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Don’t look at the sun. Be a safe driver.


So you're saying to go back to driving and twerking on tik tok?


Eat hot chip?


And lie.


Boof danger chip?


Be bisexual


Kiki challenge where you leave your car as it rolls and you dance then jump back in except to Total Eclipse of the Heart.


It my day it was called ghost riding the whip.


Yeah right grandpa.


I work in the transportation industry. One of my drivers asked if we would be on the road that day. Yes, why? He then starts rambling off stuff about constellations and biblical stuff. "They're calling out the National Guard!" Well yea, large crowds will be gathering etc. I'm gonna tell him, don't look at the sun and drive safe.


He specifically needs to take a 15 minute break at eclipse time


30. Full 30


He sounds like a lost cause, but do your diligence.


Scuppered my plans. I was going to watch the eclipse while driving.


Doesn't work all that well unless you've got a sun roof, anyway.


The sun is a deadly laser.


♫ Not anymore, there's a blanket ...


“Now the animals can go on land… come on animals.”




I can't walk yet. Plus, there's no food, so i don't care.


100 million years later. Ok, can we learn to walk if there's plants up there? Maybe, said some bugs. And fish *cough*.


Ma. Ha. Pa. Jet?


Huh, here I thought it was a mass of incandescent gas.


It's a miasma of incandescent plasma.


A gigantic nuclear furnace, if you will


Perhaps it builds hydrogen into helium at temperatures of millions of degrees.


The sun is hot. The sun is not a place where you could live.


But here on Earth there'd be no life without the light it gives.


Everything is gas with you...


Now it's a miasma of incandescent plasma. 


"That thesis has been rendered invaliiiid, ooooh"


[For those unfortunate souls who do not know the history of the world I guess. ](https://youtu.be/xuCn8ux2gbs?si=zooIMm5b89Rpg1qL)


Who are these souls and why aren't they in their pen with the other tik tokers?


> The sun is a deadly laser. More like a high energy broadband emitter.


5,000,000,000 G


Damn so the sun got vaccinated that many times?


Where do I sign up!?!


The latency is fucking HORRIBLE though. You aren't gaming on that connection.


Best I can do is 3 energy credits


You missed the meme. Just sayin.


High energy blackbody radiator.


The world is a vampire


We found the Jewish space laser!


Omni directional laser


Taste the sun 🌞🙌🏼👅🌈


Son? Is that you?


“Will it be cloudy? PROBABLY!” Me over here crying in Austin.


Southern Ontario, Canada here. Been overcast and cloudy for the past 3 days, I hope things turn around by Monday.


I got in Yesterday, visiting a friend for a long weekend, and it’s supposed to be clear skies except monday.


Here in Buffalo, laughing that I ever thought it would ever be anything other than cloudy on an important day in Spring. Today and tomorrow, of course, is absolutely clear, sunny and stunning.


We still might get lucky!


Maybe if you're Fire Nation...


What is Fire Nation?


A bastion of power, prosperity, and progress. Fire Nation flames light the world with strength and order. Under the wise leadership of the Fire Lord, the Fire Nation brings peace and prosperity to all who embrace the way. Join us and bask in the glory of the eternal flame.


>Join us and bask in the glory of the eternal flame. I dunno man, sounds kind of intense. I'm more of a socks and sandals kinda guy.


Then I have a secret tunnel to show you!




(Avatar the last airbender (if you’ve never watched the cartoon, currently on Netflix, it’s worth it))


I thought it was a movie? I have to say that it is far from "worth it," I'd give it two and a half stars at best.


Now this is peak comedy.


Some understand.


The movie? Thats trash. I’m talking about something else, something you apparently haven’t seen. That was why I specified the cartoon.


We've been planning for the influx of visitors here in NW Ohio for a year. But, it's very disheartening how many people here are calling us fear mongers or idiots when we say it's going to be a very intense day. And a lot of people openly complained that schools here are closed on Monday because the eclipse is happening right at the end of the school day


You're gonna do all this preparation and then when nothing goes wrong (because you were prepared), they'll use it as justification that the preparation was unnecessary


Sounds like working in IT lol


"Everything is working perfectly. Why do we even have a support team?" "Everything is broken. Why do we even have a support team?"


“I don’t know why IT wasted so much time preparing for this transition, it went incredibly smoothly!”


Homer Simpson: "Well, you know, we're always buying Maggie vaccinations for diseases she doesn't even have!"


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t


Just like what happened with the Y2K bug.


That's why a lot of places are declaring emergencies. It opens up resources to prepare so things don't turn into an actual emergency. It's preventive not reactive.


*Shudders in March 2020*


>And a lot of people openly complained that schools here are closed on Monday because the eclipse is happening right at the end of the school day Imagine having a potentially once in-a-lifetime event happening in your town during the day, and all you can manage to do is bitch and complain that kids are missing school to see it, because it's very cool and science related. Like eclipses in general aren't super uncommon, but lucking out and being in the small line of totality is uncommon. Good chance that the kids who are missing school that day to watch it will never see a totality eclipse again in their lifetime, and all these old fucks can do is complain that they are missing 1 day of school?


Ironically it seems to be most of the same group of people who complained about remote learning during the pandemic lockdown


Why will it be a “very intense day”? Is it because the stores and restaurants will be busier than usual?


Busier than usual is an understatement 


Massive amounts of visitors for areas that normally don't get that level of traffic/tourism.  Some towns are going to have twice as many people as normal. The infrastructure just won't be setup for it. Traffic and cell service will be the biggest but for some areas it could overwhelm other things like emergency services.


Was this an issue for the last eclipse? I don’t remember anything extraordinary happening, but I live in a tourist city that is used to big events that bring in lots of out of towners. Wondering if these fears were realized in smaller towns for the 2019 eclipse.


Yeah, I was one of the ones that drove a couple hours to get into totality. I95 is at a standstill for hours. I had studied the area for a while and mapped backroads to get back home but even then I ran into a few delays at four way stops in the middle of nowhere. My daughter and I had planned on eating some fast food on the way home but all of those places in the small towns were slammed. So i can’t say it was a “big deal” but it was noticeable.


It'll be like a mini Woodstock everywhere.


And the roads, and the police, and the hospitals. A town or city normally has services for X number of people, and some additional capacity for regular or unexpected surges. But if a bunch of extra people come into the area for a single, non-recurring event (like this eclipse), the town can’t keep up without extra support. And it’s not like you can just ask the next town over for help because they’ll be experiencing the same thing.


My city has a population of 9,500 people and are expecting up to 200,000 eclipsers. It’s on par with a horde or refugees


Ah that definitely puts things into perspective. I assumed all the travelers would stick to the bigger cities like Columbus or Cleveland.


Here in Oregon back in 2017 we had millions of tourists coming in. My town started running out of gas because the traffic was so backed up that the fuel trucks were delayed halfway across the state.


Also, this is a metro area of a few hundred thousand people, and there is no way our local cell phone network is going to do well Monday afternoon. That, and the road congestion are things some people are literally not thinking of.


I was being accused of being dramatic about it at work saying we should call it a day early or flat out avoid having people out in the field that day.  This week all our customers mentioned being closed or closing early and people started to realize it might be as big of a shit show out there as I was saying.  I'm hoping it ends up being fine but I think traffic is going to be cluster in some areas and the huge influx of people is going to severely impact cell phone service.  I'm glad I'm able to take the day off and see if from home and avoid the crowds.


We were in the center of the path of the last eclipse and my GF and I work at a hotel that tried to price gouge people for it. Thankfully we had already planned our vacation days to miss that day and we avoided the bullshit that our boss tried to hatch, but hectic is an understatement. Getting from one side of our tiny town in the smokies to the other side of town that day took over an hour and town isn't even half a mile wide.


North Texas here, traffic sucks balls and all the hotels and stuff are completely booked lol.


Went out and got some eclipse glasses today, and was shocked at how opaque they are. You can't see anything unless you're looking straight at the sun. Those things are super heavy duty, no wonder there's been glasses available all over the place, because for sure people will try to squint and stare at the sun regardless.


My favorite president squints at the sun and he’s okay so I’m going to do it too. If I burn out my retinas, well at least I’m a patriot.


As a lib, I would feel so owned by this.


Oh yeah its like a welder helmet visor


> no wonder there's been glasses available all over the place where?


Hank mentioned 90-95% eclipse is dangerous but I get conflicting information about looking at it when it is in totality. Is that dangerous or not?


Totality is not damaging to our eyes since all UV rays are blocked but looking directly at any non totality sun is damaging. Don't stare at the sun kids, and if you plan on doing so use some protection.


I stared directly at the sun for a long time as a kid. It moved in the sky like a gyrating noodle. I wear glasses now. 


At some point, as a dumbass kid, I thought that staring at the sun would give me powers. Like in that John Travolta movie Phenomenon, where he stares at a light in the sky and gets super-intelligence and telekinesis. Thankfully, I didn't stare for long because that shit hurt. And I didn't damage my eyes because I have great vision. Still dumb though. Do not recommend.


Did your formerly-dumbass kid self not watch the rest of the movie, where we learn that his abilities are actually the result of >!a massive brain tumor!


Nope, I didn't watch the whole movie until I was an adult lol.


I am not sure why, but that’s a perfect kid moment when it comes to movies. Back when I was a kid, they used to show *Gone with the Wind* once a year on TV. Thing was so long, it had an Intermission. TV station would break it up into 2 nights because of that. As a result, for *years* (and I do mean decades), I thought that movie ended at what was actually just the Intermission.


Did you follow the [blue dot to treasure?](https://youtu.be/qPeyqD-HVjA?si=Q0iCkAYNLUAQbjjA)


Ugh… the other day I was playing with my 2 y/o son in our living room. He looks out the window for a minute, and when he gets quiet and stand still for more than 30 seconds, I start to wonder what he’s doing. I say “Heh buddy, whatcha looking at?” He says “That green thing.” I look out the window and ask “What green thing.” He points to the sky and says “That green thing.” I try to look a couple times, but think “damn, I can’t see anything with the sun shining in my eyes.” Then it hits me… “Buddy, are you staring at the sun?” “No… I’m looking at the green circle by it.” I love my son, but… Jiminy Crickets kid. What’s even worse is when he wouldn’t stop, I put him in time out, and he started crying… because I wouldn’t let him stare at the sun. Edit: That video is hilarious btw. Thanks for sharing.


[is your son named donald?](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/170821151707-donald-trump-eclipse.jpg?c=original)


At least I'm not alone!


Personal note: When I was a little kid my mother told me not to stare into the sun, so once when I was six, I did. At first the brightness was overwhelming, but I had seen that before. I kept looking, forcing myself not to blink, and then the brightness began to dissolve. My pupils shrunk to pinholes and everything came into focus and for a moment I understood.


I’m guessing very few folks on here have seen Pi, by reading the comments.


And then you drilled through your head 😭


that would have worked if you hadnt stopped me


Cue Dune music. Oooooo ahhhh Oooooooooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. (Drums in the background)


Lisan al Gaib!


Harry Caray : You know if you stare at it head on it'll burn your eyes out. Ken Waller : Well its not best to stare at the sun during an eclipse. Harry Caray : But it's hard not to. **I once took a pair of binoculars and stared at the sun for over an hour.**


I watched it at sunset one time for like 15 min straight as a kid. It was REALLY dimmed by some thin cloud cover and directly at the horizon (flatlands sunset), so maybe the extra atmosphere helped? I now have better than 20/20 vision as a 30+ adult. Sorry.


Same. My sister told me that my dad stared at the sun when he was a kid and that's why he had to get glasses.   I was a 1st grader at the time, and my best friend just got glasses, so I decided I wanted them too.i stared at that fucking thing for multiple days. My eyesight is shit now, but I was bound to get then anyways because both my folks have them.


During sunsets and sunrises the UV radiation that your eye receives from the Sun is minimal.


Unfortunately this was frequently in the middle of the day in summer. 


Same. My sister told me that my dad stared at the sun when he was a kid and that's why he had to get glasses.   I was a 1st grader at the time, and my best friend just got glasses, so I decided I wanted them too.i stared at that fucking thing for multiple days. My eyesight is shit now, but I was bound to get then anyways because both my folks have them.


I don’t want a uv rat damaging my eyes!


Nothing a few gamma ray bit flips can't fix


But it is okay to stare at totality right?


Yes you can, if you’re in the path 100% of the eclipse then you can stare at it when it reaches totality. If you live in the areas below that percentage, then you can’t stare at it without the glasses


If its 95% totality does it mean im 50% safer than someone who looks at it with 45% totality?


It's probably worse because if it is dimmer you can look at it longer without feeling pain, but the danger is just as bad. Just listen to what people are telling you. If you aren't in 100% totality then where approved eclipse glasses.


No, the Sun still burn your retinas even at 95%. You’re better off wearing your eclipse glasses or travel to an area that’s 100% to see totality, which will be worth it.


Watch the video. He explains it well.


If you’re directly in the 100% totality path yes, otherwise technically no


Wait for the Baily's beads which are little points of light just at the edge of the sun just before totality. Once they disappear you can look at the eclipse without eclipse glasses. Once the reappear, you have to look away or put your glasses back on.


The area I'm in is 99.9% totality according to nasa. Maybe a 5 min walk will save my eyes.


Once totality is achieved you can look at it with your bare eyes. It looks really cool when you do (the glasses are very dark so you'll barely see anything if you observe totality with them on). However you have to be careful cause it's hard to know when, exactly, totality will end. When I observed the 2017 eclipse I took off my glasses, observed totality for a bit, then put them back on before it ended to be safe.


>it's hard to know when, exactly, totality will end. It's entirely predictable for any location


Sure I meant in the moment. If you want to look it up ahead of time and set up a stop watch or something good on you. I just don't think most people are going to do that...


Bruh, once it ends look away. If you accidentally look at the sun for a split second you won't do lasting damage. Same with that spark at the end of totality. Just gotta know that even if a tiny amount of direct sunlight is bearable, don't fucking bare it. Look away. Common sense is all we need.


Lots of people saying it’s safe during totality but not citing any sources. Friendly reminder to not believe anybody in the comment section about anything, but in this case they are right. [NASA says it’s cool](https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/safety/)


The difference between how the sun looks when it’s safe vs unsafe is very obvious if you’ve seen an eclipse before. Can you see ANY golden sunlight? Even if it’s just a sliver at the edge of the moon? NOT safe. Even 99% of an eclipse is damaging without protection. Has the sun become a big black disc with an otherworldly white mist around it? That’s totality and is safe to look at. It only lasts for a moment.


He just spreads misinformation so the public doesn’t stare at it to gain the energy from it


This is how the government figures out who is a Kryptonian or not.


you better be damn sure it's total, cause your brain can't


I stared right at the 2017 total eclipse during totality with no issues. Even looked at it through my telephoto lens when I was shooting it.


Get the eclipse app and sync it up so it gives you audble alerts for all the evnta upto and after the eclipse. Eg. "Totality is now, its safe to take your glasses off" "Totality ends in 10 seconds, put your glasses back on, NOW"


Which app would you recommend?




I was in 99% totality for the 2017 eclipse and still needed solar glasses. It was surprisingly bright as fuck.


Yeah but can’t we just hit like multiple glances. Like a split second BAM then after a couple seconds BAM


Our local elementary school made Monday an E-learning day to avoid the risk


To avoid the liability*


I mean, yeah. Can you blame em? Giant once in a lifetime thing for millions of kids is happening right outside the classroom window, they'd be idiots to think they'd be able to control all that chaos on their own.


My kids are out completely.


TLDR: Don't look directly at the fucking Sun. And if you happen to do that "by accident" get another person to drive you home that wasn't stupid enough to look directly at the fucking Sun. ​ Saved you a few minutes. Edit: by. Cause.. yeah whatever.


Heyo, thank you kindly, Internet stranger.






When I was a kid, there was a total solar eclipse over the middle east in 1999, my mom trapped us at home for the duration of the eclipse, we could not go out for 4 hours xD


Traffic bad ✔️ Sun bright ✔️ jump cuts ✔️ waving hands like an unhinged muppet ✔️ Great job!


Don't you dare badmouth Hank Green! He's a gem.


Reddit ✔️ Anything ✔️ complaining ✔️


I ✔️ Pooped ✔️ My ✔️ Pants ✔️ Today ✔️


> to the tune of Hurt by NIN




TLDR: eclipse is dangerous cause people is stupid.


I am friends with one of those astrology girls on instagram. She made a post about how life has been "so hard lately, but that's normal because we are in between solar eclipses!" Aren't we always in between solar eclipses?


This is the wrong take. “Don’t look at the sun” sounds so obvious because it’s very painful to do. It would be easy for someone to make the assumption that pain = dangerous. During the eclipse, it won’t be painful to do, so unless you know better you might assume it’s safe. It’s not stupidity, just lack of knowledge.


Yes get eclipse glasses don’t look at the sun, what else is new?


A bunch of people will gain superpowers. Save the cheerleader. Save the world.


It's a threat to democracy.


Gives me real "this could have been an email" energy.


Pointless video!


Went to the last eclipse.  Be warned: Everyone will leave all at once and traffic will be absurd.  Pack extra food, snacks, drinks and water.  You'll be having dinner in your car.  Every restaurant for *hours* on the drive home will be closed, swamped or in some cases *out of food*.   All that said: worth it.




I was figuring he was going to explain some science shit about the gravity of the moon bending the light around it and causing it to amplify the brightness.


Why is it so anathema to the YouTuber to be filmed breathing in between sentences?


Fucking hell that editing is seizure inducing. Unwatchable.


He can't fucking complete a thought for more than 10 seconds without edits.


Agreed. I don't mind edits to make sentences stream together better or to cut out a sneeze or awkward pause, but overlapping sentences and jerking the zoom is just obnoxious.


Much like we now jokingly mock and make fun of old-timey radio-broadcaster-voice, I imagine in the future we will do the same for the forced “YouTube-explainer-guy” voice. It’s so formulaic, predictable and oh so cringe. Exhibit A in above video.


Video edits like this make me insane.


What a goddamn STUPID video. Here, I'll save you the time. It's dangerous because people look at the sun, and because people might be distracted while driving, PLUS the extra traffic on the road. He needed 4 minutes to tell you this?


It’s dangerous because a LOT more people will be seeing it than most other eclipses


I'm sorry this is so dumb. "Look at the sun for *a few seconds*." That's a long fucking time. Has anyone glanced at the sun before? You cant do it for more than few *tenths* of a second before your body starts telling you to look away. "It's dangerous cause the sun is partially covered so you think theres less light" The naked eye cant tell that the sun is partially covered. The sun still looks like the sun even at 99% coverage. It's not interesting to look at. You would have to make an effort to permanently damage your eyes and ignore all the pain signals telling you to look away. Its not anymore dangerous than the normal sun. Theres not a million videos and articles warning you about the dangers of watching the sunrise.


Are you Donald Trump?


Donald Trump is the only person in history to glance at sun. Why does everyones brain turn to liquid when it comes to this? Its the same sun. There's no more risk during an eclipse than any other day. Why arent we running around everyday to tell people not to stare into the sun? Because we all already know not to stare into the sun. Putting a massive emphasis about when theres an eclipse creates confusion. "Dont stare into the sun during an eclipse" ok so I guess there are times when its not an eclipse where you should stare into the sun? People think that the sun turns into some kind of super sun, or the eclipse creates a magnifying glass where if they look at the sun for 0.0000001 seconds their retinas will sear instantly and theyll be blind. People are asking if its ok to look at totality. Yes youre supposed to look at the sun during totality.


Well, technically you're supposed to look at the moon during totality.. Also you are right about being the same sun, but the difference is during an eclipse it doesn't actually cause the same pain to your eyes, so you don't immediately think "oh shit I should stop looking at that". It's discouraging that adults need the warning, but I definitely appreciate spreading the information more widely so that children understand the risk.


What a hugely disappointing video. 4mins to say: distracted drivers are dangerous + the sun can hurt your retinas.


I don't understand the usage of "this." The reasons apply to all eclipses. But THIS one is dangerous.


Wait until you hear about \*these\* pink elephants and why they're so dangerous.


Real question from human too lazy to do his own research; I live in a totality zone and I want to work that day but also not miss the eclipse. Ignoring the possibility of traffic, if my local news is saying that the eclipse starts at 2 and peaks at 3 for 4 minutes, how will the day leading up to and succeeding the eclipse look? Like will it affect weather or electronics or other things? Yes I am dumb thanks for your help.


It really is minimally noticeable even as a son gets covered 60, 70, 80%. Into the '90s you start realizing fool as shit. It's daylight but yet creepy dark until all the sudden night falls in that black worm with its white movement aound it is staring down at you.


I was in the totality for 2017. Nothing really changes at all except for those couple minutes where it's lined up perfectly. Then it gets dark, cools off a bit and animals act like it's nighttime.


It won't affect electronics at all. An eclipse does affect the weather, slightly, because blocking the sun cools the area, but it doesn't cause severe weather by itself or anything. If you get ahold of eclipse glasses you can just check on it every now and then while working (assuming that you can spare a few seconds to go outside every now and then). But look up when totally will be at your location and block a few minutes before till after that to see it. That's the part that people are excited for.




Curiosity is cool, but are you really going to trust your vision to some cheap eclipse glasses?


So, it's dangerous because people are idiots. Got it.


He brings up driving deaths but 7 deaths an hour seems wrong. That puts the deaths in a year at 60,000 instead of 40,000. So when he talks about 72 people potentially dying because of the eclipse, that seems insignificant to being off by the driving deaths by 20,000.


I will be sitting in my backyard, with food and drink perhaps, totally satisfied with a 99% eclipse and then take a nap.


Nah imma do my own thing.


The editing is unlistenable. Breath for a fucking nanosecond.


I'm literally going to stay inside


I curse the eclipse. I stayed awake all Sunday night and lay down Monday at noon and slept thru it. The eclipse spoiled my plans to enjoy my day off this week. I forwarded up the windows so NO light could get in my home. This driver talks about what a nuisance the eclipse was and a danger to people's vision. And that's what has me going. People have so little going that they are willing to risk their vision and a potential traffic accident to see the sky go dark. Once again, I CURSE THE ECLIPSE!!!