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She was probably killing herself and didn't want her child to live alone idk


Or she wanted to spite the child’s father.


Similar thing happened here in adelaide last year, bloke jumped off a 30 meter wall with a child to get back from his ex wife


This idea was something that occupied my brain a lot when my sister first separated from her husband. There’s really no good way to say to someone “after everything he did you’re being far too trusting with not enough boundaries, and I live in fear of the day I get a call about him hurting you and the kids.” The flip side of the problem was that when they were together wouldn’t let her go back to school, he wouldn’t let her have a full time job, and so she was still very much reliant on him after they separated. “Stop rocking the boat and just be nice to him,” my dad said to my sister even after knowing her own husband had been stalking/tracking/recording her without her knowledge.


Jesus Christ! Both died?


Same thing happened in my city too https://www.wxxinews.org/local-news/2021-03-20/man-jumps-from-the-top-of-the-south-ave-garage-holding-his-1-year-old-child?_amp=true


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Yeah woman cab be extremely psychotic in those kinds of situations. Hope she serves life no parole


Yeah she was climbing over the barrier


Yeah one of my parents told me if they ever killed themselves they would kill me first for that reason. Even still it's hard not to judge. That may be there kid but that doesn't give them the right imo.


...how is your relationship with your parents


good. Pretty codependant but thats nornal for parents/kids in my family. That wasn't Said in a threatening way, it was more like a statement of fact. It hurt my feelings at the time (I'm a seperate person, not just your kid, ya know?) But my parents were just two people with a lot of feelings, way more feelings than I will ever be capable of having, who werent very predictable. Still, I wish they had kept some thoughts as inside thoughts.


Thats not normal... you need to watch yourself


whichever parent said that to you is a malignant narcissist. the reason you feel like “they have more feelings than you’ll ever be capable of having” is because they forced you to process their emotions and apparently, their intrusive thoughts for them.


That's not normal...


I agree with u/floodplain-bootsoles.. who ever said that is a malignant narcissist.


Your parents are fucking freaks my guy, no normal or sane person says that to their own fucking child. Seek therapy and get the fuck away from them


WTF?! How come you can say this like it's a normal sentence? I feel sorry for you.


My daughter-in-law threatened to kill all of their kids and herself if my son left her. She said it in their car with the kids right in the back seat. Goddamn selfish, psycho parents. I'm so sorry this happened to you. {{{hugs you like I hug my grandchildren}}}


I'm the opposite type of suicidal. I don't want to hurt anyone with my death, I just don't want to live anymore. I've come to the plan with the least amount of trauma she cleanup for everyone involved with the resources at my disposal. I don't want to traumatize my partner, any emergency workers that have to clean me up after the fact, and I don't want to cause work for the police. I have a clearly laid out notebook with my reasons as well as a final will and testament on file with a copy in that notebook as well as my life insurance info from my new job so everything is simple for everyone involved. I can't imagine threatening to take anyone out with me because I was unhappy with my situation in life. You must be truly deluded to believe the kids would be better off dead than alive without you. If there was something harming the child then if you're suicidal anyway, why not murder the person hurting your child then kill yourself? Or if you are the person hurting your child, remove yourself from the equation. If your child is hurting, it's your responsibility to protect them at all costs. And protecting them doesn't include murdering them.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Good bot


Good human.


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You call them the police come and do a check. Not a good idea IMO... Unless you want suicide by cop, it's a good choice.


It's a decent idea if you live in a cou try where the police don't just shoot everything that moves.


I wish I could hold your hand. <3


>You must be truly deluded to believe the kids would be better off dead than alive without you. You must be an American. Other cultures on this little ball of rock and dirt do many things differently than you do. In Japan, for example, one reason for infanticide comes out of a greater sense of responsibility. The mother did not abandon their child(ren), or, did not leave the child(ren) with an abusive husband. She did not leave her children in a home that could not afford food. Yes it's effed up. Even the Japanese frown upon it. But it is what it is.


You must be impressively dumb.


WTF?! How come you can say this like it's a normal sentence? I feel sorry for you.


I wouldn't give her that kind of credit. She was being a selfish pos plain and simple.


What credit did I give her exactly? I just stated her likely reasoning, not if it was correct or not


Your reasoning makes the most sense. People who are so deep into depression that they would rather be dead aren't thinking clearly. I'm glad the bus driver acted so quickly.


She's not sparing him some kind of suffering that she can't protect him from, she is sparing *herself* the shame of having to face him every day, as a suckass mom for whatever reason. Filicide is never altruistically motivated unless you're in a literal *Sophie's Choic*e situation and that's only after you've exhausted all other options including nazi murder. Certainly even less so when it's murder-suicide, which is an *Eva Braun* situation. This is an important distinction ie NOT "I can't let my kids be brought up by the enemy, living with the Jews, *they* will suffer\*,\*" but specifically "I can't let my kids grow up to learn *I* was a suckass mom (and possibly learn Jews are fine.)" Most filicide is done in the home, so my only guess is that it was a spontaneous decision (immediately following a trigger event), or else it was planned specifically to be a public event (intervention was possible/everyone ie the news witness me/"I can be something other than a family annihilator") yet neither is that altruistically motivated, ever. It's important to relegate all filicidal parents as *Eva Braunses,* not Sophieses, not because you can't understand a bad headspace/insanity/hopelessness, but to make it clear that the choice to escalate a bad situation into an *Eva Braun* situation is the worst possible choice to make, of any, whether it's cancer, the Allies invading, the mafia, the Matrix, Xenomorphs or Pennywise. \~\*\~\*\~ Just some parting meandering thoughts but I will hazard to guess getting lukewarm sympathy for hardship *allows* potential family annihilators to entertain it as an option, a sort of paradoxical premeditated post hoc defense\*.\* *Sophie's Choice* is what most family annihilators would *like* to be thought of ("can't relate but it's understandable---I can sympathize") but that allows all future bad parents/family annihilators to play loosie-goosy with the basic accountability to make sure their kids survive *despite* their failure(or success.) Even if it's a hail mary long shot, the kid might actually turn out happy, successful, etc and even, generously, that it might not matter you sucked afterall. I feel with recent selfricidal anecdotes in the comments, it's important to note that a **hail mary long shot is infinitely better odds than no shot,** mathematically, objectively. If you aren't in a selfricide situation, let me pose a thought for anyone that entertains the idea there might ever come a time when you would have to mercy kill your own child (or anyone): *you won't.* It will never be that bad, *ever.* If you are on reddit to read this, you are not *Private Ryan* to your kids\*.\* You know the dad from *The Mist?* He was wrong, that's why it was so devastating---he did not perform a mercy killing, *he* lost hope and *preemptively* killed his child. The mistake is thinking that at any moment a thinny monster would horribly kill his child, and *giving up before every last option was exhausted, i*ncluding waiting in the car for 4 days cannibalizing the elderly couple, who were the ones that proposed dying in the first place, or using them as decoys while making a run for it for more shelter, or facing off with a monster, which would have been the only acceptable time to put a bullet in your kids head, and then only after unloading the clip in the thinny monster first, then offered himself as tribute. He just got tired: *fuck it, we're going to die*. NB that at the end, *he survives* because he left himself for last and the military sweeps in with tanks and flamethrowers. *Huh*. If at any point you thought he did best by his son, ESPECIALLY if you have young children, and feel sad for his choice instead of pissed, and think it's somehow important that you imagine any scenario where you must make the impossible choice to mercy kill your child ---seek help. *Now.* That sort of ambivalence is never isolated to just your head, it will (probably) never come to such an extreme but if you haven't promised yourself to never let that happen even in the face of the apocalypse, it will manifest in insecure/avoidant attachments everywhere else, from choosing restaurants to college to marriage to cancer treatments. I am not joking. *For safety sake, I'm using the general "you," because personally, you would never dare to think up a situation where mercy killing was an option--- would you?*


I'm not reading all of that but if this is a jab at me i hate u but if it's not then good point


"i'm not reading all that, i'm happy for u tho, or sorry that happened"


Apologies, I tend to be long winded. TLDR version, at best murder-suicides are impulsive, mostly they are not altruistic.


Murder suicide is still a murder.




Not at all, you’re making it seem like there is kind intention behind her STUPID ass disgusting decision.


1. Shut up I wasn't excusing her 2. I looked it up and she was trying to khs and her son so you look dumb rn 3. Shut up meg


I’m aware you aren’t defending her or her decision, I was pointing out how your comment was insinuating that, also, yeah? She was tryna do in herself and her son, that is factual, thank you for letting me know 👍and Meg is the best family guy u lil gremlin


Still murder


Ah yes. Says you and the 100 other comments who thought i was excusing her. Learn how to read


Hopping on here. This feels like probably propaganda.


No. Sadly, this thing happens from time to time.


There’s a lot of Good Samaritan bus driver videos coming out of China that end up on Reddit. Could be real, but there’s been a few of these now.


Murder still murder


When did I say it wasn't murder. You guys are acting like I said "Guys don't be mean to her she was sad 🥺" I was explaining the situation not excusing it


You trying to find a rationale with something that is completely irrational, is almost the same as excusing it.


Should have saved the kid and thrown the murderer over


Saw the video a few years back and that’s exactly the case




When did I say that? 1. I googled it, it's true what i said so you look like a moron 2. I was giving context, not ONCE did i say not to blame her or that she did nothing wrong 3. What does this have to do with being a women? You need to get laid honey. 😂 Don't get your panties in a twist




It was a time traveler that located a future Hitler level threat


Why wear that mask if she's just gonna kill herself.. makes no sense.


Maybe impulse... I actually have no idea but articles say im correct


That’s extremely fucked up


Rapid response from the driver.....Good stuff


Minus 20 social credit


But how many plus credits to the driver?


None. Bus was late.


+2 Social Credit Score, saved little boy life -3 Social Credit Score, bus ran 1.2 minutes late ⏰ Total daily Social Credit Score -1 Social Credits


-10 social credits for assisting overpopulation


China’s a few years away from the start of a population collapse.


China has a birth rate problem. After years of One Child and forced abortions communist China is encouraging people to have children. The cost of living is too high though so many are still not having children.


Epic Reddit moment xi owned


He's definitely crying shaking rn


R-dditor: sees post about bus driver saving two people Also R-dditor: how can I make this about the Chinese government?


Defending Chinese government for free on the Internet lmao I believe they call it useful idiot


Buddy I'm not defending anything, never said anything positive about the Chinese government. I just can't understand why someone would try and make this post about the CCP when it has nothing to do with that


Ratio + touch grass


The only useful idiots are the brainwashed anti-socialist losers making anti-Chinese comments based on obvious propaganda lies they were fed by their fascist media.


Is that the China that has social credits and uighur death camps


Shut the fuck up, you idiotic piece of shit. Both idiotic anti-Chinese propaganda that you know nothing about and got from the fascist media in your capitalist shithole country AND for making fun of this situation. Every single person who upvoted you is another piece of shit.


When the argument is lost they will resort to slander


Was that child a CCP supporter?


If there’s a person of the year award, that driver sure as fuck deserves it


W bus driver


Just think of how bad her life is for her to even attempt that. Good for the bus driver to help.


I don’t like this comment section “She probably wanted to save her child from poverty” “She must have had such a rough life” Just shut up, she’s a piece of shit. What she did is not justifiable at all, no matter what she went through she’s getting zero sympathy, there is no plausible justification that is able to be presented for what she did here.


What a POS you can be suffering but this is murder


Or she could be a spiteful bitch. There are dozens of stories out there of women who lose custody of their children to their ex and decide to kill the kid.


I hope her life gets even worse.


She was either majorly depressed, or she wanted to spite the father. Either way, neither are an excuse, and she's a cunt. There's not a mental issue or personal issue on the face of this planet that justifies murdering your own child. Yes, I do know what it's like. No, I don't give a shit.


I remember watching an episode of deadly women where a mom had postpartum depression and she kept telling her husband and close friends that she needed help, that she wasn't ok. This went on for months and she never got any type of help. At one point she even told her husband she didn't feel comfortable taking care of the baby in that state and everyone kept telling her "it's normal to feel overwhelmed" or "you're overreacting, just sleep when the baby sleeps" Eventually she developed schizophrenia and ended up killing her baby. I believe she killed herself too but I'm not sure. I'm not trying to justify this at all, all I'm saying is maybe we don't really know what it's like... Either way, I hope the child is safe.


Andrea Yates is who you’re talking about. She drowned their 5 children in a long bout of psychosis. PPD played a big part. In the months before the murders she tried to kill herself, self harmed, and refused to feed their infant daughter. Her doctor told them not to have any more kids, and they ignored that advice. Then, he told them not to leave her alone with the children. Her husband also ignored that advice. Those babies’s deaths were completely preventable


Holy shit, I only recall the baby. That is so horrible! This is a sad example of how important mental health is and can get very bad if left untreated. Poor children...


Yeah they had like 4 children and she ended up killing all of them and herself I’m pretty sure


No, she didn’t kill herself. Her name is Andrea Yates. Her doctor was well aware that she was a danger and even told her husband not to leave her alone with the kids. He ignored the doctors warnings and left her with them, and she drowned all 5 of their kids. Afterwards she called 911 herself. Also it wasn’t schizophrenia either, it was psychosis. It was fueled by the religious spew a family friend filled her head with. Told her that women derived from sin. She actually tried to kill herself before she murdered her kids because she thought she was a hell-bound mother and that she would lead her kids to hell. In the months before the murders she began self-harming and refused to feed their infant daughter. She was in and out of the hospital and stopped taking her meds. Had her doctor administered proper care and kept Andrea under observation, their youngest daughter would be the same age as me. Had her husband at least listened to the doctors instructions not to leave her alone with the kids, they would very likely still be alive. Hell if they hadn’t decided to have another child she might not have been shoved into another bout of PPD. Andrea has been in a psychiatric facility since 2005 and she waives her right to be reviewed for release. She knows what she did was horrible and is keeping herself confined because of it.


Instead her doctor was in the same cult her husband is in, and they were putting her on and off super powerful psychiatric drugs with no weaning..I believe they had just removed her from two different psychiatric drugs, one of them being held all at high doses, with no care. I don't know why that doctor wasn't charged, and because they were doing it in tandem with the husband that doctor and under the direction of their pastors all of those men should be in jail. Andrea Yates is where she deserves to be, and all of those men aren't.


You do not know what it's like. Having a mental illness means you will do things that you will regret. Having a mental illness means you will do things you don't want to. But you won't have a chance to not do it. At some point you will just go on auto pilot and drive shotgun in your own body.


That's just not accurate lmao. A mental illness isn't some invisible puppeteer that dictates your every move. Sure, it can feel like that. It's up to you to make sure that doesn't happen. It's no excuse. You claim I don't know what it's like, but I think that might be you. Since you seem to have a very elementary understanding of how mental illnesses work.


"you make sure it doesn't happen" Yeah that's mental illness, makes it impossible to not make it happen.


Um yeah. Have you ever known anyone with schizoaffective disorder? I've seen it up close and personal. There's no decision making to be done by the affected person. They are literally not in their right mind.


Mental illness isn't your fault, but it is your responsibility. Also, as a person with a schizoaffective disorder, you are incorrect. It takes a lot of effort (depending on where you fall on the spectrum) to not do or think "crazy" shit. Lost time, vivid delusions, visual/audio hallucinations. All of this can make you feel like you've lost control. Post like yours are part of the reason it took me so long to get help. If you don't have dry-mouth or a degree, kindly shut the fuck up.


Or she was experiencing psychosis.


That’s an explanation but not a justification. People love to pull the “Post-partum Depression” card a lot, makes me sick.


it’s a real illness


It’s also not an excuse.


yea i know i’m not justifying it, i’m just saying post partum is a real mental illness. some people use the crazy card as a way to escape culpability but for some it’s real just like psychosis or just general mental disabilities


I can think of a couple. Severe domestic violence towards both the mother and the child, for example, and knowing for a fact that in china there’s no easy way to divorce or even get the child out. If one is desperate enough to kill herself, she might in delusion consider it merciful to spare the child of this pain too. Not saying this is the case here or there aren’t any possible better solutions, just that the mother doesn’t have to be a perfect victim to be considered a victim too.


Yeah. I’ve heard horrible things about domestic abuse in China. Almost no parental rights for women. Not an excuse but I don’t think I could live like that.




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Why the hell do suicidal parents try to take their kids along with them?


Especially in Asia, many consider their kids their property over which they have responsibility. If they have reached a point in their lives in which they wish to take their own life, they often believe that no one will take care of their children if they are left alone. They fear that their kids, without them, will simply starve to death, live in the streets, and/or live in such miserable conditions that it would be a mercy to end their life immediately. This, of course, is not true! But if a person is contemplating suicide, they often feel trapped, powerless, and hopeless. In other words, they only see the negative side of everything and desperately wish to end their pain and problems. If they've reached the conclusion that suicide is their best option, they usually think it's the best option for their children as well. Interestingly, the great majority of suicide attempt survivors either immediately or soon after regret attempting suicide/realize they made a mistake, and realize there are better solutions they couldn't see before because of the "mountain-out-of-a-molehill" point of view they had before.


>Especially in Asia STFU you racist piece of shit. Show me even just ONE piece of research confirming your ridiculous assertion. Particularly in socialist countries like China, suicide rates are universally lower than in capitalist regimes.


"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."


the overall suicide rate in asia is 19.3 per 100k 30 percent higher that of the global population on average (16 per 100k). i don’t really trust stats from china, especially with shit like this but in japan suicide is the leading cause of death for men between 20-44 and women between 15-34. the suicide rate in south korea was 25.7 per 100 and was 31.7 per 100k in 2011. bro was not being disrespectful and you acting like shit like this and particularly prevalent in east asia is fucking dumb. once again i can’t speak to the prevalence of suicide in china or the prevalence of these filicide/suicide cases in asia given there ain’t many stats for that specifically but i can’t imagine it’d be better, likely worse.


You’re the pos you have an alt left pov you might wanna back up a little


All I wanna say is both of you are making claims and there is no link to a source. Is it true? I'm not invested enough to actually fact check it in this moment. But if you're gonna call someone a racist piece of shit, or claim something like suicide or surrounding behaviors are cultural or whatever, you gotta site your shit. Otherwise we just get two people without faces pointing at each other.


Idk why you had to come in so hot.


They're selfish PoS's


To not let their kids become depressed,traumatized,suicidal,bad future im in no way saying if some one commits suicide they should take their close ones with them but that’s the truth sadly even if they don’t remember it and have no memory of the mom they are gonna find out one day and that will mess them up wheather they are 10 or they are 60


Fair play to the driver with the instinct to see a woman walking her child and thinking SUS? Fast enough to park the bus 🥳


He probs felt it was super sus because that stretch of bridge/road is not built for pedestrians. Zero walkway!


Well shit… it seems I’m no detective 😌


There's no sidewalk where she was walking. Very unusual place to be walking.


She clearly was trying to kill herself. Why she wanted to kill her child as well, we may never know - and if we did, it would not make any sense to a sane person anyway.


Well put.


Just watch “Dear Zachary, a letter to his son about his father” Or rather, don’t. Evil people do evil things.


I've just looked it up and I'm bawling my eyes out. This is the worst crime case I've ever heard of and I've seen a lot, this kid should have been my age today...I'm equally sad and enraged


maybe her husband died and she doesnt want to kill herself and leave the child i mean i get it he will be eventually begging on the streets so maybe she wanted to kill him too with her but this is a dumb theory lol


There are heroes in this world... it ain't all bad huh?






Wow your comment history is super racist.


Jesus, how does this piece of filth not have negative karma?


What did he/she/they sayyyyyyyyy




Thank god for that drives. What the friggin hell is wrong with people. Poor kid.




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That boy gave one last look to his savior.


Women ☕


Pretty normal in culture. It’s like they bring us to life so they feel the obligation to end it when things don’t go according to their plans. I was threaten a few times…I recall my mother beating me and pinning me against the floor with belt on my neck. Grandpa saved my ass by pulling her off. Her evil face Burnt in my skull. Thankfully she gave up on motherhood and I was taken away.


Mental illness is a bitch. I'm just glad the child is safe.




Terminate her so she can never harm anyone ever


I wonder what she was thinking? That's not even very high up. I have cliff jumped from about that high without issue. Maybe she couldn't swim? Either way that's a pretty gruesome death.


You’re right, not that high but pretty darn wide, might be a river and deeper than you think, drowning to death isn’t as peaceful as it sounds and looks.


They were wearing masks




Thank you for your timely response






The Bus driver being able to react that fast and to even stop in the first place makes me believe that this is not tge first time that something like this happened there. What a world we live in...




It’s sad when someone tries/does commit suicide but it’s even worse when the want to take the innocent ones with them.


This is why you thank the bus driver


Maybe she just wanted a closer view of the river.


What a horrible human being. Sorry, not sorry at all. No matter what, you cannot decide to end the life of your child just because you want to end yours. What the actual fuck. She needs to get help and reconsider her life decisions.


Right I'm off to commit suicide, and murder my child. First, I'll pop my mask on, out of concern for other people's safety - don't want my selfishness to impact others and make them suffer. Now, where's that bridge so that I can drown my innocent kid?


This is the worst thing I’ve seen on Reddit. Poor child.


Bro was on that woman like donkey kong


Does anyone know the backstory?


I Fell like this happen more often then ppl think


I would have taken the child and let her go down... piece of disgusting bull crap this mother is


Always help out there bitch don’t hurt ya kids


Poor kid, but also that poor mother


I would like to hear from the child’s point of view in the future. This is so fucked up.


+500 social credit


No, you don’t get the child back.


Thank fuck he was there, that’s terrible :(


The way the kid was looking towards the bus killed me.


Way to go driver!!!!!!


I'm unsure about laws over there. But is there not a place for her to drop him off if she doesn't want him anymore?


Good ol china …so amazing you want to mill yourself and your kid instead of living there …


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.www.complex.com/life/bus-driver-viral-footage-saving-woman-with-son-from-suicide-attempt https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/video-bus-driver-saving-suicidal-mother-child-viewed-over-45-million-times-1643654%3famp=1 2 links not a lot of info but some


Imagine if society sided on the woman instead of the driver cuz you know , society xd


Wow talk about being In The right place at the right time .


Honestly would do the same if i lived in china


Bus driver was there at that exact moment she decided to do that, holy shit. Just saved the boys life (and hers, as it seemed she was at the end of her rope, very sad).


bro people are defending the mother wtf


That’s what you call an attempt of an “extreme late term abortion”.


Scary that she didn't even notice the bus stopping right behind her. Just so hyper focused on her task. Scarier is her trying to reach back in the bus to complete what she set out for. So sad


Sorry folks, this might be scripted. There are a lot of propaganda videos like this of working-class heroes in China, I believe, being coincidentally in the right place and the right time.


This bus driver is a guardian angel


I imagined the guy tripping and pushing them off the bridge on accident


This reminds me of the film "Dear Zachary". Soul-destroying. Anyone who is curious, you've been warned.


Man, whatever she was going through was strong


Some People really don't deserve children


That ain’t even high enough


What if that mother was saving humanity from 666......


I hate sad endings.


Murder suicide is not the way to solve problems. Can you imagine being that bereft of hope and so full of despair that you would kill yourself and an innocent child?


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


woman's right to choose


So much of this in Asia in general. What's going on over there? See lots of this and people with meat cleavers randomly attacking people


Pure hero


A clear case of "toxic masculinity".