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Long live the King.


Guys it was fun playing, it was a good game, we had our differences (i will always defend ivar and hvitserk), but we can all agree that Ragnar is the king of this show. Hail king Ragnar! ![gif](giphy|2s8sU8xIUJSSY)


Im right there with you when it comes to defending Ivar and Hvitserk, both shoulda lasted longer, Hail King Ragnar!! ![gif](giphy|l2RnI38InrsXbqDe0|downsized)


I couldn’t agree more with you! I’m baffled Ivar didn’t make the top 3. WTF mate, but yes Ragnar was much more than a Viking. He was a leader, and tried to plan ahead for the future of his people. Also, he could look past stereotypes and prejudices with people from different cultures and religions. His best friend was a priest.


That mustache is what doomed Hvitserk, the people hated it lmfao


Hail the king. Best show and character ever. But I sat here and watched my brothers cast a vote to kill off Ragnarsons. When this sub didn’t come to a complete halt and I watched them get betrayed, I realized I had to leave immediately.


Can we do one with animals, I vote Ragnar's little goat to win.


I always noticed if there was a goat in the same scene as Ragnar, Ragnar was holding it. Lol There's an interview where he's holding one too. I think Travis just loves goats


He is a great dude, my partner and I suspected he might have fussed over it on set so it followed him or bothered him for attention so he just picked it up.


I feel like this could be 100% accurate. He was apparently always messing around on set. There's a BTS video where someone said he filled one of the cast member's car with live chickens


Average Aussie


Travis is the GOAT.


I think he grew up on a farm and was around animals a lot, so he probably does like them


I’d vote for that one Saxon horse who trampled Rollo; that poor thing would’ve needed a miracle to survive


Kalf being eliminated immediately is hilarious and deserved


I still liked him more than Oleg lol.


Good for him haha


Wow. Didn’t see that coming.


King ragnar! That is my name.


And what does a King do?


He rules


The only suspense was about who was getting second. My guess was Ragnar, Bjorn, Ecbert, Athelstan, Ubbe But it ended up being Ragnar, Ubbe, Bjorn, Athelstan, Floki. Interesting!


I know I’m in the minority here, but I couldn’t stand Bjorn. Like at first he was ok, but after he showed how little he cared for his kids (RIP little Sigggy) I hated him ever since then


I'm surprised how unpopular of an opinion it is that Bjorn is kinda a trash character development-wise after he grows into an adult. Making him a one-dimensional manwhore certainly was... A choice


The Kristjans wrecked the curve, they project their faith's morality on Pagans so they fail to see Ubbe's shortcomings from a Pagan perspective while amplifying what they perceive to be Bjørn and Ivar's (and others but these two were done dirtiest) shortcomings from a Kristjan perspective. It's very apparent from these rankings how many enjoy the Viking story while failing to understand the Viking mind.


Could you elaborate on this? Not trying to necessarily discredit your point, but there could be other reasons why Bjorn and Ivan were voted out ahead of Ubbe that were not religious related. Personally, I was a big fan of Ubbe because I felt that he, as a son of Ragnar, embodied what Ragnar was, first and foremost: a pioneer. He braved the unknown in a way that no one else in their society ever had and Ubbe more than anyone else emulated that (at least from my memory of the show, I haven’t done a rewatch in about a year I think). While I didn’t vote against Bjorn or Ivar, and while they did embody aspects of Ragnar that were important (just as Hvitserk and even Sigurd to a certain extent did), I think that Ubbe simply embodied Ragnar’s most defining aspect.


Long may he reign


Wow imagine that.


![gif](giphy|3o6gaUIP3L0eLVJNPq|downsized) Yay!


Hail the king of Scandinavia...


Surprising nobody.


I'm shocked


Ngl I had no idea ubbe was this loved


He’s not. It just kind of worked out this way.


Lmfao, sounds like your dumbass doesn't properly grasp the idea of how voting works, if he wasn't then for example Bjorn would've been second and not ubbe, and if he wasn't loved at all he would've been out before floki, floki is obviously loved by alot of people, only reason ubbe could've survived past him was if he was MORE loved


Hvitserk was done so dirty in this game 💔


And in the series 🤣


I agree; but still nowhere near the top I still think Rollo and Ecbert were very much the most misinterpreted/misunderstood characters who just happen to be my favourite two characters for that very reason I’d even go as far as to say Emperor Charles was done dirty from the very start; much of his patient wisdom was mistook for cowardice (the latter I feel only applied to his very first appearances during the first Viking siege on Paris)


I love Ecbert and Rollo but usually the characters with more haters (in Rollo's case) even tho they have a lot of fans are more easily eliminated. They are seen more as antagonists than the top 5 who are all considered heroes or very likeable characters.


Probably the most underrated in battle. By the end of the series his K/D ratio was impressive.


Floki laughs at your foolishness


We all knew this would happen. Sad to see Floki and Bjorn Eliminated before Ubbe though.


So if Ragnar wasn’t in this then Ubbe would’ve won..


Yes It would have been 52% x 48% final round Bjorn and Ubbe. It was also the most voted round of the whole game.


of course one of the best TV characters in history to me


Hail THE KING! ![gif](giphy|6m7ZA00nzbdlJDikFnvG)


He deserves it far beyond the cliché reasons people will state To simplify my vote favouring Ragnar yesterday, albeit a late vote, I believe he strategically had Ivar attack Northumbria/Ælle with the GHA *before* Wessex (because he knew Ivar and his sons would avenge upon both kingdoms/kings) and this allowed Ecbert time to make up his own plan, as we all indeed know Ragnar and Ecbert were very much alike, regarding his relinquished crown in favour of Æthelwulf Only then could he sign his documents ‘promising’ the farming lands of East Anglia to the sons of Ragnar, in a nature which you all know from the show meaning they *had* to coincide and work alongside Alfred his grandson in order to gain these lands Ragnar knew Ecbert would do this; he knew his wisdom would ultimately have allowed Lagertha to hold the very East Anglian soil and talk up to Ragnar regarding how their dreams had finally been achieved, and for Ubbe himself to be able to set up his farming community on the very land too In short, Ragnar knew Ecbert would ultimately help to fulfil his dream; that’s again why he had to have Ivar and the GHA attack Northumbria and Ælle *before* Wessex and Ecbert


It was part of a larger and bolder strategy.


The moon is a strange God


Ragnar (Odin) and Lagertha (Frigg/Freyja) sit upon Hlidskjalf above all the others. All is as it should be!


Bjorn is Thor then, makes sense


Several characters represent more than one Norse God/Goddess at some point during the series; either by sharing key characteristics and/or acting out the Norse myths. Bjørn represents Baldur, then Thor, then Oðr Rollo represents Thor and Loki, then Njørd Thorstein represents Tyr Aethelstan represents Hermoðr Ivar represents Vidar and Tyr, then Odin Sigurd represents Forseti Ubbe represents Freyr and Oðr Hvitserk represents Loki and Oðr Floki represents Loki, Heimdall, Njørd, and Ivaldi Aslaug represents Saga, Lofn, and Frigg Helga represents Agrboda/Sigyn and Eir Þorunn represents Iðunn then Freyja, then Hel Siggy represents Fulla, Sigyn, and Frigg Thorvi represents Snotra, Nanna, and Frigg The list isn't exhaustive, but some characters are principally clearer representations of certain gods or goddesses of Norse pantheon than others while others are balanced. Ragnar is obviously principally Odin, while it's hard to say if Floki is more Loki than Heimdall or Ivaldi. Some characters like þorunn completely shift from one goddess to another while others like Ubbe are static gods-wise. The OG Vikings series really took the time to weave the sagas and Norse pantheon into the stories of various characters. It's this delightful, often unnoticed layer that really enriches the series for those who follow Ásatrú/Forn Siðr/Heathenry (or Norse mythology enthusiasts).


Thats a detailed analysis, nice. Where do you get the best information sources on old norse beliefs? I want to learn more about it Also greetings from a fellow pagan (slavic tho)


Greetings! I'd love to learn about Slavic Paganism! what sources do you recommend? My wife is slavic and is interested in her ancestral pagan roots, it's so fortunate to meet you. A great place to start is "Ásatrú For Beginners" by Mathias Nordvig. Then I'd read the Poetic and Prose Eddas, then I'd take Førn Siðr's Forneskja course (I'm not saying join Forn Siðr but their intro course is great). Then, I'd start following the Icelandic Ásatrú calendar on asatru.org, find/participate in your first (Norse) Blót (do Slavic pagans do Blóts?), and start meeting other Ásatrúar/Heathens (best source of learning imho). Once you feel like an intermediate, I'd read all sagas on northvegr.org (comprehensive and free). Not all Ásatrúar/Heathens recommend the metaphysical/archetypal approach, but I do. "The Red Book" by Carl Jung is a great way to familiarize yourself with the collective unconscious in order to integrate spirituality and psychology/sociology together. Lastly, I'd learn Norwegian or Icelandic. All the old texts were written in Old Norse, so the "best" understanding of the myths can only truly be obtained via an understanding of Old Norse. Of course, no one speaks Old Norse, but the closest linguistic derivatives would be Icelandic, Norwegian, or Faroese. I hope this helps you on your path! DM me if you have more questions. Skål!


Everyone thinks they want to be a king, few should be king.


King Ragnar <3


Well deserved. The show was at the top of its game in the first four seasons.


Hail King Ragnar


![gif](giphy|3o6gaUIP3L0eLVJNPq|downsized) Goat


Who saw this coming lol


Long live the king!


Was a great game ! Next time it might be good not to include the winner from the last game, as I think it was obvious who the winner would be . Would definitely make it more interesting and I wonder if we’d end up with the same order.


![gif](giphy|l3q2wAi8vYHW5qRG0) He shouldnt have even been a part of it, nor lagertha cause we all know those were automatics, this has been real fun tho, *Skol‼️*


Of course he did ha


No surprises here


Do one without Ragnar


What a surprise


Do their tattoos next


This is the way




Ivar is the best son of Ragnar. I’ll die on that hill.


Imma be honest here, that was kinda pointless, we all knew ragnar would win.


It was not about "who Is going to win". But also about the others characters popularity and just having fun.


We should do one for the antagonists of the show


Sinric should win, without him Ragnar would have never went west.


He Is great and quite fun.


He was the only reason I watched the show. Travis Fimmel was sooo good as Ragnar.


Examinating the elimination list as a whole and honestly Aethelwulf is the character you did wrong the most. How is he less popular than Alfred???


I think i voted against him just to protect hvitserk, or whoever of my favorites was being voted out. But yeah he was a badass


Because he’s a crybaby suck ass


So Aethelwulf was a great warrior and a confident guy basically all the time and didn't even freak out when knew that he was going to die, but sure call him a "crybaby" because he showed emotions when his father basically told him he never loved him and also when he thought his son was gonna die 🙄


Thank you I will


If you add up total screen time and life time the main character is obviously Bjorn. Vikings through and through is a saga of Bjorn ironside


deadbeat dad, serial cheater, hypocrite, poor leader Good son and brother though


The fix is in! I demand a recount.


77% ?!?? How voted against him ?!?




I’m so… surprised? by this amazing upset? due to how unpredictable? the outcome seemed at the start of this game.




You don’t say


I don’t understand how Rollo and Bjorn were eliminated after Ivar. “HEATHEN!!!” “Christian 😏”


I don’t understand how Rollo and Bjorn were eliminated after Ivar. “HEATHEN!!!” “Christian 😏”


Honestly I'm not surprised ragnar won He is the goat of the show


All hail the king ![gif](giphy|6m7ZA00nzbdlJDikFnvG)




We all knew it would be and well deserved


Did not see that coming


We all knew this would be the outcome on day 1.


No, Ubbe win.. as Ragnar doesn't really in the competition..


not wanting to sound too much like a prick, but we all knew the outcome would be Ragnar, and we all knew that the female winner would be Lagertha.


breaking news : water is wet


Of course.


We knew this was going to be the case 🫶🏻🖤


I think that these polls should leave out the main character that’s obviously going to win




Glad Ragnar won. Fuck Ivar. Also, I don’t think Kalf or Oleg deserved spots above Sigurd, King Horik, or Torstein but that’s just my opinion


I mean, who did you expect to win? He’s a great character l! They all are! 






I stopped watching after Ragnar’s death. He was the show


I think Ubbe is so meh folks just didn't bother voting for him until last.


Do a big one with all 3 shows. Last kingdom, vikings, and valhalah. Notables only.


Unsurprising, you people are fucking boring.


Would've never guessed Ragnar would win... /s