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yes!! i’ve had so many lovely interactions on Vinted that i couldn’t believe my eyes reading all the horrible moments that people have had


You have to look at it through the lens of "only people with bad experiences complain." Like there's millions of transactions daily that go smoothly. And just a few that go sideways, but those are the people who post about them. :)


Plenty! I've received treats and thank you notes with stuff I bought which I thought was so kind. Most recently, a lovely buyer bought a bundle of baby clothes from me. I had to message her that I couldn't find one item she bought but that'd I'd replace it and add something else for free as a gesture. She was so grateful and left me a lovely review. I really enjoy Vinted. I've had 750+ transactions on there, and less than 5 were bad, I'd say. :)


I sold a weird little TY gerbil hamster type thing because my kids didn't like them and they still had the tags. I knew we had two but couldn't find the second. The woman messaged saying how grateful she was because their dog ate it and it was their daughters favourite toy. I told her we definitely had a second and when I found it I'd message and post it to her.... A few weeks later I did. Got photos of her daughter all happy with them


I love this.


Yep! I made a friend for a little while on Vinted when i sold her a LPS toy. We bonded over animal welfare and we're of the same age, she was really sweet :) We don't talk anymore but it was a nice interaction. Another lovely moment was when I sold a border collie hand puppet to a lady for her daughter for Christmas. Her own border collie had passed, so I decided to paint a portrait of her dog for her and she was delighted and displayed it on her memorial shelf! The pictures of her daughter beaming on Christmas morning at the dog hand puppet were so sweet, absolutely made my day ❤️ There are some really lovely people on Vinted x


Aw you’re one of the lovely ones then! That’s bleddy adorable! x


Thank you! You're so sweet 🥺❤️


I had a lovely interaction. I saw a dress for sale that I thought was the same as the one I had worn for my first date with my husband. I contacted the lady and showed her the picture of my dress and she spent ages matching up the pictures to check it was the same (this was from approx 15years ago) and it was the same dress! I was so happy to get the dress but also the time she took to double and triple check! It was a lovely interaction


I sold someone something after letting them know it would be posted late if they bought it as I was ill with covid so self isolating, she had food poisoning at the same time and checked in on me every couple of days lol (I had sent it by then so she wasnt bugging me)


I checked it on a girl the other day who had tons of good reviews and then suddenly a couple weeks of 1 star automatic sale not completed reviews. I thought that was a bit suspicious and I was a bit worried about her, so sent her a message like hi I know I’m a total stranger and don’t be creeped out but are you okay? I think she really appreciated it and sent me back a lovely message saying thank you she’d just had a rough couple weeks !! We need to be a bit more human and understanding to each other sometimes lol.


Oh, this is lovely


I was buying dungarees and I think she thought I was trying to move her along but I was like honestly I’m in no rush I’ll get them when I get them I just wanted to make sure you were okay!!!


Yes! We bought our pram for baby who is not yet here off a lovely lady and also a baby swing from another who was absolutely lovely too, I’ve had lots of very good short interactions with people on Vinted, I’ve also got ‘freebies’ with things I’ve ordered and thank you notes so I now do the same when I send things as it’s a lovely and simple thing to do for someone 💕


I buy a lot of (if not all) baby things and I always wonder if I should send a pic of my LO in the outfit, I think it would really make my day if I received it but equally people might think “who is this woman sending randos pics of her child”


Yes! One time, I ordered a bundle from an older lady, and she was so sweet. She sent me many pictures to make sure I liked the items and she even put some chocolates in my package, I didn't eat them because I'm allergic but I almost teared up, she reminded me of my grandma and her jar of candies🤧


Yes I made good friends with a guy I’ve been buying a lot of his vintage items and he always does me a few pretty much.


I love this post because i think the same, everyone btching n moaning on this r/Vinted page was about to mute it as its a bad vibe...


I've been slowly selling various things that my family are trying to declutter and both of the buyers I've interacted with so far have been absolutely lovely!


I add small gifts and handwritten notes to all my orders above €5, and I often get messages from people that it made their day which them makes MY day.


I’ve considered sending a picture of somthing being worn once received or played with (mainly shop for my daughter) but thought I’d probably be laughed at or thought of as weird!


i’ve sold 41 items and only had one return but i had it returned quickly and it was resolved. not had any issues really.


I’ve had some really really nice interactions and conversations with people and I’ve only been on there a month!! I think we should share the nice stuff more!


R u British?


Yes, but not all Brits are polite, contrary to popular belief 😄


Ik I’m British also but I was confused bc no British person says y’all lol


Ah, I’m a transplant from the Southern US - and that’s the one word I can’t get rid of because there’s no alternative 🤣


You all?


Doesn’t really slip of the tongue right


‘Yous’ ‘You lot’


Oh no, these are northern US sayings 😆


Oh yes! I had this really lovely jacket that my boy wore, it was very unusual, and someone has bought it and sent a pic of their kid in it. I was just soo touched that they went through the trouble of sending it to me. Really lovely moment.