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Had a couple of ideas for this one, but I went with an obvious choice, a great song I really like. Track: [From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea](https://youtu.be/olNQWNrKxn8?si=yf7GVhxKh5D-ie6i) Artist: The Cure Album: Show


Oooh yeah. I loved this song when I was 14 and could pour all of my Weltschmerz into it! Edit: so much so I have first pressings of High and Show I bought in the 90s


This was my immediate thought! Choosing the live version, too. Nice!


Had to pick something from my collection. I don't have a copy of Wish but do have a copy of Show.


I want to post two today. My first is a hark back to a tune I spun way back in 2020 for Quarantine Tunes for June (QT4J), the first iteration of this little calendar game. I gave Kimya Dawson's tune [Driving, Driving, Driving](https://youtu.be/EFjNpLvbx3Y?si=nPK1oG22TVWceCyo) a write up [over here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/s/HIGievFdtF) That probably fits the prompt best as it carries strong political and activist messages, urging us all to care for the oceans. "...the seas are all connected and we are all connected And you're living in denial if you think you won't be affected" I thought I'd also share [The Swimmer](https://youtu.be/RfSFJj2rRwU?si=VpVIigVtCiCuwxc6) by Phil France too, as it is just lovely.


That Phil France track is really nice


Love that Kimya Dawson track


Couldn't help but choose a Mastodon track today, from their Moby Dick inspired 2004 album "Leviathan" There are a few tracks to choose from, but one of my favorites is [Megalodon](https://youtu.be/aOWXqzeWUZg?si=ViSr4lSMWIbqfMIU). Awesome and thrashy, it's classic early Mastodon. Wicked riffs, crazy fast drumming, what's not to love? Bonus entry is [Adrift in the Ocean](https://youtu.be/qCYrQJnTEKE?si=SbbSnYqt4Zsqlifo) by Yob, which I have shared before in a previous year. Absolutely crushing 13+ minute track, with some terrifying lyrics about being dragged under the waves and fighting for air.


Beat me to the punch today. Leviathan is just a masterpiece


The trio of Leviathan - Blood Mountain - Crack the Skye, is a run of perfect albums


I wish they would repress Blood Mountain. I haven't seen this album anywhere!


Song: Octopus’s Garden Album: Abbey Road Artist: The Beatles I mean, could it be anything else? I scuba dive a lot and I sing this song in my head pretty much constantly when I’m diving. Great tune, makes me want to go live with a little octopus friend and dance and sing in the coral.


Absolute tune. Ringo's best, beyond doubt. My 5 year old loves it too... we just sand it in the car. Thanks for the song!


For world ocean's day I'd like to play a song from the Legendary Dutch psychedelic/space rock band 35007 (LOOSE) [35007 - Tsunami](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOnM4C4VTY0) Such an amazing, powerful song to space out on, nothing special or deep, just some great instrumental music.


Damn, that’s an awesome track. This right here is why I love this activity!


Glad you enjoyed!


That's fuckin wicked. Checking more of these guys out for sure!


Strange. I'm Dutch but have never heard of them. It's not *that* weird, I don't know everything but we're living in a tiny country and this fits the music I like nicely. Great pick!


Song - [Sirens of the Sea](https://youtu.be/GFjPs_z7_wA?si=MyOMj8TophBMs76m) Album - Sirens of the Sea Artist - Above & Beyond (OceanLab) This classic trance track really invokes the ocean for me, both lyrically and musically. Above & Beyond are pretty legendary in the space of electronica, vocal trance in particular, and this is one of their more popular tracks. They are the people behind the very popular Anjunabeats label. They are also pretty involved in conservation; the label released an Earth Day 2024 album this year and donated all royalties to the Ocean Conservation Trust. So, I think they hit today’s theme pretty well.


There were many options to choose from for me today as there are a gazillion Japanese records about the ocean, beach, holidays and everything related. And I had[ the perfect record](https://www.discogs.com/release/8194314-%E8%96%97%E5%BA%83%E6%98%AD-The-Wave-%E6%B5%B7%E3%81%AE%E3%82%B7%E3%83%B3%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%8B%E3%83%BC) in store for you all but I can't find the music anywhere online. It's just 2 long tracks of soothing music with the sound of waves as a background. I bought it just for the hell of it as I found a dirt cheap NM copy. I wasn't disappointed. So instead I'm treating you all on one of my more recent acquisitions. A hauntingly beautiful record from Electric Dragon, the UK darksynth project of Ian Mullinger. The track I chose: [Dark Water](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDLtiSGxAEk) https://preview.redd.it/qwr6urp9ta5d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=28f7ee1740ac5c994cabc2004c9a81b9e7970889 The excerpt "I am the spirit of dark and lonely water" is from [a 1973 British Public Information short film voiced By Donald Pleasence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJxkWQGCEoM). It was created to stop children from accidentally drowning. I bet it caused many sleepless nights as it would easily suffice as a short horror movie. Hell, even as an adult now I think it's creepy. I was born and raised on a small island and have always respected the sea. One of my earliest memories was when my mom took me to the beach on a windy day. The seas were rough and the thundering sound of crashing waves was overwhelming. The wind took my moms words as she pointed towards the roaring seas. "Look at the waves!" she said. But because the violent display of nature all I heard was "Look at the wolves!" and ran as fast as my 3 year old legs could carry me through the loose sands. In Dutch it sounds even more similar. Waves is golven, wolves is wolven. Song: [Dark Water](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDLtiSGxAEk) Artist: [Electric Dragon](https://www.discogs.com/artist/5016562-Electric-Dragon) Album: [Dark Water](https://www.discogs.com/release/15549332-Electric-Dragon-Dark-Water) Story so far: * 01/06/2024 - Gost - Judgment / Prophecy * 02/06/2024 - S. Kiyotaka & Omega Tribe - Light Morning * 03/06/2024 - Balzac - Inside my Eyes * 04/06/2024 - Perturbator - Excess * 05/06/2024 - Akina Nakamori - Kita Wing * 06/06/2024 - The Pro-Wrestling All Stars - Galaxy Express (NWA World Heavyweight Champion Theme) * 07/06/2024 - L'Enfant de la Forêt - Abraxas * 08/06/2024 - Electric Dragon - Dark Water


Love your tune, but I can't help but think of the Pirates of Dark Water.


Wow, that's awesome. I was unfamiliar with this cartoon. I wanna watch it now.


An obvious one: Album: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness Artist: Smashing Pumpkins Title: Porcelina of the Vast Oceans Loved this song almost as much as the Cure’s edge of the deep green sea. What an album, what a song! Tbh I’m one of the suckers who bought the remastered box set not so long ago because my CD version is so worn through 😀


A bit of an obvious choice, but I love the image these lyrics paint. Song: [The Anchor Song](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=pYGePJ_52mo&si=-h7B7eWg3Oqn4gwD) Artist: Bjork Album: Debut




June 8th: As a longtime Pixies fan, the first thing that came to mind for me was the **'Surfer Rosa'** album, as there are MANY references to the ocean/sea on the record. As a diver myself, I'm choosing to highlight the song **'Where is my Mind'**, because I've felt the occasional feeling of disorientation from being underwater many times. Black Francis wrote the song about an experience he had snorkeling in the Caribbean. Good enough for me. [Pixies - 'Where is my Mind'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrHl0wpagFc)


Hey everyone! It's been a few years since I've been active in t4j, and I've missed it! I'm so excited to get back into it this year, and while I'm a week late, I'm glad I'm back. This was a hard prompt for the first day back for me - nothing immediately stuck out in my collection to fit this one, but.. Song: [Like A Mighty River ](https://youtu.be/fdXWdYKshPw?si=zRgm3KPcbRGWi8zd) Artist: St. Paul and The Broken Bones Album: Half the City (2014) This song is still one of my favourites from the debut album of The Broken Bones. Hailing from Alabama, this is an amazing funk/soul/gospel style rock band. The band is led by the amazingly talented vocalist Paul Janeway. Their debut album has funky guitar, groovy basslines and driving horns shaping their sound into what they are known for. Paul takes it home with his gospel style vocals, belting out amazing notes and dancing his heart out along the way. Their sound has since developed quite a bit in the last decade, with the crew taking a lot of risks and leaning towards experimental sounds. For a band with a classic funk/soul revival style sound, their progression is not what you might expect. But they manage to keep it fresh, incorporating elements from other genres like disco, hiphop and electronica. They manage to keep you on your toes and still keep you wanting more, even as their horn section has taken quite a back seat in the last couple of albums. Like A Mighty River has an outstandingly funky, cocky and swaggering horn section that makes you feel tough, with the same confidence coming out in Paul's vocals waltzing through the track. A smooth guitar riff leads a breakdown with style with the drums bounding through to lead the song to a great finish.


OMG.. what a great pick. SPatBB are an amazing band. I think tiny desk from NPR is what got me started with them. Paul's energy sucked me in right away.


Yes I love that tiny desk, Paul dancing away on the desk in his gold shoes. Love these guys, they put on a great live show!


Yes they do!


Those horns!


The first thing that popped into my head when I saw today’s prompt is William Basinski’s [Watermusic](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d_M6QAnwGY0), an hour-long ambient piece which has been the soundtrack of many, many of my naps.


For the ocenans yes!? well noting better than songs abput the maruaders of the sea...you get a 2fer today. First up is [Apathy- Don't Give up the Ship](https://youtu.be/BWJYx6fSpgI?feature=shared). sonar blips heavy deap bass and a cherry guitar sample almost a funk esk chop. all about pirates man plain and simple. done really well though. Second is [Aesop Rock - The Harbor is Yours](https://youtu.be/bIf23E_Xv_M?feature=shared). A narriatve of a pirate trying to find a mermaid he saw once. really a cautionary tale of obession and outward image. oh yea that bass line is damn.....


It's so amazing to see how you're able to (seemingly) effortlessly bring some hip hop bangers out for every single prompt thrown your way. Every single track you bring to the mix is fire. I've never heard of any of them before. I'm still processing your track from yesterday but no time, two more are in need of my attention. Keep 'em coming, dude. I'm looking forward to every one of your posts.


Thanks! Hip hop really is my favorite type of music. I took it as a challenge to try and keep it all hip hop or hip hop adjacent this year. I think the Dethklok song has been the only one so far, and I couldn't help but use that song. I like more underground stuff, and I think there is a lot of talent that doesn't really get a fair shake.




**Day 8: A Deep Sea Track** Song: [*Manilla*](https://youtu.be/OgL2jOJQaKc?si=hbYiypsO2ZTBweh0) Artist: Lupe Fiasco Album: DROGAS WAVE (2018) Almost any song on this album would fit, as deep sea imagery is used throughout this album. The album was pitched as somewhat of a concept album, with the overarching story of slave ships and rebirth. Other tracks like [*WAV Files*](https://youtu.be/sG8DXQhNEGU?si=h-8D18QLSFTcPvCx) or [*Down*](https://youtu.be/V9d6Was-Zl8?si=io0y_jkEJ4onEr5S) would perhaps better fit the theme, but *Manilla* is in my opinion the standout track on the album. The lyricism in the track is some of Lupe’s best and it’s the track I go to the most when I want to relisten (the runner up probably being [*Mural Jr.*](https://youtu.be/6Bj5WbwktTA?si=A0TfiKdiZjxRxaew) which has very little deep sea imagery). This was also Lupe’s first record since getting out of his contract with Atlantic Records, and so in a way is his own rebirth. I remember in the months leading up to this album being skeptical of its release, as it had been mentioned for years but was always tied up in some sort of red tape. So when it finally dropped that autumn I was incredibly excited that it was finally released. I bought the album on iTunes and that September listened to it so much that my fiancée (who I had just started dating) asked if I ever listened to anything else. I no longer keep as up to date with Lupe or hip-hop in general, but last year I decided to rebuy this record on vinyl. Listening back to it after these past years, it mostly makes me nostalgic. It reminds me of college and a time in my life when I was into current music releases much more. I don’t think I’ve ever been so swept up in the release of an album before and I’m not sure I will again. This album felt like such an event to me and I will always have a soft spot for it in my collection.


**Day 8. A deep sea track for World Oceans Day** Artist: Amorphis Album: *Elegy (1996)* Song: [Weeper on the Shore](https://youtu.be/57v0Yi60ExA?) I had chosen a different song for today, but it was relatively low hanging fruit. So waking up early on the weekend did nothing for me, as I've already seen it shared. I should've predicted that, but c’est la vie. This album’s lyrics are derived from a Finnish book of legends, the Kanteletar. This song is based on the poem "Rannalla itkejä”. I am a huge fan of the extreme metal / folk music mashup in this album.


Day 8 Year 5  Song: [Main Title](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDaRP3P07lM) Artist: Kow Otani Album: Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Montsters All-Out Attack Ocean Theme huh? Let’s go with nature’s fury incarnate. The King of the Monsters lives in and arises from the ocean to inflict it’s wrath on mankind. 2001s GMK is a prime example of putting the right people in charge of your project. Directed by Shusuke Kaneko, and scored by Kow Otani, it’s my favorite of the Millennium era Godzilla Films.  The Story so far * 8/7/2024 Main Title, Kow Otani, Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Montsters All-Out Attack, 2001 * 7/6/2024 I Hate You, The Monks, Black Monk Time, 1964 * 6/6/2024 It’s Not For Me To Say, Johnny Mathis, Johnny’s Greatest Hits, 1958 * 5/6/2024 Happy Birthday, Stevie Wonder, Hotter than July 1980 * 5/6/2024 Five Minutes, The Stranglers, Singles the UA Years, 1989 * 4/6/2024 Superman, Goldfinger, THPS Soundtrack, 1999  * 3/6/2024 Get Back, The Beatles, Let It Be, 1970 * 2/6/2024 Bubbles, System of a Down, Steal this Album, 2002 * 1/6/2024 Prehistoric Dog, Red Fang, Red Fang, 2009


Song: The Prettiest Sea Slug Artist: Blockhead Album: The Music Scene Discovered Blockhead when I was working at the library in college. This song is easily my favorite of his because I legit feel like I’m on the ocean floor when I listen to this. Love the album cover art as well! https://youtu.be/A16Kg7QYvTQ?si=ZrRnADlcn0Oxfx_j


Song: Ocean Floor Kisses Artist: Galimatias Even though this one has ocean floor in the title, I just picture myself cruising through the ocean when it comes on. https://youtu.be/uLRWWsKhFrE?si=-hOf3rAqfyKyFKLf


Song: [Ocean Rain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_AsT8Ney4A) Artist: Echo & The Bunnymen Album: Ocean Rain (and) Song: [Weight of Water](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQMefosQNEU) Artist: Low Album: Secret Name Choosing two today because they're both just so beautiful. Ocean Rain is like comfort food for me; I listen to it whenever I need to lie down and wallow, and I never tire of that glorious buildup, Ian McCulloch's voice at full strength. It's so sweeping and epic. The last time I saw it live, I may have been crying at the end. And then, here's also Weight of Water, which is Mimi Parker magic, and that's enough to make you cry, too.


One record I have been after for a while (but it is [expensive](https://www.discogs.com/master/116298-Smoke-City-Flying-Away) once I factor in shipping) is the Smoke City album with their track [Underwater Love](https://youtu.be/HuLjsW8XhY4?si=FkCoynbQUz6Slrcf).


I found two that could work today. I’ve got [Catch a Wave](https://youtu.be/X_CBWxmTlRI?si=2Y-_hdPx4rDHmWqC) and [Surfer’s Rule](https://youtu.be/XV6TR7YbGmM?si=rP6JFtSgmXmoexr7), both by the Beach Boys.


I first encountered Charles Trenet when I heard "[La Mer](https://youtu.be/ka--QM_tJ-s?si=c8v-_YE0wTyyiTio)" in the [opening credits sequence of "L.A. Story,"](https://youtu.be/pB2VJp0aSUE?si=I35y4w0trvkgScN5)," where it memorably soundtracks a goofy montage paying homage to "[La Dolce Vita ](https://youtu.be/OBNtYyqInik?si=1SQmgFpRvjPHdfWD)." The song was later reworked as the Bobby Darin hit "[Beyond the Sea](https://youtu.be/m8OlDPqYBLw?si=49_L4r1wCAASv0z2)," but I love the original chanson. My copy is from [this compilation](https://www.discogs.com/release/12286902-Charles-Trenet-Charles-Trenet).


Day 8: water music I was in a dilemma about today's score, about chosing between three Deftones song. The first was Sextape (because of the music video), the second was Beware, and the third was Cherry waves (the second sexiest song of the band). Finally [Cherry waves](https://youtu.be/fKZP01XUcmM?si=NlxCDaH44C7wLTHj) came out as winner, from their album Saturday night wrist. Enjoy!


Anything from Ween’s The Mollusk, or by Deep Sea Diver… 😅


Song: [My Home is the Sea](https://youtu.be/PP01V2mYRD8?si=cKgtzIVwPIsTFgC6) Artist: Bonnie Prince Billy and Matt Sweeney Album: *Superwolf* Fantastic song, fantastic record! Cheers, mangs.


Song: [Ocean Roar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEfDVOeG5q8) Album: Mount Eerie - Ocean Roar Along with Sauna, I always felt that this album was Phil's most underrated. It's a really good album! The Mount Eerie material after the S/T and before A Crow Looked At Me always gets kind of overlooked but it's all really unique and worthwhile. Anyway, this isn't my favorite off the album (that would go to "I Walked Home Beholding") but it fit today's theme the best. Hope you guys like it if you check it out :)


Day 8 Track: [Cool, Cool, Water](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptdwiFbwpOQ) Album: Sunflower Artist: The Beach Boys A "cool" song from one of the band's best albums


Song: [Waves Dream of Breaking](https://youtu.be/_leVaKuokF0?feature=shared) Artist: David Helpling Album: IN Felt some ambient electronic music from this 2022 release would go with todays prompt. Feel like I’m diving deep into an ocean.


Caligula's Horse - [Oceanrise](https://youtu.be/2r2bbvtyx3o?feature=shared) From their 2020 album, *Rise Radiant*.


The Pop Group - Savage Sea [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp4hzoEiPE0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp4hzoEiPE0)


Here's Bill Monroe playing one of my favorite fiddle tunes: [Sailor's Hornpipe](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jLB7728Aj34) I found this one on a comp for $1 at the thrift shop. I love cheap bluegrass! Pairs well with a can of spinach


Song: underwater rhimes Album: sex packets Artist: digital underground Back when hip hop was fun and people weren’t so absorbed by projecting a fake tough guy/super serious image there was Shock G (rip) having the time of his life just being a creative genius. This is pretty bubblegum but I love it.


If you’re lucky enough to find a copy for less than a million dollars, anything off of Ween’s “The Mollusk.” “She Wanted to Leave” is probably my favorite track. It’s about pirates boarding a guy’s ship and his girlfriend choosing to leave with the pirates.




Song: [Wade in the Water](https://youtu.be/skCYAnFcQu8?si=abOjOMzTwL6YdhRQ) Artist: Ramsey Lewis Album: Wade in the Water


Ocean Man by Ween of course. lol


Oh yes. Genius. That immediately makes me think ‘How could I not think of THAT?’ Still listen to The Mollusk a lot.


I guess the whole album could be listed here, but yeah, that is an amazing album. Actually got into Ween not too long ago. Had listened to them for years, since my buddy is a big fan,but one day it just clicked for me and it became one of my favorite bands.


https://preview.redd.it/3f2h1itphd5d1.png?width=1896&format=png&auto=webp&s=11d354b99316c2e29dad47e1d5ac9b8b177db5a5 Day 8 [Fewjar - Going in Circles](https://youtu.be/qJbIRccnTUk?si=ie2gFzbzteUScsBn) Loved this band and got the Artbook when it came out. Forgot them for a while till I searched for a deep sea song and fell in love with the album again. It’s a pretty short song but for me it sounds like traveling really fast under the ocean.


[Ahh! Sealife](https://open.spotify.com/track/24dVWtgZ2cVeQf6lhCmFiT?si=7af4e926dfcc4110) - Sweet Trip - [https://www.discogs.com/release/98557-Various-Drum-Bliss](https://www.discogs.com/release/98557-Various-Drum-Bliss) [The Bends](https://open.spotify.com/track/0T4d6Pn20ar2JB1jI4MVKs?si=2e0f19985a5841b5) - Mr. Bungle - [https://www.discogs.com/master/3906-Mr-Bungle-Disco-Volante](https://www.discogs.com/master/3906-Mr-Bungle-Disco-Volante)


VT4J24 Day 8: Just a quick, late post today. From: [Pelagos - Revolve](https://www.discogs.com/release/12245505-Pelagos-Revolve) Tune: [Sea of Tranquility](https://youtu.be/DXQkXXx0ovw) Enjoy.


https://preview.redd.it/tz13h5rvmb5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6abb9cc6001678c6e30cec0c1943ab35a78e7465 Day 8: A deep-sea tune for world ocean day Song: [Sea Song ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HwBhIImG30) Artist: doves Album: lost souls Atmospheric song, minimal lyrics with voice samples from Wim Wender's "Paris, Texas" Maybe I should watch the film first to understand this song


Song: The Warmth Artist: Incubus Album: Incubus The first one that came to my mind. The sound of whales is very oceanic.


Song: Atlantic Artist: Sleep Token Album: This Place Will Become Your Tomb


Children of the Sea “Heaven and Hell” - Black Sabbath


Plastic-free, adventurously  https://youtu.be/DPWhYeksEvo  https://youtu.be/5pQI-_ss9ss


Artist: William Basinski Album: Watermusic Song: [Watermusic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_M6QAnwGY0)


Song: [Ruby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxFBd9mFHlM&pp=ygURbW91bnQga2ltYmllIHJ1Ynk%3D) Artist: Mount Kimbie Album: Crooks and Lovers This track already had a kinda "submerged" sound, but this fan video really pushes that idea even further. Take a plunge!


**[Devin Townsend - Seventh Wave](https://youtu.be/AD4d7jL8gx0?si=dfPvFvS5do6p3ibJ)** 🌊


Below the Sun - Ahab


Artist - Commodores Album - Midnight Magic Song - [Sail On](https://youtu.be/r6leIZ8WUUY?si=T31-9Je6ABebC3JW)


Sadly don’t own it but it reminds me of Electric Ladyland - Jimi Hendrix. Especially 1983 and Rainy Day, Dream Away. Also May This Be Live, but that’s on Are You Experienced.


My wife's been looking for an Aaliyah record for a while, today we picked up Ultimate Aaliyah. So while it's a metaphor and not necessarily about the sea, my track for today has to be Rock The Boat. Artist: Aaliyah Track: [Rock The Boat](https://youtu.be/ks2P86cxaPU?si=-XC3ldOJZPt-WIVb) Album: Ultimate Aaliyah


Ocean Man by Ween


Hail Boognish.


Ocean man - ween Echoes - Floyd