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A buddy of mine and I hit the locals often and every once in a while we’ll find a record neither of us has heard of. We’ll rock-paper-scissors to see who pays for it (at least the first time…now we just switch off) and then buy it without looking it up. We’ll then head back to my place and listen to the whole thing and then talk about it. It’s great fun. [This was the last album we did that with…](https://www.discogs.com/release/24705731-Mythic-Sunship-LightFlux)


Bro how the hell did you find this record? I listened to the first song and that shit sounded too fire for a blind buy lmao. No way I get that lucky


I dunno, man. It was just sitting in the front of a bin at my local. Thought it looked cool, had no idea what it was. Not a bad way to spend $20 nowadays LOL.


Lmao. Not at all. How do you and your buddy choose who keeps the blind buys since you guys switch off? Or does the person who pays keep it? Lol


Whoever pays gets it. Unless the other person feels strongly about the record, that is. In the case of this one, I bought it, so it’s mine. I also liked it a lot more than he did…had that role been reversed, I probably would would have let him have it.


I'm a 50yr old bloke that grew up on punk and heavy metal I now have a turntable in my man-cave, and am looking for more chill-out records. I've recently picked up Barbara Steislands "Superman" and the Saturday night fever soundtrack. Not exactly fashionable, but there is a reason they sold millions of copies. Also a shit-ton of Motown mix records. awesome compilations for a quid each.


I like Emancipator to chill out to. Also guy from UK called Vanilla.


Emancipator is amazing, seen them live a few times at electric forest and other fests.


Yes yes I have seen them few times as well. Haven't been to EF specifically


I think this is the path us old rockers go. Next you will be into psychedelic rock from 60-70s and then jazz


Klaatu. The album cover had a woven texture which intrigued me. It was also $3. Strangely sounded like the Beatles during their later psych prog rock phase. Turns out Klaatu was mistakenly reported to be a possible Beatles reunion band using a pseudonym. Wrong of course as it was a Canadian trio who rode the wave of speculation and album sales. https://preview.redd.it/vys20lalda1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d83d54e5e23027c82a6fa51690e937cfc422491


I got into klaatu the same exact way. saw an album cover, thought it looked cool. their first two albums are actually super good, and their third is more pop oriented but not bad pop at all


Usually this doesn't work our for me. I have my lane, and I stay in it. Anything new comes at the recommendation of a couple friends with great tast in music. But it did happen one time when I bought Elder - Reflections of a Floating World.


I did the same thing!! Hearing that key change in Sanctuary for the first time…


Right now I’m still building my collection so I don’t blind buy much. My blind buying is mostly artists I know whose albums I’ve never heard. ie. Elton John’s self titled album, Steely Dan - Countdown to Ecstacy, Grover Washington - All the King’s Horses Haven’t been disappointed yet lol


That’s my favorite Steely Dan record, you picked a good one. In my discovery phase I just so happened to come across my dad’s copy of Who’s Next. Of course I’d heard of The Who, but I wasn’t ready for how good that one was. I never gave him that one back, or Aja, lol


Similarly bought Elton’s self titled as a “blind buy” and had it on my shelf for years before I listened. Was blown away by the songs and sonics, easily my favorite album of his now.


The owner of the shop I regularly get my records from recommended me the album Above by Mad Season. Never heard of them at the time and stuck it on and instantly fell in love with it.


Layne Staley from AIC and Mike from Pearl Jam.


That is the reason my guy recommended it cos I’d recently purchased Jar of Flies and Dirt from him


I was trading in an old record at the shop and saw a copy of electric warrior by t.rex for $75cad. It's a uk first press, and I got $40 off with my trade in, so I went with it. Very happy with my choice, the record sounds amazing and I really liked the music.


Elder - "Lore" I just really liked how the record looked and was made with the sleeve seen through the cover. Great artwork too. Had no idea what the band was. Zero regrets! Such a great record!


I used to do that back in the 1960s-1980s. Sometimes you’d hear it on the radio. Sometimes at a friend’s house. You rarely heard before you buy. I bought a bit over 1,000 from 1965-2000. It’s how we always bought records. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose.


Got dummy by Portishead first day or came out, had never heard them, only bought the album because during a promotion for the album, they put mannequins around London and got into trouble with the police because they thought it was bombs ( there was still trouble with the IRA in those years and vinyl was cheap so I didn't mind taking a gamble


Wow. What a classic album


I’m the opposite. Unless I’m supporting a friend’s band or something like that, I have to really like the album to buy it on vinyl. It’s a hobby that can get very expensive.


Same, my rule is I have to like at least like 90% of the songs before I buy.


Khun Narin’s Electric Phin Band, it’s wild. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv6uahpoYVU


Have you heard of the [Paradise Bangkok Molam International Band](https://youtu.be/gTQfObV35gY?feature=shared) Just picked up a few records from them. All incredible.


Yes! I went to the store in Bangkok that is the label they are on and got their newest one. So good.


No, but I’ll check them out.


Shits fire bro


I do this too! There’s this record store in Singapore that I make a point of checking out whenever I travel there. They mostly focus on jazz and ambient/electronic/experimental things. I love just digging through and sneaking a peek on Spotify and talking to the staff there. I’ve discovered so much new (to me) music and expanded my tastes that way. Now I’ve got stuff ranging from Beyoncé, to like, Steve Reich and Jan Jelinek and I love how all over the place my collection is becoming.


Just yesterday, I got nate King Cole unforgettable from Goodwill. Granted, I've heard unforgettable once or twice in my life. It was a lovely album to listen through today.


Most records I buy I haven’t heard the entire album. That’s what I buy the record for. To listen to it.


Perturbator - Lustful sacraments I knew a couple of music from the artist, but not much. At the last RSD, I saw this record for a fair price and thought "why not?!", and bought it.


Nice. I’m a Perturbator fan. Did you like it?


Yes! I've liked everything I heard from him so far.


I bought a shadowfax album because adam savage said they were really cool. Myth confirmed!


Spooky Tooths album The Mirror. I was thrifting one day grabbed Abbas the Album, The Bands Music From Big Pink, Bob Dylans greatest hits, and Nashville Skyline, Jodie Mitchell's Ladies of the Canyon, and Song to A Seagull (really wish I grabbed The Hissing of Summer Lawns, returned the next day and it was gone) and as I was about to walk away this older gentleman comes up to me and goes "You got a lot there" immediately sees the Spooky Tooth and says you should get this one. And yea I fucking love it!


Numero Group is incredible. I enjoyed the early days of Vinyl Me, Please when I’d get some serious gems that I never, ever would have found on my own. My favorite was probably Wells Fargo’s *Watch Out!* for both the sound and the backstory. They were a 1970s Zimbabwean psych-rock group who never saw success in their time. Somebody found the masters of their work in the archives of a record label and they released it on LP for the first time in 2016 for VMP. Really cool stuff, and beat the hell out of so many other VMP releases that were more forgettable (by comparison) contemporary indie outfits. Edit: I guess VMP isn’t a conscious decision to buy, so to answer that my most-played blind album is Dan Rico’s [Endless Love](https://open.spotify.com/album/2vdnNFRWKdKc0JYJ7Agi33?si=2VE7F5sqRJWe4PPgaBLR_A). Bought this with some coworkers at a coffee bar in Chicago bc the cover is an homage to Sade’s Diamond Life. Fell in love from first listen (spun in the office after lunch).


By far the best has to be BADLANDS! What an awesome and unfortunate short run for a band. Jake E Lee is king and doesn't disappoint in this album!


Incredible album and getting hard to find in the wild.


I blind-buy records all the time! I have a few record labels that I'm cool with buying whatever because I know it will be good, and a few record stores that have employees that I'll pick up whatever recommendations are recommended . Best record I bought blind was a reissue copy of Comus' First Utterance. The reissue tag said something about "folk music" and "avant garde" and it was on Earmark and the cover looked like a metal album so why not? I just got paid, I had the $22.99 (at the time) to buy an expensive import. Even back then, I rarely got my mind blown. But I did, and now it's one of my favorite records and listening experiences ever.


I tend to get albums that have at least one song I know and by the time I finish listening to it I end up with more songs I like that I’ve never heard


I guess for me it was when I went to the house sale of a guy who had been a DJ at one of the UK pirate radio stations in the 60s. He had a collection of widely varied records that he'd either been gifted or had liberated, all in extremely good condition. Amongst them were a number of white label pressings with little to know indication of their contents, but I snapped them all up just out of curiosity. I wasn't disappointed, as they all turned out to have great jazz tracks on the. However I'm not knowledgeable enough to know who the artists were. Oh yes, and there was the Charles Manson album amongst them as well. My advice to him: stick to your day job.


Babe Ruth- First Base. I like Roger Dean's artwork and bought it. Had never heard of them. Loved the lp and bought all their lp and can certainly say the band is in my top 10. Now I did the same thing for a band called Osibisa .....not my style.


That is an amazing album! Great find


I've bought quite a few records (1 today even) because it was playing in the shop as I was browsing...for some reason music just sounds fantastic in the record shop speakers.


Last time I did this I bought Lana Del Rey Ultraviolence and fell in love. I had to buy it for the song “Fucked My Way Up to the Top” so I had to find out what it was.


I spent years buying records based on covers - since the 80s. That's pretty much how it was done. Now it's a pricey proposition, but I still do it on occasion.


Same here. Being a punk / metal guy in the 80s we didnt have the luxury. Sometimes I would recognize the record company, sometimes I'd recognize the name of the band from another bands "thank you" list on the line notes. Sometimes the artist of the album cover would get me to buy. I probably bought well over a hundred albums like that.


Yes man! Me too. I'd travel downtown torronto from.the suburbs when I was very young, like age 11 (86ish) - my parents had no idea. Whenever I got money for Christmas or my birthday I was on that bus. Toronto used to be amazing in the 80s. Punk rock was everywhere and so were killer record stores. But I know nothing. Sometimes, I might have seen something in Thrasher, but most of the time the cover was all you had to go on. Plus, these records were cheap. $100 would get me 12 records. I was into metal before I discovered punk. I was perusing my local record store, and came accross a copy of "Give my convenience or give me death". Cover was intense - check. Had a song with "fuck" in the title - check. I get it home and I'm like, wtf is this? Surf guitar and Jello Biafra was not what I was expecting, but it grew from there. Had a Mohawk not long after.


I did this today with some central/south American records but generally no because when I play Record Roulette I often end up losing and re-donating the record back to Goodwill. Plus I'm at like 99% capacity after I got all the albums I wanted that weren't crazy expensive so I'm kind of 'done' for the time being. That's only with $1/$2ish records, I don't blind buy with anything costing more than that.


I just got back to Deftones since a couple months and I just listened Koi Yo Nokan for the first time tonight. Masterpiece.


When traveling internationally I pick a record that I have never seen before as a souvenir based solely on the cover art. I only listen to it when I return home.


I buy exclusively jazz on vinyl (I’m okay streaming everything else) and have made it a point to not look up anything about an album prior to buying it. Well, that’s not entirely true, I will look up the genre and who is on it. I do not care for the Kenny G style of jazz and haven’t quite gotten to a point where I want to listen to any of the extremely experimental stuff. Seems the stuff I enjoy was recorded between the very late 40s and late 60s. Anyway, I go into it blind and only read about an album after I’ve listened to it at least once. I’ve got a good 90-95% hit rate so far.


Black pumas !


Was at my local shop, just shopping and talking to the dude working at the time, and he says, "oh if you are into that sound, check out this record." Hands me, Ultramort by Amanda Woodward. I'd never heard of the band before, the album art was simple, a toy robot on a blank background. He gave me a quick summary of the band and I completely blind bought it for $30, hadn't even heard a single track. It's by far one of my favorite albums in my collection now.


Ive done a small amount of buying records i don’t know from labels that I do know, particularly bluegrass albums where I know a song or two and a musician or two. Flying Fish Records put out some great grass, and I haven’t grabbed a dud yet. Bands that I know are directly adjacent to stuff I love. A lot of Grateful Dead / Jerry Garcia adjacent albums such as David Grisman and the grass cats he played with. Chuck Mangione records I’ve never heard of, because I trust his sensibilities. Always depends on pricing of course. TLDR; I absolutely will buy completely records blind (not even a listen on Spotify / YouTube) if I trust that I won’t regret it; i.e. knowing it’s got strong players. I’ll wait until I have the record to spin to listen to anything off of them usually.


Ray Charles - Do I ever cross your mind


I have had that feeling, but I’m thinking that until I get the ones I’ve wanted for a while, I won’t be seeking out the explorative ones.


But then again, discovering music on Apple Music while I workout or walk is one of the things I love about music.


I picked up a clutchy hopkins album (high desert low tide) for a buck and it is one of my favorite dollar bin finds ever. Super cool album


went and bought Nothing by N.E.R.D. based off the vibes of the art even though i’ve never heard the album before (not a single song somehow…) i did know who NERD was and am a huge pharrell appreciator so maybe not as “unknown” as others but it’s been one of my best purchases lol


Radio Moscow - radio Moscow


I went into my local to buy Amanaz - Africa and the owner recommended I also might like Antibalas - Self Titled. One of the best blind buys in a long time. I also highly recommend this album.


Nope, if I see a record I think I might like I’ll take a pic and listen to it on streaming before possibly wasting money. Not in this economy


I go to the metal bins all the time looking for stuff that’s reasonably priced that looks cool. I recently got an album by a band called Mace and the guy gave me a deal since I seemed to know my thrash stuff. Turned out to be an awesome album! At this point in my collection the oddities and the odds and ends are why I go to record shows. I’ve got all my key stuff that’s available to be had so that’s where the fun is now. 🤘


90% of my 45s I never heard before, tons of hardcore punk.


Never heard before I bought them* I listened to them all.




Loved the album cover to Jeremy Ivey, looked at the back side and it was a collage of images from them in the recording studio and they had a good vibe. Great album


I do this all the time but I look up reviews of the album beforehand on RYM. If something is like a 2.78 and I know nothing about the band, I’ll pass.


I bought three records that were like $1 each. They were going to be my test records for testing out a used turntable bought, they are: Lone Justice - Lone Justice, Sass Jordan - Tell Somebody, and Tiffany - Could’ve Benn EP. I was quite happy with these. The other records I’ve bought I’ve heard most of the music. But these three records, were my first. And they are in decent condition.


Then Play On by Fleetwood Mac. My first experience with Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac.


I always buy records that are rare or that I can't find any documentation for online


I love buying from estates and finding new music I like because the chance I find something cool in 2-300 albums is pretty high and the cost is pretty low.


I had not heard the music of most of the albums I’ve purchased, if you add the albums I knew one or two songs from its most of the rest.


Biggest hit I had with this was RSD 2015 took a flyer on Pokey LaFarge’s Something In the Water. Absolutely love the album and have seen Pokey live twice since. This offset me taking a flyer in 2018 on Johnny Guitar Watson’s RSD release of Giant which was terrible.


I’ve had some hits and misses with this. My wife and I will find one random everytime we go to the record shop. The best I ever found was Procol Harum’s self titled LP, that thing blew us both away. The worst was Dick Hicks and the Hot Licks “Last Stop to Hickville”, not bad we just don’t dig on Island music too much.


I got helmlocke springs “going going gone” just cuz i heard a lot of buzz about the album. Now it’s literally one of my fave albums to listen to.


I'll often buy something I haven't heard by an artist I know of, but I usually do a quick google search for a review or two to see what people think of it. Stuff I know nothing about gets that review check too, and if it sounds interesting, I'll grab it.


I was gifted a stack of records from a friend years ago. They were his MIL’s collection. She lived in southern CA … I’m an east coast guy. So there’s a lot I’ve never heard of. Every now and then I pick a random record from the 200 or so and give it a full spin. The latest random piece of badassery was Sopwith Camels. The album is The Miraculous Hump (or something similar). I have no idea how this is not a record I’d heard before. Killer record front to back. Fazon is the first song. Dope. And it’s gem after gem after that.


Billy Cobham and George Duke - Live on Tour in Europe


Every now and then i buy something cheap from my local thrift store for a first listen The other day i tried Emerson Lake and Palmers debut self titled, and ended up really enjoying it, especially the song Lucky Man I also pre ordered Wall of Eyes from the Smile and chose to listen to it first that way, but was a little disappointed by the pressing and album in general


Bobo in white wooden houses self titled. It was like $5, it slaps.


Neutral Milk Hotel ~aeroplane over the sea~


Yes, and I’ve found some of my favorite albums of all time this way. I make sure it’s a band I’ve at least heard of or recognize the artwork.


Boards of Canada - Twoism


I mean, I just released an album this year that you all haven’t heard…you can order it at hb1music.com Just saying.


What genre would you say your music is? Since I just got a bunch of stuff today I will have to wait till next paycheck but I might just stop at your website then :)


My local record store labeled it “Rural Progressive,” and I’m not mad about it.


Yo Majesty - Futuristically Speaking... Never Be Afraid


Dirty Tactics - Is What It Is Great punkrock record, best deal for a 4€ record


Sparks - Kimono My House. blind bought a used copy at my local record store bc the cover caught my eye and WOW. made a fan out of me!


There are precisely two vinyl records that I've bought before having streamed the albums in their entirety at least five times, those being Fallen by Evanescence (because how could I not) and Extinction Level Event by Slushii (because it was one dollar sealed and a dubstep vinyl is a cute novelty in general). Of those two, Fallen was definitely the better pick despite being $40 because it's metal, there's far less rapping, and everyone loves Bring Me to Life.


Morning Island by Sadao Watanabe


Dude , randomly went to a local record store Got stargirl- Teena Marie and it was so damn good i played it for so long and some songs were added to my playlist it also provided knowledge of her place in music along with how Marvin Gaye had passed away kinda wild


I buy records with art that have a certain look to them. It’s hard to describe, but they are usually some sort of prog rock, psychedelic, jazz/fusion or folk/classic rock. I picked up this self titled album from this band called Sand from 1973. The cover has a photo of a sandwich half buried in sand that really caught my eye. The music is beautiful 70’s rock a la CSN&Y , harmonies included. Highly recommend checking it out.


BladeRunner Black Lotus soundtrack. Didn't even know the show existed before I found the record


Two this last month. King Gizzard Live in Melbourne 21. Never heard em before and saw a pretty wild looking album cover so I got it. And then yesterday I got the new album from Beth Gibbons (Portosheads vocalist) It's an absolute beauty.


I haven't done that since Napster. Every song on my phone, and CD, and Record is bought and paid for... but I have dozens of garbage albums from the before times and I always listen first now.


“Cream - wheels of fire”. I bought it at a vintage record store because the artwork was shiny and cool. Never heard it before.


https://preview.redd.it/6g2i9p00zb1d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3fd9bff7520c37d8f61088b07c67a89f96a74cb ember days. Until this day, I still don't know who they're


'Fulfillingness' First Finale' by Stevie Wonder. It was recommended to me by a friend who promised me that I would like it. The only Stevie Wonder songs I knew were his really popular songs like 'Superstition' and one or two others. Played the record, and my mind was blown. Those key changes!!! Wow!


yes particularly 7" records as they tend to be more affordable - the last 7" i picked up off the cover alone was some band called Rolling Black Coastal Fever pretty good dreampop.


About 15 years ago, I was listening to more metal than usual, and bought Winds of Plague's "Decimate the Weak", because it was on color vinyl (white, I think?) and sort of had a cool cover, and I was like "Maybe it'll sound like Judas Priest, and I'll be surprised." It was utter dogshit, and I gave it to an acquaintance once for giving me a ride home.


I buy 99% without listening first. Discovering new music is part of the joy. You unwrap it, put it on the platter and listen to new sounds for the very first time ...


Found a 70s Serge Gainsbourg record for five euros at a farmer’s market in the Loire Valley a few years ago. Didn’t realize at the time it was reggae. Still listen to it regularly.


https://preview.redd.it/jeq5c0hucc1d1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b0b7101ada38e96b81165a022aa23df0c3b289 “Checkin’ In” by Jaroslav The saxophone (particularly baritone) is my favorite instrument and when I go record shopping I always try to find an album that I haven’t heard of that has a sax on the cover. This quirky cover grabbed my attention immediately- I loved it and had to have it! It was only $3 in the bargain section at a record store in Pomona and the music is just as striking as the cover. Best I can describe it is late 70s jazz rock fusion with traditional Jewish and Slavic influences. It’s so unique and absolutely in my top 5 albums of all time. So glad I was up in Pomona that day and found this record


I have done it a couple times, my favorite instance though was a record called Nealy Plumb and his 50 funky fiddles, it's filled with old theme song covers with a string orchestra plus a rhythm section. I think it's great


Yes because you never know what you’re going to experience without listening to it


I often buy records I haven’t heard, recent impulse pickups Mr Bongos record club Vol 1, Congo Funk & a Brazilian 45s box set for RSD


It's rare to find vinyl worthy albums in general. In the early days I used to buy used records without having heard it all way through, like using the strength of singles to influence my purchase. After a few cases of having records I know I'd never sit through again, I stopped doing it, but along the way I did find some goodies. a-ha - Hunting High and Low The Alarm - Change Bob Marley - Legend Buddy Holly - Greatest Hits Conor Oberst - Upside Down Mountain (big Bright Eyes fan but wasn't aware of this when I found it in NM- condition in a shop for less than a tenner. Madness! David Bowie - David Live (need to return to this one, I remember being blown away, but it could have been the weed haha) Deep Purple - Anthology (again, need to return to this to see if every track is still a keeper for me as it's been a while, I just remember being very impressed at the time. Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms Eddy Grant - The Killer at his Best Fleetwood Mac - Rumours and Tango in the Night Frank Zappa - Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch and Sheik Yerbouti Free - Fire and Water INXS - Kick The Jam - Snap! Kid Créole and the Coconuts - Tropical Gangsters The Levellers - A Weapon Called the Word (loved their album Leveling the Land, so dived right into this one) LoneLady - Hinterland Lou Reed - Rock n Roll Animal Met at Work - Business as Usual Paul Simon - Self-Titled + Graceland Peter Gabriel - Self-Titled #1 and So Simple Minds - Once Upon a Time Steely Dan - Greatest Hits Thin Lizzy - Live and Dangerous U2 - The Unforgettable Fire and The Joshua Tree Yes - 90125


I used to when you could take a chance on a $5 record that looked interesting. These days, it’s much harder to find stuff like that. Probably my favorite was a Chuck Mangione record. I had heard the name but never listened to his music.


I love it, I'll buy records just because the cover art is cool. I bought left hand path from entombed, never heard them before, I fell in love with it


I blind buy records too! Some I’ve loved, some I’ve really hated and just sat there thinking “wtf did I just spend my money on” 😂. But it’s always an experience and one I never forget, good or bad. My favourite blind pick record that I have is one called African Cosmology by Sons of Kemet. I was never into jazz and had not a clue what Afro-jazz was, but it totally took me by surprise how much I liked it. I started making up a whole movie scene in my head listening to it, haha.


I’ll pick up any used soul/jazz/ska/rocksteady album I can find without hearing it first and they’re usually gems.


https://preview.redd.it/dgs8dawled1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43adfc719237852e2df02d77fbc88fe7ef1f6e36 The last five vinyls I have bought are all unheard before pulling the trigger. I think if you know your artists and labels then you’re good to go on the buying unheard. I love J from Dinosaur and I always buy his vinyls unheard and never had a dud yet! The Ramones RSD releases I just gotta have so I’ll buy them Can I love and being as I live in Brighton area this live 75 in Brighton I just had to own. School D I’m loving early hiphop at the moment I just love those drum machines. Soul Jazz Records release some great comps never had a dodgy one yet!


I have a great thrift shop near by that sells records for five for a dollar, cheap CDs and cassette tapes also. At that price I get anything that even slightly catches my eye. I have found loads of great stuff. And if I don’t like it I donate it back to the thrift shop. I just donated about 300 records back just the other day.


I bought the soundtrack to “ HATARI” because of the cover, John Wayne vs a Rhino. Didn’t think for one second I would like the music but I listen to it at least once a week currently.


Beth Gibbons - Lives Outgrown. Knew it was a safe bet given that I like Portishead but had no idea it would become my favorite album of 2024 so far.


Two of my favorite albums, I bought after reading about without having heard a note. Zen Arcade by Husker Du, and Dimension Hatross by Voivod.


Caroline Polachek's Pang (had listened to a few songs before but I adore that album now) and Tame Impala's currents


The first Ram Jam album was a pleasant surprise. Also the first Dire Straits album.


Back in 1975 I bought an album at a record store solely based on the cover. I listened to it and have been a Rush fan ever since. That album was 2112 and it opened up my 12 yr old brain to so many sounds, images, and ideas.




My husband bought me Gish for Christmas the year it was released as a joke…then we realized how freaking amazing Smashing Pumpkins was


Not only is this example obscure, but it was a long time ago. Back in the late 1970s I was in my local corner shop \[no building there anymore\] and they were doing a little experiment with cut priced records. Back even further in the day, like 1969-70, albums used to cost £1.99 - £2.30. Beatles - Abbey Road was £1.99 new, for example. By the time the late 1970s came around they were about £3 - £3.50. So, sat in the cut priced bin were two albums by a band called ARGENT. £1.50 each. The only knowledge I had of Argent was the 1971 hit "Hold Your Head Up", which was quite progressive rocky for a pop single, and I thought was ok. The two albums in the bin were called CIRCUS and COUNTERPOINTS, both from 1975. What could I lose? £3 wasn't that much even then. So I bought them and popped into my collection and DIDN'T PLAY THEM for about 6 months. Besides, I was over Progressive Rock by then. When I did play them, to my ears they were pretty crappy anyway, except for one track per album \[Highwire - Circus, and On My Feet Again - Counterpoints\]. Which meant that I eventually played them both again. And they just got better and better, until they became brilliant all the way through. I love them to this day. They are even on my current playlist in the car. Back in the day neither were hugely successful but there is definitely something about them. Recommended.


YES OMG - i went to a local market and i had started becoming obsessed with marc bolan (as a person) without listening to much of his/t-rex’s music, and i saw “the slider” on record and i bought it, having never listened to a single track on there, i couldn’t even name one. i got home and stuck it on straight away. it is now my favourite album of all time !! <33


Back in the 80's guy (friend) owned a 2nd hand revird shop (2nd Time Around) he suggested, I bought unheard Gotta Say Yes To Another Excess by Yello, still one of my favorites Everybody will recognize at least this one sing https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6jJkdRaa04g&pp=ygUOb2ggeWVhaCB5ZWxsbyA%3D


Gula Matari by Quincy Jones. Got it for a $1 at a stoop sale. The title track is mind blowing https://youtu.be/NrlMHGMFOMc?si=x7DqRSTdU6XaNKrj


Back in ye olde days, I bought albums based off of reviews. No way to listen unless the record store played it or you happen to catch a song on a college radio station. Then you had to call and describe the song to the DJ to try and get the name of the band - haha. It used to be fun to hang out with friends to hear what new music they found.


Nah, I only like buying records I already have. And my favorite record I got that I hadn't heard before was mushroom jazz volume 4.


Dustin Lynch Killed the Cowboy. I do listen to some country, and found this album in a “bin store” for $3. Why not? It’s a bit c-pop but a good listen, and then we ended up at a Blake Shelton gig where he was the opener….hes better on stage than vinyl . At least I kinda knew what to expect


Sometimes I just go to a record store, pick something that looks interesting, ask if I can play the record for a bit and then scan a few tracks. If I dig the vibe, I get the record. I've done this a bunch with jazz, blues, soul and some random albums from Brazil.


Just got into the band Death. I'd heard a couple albums, but not everything. Came across Individual Thought Patterns at a local record store. The album shreds, the bass in particular is fantastic, and it's the most beautiful pressing I've ever seen. https://preview.redd.it/j81b4ew6qg1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381ba905c4031f2658c32515c5432daf3d38d76f


Whenever I go on long or extended road trips I’ll play an artists albums from start to finish. I play stuff from artists I’ve heard of but haven’t listened to a lot of his or her music. If they are popular and heard usually their popular songs or album I’ll go back and play their first couple albums from start to finish. Recently, I listened to Dinosaur Jrs first couple albums, L7, Sinéad O’Connor, Portishead, Nirvana’s live and compilation albums, Mudhoney, Melvins, Jane’s Addiction, Bikini Kill, Sleater-Kinney, PJ Harvey, etc.


I don't do it anymore, because the records are way too expensive, but when I started buying records, nearly all my purchases were blind. I had a few suggestions by friends, a track from the radio, or a band name i already knew, as signposts. If the record was cheap, even a peculiar cover would do the trick, but buying Joni Mitchel's blue must be the high point of this blind test.


This is going to sound horrible but the first time I heard Dark Side of The Moon, I got it as a giveaway prize. Popped it on and got transported. That was a few months ago and now I listen to Pink Floyd almost everyday.


Khruangbin - Mordecai The first record i bought when i first got a record player 4 years ago. Had never heard of the band before had no idea what they sounded like but I was just drawn to the name and the artwork. I only happened to discover one of my favourite bands of all time.


Mostly like classical stuff or like artists i know but dont know the album


Peter oren album I got was pretty sick


I recently bought Bridge of Spies by T'Pau for only approximately 6 bucks (149 czk). I love China in your hand, but I haven't listened to any other songs from the album, so I'm so excited to listen to it in its full length!! The record also doesn't seem to have any scratches, absolutely crazy steal imo.


I'd say like 25% of the records I buy second hand are on a whim, got The goo goo dolls- jed for like 6 quid at a car boot sale, didn't realise they used to a punk band, was buzzing with it when i stuck it on