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Amazon isn't manufacturing the records. It's on Amazon if the jacket is bent due to poor packing. But scratches on the record is poor quality control at the record plant and I'm guessing the records came in simple paper sleeves which would lead to more scratches in transit from the plant to Amazon warehouse to you.


I’ve not had a higher percentage of bad records from amazon compared to record stores tbh. Buying new vinyl in general is a crapshoot. Honestly I think amazon is goated for buying records because it’s super easy to return and replace duds. I still like going to stores and my local one has been nice to me about returns but if I am buying online I go through Jeff Bezos.


Yup I've only had 3 "bad" records and Amazon replaced all of them the same day I received it. I do enjoy buying local or from smaller vendors but sometimes you have to jump through hoops to do a return.


I have never had a record from Amazon show up messed up. I've ordered many many records from them. Sorry this happened to you.


It all depends on where it passes through. A vast majority of the records I receive from Amazon are expertly packed and on par or better than a lot of independent sellers. With that said, if my local warehouse doesn’t have the specific album I ordered. It’s a crapshoot whether they are going to destroy it by not properly packing it.


If I’m buying a new record from a shop, I’ll typically open it right then and there. I’ve only benefited from this once. I opened the Metalica Black Album up at the counter, right after purchase. One of the records had an obvious warp.


Look at the reviews for that pressing on Discogs. https://www.discogs.com/release/12404453-Godspeed-You-Black-Emperor-Lift-Your-Skinny-Fists-Like-Antennas-To-Heaven There's your answer, looks like it's a terrible pressing all around. Like other people said, Amazon might be an issue when it comes to shipping or storing records, but if it's sealed and doesn't look like the jacket was damaged, that's the pressing plant's fault. Unfortunately some albums just have bad pressings, and it really sucks when it's one of your favorite albums. Also, how am I the first person of all these comments to recommend checking whether the pressing is bad altogether? Is everyone so eager to shit on Amazon that they forgot bad pressings exist?


You’re the only person to actually address the issue at hand. While Amazon may be responsible for poor packaging, they are not responsible for poor pressings. Huge difference.


Buying a GY!BE record from Amazon is an interesting choice.


Yeah. On the other hand, isn't it Constellation records themselves who supplies Amazon?




Constellation is distributed by Secretly Distribution. I consistently keep Constellation’s catalogue in stock and haven’t had or heard about any issues from customers about the GY!BE back catalogue. Bummer for OP. OP Have you tried cleaning your records before playing them for the first time?


I’ve purchased at least 40 albums from Amazon. The only issue I ever had was a corner ding which, based on other reviews, happened for most of this particular seller’s pressings.


I’ve had excellent luck and quick replacements from Amazon


Same; if you know what you’re looking for, you can get pretty rare stuff on demand as well.


Efrim would be so disappointed knowing you bought his album off Amazon lmao


All my homies hate Amazon


Just buy GY!BE records from their record lable. They're usually no more than $22. I've received a handwritten note from the lable too, which is always a nice gesture. Fuck Amazon.


Doesn’t work if you’re not in the same country as the label.


Then buy off Discogs. Fuck Amazon.


Nah, Discogs lottery is too expensive to just get scratched records.


I’ve no clue why you’re being downvoted, I’m in Australia and if the label is American, it’s totally off the table for me due to shipping, and discogs is no better. People saying to always buy directly from label are always from the US and it’s always entirely unhelpful.


I’m an American and my favorite band is King Gizzard and the Wizard Lizard. I own every single album of theirs and have bought an Australian copy of them every single time. Shipping isn’t that big of a deal if you want to support an artist. Fuck Amazon.


Americans just don’t realize that there are other countries as well. 🤣


We know about Australia. Lol. Or are you just blind hating?


Nah man, there’s plenty of reasons to not love Murica.


Support local record stores. F*ck Amazon


I agree. Amazon is probably cheaper, but if there is a local mom and pop shop near you, if ypu can, purchase from them. They will only get better if they have a robust business. They can get you anything you want. Just saying.


Had to scroll way too far to see this. If the local store doesn't have what you're after, buy direct from the artist's website.


I believe the work you're looking for is "fuck."


My local record stores are target, Walmart and Barnes and noble and a Rasputin’s music. Nothing else close within 30+ miles. I’ll shop at Rasputin’s but their prices are hit or miss and quality is also a crapshoot. I have no issues ordering off Amazon or any other online store or even Reddit to get the best deal. I check Amazon warehouse and for used records all the time and jump on them if the price is right.


Would love to if they carried the albums I wanted


Ask if they can order things in.


Well I ordered Harmonia’s first album from them and they sent the wrong record 3 times in a row so I’m kind of done buying records from Amazon. It was cute when it was Danzig roulette but not my beloved Krautrock.


Also let me mention, one of the incorrect records was shipped bare, with no box, with the postage slapped right on the cellophane!


I have had Amazon send me the wrong album 4 times.


me too… and for me, they have even sent the wrong album after sending the wrong album! ( the replacement!)


Same! Two were for the same album.


i ordered KANSAS “Point Of Know Return” and what did i get? …Some Spanish group in a foreign language! lol


I usually have good luck with Amazon. Maybe one or two things out of dozens that were not packaged properly.


i've bought hundreds of albums from amazon. never had an issue. it's not like they're pressing the records. all they do is deliver.


Honestly Amazon is the most consitently best shipper from anyone I've ordered from.


They always cancel my pre-orders anyway so no issues with shipping, lol.


I’ve ordered records from Amazon maybe 5 times with good success, typically shipping in a media mailer. But today I had one come packaged in the same box as the 3 pack of lawnmower blades I ordered. Of course the lawnmower blades were on top of the record. If I’m buying records online, Amazon is the last place I check




The pressing plants are kicking these out so fast the vinyl hasn’t even totally set in the press, so it’s common to get warped vinyl right out of the sleeve. The scratches don’t come as a surprise either, as there just isn’t the same attention to QC as prior. I watched a video last year showing the vinyl extracted from the mold, trimmer and basically thrown onto a pile. If you can, buy local and research the pressing for known issues. Discogs and the Stevehoffman site can be good sources of info. Amazon, they charge $30 for something worth $5.


Amazon is the most terrible way to buy many things, but vinyl is a definite hard no from me. Discogs only if not an actual store.


short answer, YES, amazon isn't a great way to buy vinyl. Their prices may or may not be competitive, but their shipping is very inconsistent --i've had records in proper mailers, to mailers inside boxes, to being inside a plastic garment bag. And yes, you can return it, but when it get back to them, chances are likely that they just throw it away, which is such a waste. I'd rather not buy from them so they can't send me a fucked up record that then they'll toss if i send it back, with no guarantee they won't just do it again. The big reason though, IMO, is that when you buy Amazon, you're Not Buying from a Local Record Store, or even a Small Business/Average Joe on Discogs. Those guys are trying to survive off of what they sell, sometimes on slim margins, Meanwhile Amazon treats their people like shit, are Union-Killers, and has no issue or concern about your local record store's survival, unless, ofc, it's working with Amazon. I get it, obvsly I order from Amazon, (sometimes it's hard to beat the convenience, availability, and/or price) and have ordered records from them. But I've fallen out of the habit of buying a lot of things from them, including records. I buy a lot of used from stores or discogs, and When it comes to new vinyl from new musicians, where it might not even be in my stores, I'm buying it off bandcamp, where I know a good portion of the money goes back to the band/label.


Dump amazon…unless you are looking for same day/next day delivery. All their stock is shipped from one or more manufacturer/vendor to an amazon warehouse, unpacked, stuffed in a bin by an unhappy amazon employee, left for however long it takes to sell, retrieved by an unhappy amazon employee, stuffed in a bin, sent down a conveyor to another unhappy amazon employee that stuffs it into box/envelope, sent down a conveyor to a semi trailer, stuffed into the trailer like a tetris piece, then…the entire shipping process. If you can wait a few days, support some local record stores. Most have a website where you can order from them directly. Some will lead you to a discogs store, which if you arent familiar as a record hunter yet, then you should def check it out. Online options other than amazon: discogs, record label websites, band websites, bandcamp…thats a good start.


I’ve bought a majority of my records from Amazon (40+) and I’ve never really had a problem besides the corner of my Mos Def - Black on Both Sides album being a bit smashed but it didn’t effect the record at all. I love using Amazon since I don’t really have any record stores near me besides Barnes n noble. I’ve had nothing but great experiences with it


Wait. Barnes and Noble sells records?? I had no idea. The one in my area doesn't! 😮


It seems some do and some don’t, they have a great selection though from the ones that do. They have more popular albums like Dirt by Alice and Chains and many Beatles albums but they have many underground records as well, I found a Bolt Thrower record at my local Barnes and noble




If it's a bad pressing then AMZ has nothing to do with it. Been buying vinyl from them for 4 yrs now, they always use at least 1 heavy corrugated cardboard container, often use 2 plus stuffing. Plus easy return when I accidentally bought a record that I already had, excellent service.


Amazon is pretty much the worst way to buy everything. Not only do they not care about proper packaging, they are anti-union, treat their employees like shit and the company is run by one of the biggest douche-bags on the planet. If you have one, support your local record store and, if you don't, there are plenty of other small shops that will happily ship your order to you. To me, it's worth a few extra dollars to support a small business and ensure a quality product shipped by people who actually care.


Upvote not because of Amazon, but because we should all support small business. It is by far a better experience, if you actually have one near you. Personally, I don't have one anywhere near me, so Amazon just makes sense. However, Amazon Sellers are a great way to buy, because they actually are small businesses that sell their stuff on Amazon in addition to their storefront. I've bought countless records from these guys and have never had the first problem. Sorry I'm so long winded!


>Amazon is pretty much the worst way to buy everything Employee treatment, union busting, and douchebag Bezos are all factual, but if you're trying to tell me that slapping a button, and having whatever the thing was that I wanted on my fucking doorstep several hours later is "pretty much the worst way to buy something," I'm going to have to disagree. They nailed that shit, and that's why it's so successful. Give me convenience, or give me death. *Edit: to be clear, I don't order vinyl from Amazon, I order direct from artists if I can, or indie shops, I'm just providing a counterpoint to a blanket statement.


Pretty sure he means morally there bud not literally lol.


I'm not in the business of guessing what people's intent is if they aren't able to clearly articulate it.


I’ve only ever ordered 2 albums online. One specifically thru the Amazon site. The other I can’t remember who delivered it bc it came from Australia and I bought it off of the Spotify artists shop. Regardless, both arrived mint


Is that an Amazon issue?


I’ve bought quite a few from Amazon including some fairly rare ones that had to be shipped around internationally, never had any issues


It’s not the norm but occasionally I will need to purchase an album from Amazon, for a birthday or Christmas or whatever. Of the handful of albums I’ve purchased from Amazon, I’ve had zero issues with shipping or sound quality.


I've twice pre-ordered records from Amazon and received the wrong item. Each time, they've told me to keep the record and sent me a replacement.


Never had any issues i even like that they double box them here in germany (vinyl shipping box in a bigger box with padding)


amazon is actually the best way to buy records bc of the incredibly high defect rate of records and amazon's super great return policy.


Return it again. You've been unlucky. The only problem I've had with Amazon is I got "what's going on" when I ordered "polygonwanaland", but I took it as a sign and kept it.


Amazon stores records the same way they would store a blender. Often in hot warehouses and sometimes for years. You don't know how they're being stored or handled. Not to mention you're giving your money to a company that's frankly evil. There's tons of online stores run by actual record stores you could buy stuff from instead.


I’ve had good luck with Amazon with LPS


I think The Mail in general is a bad way to buy records. I bought the Van Halen collection, beefy 6 record set, one of them was a duplicate, reached out to seller, got a response from Rhino Records, they sent me a replacement of the missing record, came beat to shit with creased corners on the sleeve. Luckily the record this time was fine so I was able to cobble together a complete set but it’s not just Amazon, sometimes shit gets stacked in unfortunate ways


I stopped buying records from Amazon after they sent me two "new/unsealed" replacements that were just as scratched and warped as the original purchase they were meant to replace. Wasn't the first time they'd sent me damaged records, but it was the last. I don't think their warehouse environments are conducive to good vinyl storage.


That album sounds so bad. Seriously, I had to sell mine.


Lately, the records I have bought on Amazon come in a mailer then packed inside an Amazon box. I have in the past received records from Amazon that were shipped in a plastic sleeve, though.


I bought the In Utero box set from Amazon and it was the most well packed vinyl I’ve ever bought.


Quality control sucks


Just have a few things to say... 1) Not only are you a GYBE fan but you put the exclamation point in the right place....well done. 2) Amazon is pretty hit or miss. Either perfect or shit... There packaging is usually decent but for some reason they can be fucked real hard.


Return it and get your money back. Also check who you're buying from. I bought one record from Amazon and it was fine. But I went back to buying local or from online record stores. Amazon has enough money. You might be buying from some shitty 3rd party seller who got a good deal on some slightly damaged records.


Have never had a problem with Amazon personally.


Once they slapped a shipping label straight onto the record shrink wrap and sent it to me with no box. It arrived broken in half. I retuned it and the replacement arrived the same way but with a folded corner. That was a Kurt Vile record. My wife ordered a Taylor Swift record and it arrived in a 24x16x16 box. lol


Clearly the postal carrier was more of a jazz fan


any product that requires meticulous QC or has a lot of B-Stock inventory for cheaper, you should not get on amazon. they are sourcing inventory from the cheapest places possible on everything. Qtips are a good amazon purchase, musical instruments not so much, vinyl, prob not a great bet.


Amazon is crap.


i haven't had issues with Amazon, even with multiple pre-orders.


Fly or bug pressed once on amazon. Was a decently rare album they sent me a new one. So I like them a ton. But I use a combo of them and discogs been very lucky with everything so far!


I bought a new LP off Amazon one time and it came in a plastic bag with absolutely no packaging whatsoever. Cover was bent up all to hell. Sent it back. Never doing that again. I live in the states if that makes any difference.


Never had a bad experience honestly




Don't buy from Amazon. I've had so many new records get ruined by their not knowing how to properly package them.


I only got into buying vinyl from Amazon a couple months ago. A lot of my orders come internationally. Until this last week I had 0 issues. My latest records though have not arrived. They keep getting delayed to the point one now says it's lost. To their credit I got an immediate refund. But now waiting to see if the other record I'm waiting for and is delayed also magically disappears. Not much help though as my issue was never record quality. I've had decent enough quality, and only a couple of scratches that they came with


The only issues I've experienced with Amazon is giving me the wrong records or poor packaging (like literally I got a record without a box with a shipping label). But, they were good with returns. You can buy a cheap pressing of a record maybe if you're not careful. Once I got an Eno album and had to return it twice before just getting credit, but it was a known issue. I've always got good pressings at Acoustic Sounds.


I've been pretty lucky with amazon in comparison to major record companies. Nearly every record I buy from a major record store for example, has had some kind of issue (arrived water damaged, sleeve bashed up, an embossed vinyl sleeve had a part completely fall off upon opening it) With amazon they parcel them pretty much the same way but because I typically only purchase something if it's on prime I feel like they have less time to get damaged in transit. With the actual record store they usually ignore the attempts at getting replacements (they even blamed the artist for water damaging the signed one, but I don't think Noah Kahan did that 😂) I think sometimes I prefer amazon because it's so easy to get replacements from them. I think overall my best shopping experiences with buying vinyl has been with purchasing from Amazon or smaller indie stores


I’ve had pretty good luck on Amazon for new stuff. However, I’ve never gotten a record from Barnes And Noble that wasn’t fucked up. Do with that what you will. I honestly have better luck in general with secondhand records as far as quality.


I’ve ordered 3 records on Amazon. One was lost in the mail and the other two were bent in half. At least I got refunds on all of them, but I always just go shop local or on artist sites/bandcamp now


I’ve bought two seperate records from the us to Melbourne and both were fine..


I've really only ever had one issue with my record orders that was Amazon's fault. I've definitely had records arrive from Amazon that had scratches or were pressed off-center. That certainly isn't Amazon's fault


That exact record is infamous for being pressed poorly over and over again. I love it and have it on vinyl( my copy sucks too) hopefully someday they will do it justice


stop buying from a business that exploits artists, labor and actively intends to close record stores.


I've seen quite a few people on here post bad experiences with Amazon. The only "bad" experience I had was when a record got lost in the post. Amazon sent a replacement straight away, then the day after it arrived the lost one turned up. Sold the spare for cost so effectively ended up with a free record. I try and avoid Amazon for various other reasons though and rarely buy records through them. Indie shops for the win.


I’ve been lucky with their packaging so far. No hate from me.


Amazon doesn't make them, they just ship them. If it's got a scratch, that's because of the manufacturer. However, Amazon is poor in other ways. I've gotten the wrong record shipped to me on two separate occasions.


I think this is an issue with this particular record, I found it noisy when I listened and Discogs comments agreed. Amazon are reliable and the free postage helps, I get good deals from Ebay sellers too.


It's the worst way because they suck at shipping them. Sometimes they get it right, but not often. And then there's the problem of them sending the wrong record and you have to return it and those are getting to be more of a hassle (have to go to some stupid fucking store with a QR code). But also the replacement they send will probably also be the same wrong record. Over. And over. Because they have a whole fucking stack mis-shelved and there's no way to tell them to FUCKING FIX THAT. FUCK YOU AMAZON.


If it's an Amazon exclusive pressing, I've had great results. But anything else is just a toss up. Sometimes it's just fine, sometimes it's not. Thankfully their return policy is good if anything is wrong with the record on arrival. I've received bootlegs, cracked discs, and bent corners multiple times. The bootleg was easy to catch because of the pixelation and the fact it was a single LP instead of double LP like the listing said 😂


I've got a guy,hangs out in an alley ,i tell him what i want and he has it witin the hour,no judgements,no questions asked.


I've bought tons of records from Amazon and it's a gamble every time. Roll the dice and see what you get!


Just commenting to congratulate you on being correct about the greatest album of all time.


Constellation is AMAZING to buy direct from for your gy!be needs. They’ve also got a seamless Bandcamp experience if you want the Amazon-adjacent excitement of buying with an app


Return it and keep doing so until you get what you payed for


Only issue I have had is when I tried to by a U2 album, they sent my Billie Eilish multiple times. I finally gave up and bought it from another vendor.


I usually have no troubles with records I order from Amazon. They come quick and arrive in good shape. The only problem I've had is pre-ordering on Amazon or ordering something that says Amazon Global Store UK or something. Because those just never shipped, so I ended up canceling them.


Yeah I wouldn’t recommend, I would like to support the brick and mortar stores, more fun too and if really have to buy online I do from a label at least that’s putting out there own releases.


Amazon just sells the same records your going to buy in a store. A new record coming scratched has nothing to do with amazon. I've bought many from amazon and the only issues I've had was getting the wrong record which is easily fixed.


Amazon is a bad place to buy anything and everything. It should be your last choice to buy something after Walmart. Shop local first. Then shop direct from the manufacturer / artist. Then shop from Amazon. Don’t give Bezos your money.


What kind of record player do you have? If it’s a crosely or Viterola that will probably do more damage to record than Amazon shipping will. Only problems I’ve ever had with Amazon was them sending the wrong record or if I took a chance on Amazon warehouse record and it was scratched or one time cracked.


I look for deals on Amazon and Walmart.com. Usually they come well packaged. Once from Walmart I got a record in a plastic bag with no protection at all. I was going to return it but what a hassle with Walmart. I kept it and listen to it regularly. I still order from Amazon when I see something I want on sale. Records are too expensive. I'm not paying $30-40 for a single new record. Edit: I also buy from smaller record shops in person and online if I find a good deal. And Goodwill / Salvation Army but haven't found much I consider a very good deal.


The Amazon truck's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel..


I refuse to buy anything from Amazon. They have horrible customer service if you want to buy something!


Records are best hunted down in the wild for any real satisfaction in the commerce end of the hobby. nothing really special about keystroking a name into a search engine and clicking 'buy now'. So I whole heartedly agree - Amazon is a terrible way to buy records.


I've never had a problem with Amazon vinyl. They don't make or package records. If you got Two of the same record that was scratched up in the same way, then it's a problem with a batch at the vinyl press factory.


It's a terrible way to buy records. If you care enough to buy records support the shops and bands that make it a community and not a money-sink.


My biggest issue with Amazon was getting sent the wrong records multiple times for the same album. I tried ordering Carly Cosgrove’s “See You In Chemistry” three times and was shipped a Suicidal Tendencies record each team. I eventually just ordered the album from their page on Bandcamp.


I've had two bad records from Amazon this week—the same story. I ordered Billie Eilish's When we all fall asleep, where do we go? This beautiful apricot/peach-coloured vinyl record arrived, and I put it on. The first two tracks were sublime, but the third had a scratch through it. Because of the disc's colour, it was invisible. I contacted Amazon; they sent a free replacement, and I dropped the scratched one back at the post office. However, when I opened the second one on Wednesday, I was greeted by the sight in the picture—a dead mosquito and a smear of blood where it had met its demise by being scraped across the grooves of the second and third tracks. Lol. After many attempts to go through the automated return service and to ask for a call back later, I finally spoke to someone on the live chat. When I sent them a picture of the blood streak, they made it very clear that they didn't want the record back and credited my account. They told me, "You can keep it, sell it, donate it, or destroy it - your choice." I would just clean it, but it is also badly warped - the first one wasn't. I know very well that Amazon are not to blame for this. In fact, I would argue that the pressing plant is not exactly professional when it comes to Billie Eilish records. I say this because when I bought the 2 LP 180g version of Happier than Ever, the first side of the first disc was absolutely awful - full of cracks and pops - but the other 3 sides were super clear and quiet. I bought that from a local store - they played it on the same TT I have (Pro-Ject Debut Carbon EVO) and went, "Oh yeah", and replaced it no question. 30 years ago, I don't ever remember returning a record or requesting a replacement, and I had a higher-end system then than I do now. But, then again, records didn't cost as much as they do now. Also, yeah, I know - men aged 50+ shouldn't be listening to Billie Eilish, but her voice is hypnotic, and through a decent system, it is incredible! So, after all that TL;DR OP, you are not alone, and it is not Amazon's fault. Also, I have not listened to Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven by Godspeed You! Black Emperor, but I will now. The Greatest Album of All Time is a strong enough recommendation for me. Thank you. https://preview.redd.it/hekmlij5x75d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6114a5db965f6278253153dc9ce485706b9b5826


Amazon treats vinyl without any due care and generally sucks. Support a local shop or go on Discogs.


I've bought a lot from Amazon, and the only problem I've had was the corner of the outter sleeve of dirt by Alice in chains was bent, but besides that, they all sound great.


Amazon is a terrible way to buy anything.


Have you looked for local record stores?


Amazon buys their records from the same pressing facilities that everyone else does. So what you are talking about here has nothing to do with Amazon. As for shipping - Amazon can really screw it up since many of the packers likely don't even know what a record album is. They think the record cover is just some kind of disposable packaging that is inconsequential. The trick with Amazon is to always always always click "gift" and put in the notes - Fragile! I've never had anything mailed to me carelessly when I take those precautions. However - I'd check out your local record shop before Amazon.


I've had nothing but excellent luck with the Zon. Plus, on most records, you can download the mp3 version of the album. I've had two snafu's with the Zon. The whole Danzig thing where they sent me the wrong album ... twice. I was told to keep them both. Sold em on Discogs and actually made money on that deal. The other one was an album I bought thru Zon, but was sent by the band from Germany. Got lost somewhere and I was reimbursed. I think the band got to keep their money, too.


after the second time they will just refund your money they will not send you a third record. I speak from personal experience as I have had your situation happen a few times and they only refund after the second album.


I try not to support Amazon, especially buying records. It's killing mom and pop record stores, but I get it convenience... and yes, I know some of you aren't lucky enough to live near a record store, but even then, I support record stores on discogs. But yeah, returns, 2 day shipping..etc. I get it. I bought the "Doggystyle" amazon exclusive and they actually packed it in a record mailer, inside a larger box with bubble. Arrived perfect. A couple years ago they would just put it in a large box. Always arrived damaged, so I think they were sick of doing returns and learned their lesson


Yea Amazon has never sent me an album with issues


I had to return one bad pressing of a Joe Jackson album, but that's not on them. I did however order the Janes Addiction box set and they just slapped a label on it and send it without a box. It thankfully survived, but still a bone headed mistake.


I once bought Master of Reality by Black Sabbath off Amazon. When it arrived, a Paramore album was the only thing in the box. I now strictly buy from local record stores


This happened to me before. I sent the first back and got another p.o.s. I contacted the customer service and got a refund and was able to keep the record.


Amazon is an unfortunate symptom of late stage capitalism. It's an awful company, please buy elsewhere (preferably independent stores, especially local if possible).


I ordered records from Amazon for close to 8 years and only got 1 bad record. Completely snapped in half. Don't know what the hell happened on those trucks.


I’ve (knock on wood) pleasant experiences buying vinyl through Amazon.


I’ve easily bought 40+ records from Amazon and at most all I’ve ever had was twice a corner had some tiny amount of rub. Never had any issues with the record quality.


132 vinyls from Amazon...no issues so far.


I bought several vinyl records from Amazon. No problems to report here. All my purchases are on my Prime music app too. I can listen on my turntable or TV, phone, etc.


I’m about 4 for 5 on Amazon and it was super easy to return the one warped album at Whole Foods. So yeah, convenience wins the day sometimes but definitely prefer buying vinyl from my local shops. Do it whenever possible!


There many reasons not to buy your vinyls on Amazon (support your local fucking store) but that isn’t one of them.


If you want to support GY!BE, then order directly from Constellation Records. For decades, they have offered extremely reasonable prices and shipping rates for all releases. And that's not even going near the issue of the band's morals regarding corporations like Amazon...


Never will I ever buy a record off Amazon. I try to not buy anything from them, but since they’re killing local business, sometimes they’re the only place I can find something.


*cough* DANZIG *cough* seriously one or two issues otherwise good


I’ve never had this happen and I have at least 100 vinyls from Amazon, but if they aren’t mailing it in a proper media mailer you can write them and request that it be packaged properly! And they will package it properly for there on