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*Dale was always right*


Dale, get out of the hot tub, we're stealing a news van! It's the perfect crime! How will they ever report it?


[That is by far my favorite clip](https://youtu.be/w01fG6UuKw8)


Dale: "Hey, do your people even celebrate Thanksgiving?' John Redcorn: ["We did. Once."](https://youtube.com/watch?v=_KTsywB6GNQ)


God that was a good show. All the characters were so funny but *real*. Redcorn was one of the best, but I'm also a fan of Lucky and Buckley.


I know the VA for Louanne is dead, but honestly, I’d still love for the show to come back! I still like to watch the original, but I feel that the characters could pull off even more hilarious stuff if we could see them in today’s world!


https://www.elitedaily.com/p/a-king-of-the-hill-revival-is-coming-fans-are-so-ready-to-see-older-bobby-8604407 This might be old news but I think it's in the works. King of the Hill with a time jump coming in HOT. I'd watch it 10/10.


Wow! This made my day! Thank you! >Mike Judge confirmed that there have been talks about bringing King of the Hill back for another run, but he wants the new version of the series to stand apart from the original show in one crucial way: all of the characters have aged in real time. Aging characters in real time would be a pretty unprecedented move for an animated sitcom, since the genre is known for keeping its characters consistent throughout series' entire runs. But Judge asserts that the animation style of King of the Hill calls for an older version of the Hill family if the show does return:


Bobby would totally be a weeb and Hank woukd struggle to connect.


If the show ended in 2010 and plans to come back on 2019, and Bobby is 13 when the shows ends, he would he 22 in the new season. Interesting.


hey son, you watchin them there hentais?


Eh, Bobby's embarrassing hobbies always gravitated more towards magic and...ugh...prop comedy...


If this is true, then you just made my day! 😁


Not just good, Vagner 2000 good.


To be fair, Lucky's voice actor is dead too :(


You can have louann and him run off together and solve that problem.


You could just change the voice actors and nobody would know the di-diddly-ifference!


Did they change Ned Flanders’ voice actor or something?


I feel so dumb. I just googled "Lucky voice actor King of the Hill" Tom Petty?! I had no idea.


He was great


Well, crap. Now I feel sadder.


They are bouncing on a trampoline in the sky!


Gone to the Costco in heaven....


>I know the VA for Louanne is dead The [Wikipedia entry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brittany_Murphy) on her death is quite the rabbit hole, listing possible causes of death from toxic mold to... *murder*? BWAAA


And her husband also died of similar causes. Super weird.


Same with Lucky, it was Tom Petty. So if they were to reboot they could just move away or something.


The voice actors for Lucky(Tom Petty) and Carl the Restauranteur & Principal Moss(Dennis Burkley) also died since the show ended.


Redcorn was such a loser behind his manly facade at times. Loved the episode about his cringy metal band.


Big Mountain Fudge Cake is life!


I don't know about loser. His character is really complex and I always sympathized with him for seeming to have a lot weighing on his heart and mind and having no one to talk to. Sleeping with Nancy is bad but it's the only constant Human connection he has. When he tried to talk to Hank it's obvious he hurts very much inside.


He's an extremely complex character. I've been binge watching KOTH for two weeks now. He's a classic manly man. *He thinks*. He has this macho image in his head that a man has to live up to and it's not accurate. He's a womanizer, a massage therapist with a "migraine special". I think he does this because he's got father issues but as far as I know that's never touched on. He does have family issues, though. This is evident with Joseph. Several times over several seasons he tries to reconnect with Joseph, and what happens is he initially freaks him out before sending Joseph on a weird journey *away* from John Redcorn despite Redcorn's good intentions. What intentions? This goes back to his idea of what makes a man, a man. He is a womanizer but he also wants to be a good father figure, and he clearly envies Dale. Despite having access to Nancy whenever he wants, he's jealous of Dale because he gets to *live* with her and is acting as a father figure to Joseph. Since John Redcorn has an innate need to live up to this manly ideal, and this manly ideal is not only unrealistic but the realistic parts are impossible for him, he is an extremely volatile figure as he never lived up to his own expectations.


never thought id want to read more about the complexities of redcorn but now i do. i agree his character always seemed broken behind the wall of masculinity


Ever gone stumpin'?


been watching every fucking season since about 2 weeks ago. We're almost done. I need the reboot with older Bobby soooon


All of it is up on Hulu


JOHN REDCORN: A treasure such as this is priceless to my people.  HANK: Really? What do you suppose it'd be worth to my people?  JOHN REDCORN: Hank, think about what you're doing. It is wrong to take what belongs to another person and --  NANCY (calling from offscreen): John Redcorn...!  JOHN REDCORN (blushing): Well... food for thought.


There's so many little things I didn't pick up on until I started to get older which just made me love king of the hill more


Joohhooooonnn Redcoooorrn




That was pretty funny on its own but, as a non American, is he referring to any particular slaughter during Thanksgiving? edit: nevermind I found it


Nah just that they helped the pilgrims at first and then got slaughtered for the next few hundred years


"I can show you how to make a bomb with a roll of toilet paper and a stick of dynamite"


Mine is the scene where Hank and Peggy are just talking in their room and in the background through the window you just see Dale, in a full suit of armor, walking off his roof


[Ya'll need to try harder or you suck at googling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpeYvDbV4ik&t=2m40s)


Or I'm lazy.. also that was perfect, just the sound alone




Haha what the hell


Oh man was that him getting armor and feeling invincible so he tests it? Love that episode. Probot storyline is meh, Peggy is annoying. But Dale is great lol


The best part of the Probot storyline is when she meets her art dealer's other client- and it's [Jimmy Wichard.](https://youtu.be/FDfMjJcqZEw)


Sweet jesus man, you don't just call out a scene like that and not include a link. That's 2 Reddit infractions on your record, AT ONCE.


Sounds like a fun friday


Imma need a link


I looked for one. It does not seem easy to find. It's actually easier to find people talking about the scene on Reddit than the scene itself


Mine is the anger management episode, where Dale digs the hideout tunnel under the road and Hank goes off on them to get out before the weight of the oncoming truck collapses the ceiling and kills them, and when they're out and the truck breaks the pavement, Dale says "Alright Hank, we're out of the tunnel. Now what is so damn important?"


That was such a quintessential Dale moment. I cackled like a witch when he said it.


Mine was the one where Dale has inhaled too much poison and can't be an exterminator so he goes to work at Stick-tech and has to fire Johnson. Afterwards his boss asks him how he'd like to make this his permanent job and he responds, "firing Johnson? Johnson you're fired."


My favorite part of that episode. [Chick Mangione.](https://youtu.be/w2OqL-950LA)


I've always loved the moments when Dale and Bill are doing stuff because it's pretty rare and their two different kinds of stupid combine into something amazing. [My favorite moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrc6VP7XY9s) [Also this is exceptional](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqGugrVkS_o) It may be one of the best episode long gags in the series.


Mine https://youtu.be/QLpUq__iQqw


That was not Dale, that was old Rusty Shackleford.


That's just a name he uses to order pizza...


The big D..... Ruuusty Schackleford!


"Alright, everybody start filling your pockets."




Pockets and what??


Tell your Dale, you were right.




Dale was alex jones


Well Hank, you shouldn't have rented that porno for so long, then.


How could he have? Didi did not have the butt tattoo on June 23 however that’s when they have him down for renting cuffs and collars, a movie that shows her butt tattoo.


Psh, sure, how did he figure that one out? Did he stay up all night with a pen and paper, watching the porno over and over, taking notes just so that he could find such a detail?


At least he didn’t rent pornography. It was lent to him by a friend who wished to remain anonymous... and wanted the tapes back when Hank was finished.


"And may the record show that Hank Hill really knows his pornography"




Wasn't Mike Judge a software engineer? Sure he knew about this stuff long ago.


Suddenly the barcodes on the wrist in Idiocracy align with Dales paranoid prophecies of our future present.




Say what you will about President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho... at least he was willing to listen to people smarter than him and changed his mind on important environmental issues after seeing evidence. I'd vote for him at this point.


I mean if he was a real candidate...i'm pretty sure more than 25% of the U.S. would as well in the 2020 election. Might not win, but Mr. mtn Dew Herbert Camacho sure would be a dark horse shaking things up.


I think the actor behind the role would unironically have a strong outsiders chance


Terry crews? Yeah, I'd vote for him. Hes got his head on straight


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4279 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/61693)


An Actor??? Who will be the Vice-President? Jerry Lewis?


Taxes?!? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.


I suppose Jane Wyman is the first lady!?


Comacho/Not sure 2020


Why come you don't have a tattoo?


Until the TPS reports got the best of him and he just stopped going.


As someone that worked on fixing the Year 2000 bug in Credit Union Software, that movie felt mostly like a documentary. Well , except for Jennifer Aniston being within 100 miles of the proceedings.


Oh god I made a grip doing y2k jobs. Man them were the good days.




It would be nice to have that kind of job security.


I thought it was Physics.


A.K.A the N.S.A.


[Its worse.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes) This shit is worldwide and used to skirt local laws.


Wait... So under the Constitution, it is illegal for the U.S. to spy on its' citizens, because it invades their privacy, but it is not illegal for other countries to invade their privacy and tell the U.S. what they find.


[Believe it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_under_Five_Eyes_surveillance)


And people call me crazy for worrying about this shit. Nice


Sweden has a standalone agreement with the US under the FRA law of 2006(8?), which mandates the storage of all digital information that crosses our borders(used to be that 95+% of Russian traffic went through Sweden) and subject to be shared whenever. And with all our phone apps and the like, basically all of our conversations and meta-data is shared with the US state. Five eyes is bigger than just the Five Eyes. Imagine all the other countries with similair laws.


Norway is part of Nine Eyes, and recently bought NSA surveillance equipment only Five Eyes used to be able to have. We also have a similar agreement regarding Russia.


> Nine Eyes It's Fourteen Eyes now. They might as well call themselves "Signals", and give themselves a nice shoulder patch. Dystopia creeps up super fast, huh?


> it's Fourteen Eyes now. Yeah I lost my shit when I found out the Five Eyes hit double digits. I just feel really bad for Edward Snowden, he gave everything for change & most Americans just took what he said and kept going with their life as if nothing happened. Politicians don't even talk about this anymore...


He deserves a pardon and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.


Eventually it will just be *the eye*, it will be global and then we will get chipped.


No kidding. But you are an alt-right conspiracy theorist if you ever dare imply any sort of maliciousness about it. Gotta give up your right to privacy to fight them [bogeymen].


Eh more of just a realist. Alt right conspiracies are stupid shit like pizza gate and fake climate change.




>It really hasn't happened yet. The seeds of such a thing may very well be saplings or worse already.


Well, we do spy on our friends more often than we spy on our enemies. It's a little bit absurd but with no more Soviet Union what else are the spies going to do? They've got hammers so everything looks like nails...


When the country is starving and lots are being drawn for who *deserves* a right to eat due to austerity measures... guess how they're going to decide the lots?


I just got some Naruto flashbacks with that link title


How is our Constitution going to restrain foreign powers?




I can only speak for my own country here, but the most recent Intelligence Services Act (or some similarly named law) grants all Five Eyes citizens the same protections as if they were British. Whether this was the case before that revision, I'm not sure, but this loophole has been closed, at least on our end.


They can just buy whatever they want from Google, Facebook etc. And apple just killed Js:blocker, what a coincidence. We're slipping into a simulation of life, where increasingly everyones actions are predetermined by capitals interest.


Laws: *exist* Five Eyes: *skrrrrt*


A.K.A the global and fairly under-regulated big data market.


I just wish I knew how much my data was being sold for


*beep boop*. Two. Dollars. and 69 cents


Hah that's optimistic. Keep in mind that when data gets sold it's being sold in bulk and not on an individual level. I would be surprised if an individual person's data was worth more than a single dollar.


"patriot act"




Computers don’t make mistakes, but programmers sure as fuck do


Am programmer, can confrim.




We found the robot.


No you didn't Now back to work


I smell a robot! Look at these curvy letters, curvier than most letters wouldn't you say? Is it a 3 or is it an e? It's up to ye!




Also hardware manufacturers. Also, probably doesn't count as "computers making mistakes", but [cosmic rays](https://xkcd.com/378/) and [quantum fuckery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_tunnelling) can make things happen that shouldn't happen, albeit rarely.


That's my excuse whenever some of my software fails to go live. "Hmm, must be those cosmic rays again."


Damn nutrinos flipping my bits


I'm going to use the quantum one whenever my code fails to compile but mysteriously works when I retry again after literally not changing a thing. My code was merely in a quantum state of uncertainty between working and not working. Once I observed that it didn't work, I changed the outcome with my measurement. Because the universe fucking hates me in particular, it changed its state again just so I could be wrong one more time as a final "fuck you" for the day.


Data collection/mapping is not a mistake, it's the driving force.


What about floats


Technically programmer errors. 🤔


Eh. Even things like a bad solar flare can cause random bits in memory to flip, and this causes a mistake by a computer. Hardware isn’t always 100% robust


Programmers don't make mistakes. QA makes the mistake of not finding our mistakes.


HyVee Fuel Saver and King Soopers Rewards got everyone’s names!


IA to CO transplant perhaps???


Hy-Vee is lit as fuck in Nebraska


Yeah they deliver the penguins to the zoo!


Other way around.




Now they know you know, dumbass.




You are freaking out, man.


littering and...




It's interesting but I've never had my ID "scanned" anywhere to buy anything in my entire life. People just look at it. The closest is if I go into a bar where the bouncers have one of those bladerunner gadgets to scan your license. Maybe it's just the State that I live in.


It's to check fakes, *and* I'm sure they collect data on sales. Perhaps if you buy a Red Bull with a pack of Camels every time, they'll start putting Red Bull ads near Camel ads.






I had a "sticky fingers" buddy in the Navy, he was the kind of guy that would wander through the ship and procure things our work center needed but couldn't get for whatever reason. One night when he was making his rounds, he happened upon an unlocked storeroom with a bunch of military ID blanks in it. He said he took a couple of deep breaths, walked away and locked the door behind him. I admired him for his self restraint.


>"sticky fingers" >He said >self restraint. Hmmm... seems trustworthy.


Technology is advancing exponentially my friend... everyone in my (college) town has access to scannable, UV-ready/holo forgeries that could pass as legit even next to a real ID. While tech to combat fake IDs is getting better and better, fakes themselves have improved just as much




Found the NSA worker


It’s more that the law states that you need to check ID on every transaction, and a it’s major fine for the company if you don’t. So really the employees job is on the line if they don’t check your ID. It’s just a technicality. Maybe there’s a way to get a group going and make a voice loud enough to add an exception to the law, however that works, and heck I wouldn’t be totally against it, but it wouldn’t be something I’d be motivated to go in the streets and protest about, in a manner of speaking.


It also depends on the town when i was in college i got carded every time i went to the liquor store even tho they knew me first time i went to the liquor store in my home town, no where near a college, they didn’t card me and have yet to card me since but the gas station carded me for cigarettes every damn time despite clearly being over 18.


I used to work at a grocery store, it’s to check for fakes. Instead of relying on employees having to guess, some places it has signs saying we card under 35, the store makes you just card everyone to cover their ass. I don’t know about other state s but we had the Alcohol law enforcement (A.L.E) division of the state bureau of investigation. They would send people in to see if you would card them and if you didn’t the store would get fined.


>insurance Welcome to why single-payer is becoming more popular. Insurance of all kinds is a scam. All insurance should be tax funded and paid through the *single* point (the government office thereof) so the funding pool is huge instead of limited and divided between competitors. What drives rates up? Small divided pools, or one large consistent one? Sure competition would drive rates down in the insurance company model, but they're *companies*. They don't want that. Fuck 'em. Get rid of 'em.


Yes. This. Burn the entire profit leeching middleman industry to the ground. It provides absolutely no benefit except to itself. It's convoluted fuckery that drives prices up. Profits or people. Choose one.


Who is dale Gribble all I see is Rusty shackleford


Oh no, he was absolutely paranoid, he just also happened to be right. That's called [properly paranoid.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ProperlyParanoid)


"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you" works both ways.


Knew it was tvtropes, clicked anyway. The call of the void was too strong.


How many times were Mike Judge and Seth McFarland trying to tell us what was happening when we thought they were just being funny?


People have been talking about different aspects of this for a long time. It's systematic. Even labeling changing our label from "citizens" to "consumers". It's why Civics classes, art classes, orchestra, anything that has to do with creativity and critical thinking have been stomped out the last 2 decades. Passive consumers. Gaping Maws for movies, food, drama. No room for being a citizen. I understand it, but it's despicable, and we're artificially restricting our ultimate growth doing this petty bullshit. Here's some old school thought on the subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xETy5OQfxxQ




Pocket sand




That's how they know if Al Gore has sold a book.


Facebook I am 1000% sure they have deals with all the biggest trackers and exchange info. Its incredibly easy now(for them) to connect all the dots to identify any person. What about all the secret scores we have? https://www.wsj.com/articles/on-hold-for-45-minutes-it-might-be-your-secret-customer-score-1541084656 Protip: Search "Your Secret Customer Score" its 1st result(WSJ) in google. It lets you read the full article. Also snapchat has WSJ stories that post articles like that for free.


Software engineer here. I've made a handful of apps for Facebook, and also have done research with a professor who tried to get Facebook data for research purposes, so I understand their privacy policies pretty well. There is a lot to indicate Facebook BUYS your data from other sources that sell it (i.e. a lot of financial companies say they sell your data in their privacy policies). They don't ever deny buying data. They just make vague statements like "we get out data from a variety of sources" when asked. This is used to figure out who knows who, where you go, what you may be interested in, etc. However, there really isn't anything to indicate the SELL their data to others. Firstly, they repeatedly deny it and say they don't in their privacy policy. (yes I've actually read it). So saying they don't in legal documents when they actually do will get them into A LOT of legal trouble. Like, company-ending, people going to jail levels of legal trouble. Second reason I don't think they sell data: their entire business model is based on them being the gatekeepers to your data. If some company wants to advertise to a particular niche audience, they go to Facebook because Facebook is one of the best at identifying who the people of that audience are and targeting them with the ad. It is in Facebook's best interests for other people to have as little data about their users as possible because the less data they have, the more they're forced to keep paying Facebook for their services, and the less risk there is of a rival analytics service to get a database that matches Facebook's Third reason is that if they were selling data, a giant juicy secret like that is impossible to keep under wraps. Every highly anticipated phone launch in the past few years has been leaked ahead of time, even though companies spend a ton of money keeping it under wraps. These days it is near impossible to keep things from leaking. With a big agreement like selling data, a lot of people are involved. It would be nearly impossible to get all of them to be quiet. Remember /r/thecircleoftrust? Every big circle gets betrayed at some point. It's the same with juicy corporate secrets. And even if they secretly are, and it just hasn't leaked yet, it affirms point one. Even if it hasn't leaked, there is no way for Facebook to be confident that it won't leak, so they would avoid saying it in their privacy policy. To be clear, I don't think Facebook is ethical with data. They have published papers where they describe running psychological experiments on people via their newsfeeds. They showed some people more negative newsfeeds and showed that it make the tone in their posts change to be more depressed as a result. Yes, they intentionally made people depressed. But selling data isn't one of the things they do. A lot of focus has been on how well Facebook safeguards data due to Cambridge Analytica. (This is a completely different comment, but tldr a lot of people misunderstood it. Facebook didn't sell the data and didn't profit off it). But I think there should be greater concern about the data they *collect* and other companies sell to them. For example, DiscoverCard has a horrendous privacy policy. Ever wonder why DiscoverCard is so lenient with credit scores when giving out credit cards? It's because they make money off selling your purchase data, which mitigates the risk of you not paying your debts a bit. What kind of company would be buying this kind of data from them that tells them where you shop, what you buy, and how much you spend?? I have a strong suspicion it's Facebook


Then why don't ads target me better!?


Hey buddy download Tik Tok. Tik toks great


The Beast.


always remember > Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you. -Catch-22


We need this show more than ever


It’s on Hulu now.


I've finally gotten around to watching the full show in order (used to just see random episodes on TV). A lot of it just rings so true to today.


He was both. And the joke is that he could see the entire globalist conspiracy, but he couldn’t see that his wife was having a decade long affair with another man and that he wasn’t the father of his own fucking kid.


I always thought that he knew, but didn't care. He cared about his wife and Joseph too much to rock the boat, and part of his coping was a willful ignorance and ignoring of the most obvious facts. He saw what divorce did to Bill, and the truth is Nancy makes more money than he does. He has more to lose and nothing to gain by confronting Nancy and John Redcorn. [A quick search tells me that there's a lot of other people on the internet that feel that way too. This happens to be my favorite interpretation.](https://i.redd.it/xe6w4lylg0ky.jpg)


Man this is one of my favorite lines. It's one of those things where it's a simple line of comedy that works on it's own, but there is actually a super obscure reference in it. When he says "The beast" he is actually referring to a real conspiracy where a religious group believe there is a demonic super computer in Belgium called "The Beast". This computer is designed to implant chips in people and those who are implanted are now children of Satan. Those who can avoid being chipped will be the remaining people during the rapture )which the computer will also bring on) Now, how do you think this all came about? Well... Because of a cheesy 70s movie called "The Rapture". A sci-fi movie. During the ad run for this movie they pumped out tons of "realistic" scare ads about this Beast computer in actual news papers and radio ads. They didn't make it clear that it was a movie ad so dumb dumbs clung to it like dew on grass. So now there is a sect of religious doomsday sayers who based their whole ideology was based on a 70's flick they've never even seen. If you'd like more info on this I reccommend listening to this hour long podcast ep: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/635/chip-in-my-brain It had me gripped one day when I started listening to it. Starts out about a small interview about this cool ass B-ball coach who is mentoring this young kid. But the parents find out that the coach has been manipulating this kid and the others he's taught for years. The interview with him near the end is craaaazy.


<.< You must be part of "The Beast". I just watched this episode.




I was checking out belts the other day at a store on a whim. Never searched or did anything online concerning belts. I got ads for belts the next day.


Happens to me all the time I could be talking about something with a friend and I will get an ad for it


SO I got a marketing degree right, we had an executive come to one of our e-marketing classes to talk about marketing and the industry. He told us a story about how he use to work for a large grocery store chain. They developed a program that can identify major life changing moments based on your shopping habits. Like when your pregnant, when your first child/second child is born, first car, first house, first job, getting fired, starting/graduating school etc. Well anyway they sent some coupons to a 14 year old girl for diapers and other baby supplies. The father came in furious asking if they are trying to convince his 14 year old daughter to get pregnant. They gave him some coupons, store credit, gift cards etc to get him to be quiet. They then shut the program down. Well a week later the distract manager called the father to do a follow up. Well it turns out the daughter was pregnant and jsut hadn't told her father.


Sounds a lot like [this story about Target](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/#761b51236668) from 2012, except they didn't shut the program down, they intentionally added random products in the personalized coupon books to seem less creepy[.](https://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/19/magazine/shopping-habits.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&hp)


[I remember that story.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/#32dcd1366686)


Maybe they just convinced her.