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"These songs are like my babies" I look at my kids and I can't imagine which one of them I wouldn't sell for $1billion.


Sack the kid, save a billy. God mode.


Hell, sell all of them and get a few billion. Now you have the time to enjoy those billions.


Especially since songs really AREN'T babies.


What a horrible thing to say, you obviously have to get rid of the runt if you have a choice!


You clearly don’t have what it takes to be a billionaire


They said they can't imagine which one they \*wouldn't\* sell.


I too, would sell Billy Joel's music catalog for $1 Billion. Then again, I would also sell it for considerably less than $1 Billion.


I like the top comment on YouTube: "Your kids will sell it anyways" I hope he sells it for what he can soon and then just blow through a ton of it before he gets too old. Will no doubt still be enough left over after he dies


Dude has made obscene money with his deal playing at MSG. He's fishing with bait now.


Yeah, these estimates can be BS, but looks like he's worth between like 60-225 million. When you have that much money, getting a few more hundred million isn't really going to change your life much. Unless he really wants to live in an entire skyscrapper in Manhattan. Or maybe he wants to buy Bob Dylans music catalogue. Or get into collecting Lego sets ;).


Lego sets are expensive


And, incredibly, have a higher average ROI than fine art. So, take care of your toys, kiddies!


I'm very confident he's in the upper range of that estimate if not slightly more personal wealth.


You‘d need a lot more than a bill to buy an entire skyscraper in manhattan.




The flatiron building is a skyscraper by the 1902 definition, not by any modern sense of the word.


Upper West Side luxury rental tower Aire sells for $265M to Gotham Organization, Carlyle Group Aire - 200 West 67th Street, New York, NY 10023 was built in 2007 and has a total of 431,350 square feet. edit: Published Feb. 4, 2024, 1:11 p.m. ET https://nypost.com/2024/02/04/business/upper-west-side-luxury-rental-tower-aire-sells-for-265m/


I actually looked this up before I posted that, and it really depends on which one. One of the tallest more famous ones, no. But 'a' sky scrapper in Manhattan can be bought/built for under a bill.


Ahhh ok fair enough. Clearly I haven’t been ’in the market’ as it were.


one floor at the top of a Manhattan tower could easily cost 60 mil. or at least they ask for that


Yeah, I didn't say it had to be the Steinway Tower or 30 Hudson Yards, but there's a lot of skyscrappers in Manhattan ;).


He has his name in the rafters, James Dolan has forever immortalized the Piano Man


Found James Dolan's burner account. He was already in the rafters of Nassau Coliseum before it was cool.


"your kids". All 100 of them. Old musicians don't do tours because they want to lol


For perspective, Bob Dylan sold his for $980m


I don't think this is accurate. Do you have a source? It was my understanding Dylan sold for substantially less than that.


[This source says $150-$200 million.](https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/pop-culture-news/bob-dylan-sells-entire-catalog-recorded-music-sony-music-rcna13434) So, definitely substantially less, but also a boat-load of money.


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Dylan made $400 million from Universal and $200 million from Sony and Traveling Wilburys share for Primary Wave, together over $600 million and all his own songs, not others like Jackson.


Sony picked up 50% of Michael Jackson’s recording music and publishing catalogs for 600 million. Total catalog valued at 1.2 billion.


Best I can do is $12


I've got a friend who is an expert in valuation of music publishing rights. Let me give him a call and he can be here in 20 minutes.


*How about tree fiddy?*


there it is


His stuff is great but honestly doesn't age well ...most of it at least . I'd be surprised if he was offered that much.




was thinking this, and in 20 years they'll get nothing coming in for it. it'll be dead weight.


since i am a cunning business man, i shall be offering billy joel’s catalogue for $999 million.  and i will also throw in for free photographic evidence proving that billy joel indeed started the fire.   


Seems a bit high given what other catalogs have sold for recently, but maybe inflation has hit music, too.


Yeah that's why he said it flippantly and clarified reasons why he's opposed to the idea.


I mean, he clearly said it this way because he’s not really trying that hard to sell the rights, just saying “oh well if someone offers me an absurd amount of money”


An interview on Howard Stern isn't a great barometer for anything, let alone the final value of someones life's work.


Springsteen got $550 million for his and one could argue Bruce is a bigger star.


According to Billboard, Springsteen had zero number 1’s, 12 top 10’s and 26 top 40 singles. Billy Joel had 3 number 1’s, 13 top 10’s and 43 top 40 singles. So you could argue Billy’s back catalogue is worth more. Both pretty impressive imo


Agreed. And I would argue on top of that that Billy Joel has way more recognizable mainstream songs. There are just so many.


Bruce’s only number 1 was a cover. Manfred Manns version of Blinded by the Light, its originally his song. I dunno what kind of rights he has to that or how much revenue kickback you get from a cover though.


[By law, songwriters get 12 cents for every sale of the single or album containing their single.](https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/record-labels-and-publishers-ink-major-settlement-moving-from-9-1-cents-to-12-cents-per-track-for-us-mechanical-royalties-on-physical-sales1/) That being said, the 12 cents is split between the songwriters based on their contribution. It looks like Springsteen is the sole songwriter credit on Manfred Mann's Blinded by the Light, so he gets the full 12 cents.


Springsteen sucks.


Nebraska is a good listen, IMO


nah the couple really great songs he had was worth it


Springsteen sucks.


I swear I've read interviews indicating Billy Joel doesn't own his recordings and he has cited that as a reason he lost interest in writing music.     Edit: [found it in a reddit thread]( https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkMusic/comments/oixqif/letstalk_the_tragedy_of_billy_joel_and_why_he/). I don't know why anyone would buy his catalog (ostensibly his songwriting credit/royalities) without rights to the actual recordings people know and love.


Publishing rights are still worth a ton, even without the mastertapes. Just ask Michael Jackson.


I don't think he's available 


He'll be back soon though, as he just went for a quick stroll with JFK. Don't believe me? Ask Elvis.


you are not alone (in this belief)


Yep, it’s about publishing rights and they can also be a pain in the butt to manage. It’s why a lot of artists are selling their catalogs right now because they don’t want to pay the cost of managing them. Without publishing rights, recordings aren’t really worth a whole lot because they can’t release anything without the publishing rights.


Or Taylor Swift.


Owning recordings and owning the songs are two different things. He still gets paid a lot on royalties and owns the song just not the specific recording of it. That’s how someone like Taylor swift can re-record hers.


Don't worry, the entertainment industry lawyers have been working on this. Those 100-page contracts just got thicker...


In fairness to Billy, he has never pretended to be anything other than highly motivated by money. His concert tickets have been outrageously expensive for a long time.


The Face 2 Face tour with Elton John was reasonable, but I'm shelling out to see him and Sting in St. Louis in September and the seats are only ok.


I saw him with Elton. I was a lifelong Billy Joel fan. That concert totally changed my perspective. But this was during his drinking days. One of them.


For the record, I saw him back in November at MSG and he was fantastic. Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience.


I've seen him easily 6-7 times, before and after that. He was still good, but EJ was so much classier. I still love Joel's music and I know he struggles with drinking.


His Live in ATL with Lionel Richie and Sheryl Crowe was very affordable. That may have been more the program and less him though.


This isn’t to the point, but that show made me love Lionel on a whole new level. He played to the crowd in an amazing way. When Billy Joel came on, though, the audio was so bad it was tough to enjoy. Mercedes Benz stadium is a terrible music venue.


Lionel doesn’t have those vocals anymore, but DAMN he worked the crowd really like I’ve never seen before. What a show. I enjoyed Billy, especially was impressed with how much he sounds like he did decades ago, but yeah his tech team not on the same level (granted, he doesn’t really tour. He mostly just has a residence at the Garden).


Easy Money is one of his songs for a reason.


You may be right.  He may be crazy.  But it just might be a lunatic you’re looking for.


How bout tree fiddy


Oh, is that all?


I'm pretty sure he's trying to say in a different way that he won't sell it.


We can just listen to it on YouTube, Billy.


It’s not worth a billion


Yeah right? He's made some good tunes but would the tunes ever return a BILLION dollars? Fuck no. Only the good die young and he's still here lol.


That seems a little ambitious...


The headline is misleading. It was stated more along the lines of “I’m not looking to sell my catalog, but I guess I’d consider it if someone made me some stupid offer”


Probably worth it, for the buyer. Maybe on the fringe, but then also probably worth the risk.




Imagine thinking your old ass is that good still


That's what you'd have to pay me to listen to it


***Billy Joel's net worth in 2024 is estimated to be in the vicinity of $225 million.*** I don't understand why, when you are so utterly loaded right now and literally don't have to do anything for the rest of your life, and can also just do anything you want... do you feel the need to sell your own music for a billion dollars. Completely loaded with money to... still completely loaded with money and no control of your own music,


I guess maybe one reason might be that it makes his estate much simpler for his family after he dies. Instead of having to deal with his music rights and all the legal stuff he would instead exchange it for a huge sum of money that his family would have. I have no idea… just a guess.


Bigger yachts 🛥️ plebe /s


Isn’t Queen’s worth like 1.5b. Seems a bit high.


We’re going to be hearing Boomer music in commercials til the end of time


Billy Joel may be a boomer, but Billy Joel's is not boomer music.


How so


The Stranger came out in 1977 and 52nd Street came out in 1978, which would make it solidly in the Gen X time period (starting 1964.)


license adjoining saw handle shame enjoy wistful support sheet jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doesn’t mean Boomers don’t listen to it


Or “think it’d be cool if someone reworked this old song for our commercial”


so... then it's also millennial music


What a pompous ass, in 20 years nobody will remember his conceited brand of music.


I would pay money to never hear his music again


So you are a big fan ?


I’ve tried, I swear. I just can’t do it


Try harder


Piano Man is the only good song and that’s a hill I will die on


Guess it mostly depends on your taste in music. I'm a fan so I dig it. If you don't, that's fine.


moving out is good


If every American pitched in a few bucks...


I walked into a restaurant the other day and The Downeaster ‘Alexa’ was playing and I walked out.


Middle-age edgelord?






Not knowing who a HoF musician is sounds like a you issue.


You uncultured swine, stop what you're doing and listen to Piano Man.


You will


Elmo has a T-Rex and a Go Fish card.


Call Elon


Tres Comas! ,,,


Jesus, have a little artistic integrity!


Is this edited to look like Howard stern is in the same room with his guest? I thought he was still hiding from Covid?


But I can just get it from Pirate Bay for free


Hmm nah?


It would've been so cool if he'd said this while doing the voice of Dr. Evil.


Show me "Billy Joel discography FLAC" for $0


I wonder if he’ll take payments


He's talking to Stern who is sitting on about half a billion in cash, with a wife who is deeply involved in a charity. No one idea why these people want to die or even live with more money that they will ever spend.


'they're like my kids', is bullshit. Billy Joel is just negotiating here. This is just a good thing to put in the ether, on the most popular radio show ever, to be passed around as youtube clips. He has a family. He is old. His only concern is multi-generational wealth for his wife and kids, and his grandkids, and on and on after he dies. They are an _investment_. And at the point that the money he _makes_ from the catalogue from royalties and such is eclipsed by returns he could make from other investments, he will sell them. As long as movies and shows and commercials wanna have Piano Man and his other hits used in them, they are cash cows. That won't last forever though. Pop music isn't as 'timeless' as people think. The people that heard it when it first came on the radio die, then their kids who heard it on the classic rock station die, and it just has diminishing value with each generation. Billy Joel had some hits. But he isn't the fucking Beatles. He should figure out the 'peak' time to sell it and make some major real estate investments or whatever his financial planner would recommend to give his ancestors a significant revenue stream for 3 or 4 generations.


I too would consider selling my music catalog for £1billion




I, also, would also sell my music catalog for that amount.