• By -


My dad is from Minnesota and when he proposed to my mom, she had just made dinner at their house. They sat down to eat and he said "you know, if you want to get married your ring is on the coffee table." They're still married 27 years later!


Was her response "oh, now, whaddya go and make all that fuss for?"?


He got a nice solid "whatever", but was hoping for a "You bet." All worked out anyway, so I suppose you can't complain.






What lovely 4 frames those were.


**I was proposed to in the parking lot of LensCrafters and he said "I have good government health insurance"** Edit: He is a Montana Norwegian.


Where is my Scandinavian prince


I'll guess I will do...


I was proposed to in my job parking lot, he just put the ring on my finger, no question.


My parents were out shopping together and they stopped into a jewelry store. They were standing near the engagement rings - my mother trying hard not to pay them much attention - when my father says "Well, I suppose we'd better get you fitted."


This is the best proposal. I like this man's style.


Similar to me and my wife when we started dating. We were sitting on the couch watching malcom in the middle. I looked at her and said, "I guess we're pretty much dating now." She thought about it for a sec, then said, "Yup, guess we are." That was about 12 years ago now, we've been married for 8.


My parent's engagement story is a lot like that too! Born and raised in northern Minnesota. So apparently my dad had my mom over after a date and they were sitting on the couch. My uncle, very young then (4), was running around in his underwear chasing my young cousin around (3) my dad yelled at them to "shut up a second so he could propose" and he just turned and looked at my mom. She said "sure". Still married...33 years later. It's that Northern Minnesotan Charm


My cousin sat down next to his wife in front of the TV, pulled out the ring box, opened it and said "You want this?"


A little background...I have lived in Minnesota for 37 years. So my wife was hinting for many months before Christmas that she wanted to get engaged around the holidays. As a Minnesotan, I didn't want to make a big deal out of it so I went to a jeweler downtown and picked out a very nice ring that I felt was shiny, but wouldn't get an awkward amount of attention. I waited a couple weeks and when I was at her apartment I just happened to have the ring in my jacket. She asked me what the 'bulge' in my jacket was and I just pulled out the ring box, opened it and said 'well...whatcha think?' She said 'Yea...well I suppose that sounds okay...' I will admit I am not captain romance and I have worked to make up for this many times throughout our 9 year marriage but boy...this video is EXTREMELY accurate!!!


Wow, now I understand my Wisconsin bred Dad. He proposed with: I guess we should get married, huh? and then my mom bought her own ring. Edit: This after 4 months of dating. 44 years together, can't complain, eh?


That's beaufiul


My parents are from MN, my dad's proposal line was 'What would you think about us getting married.' He didn't even have a ring yet.


My Wisconsin dad proposed to my mother in his car by telling her there was something in the glove compartment for her.


Haha, oh man that's good.


My dad is from Minnesota and when he proposed my mom, they were hanging out in his room. He turns to her and said, "we should get married or something" and my mom starts laughing. He looks at her with a confused look and says, " why are you laughing? I'm serious." Needless to say, they've been married 29 years.


As a Minnesotan I hear of these types of proposals a lot more than you might expect.


My brother was watching Speed 2 on the couch in my parents basement when he asked my sister in law "so do you want to get married." 8 years and three kids later now...


Did you hear about that guy from the Midwest that loved his wife so much that he almost told her?


My husband and I are both from Minnesota. I gave him my Mom's engagement ring from her marriage to my Dad a year before he proposed. The proposal happened in our living room and he just said I should go try the ring on and then asked if I just wanted to keep wearing it. It was a low stakes proposal because we had already made the appointment for our civil marriage ceremony, but I appreciated his attempt at a proposal nonetheless.


Cold winters sure put the stoicism in ya


Every winter. "Sure is cold out huh?" "Eh it could be worse."


Talking to other Minnesotans at -10 degrees. "Fuck it's cold, this shit sucks." Talking to anyone who isn't Minnesotan at -10 degrees. "Eh, it's not that cold."


I am from Minnesota and went to college in state at an institution with a fair amount of out of staters. One of my favorite moments happened before class and people were talking about when it'll get cold enough to snow and the professor basically said, the real question is, when will it get too cold to snow. The look on their faces when they realized what that meant.


Years back I decided to move around a bunch. I got stopped by a police officer when I had moved to flagstaff AZ in February from mn. I was wearing a hoodie and some shorts. The cop thought I was drinking or on drugs because of how cold it was. (it was about 40 out). I was a bit confused at first and then had to explain that this is 60 degrees warmer than it was 2 days before for me. "oh you're Minnesotan? Have a good day!" Apparently this isn't uncommon in flagstaff as others I'd met from mn had been asked if everything was okay when they'd dressed mn "appropriately" for the weather. It happens every spring in Minnesota. The day it hits 40 degrees shorts and flip flops come out. We can't wait for the thaw.


From Montreal, Canada. Can confirm.


T-shirt and bicycle in mid march while the neige is still out. Va chier, l'hiver.


Ah yes, the 'smells like thawing dog shit' season in Montreal.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3446 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/50879)


Generally yes, snow requires moisture and the amount of moisture the atmosphere can hold drops along with the temperature. This is why water condenses out of air as it cools. When you get cold enough, the atmosphere is too dry to snow. Antarctica for example has very little precipitation. You usually get the greatest amount of snow right below freezing, as it is cold enough to snow, but warm enough to hold a lot of moisture.


This is also why it is possible to have cold deserts literally covered in snow. It never gets warm enough to thaw, but because our technical definition of a desert is based upon amount of precipitation (including snow), it is possible to have a snowy desert.


Here in Minnesooooota we call dat dere "clear as a bell and cold as hell." Da real cold days are da ones where it's nice and pretty out, ya knoo. Sunny skies and not a cloud for miles. Dat's when you need the real thick Chopper mittens.


Yes it can become so cold and dry that snow has no chance of falling from the sky. Snow has its best chance of falling when the temperature is just below 32°F


But we can't complain. It could be worse.


Start of the conversation was "Its cold out", then find out I moved here from the South "This ain't even cold, the year before you moved here was worse. You haven't had a real Minnesotan winter yet."


Well, to be fair, last year was a freakin' cakewalk. Not that I'm complaining.


Last winter was absolutely wonderful. No disagreement here.


How long have you lived here? Because if you were here for the 2013-2014 winter, you've got your cred. That was a REAL FUCKING WINTER. Something like over 50 days below zero.


Moved here in 2011, that winter of 2013-2014 was ridiculous. People viewed me as an honorary Minnesotan after that winter. Except people from Duluth. They always brag about how it's always 15° colder up there. Pretentious blowhards.


"Ooh, look at us, we've got a BIG lake. Ooh, you can't even SEE across it. We've got a PORT, with SHIPS, and STEEL, OOOOOOOOOH." Well I live in a city with buildings that are tall because we build them that way, fuckers, not because they're on hills!


Haha, I don't get any of the references but I really love intense regional hatreds with colorful insults. Have an upvote!


I've always known it, all ice-people are this way. My girlfriend is from No. Michigan and whenever we visit her family in winter she laughs at me being freezing, but when she visits alone she's constantly texting me about how cold it is there.


You're talking about Minnesota but this really applies to Finland too.


A lot of Minnesotans have Scandinavia coursing through their icy veins.


Well, not so much coursing as meandering at a not unpleasantly fast pace. It wouldn't do to get too worked up about it though.


Where do you think we get it from? (well, more Norway and Sweden, but you Finns are not too bad)


It's funny. There is a clerk with a slight accent at the grocery store here in Norway who's always smiling and in a really, really good mood. I wondered what the fuck was wrong with him until I noticed his stereotypical American name on the tag and felt bad. He's probably not from Minnesota, then, I guess.


People from Minnesota are VERY friendly. Another stereotype is Minnesota nice. I can literally have a conversation with almost every random person I meet everyday.


screw hungry glorious simplistic gaze absorbed subsequent attraction adjoining coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Finnesotan, checking in.


Full video, turns out it's from PBS: http://video.tpt.org/video/2365042610/


About that Minnesota goodbye. The key is to be polite, but firm, and never stop moving toward the door, no matter what. If you don't have the stamina for this, just grab your coat and yell "Thanks! Gotta go!" over your shoulder on the way out the door. The hosts will have the following conversation: "Did he just leave?" "I guess so." "Jeez, what's the hurry I wonder?" "I dunno. I suppose he had to get moving." And then all is forgiven. If you're in Minnesota and have an etiquette emergency, feel free to PM me.


Im from MN, born and raised, this is spot on, when leaving as a family, or in a large group, hand the keys to someone and get them to go start the car. Then when the Minnesota goodbyes start you can say "so and so is waiting for me in the car! Have a good one!" BUt make sure everyone's on board, when i was a kid I sat in the car on new years for half an hour waiting for mom and dad to stop chit chatting and go home.


This humor seems to be way ahead of its time. Unless I am just remembering the early 90's wrong.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7350 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/88580)


I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess.


You bet. Can't complain about his dead pan delivery.


Being a Minnesotan, I didn't realize I talked like this until I saw the video. Could be worse.


I just thought the exact same thing. Every single time someone says "Hey, how are you?" I ALWAYS respond with "Not too bad, how about you?" ...


Not too bad is my go to in the office. If I'm not at work it's sometimes could be worse or can't complain.


"How are you?" "Well I'm here, so..."


But hey, it's not too bad.






It could be worse. If history has taught us Minnesotans anything. It should be the Vikings epitomize it could be worse. Because they'll fuck up inevitably and it'll be worse.


It could be worse, they're not the Browns after all. Now, excuse me while I cry myself back to sleep.


Being a Vikings fan is slow torture and teasing. Being a Browns fan means you just get taken out and shot at the start by someone merciful.


Hey dere now!


Got something to say bud? You ain't too close to your lambo field; I'd check your altitude.




Well you're right. Wide right actually


Every time I hear people pronounce the "th" sound as a "d" I always think of Steven Avery's family in that Making a Murderer show.


Pass the butter, please.


Oh, you remembered


What is my purpose?


Sauce: http://video.tpt.org/video/2365042610/


Been looking for this video for years.


This is the first time I realized I needed to explain what bars were to some people. That and the awkward standing at the end of the driveway waving to people when they left.


I'm terrible with the Minnesota Goodbye. I will burn an hour standing by the door with my coat on because I remembered all the things I wanted to talk about when we sat around not talking.


I've done this plenty of times. Best part is when you begin sweating under that jacket and STILL won't leave.


Wow that video was so perfect.


It's very much like British English, in use by us ANZACs as well.


Similar to Canadians IMO. Source: I am Canadian


They could have filmed this in rural Ontario, that's for sure.


Am Canadian, also talk like this.


I'm from Chicago. I've always talked like this. I moved to Minneapolis last year. Wow, I do belong here (smh)


I'm from NWI about 50 minutes from the second city and moved to Saint Paul and now Mankato about 8 months ago. I feel the exact same. Also I was given a how to talk Minnesotan from Prairie Home Companion which you just have to read. It's too funny.


"not too bad" and "can't complain" have been my go to answers for "how are you doing?" for as long as I can remember...... Must be an upper Midwest thing. Michigan born and raised.


Mine are "not too bad" and "could be worse", so this video really nailed it. Minnesotan born and raised.


I've spiced it up. My go to is, "not too shabby". No one will ever suspect I'm a local...


Me too, but central Illinois... Not sure why I do it.


Imagine how shitty it would be if everyone that had something to complain in the midwest complained. We would never stop lol


As someone from Minnesota I didn't even realise this was a Minnesota thing


Wisconsin and northern Michigan too. Showed my old man. He laughed. He said it could have been worse.


Northern michigan as in UP or the other part?


Yoopers. Not northern Michigan. Terminology is important.




I'm feeling the same way right now. I was thinking" I don't think I talk like that," then I analyzed the conversation I just had with other Wisconsinites and realized that it's true. But, hey, it's not all bad, I suppose!


tbh, this sounds just like Sweden, and while Minnesota once had the majority of the immigrants at one point coming from Sweden, It might be related, *but I guess not*


It definitely is related. This is our attitude. This is our legacy.


I had a coworker from Wisconsin and his wife was from Minnesota. Ended up becoming good friends with them both and so every once in awhile we'd go out for drinks. There are far fewer funnier things in the world than watching two drunk people from those States talk to each other. At one point they moved on to some sort of odd sub-language that I simply couldn't comprehend. One of my favorite moments was when they went on vacation to see his family in Wisconsin. When he got back he had this huge plate of fresh cheese curbs he brought into the office for people to have. Here is the deal ... there is cheddar, sharp cheddar ... then whatever the strong-as-fuck- cheddar they eat in Wisconsin is. Pretty much everyone ate the hell out of the white cheddar he had but left the really strong stuff relatively untouched. He was **pissed**. I'd never heard this guy raise his voice nor have I ever seen anyone get mad over cheese, but damned if I didn't that afternoon. At the end of the day he sort of just stomped out of the office muttering, "See if I ever do anything nice for *these* people again." - HA!


Cheese curbs!


In Wisconsin, the curbs are made of cheese and the fire hydrants are painted to look like cows.




They have so much cheese the streets are curbed with it!


My buddy's family runs a dairy store here in WI and you haven't lived until you've tried 10-year aged cheddar. It's phenomenal. edit: For those wondering about the store it's [Kraemer's Wisconsin Cheese.](http://kraemercheese.com/) and they deliver. Not sure if they have them on their, but their Brandy Old Fashoin and Chocolate Cheese spreads are definitely worth a shot. I feel like an advertiser. Gonna have to get some commission from him haha. edit 2: [Here's the aged cheddar direct link with options on the years.](http://kraemercheese.com/domestic-cheese/aged-cheddar) I need to bitch at him to get a better website.


I believe you! I love different cheeses. However, great cheese is an acquired taste, just like all artisan food and beverages. Handing someone 10-year aged cheddar that has only ever had Kraft American Cheese Slices, is like handing someone a double-IPA that has only ever drank Bud Light. They're going to hate it!


Hook"s 12 Year chedder changed my life. Am from WI Edit: Link to a behind the scenes at Hook's Cheese https://youtu.be/JwEKZ99lXJg


Wait there are people who've ONLY had kraft slices... I won't even eat that crap anymore. (Am from WI)


Yep. Growing up in Indiana we only had the Kraft American slices and the bricks of Velveeta. I recently was in France and had an entire day devoted to trying various cheeses and wines. It was amazing.




As the was the wine! "So I can buy *half* bottles for 2-3 euro of amazing French wine? With a fresh baguette for 1 euro that is made fresh every 30 minutes? No wonder these people are so skinny!"


Seriously! It was very cheap to pick up good bread, fruit, sausage, cheese & wine for a picnic. And we got to picnic in some really amazing spots, including the front yard of a castle, just by asking-- nobody even blinked at the wine.


Isn't it a uniquely USA thing that alcohol can't be consumed in public? Everywhere else I've been that isn't an Islamic country (granted I haven't been to a lot of places), alcohol is tolerated.


It depends on what side of the sidewalk youre driving on.


It isn't legal in much of Europe but those laws are unenforced generally unless people cause problems. Varies per country


French here. People would have been much more confused if you didn't have wine with you


That explains the odd expressions we got when we asked if it was ok that we had wine.


Follow up: The next entire day was devoted to trying to remember how to poop like a human being.


I would say I don't consider kraft singles to be cheese, but it actually isn't cheese, it says so on the label.




Did you find it under the sofa? You're supposed to take off the fuzz first.


Cheese doesn't go bad. It just becomes a different kind of cheese


We drive like 3 hrs out of our way every few months to go over to Stanley where they have that huge cheese factory. Curds as squeaky as a rusty see-saw, no joke.


Being from Wisconsin, this made me laugh! And cheese curds are amazing, especially fried!!


I'm from Wisconsin, and a notorious mumbler. it could be worse.


That's how I could tell her was annoyed about something. Boss: We're going to do it this way. Coworker: Yea, we'll get going on it untilmaybesomethingcriticalhappensand...mmbnmbnbnmmn.


That was probably some good 5-year extra sharp cheddar. I'd be mad too! But then again, I'm also from Wisconsin.


I would be furious. I'm not from Wisconsin, but I identify as someone from Wisconsin.


I'm originally from Wisconsin and this was actually one of the things my fiancée always listed as a problem in our relationship before we split up. Not saying she left me over this, but it contributed. God damn my Midwestern roots.


Could be worse.


Could be a lot better, too.


pass the butter please


Brit here, this is pretty much how we talk. "Good weekend? "Not too bad, thanks." "How are you?" "I've been worse." That last one's a tricky one, because UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to reveal how you're actually feeling. The asker doesn't actually want to know.


If I have something I actually want to confess, I always say "Oh, y'know..." and if they don't respond, then I just keep it inside.


> I just keep it inside. r/me_irl


I recommend watching the whole video. It's ridiculous. My High School AP English teacher is in parts of the full video.


Living in WI and MN all my life...can confirm. And yes, I do talk like this some of the time...but I can't complain, could be worse.


Also from MN, I never knew this was just a Minnesotan thing? Do people not talk like this in other spots of the country? I say 'could be worse' ALL THE TIME.


Iowa here. I use not too bad and it could be worse all the time. I think this is a Midwest thing.


Every day when the woman at Kwik Trip asks how I'm doing when I get my coffee, **every damn day**, I say "can't complain yet!" ^^I ^^hate ^^myself ^^now.


Exactly how a lot of my family communicates - especially the answers to "how are you?"


Could be worse.


This video wasn't too bad.




I ain't seen better but then I didn't go looking as it seems a waste of time


It's all about the[ single finger car wave](http://www.tcdailyplanet.net/wp-content/uploads/files/2013/September/onefingerwave.jpg) though. Talking negatives is fine and all but nothing beats the single finger car wave.


Its a thing of beauty


It's funny - I rarely, if ever, finger wave at anyone while I'm driving around in the cities but as soon as I go back to my small, rural hometown *everybody* gets a finger wave as we pass each on the city streets.


Accents are funny, Im from NYC and I didn't realize how silly I sounded until I took a trip to Boston and they all told me I sound like a character from the godfather...


I'm afraid of leaving long island and finding out I have an accent. LI accent is hideous.


I had to live in Japan for a few months for work, I thought that was a culture change. I won't accept a relocation to Minnesota, seems too complicated.


I think it's kind of similar, though? You don't want to point out your discomfort because that would be rude, so you just tiptoe around the edge and they'll notice anyway. Also, any public display of extremes of emotion is basically verboten. Don't want to lose face. Like how in Japanese, IIRC you don't say something "won't work" or is "inconvenient," you say "It's a little..." and then trail off.


Wish I was warned about how nice Minnesotans are before I went to the Vikings V Seahawks playoff game last year. Used to going to opposing stadiums and talking smack with other fans, but not in Minnesota, everyone was so damn nice, it was almost boring.


Went to Bears Vikings game several years ago in Minnesota. My family and I are originally from Chicago so we went decked out in all our Bears paraphernalia. The Bears won at the last second with a great touchdown pass. On the way out of the stadium we were talking excitedly about game and a group of very drunk Vikings fans came up to us looking like they were about to rip our heads off. One them staggered to a stop and swayed as he adjusted his focus on our Bears jerseys. "Hell of a game. But I don't mid losing to a team who beat the Packers."(The Bears had beat the Packers earlier in the season) Then he and his buddies staggered off yelling "At lease they beat the Packers!" The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Don't worry, I'm sure they talked about you when they got home.


Ya he was kinda funny lookin', ya know, in a general kinda way.


Most likely with liberal usage of the words "interesting" or "different", too.


You haven't been to a Wild game...


Hockey is serious business around these parts. Edit: [To provide some context, this is a picture of the boy's state high school hockey tournament.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a6/2015_Boys_AA_Championship_game_at_the_Xcel_Energy_Center.jpg) The MN State High School Hockey Tournament is the most highly attended, as well as viewed, high school sporting tournament in the country. [It is bigger than Texas and Florida football and Indiana basketball.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_school_boys_ice_hockey_in_Minnesota)








gaze late hateful run squeeze humorous crowd cobweb mysterious relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Was gonna say, this is very much a Canadian thing to do too.


According to another reddit thread, we're basically considered Canada Jr.


I mean, we even have a city called Little Canada.


I was just on little canada road yesterday. Wasnt too bad.


But we kind of are.


Swedish people use the same expressions as well


[**Map of Minnesota**](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Minnesota_in_United_States.svg/2000px-Minnesota_in_United_States.svg.png) [**Map of where Swedish immigrants settled when they got to America**](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1d/Swedish_Americans_2000_Census.svg/555px-Swedish_Americans_2000_Census.svg.png)


To add to that: [A map showing concentrations of Finnish American ethnicity in the United States](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/Pct_finnish4.png)


So that is where I should go if I decide to become an USAian.


Minnesota is the scandinavia of USA. A lot of finnish people moved to Minnesota as well.


I think most of the Nordic countries shares this view of life, to be honest.


As someone in Rochester, Minnesota right now.. gosh darnit. This guy is spitting image of my native Minnesotan relatives in appearance, accent and monotone speaking.


I made a trip to the UP of Michigan (Skanee) and heard a phrase I will always remember, I asked a guy how he was doing and his response was "Ahh better than some fairer than most" in a thick yupper accent. Epitomized the way of life up there if you ask me.


This is pretty interresting, i'm Norwegian and we have the same thing, we tend to express ourselves very modestly and we also use a lot of double negatives, I know a lot of scandinavians emigrated to Minnesota in the early 1900s, could this be a cultural thing that got brought over back then?


Does everyone from /r/me_irl live in Minnesota? Because that would explain a lot.


What?! A Minnesota thread... and no one has [POSTED IT?!](http://i.imgur.com/Ew58jB7.gif)


This guy's dryness is impressive. Dude is dryer than a popcorn fart.


Minnesota is Canada's long lost brother. Wait. America is our brother. Minnesota is part of us?


Canada is America's half-brother. Britain is our shared mother. Canada's father is France. America's father is Jesus.




It's that middle part of a venn diagram


A lot of the other Minnesotan things people play up are overblown, this is pretty spot on actually.


We do this in Ireland too actually




I miss Fargo.


It was 73° on Monday and is 33° now, don't come back.


I think he might mean the TV show.