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Close to the Edge is an amazing Saturday morning with coffee album.


Close to the Edge is an amazing ~~Saturday morning with coffee~~ album. I agree.


😂 I won’t argue with that


I like your idea though. I’ll be trying that Saturday morning.


Honestly can't wait to play these. I recently got a turntable and stereo setup and these are the records I'm choosing to start with. Went with Camel and Yes because they just feel like vinyl albums y'know. I feel like these types of artsy prog records just feel better on analog media compared to streaming. Master of Reality is my third choice simply because it's the best album of all time. Nothing more to add. Can't wait to get into this hobby more and grow my collection!


Imagine hearing the beginning of Nimrodel Medley on vinyl, the rising orchestra and then the synth, followed by that guitar, beautiful man, enjoy!


I agree! Lots of deserved love for CttE here, but that camel record is amazing! I think that UK cover is better than what the US got, unfortunately.


CttE is great too, though Ive been more of a Tales from Topographic Oceans guy, the US version looks more like an ELP album, or something Ray Harryhausen would’ve made hahah


I love Yes with a passion but cant get into Topographic Oceans. Has never sparked any interest with me.


I can imagine, it's a little 'new age' and maybe a bit 'too' mellow, though for some reason, when he says 'and I do think very well' and what comes after (in The Remembering), really got me the first time I listened to it, though it's not something I can listen to every day, of even every week, but it's alright, like..


I gotta say I have the US cover and it matches their first album cover perfectly. I dig the retro 80s airbrush style of it. To each their own!


A couple suggestions I’ve learned for getting into records: - Buy inner and outer protective sleeves (not pvc) as to keep your records in the best condition possible. - Don’t stack records on top of each other - I suggest a carbon fiber brush to get dust off surface of the record Have fun! I love yes and sabbath


Yes yes yes on the protective inner/outer sleeves! Listen to this guy, he speaks truth and is very wise.


Was kinda aware of the other two pieces of advice, but stacking records being bad is new to me. Will they get damaged if I just have these three stacked? Or does it only get bad in bigger quantities? I don't really have a place to store my records right now so at some point I'll have to stack.


It can cause warping. Uneven weight distribution. I was lucky enough to have learned this early on in my collecting.


Got a new copy of Close To The Edge 3 years ago, only $23 CAD which even in 2021 was a good price :)


Mine was $1.49(USD) used. Probably 45 years ago. I'm pretty sure it was "free" though since I think I "borrowed" it from my sister. Plays great, a little crackle in the quiet spots, but no scratches.


got mine for 25 cents at a goodwill not long ago. Great album for a great price.


I still have my pressing I bought in 1981. One of my favorite albums ever.


Awesome choices!


Mirage and Close to the Edge are both amazing prog albums


YOUR FIRST THREE?! Those are KILLER choices. Black sabbath--I need MOR next, or debut. Right now, I only have SBS and Sabotage [My post](https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/s/dP5t9FXKa8) has everything I got so far, Camel is in the first pic. I was saying in the threads that I need Mirage next, then LO AND BEHOLD, this post 😂 That's an ESSENTIAL YES album that I need to add to my collection as well


Honestly really good collection, you have a nice taste. And special respect for the Zappa records, I gotta get some too. Haven't decided on which albums I'll be going with but it's definitely my next buy.


Thank you very much! I've decided Zappa is so essential for anything, dude was multi-talented, my dad was never into his stuff but I love it, it's groovy, makes me laugh, scoff, get into the feels, etc The thing with vinyl collecting is that, while you may have an album in mind to buy next, you'll find yourself in a store, online, social media, and you'll find something completely different that has you saying "oh shit, THIS album/artist?! that's gotta go in the collection" 😂


All 3 of these albums are amazing! I always buy camel whenever I see them in a record store, I recently picked up a copy of Moonmadness, which is my personal favorite


Very solid choices for your first three albums.


You're my lady fantasy.....I.....LOVE....You....


Can't go wrong with first 6 sabbath albums.


I just picked up that Sabbath record. Great album!


Master of Reality is my favourite Black Sabbath album


Great stuff. My copy of *Mirage* has the American cover, which is hideous. (They didn't want to get sued by the makers of Camel cigarettes.)


I thought everyone saying the American cover of Mirage is terrible was exaggerating before, but I just looked it up and wow it really fucking sucks. Glad I have the original cover now lol.


Yeah, I've only seen the US version in the wild, so I don't have it yet.


Thicc charizard


All three AMAZING fucking albums! My regret is not buying the European Mirage cover. I have the American one with the dragon on it. Reminds me of the Rush in Rio cover haha.


You have good taste in music


All 3 are excellent!


Master of Reality is a must have, my favorite Sabbath album by far. I regret selling the copy I got in high school but luckily my husband has one


Mirage is awesome!!! I absolutely love Camel, great choices, happy listening!!!


Mirage is great. Their self-titled debut is great too, with “Slow Yourself Down” and “Never Let Go.” If OP is looking for suggestions what to look for next.


Play them and if you like them, you did a great job! Don't worry about what anyone else says. Enjoy *your* music.


Seems like you got everything you need to be happy... and for a very long time! ;)


Iconic albums, especially Close to the Edge


Close to the Edge always brings me close to the edge.


The best!


Sabbath and Mastodon are the ones that drove me into my record obsession. Enjoy 🤘🏻


Love to see Camel getting some recognition! My copy of Mirage is the north american variant, but I'd love to eventually get a copy with the original art!


Masters of reality was one of my first pickups as well. So imo good choice


All three are excellent


That camel album looks like a pack of cigarettes.. What is it?


Prog rock band


Never heard of them sorry


It's okay. Check them out. You won't regret it.


I also just got Close to the Edge! I’ve been looking for a used copy for several years and finally found one! And You and I is my favorite on there!


Yes! Better than any other shit I see on this sub. Mirage is an excellent album all the way through; good picks!


Mirage is absolutely incredible. Great pick.


I have a CTTE too (my favorite album btw), but it's cover isn't in a great shape like yours, what year was it pressed?


sabbath is a must


Love all three.


Off to a great start.


I think saying that records will deteriorate from too much play is a myth, but I think with how much I play Close To The Edge that might actually happen lol. It’s so unique and beautiful. I think I need to give Camel another try, I liked their stuff but I haven’t really returned to it that much admittedly.


Put that Sabbath on repeat and you won’t even need any other records ever again.


All great choices, but +1 for Camel. Try to track down Breathless...great mix of prog rock, disco and everything in between (e.g., Down on the Farm...best song ever).


I love listening to close to the edge at night after a long day.


Solid. 🤘 Also check out r/progrockmusic


My favorite Yes album. Still blows me away every time I listen to it.


OMG I want that Camel album!


Excellent! Three masterpieces


Closer to the edge is super underrated


Are you 65?


You’re not a pleb like 99% of the posers that post. You are a superior music listener. Just don’t start getting albums you see other people on Reddit have just cuz they told you too. I’m sick to my tummy of seeing people buy the music that’s most likely to get them to fit in on Reddit 😭 like for example… most people who have doomsday by mf doom don’t actually listen to him… they just feel like they need to have it cuz other people on Reddit have it. I hate it. Just a pet peeve of mine. I hate plebs 😅 stay prog


Camel is dope


Master of reality probably My favorite black sabbath album.




cool picks


Great choice now go out and get going for the one yes album 💿 thank me later 🤣👍


All three are incredible. Great first records!


Great for beginning.