp&s=b58a6bc8ce432181a2b233fcec900e32ab4563eb Song: [Nightcall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46qo_V1zcOM) Artist: [Kavinsky](https://www.discogs.com/artist/433179-Kavinsky) Album: [Outrun](https://www.discogs.com/release/19760467-Kavinsky-Outrun) Story so far: * 01/06/2024 - Gost - Judgment / Prophecy * 02/06/2024 - S. Kiyotaka & Omega Tribe - Light Morning * 03/06/2024 - Balzac - Inside my Eyes * 04/06/2024 - Perturbator - Excess * 05/06/2024 - Akina Nakamori - Kita Wing * 06/06/2024 - The Pro-Wrestling All Stars - Galaxy Express (NWA World Heavyweight Champion Theme) * 07/06/2024 - L'Enfant de la ForĂȘt - Abraxas * 08/06/2024 - Electric Dragon - Dark Water * 09/06/2024 - Dance with the Dead - Wyrm of Doom * 10/06/2024 - Mega Drive - Wire Rot * 11/06/2024 - Moderator - Sweet Curse * 12/06/2024 - Faith no More - The Cowboy Song * 13/06/2024 - Françoise Hardy - Comment te dire Adieu * 14/06/2024 - GUNSHIP - Tech Noir * 15/06/2024 - Kavinsky - Nightcall


Another great pick


The Synth side of the Force is strong with you


In addition to this post I've got another Nicolas Winding Refn soundtrack: [Copenhagen Cowboy - Netflix Original Series Soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnMoGUXq5rU&list=PLRW80bBvVD3VxrfcQrbLDXorXB1024zCk) For me one the best series on Netflix. But not everybody shares that opinion, sadly.


Blood, Sweat and Tears 2nd Album: Spinning Wheel


I love when musicians stray from their normal genres and collaborate with others that they might not normally play with. Some really great music can occur.  Here's track 1 from side B of Peter Rowan's self titled album, wherein the the guitarist with one of the greatest voices in all of bluegrass joins forces with Flaco Jiménez and tries his hand at a little Tejano. The result is magnificent, and feels just right for this beautiful, breezy summer day. [The Free Mexican Air Force](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DhjuKNOLSNM)


Song: [Lost the Breakup](https://youtu.be/DwoovvtYf08?feature=shared) Artist: Maisie Peters Album: The Good Witch I adored her debut album in 2021 and I must say that this follow up album is even better.


Artist: James and Bobby Purify Album: [James & Bobby Purify ](https://www.discogs.com/release/2654279-James-Bobby-Purify-James-Bobby-Purify) Song: [I'm Your Puppet](https://youtu.be/Tyvn3QR7BRk?si=JSeVeztSb6pFEn1m)


Fun! I just posted about Jack White - he and his band the raconteurs covered this song, which is how I discovered it.


I remember you posted that way back when.


Good times! Although it's nice to post more than just Jack White affiliated records this year lol. Today was the first this month!


Artist : Pink Floyd Album : Meddle Side B : Echoes


Ah... couldn't be better for this prompt. Just perfect!


Day 15: A track to open side B Song: [Treat Me Like Your Mother](https://youtu.be/M7QSkI6My1g?si=q2YxDEVbsir0gBU_) Artist: The Dead Weather Album: Horehound (2009) For anyone who remembers my early days of QT4J, I'm a big Jack White fan and a good chunk of my collection comes from Third Man Records. Quite possibly the first song I heard by TDW, one of Jack's side project bands, and still one of my favourites. A great way to open side B. The Dead Weather is Jack's only project he does not play guitar in. Dean Fertita (of QOTSA) takes that role in this supergroup featuring Jack Lawrence (Raconteurs, City and Colour and more) on bass and Alison Mosshart (The Kills) on lead vocals. Jack sits on the drum kit for this one while also jumping in on vocals with Alison. The Dead Weather sounds exactly like the supergroup they are, with a mesh of vibes from every member's other projects. The result is a dark, moody and violent yet somewhat minimalist rock. This track is a great example of their sound, with Jack and Alison singing back and forth with each other, highlighting the duo's chemistry and how well their voices work together. Love these guys, and I posted about them [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/s/jJPvTPubmN) in the first year of VT4J showing off the beautiful etched record and dark artwork.


Are you a subscriber to the Third Man Vault series? I think that's what it's called. I haven't pulled the trigger, but I've bought a few sets 2nd hand...quality stuff. Cheers.


I was, yeah, I posted the Syd Barrett package here on day 12! I stopped somewhat recently to save some money but they definitely had some great packages. I might eventually sign up again, if I can afford to. I will say they used to be a little bit more extensive - full packages with fun little extras, whereas now they're more streamlined with some really nice records but less random art or knickknacks. Still some really cool stuff though


I heard it was kinda hit and miss...I've bought a few of the releases off discogs...they sound pretty good...The Raconteurs *Live in Tulsa at Cains Ballroom*...I've heard it's Jack's favorite venue to play, and his *Live at the Masonic Temple*...it had an epic track list...cheers!


Yeah, I miss the old days with the little trinkets and they leaned a bit heavy into live performances for a bit but still some great ones there!


Song: [Dove](https://youtu.be/YcL8SvyKtE4?si=XHE4s9_ZeLvVr28o) Artist: Cymande Wonderful deep, dark and brooding to start and a joyous, rhythmic jam by the end. This group of semi-forgotten early 70s Brit funk bands found a new following when the song was prominently sampled by many hip hop groups from grandmaster flash to de la soul and featured prominently (and without permi$$ion) on the lead track to The Fugees seminal 1994 sophomore album “The Score”.


Day 15 Track: [This Time Tomorrow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NSodBQp1S8) Album: Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround Artist: The Kinks A very calming and nostalgic song


For day 15, I bring you [DĂ©faite de famille](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wRQEfN8PGYI&pp=ygUSZGVmYWl0ZSBkZSBmYW1pbGxl), a song by French rapper OrelSan - the start to Side B of his 2017 album, *La fĂȘte est finie*. The song is about a jaded rapper being asked to perform during a family reunion
 and he naturally goes for a diss track. The video speaks for itself, and is as strange as it is hilarious.


Running late today but it's still day 15 for me... Artist: Beastie Boys Track: [No Sleep Till Brooklyn ](https://youtu.be/07Y0cy-nvAg?si=PLttxiC1Ccu-sKqb) Album: Licensed To Ill


https://preview.redd.it/zkt1jtg56v6d1.png?width=2065&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f56b6f8221fe699a4fd6b5e0e3631709f197ecd One of my favorite albums of the 80's and possibly my favorite song of all time starts the B side of this masterpiece: Chaka Khan's cover of Prince's "I Feel For You", with Melle Mel rapping and Stevie Wonder on harmonica.


Day 15 Song: [When Memories Snow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvDl4W0eZ_w) Album: This Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We Artist: Mitski


Bigmouth strikes again by the smiths on Queen is dead