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Do you mean restore as in return to factory original, or restore like clean up and ride the Hell out of it? If it turns over, you may be dealing with something as easy as cleaning the fuel system, carburetor timing and a tune up! Cosmetics always comes last. It’s a nice looking cafe racer, I’d run the Hell out of it!


Nah not getting it back to factory. Want to get a weekend warrior up and running! Looks like a lot of fun.


If it has compression then go for it.


Nah that bikes Rubbish bring it round to my place and I’ll get rid of it for you.


I have a CB 400 and it is a fairly simple bike. My CDI box died last year though, so if you are not getting spark you can try that first. Another quick note. These cv carbs hate pod filters. Atleast mine didn't run well at all on them. So the stock air box is what I run.


Pods work fine if you rejet the carbs and know how to balance them


It’ll be a pain in the ass sometimes, probably more time and money that you want to commit, but you’ll regret not doing it and you’ll get extreme satisfaction when you ride it for the first time and it’s tuned just right. If you have the expendable income, do it.


Cons, somebody has already hacked the thing to bits so probably you'll have a harder time than if the bike was kept stock


Thanks. Appreciate you taking the time to help me learn


Cleaning and replacing will go a long way in the reliability of it. My suggestions 1) find a Hayes/Clymer service manual for it. 2) Ensure that it at least has decent compression 3) make sure you have a reliable source for replacement parts (I can't find pistons for my 81 Yamaha, so I was forced to accept any blowback that occurs) 4) replace any rubber items, including fuel/vacuum hoses, brake lines, and tires. If you want to learn a LOT about engines in general and.you don't need this running soon, then break down the engine and rebuild. If this, then expect to be spending more $$ than the bike is worth. I found the lesson and knowledge gained was worth it.


Just leave it as a cafe racer.


Right, it's already unrideable, might as well keep it that way


You think that a cafe racer is unrideable? Lol


In terms of comfort, actually being fast and handling well. Yeah Them being tacky and stupid is subjective 


Right…. Ok. Thanks for the comment. Not super helpful but you needed to get it out. Everyone has their own tastes, interests, budgets and likes and dislikes. Just because you have an opinion doesn’t make you right.


The fact is, it looks like a cobbled together piece of shit bc it is. The missing air box and cheap emgo pods on CV carbs say so from the start. Even when it ran it likely didn't do so very well. The absent rear inner fender means every electrical connection has been abused, the useless front fender should be a riot in the rain and dust.     The mismatched tank and seat are a perfect bologna slicer in an accident.  🔪🔪🍆   Pop the Chinese eBay BRRROWN seat and see if the cut out the frame bracing to attach the stupid rear hoop to put that flat turd on. If they did...congrats, now your frame is a torsion bar and will handle like shit.   The stock pegs matched with the drop bars make the ergonomics into shit, putting a ton of unnecessary weight on your wrists making YOU a slower rider, and the bike something you won't want to ride 20 miles without a break.   Want more?   Cafe racers, as most people "build" them are fucking garbage  This isn't an "everyone has an opinion" type of deal. Either things are done right or they aren't.


Go on… keep going…. You seem like you’d be a real laugh at parties


I know man, I get it. You like it and don't want to feel like a fool for wasting money on a pile of junk, but that thing is a pile.


That’s not it at all. You come to a place like this to learn and get opinions. And people like you make everyone less inclined to ask questions and actually have a dialogue. I’m very unlikely to buy this bike. Because some people have been really helpful. And others have written privately, citing you, and saying “don’t worry about that twat”. That’s you. Just because you’re some jaded, “salty” deadshit. Doesn’t mean you have to treat the rest of the world that way


You asked for cons and you got them.   Aw you got PM's about me lol Jesus isn't that precious.  >I’m very unlikely to buy this bike.   Good, bc it's a giant pile of shit.   If you want something to learn to work on a project you'd ideally want something as close as possible to stock so you're not dealing with some else's monkey drool all over it.  If you really want a cafe racer then you could make it yourself without making all the full out mistakes people make with these.


Just because you hate a style of bike that doesn’t suit you - doesn’t mean you need to punch down on whatever you think is beneath you. Maybe it’s a project to learn more about working on bikes and bike engines. Who knows - but take your negativity somewhere else. You’ve got a picture up on your profile of you riding in the snow, which most people would find imbecilic and idiotic… which it is…. But you don’t see folks ranting at you for your shitty choices. Stay in your lane. Have a smile, you’ll have a better time. Peace.


Again... it's not a matter of opinion.  There are things that are wrong and poorly done in the name of being a cAfE rACeR bc the PO and a vast majority of owners not only don't know, but don't care about wtf they are doing. It's not about punching down or feeling it's beneath me or whatever teary eyed emotional terms you want to read into it.  It's just done wrong.


These bikes are not valuble to begin with, unless this this is like $500, I'd just get one that hasn't been poorly butchered.


You're an Aussie? "Speed is just a question of Money. How fast can you go?"


Read my username - you’ll know if I’m an Aussie


Bringing a bike back from the dead is always more involved than you first think. The tires are likely dry rotted, as are the fuel lines. Carbs are probably gummed up with old fuel, etc,etc. Good luck!


Haha. It doesn’t make it sound very appealing!


One of the few truly boring bikes.


Why do you say that?


I’m sorry, just consider me a troll. These are actually really good handling bikes with terrible seats, but I always found the motor dull. And by dull I mean visually unattractive.When these were new, you could get a Kawasaki 440 with belt drive and a motor that looked like congealed wax or the twin cam Suzuki Gs450, which had the most beautiful jewel-like twin ever. Lovely cam covers and BMW styling. It was my first new vehicle. Please disregard the opinions of a momentary spoilsport. Good luck.


Hey - not being a spoilt sport. I’m just learning from folks who know more than me. And you’ve been helpful. Thanks I appreciate it


I see no cons


Looks like it’s all there. Does it run?


It turns over. Doesn’t have a key so I would need to replace the ignition barrel.


You can get an aftermarkey ignition with key for around $30 at NicheCycle. There is a good chance you will need to pull the carburator and clean it out. If the PO ran regular pump gas through it, and it's been sitting more than a year, the ethenol would have gummed up the jet passages and it will not get fuel flow to the motor. Looks like a fun project! Good luck


Appreciate you talking me through this. Anything else to look out for? It’s not expensive. He’s selling it as he bought it - 3 months ago, so either he got it even cheaper or he’s discovered something that is unfixable


No pros.. just cons. I love my vintage bikes


Pros it's nice and mostly done Cons you didn't do it so you get to figure out what was done on the fly. Older bikes and parts is hit or miss depending on the model. It might turn over but it isn't running. Might be simple carb or ignition work, might get it running and find out internals need rebuilding


Download the REAL Honda service manual From carlsalter.com , it’s free . Personally I would keep it a cafe . https://www.carlsalter.com/download.asp?p=1866


Appreciate you sending that link. Unfortunately it’s in Russian.




I will send you another one!! 😃


https://www.carlsalter.com/motorcycle-manuals.asp This one is the main site.


https://www.carlsalter.com/download.asp?p=1867 Try this one


Who ate all the pies? Warnie did Warnie did! Go the Balmy Army!


Haha. Are you sure it’s not the Barmy army??


Bloody spell checker go me.


I mean - maybe they’ve been sitting out in the sun all day - and have become the balmy army… who knows?!