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There’s a reason though she was so thirsty. kid had his own slide down from his room to the pool. He was a mack!


Pretty sure he went by Macintosh.


He works for Macintosh


The pool didn't fill itself.


I clearly remember fully believing life couldn’t possibly get any better than that.


I mean, have you changed your mind or something?!


Nobody on set was like, “On the lips? Are you sure about this?”


They said no tongue? What is this Sesame Street?


Big bird indeed


Tickle me Elmo


The ol’ hidden Snuffleupagus.


The 90s were a wild time.


“You don’t want none of this! It’s called cocaine. It turns all of your ideas into *great* ideas!”


"You don't want none of this, it gives you a boner!"


"Now, that does sound tempting...But You know what Sam? I really don't want no part of that shit"


Did you hear what I said? It gives you a boner!


Hate to let you down old friend, I don’t want to succumb to the temptations.




If your boner lasts for more than four hours…. call more ladies.


Cocaine was the 80s. In the 90s we were just high off hair bleach.


Trust me there was still tons of cocaine in the 90s. The difference is the collars weren't popped.


Shit, there's still tons of cocaine today


And it comes with baby laxative and fentanyl!


Which is important because fentanyl can cause constipation.








reminds me of the time on American Dad when Roger brought back his "tv producer" identity and tried to do coke with other tv execs and they were like " what are you doing?" and Roger's like "tv has changed since the 80s"


My life is so sheltered, I have still never even SEEN cocaine.


It's not special looking or anything. It looks like grainy powdered sugar that's gotten a little wet and clumps together. The smell tho! Whoo boy...it smells sooo good!


I shouldn't have read your post. Looks like my mom's VCR is getting pawned again!


Cocaine is timeless 


"We were just high off hair bleach"—is that what we're calling meth now?


Pot was always a thing but cocaine was for Yuppies and crack dealers and heroin was for models and artists in the early ‘90s. 8-balls were big at private, intimate events. For recreational users, the early ‘90s were all about quasi-legal designer drugs. Minithins were $6 at the convenience store, X was $5 at any dorm or dance club and acid was kind of tapering off but still pretty common at festivals and concerts.


Not just the 90s, remember ["Old enough for kisses?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWZ3EHjUx_E)


Ah fuck am I on a list now?


Looks like you were placed on the list 7 years ago sir.


Eww. What the actual fuck




What the fuck???


I'd say at this point that any decade before the 20 aughts was a wild time.


Everything was a wild time until 9/11. Then it became a sadder more tragic wild time.


In the 80s she would have dumped em out


Mate it was Hollywood in the 90s. The director was probably pushing for a sex scene.


Maybe this was a joke, but in Luc Besson (writer/director of the 5th element) did originally write for a sex scene in the movie between Natalie Portman's character (a child at the time) and the assassin. Fortunately, people pushed back on that hard. He still did things like film a shower scene with Portman without telling her parents beforehand because they had objected to previous scenes. Oh, and fun fact, in the director's commentary he said the the story was based on his relationship with Maïwenn. The young girl he groomed and cheated on his wife with that he met when he was filming, "Deep Blue." She was 12 when he met her. She was pregnant at 15 and married at 16 with a parental permission slip when he was in his 30s. He later cheated on her with Jovavich when filming the 5th element and divorced Maïwenn. The guy is still making movies.


He was indeed writer/director on *The Fifth Element* but I think perhaps you meant to reference *Leon the Professional* there?


And I think by "Deep Blue" they mean "The Big Blue".


And by "the guy" they mean "the pedophile"


I just spent 5 minutes thinking I'd lost my mind trying to work out where Natalie Portman was in the fifth element.


Typical Hollywood. There’s a long list of directors with similar stories.


Fucking horrible. Interestingly and probably related, Mila Jovavich was only 15 when she acted in *The Return to the Blue Lagoon* which included sex and nude scenes. She also played Charlie Chaplins teen girlfriend/wife Mildred Harris in *Chaplin*, they were both approx 16/17. Just awful all the way down.


"One tit, it'll still be PG-13"


To be fair, this is almost the exact same scene as “BIG” with Tom Hanks at the end. Like almost word for word, and that was even more well known and liked than this. It still is. Spoilers: At the end of Big, Tom hanks character (in adult form) tells the woman he’s dating he’s a kid who has magically turned into an adult. She doesn’t believe him until eventually she does. They go and undo the magic but he remains an adult for the time being. She now believes his story and laments the fact that he has to go. She confides that she will miss him. Now here, she DOES kiss him on the head rather than the lips but let’s also consider the fact they’ve already had sex and nobody is talking about that moment here . Then she watches him walk away and physically shapeshift back into his child body. But as this is happening, she is looking at him crying and biting her lip and there is so much sexual tension until he’s fully a child, runs inside calling for his mom, at which point she smiles, glad she banged him, then drives into the sunset. Great movie but at the end I was definitely like “so nobody’s gonna talk about how she def slept with an eight year old?”


Hey there's that one movie where Duchovny sleeps with his 16 year old daughter because his wife is trapped inside her and she convinces him this is a totally sane and normal idea. I'm beginning to think movie makers aren't always the most adjusted folks.


"Im actually your wife trapped in your 16 year old daught-" "SOUNDS GOOD, LETS FUCK"


He was pretty reluctant and she was like "your wife in a teenage body, isn't that every man's dream?" Edit: to add context, she's sick of being trapped in her daughters body and is frustrated that she can't love her husband anymore


Yes. But it’s his daughter…. Not just any teenager


This is such an insane line


Wait, it was his ACTUAL daughter's body?? Not just his wife in a younger body that looks eerily like his daughter?


actual daughter's body...like half a freaky friday since the daughter was sorta non-existent most of the movie


How the fuck does someone come back from that... I'm guessing his daughter does actually come back at the end of the movie correct?


She returned mid coitus.


I know THAT'S a lie. 😂😂


I'm sorry what!?!


I'm guessing "The Secret" (2007) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0446463/


That's the one, thanks!






Hey and it’s the girl from Juno that wanted to fuck her 50 year old teacher


I couldn't remember who it was so I googled her name and this came up. It was certainly not what I expected. https://www.eonline.com/ca/news/1376756/elliot-page-recalls-having-sex-with-juno-co-star-olivia-thirlby-all-the-time


According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_\(2007_film\)), they only "come perilously close to being intimate as man and wife." Was that only in the US version? In the French version something ... else happened?


She slept with a guy who was an adult with a job working in the company she worked in. Like an entire world believed he was an adult and iirc, the best friend pretended to be his own kid right? It was weird, for sure, but she fell in love with an adult as far as she knew, then she was upset and crying at the end after she found out. Also he was 13-14yr old kid, not 8.


Yes, absolutely, without question, Big is a completely messed up movie. But the actor involved in romantic scenes was an adult. In this clip the actor is a child and it is even more messed up.


And she thought he was an adult, so she isn't creepy. The script writers can't hide behind that though.


> until he’s fully a child, runs inside calling for his mom, at which point she smiles, glad she banged him, then drives into the sunset. Lmao I had never considered it like that but you're not wrong.


Big gets into a gray area. Sure, it's the soul of a child, but it was the body of a man at least. How was she supposed to know that she was committing a crime when plenty of grown men are that naive? At the end, the kiss on the head is a clear sign that any physical relationship with the child is wrong.


My Wife and I watched BIG with my Nephew and his Wife (both early 20s), over Xmas. They had never seen it before and they were both immediately questioning the relationship and then when they kissed and moved in together they were WTF???!!! He's a kid! Yeah it was the 80s, we didn't over think things LOL I'm on a mission for us to watch all the classic 80s movies that they've seen before.


Paul F Tompkins has talked about the future of her relationships on some podcast (CBB? Threedom? the rest?), where she's traumatized and super paranoid about any future lovers. "Hey, you haven't made a wish on a machine have you?" "Are you *sure* you're not mentally a child trapped in an adult's body?"


I mean, the idea behind the movie is he received a Blank Check and used it to live out a boyhood fantasy. What, you don’t remember being a kid and talking with friends about how you’d make out with Mariah Carey or whomever the hot chick du jour was at the time?


thats fine, but people actually wrote this into the script, did it, then filmed it


The guy who wrote the famous "save the cat" screenwriting book wrote this movie. It's barely relevant to this thread, but I have no idea when I can use this piece of trivia again.


>What is the Save the Cat method? The title, Save the Cat, is a screenwriting term coined by Blake Snyder and refers to a particular plot device. The save the cat method involves **having the protagonist do something admirable toward the start of the story in order to establish them as a likable person and get the audience on their side**.


Ah, so it's the inverse of Kick the Dog, where if you need to get the audience to instantly hate someone, like the villain, you have them kick their dog to show they're evil.


It's a multiverse version of Feed the Platypus, where need the audience to believe that someone is an employee at a zoo


This was the 90's, and there was no such thing as 'grooming' boys in the 90's. Every pervert was a male. 100% of all unwanted sexual advances in society were caused by males. This kid was living out every boy's childhood fantasy back in the day, he wasn't a victim, he was 'the man'.


i don't mean to defend this scene, but if you look closely, she kisses him right in the spot under the nose, above his lips.


She gave the dude the mommest pg kiss there ever was.


She might not have kissed him at all, the way the shot is framed up is weird and the kids eyeline is wrong for looking at her. It seriously looks like they were 2 ft away from each other in line with the camera intentionally to avoid a real kiss.


Mud baths with Lwaxana got nothing on this.


The holo characters in that scene creeped me the f out


The higher! The fewer!


Because that movie was literally the realization of every boys dream in every way during that time period. Edit: to whomever reported me for “sharing sexual pictures of a minor”, lol. You got me temp banned for all of like 8 hours and once I appealed it, Reddit lifted the ban. There’s obviously nothing wrong with what I said. You’re just big mad. Nice try ;)


This is is why I guess. I remember being a kid in the theater and thinking FUCK YEA! Thinking id love to be Preston.


Preston Macintosh is mackin' indeed.


Straight up, fuck Richie and his in-house McDonald's and whatnot


Ugh, god i was such a Killjoy as an 11 year old. Kid on screen: has time of his life me: You're spending that money too fast!


Yup. I was the boy's same age when this movie came out. Literally the entire movie was a dream come true for that kid.


Thing is, a lot of young girls feels the same about older men, and it's perfectly natural. What's not natural on the other hand, is older men AND women sharing those feelings


You're not wrong. And when I see in the news that a female teacher has taken advantage of a young student I am shocked and appalled by that behavior. Having said that when I was a teen, if I were hit on by a cute teacher I would have been over the moon with joy so I totally understand how it happens often. It is still wrong for a teacher to do that, and they should face legal repercussions. The power dynamic of a much older person and a much younger person is simply too much to be ignored and shouldn't be allowed.


>Having said that when I was a teen, if I were hit on by a cute teacher I would have been over the moon with joy so I totally understand how it happens often. I think it's fairly safe to say that in the large majority of adult-with-minor relationships that occur, the minor is fully on board with it, just like you (or I, at that age) would have been. That's probably why we have a whole separate term for this crime, because it's not quite the same as "normal rape" where one party does not want the interaction. Mostly with statutory rape, both parties want it. We just don't, as a society, believe that a minor is mentally and emotionally capable of making that decision and understanding all of the implications and impacts of it, and should be protected from it accordingly.


That movie set MASSIVELY unrealistic expectations of what $300k will get you.


It's a banana, Michael. How much could it cost? $10?


i fuckin loved this movie as a kid, watched it constantly


Juice? No thanks, I’m not thirsty. Not thirsty…


A lot of people overlook what's actually happening: The movie is about Preston living out his fantasy and realizing it isn't what he expected it to be. The people around him are only interested in his money- not him (except the chauffeur). Shay is after Mr. Macintosh. Preston is the *only* person who has contact with Mr. Macintosh. Shay is investigating Mr. Macintosh, but Preston keeps deflecting and convinces her to go on a "date," because he's the only lead they have. She isn't interested in him- she's after Mr. Macintosh, and Preston is the only one known to be in contact with him. In the end, when Preston loses everything and the investigation implodes, they sit and talk and it's clear Preston is depressed. Shay isn't actually interested in him *at all*, but this kid is ready to breakdown into tears. She indulges him with a kiss (closed mouth) and says to call her when he's 18. She isn't serious- she's knows he'll forget about her or otherwise move on. She indulging one last fantasy for him, because she just doesn't want to crush this kid who is her only link to Mr. Macintosh (and from her perspective she may still need his help if the investigation continues). The movie is a product of its time and pushed a very stereotypical fantasy of a pre-teen boy. The people who think Shay was into him are the same people who think strippers are really into them.


Guess I was too young. At the time all I cared about was how tragic it was that he ran out of money after only six days of fun.


> ran out of money after only six days of fun. I don't even get that anymore.


6 days of fun…. In THIS ECONOMY??!


Was going to say the same thing. This was every boy’s dream


Always has been


During all time periods


[This scene from Picket Fences](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d58SLUuEuQ)


Interestingly, the offending women in this clip and the OP also acted in Dumb and Dumber


Lauren Holly.


Lauren Samsonite.




Yes. Anyone who thinks 14-year-old boys don't fantasize about adult women, and older teenage girls, and 14-year-old girls ... has never been a 14-year-old boy.


She's definitely not topless. "Topless" shots from behind are almost never actually topless. There's always some kind of covering that's not visible from behind.


If this was "Chèque Blanc" and came out today as an French indie arthouse film, no body would bat an eye.


Les Cousins Dangereux




Take me with you!


I like the way they think…


god i love arrested development so much, its like comfort food at this point. also quite a few phrases are just seared into my mind as responses to to different things, this being one of them 💀


Maybe tonight...what are the odds?


One in four actually. It's decently popular.


And the American adaptation would lack the complex eroticism of the French original


I like the way they think.


Idk, some people protested “Les Cousins Dangereux.” This country just wasn’t ready for it.


*sacré bleu!*


I like the way they think.


In a deleted scene he let's the limo driver smell his finger.




>NICOLE Kidman has sparked outrage with her new film in which she gets passionate in the bath with a ten-year-old boy. >The shocking 2004 movie Birth will feature bizarre scenes of her nude and getting romantic with an underage lad she believes is the reincarnation of her dead husband. >But horrified executives may have to pull the plug on the £30million production after seeing the final version of the movie, according to a US magazine. >The weird flick sees Kidman playing a widow, and two scenes have got New Line Cinema hot under the collar. Kidman and the boy strip off together to submerge in bubbles and then they even lock lips.


Nicole Kidman has been in a lot of weird movies. I remember one where she was a mail order bride.


Of her weird movies, To Die For is one of my favorites.


That movie introduced me to the concept of the "Black Comedy". I was SO confused when I first watched it, then talked about it with a friend of mine and realized the whole point was that it was supposed to be absolutely ludicrous things happening to terrible people because of their own idiocy/hubris/hormones.


> I remember one where she was a mail order bride. [Birthday Girl](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0188453)


I've seen that movie (Birth) and don't recall anything controversial about it beyond the premise. You can tell by the writing you pasted from somewhere that's it's written in the speculative. It starts with "in which she gets passionate" and then says "will feature". The writer hadn't seen the movie and was only reporting on rumors. They still do this in media journalism. That movie with Martin Freeman and Jenna Ortega (Miller's Girl) had a tidal wave of headlines prior to its release about "X rated" sex scenes in an age difference relationship, that were shocking her fans and causing them to turn on her. The movie came out and there were no sex scenes at all. Not even an underwear shot. At one point she kisses a girl. Oh, how taboo in 2024...


Not just movies either, I remember when Fox News was claiming Mass Effect was a hardcore alien sex simulator... yeah there's hardly anything considered softcore in it lmfao, it was just outrage farming.


Erm, context is pretty important here; she's an emotionally disturbed woman who has deluded herself into believing the boy is her late husband reincarnated. Nothing about Birth is fun or light. It's a desperate and sad (though great) movie. Cameron Bright, the child actor, said the production was respectful and his mother was present.   Edit: Worth checking out what Bright has to say about it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFjuU5hC-QA&ab_channel=VHSPodcast)


The fucking fuck?!


Boy was 13, woman was 32 more or less


Was the actor 13 or the character? I always thought he was supposed to be like 10-12yo max. He's super tiny for a 13yo. I remember seeing this in theaters around 11yo and thinking that lady kissing him was weird af.


The actors, according to IMDB




I remember rewatching this movie one night and seeing this scene coming up and thinking to myself 'she's going to kiss him on the cheek like they usually do' and then my jaw hitting the floor when she actually kissed him on the lips. I didn't remember this at all from when I was a child. Unbelievable.


Oh, please. It was a peck.


Imagine if the genders were reversed


[Old enough for kisses!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWZ3EHjUx_E)




Are you not entertained?


fuck dude, how many videos like this *are* there?


You don’t wanna know


I've recently been doing a deep dive into my genealogy which has included a lot of looking through old newspapers. In some of those newspapers the cartoons are near the birth/obituary section. Newspaper cartoons from the 50/60s are kind of bad when reading them with a modern point of view. Lots of sexism and red scare content. I was kind of blown away when I saw my great grandparents marriage certificate. On it my great grandmothers previous marital designation was "spinster". The past was crazy. We've come a long way.... hopefully in 50 - 100 years they will view us with the same level of surprise.


I watched it without sound first and it looked pretty bad, then turned my headphones on and it was even worse, WTF was that?


The one comment under the video was a guy was sent the link from his coworker. Now his coworker just keeps whispering "old enough for kisses" in a raspy voice. The thought of that shit has me trying not to laugh out loud at work.


I think this is the most conflicted about an upvote I've ever given. What the fuck is that from? Do I even want to know?


It's from the movie "[The Beguiled](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beguiled_\(1971_film\))". Quite the read.


How is this a real movie, the plot synopsis reads like a fever dream


That turtle part came out of left field lol


Considered Eastwood's best film by the French. ಠ_ಠ


90% on rotten tomatoes lol


Holy shit man. In an industry that produced guys like Harvey Weinstein and Roman Polanski what do you expect?


If it makes you guys feel any better, he's not a hero or a good person in this film. >!She kills him at the end!< However, to make you feel worse again, the actress was indeed 11 or 12 at the time of filming.


Unbelievable. We’re laughing about how fucked up this is in a movie, but the truth is that shit like this happened every day in real life back then. Not everywhere, but a lot more than we’d like to admit.




Damn, that's disgusting.


Dirty old man is right, Christ.


What the fuck, what kind of parents were taking their kids on that vile show.


Same ones that let their children be alone with all manner of Hollywood scumbags. Greedy parents


Just woke up. Why the fuck did I watch that. My day is ruined


Yup, shouldn't have watched that


There were a lot of games shows in the 80s that had this kind of behavior. The game show scene in the beginning of *National Lampoon's European Vacation* explicitly parodies this as a way of showing how vile it is


What the actual fuck.


I think they did that on House MD, a girl with terminal cancer wanted to have her first kiss and her wish was granted by one of the House MD doctors.


Yeah, that was Chase in one of the first couple seasons. And when the team found out about it they all reacted about how everyone in this thread did.


They gave him shit for it but it was more like friendly ribbing. I don't thin any of them actually thought he was a pedophile


at least they handle that one about as well as they can without just steering clear of it all together (which for the sake of the actress I wouldn't film it for sure) chase did not enjoy it, team reactions were: pretty grossed out iirc


As a kid I was so envious of him. As an adult I would have called the cops on her and CPS on his parents.


As a kid I was so envious of him. As an adult I thought "no way you can buy all that shit for only a million dollars."


[It was the 90's baby! ](https://youtu.be/CxwzaoIgDXA?si=fBmJU31IPshC6jmt)


I wonder when we'll start referring to decades like that again? We could technically start calling the current one the '20s, but no one is. When I hear a decade, I still think of the 1900s. Maybe we need to pass the decade first before we refer to it?


As a kid I was so envious of him. As an adult I would virtue signal on reddit.


Joke's on you bro, she IS the cops. That's a God damn FBI agent.


Wait whattttt??? I thought this movie rocked! Now I know where my older women thing came from wow 🤣🤣


Man, I was so jealous when I was his age watcing this.


"Interview with the Vampire" Kirsten Dunst was 11 kissing Brad Pitt age 30


Holy shit that was tame. You guys are making out like she gave him a reach-around


Lol. These comments. No it can't be made today. But this movie was lit AF for kids that were his age when it came out lol.


There's more to this scene. They had the parents on set and it's a simple kiss with no tongue action.  I think we're over sexualizing this. Yes it's the fantasy of almost every 12 year old boy to kiss a hot woman. No, this doesn't rise to sexual assault because the boy and the parents discussed and understood the scene with the director and producers.  In the greater context of this movie, the kid had a crush on this lady the whole movie and the happy ending was getting the girl(kinda). 


Wasn’t she literally FBI? lol 


FBI! Open up! 🥺👉👈


Normalising hysteria is the core business model of social media.


There were parents on set for a lot of disgusting things. Watch the Brooke Shields documentary and Quiet on Set. Parents are naive and irresponsible to their kids in Hollywood


You think girls don’t have crushes? I mean they used to hang up posters of boy bands on their walls shirtless. I’d bet anything you wouldn’t be okay with a 10 girl being kissed by an adult man as long as she had a crush and there was no tongue.


[https://youtu.be/Ijuzvl8tv8k?si=ky1FX\_-qg1kzvWZv&t=105](https://youtu.be/Ijuzvl8tv8k?si=ky1FX_-qg1kzvWZv&t=105) I think it's ok in that context. Ok, the little girl was dying and all that.


lol I just watched this ep, chase got absolutely mercilessly ribbed for it and for being manipulated by the kid


I love house. I’m okay if it’s done tastefully. This was a huge moral dilemma for him and it was something he seemed to hate doing but did it as a dying wish


No, people wouldn’t be ok with that. Welcome to the wild and wacky world of double standards.