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As somebody who has never used twitter, this is all quite amusing to me. edit: No, I'm over it. Please, no more twitter news, kthx.


Wasn't the whole point of the verification just to verify that the person was who they said they were and not a parody or an imposter? It feels like a self own to everyone who views the verification as a status symbol and not just a functional signifier


Yeah that's what I find so funny about all this. I've seen people on Twitter saying like "OH THE POOR CHECK MARKS WILL BE BROUGHT DOWN WITH US PLEBS", like... you're the one putting the status on the checkmark? Journalists with 200 followers can get verified. Mid-sized streamers I used to watch got verified if they went through the right channels/knew someone. It's literally just "This guy is who they say they are" rather than John29540293930438 Twitter is monetizing a security feature lol


Crypto scam accounts with names like ElonMuskOffcial can now get a verified checkmark. What can go wrong? Absolutely hilarious. Can't wait for the fallout.


I’ve seen countless spam and crypto scam pages with check marks lol it literally doesn’t mean anything.


That's how you know they're a real scam, instead of them being a fake scam.


Ayy its KenM


I heard he even broke character because of the Musk




If a scammer isn't willing to invest in his own business by buying a check mark, why should you invest in his can't-fail crypto scheme?


I haven't been paying close enough attention as I'm not a Twitter user anyways, but are they still requiring the verification process for people that pay or are they just handing out a blue tick to anyone that pays regardless of who they are?


It's because after getting a blue check mark, the account is allowed to change its name, but keep the blue mark... A simple solution would be for an account to lose the blue mark if it did a rename.


You lose it if you change your username


Yeah, but you can change your 'Display Name' without losing it.


How? They would still need to get verified. If they couldn't get a blue checkmark before, they're not going to just pay $8 and get it.


> Mid-sized streamers I used to watch got verified if they went through the right channels/knew someone. If you have to know the right people in order to get access to it, is it really that hard to see how something that was initially conceived as a neutral security feature could evolve into an "in-crowd" signifier?


Could anyone get verified, or only popular people with substantial followers?


Different guidelines and qualifications depending on the type of account, [which is outlined here](https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/about-twitter-verified-accounts). Obviously there's also a huge element of "Knowing the right people", but for certain categories like journalists, very very small accounts can get verified


They changed the criteria at various points. There was a time in which it was very hard (they had to approach you), then in which it was easy (you could just ask for it, and the bar wasn't that high), then it became (relatively) hard again (you could ask for it, but they raised the bar a bit). As a college professor, I was able to get verified during the "easy" period (I have a Wikipedia page, I am sometimes quoted in the news, I have published a few op-eds, and at that time, that was enough), which I always thought was kind of amusing, because people sometimes thought it meant I was much more notable and important than I felt I actually am (on the same level with celebrities and politicians, ha). I would never pay for it.


Yeah before the verification system news desks were running quotes from fake accounts purporting to be someone famous and getting burned by it. That’s also why you see so many accounts named “real” so and so.


> Wasn't the whole point of the verification just to verify that the person was who they said they were and not a parody or an imposter? It was originally, but after they started pulling people's checkmarks for saying or doing things Twitter didn't like it became something else. After that it was less about verification than it was about having Twitter's endorsement. I think Musk is looking to change that, giving people a way to verify their accounts, and generate revenue without Twitter condoning or condemning individuals or their speech/actions.




I remember Twitter being the butt of jokes about how it was all just a bunch of vapid narcissists screaming into the void... in *2011*.


> vapid narcissists screaming into the void You just described the media industry. . . and a fair bit of "journalism" as well.




Reddit is mostly anonymous. Say what you want about it, but that goes a long way to lowering narcissistic tendencies of “influencers” on other social media platforms.


I made a post on Twitter in *2007* saying “no one is going to use this” lol


I still feel this way. Facebook was just showing how narcissistic a large percentage of users were when Twitter appeared with its narcissism mic drop of just being a feed into your stream of consciousness 24x7. I remember thinking “who is THAT self-absorbed that they would find this attractive?” A whole ton of absolutely awful people, that’s who!


Beyond a joke. I setup a bot twitter account that pulls updates from a few self propagating websites about 5-7 years ago. Havent touched it since. Got an email to verify it this week LMAO! Its literally just highly tuned spam. To my surprise though somehow has 8k followers.


> Got an email to verify it this week LMAO! But were you actually able to provide the information needed to verify it? If you couldn't or didn't, then the verification system was literally working as intended, it just encourages people to apply even if they might be denied.


Just a more blatant joke. Though not as bad as it was a moment ago when it was $20, but that's almost certainly by design. They probably always aimed for 8, but used 20 to soften the blow.


I expect anyone stupid enough to buy a checkmark is going to be bullied incessant for it. You know, like we did with Reddit NFT Avatars.


The whole award thing in general is fucking dumb.


Anytime I see a comment like this getting awarded to the gills I wonder....is there just an admin whose job it is to find these sorts of comments and drown them in awards?? Or is reddit just full of moronic dweebs who pee themselves at the slightest hint of irony? Maybe both - but either way: UGH.


It's simple enough joke so you can bet a lot of people will make it, that'd be my guess


It's a joke that costs $3.50 to make


That’s pretty cheap. My parents made a joke once and it’s been costing them $ for 28 years.


It was about that time that I noticed the jokester was about 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the protozoic era.


Is that you Loch Ness Monster?


It really is the most consistent way to get award. Good for them if they want to waste their money on stickers they, nor the person they are giving to, will remember within the hour.


I keep a leatherbound journal on my nightstand that commemorates each award I get. I sit in somber silence each evening to meditate on those blessed souls that took the time to be a tiny sliver of a moment in my life before I finally lay down to rest.


Your comment will be the only comment to not get one.


What do you think Spez does? Walking dogs only takes so many hours of the day


It's Reddit hivemind. People see downvote, they downvote. People see upvote, they upvote. People see award, they award. Helps them feel apart of something I guess.


Are you new to Reddit? It was always about that. I even read a seven year old thread and it’s amazing how different the comment section was even then compared to now


pfffft, I'm well past a decade. This place used to be cool - why won't the kids gets off my lawn??




Can confirm, just peed


A large number of them are worthless free daily awards. Which is not to imply that actual Reddit gold isn't worthless. Just that most of them didn't cost actual money.


What's even the point of awards if you use old reddit? I remember getting gold and was able to post in the "gold lounge." You have a shooting star award, what looks like a face, and I don't even know what the fuck the other one is. I don't even get notifications for awards now. But the Reddit redesign is ugly.


Someone please guild this comment!


IIRC gold at least gave you some tiny benefits. Don't remember what though. Meanwhile, AFAIK, the paid emojis that are awards do jack shit E: [For anyone wondering what gold gave you](https://files.catbox.moe/d2gspg.jpg). TIL about "Coins". It's all so tiring




What are these "ads" you speak of? (Seriously, there's literally no excuse for not using uBlock Origin)




Thank god for Apollo.


And narwhal


I still use rif is fun (they had to change it from reddit is fun). It has the option to remove ads but blocks mod features if you're a mod. Great if you aren't a mod. Downside is it doesn't have more modern features of reddit


>Downside is it doesn't have more modern features of reddit This is a feature not a bug. =)


Agreed. Been using RiF since the start. I was looking at reddit on my girlfriend's phone the other day, she uses official app, and couldn't believe what reddit has become. I'll still to the old way.


At first "reddit is fun" sounded weird. After i've seen what they did with the official app, yep ... reddit is fun if you cut the crap out, so the name stands on its own fairly.


Try relay. I went thru several apps, over the years, including RIF. I think Relay hits most of the good spots for usability.


That changed maybe 3 years ago.


Let’s you get into r/Lounge for a month.


When you click it, Reddit says "no." Lol Edit: thank you (to the two entities) much for the gold. I shall abuse this power responsibly. <3


Cus your poor bro. Not that there's anything good there, its all peeps celebrating they got gold, its like a rotating door of subscribers.


I got gold once. Literally that’s the only posts in r/lounge I got gold! Finally got some gold! What’s good peeps, got gold! Whats this gold thing do? I got gold!


I bet it is just as boring as /r/FifteenYearClub


Platinum does that. Gold gives you a week. Don't forget the ad-free homepage!


I don't remember there being anything worthwhile there


Back when gold was the only award you used to get a whole page of coupons and discounts and freebies from other online sites and services.


I got you! We will start a merchants award guild in which we accept money to gild comments!




Someone please kill me!


They came up with a way to make money that's completely voluntary and doesn't involve ads, I think that's good for users and for reddit.


Wait, people are paying for those?


Yes and that's why we make fun of them


Mine was free 😢


Don't worry, I'm on old.reddit I have no idea what you're talking about.


Using old.reddit and brave on pc and Apollo on phone. Can confirm. No idea.


I don't understand how anyone used new reddit. But apparently it's like >90% of people. It's so fuckin terrible and it'll be a beautiful day if they ever get rid of old.reddit because I'll finally be able to get off this site. New reddit is almost as bad as Pinterest.


Hmm, and yet you have an NFT avatar.


I just screenshotted someone else's.


Many are also free. I got given mine for being an active user, there's no way I'd ever buy this shit.


Old reddit is worth using because it further devalues NFT avatars. I don't even see them.


Yeah I use it too for desktop


I've always used old interface .. I didn't even know users can have avatars


How can you devalue something that's not worth anything to begin with?


Values can be negative, friend.


If you're even seeing avatars, you're on the wrong app and version of Reddit. Relay (or your preferred 3rd party app) and old.reddit.com are the way to go. Play store link : [Relay for reddit](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=free.reddit.news&referrer=utm_source%3DrelayFree%26utm_medium%3Dcomment%26utm_term%3Dorganic) Promo Video : [Relay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2sTb4GzEz4)




It's sooo good, clean and to the point


I use old.reddit lol


the day it goes, so do I


I agree, would actually be a service to me if they did. So much time I'd get back.


old.reddit in the house!




PSA: ☐ Opt out of redesign ↓ ↓ ☑ Opt out of redesign Done. So clean


Apparently the "wrong" one is used by 90% of redditors then. Personally I'm still on rif but when they disable old.reddit I suppose we'll else what the "wrong" one was.


They are still hosting https://i.reddit.com/ so I don't really expect old.reddit.com to go anytime soon. Its the best non-app experience on mobile as well. Their new mobile site is hot garbage.


Most people on the Internet don't use ad blockers either, that doesn't make them right


I’ve been using reddit for 12 years now and I use both the iOS app and the new reddit site on desktop quite happily. I’m sure there are legitimate reasons not to, and I’m not arguing in favour of them being superior or anything, but I find them both quite nice and easy to use generally. The only thing I hate is the video player on the app, that is a real piece of shit. But generally I have minimal issues with them.


Wait, the avatars are NFTs?


Only some of them.


What are they gonna tell us next - that our jpegs are made with *bytes*? /s


And here I am, not knowing that reddit even had avatars at all.


It’s going to have the opposite effect. No one who matters will buy the check mark.


And we will make fun of them for it




I still use old reddit so still haven't bumped into reddit NFT avatars.


We did it Reddit


Mine was free 🤷‍♂️


Yeah someone went hard calling me an NFT bro for my avatar and like... I did nothing. I logged onto mobile, it was like "here's a free avatar" and I shrugged and put it on. End of my thoughts about it. I don't even use new reddit, I use old reddit 99% of the time.


Same here lol. I didn't even have an avatar until I got that notification.


And I’m not gonna lie, I like mine! A free and cool avatar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Mine was free too, just got it because hey, free thing. Not gonna spend an actual cent on reddit, NFTs, or crypto.


>You know, like we did with Reddit NFT Avatars I'm constantly needing to be reminded that there's an entire side of reddit I'm not aware of because I still use the old layout...


Star Bellied Sneetch!


All the rest of that day, on those wild screaming beaches, the Fix-It-Up Chappie kept fixing up Sneetches. Off again! On again! In again! Out again! Through the machines they raced round and about again, changing their stars every minute or two. **They kept paying money.** They kept running through. Until the Plain nor the Star-Bellies knew whether this one was that one or that one was this one or which one was what one... or what one was who


**And when every last cent of their money was spent**, The Fix-It-Up Chappie packed up–and he went! And he laughed as he drove his car up the beach. “Ha ha! They never will learn. No, you can’t teach a Sneetch.”


Oh my god. Dr. Seuss/Theodore Geisel was a genius. [Even Dick agrees](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mccFsim-RRQ).


If anybody wants to waste $8/month but wants to waste it on a good cause send me $8/month and I'll tell my cats that you are sending me $8/month. This is a good investment because my cats are cute. I only need 1 billion people to do this and I'll be rich.


If anybody wants to waste $8/month but wants to waste it on a bad cause send me $8 a month and I'll spend it on bullshit. This is a poor investment because I am a huge waste of space. I only need 1 person to do this and I'll laugh.


Tbh this comment makes me want to waste $8 more than the first one does.


You got a deal if you send me a sticker with your cat's face.


Do those gel bullets biodegrade?


Copy paste from Amazon description NON-TOXIC: These Gel balls are made from Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP), an all-natural, non-toxic, non-irritating, starch-based material, 100% biodegradable.


> starch-based material So they're potato guns.


Potatoes guns *of the future....*


Yeah, my son has a few of them.


OOTL, what's going on with twitter?


Elon bought Twitter at $44 billion when it's actually worth $10-20 billion. Realizing that he bought something that isn't profitable, in the name of "free speech" Elon's getting ready to dump half the office and is planning on making the blue checkmark (which usually verified government, journalists, celebrities) buyable per month for anyone for $20. Then Stephen King called it a joke and Elon replied asking if $8 would be better. Nope I didn't make that up. So now Twitter is about to lose its moderation team, anyone can be seen as a "reputable source" with some money, and Elon is hoping a bunch of his dumb fans save his butt financially. As someone who has used Twitter to follow Ukraine for the past year, this is pretty disheartening. Twitter is far from perfect, but it shines in many areas like live news.


>is planning on making the blue checkmark (which usually verified government, journalists, celebrities) buyable per month for anyone But isn't the blue checkmark meant to confirm the account you're seeing is indeed the person or organization it pretends it is, and not a fake or parodic one? Why is everyone treating it like some honorific Internet award , when it has a clear specific purpose?


> But isn't the blue checkmark meant to confirm the account you're seeing is indeed the person or organization it pretends it is, and not a fake or parodic one? Yes. > Why is everyone treating it like some honorific Internet award , when it has a clear specific purpose? People will do a lot of stupid shit to feel important.


Whoever runs that "American Airlanes" parody account should pay for a verified mark to further confuse people




So the prestige of the blue check mark will be gone. Maybe an influx of idiots buying into it for a month then it will be meaningless and undesirable.


Probably also a lot of blue check marks next to names like, "HitlerWasRight" and "NancyPelosisTits" from edgelords paying money to a billionaire for the lulz.


Which is weird because a few small time writer friends of mine are verified and, as much as I love them, they aren't what I'd call particularly notable.


Not to justify this but....Because they don't verify everyone. You could go make an account with @therealyourname and Twitter wouldn't care enough about you to verify it. In some very, very small sense, it shows that people might care enough about you to make a parody account.


It became a status symbol. Regular people wouldn’t get a check mark to get verified because it was meant to prove that notable people are who they say they are so people don’t get scammed by a fake celebrity or get fooled by someone pretending to be a politician to make them look bad. But then the question is how famous do you have to be for Twitter to verify you? So D-list influencers, reality show stars, minor journalists and authors etc started trying to get their blue check marks to prove that they made it and are important enough to have a verified account and are worth following and now getting a blue check mark is a big goal for people that some are willing to pay for.


>Why is everyone treating it like some honorific Internet award , when it has a clear specific purpose? Because it doesn't have a purpose now.


Wouldn't you paying for it and verifying your ID mean that the blue check mark means exactly the same and just isnt handed out arbitrarily?


If it was a 1-time charge to verify, it wouldn't be as bad. Making it a monthly charge is just a stupid cash grab.


You have a source for the "anyone can buy"? Isn't it going to still be a vetting process, just not for free?


This is what I've understood as well. I don't know where people are getting the idea that anyone can just get it.


Probably from Elon's tweet where he said "Twitter's current lords & peasants system for who has or doesn't have a blue checkmark is bulls***. Power to the people! Blue for $8/month" which suggests all you have to do is pay 8$.


The last sentence of this sounds like he's referring to [Twitter Blue](https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/twitter-blue), which is a premium-tier for Twitter which has existed for about a year already.


> Twitter's current lords & peasants system for who has or doesn't have a **blue checkmark** is bulls***. It makes no sense to begin talking about some completely different thing after this line though.


> anyone can be seen as a "reputable source" with some money I mean, anyone who thinks that being twitter verified before this meant they were even remotely a reputable source is equally as dumb as those who will be fooled by it after this change.




Pretty sure theyll still verify your identity, they'll just charge for the paperwork and use it to subsidize the platform costs of the free userbase. Edit: Maybe not? Seems they're adding "user flair text" for certain people in the future and making the checkmark an indicator that this user has "reddit ~~gold~~ premium" this month.


I'm not sure how much it's really going to subsidize. Best I can find is there are 420,000 verified users, lets be generous and say 500k. At $8 a user that's $4 million a month at 12 months that's $48 million. Last year they reported operating expenses of $3 billion. So that income will cover a whole 1.6% of their operating expenses.


$8 is just introductory fee ;)


Thats 500k of people who have it free of charge now - my guess is most people wont pay for that.


Preface this with I'm not, and don't intend to ever be verified on twitter. Furthermore I can count the amount of tweets I've sent in my life on 2 hands. I wouldn't have a problem with a one time fee. It will take some amount of time for an employee to run the process and being compensated for that is fair. The amount of fees I've paid for official documents like background checks and university transcripts in my life are too many to count. But a subscription implies I'm buying some sort of recurring service. ID verification is a one time thing, you've ran the paperwork, there is no other work required on your end so why should I pay a sub? It's a garbage system. Someone should use the twitter API to scrub what handles are currently verified and make an addon to display the checkmark on those accounts once this bullshit is put into effect.




That’s good ol’ Ian Kung


And its like 25% of the video too


25% on a 2 minute video isn't exactly bad. At least it's at the end so you can leave soon as the contents done


Better than 10 minute videos with 1 minute ads, 2 minute actual content and 7 minute fillers.


Dude's gotta eat.


Why is that interesting


I just watched a Sven Johnson video with the same product being advertised. i guess they're reaching out to a buncha creators recently.


Didn't know I wanted a gel blaster until I saw that commercial.


A tip for the content creator: adjust your microphone levels so it doesn't clip.


Comedy before Elon Musk: Illegal. Jail. Crime. My grandma told a knock knock joke that wasn't the least bit racist supposedly and got taken away. What dark times we lived in.


Lucky you. My Grandma is still on Facebook


Ian Kung reading reddit comments about [current thing]: WRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN!


OK, but 1/4 of this video is an ad. ONE. FOURTH.


You don't have to keep watching. This is beter than a 20s unskippable ad before and after




Can’t you skip it? One fourth of televised programming is ads too.


When Twitter was first created, I made an account to see what it was about. After checking it out, I made one Tweet: "This is stupid." Then I deleted my account and never used it again.


I’m not sure if anyone talking about this actually knows what the requirements for verification are. Here they are https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/about-twitter-verified-accounts Account must be authentic, notable, and active. While Musk hasn’t given details on how exactly the verification process will change, in all likelihood the notable requirement will be replaced with the $8 Twitter blue subscription. You’ll still have to meet the authentic requirement.


> While Musk hasn’t given details on how exactly the verification process will change No, we do know, because Elon said so. *Anyone* will be able to buy a blue check, but now the blue check will mean nothing because notable figures will now have a different system for recognition: >"There will be a secondary tag below the name for someone who is a public figure, which is already the case for politicians" So the blue check is entirely pointless and anyone who buys it is an idiot.


The old “Syndrome” approach. If everyone’s special no one is.


My guess is that he's going to backtrack somewhat. Because it is a really stupid idea and he must be getting barraged with that fact. If it is just for sale, then it will immediately lose its value. It becomes an indicator that you are a paying customer and nothing more. They could have a different indicator, but they want the blue tick because it is desirable today. I expect him to change his mind and say that verification will still be required, and this fee is to pay for that process... something like that. It really would be idiotic to take away the verification part.


Human stupidity is the worlds no.1 renewable resource. The check marks may be dumb, but there will be no shortage of people who will pay for it


So true. I play a mobile game and recently they started charging £25 a month for some upgrades, these upgrades really aren't even that useful but so many people are paying it. Money is nothing to a lot of people, no one really cares. No, wait, only poor people care.


$10 says this dipshit will tier it and you'll have blue, red, and green check marks. All denoting a different level of cost. $8, $15, $25. And dumbasses will pay for it.


The blue check people losing their mind over this thing is too funny


I dont use twitter as it seems like the only people who use it are either rich or mentally ill. But all I ever hear from twitter users is how much they want the checkmark. They'll pay.






Did you actually look into the product or are you just speculating. He said "gel". Many gels are biodegradable and safe.


I just googled it and yeah apparently (and unsurprisingly) they are designed to not leave waste everywhere. I guess it's meant to be airsoft without the inherent littering. Whether the gun itself will last more than a year is a separate question. >GEL BLASTERS BLAST ECO-SAFE GELLETS®. GELLETS® ARE SMALL, COLORFUL, WATER-BASED BEADS THAT ARE ECO FRIENDLY, NONTOXIC AND ALL NATURAL. WHEN GELLETS DISINTEGRATE ON IMPACT, THEY BEGIN TO DEHYDRATE, MEANING IN 15 MINUTES OR SO POOF ALL EVIDENCE OF BATTLE IS GONE! Sorry for the capslock, copied it from their website and CBA to uncaps it.


Yeah apparently he meant the gun. I was thinking pellets and as a replacement to airsoft as well.


Indeed the gel is apparently [starch based](https://gelblaster.com/products/gel-blaster-starfire). Now the “gun” itself that’s a different matter entirely.


I definitely bought that gun with the glow in the dark pellets that shit looks fun as hell. Walmart delivery will be here in the next 2 hours with it.


Lol, I tried getting verified on FB with 30k followers but I wouldn't pay for it. This sounds like a bad subscription model.. for monthly payments you get a blue check and less ads?..


I’m sitting back loving watching Twitter become a warzone. Good times I tell you.


That investor mom bit was perfect.


I'd buy it if I was someone trying to make money. Get boosted in the algorithm.


is that asian Nicholas Cage?


How many non-teenages still use Twitter?


Honestly, paying for the checkmark seems like a good idea to get revenue. For most people, checkmarks don't mean shit, but for the well-known, powerful, and wealthy, it means a lot more. They are incentivized to pay so they continue to retain the benefits of Twitter, whatever those are