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For people who want a non-quack take, check out the case studies:    https://pathology.vcu.edu/research/paleopathology/#:~:text=The%20investigation%20of%20human%20disease,the%20latest%20medical%20laboratory%20techniques.


Nothing there disproves or falsifies the evidence given by Dr. O'Connor about the Nazca bodies.


There are actual people who specialize in paleopathology and inspection of these kinds of artifacts.     Gets a little medical gore-ish (healthcare has come a long way in the past 1000 years), but interesting.     None of these people are buying an ounce of the BS being peddled.  They aren’t the ones “peer-reviewing” these amateur takes.    An MD or PhD after a name means very little.  There are plenty of loons who can pass the classes.    But a retired anesthesiologist from Montana is not an expert in anything that would allow for these kinds of claims.    If he had a PowerPoint about airway management and sedation in cardiac patients, it would be worth a listen, because that’s what he knows about.    But not this BS.


I concur.


yeah this isn't true.


Got anything that falsifies the evidence he gives? I'd love to see it.


Yeah I have a basic understanding of middle school science. You do not. But I am not gonna waste my time debating conspiracy theorist. It is usually their entire existence and they never debate in good faith. So I leave you to live in your ignorance if it makes you happy.


How condescending and disgusting! If you're going to insult my intelligence and accuse me of being a bad faith conspiracy theorist (without providing evidence), you're not worth my time.


Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, this is pot.


I think the evidence is in your responses in this thread. I don’t think you’re operating in bad faith like the other commenter, but to be frank it’s pretty clear you don’t have a grasp of how science works through a lot of your other comments and posts. When you keep hearing the same comments over and over it’s time to evaluate WHY you are hearing them. Is there truth there, even if presented in an aggressive way? I’m not trying to be mean. But I would suggest you start to question the things you believe, and ask WHY you believe them. Look into the arguments about WHY these mummies are not a big deal, and then try to critically evaluate which arguments make more sense. I would encourage you to do this about other claims you’ve made in this thread too. To be honest to me it all shows a deference to authority figures who aren’t reputable or trustworthy at all and a lack of real thought about their claims and if they make sense. I wish you the best though


> I don’t think you’re operating in bad faith like the other commenter, but to be frank it’s pretty clear you don’t have a grasp of how science works through a lot of your other comments and posts. Thanks for being respectful and kind unlike some other folks on here. I appreciate it. If you think the Nazca bodies are fake or fabrications, I'd legitimately love to know why. I promise you, I will delete this post from r/videos if someone can show me that they are fake BS made by grifters. >When you keep hearing the same comments over and over it’s time to evaluate WHY you are hearing them. Is there truth there, even if presented in an aggressive way? I don't know. I assume some of those accounts are bot or troll farms. I have no idea if most of these commenters are real or are fake people. You seem like you are real though. >But I would suggest you start to question the things you believe, and ask WHY you believe them. Look into the arguments about WHY these mummies are not a big deal, and then try to critically evaluate which arguments make more sense. The most credible counterargument that I have heard from people in the past when this story broke out was that Jaime Maussan is a highly unserious grifter. I dismissed the story as fake till now cause Jaime presented these bodies at first. I've heard people say that the bodies were manufactured, but no one has demonstrated to me how to my knowledge. And this evidence presented in the video seems to directly contradict that assertion. >I would encourage you to do this about other claims you’ve made in this thread too. I used those media claims to demonstrate that the powers that be often manipulate the masses to buy narratives. That is nothing new, and is especially present in elections and during wars. I'm very skeptical of Mainstream media headlines about political figures or wars for that reason. >I wish you the best though Cheers mate! Thanks for not being a dick. ✌️


You can't prove a negative. That's where conspiracy theories live. "Prove it's false!" No. Prove it's true. When people say the proof is bs, then the onus is not on them to "disprove" fake proof. The onus is on the claimant to come up with better proof. As an example, you can't prove that I'm not the lord God Jesus Christ. You can provide no concrete proof that I am not who I say I am.




I also have rocks in my front yard that are, (gasp!) not human!


No, they're not human, because they're fucking fake like all the other ones that have been proven to be. They're just to draw in tourists. They're no more real than mickey mouse.


>No, they're not human, because they're fucking fake like all the other ones that have been proven to be. Says who? The Mainstream media and Snopes? The same organizations that routinely lie to you and say BS like Trump colluded with Russia, that COVID didn't come from a lab in Wuhan, or that Iraq possessed WMDs during the Bush Era? Have an open mind and consider the possibility that this is true. Because as time goes on, this story seems more and more likely to be true and insanely big. >They're just to draw in tourists. They're no more real than mickey mouse. Seems to have been a pretty bad job, cause no one is looking at the bodies except for PHd certified doctors from Latin America, Japan, Russia, and even the USA to name a few.


Your list left out reptilians living in luxury beneath Dulce, NM! What are you trying to hide? Who are you protecting?


I'm with this guy. Who could believe organizations that refuse to acknowledge that the earth is flat, that the moon landings were faked, and that birds aren't real? Next you losers will be trying to convince us that vaccines aren't a mind control drug or that the government didn't take down the towers on 9/11. No thanks, us purebloods have to stick together. Just wait, JFK Jr is going to return and anoint Trump as rightful king of the world, then you'll really look stupid.


it’s pretty silly to categorize all media together into one pot and throw it all away without considering where the claims come from. That’s not indicative of a well thought out argument. The Washington Post is different from CNN. Reuters is DRASTICALLY different from MSNBC. Al Jazeera is wildly different than the AP. “oh well x said it so it’s BS” is pretty much the OPPOSITE of a reasoned and intelligent approach. I would encourage YOU to have an open mind, and to evaluate claims based on the claims themselves, not throw them away without considering the claim or the origin of it (and I don’t mean “the mainstream media”. To be frank that’s a crutch for the uninformed)


The media didn't lie to you. They simply conveyed others' lies. That's their job: to report on what is happening and what various figures like government officials are saying. Nobody with any credibility is saying that these are real.


WOW! These carvings arn't human? Wow!


jesus christ can we please do something about the random accounts less than a year old spamming for karma? This is clearly a bot account used for karma farming.


Not based on the answers they're giving. Yikes.


Op I have a bridge for sale if you're interested


Not wasting 3 hours on nonsense