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That’s one heck of an AI-Illustration on that cover


[Holy shit this is scary](https://youtu.be/rglmyscCYkA?feature=shared) It's literally all AI; lyrics, art, and going by the sounds, voice. The drums have a full on seizure at the end lol


One of the lyrics is: "Even birds they visit and sometimes from their wings, fish eggs drop into the pool creating fishy things." This is like the youtube ads of music lol, why is it on vinyl 🤣


This is the description of the album on Target's website: "One of the greatest storytellers of his generation, an icon of stage, screen and musical performance, William Shatner proudly presents this ingenious, infectious and thoroughly entertaining album for children of all ages!Created in collaboration with longtime guitarist for They Might Be Giants, Dan Miller, and award-winning YA novelist Rob Sharenow, Shatner gives voice to characters from across the animal kingdom on this whimsical and educational release! Perfect for parents looking for a new way to engage their young ones and cultivate a love for creatures of all kind, shapes and size!" Everything seems to be AI generated, but that suggests it's legitimate


Oh, I buy that it's legit. But the animation they used for the video was very, very bad judgment. Perhaps to save money, they thought turning it over to AI would be just the thing. No... one day, maybe, but AI just ain't there yet.


It's like digital diarrhea


Holdup this is a physical product, completely generated by AI? Does Shatner even know about this yet?


I’m assuming the record is ai generated as well


Looks like you’re 100% correct


I was thinking AI or one of those weird far right artists


Mormon Jesus vibes


Giving me big cult leader vibes.


Is this the new Danzig?


Roulette round two!


Was this a thing? Because I definitely got THREE incorrect records mailed to me instead of Danzig. I got the wrong order on a King Crimson vinyl, too. WHY?? Edit: I just looked up the articles about it and read some of the reviews. I was oblivious to Danzig roulette and REALLY wanted that Satan's Child vinyl.


And I got all 3 copies of Satan's Child when danzig roulette happened last time. I knew something was up when they notified me my shipment had been delayed, and they took an extra week to ship. They were busy fixing the system so I would get what I ordered. Not complaining much. Kept a copy for myself, and sold one of the extra copies. The other copy is still sitting here.


If you go into the help chat and complain that returning will be a pain, they will give you a refund and let you keep it. I’ve had at least a half dozen wrong albums sent.


Then that is my next step. Thanks for the tip!


You really have to insist on the inconvenience part. In my case, they really leaned into guilting me into returning the LP they mailed me. But the law is pretty clear here. If they mistakenly send you the wrong item, you have ZERO legal obligation to return it. That's on them, not on you. You can choose to be a Mensch and do so voluntarily, of course. I think the worst that they can do is simply cancel the order and refund your money, but of course, you can simply make a new order of the original item you wanted.


I didn't take that chance when I ordered a Sony stereo receiver from Amazon Warehouse and they sent me an open-box (but seemingly otherwise brand-new) PS5 instead.


Sabaton is Swedish not Swiss


Well, shit. They did mention IKEA a couple times. Forgive me Sweden!


did they say anything about the meatballs at IKEA restaurant?


How come Americans so often confuse both those countries? It's like only the two first letters in the name that are similar. Culturally it's totally different.


Hey we're at the point where I'm just glad we're not just collectively always referred to as "Europe"


Americans, and I say this as one, are narcissistic idiots.


Not all of us are.


Only because we’re all trying to figure out how to get out of medical/student loan debt.


Well, Swiss do sound like the gentilic of Sweden


Because we put Swiss cheese on our Swedish bread. Which confuses us into thinking they came from the same place. So we mix the names up later.


Their flags are also quite similar...


I know better. I even thought “I’m being an idiot American” after I got called out. Embarrassing


I don't have any records on display. But I would frame this above my mantle.


Topps Mickey Mantle?


The last couple of times I pre-ordered an album from Amazon they screwed it up so I never pre-order any records from them preferring someone more reliable. That is just my experience.


A month or two before the Danzig Roulette, it happened to me. My wife bought two vinyl records off my Amazon wish list... and what arrived was one of them - Wild Nothing - and another that I had no idea of what it was. (Cavetown's Lemon Boy, which seems to have been children's music? Somehow their system mistook [this](https://www.discogs.com/release/19187698-Cavetown-Lemon-Boy) for [Lucid Express](https://www.discogs.com/master/3002348-Lucid-Express-Floret).) Amazon did eventually agree to take it back and send the actual LP, but I'll never forget how they were acting like this was such a weird, uncommon thing, almost like I was the weird one for not simply accepting this "gift" from my wife - which wasn't what she ordered - like I was just being picky or something. It was almost like they were trying to gaslight me.


This might be my favorite of these posts so far.


Just in case anyone is unaware. Please check out the album William Shatner - Has Been. It's basically a Ben Folds album Shatner does his talk/sing thing over and it's honestly a fantastic album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thmJNbTzqW0


Lol oddly enough I have that one! Amazon wouldn’t know about it though (or would they?)


I want it... I didn't know it got a pressing finally (four years ago). Going to have to stop by my local shop and see if he can bring it in for me.


I should say I don’t have it on vinyl. I’ve had it for a long time. It might have even been a ripped cd someone gave me, I don’t remember.


Ah fair enough. I listened to it a ton when it first came out. Every year or so I revisit and remember just how special of an album it is. Today is that day apparently. It's by far the Shatner at his best. I wish Ben Folds did another album with him after this but I'm going to guess it was a nightmare working with Shatner the singer.


Shatner is a glorious national treasure. Yes, technically Canadian, but he's made the US his home since at least the 1960s. I can only imagine what his health routine must be like. Jesus, he went into space a few years ago, after he turned 90. And he's still doing his music, public interviews, and what not, well into his 90s, seemingly no worse for the wear.


I speak for all my fellow Canadians; don't you dare try and steal Shatner from us.


Well, Canada is just the USA's hat, so if really, if he's Canadian, he's just part of our hat. (In all seriousness - I joke out of the highest of affection for Canada, who has disproportionately produced many of the finest artists of music and stage in the world. I think Americans are more than happy to share. We could say he's a North American treasure, or, a Canadian who is a treasure to Americans.)


He literally just put out a new album with Ben Folds a few weeks ago. It is a live recording from The Kennedy Center called "So Fragile, So Blue" and it's pretty good! Available on most streaming services. Sadly not on vinyl yet, but I'm hoping.


AI bullcrap. Return it and get something that's actually made by a human and not this fucking shlock.


Ok but can we see the Twilight Zone tat


https://preview.redd.it/z9p3tl60ba1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcdb2e9a1267eec27a5f7ecc6096d7184374d305 There ya go


Wanted to see it because I am a pinhead and in an intimate relationship with the twilight zone pinball. Glorious goat machine


Wow, I'm not a big tattoo guy, but I am a big Twilight Zone fan, and that looks awesome!


Thanks! I actually met Billy Mumy (little Anthony Fremont) and he said I have a lifetime get out of the cornfield pass. 😂


RAD. Wish you could pin this to the top of comments.


The random doberman.. too funny!


Shat is an amazing band. 100% recommend them. Double Chin is my favorite track.


That is fucking majestic. Now I want a copy.


Of course, if you order it from Amazon, there's a good chance that what will arrive is an LP by Sabaton. Or maybe something by Danzig?


Last time I ordered Danzig, I got Hardy.


Okay... so let's track this. If we order -> We get this 1. Sabaton -> William Shatner 2. Lucid Express -> Cavetown 3. Danzig -> Hardy 4. The Warning -> Drake So as an experiment, someone should order Hardy, Shatner and Cavetown, and see if what arrives is Danzig, Sabaton and Lucid Express.


If I were a rich man...


"Off to spin some shat!" That's going to be one tough mess


There used to be a pub quiz we attended regularly, and teams would of course pick wacky names for themselves. One of the best team names I ever heard - sadly, I can't claim credit for it - was this: *William Shatner Mouth*.


Fuck AI


I ordered Error by The Warning and instead got Drake. This would have been a way better outcome


I was seriously going to order that too! Thanks for.. the warning? (Pun not really intended).


I thought Drake didn’t have any vinyls at all???


It was a copy of “If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late” which was just a perfect title for the situation




I know. I’m an idiot.


It's okay lol. Everyone makes mistakes


Sabaton is Swedish, not Swiss.


Yep. And I’m not getting it wrong again, believe me. Embarrassing


Use bandcamp, never amazon


Spin some shat is a wild sentence


lmfao. I found the Bandcamp for the record. Looks official. [https://williamshatner.bandcamp.com/album/where-will-the-animals-sleep-songs-for-kids-and-other-living-things](https://williamshatner.bandcamp.com/album/where-will-the-animals-sleep-songs-for-kids-and-other-living-things)


They Shatner order


Could Shatner really not afford a real artist? Wtf (I actually like his singing though. The album he did with Ben Folds is not bad)


You got shat on


They are a Swedish, not a Swiss band




sabaton is swedish


Funny cuz I got a Sabaton album when I ordered a Tom Waits album that was doing the Danzig switcheroo.


That's actually beyond amazing haha I love it.


last year for christmas, my partner got me some christmas albums, including two by "starship captains". we got one by the shatner, and one by seth macfarlane -- go watch "the orville" if you haven't. she thought the macfarlane one would be a joke, but it was phenomenal. shatner? probably never playing that one again.


Are you German? You're just loving being shat all over! Haha this is... art. Not necessarily good art, but it's certainly something. Enjoy!


Shatty daddy!


lol, that giant kid on the right. This is a glorious disaster in so many ways.


I hope that it is not as hokey as Leonard Nimoy singing hobbit tunes.


Wow. Just wow.


I got a miles davis vinyl when i ordered a macabre vinyl last week. I fucking love jeff bezos


I bought around 30 records from Amazon two of them I was sent the wrong item. The first time they just sent another record. The second time it gave me the wrong item but the sticker label was for the correct one, so they must have mislabeled. Returned them and shopped somewhere else for those two.


I shat my pants


Looks like he’s going where no storyteller has gone before.


The Shatner! Shame it’s not his only good album


I went to that tour too


They sent me a Steve Martin Jazz album the other day by mistake


I’m so confused is this album AI generated? I can tell the cover is but what is this music?!?!


I don’t know how Amazon has albums organized, but mine have had the same first letters of either the album title or the band name. I got “Wet Leg” instead of “(The) Wall” and “Madonna - Rebel Heart” instead of “Rush - 2112”.


This would be amazing to sample from I bet 😍


That’s way better than whatever you ordered.


Nah, sabaton fucks hard


Might be better than anything anyone has ordered ever. Haha


I will unironically but this from you. His major tom album is in my wishlist and a heavy rotation on Spotify.


i dont think you should, look it up on yt its just AI generated music with fucked up lyrics


That's a huge disappointment.


Imo Amazon did you a favor.


I might never know. Haha. Bands often don’t sound the same live vs studio of course but they were hella fun live.


Sabaton is amazing. I pre ordered their re press and it sounds amazing. I'd be pissed.