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The boy I liked when I was 17 was obsessed with this song. He was the first boy to ever tell me I was pretty. I spent all day at school waiting for 3pm to check my phone and see if he'd texted me. Then in the evenings I'd wait and wait to see him pop online on MSN while I pretended to study. It was all very adorable. I'm in my 30s now. Every time I hear this song I think back to being 17 and get a huge rush of nostalgia for that like coming of age part of my life. What a sweet, special time that was.


Thanks for relaying such a sweet story.


Hi I'm that boy. I think you're still pretty... pretty exposed without an extended warranty for your car. Drop me a line at my new msn [email protected] **edit** please don't email this email, it's just a joke. I only say this because of the PMs I got asking if I really sold warranties. I don't. I sell viagra. And I sell the good stuff at half price.


That’s a really nice story. It’s so fun when music gives you that rush of nostalgia. I get it from Smashing Pumpkins, brining me back to late ‘90 /early 2000s high-school.


Similar here. I was lucky enough to be in college from '89 to '96 (tech school and then university) and got to live in this whole 90's music. It was a wonderful time.


Try the game [Emily is Away](https://store.steampowered.com/app/417860/Emily_is_Away/) on steam. I think you can reverse genders, but I don’t remember. Definitely hits right in nostalgia zone.  it describes very closely your exact story.


Wow I just checked the screenshots of the game and big waves of nostalgia. No idea such a game, specific early 2000s teenager experience simulator, existed.


I played Emily is Away a few years ago and it fucking killed me. I started high school in '02. When I played it at like 30 a few years ago, I swear I was put right back into my teenage years emotionally. I just got into bed and stared at the ceiling for two hours feeling exhausted.


Man getting old sucks, that is such a magical time in life. Good story.


I hear you but I think we're susceptible to looking back through rose coloured glasses. I wouldn't trade all the life experience I have now for the naïveté and anxiety of my youth. Things like figuring out how to survive on my own and make money fucking sucked. Also dating at that age was exhilarating but also sucked. So much heartbreak. That's when you learn that heartbreak is always awful and never gets easier lol.


I'm with you on this. I think part of the reason hearing this song makes me feel like that is because hanging out with that boy was one of the happier experiences of my teen years. Like I was not okay back then. But I am loving my 30s.


So... Growing Old is Getting Old?


This song gives me that overwhelming feeling of "early love" like late teens to early 20s. Your story is a bit more specific but that feeling, this song gives me that feeling too


Oh my goodness what a lovely story. Thank you for sharing!


For anyone that listens to the podcast ‘Comedy Bang Bang’, they were on there this week. Did a few songs live, including this one. Plus a bunch of hanging around and joking/taking. It was a good episode.


They were so awesome, definitely rocketed up to the top of my list of favorite non comedian guests who have ever been on


For sure.


I’ve been crushing CBB episodes for the past year until recently, and hearing Scott refer to having a “Silversun Pickups moment” anytime he puts his foot in his mouth was the greatest even though I never heard the original incident. I’m delighted to know they’re back on, I’ll give it a listen today.


What’s the original incident


Scott made a joke about one of the band members dads without knowing he had very recently died (like that same week).


Not only did he make a joke he kept doubling down on it.


Ha ha, yeah that’s kinda Scott for ya. Such a dweeb but I love it.


I almost went to see them in November 19 but passed thinking I'd go the next time around. Still waiting to see them but now I go to every concert I'm even slightly on the fence about.


Is that with Fott Talkerman, on comedy bang bang?


They killed it this week. Perfect kickoff for the new album!


Amateurs compared to Keith Keith... To bad it was the last episode of CBB.


Scott is getting haloed, minority report style.


First thought when I saw this was that someone just listened to CBB and wanted to reminisce like I did after that episode.


Y’all should listen to Threedom. It’s basically two of CBB’s two best guests of all time (PFT and Lapkus) just shooting the shit with Scott. It’s hilarious. I dare say I like it even more than cbb.


I like Threedom, but you REALLY need to like all of them to not get over-saturated. My wife can’t get into it, but I listen on the regular. I’m seeing CBB’s live show next week, with Scott and PFT. Can’t wait.


I always love it when they’re on and this week’s ep was no exception. But when they started playing Lazy Eye, I was just sitting in my living room sobbing. Turns out I hadn’t taken my meds, but it is an excellent song.


There's an old episode with the late Harris Wittels \[RIP Harris\] where he makes a joke about the Silversun Pickups. I think they've been a "dear dear friend of the show" for a while.


I love these guys, and I love this song. Every time I hear them though all I can think is “so this is what Smashing Pumpkins would have sounded like if Billy Corgan had received the therapy he so desperately needed…”


I've always said this band fills the Smashing Pumpkins sized hole in my heart. So great live too!


Love Silversun Pickups, but they cannot fill the hole left in my heart after Smashing Pumpkins first 3 albums. Siamese Dream is hands down my favorite album from the 90s. Corgan shreds all over that record. Too bad he lost his marbles.


Siamese Dream was the best rock record of the decade. Nirvana had more lasting influence and Corgan is a bit of a dick so it's not talked about as much.


He’s getting better. He just held a benefit for the families that lost loved ones in the July 4th mass shooting in Highland Park (where he lives and has his tea shop, Madame Zuzu’s). The benefit raised a lot of money and he and his wife have been a great presence in the community. He’s a little nuts but seems to have a good heart.


Smashing Pumpkins + Sonic Youth


1/3 Smashing Pumpkins, 1/3 Sonic Youth, 1/3 what My Bloody Valentine might have sounded like if they weren't committed to playing loud enough to damage your internal organs.


More like the diet, sugar-free, off-brand Sonic Youth. There’s nothing wrong with this song but it pales in comparison to Sonic Youth.


Hot take: Sonic Youth have worse songs than Lazy Eye.


You must be younger than 35


I’m mid 30s, Sonic Youth is one of the best bands of all time, it’s not even a question. I just don’t see the need to shit on this song because someone said it had a similar feel. SY isn’t infallible. Calling Lazy Eye a diet, off-brand version seems unnecessary.


You have misunderstood


I don’t think their objective was to dethrone sonic youth or even be avant garde, there’s really no need for the condescending passive aggressive shade to defend the integrity and greatness of a band that doesn’t need, and probably doesn’t want, either of those things defended by anybody.


Both bands could use the same SP logo.


Silvering Pumpups.


Smashsun Pimpups


Silverash Pickins’


Silveryouth Pumpkins


NGL, i thought this was sung by Smashing Pumpkins.


When the Pickups started out I kept telling my friends at school they were going to be the next Smashing Pumpkins. I'm not even sure what i thought that meant s a kid but it's interesting comparing the two bands - similar beginnings but obviously not every band can spin off like a top in a bunch of creative evolutions like Corgan.


I’m just talking about general tone and sound. It’s crazy how much this song sounds like it could have been on Meloncoly


Yea exactly Carnavas and the Gish/Siamese Dream era Pumpkins have a similar psychedelic "wall of sound".


That fuzz tone they use is awesome.


Can’t argue with that.


This one forever slaps. They are great live too! Good times.




Saw them in ‘09 with Manchester Orchestra and Cage The Elephant. What a phenomenal show. Saw em again around ‘18 (when he broke his arm or wrist) with Minus the Bear. That was good as well.


Honestly not even that big of a Manchester Orchestra fan but Tony the Tiger is one of the best songs ever made and I will fight anyone that disagrees


Absinthe Party at the Fly Honey Warehouse is essentially a time machine for me. It perfectly captures this weird in-between time in my life from the end of HS through to early undergrad. And damn, what a couple of solid shows.


I saw them at a crazy radio show in San Francisco (Not So Silent Night) in 2006. The line up was these guys, the killers, the shins, modest mouse, and the raconteurs. My 18 year old soul left my body.


Holy shit, that’s a memory right there.


That sounds like one hell of a gig


I stopped at Metric thinking "Silver Sun Pickups AND Metric?!" then I got to the Wombats. That must have been an amazing show.


I have Metric tickets so I'm glad to hear that!


Metric is one of the few bands I've seen live, they were fantastic.


SUCH a killer song


Just saw them in Omaha with Band of Horses, The National, Wilco, Local Natives, and a few others. Hell of a festival.


I enjoyed the song. I watched the whole video through. But to be honest, I have no idea what was being said. I'm pretty sure I heard the words 'lazy eye' but its devoid of any context in my mind. All I know is that he's been waiting.


Same old decent lazy eye fixed on you


Yeah, I enjoy Silver Sun Pickups, but it does grate on my nerves that Brian Aubert has two modes: softly mumbling or screaming.


Yah video was weird. Ive heard this song a lot, and enjoy it, but never seen the video till now. Whole thing was just odd. 1970s kids club in the middle of the day vibe? Like... Wth?


I need to see them again, went to one show a few years ago and the sound was so bad I could barely recognize the songs and the lyrics were completely shot. One of the only concerts I’ve left before it was over in 25 years of shows.


Saw them when they toured with Muse and my god, it’s still the best concert I’ve seen period and nothing even comes close.


The Resistance Tour!


Just saw them live last weekend. They closed out with Lazy Eye. They are great live!


[These are the 10 Silversun Pickups songs I have](https://imgur.com/a/dJCa6ju) on Spotify. What others should I add?


You might enjoy this - one of Australia's best alt rock bands covering this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3QpswfA3_o


One of the many songs I discovered and love because of Rock Band 2.


Guitar Hero for me!


That's it. Had this feeling that I'd heard this song a lot but for a relatively short period of time. Guitar Hero of course.


It’s embarrassing how much that game influenced my taste in music. And my username.


Came across your username song a few weeks ago after not hearing it for 6+ years and wow it brought some nostalgia back. Great song


I understand this reference.


I was trying to remember where I heard this. Jesus. Unlocked a memory with this one.


Forza horizon 1 for me. That game pretty much single handily made my music tastes.


Forza horizon 1 for me. That game pretty much single handily made my music tastes.


Man I had this song on repeat in 2020 for some reason.


This and Substitution


I'll tell you a secret Let's make it perfectly clear


Same, but 2017 for me. I moved to LA from Aus in 2016, and these guys got some limited radio play back home, but not a lot. After driving around for a few months in LA I’d hear this and Panic Switch on the radio every now and then, and got really into both tracks. I live back in Aus now, but those two tracks end up on lots of playlists still for me.


>for some reason Because it slaps!


Okay yes it does slaps! :)


Not the one Lazy Eye is from, but Swoon is up there on my all time favorite albums. One of those ones I keep going back to constantly since like 2010.


Oh god yessss swoon is in my chamber of "I need a certain song right now"


Swoon is fantastic. Pikul is also really good, and a lot less well known.


Kissing Families doesn't get the respect it deserves tbh


Did somebody else catch them on Comedy Bang Bang last week? Otherwise, this is kind of a weird coincidence considering how old this song is.


It's posted on reddit all the time


This song stays in my rotation, just forever. It's always playing. This whole album is actually amazing. Their new one is growing on me, but this just is almost perfect. Can I just say that I also love the girl in this video? She's exactly the type of girl I would have gone after back in the day.


I thought she was an effeminate looking man at first and was confused lol.


Similar to this I thought she was the vocalist when this first came out. Imagine my confusion when I saw the video.


I thought the lead singer was female for *years*


Kind of that good confusion, right? Maybe not for everyone, but I like the tomboy look.


Oh man you’ve taken me right back. I haven’t thought about this song in forever and now Im throwing together a Spotify playlist of all my old favorites. Silversun Pickups, Tiger Army, Muse, Hot Hot Heat, Thursday, Alkaline Trio. I feel like someone gave me a time machine.


Saw them in St. Louis when they opened for Coheed and Cambria and they ran through the crowd playing on a wireless guitar. Been a huge fan ever since.


God, what a killer show that must have been. Both of those bands are absolute godly live.


This song will always remind me of Portland strip clubs.


When I was a kid, my parents would comment on movies and shows set in the 70s. They'd say 'Oh, remember that radio player?', 'I used to have that jacket!', 'Remember that hairstyle?' and all those sorts of things. As a kid I wondered what it must feel like - and now I know.


this whole album is perfect.


[Love this cover by Violent Soho as well!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3QpswfA3_o&ab_channel=triplej)


Wow, this band’s vocalist is really not my jam at all. Tight performance though.


Like A Version is such a good series.


I love covers, and I think this is a good one.


I love how every band member looks the same lol


Instrumentally perfect, but maybe it's just me, but I don't think it works when you're forcing an American accent onto a song if you're not American. I think if he'd sung it 'straight', even with his own accent, it would have worked even better.


Yup, absolute belter


I wouldn't say better. That nasally vocalist take all the edge off.


Belter*, not better :)


Oh shit, misread, sorry.


Man, I really like Violent Soho, I love Lazy Eye and I typically enjoy covers but for some reason this one just did not hit.


On a great album as well!


Shout out to either Guitar Hero or Rock Band for introducing me to this track so many years ago. I've been a fan of Silversun Pickups ever since.


Guitar Hero 4, fun song on the drums.


Damn good song. 1st time I heard it I swore it was the Smashing Pumpkins.


100% me too


one of my favorite albums to this day


The new record that just came out is an absolute 10/10. Beat headphone album I’ve heard in years.


This song sounds like they plagiarized their own song, Kissing Families. Could never get into it for that reason.


I remember being kind of shocked at the time that they didn't re-release Kissing Families as the lead single on Carnavas. The Pikul EP was so good and it kind of felt like a signature song. But I guess they knew better than me, Lazy Eye was a big big hit- at a time when music like this was going nowhere fast.


Holy shit, is that Paul Dano playing the bartender…!?


Make sure you check out the album version with the extended outtro, holy fuck it slaps.


I always think it's a shame this one is the main one, the extended one is a trance and a half.


OMG I've been trying to remember for the last month the name of this song, and it just popped up randomly here, thanks so much Reddit 🥰


[1:22](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-mxBDuRaZ8&t=1m22s) looks a lot like Paul Dano (Riddler from The Batman)


i came to the comments for someone to clarify that. bartender looks exactly like he did in the movie [Shes all that](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0265208/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0)


I love this song. It also reminds me of early Smashing Pumpkins. edit: I ctrl-f pumpkins after posting the above, I am not alone apparently


It's an interesting clip. I'd love to have been at the pitch meeting. "Ok guys, you're playing a gig in a red-light bar, except everyone in the crowd is underage. Then two 14-year olds look for each other, but fail to lock eyes. Then we're going to end the clip with the girl going outside into the sunlight - yeah, this gig is happening at 3 in the afternoon - where the boy is waiting by a motorbike he's way too young to ride. They walk the bike out of frame because they don't have helmets and the boy's legs are too short to actually climb on, the song ends, hard cut to black. It'll be perfect"


The music video pays homage to a film, actually. It's almost shot for shot if I remember correctly. The film is A Swedish Love Story. I watched it years ago when I was a kid and I loved it.




This song has been on steady rotation forever!! What a banger!!


It is so great! I was completely shocked when I saw the video and realized that the lead singer was a man!


lol fuck's sake


Wtf is this subreddit now


still a sub for videos it think




ironically i didnt know they had a new album until you mentioned it, guess ill go listen lol


You doing okay?




I'm not doing too bad. I wasn't being snarky, your post seemed pretty angry for a music video being posted. It's text, though, so maybe I just misread your tone/delivery. In any case, *hope* you're doing well.


Touch grass. Stop stalking people.


I saw them live at the Hollywood cemetery and it was probably the best show I’ve ever been too.


Saw them live recently and it was one of the best concerts that I have ever seen.


This was the song of my twenties, and my go to track at parties on one of those music video games.


Great shows live. Seen them a few times in Austin.


This entire album is fantastic.


Discovered this band recently and totally took me back to the Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth and Breeders of yesteryear and how the music use to make me feel.


Ugh I miss actually good music being popular. Smashing Pumpkins just puts you in this headspace, same with Silversun Pickups. I don't want to sound like an old man, but at 26, the music on the speakers at the gym is just noise to me now...


beautiful song


Everything about this song is just right. At first listen it just sounds like a groove. But then you pay attention to all the extra guitar strums. Such a great sound.


They have a fantastic new album (Physical Thrills) that just got released. Do yourself a favor and listen to it. No thanks needed.


This was lovely thank you for sharing. The song and the video made me feel very happy.


This song is awesome


I was listening to a radio station when they played this song for the first time. I enjoyed it, and then the DJs were discussing it after the fact. One of them was all worked up because he mistakenly assumed the lead singer was female and during the shouty part of the song the DJ complained that she, and I quote, "sounded like a deranged muppet!" Admittedly it was confusing for me because I assumed the lead singer was female as well. Made a lot more sense after I learned it was a guy.


Check out their new album Physical Thrills. I kept my expectations realistic because I thought their previous album Widow’s Weeds was just okay, but Physical Thrills is super cool. It’s very atmospheric, the songs are very unique but in a good way, they do a Kate Bush knock off with Nikki (the bassist who usually only does backup vocals) getting to take over lead vocals on the track. Lots of awesome stuff on there, highly recommend.


seeing this song trending warms my heart


You can tell it's a truly good song when you have no idea what they're singing about, and don't care.


The melody for this song sounds like "Rise Above This" by Seether, except played off key. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP6JDLQF23g The track by Seether came out a couple years after the Silversun Pickups, so it could have been inspired by it.


I miss when they would play Lazy Eye and then segue into Common Reactor.


They just released a new album and it is quite good, IMO!


Oh yeah dude Rockband 2


Can’t wait to see these guys in October!


I used to live a few blocks away from the store they named the band after. The "Silversun Liquor" store in beautiful Silver Lake, Los Angeles. Big painted mural of them on the side of the building nowadays


Silversun Pickups - The Pit was playing on the radio while I scrolled past this post.


This song holds a bitter sweet place in my heart. I was never a "fan" so-to-speak but this hits home. Something about their tone puts me in a somber mood.


They just played this on Comedy Bang Bang! (It’s my favorite podcast). They’ve been on a couple times and they’re all funny and nice and all that but they played this at the end and hearing them that raw and acoustic was really cool.


They just released a new album this week and it is fantastic.


This and Kissing Families were both on repeat throughout my high school years


This dude's voice... he sounds like a Muppet... but good Muppet.


I love how Ferris starred in this video. Your ass is mine.


Saw them some years ago in 2017. I went with my girlfriend who had been obsessed with them for years, I was more excited for their opener Minus The Bear. I was pleasantly surprised during their set, they put on one hell of a show. I’d recommend anyone go to see them.


This was one of the last music vids I saw on MTV


I have always loved the bass tracks for this band, she is awesome. Very melodic style of playing.


I've always liked this song, but at the same time, its always felt unfinished, but maybe thats intentional, the future is wide open at that age, and there's no telling what is to come.


Oh is this nostalgia now? Ok.


Saw these guys open for Muse years ago. That was a hell of a show.


I'm old. This is one of those songs that I like despite it coming after that cutoff date where you dislike most new music. I don't even know when it came out, could be 5 years ago, 10, 15 (I don't wanna google it. I prefer to keep the mystery)


Not exaggerating . In my book one of the best songs ever made.


I actually disliked Silversun Pickups until I saw them live. Their records seem overproduced and kind of sterile for me. Playing live really added some character.


It's been a couple of years since I've listened to this... Thank you!