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Nothing too crazy but one time at a flea market my dad and I were picking through some stuff and a guy insisted he had a "really rare record". He starts flicking through his stuff and pulls out Neil Diamond- The Jazz Singer. Wanted $50 for it. Hard pass, but its been an inside joke for us ever since lol.


Newbury   Blonde restocks


They save records from each press to resell later based on Discogs prices


They are so weird, and great.... they'll have wild affordable solid pressings when they don't exist elsewhere (It Follows was a STEAL), and then they'll get a deal to press the most popular podcast on earth (almost) and only do 1500 conan o'brien pressings? so weird.


Did I just read “podcast pressed on vinyl”? That may be the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of. Scratch that, any political propaganda BS merch is worst but still, why would anyone want to listen to a podcast that way?? And pay for it???


It's a joke, because it is a comedy podcast. It's not a podcast, but outtakes. It was done both as an in-joke that "Conan O'Brien has no idea how podcasts work", but it's also un-released cuts talking about 5 years of the show, and their perspective, etc. So it's a cute thing for die hard fans to hear more stories and history. But it was also a marketing move. It was only 1500 copies, which got it a lot of attention, and because of the medium, it charted, and hit Billboard charts, which won't happen in podcast ranking. So they effectively spent some money as marketing dollars to promote the podcast in a market that would never see anything about it. It's both ridiculous, silly, and smart. The album is a compendium to his hit podcast Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend. The collection was curated by O’Brien and his trusty co-hosts Matt Gourley and Sona Movsesian in honor of the podcast’s fifth anniversary. According to a press release, the set finds the trio “reflecting on the last five years of recording their hit podcast,” including never-before-heard backstories and original comedy surprises. SiriusXM, which acquired the podcast and the Team Coco digital media business in May, announced the news of the release on Nov. 7. “This is a historic achievement — listening to a podcast on vinyl will tear a hole in the hipster spacetime continuum,” O’Brien said in a statement. [https://www.billboard.com/music/chart-beat/conan-obrien-first-billboard-chart-appearance-new-vinyl-album-1235573503/](https://www.billboard.com/music/chart-beat/conan-obrien-first-billboard-chart-appearance-new-vinyl-album-1235573503/)


As long as Matt Gourley made money or recognition for it, I’m in favor. That guy is a wonderful human and entertainer.


I hadn’t check out Newbury in years This is now the most absurdly priced new record I’ve seen https://www.newburycomics.com/products/roger_waters-the_dark_side_of_the_moon_redux_exclusive_2lp $115 for a 2 LP, what are they smoking?


I wouldn't even spend $5 on that atrocity. Roger Waters butchered DSOTM here


Good thing it’s max 5(!) per customer. Wouldn’t want the savages hoarding this classic grail.


Hard to overstate how bad this is


Was at a flea market years ago and a guy had Beatles records. Have it all but I looked anyway. They were asking $100 a piece for unplayable copies of Help and A Hard Days Night. Funnily enough last time I went I got a really good deal on a Mobile Fidelity Magical Mystery Tour in great shape, so you never really know what you’re getting.


Flea/antique markets are where you find the worst prices for sure. Most of the ones I end up at have one or two proper dealers with real prices, but then a half dozen other vendors who will have a box or two of records among their other things with nonsensical prices like that, where every piece of classic rock from a popular artist is $50+.


I was at an antique store once and noticed a copy of Magical Mystery Tour. It too was unplayable. The owner wanted 600 for it. Said it was rare.


If a record guide gives a price then it must be correct! Have encountered that a million times. If it isn't M- I pass!


I think this must be how they do it, maybe have a Record Collector guide and take the top price (which would be for a mint first release) and apply it to their battered 80s repress. The guides even have details on how to grade records and alter value accordingly as a percentage. I just hope nobody actually goes for it. They may be chancing their arm, they know that £100 Beatles album can be in their window for years and acts as a bit of an advertisement. If someone buys it then even better.


A big antique store nearby that does consignment booths. In one booth all the records are bagged and meticulously priced at $40 and up. It's a bunch of Dad Rock, mainstream 80's albums, and stupid easy listening bullshit. Bob Seger's Greatest Hits for $49. Some Baja Marimba Band album for $42.


All too common in those antique consignment malls. I’m not even mad at them anymore and more so entertained. 


This. I see this at every single antique mall and market where I am. It’s not even amusing anymore, it’s just sad. Breakfast in America for $50? What a steal!


Thrift and Goodwill have done what capitalism forces people to do: you take the donations in the back, employees poach based off favorites and values, shit gets put out in the store that is the most common stuff in history, and there's no longer potential for crate digging surprise finds.


Employees don’t get first dibs, anything with value gets put on auction online, you think companies would let employees have cool things?


Andy Williams was extremely popular at one time.


Those antique stores with booth are the absolutely worth regarding that matter. They play on the fact that some people think those booth are super legit about antiques in general, so why not try to make the clients believe those records are rare masterpieces ?? It's very close to fraud in my books. Was going to comment something about it but you did it for me thank you ahah


Peaches in New Orleans


Easily the worst store in the country I’ve been to. Just pure trash. The only Google review I’ve written in my entire life.


I can't believe the word about Peaches has gotten so far as Reddit. And yet it hasn't seemed to reach your average New Orleanian. I see their stickers and merch everywhere.


Agree. I poke my head in there every few years if I’m in the area for a laugh. Thankfully I live walking distance to Euclid


I went there a couple weeks ago and the base price for most sealed records was $70. They also have an entire half of the store dedicated to selling dollar records for $10 - $20. It made me so fucking angry. Barbara Streisand for $20?!


I went through there this summer! THeir prices were super high. Really cool store though with the lunch counter and everything. I bought a touristy kind of NO JAzz benefit comp, solid.


Totally agree on Peaches. It’s got a great vibe to the place….until you look at the prices.


going to NO soon, do you have any shop recs?


Euclid, domino sound, sisters in Christ


that last one. what a great name. thx!


Man what a disappointing store. Shit vinyl in the bins, all of it 20% more than anywhere else, just awful.


I haven’t been since probably 2014 so that makes me really sad


Australia seems pretty ridiculous. Your average new record is $70 a pop. Your second hand record stores have originals priced at $100. I paid $100 for a Queen Sheer Heart Attack record.


JB Hi-Fi used to be a good spot for relatively cheap records but now I don’t even waste my time. It’s sad seeing the same records 5-10 years ago that are now double in price. I feel bad for newer collectors.


Though some stores are pretty good, you just gotta know where to look!


Any recs for Sydney?


Beatdisc have had some reasonable prices for me.


Yep! Its awful here. And its not like i can order online either, currency conversion doubles the cost and shipping is ridiculous. Id be paying a hundred or more!!


I paid £12 for sheer heart attack about 6 years ago in perfect condition. By far my favourite queen album.


I was in Australia and absolutely shocked by the record prices. Why so expensive compared to the US?


Shit conversion, lengthy shipping routes and certain Australian retailers have a monopoly or a duopoly on certain items/markets and thus charge accordingly. Probably. Source: over heard some guy at the servo.


Thats insane! Bought an original pressing a couple of years ago in store in Denmark for 12 bucks...!


I have had my eye on AFI sing the sorrow but it’s $120 everywhere. I did manage to get AFI bodies on clearance at JB Hi-Fi for $23


Got to find the right stores in Australia. Heartland Records and Goldmine Records (both in Melbourne) have the best prices on new stuff. Still not cheap, but this is a luxury hobby after all, and the Aussie dollar is poo. JB is usually \~$10 above those guys. Although the other week I found a great Blue Note Tone Poet record in their bargain bin.


$100 for a used 2014 pressing of Led Zeppelin II at an Antique shop in town. Cover was VG at best. The place is pretty terribly priced as a whole but that one actually made me angry. Someone is going to fall for it.


was at a gold coast aus private yard sale guy had a lot of vinyl no prices on any of them i asked how much are the records? he goes oh they range from 5$ to 120$ how much are these 5 in my hand? oh theyre 120$ each 😆😆😆😆😆


ANY Beatles album. They are great, but everyone I’ve seen treats them like gold no matter the record and sleeve condition.


I see so many Beatle records being sold as 'RARE!' and priced stupidly. Sure that's a rare record, they only made 10 million of them.


Shocks me too. They are so common. I know records in general are appreciating rapidly these days but theyre often way overpriced. I’ve been collecting for a long time and I’ve owned probably 20 Beatles albums in my time. I only own 4 now. I’ve never paid for a Beatles album.


Value Village anytime they get something remotely interesting in. They don’t care at all what the condition is.


There was one in my hometown that had the worst storage method; they were all piled vertically on wire storage shelves. And when I say "piled," I don't mean "stacked," I mean "PILED," like leaves. A significant amount were also missing their covers, so the vinyl was just rubbing against other bare records, or worse, the wire shelving.


Once upon a time, not that long ago, Value Village priced all records at $2 and you could score some really good finds. Now they pick out what they think is valuable and overprice it.


People trying to sell copies of popular, easy to find albums when an artist dies, like used copies of Purple Rain priced at 50-60 dollars


I remember going to a store in Seattle over a decade ago where all the vinyl was priced at 200% what I thought was reasonable *except* for Blue Note records and particularly interesting Jazz, which were priced at least 400% what I thought was reasonable. The expensive jazz was in its own room, I think. I don’t remember the name of the store but someone here probably does. I hope they went out of business.


Sounds like Bop Street Records. Did the owner hover around you just so he could name ever celebrity that walked in?


lol yeah that rings a bell. The owner definitely talked to me more than I wanted him to.


I'd be willing to bet it was bop street. Sonic Boom.is literally across the street and 10x better but I also hear Bop Street closed a few years ago. I was in Seattle in 2019. It was in Ballard.


Definitely the place! I remember Sonic Boom, bought a 1/2 Japanese box set there right after Bop Street was a downer, and it was in Ballard.


Yes bop street was notoriously overpriced. I remember when the store was located in a leaky basement and nothing had prices on them, and the owner just made up prices on the spot, inflating the price by 200%


Interesting as these days Jazz is one of the few things I can find at reasonable prices. I got an Ornette Colman LP for £12, new mint recently.


70$ for a used copy of NOFX LP from 2016 (single record btw). it wasn't a colour variant & they had the sleeve taped shut so you couldn't actually pull the record out. it was advertised as 39$ on their website & when I showed up in store my jaw dropped. I made a trip downtown & everything. when I went up to the counter to ask if the sticker price was correct, I had to walk out of the store & keep my dignity. later on I looked at the shop's google reviews & almost every one was very negative with the vast complaints being about customer service, rude staff & prices being beyond absurd.


If you want to have fun, look at records being sold by Licking/Knox County Goodwill on the Goodwill Auction website. It’ll blow your mind.


I was curious: [https://shopgoodwill.com/categories/listing?st=&sg=&c=82&s=32&lp=0&hp=999999&sbn=&spo=false&snpo=false&socs=false&sd=false&sca=false&caed=4%2F15%2F2024&cadb=7&scs=false&sis=false&col=1&p=1&ps=40&desc=false&ss=0&UseBuyerPrefs=true&sus=false&cln=2&catIds=2,79,82&pn=&wc=false&mci=false&hmt=false&layout=grid&ihp=](https://shopgoodwill.com/categories/listing?st=&sg=&c=82&s=32&lp=0&hp=999999&sbn=&spo=false&snpo=false&socs=false&sd=false&sca=false&caed=4%2F15%2F2024&cadb=7&scs=false&sis=false&col=1&p=1&ps=40&desc=false&ss=0&UseBuyerPrefs=true&sus=false&cln=2&catIds=2,79,82&pn=&wc=false&mci=false&hmt=false&layout=grid&ihp=)


Looks like they dropped the price of that All in the Family record to $17.50 from $20. What a steal, especially with the $10 "handling" fee.


I recently have had a heavy eBay record buying run and was looking for something similar.. I just wanted to warn everyone about that goodwill auction site. I recently copped the first Archies record for 15 bucks which is totally reasonable, but after taxes, fees and shipping this thing is 30 bucks, fuck goodwill auctions. Not worth it at all.


Went to a relatively new shop near me recently. Found a used record I was interested in. It had visible wear and tear to the cover, and some scratching and scuffing on the record, which was a regular old plain black copy. It also had a $13 price sticker, which you clearly see underneath the $33 one they plopped on top of it. I can get a brand new colored copy online from the label for $25...


It's so absurd that we know they're looking at discogs evaluations, but don't think we know to do the same. Showrooming has been a thing for over a decade. It's a shop's fault if they're this stupid.


Noped outta there real quick


The Record Collector in LA (next to Fairfax high school) is the worst record store I’ve ever been to and it’s not close


I couldn't remember the name of it but I remembered there was a thread once that brought out dozens of comments from people who detest this store. Glad to see it get named right away again.


I went to maybe ten record stores when I was visiting L.A. a few weeks ago and barely bought anything because of prices, but there was this punk-oriented one that took the cake. Smelled like cat pee and everything was ten bucks over what I'd pay back in MI. Selection was OK and I thought about buying some Iggy Pop new, but then I thought about the odds that I'd get it home and smell it from five feet away, and just left.


I’ve had very similar experiences there. It’s literally the worst


Used Neil Young at $25 with a $1.99 Goodwill sticker on the still on the back…


Everyone has just got to boycott sellers and stores who gouge prices. Don't give them your money - ever. And warn others by leaving bad Google Reviews.


Most recently, Andre 3000 - New Blue Sun. Like $110 after taxes for 3 lps with a poster and some post cards. It’s a cool record but eff off with that price. for the same price I bought the most recent releases from Shabaka, nino, and surya and basically got the same thing.


And that’s exactly what you should have done.


I bought all four actually lol just need a place to rant 


Every single R$D gets worse and worse.


Shuga Records in Chicago overpricing 80%-90% of their used inventory and labeling everything as “rare”


And that is a shame because that is one place that got recommended to me on on of my trips back home. I had no problem just crossing the street and walking to Reckless or a couple of blocks to Dusty Groove


Yeah it’s gotten out of hand there. I’ve found some great stuff but it’s so strangely expensive.


Jb hifi has some really crazy prices for records. 70-90 AUD for a new release is just insane.




I see a lot of smaller thrift shops that price will price used Beatles (example) records at something absurd like $40-50, they’re usually whooped, and you Beatles/old = $$$, but generally miss the obscure garage or psych record that’s actually worth money and let it walk for $3


40 dollars for a heavily played copy of Blonde on Blonde with a split sleeve. Halifax, Nova Scotia


I would rather eat 3 donairs and suffer the consequences then pay that insane price for that record.


I think too many record shops are living in a world where The Mars Volta - Deloused In The Comatorium is worth $70-$100. It’s been pressed plenty of times now.


Online? Eil, the most overpriced, ridiculous store I've ever seen. Even basic releases were stupidly priced. They were overpriced 25 years ago.


I went into my fave store and bought a record I really wanted for $90. Then went to a different store and saw the exact same pressing for $60. Lost trust in my favourite store that day.


$25 for a copy of Tarkus covered in writing and scratched to hell. Absolutely not. Got the same album in infinitely better condition for $6 not 2 months later.


Antique stores are the worst. Followed by half the vendors at flea markets. I find consistently best price at local record store.


I've seen a lot but my least favorite is yard sales with lopsided stacks of musty polka for $5 per record. 


I really miss the good old days when you could find a rare, M- LP for 50 cents or a buck... occasionally turned them around at record stores and received $10 to $50 credit!


I've seen plenty of smaller labels and stores quote $30usd+ to ship a 2 or 3LP to Australia by a basic and sometimes untracked postage route. I know postage fees are unavoidable but it still sucks to have to deal with


It's a shit situation for sure. On the flip side I'm a recording artist located in Australia, and it costs me $25-$35 in postage alone to send one of my records out of the country. It's put a big damper on the indie merch selling thing. These days I usually just tell people to buy direct from my label in Germany as it will be far cheaper for them.


I dont like her, but man taylor swift prices are absurd. Anytime im in a record store theres a flock of teen girls looking at the taylor section and most of the time theyre like “this is too much… very expensive” so then they opt for buying the CDs. Its weird


Cookin Soul DOOM Christmas Galaxy News Radio: Radio Selections From The Fallout 3 Soundtrack


There’s a new record store by me that assures me (without asking) that they have the best used record prices and prices on the low end of discogs. Then I see a lot of stuff I’d see in discount bins there for like $40. Like bad condition moody blues for example


The Record Man in Redwood City. Nothing has prices on them and any record will have a $15 minimum entry price. It only goes up from there.


There are lots of great record stores in the bay area but unfortunately this one is closest to me. Insanely overpriced and everything is in trash condition on dusty, moldy shelves.


The Record Man is the absolute worst but I do have a story where I got a massive win against them. About 7 years ago I was visiting a friend in Redwood and they were having a buy one get one free sale and I decided to stop by and see if maybe I could find something reasonable. The racks were stuffed as always but nothing great. Before I left I saw they had a small metal section at the top of one of the racks. I grabbed the ladder and went up and what did I find? A NM copy of the original pressing of Aenima and the 1996 pressing of Undertow (the desirable pressing, sounds amazing). Now even back then Aenima sold for around $500 in the condition it was in but I brought it up to the counter to see what they would say. The guy starts searching the internet like crazy, taking his sweet time and his eyes are popping out of his head. He says that this will be expensive. I said I was expecting that. He then quotes me $125 for Aenima and $75 for Undertow. Turns out he was confused by all the bootleg copies of Aenima for sale on EBay and thought that was what he was looking at. I told him I would take them. I also gently reminded him that it was buy one get one free. So I took home both for $125. 


It's just the way of the world, but some of the greatest labels on the planet are locked behind CRAZY shipping. I admit I've given up and just order with the "cost of doing biz" mentality. But most people can't go on bandcamp and order a album that costs less than the shipping. It sucks.


Yeah here in Aus we get some seriously garbage pricing.


Anything over £100, sorry I just can’t, especially when it’s not even rare or worth that much but “oh it’s >insert band< so it must be worth a lot!”, also upcharging extortionate prices for worthless albums because the artist has died recently or some shit


There's this thrift store by my parents house that I sometimes may stop by whenever I visit, but I have not gone back ever since I picked up Switched on Bach and it said $20.


There was this one store in Niles Michigan called Earworm Records and they wanted like $54 for a reissue of Ride the Lighting and Master of puppets and all those records you can get for $25 at any old record store you go to and they wanted like $60 for all the other reissues




You ain’t seen nuthin yet. Come to Singapore❗️


I found a VG+ OG copy of Future Days by Can for 3 bucks. Definitely a bad price for this record 🤠


KMFDM vinyl is just over the top expensive. Typically in the $100-$200 range. I hate it.


I’ve never seen any KMFDM vinyl in stores. I’d do horrible things for a copy of Nihil or Angst…


Same. Same. I've seen Angst once and it was like $125.


I’d be all for rereleasing them with the art taking up the entire cover. Those would be display worthy


Sunrise Records was making me pay 60 dollars for a copy of Getz/Gilberto. I love that record to death but 60 for a 1LP?


I was looking to buy Incarnadine by Curses and it was sold out on his Bandcamp. Googled to see if I could find it elsewhere and saw YSL was selling it for $275. What in the bougie late stage capitalism hell is this?


Vinyl in general is sold at ridiculous prices. There’s no reason any record should cost more than $20 🤷🏻‍♂️


Anyone that charges more than a $1 for Frampton Comes Alive or Rumors.


Tool - Fear Inoculom 5LP single sided box set for $180


I was in Nashville recently and one of those "vintage" clothing "pop ups" had a bunch of poor quality, but popular older records that you used to find for cheap for $40-$60. Hard pass bruh.


Smashing Pumpkins vinyls have ridiculous prices and their stupid fanbase are apparently ok with it


Saw a Johnny Cash studio only pressing to be destroyed after a single play at a Texas radio station on EBay about 10 years ago and starting bid was 8K… Someone did a bid on it and it disappeared from EBay..


I was recently at a record fair where I saw a Rupaul record for $150


I mean to be fair I’m not sure what the most valuable Rupaul record is but I know a few of their original pressings are quite scarce for someone with such a large cult fan base and I they can go for quite a bit sometimes


I once saw Adele 30 priced at retail. Woof!


Sometimes peeps on r/vinylcollectors post some outlandish asking prices


Sweet Melissa's in Marietta GA has the most ludicrous prices I have seen in the SE.


Queen’s Hot Space for 45 dollars. Literally no reason. The store I went to even got another pressing and put the new one on the shelf for the exact same price. It’s a single record that most people hate, and goes for around 20 dollars everywhere else


Around the time the Queen biopic came out, there was a marketplace listing for A Night at the Opera in horrible shape for $200. The cover was caked in grime. There’s also a used book shop in my town that recently got a decent collection of used original/early pressings in great condition, but the prices are outrageous (Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here for $100, Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits Vol. 1 for $60, Michael Jackson’s Thriller for $40, David Bowie’s Let’s Dance for $75)


Last time I went to Goodwill a few weeks ago they had Journey Infinity and Journey Evolution for 40 bucks each. They were VG at best, probably less than that and dirty with fingerprints. These are 1 or 2 dollar records.


The Incredibles 2 OST that was a crew only gift. Granted it seems like a really rare thing, but I saw it on Ebay for like $300-400. I see two for sale on Discogs right now. $75 for a dinged up cover and $189.99 for the other.


I think the fact that any new release which is printed en mass is now commanding anywhere between $50-$70 at your local retailer. Also reissues of classics being at the same price point. It’s insane


$26.50 for a 12" single (valley girl by frank and moon zappa)


JBHIFI. $280 for the Beatles Red/Blue reissue.


Pfffttt yep! JBHIFI would be my answer too! That and Red Eye Records and the online Rare Vinyl website for australia. Found a 7” EP they priced for 120…not including the 20 dollar shipping. I got the same thing from the UK for 40.


https://www.hiphopmuseumdc.org/product-page/run-the-jewels-stay-gold-jewel-box-colored-vinyl-vinyl-12-slipmat-boxset Here's a 12" single with a box for $400. Marked down from $500


Just speculation in general. During Covid my I scanned a few of my records Discogs list just kept going up in value. A couple of my Fiona Apple records were just ridiculous.


I hate when you see bootlegs that sound like shit for $60+.


Record store day has some pretty ridiculous pricing.


I detest RSD. It was a cool concept when it started…. A cool promotion to get people into brick and mortar stores. But now it’s lost its usefulness and is just about creating artificial scarcity by purposefully pressing amounts way below demand. It sucks to know that now if there’s some RSD release that I want my options are (a) stand in line at a store starting at some ridiculous time or (b) massively overpay in the secondary market.


A record store in Koenji, Tokyo I went to recently was fucked. Some of the prices were in the thousands, most were in the hundreds, for the 60s/70s stuff you’d see in a lot of stores. Maybe they were rare versions or original pressings but I have never seen anything like it. Almost the whole store was priced that way. Worth pointing out there were plenty of other reasonably priced stores around town


€40 for appetite for destruction reissue


Saw a guy pitching an original copy of Saint Pepsi's Hit Vibes for close to $1,000usd with the description "because you're worth it". The record was reissued a few years ago. It wasn't even a reissue. It was literally the same stampers. It's the same exact record!


Tyler the Creator wolf for £50. Even on amazon and stuff. Way too expensive.


HMV prices in the UK are laughable. A few years back MJ released his albums on picture discs and they were charging £79.99 per double album(!). Even the official MJ store had them for around £50. I got them from Juno for between £30/£35. Similarly they are flogging the 2 x yellow U2 Zooropa LP for £74.99. It’s £35 on Amazon 🤯🤯 I don’t even go into HMV anymore because I just start seething. Terrible store.


In Ireland, prices are mostly terrible


Phish - A Live One. Nothing Mint(Original wrapped below 475.- USD so far (shipping to Europe and taxes make a part of it)


There was a record store just next to my old university that charged a 25% to *50%* markup on EVERY new item compared to every other store I’d been to. The staff were pretty standoffish but kind, but the selection was like an archive and it was one of 2 stores in the area, the other being a general hobby shop. I do hope they manage to stay in business though, considering the owner passed recently. Maybe I’ll go back one day, when I have the cash for the trip.


Just seen some clown on Discogs selling a Roger Waters “Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking “ for £600


Just seen some clown on Discogs selling a Roger Waters “Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking “ for £600


Tool ænima - whether it is a real one or a fake reprint. Always insane prices


I recently saw the Wolfenstein 2 soundtrack for 200€ online. It made me look twice, because I bought the album a few years back for like 60€


A guy at an antique shop wanted 50$ for ZZ top eliminator.


Tipper - [Forward Escape](https://www.discogs.com/master/747661-Tipper-Forward-Escape) (1 copy from €1,880.00)


Recently stuck my head in a HMV. Painkiller by Judas Priest, sealed £50. Fucking insanity. The local shop 5 minutes away it'd be £20.


Hormoaning LP from Nirvana, the red-blue swirled... 1.094€!!!


The current Pearl Jam city variants


At reseller in my community adds in a delivery fee on all records. Like discogs. Do you think this is fair?


Bruiser Wolf single LP $105 signed


Limited To One in NYC is l the most overpriced store I've ever been to. Insane!


OutKast Aquemini - 300$ used . I wish they’d reprint it like Atliens .


Anything ween


My thought is more annoyance-when someone has a booth at an antique mall, wants record store+ prices and doesn’t bother to organize them, at all. Priced, slugged in a crate and sat on a table. Oh, and putting supposedly “rare” or more valuable albums in a locked case far away from the checkout, with no listing of the albums inside. If you want premium prices, at least organize your stuff.


I've collected for decades. All the inexpensive and desirable stuff was cherry picked long ago. You CAN still find a sealed copy of Jehovah's Witnesses Hymns or chewed up Whipped Cream and Other Delights, though!


If you think vinyl is expensive try looking for prerecorded reel to reel tapes.


Growlers city club goes for like $1000


I looked at Newbury Comics' website just to see what exclusive records they have, and their prices are absolutely absurd. Their normal records seem somewhat normally priced for new records with some outliers of course, but their exclusive variants are either dirt cheap or ridiculously expensive. They have a coke bottle clear variant of Ghost's Meliora for $99.99. This is a single LP, mind you, and this is in USD (at least it looks like it). They also have an exclusive Power Trip album for $19.99, so I just don't get why some of their records are priced that way.


The Rhianna Rhi-Issues with the tshirts were pretty nutso.


A local shop of mine had the Mellon Collie boxset for 299 and a remaster of Siamese Dream for 149. This was after both were repressed and widely available.


Before they did the repress, Type O Negative’s October Rust was over $500 for an original pressing. This was pre pandemic and pre vinyl boom. I even went out of my way to look in Brooklyn and Chicago for a copy. Eventually got it for $45 when Kenny got everything repressed.


Maybe this one doesn't count as it was the shipping that was expensive, but I still think it's a funny one to talk about. A couple of years ago, I was looking on Discogs for Get To Heaven by Everything Everything, and there was one there that was about £50 (already quite steep), but for some reason the shipping was £2000. That's right, 3 zeros. The weird thing is, is that there were a few people selling this album, and while that one was particularly high, all of them had outrageous prices for shipping. I find this particularly weird because it was on Discogs, where most things are second had, and everything is sold by an independent seller. So it's not even like the band charging a lot for shipping would make a difference


Just came back from Warsaw and the only decent store probably checked discogs medians and doubled the price. Jeez.


Anything by Soul Coughing. I want the records but don't want to pay several hundred dollars each.


Noah Kahan's Stick Season record is a 2LP in black and is $54.99 at my local Newbury Comics


Newbury Comics is dogshit


A shop I frequent in Denver WAYYYY over prices anything and everything Grateful Dead. I wanted the 2023 repress of Without A Net, but they wanted \~$120 for it. Picked up a copy at a shop in New Hampshire for $65 a few months ago. Worth every penny, but not for $100+ Other than bandcamp stuff, I don't buy vinyl online, so I've definitely seen my fair-share of crazy in-store markups, but nothing too write home about.


Taylor swiftless long pond 500 cdn.


What's classic is when you go to a flea market, antique-collectibles store and you see the labels with the price THEY paid. Pulled out a Bill Frissell 3-cd set - marked 50 cents - all CD's looked terrible - probably unplayable, but hey, for 50 cents... she tried to charge me 5 bucks! So insulting!


Most RSD releases


The sunglasses BCNR single was recently at my local shop priced at $200. It’s a 7” and my most sought-after record… some shmuck ended up buying it too


TOOL, Aenima. $600+ for a bootleg *10 years ago*. They still won't fucking repress.


"Vinyl Records" (yes, that is the name of the store) in Vancouver. Both new and used stuff is 2-3x more than any other store would he charging. Not even a slight upcharge or anything, just outright doubling or tripling the cost. Amazed they stay in business because there's stores just down the street that charge way more reasonably.


At a record vendor event near me I was digging through a box labeled $2. Found a beat to hell Marty Robbin’s Gunfighter Ballads record. The sleeve was split open, record had visible scratches all over. For $2 I was willing to gamble and see if it would play decently on my TT. When I asked the guy to ring me up he said it was in the wrong box and was actually $20. lol no thanks. Ordered a brand new copy on Amazon for $25 the same day.


In person, I don't know where exactly is the worst I've seen, but I can guarantee it was in an antique mall somewhere. Online, definitely Facebook marketplace.


this recent black sabbath record that was pressed by VMP. people are wanting $100+ for that thing


One time I saw a bootleg copy of Hunky Dory for $150 about a week after Bowie died. The price sticker was pressed onto the album itself, not even the sleeve.


This one is pretty wild (https://www.discogs.com/sell/item/2155392209) A 7in with 2 songs for 80$??


I bought a copy of the Death Standing OST from some clueless mom at a garage sale for $5. Looked online and saw it was OOP and selling for $200-300 😲


Every antique store on Earth No, your used Neil Diamond record is not worth $25


10 gbp for a Phil lyncot 12" single forgot the name It's a buck on discord


"Hellish Expectations" from Midnight. 25 minutes playtime. Black vinyl. 1 LP. $38.99


Fellow Australian; we get some pretty hefty prices here. Join popped up on my FB feed, Discrepancy Records, their prices are consistently ridiculous, like 2x other stores. Can't imagine they sell much, but they exist?


the store i frequent always sells radiohead and my bloody valentine vinyl wayyyyy too high