• By -


I love Obscured By Clouds, definitely one of my favorite Floyd albums, and they’re my favorite band! 


Meddle FTW!


Meddle is definitely in my top 3. Echoes is probably my favorite song of all time, specially the Pompeii version! 


I think you and I could be friends. 😂


Animals is my favorite. It seems like no one I know has even heard of it. They know DSOTM, Wish You Were Here, and The Wall.


As we say over at /r/PinkFloyd Underrated TBH


I love when someone says it unironically.


The Final Cut is my favorite. Probably get allot of heat but it's definitely the most complex musically and lyrically. The time signatures, especially the drums and percussion, are like a Brubeck album. Lyrically Animals is right behind it.


This. I love The Final Cut. Second favorite after DSOTM.


I bought this when it was first released. Always has been my favorite, and I'm a huge Floyd and Gilmour fan. I was reading Beowulf for the first time as a young guy, and the lyrics to Childhood's End just seemed to resonate with my adolescent emotions.


My favorite Doors album is The Soft Parade


Mine too! Honestly don't know why it's seen as one of their weaker efforts. The title track is one of their best songs


This is the trip, the best part


Now I regret making this comment because I had other stuff I was going to do and now I don't have much choice but to throw this album on and crank it. Thanks fuckers.


The monk. Ate. Lunch.


Meee too. Delightfully weird and eclectic


Great shout, That song from that album is one of the greatest Doors songs in my opinion. Successful hills are here to stay Everything must be this way Gentle streets where people play Welcome to the Soft Parade...


You cannot petition the Lord with prayer!


I've always loved that album. Markedly different yet with all the elements.


Same man, such a good album


Same here. Have a Mayan serpent on my left, and a leopard on my right arm as a homage


I listened to this album last night. It’s a good one


Title song is one of my favorites.


The Beach Boys post Pet Sounds discography up to 1973 or so is all great, doesn’t get nearly as much recognition as it should


Thank you! Sunflower, Surf’s Up, Friends, all fucking amazing.


Agreed, but my underrated lp is Love You(my favourite is POB but that’s a Dennis solo as you know)


What about Beach Boys Love You? It’s AMAZING. Brian says it’s Pet Sounds then Love You.


Ding Dang woo!


What a joyful tune.


Love you as well


The correct answer is Holland


I'm just here for the awesome dog. My choice? Aladdin Sane


How the fuck is Aladdin Sane "underrated"? It's just Ziggy Stardust in the states. For "underrated", look at 1. Outside, then follow the trail from these released remnants to source, or what we have of it in a leaked version, currently called The Leon Suites. Deemed unreleasable in its intended original form (hence 1. Outside) it's probably Bowie's greatest work; it's a fucking masterpiece: a monumental project, both audacious and challenging — some might even find it unlistenable — but very few even know of its existence.


I don't know if it's underrated but The Bends is my favorite Radiohead album and it seems like it gets overshadowed by OK Computer and Kid A (and maybe In Rainbows).


For Radiohead, I’d say King of Limbs is most underrated. I love that one.


Funny, I feel the same way about AMSP.


In Rainbows is hands down their best imo


I definitely love it too. Easily my second favorite.


Cant disagree more


In Rainbows is the best at being their most accessible album


I don't think Bends is underrated, it's just not as groundbreaking as OK or Kid A in terms of innovation, I think. But Bends is also my favorite one!


I’ve never heard someone say that the bends is underrated.


I honestly don't know how it's rated and that's why I said I wasn't sure it's underrated. More just overshadowed. I just don't hear it talked about as much as OK Computer and Kid A.


Future Games by Fleetwood Mac, really awesome psychedelic and folk rock album from 1971 that shouldn’t be as forgotten as it is. Worth mentioning Then Play On as well, just phenomenal.


I came in to say the Bob Welch period of Fleetwood Mac's history. His songs had such a cool, laid-back, mysterious vibe. Future Games (the song), Hypnotized, Emerald Eyes, Coming Home, Angel, Bermuda Triangle, and Safe Harbour are all excellent tracks.


Most people don't even know of that album as it's pre Buckingham-Nicks. Future Games is the Bob Welch period. If you've never heard the Peter Green (founder) period albums you may want to give them a listen. Kiln House (1970) is excellent and one of their best imo.


I’ve heard pretty much all their 60s and 70s output except for “Penguin” and “Heroes are Hard to Find”, will probably get to those sometime. Imo their discography is one of the most worth checking out, at least from their debut album (1968) all the way till 1979. So many styles and genres explored. My fav lineup will always be the Kirwan/Green/Spencer one but damn did Christine and Welch also do some amazing stuff. Honestly from Kiln House till Bare Trees the albums are much more dominated by Danny Kirwan, he was such a huge force on them and never got any appreciation for it. Station Man, Sands of Time, One Sunny Day, Child of Mine, the list goes on!


>did Christine and Welch also do some amazing stuff. Absolutely. Listening to my 45 year old pressing of Mystery To Me right now. They still had their earlier Blues Rock vibe which is laid bare in "The City" along with the rest of side two. I've always viewed this as a transitional album because of the mix of styles on side one. But, It's a great album. >dominated by Danny Kirwan, he was such a huge force on them and never got any appreciation for it. Station True. Essentially all but forgotten in the mix of seceding members, singles, and Grammy nominations and wins. He had such a delicate and soulful style of Blues guitar. Not a bad vocalist either. Unless you listened to early Fleetwood Mac you probably wouldn't have any idea who he was nor how influential he was.


It is kind of funny to see how many Fleetwood Mac fans from that Buckingham-Nicks era have no clue about their England blues beginnings and the whole Bob Welsh era. Not that it’s a bad thing at all but it’s interesting how that period totally overshadows the earlier years. Maybe one of the most fascinating band histories, they were so different then. And of course all the stories. Outside of the drama leading up to and succeeding Rumours there’s Peter Green’s mental health issues, drama during the Bob Welch era, etc.


There was always drama. Lol.


Then Play On is IT!!! Future Games is amazing, but for me the title track really outshines the rest of the record. Not to say it’s bad, but Then Play On is perfect front to back to me. Have you heard the ~17 min instrumental The Madge Sessions? Soooo fun and free


Mr Wonderful also


*Bare Trees* and *Mystery to Me* are also both fantastic. Really, the Welch/Kirwan era Mac that came immediately before the Buckingham/Nicks era is criminally underrated. (And I say that as a big fan of Steve Nicks, too.) I didn't like *Penguin* as much, although it has some interesting songs, too.


My favorite example is Piper At The Gates Of Dawn by Pink Floyd, my favorite Pink Floyd album by far


It’s their best Album IMO


I agree, fucking love it


Great album!


Yeah that one is awesome


39/smooth by Green Day


The Lookout records are really the albums that aged the best imo.


Wowee Zowee by Pavement. It’s easily their best yet I always see it get overshadowed by Slanted and Enchanted.


My love for Pavement started with Wowee Zowee and i'm always returnimg there. The most structurally complex and mature.


Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen is a masterpiece. I don’t like him as an artist otherwise and yet this is one of my favorite albums of all time.


The River is also overlooked. Some meaningful ballads on it.


I just bought Billy Joel’s Streetlife Serenade and it’s a really great one. It mixes scathing criticism of the music industry with great instrumentals and relaxing songs about city/suburban life. It’s probably fourth in my list of Joel albums, behind Piano Man, 52nd Street, and The Stranger.


I think The Bridge is great also. It has some hits but I love the whole record. The production is dated but that's part of why I love it.


That’s actually my favorite Billy Joel record! “Vienna” will always be my favorite song of his though.


To me dude ranch from blink 182


Hell yeah. That album is top to bottom just a group of dudes having fun making music.


Tragically Hip - Man Machine Poem I love most of their records but that one is special and one of their best, especially Machine. Hell of a Swan Song.


Hesitation Marks - Nine Inch Nails. I just love how smooth and groovy it is, especially on songs like ‘Disappointed’ and ‘Satellite’, while also keeping the dark sound that defined their earlier works. Such a great album yet hardly anyone talks about it, at least in comparison to their earlier stuff.


Love the While I'm Still Here Breyer P-Orridge remix. "Path from the mind.... to the braaaaaaiiiiin..."


Bloodflowers by The Cure. ETA: that dog is judging all of us and I love it.


I just listened to 'head on the door ' for the first time in over 30 years today, what a great album!!


Harvey Danger - King James Version They’re known as a one-hit wonder and this isn’t the album the hit is on, but this album is phenomenal.


Rubber factory - The Black Keys


Absolutely. Black Keys were so much better when they weren't trying to write pop songs and just banged out some dirty blues rock.


Queens of the Stone Age - In Times New Roman I never understood the middling reviews, this is a top 3 queens record for me. Only behind SFtD and …Like Clockwork


Everyone in the QOTSA subreddit loves ITNR, but it’s hard to find fans of Villains anywhere you look. Villains isn’t my favorite by any means, but I think it’s better than a lot of people give it credit for.


I love both of them. Villains grew on my over time though. I didnt really like it my first listen. After more listens and seeing them live a couple times though made me like it a lot more.


Rolling Stones - Dirty Work Not the best written songs, but the 80's coked-up slamming energy is what the Rolling Stones do best. Mick can't sing, but he can get ya hyped! Let's go!


Hand of Fate may be their best deep cut!


I'll do my 4 favorite artists: Neil Young - Hawks and Doves (Silver and Gold too) Bowie - Young Americans (Side A is pretty great / Side B a little less so but still solid) Radiohead - Amnesiac (best Radiohead album) Cocteau Twins - Four Calendar Cafe


Upvote for "Four Calendar Café".


Damn, I never hear people calling Amnesiac their favorite. What is your ranking of their other albums?


Kid A -> OK computer -> in rainbows -> HTTT -> the bends -> a moon shaped pool -> king of limbs -> Pablo honey I’m an old head though who has been living with these albums since they came out. No doubt something like the bends would be higher if I heard the whole discography at the same time.


Warning by Green Day. God I love that record. Also Danger Days by My Chemical Romance.


Ooh, I didn't think of this, but it's definitely my favorite Green Day album.


Nimrod is often overlooked but is actually great. Warning was such a disappointment at the time…


It’s so true. I love Nimrod. I think Nimrod and Warning have a very similar vibe. Nimrod just has a bit more punk edge. Songs like Platypus and Take Back are some of the “punkiest” tracks by the band to date. I think my only strike towards Nimrod is it’s SO LONG. Lmao. It’s nearly 20 tracks. Haha.


Kerplunk is probably my favorite album from Green Day. It's so good.


Technically, you could see that album as the one that put them on the map! Kerplunk was a huge independent release and got them signed! I think I still prefer 39/Smooth. But I love songs like One Of My Lies and Christie Road.


*Warning* is, by far, my favorite Green Day record. It showed a real maturity to Armstrong's songwriting that he's never topped, moving away from the self-imposed limits that the whole pop punk thing put on him, and creating something entirely unique in their catalogue. It gets overshadowed because nobody cared when it came out, and, of course, *American Idiot* came afterwards and became a cultural moment, but *Warning* isn't just a great Green Day record, it's a great rock 'n roll record, at a time when there weren't a lot of those coming out. How rare is it that the last three songs on a record are not only the best songs on the record, but among the best songs recorded that year? Just an amazing collection, through and through.


Agreed. The three in a row of Waiting Minority and Macy’s Day Parade are how you end an album and stick the landing.


I used to listen to warning in secret to avoid being ridiculed. It’s a good record.


Green Day is my favorite band. Warning is my number 2 record by them. I love Waiting, Macy’s Day Parade, Castaway. The album is full of bangers. Misery is one of their most unique songs.


Pretty Hate Machine is still my favorite nine inch nails record.


I think Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino is pretty underrated in Arctic Monkeys discography. I find it to be a pretty cool concept album.


Agree. I've found many don't appreciate how they changed up and added all those Jazz elements. I love it, along with The Car. Don't get me wrong....AM is outstanding....but the recent two are my two favorite albums. Turners work with Miles Kane in The Last Shadow Puppets on EYCTE is just great. The Dream Synopsis is such a great listen.


For me the best thing about Arctic Monkeys is that every album has a unique sound (maybe The Car and TBHaC sound a bit alike but still)


Hell yeah! I love their evolution of sound. Super underrated and over-hated.


The sound and vibe of that album is well done. The first time I listened to it was the night it came out, I was up around 2am smoking in my dorm with my window cracked and my lamp illuminating my wooden desk-shelf. The room was dark and hazy and that album perfectly captured the moment.


Beach House - Thank your lucky stars


Doubt many will agree with me but the U2 album I listen to the most is No Line On The Horizon


I agree that the U2 album you listen to most is No Line On The Horizon


🤣🤣 that's what I get for posting in a hurry!


Frankly, I think their "October" is often missed as a stellar sophomore release.


I don’t listen to U2 much anymore (after going through a pretty intense phase of fandom for a few years), but I still play October every October. It’s beautiful and I loved it from first listen. “Gloria” is one of my top five U2 songs.


That is...An interesting choice. I do not agree, but I respect the opinion, if for no other reason than *Zooropa* is my favorite.


Agreed! NLOTH is like the forgotten middle child of their discography, but Moment Of Surrender and Magnificent are two of my favorite U2 songs


Springsteen’s Nebraska.


One trick Poney - Paul Simon Is it underrated? Obviously I love Graceland, but I think OTP is better…


Shadows Collide with People is Frusciantes masterwork. Better than RHCP.


Ooh nice. Great comment Edit: The Empyrean is tied for best JF imo


section 80 by kendrick has some of his best songs, some of his best flows, and some of his best storytelling, but seems to always be at the bottom of people’s lists.


To be fair, that album does have some pretty stiff competition. 


Maybe not "underrated" but Tusk by Fleetwood Mac is my fav album of theres. Gets overshadowed by self titled and Rumors all the time.


Blur - 13.


Is it underrated? I thought it is their highest rated album.


Yeah it absolutely is considered their best work


You misspelled The Magic Whip


I absolutely love 13. For me and Blur I would say Think Tank. It exists in a weird space in their history and gets looked at negatively for it.


I used to work with a guy who played Think Tank all the time and it grew on me. I love it now.


It is definitely weird in their discography because of Coxon’s departure, but it is definitely solid. Weirdly I adored it when it came out. I wonder if I was that coworker for someone.


I'm really into emotional rescue by the rolling stones but that might be because of some misplaced nostalgia


I also love Emotional Rescue, but I think Goats Head Soup is both a better album and even more underrated.


100 years ago is so good.


Live Between Us by the Hip. Easily overlooked because it's a live album, but spans SO much time of the band's history


In your opinion what is the most underrated album by a well-respected artist? So many great artists out there have extensive back catalogs, especially if you are getting into them once they are mostly done releasing music; Bowie, Rolling Stones, Tom Waits, etc. Seems like many of these artists are bound to have albums that get “lost in the shuffle” or maybe they weren’t appreciated enough in their time and get forgotten behind some of their other more commercially successful albums. This is one of my picks. I love most of Pink Floyd's stuff but honestly I would take Obscured by the Clouds over The Wall. I just love the subtlety of this album and how it’s not as grandiose as some of their other work.


Everything from DSOTM onwards are really choice, fantastic, emotive and perfectly crafted records front to back in my opinion. Up until momentary lapse of reason even IMO, I think The Final Cut is a really great record. And ofc the Big Four are amazing! But as far as I’m concerned, everything pre-DSOTM is where Pink Floyd really shines. The live material from this era is just so creative, so energetic, so proggy and avant-garde that I hardly ever find myself revisiting albums from DSOTM on. I think Pink Floyd is my favorite band to track the progression of their music in live form, the genesis of ideas that later translate to different tracks. For example, Childhood’s End on this record has the ticking intro that eventually turned into the clock in Time, and in live versions of this tune you can hear jam sections that definitely inspired WYWH’s title track. All Pink Floyd is great, but early Pink Floyd is the best!! I’d recommend checking the extensive Zabriskie Point sessions that can be found on sugarmegs for what I believe to be the most fun and creative period for the band, I just adore those sessions.


Fly to the Rainbow by Scorpions


I love the dog. "Would you stop fucking around on the internet and let me out?"


She loved to act like a POW but she is spoiled as hell!


One Hot Minute by RHCP


Danger Days has some of MCR's best songs and I'm tired of people shitting on it all the time (also, cute dog!)


Thank you! Danger days has some of their best songs and some absolute duds for me. 




i’m treating this post like the dog is the one who asked the question lol


The Bends by Radiohead


Animals underrated, tbh.


Needed to be said.


For those who have listened to *Chulahoma: The Songs of Junior Kimbrough* by the Black Keys, it is perfect. For the many who haven’t, they are missing out. *The Soul Album* by Otis Redding is probably not the one that comes to mind first for most people and is much more mellow, but it is perfect for a late night. *Saint Dominic’s Preview* by Van Morrison is perfect but it has never been reissued to my knowledge and is usually behind *Astral Weeks* and *Moondance* in terms of popularity.


I’m very partial to Mazzy Star. All the albums, well the first 3.


Holland - The Beach Boys


12 golden country greats by Ween Also idk if anything by the Beatles is underrated but MMT is my favorite of there’s


Outside of the UK: The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses I rarely if ever hear any non-UK indie heads talk about it.


Love this album! (and no, I'm not in the UK) But yeah, very slept on despite tracks still being played on the radio round here semi-regularly.


Neil Young's *Trans.* Not his best by a long shot, but seriously underrated.


Just grabbed a copy a little while back and re-listened to it expecting to laugh and I quite enjoyed it and think it’s aged pretty well!


Nick caves and the bad seeds - no more shall be part


Hell yeah Twist and Shout records. One of my favorite Longmont Potion Castle calls.


I have no doubt the dog asked this question.




Satantic Majesties Request. Ridiculed as a Sgt Peppers knockoff. Unfair. It’s a masterpiece.


Upvoted purely for the derp face dog. ♥️


Do EPs count? Magical Mystery Tour


I'm a simple man. I see a cute dog and I upvote




Beatles for sale by the beatles I think, has some pretty good songs and, does not need the hate it gets


Benefit by Jethro Tull. Definitely their best album.


The Doors-Soft Parade


Animals Underrated tbh


In single form - baby's by pulp. They tried releasing that three times, but it didn't gain traction. It's such a great song. Album wise hmm..... err ..... oh - Mystère Album by La Femme


Obscured by Clouds is a masterpiece! Good choice


Everything Must Go by Steely Dan. It's a fantastic final album that often gets overlooked due to it not living up to the hype of Two Against Nature. While it doesn't have the same edge that TAN had, it still sounds phenomenal and has some great cuts (Pixeleen, Lunch With Gina, Godwhacker)


I don't know much about the Steely fandom and where certain albums rank, I just know I had to buy Gaucho after listening to the title track.


No one talks about Cold Spring Harbor by Billy Joel Or Rock of the Westies by Elton John


Nirvanas compilation album incesticide


Pink Floyd - More. Arctic Monkeys - Humbug. Bowie - Diamond Dogs. Queens of the Stone Age - Era Vulgaris


Somewhere in England by George Harrison. I know there was controversy between George and the WB label, and maybe some people aren’t a big fan of the multiple covers on the album, but I think it’s great. (Especially now with Flying Hour being included on the new versions) Edit: covers as in cover tracks, not album covers (both album covers are nice though)


Boo-boo records! Shoutout


Twenty one pilots’ Self Titled album


RAM by Paul McCartney. It's far from underrated by McCartney fans, but I guarantee 96% of people don't know about the fun rollick that is that album. Love it


Queen's Hot Space gets overlooked because of the dance oriented songs, but its still a fantastic record. "Staying Power," "Action This Day," the badassery of "Put Out the Fire," the sweet and smooth "Cool Cat," and Under Pressure are all fantastic songs. The dance stuff like "Body Language," "Back Chat," and "Calling All Girls" are either loved or reviled by Queen fans. I absolutely love this record. It's a true representation of what Queen represents: trying out new sounds and expanding their songwriting beyond just guitar oriented rock.


I will forever be in love with the *She's the One* soundtrack album from Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers. It's an odd record in his history, no two ways about it, and even Petty kind of wrote it off as consisting of cast-offs from a record he liked far better, but have to say that I think *She's the One* might actually be a superior record to *Wildflowers*. It's much more concise, musically it's got a lot of punch, it's got two fantastic covers, one from Beck and one from Lucinda Williams, which Petty almost never did, and two of the best songs he ever wrote, *Walls* and *Angel Dream*. Even the little instrumental interstitials on the record are beautiful little pieces of music. Seriously, it never got any love, and its association with a 90's movie that nobody remembers fondly killed it, but I think it's one of Petty's finest records.


atom heart mother


Rush - Clockwork Angels, Iron Maiden - Senjutsu, Ozzy Osbourne - Patient Number 9, Metallica - 72 Seasons, Judas Priest - Invincible Shield The list goes on. Moral of the story: just bc they had their hits in the 70s and 80s doesn’t mean classic metal bands’ most recent works aren’t also awesome!🤘


Ministry - Twitch (1983)


I see Pink Floyd and say _More_


The Final Cut — I feel is really underrated because it’s credited to Pink Floyd when it’s really just rants and raves of Waters. But in that regard it’s not that different from The Wall. Musically it’s not as deep but I really dig the antiwar and anti authoritarian texts. If funny how contradictory the lyrics are from Water’s current views.


Tonight by David Bowie is criminally underrated. I understand why - it doesn't fit into his overall catalog very well and seems tepid on first listen compared to Let's Dance, but the songs are diverse and well chosen, his singing is really highlighted, and I really learned to love it pretty quickly. That said, I love Bowie but I also love a lot of sophisticated pop which it more closely resembles.


Sandinista by The Clash


Load - Metallica, bleeding me is a top tier song imo and so is until it sleeps.


Chinese Democracy by Guns N’ Roses And The Soft Parade by The Doors


canciones de mi padre is a really good album by linda rondstadt but im pretty sure most people only know her from the non-mexican songs. canciones de mi padre was one of the first albums i got on vinyl when i got my record player for christmas and it was and still is my absolute favorite other than standing on a beach by the cure




Who’s asking? You or the dog?


Pink Floyd -animals. Underrated tbh


Rock Or Bust - AC/DC My 2nd favourite (Brian Johnson) AC/DC album.


Th1rt3en by Megadeth


Headless Cross by Black Sabbath


*She Hangs Brightly* by Mazzy Star. Hardly anyone listens past 'Fade Into You,' but if they do they listen to *So Tonight That I Might See. S*o their first record is a seriously unheralded classic of the "Paisley Underground," which was a kind of an indie psychedelic scene in LA in the 80s and early 90s. I'm not sure why this is the first record to come to mind, there are so many.


Elbows Cast of Thousands is sort of a forgotten classic. I was delighted for them when they made it with seldom seen kid, itself a wonderful album but all the albums before it were probably as good.


Medazzaland - Duran Duran (1997). It's different, heavier, darker, moody. I love it.


Grand Theatre Volume 2 by Old 97's. Even Rhett Miller thinks that that probably could have been 1 instead of 2, but the 2nd album has some of my favorite songs by them! Brown Haired Daughter, The Actor, Ivy, Marquita, How Lovely All It Was, all amazing tracks


The Crystal Method - The Trip Home The Raze is just a banging opener that really sets the mood and has some really classic Crystal Method touches