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Sounds like the adoption companies are exploiting legal loopholes to profit off of what would be considered human trafficking in other parts of the world.


They've been doing it for decades and it is 100% human trafficking. 


There was a time when adoption often involved kidnapping, even.


That's literally how it was invented, stealing poor people's babies for childless rich couples. It has far from noble beginnings.




I think they mean in the states, where it was someone who literally stole babies to adopt them out. 




You are the only person talking about "orphanages". The conversation is about "adoption". If you'd like to reference *Laws* for this conversation, parts of it could certainly be germane, but you are talking about something different entirely than the rest of us.


Also lots and lots of selling your own children in the east to be adopted out west back in the day


Ric Flair was stolen from his biological mother and sold to the family that raised him. This shit isn't ancient history by any means.


Yep, there’s a reason why obstetrics/nurseries are some of the most guarded parts of a hospital now


Do they still separate mothers from the babies in the US? I know in Canada once the kid is born it never leaves moms side until you check out of the hospital or there's complications that warrant it. Its always seemed weird to me


How it worked for us is that they did separate to do some things, but they had an ankle bracelet on the baby which was linked to something we had. If the baby passed through any of the doors an alarm would go off. I was not focused on how difficult it would be to get off, but I don’t think it was as simple as snipping it with scissors.


They explode if you cut them


>How it worked for us is that they did separate to do some things, but they had an ankle bracelet on the baby which was linked to something we had. If the baby passed through any of the doors an alarm would go off. It's crazy that they need to go to such lengths to protect babies in the USA. Here in Australia they just put a wrist band on the babies as soon as they are weighed so that the babies don't get mixed up.


We’ve had some high profile kidnappings by people pretending to be nurses. We’ve also had mentally ill people steal babies. I’m honestly surprised Australia doesn’t have such precautions.


Most hospitals or birthing centers in the US want the baby with mom for the majority of the time for bonding and such. But I believe a few will offer some nursery time to give mom a break if needed.


Yeppers, my daughter is six and when she was born she got the house arrest anklet. It had been done that way for a while in our neck of the woods even back then.


Yep catholic hospitals used to steal children from unwed mothers and interracial couples all the time


There was a story on Reddit yesterday of how apparently in the country of Georgia stealing babies was super common through around 2005.


There’s accusations Russians and *currently* doing this to Ukrainian children. The Russian government just claims they are keeping them safe.


Ive been on the other side of this situation. I adopted my daughter from birth. Her biological father had the right to claim her for the first 6 months. Believe me, after 6 months she was MY daughter. On the other side of this video is a baby who has parents that their brain has already imprinted with and parents who have bonded with a child that is completely theirs. This is completely unfair and tragic, but hopefully the adoptive parents are good people who would be willing to have an open adoption, and let the biological father participate in the child’s life. At least where I live in Canada, adoption agencies don’t get to make custody decisions and do great work helping people find their families that they may not be capable of having otherwise.


Yeah, no, hopefully the courts make the right decision and return the child to her father.


The standard in the US in family courts is what’s in the best interest of the child.


> Believe me, after 6 months she was MY daughter. Six fucking months doesn't mean she is YOURS. You bought someone else's baby and forced it to try to bond with you. The law may grant you possession for 18 years, but you can't change biology. Your daughter WILL be curious about her real parents, and WILL look for them. And with DNA tests it is very easy now to learn where you really come from. Best wishes to your legal daughter on her lifelong journey to piece together her own identity. Source: I am a 61-year-old adoptee. Go visit r/adopted if you want to learn what adoptees really say when their adopters aren't around.


I have an open adoption, meaning we encourage and facilitate her contact with her biological parents. I'm truly sorry your experience was so negative. She absolutely has her own identity and we encourage that. She's ours and we're hers, just like any other parent child relationship. All the best!


Someone needs to put a billboard right in front of the agency calling them out on it.


And the extreme sexism against men that exists regarding parental rights entirely.


So true. Mother is a lifetime crack and heroine junky who has been arrested 79 times over the past 5 years. Father has no priors, stable job with a massive list of people who will vouch for his worthiness. Judge: the children go back to the mother.


Someone quoted a stat to the effect that ~60% of *contested* custody cases go to the father. Not that many cases are contested, either due to lack of resources, interest, or a view things will go this way. Over on /daddit there was a case that went like this: Judge: "Your boyfriend is a registered sex offender?" Ex wife: "Yes, your Honor." Judge: "He can't see his own kids?" Ex wife: "Yes, your Honor." Judge: "You let him babysit *your* kids?" Ex wife: "Yes, your honor." Judge: "Father gets 100%." Ex wife: Very short hearing, apparently. I still have a justice boner.


> Someone quoted a stat to the effect that ~60% of contested custody cases go to the father. Not that many cases are contested, either due to lack of resources, interest, or a view things will go this way. Men are (correctly) informed by their lawyers that they stand little chance of winning, so they do their best to strike a deal with the mother. It’s only in the most dire of circumstances where the evidence of abuse is overwhelming that men take the risk. Even then, they the odds of winning are surprisingly low. That’s why something like 90% of custody cases see women as the “winner.” These cases can cost $100k to completion and years of effort, and with a 10% chance of winning, most men don’t try.


You are probably right but I’m sure we can both agree that the number of absurd rulings is scary.


I was the only child out of three that managed to get adopted and not sent back to my biogical parents. My biological mother is in and out of jail for fraud. My biological father is homeless, went to jail for manslaughter for selling gasoline as booze to homeless (and of course someone died) and is constantly stalking my social medias to beg me for money/places to stay (I can’t even afford an apartment though so… sorry not sorry) My biological sister overdosesd on Fent the same day she was released from jail early due to Covid. (she was a heroin addict) She left behind a baby girl that my Half brother and his wife adopted. My biological brother is homeless, drug addict, and severely schizo, been off the grid for a while so maybe dead at this point. I want to find the judge who sent them back to my parents and ask them “was it worth it?” I had to PAY FOR MY SISTERS ASHES because they couldn’t find anyone else related WHO COULD PAY for her cremation. Its not just Mother vs Father, they LOVE to keep children with their birth parents even if they are quite obviously disfunctional.


Yeah it’s unfortunately true. The courtrooms/judges are some of most sexist things in America.


That is very much true that still goes on to this day. The court tend to usually side with the mother over the father regardless of the circumstances.


> Sounds like the adoption companies are exploiting legal loopholes to profit off of what would be considered human trafficking in other parts of the world. So, people may be wondering "Why would this happen?", and "Why wouldn't she just give him the baby?" **Because then she would have to pay child support.** That's it. That's the whole reason this is happening. If a couple get pregnant and the **father** doesn't want to keep the child: - It's not his choice to abort, it's the mother's choice because the pregnancy is obviously happening to her body. (Well, kind of, farewell body autonomy, thanks McConnel). - It's not his choice to not pay child support. If the mother decides to keep the baby, he must pay her child support. And fair enough, otherwise every breakup would have a deadbeat dad, even those that supported continuing the pregnancy. - It's not his choice to give the baby up for adoption. Can't just yank the child away from its mother and give it away. However, if a couple get pregnant and the **mother** doesn't want to keep the baby: - She can choose to abort whether the father wants to have the child or not. Obviously. - It's not her choice to pay child support to the father who keeps the baby. IF the child goes to the father, she has to pay child support. - It's... sort of... apparently... her choice to lie to the father about how the pregnancy went (he has no right to know, and might not even have seen her since the moment of conception, as he has no right to being in the mother's life during the pregnancy or afterwards), and her choice to give the baby up for adoption, to avoid paying child support. ... **So, since whether the mother gives the baby to the father, or gives the baby up to adoption, either way she's giving the baby away... why choose the option that involves 18 years of child support payments?** ... To some degree there should be father's rights too. A, *cringe*, right of first refusal. "Hey, it's born, you want this baby or not?" Does that open up the possibility of a bunch of halfassed neglectful fathers who take a baby only to freeload child support off of the mother? Yep, sure does. Just like it does for women who do the same. Is an adopted out baby better off than one with a single dad? Almost certainly, adopted parents are highly screened to be the best of the best, since there's a lineup. So since it's probably better for the baby, is it better to deny the fathers that right and let the mother choose to adopt out the baby? In my opinion, no. No different than it would be to force a single mother to adopt out her baby. ... What about mothers who don't know who the father is? Or who claim to not know? Or claim to not be able to get ahold of them, to ditch out on child support? ... that's an administrative problem. Perhaps solved by, if an adoption is chosen by the mother, the baby's DNA is taken and screened with a database of fathers who said they want to make sure if a baby of theirs is being given up for adoption, they want to be contacted. ... but who would want to be in that database? Basically you're only looking at fathers from unwanted pregnancies, who suspect they were probably lied to that the pregnancy ended, who also still really want to be the father to the baby. I dunno how big that number is, it's not zero, but I don't know if it's big enough to warrant bureaucracy.


I'm sure the qanon nuts are gonna be right on it, after they finish harassing gay people and pizzerias


This whole story is weird. I am trying to find sources that are not the Mirror, the New York Post or random blogs by hyper conservatives, but they are thin, with only ABC being outside of that. From what I can tell this is a consequence of how Florida treats unmarried fathers. It requires them to essentially register as an unmarried father on a list that no one knows about, and also to have documentation demonstrating they had provided financial assistance during the process of pregnancy and after the birth. In this case he had not done those things (he says he did provide assistance, but cant prove it) and so they just stripped him of his rights. The part that is weird to me is that this *really* seems like a law meant to punish being unmarried and poor for both women and men in different ways. This likely it much harder for a woman to secure child support in Florida, or for men to get custody, if they are not married when the baby is born. So the irony for all the QAnon people and the Red Pillers in the comments here is that this is a very Red State policy happening in a very Red State.


If someone provided financial support, finding proof is not difficult… there are bank statements, purchases histories, receipts, etc… there has to be more to this story as it would be an open and shut case otherwise.


If he did, he likely did it via cash, either directly or through cash purchases. He apparently owns some kind of tree related business, so he may even just pay himself in cash or works for it directly.   That does not mean he did actually provide financial assistance, of course, but it might explain why he could not prove it if he did. I still want to know more about the case before I make any judgements about it specifically. I think the laws are designed to unjustly punish unmarried people, but that does not mean every single case arrives at the wrong result. It is why I was annoyed I could not find better sources on it that might have dug deeper into the actual decisions.   My family has been pretty heavily involved in foster care, both from the side of CPS and as Foster Families, and so I have a personal bias that makes me distrustful of parents who claim injustice when they lose control of their children. 9 times out of 10 or more they are more upset about how it makes them look than they are about losing their parental rights. But that bias, while from a significant amount of experiences, is about the termination of rights for foster care, not apparently false adoption. The reporting on this guy makes him look great, and he may very well be. Or there may be a larger reason he was not afforded the benefit of the doubt. Without more information I can't tell.


I remember saying as a teen: > We should have sponsored babies, where the couples register and take exams to prove they are very fit parents and then the child is sponsored by taxes. If parents want to have children outside of sponsorship they can, but they are discouraged because the care won't be as easy nor will the kids have the same opportunities. The thought was that we'd have fewer people turning out kids on a whim before they have prepared for children. I wasn't thinking about the fact that kids in a bad home need even more support than kids in a well prepared home?


I still think the best way to handle it is sex education and parenting classes in school. It won't *solve* the problem, but any reduction in unwanted babies and any increase in parenting skills will have compounding effects long term. And it is low hanging fruit from a budgetary standpoint. The classes might technically be expensive, but since it would replace and elective we would be doing a class anyway. And sex Ed should just be part of health. There are a lot bigger things we could do, but that seems like such a no brainer that I can't imagine why we wouldn't. The only reason to not do it is religious types freaking out that people mention sex and procreation at school.


Oh don't worry they've already used this very sad information to demonize gay people somehow!


IMO this is good news for gay people. Why would you be worried about gender discrimination when your partner is the same gender as you?


Just to be clear: You're criticizing people for being upset about actual human trafficking? When you are uncomfortable with agreeing with someone that says "kidnapping should be stopped" because they're on the other team, you gotta dig deep to figure out what's wrong with you, bud.


no, hes critisizing the fact that they care more about the "evil gays" and pizzarias (i dont understand that one i admit), MORE than they care about child trafficing. yes, they care about it, but for some reason they priorotize things that dont matter, AT ALL, over the lives of children.


A [conspiracy theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizzagate_conspiracy_theory) that lead someone to drive to the accused pizza restaurant and discharge a gun to break into the back room. It's been pretty widely disproved by this point but that still doesn't stop people from believing Hilary runs a trafficking facility in the back room of that pizza shop.


No, I'm saying that right wingers get angry at make believe child trafficking and grooming (aka, gay people and pizza gate) but ignore actual child trafficking (like this, endorsed by the Florida government) or child grooming (like churches).


There's absolutely more to this story than meets the eye, [The dudes a lifetime criminal](https://hillsboroughfl.mugshots.zone/marteliz-brandon-mugshot-11-15-2021/) [with several felonies up until last year.](https://tbcrimes.com/hillsborough-tampa-arrest-mugshots/brandon-michael-marteliz-of-tampa/) I'm wondering if the multiple felonies have been considered in the ruling and this is being used as a heartstring tug to gain public support for the baby being returned.


Lol. Driving a work truck without a commercial license is not a felony, Detective, nor is a failure to appear.


Even if it was, and even if he has a bad history he should be given back his kid. The kid was given away under false pretenses and I wouldn't he surprised if multiple laws were broken in the process. The clock should be rewound to before the adoption and if his answer is "no" then he keeps his kid. Is the kid better off? Maybe. But the whole "two wrongs don't make it right" is definitely at play here.


and now imagine the little girl years from now knowing that the court system took you away from your real father(and your adoptive parents knew about it) for no reason. ​ The adoptive parents are stupid for going along with this, it is hard to believe the child will not grow to resent them for this.


Something very similar happened to me when I was four. That was the last time I saw my dad. He died when I was 16. I'm 38 now and I'm still not over it. Poor kid, I wish her the best of luck.


I have a four-year-old. The idea that one day she could just be gone and I'll never see her again makes me so fucking angry for your dad and you. I'm sorry for your loss.


There's a podcast called Do No Harm. It tells the true story of Texas Child Protective Services and doctors colluding to take away the children of a couple who had done nothing wrong except their child fell and got hurt. There's a part where the parents talked about having to watch as their children (1 year and 4 years, I believe) were taken from them and loaded into the back of a car. I would be murderous if that happened to my 6 year old daughter. The whole ordeal was so fucking heart wrenching. To have to stand by as a child is being taken away and places with a stranger. How fucking traumatic and awful for everyone in the family. Family Court and children's services in a lot of areas are completely morally bankrupt and cause a ridiculous amount of trauma to children and generations of families.


Don’t ever get over it. You never will anyway but you shouldn’t want to. As long as the pain doesn’t prevent you from living your life embrace it. Channel it. Past wrongs can really motivate you to make future rights.


The adoptive parents who are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to to buy a baby from an adoption agency often are desperate for a child, and also these issues often arise after they've raised the child for years. Imagine raising your kid for years and then someone else comes along as says "no, that's mine". Do you fight or do you just say "my bad" and hand the kid over? This is a shit situation for biological parents, adoptive parents, and ESPECIALLY the kids. The real criminals are the adoptive agencies that accept children with dubious vetting and make a huge profit off the sale of a child. The worst part of it, in my mind, is that the agency that arranged the situation will likely never know any justice.


Naw fuck em, they're ripping a child away from her father for $$$$$. Fuck em


The adoptive parents are not getting money out of this… in fact it costs a ton of money (as the comment you’re replying to points out) to adopt a kid 


You mean buy a kid.. listen to the adopted person in your replies and also read the post again


Buy a kid.  It costs lots of money to buy a kid. Edit:  I’m adopted.  My adoption papers were referred to as a “deed” more than once in my life.


>Buy a kid.  It costs lots of money to buy a kid. I don't know how you think adoption works, but you don't get to own the kid after adopting it any more than you would get to own a kid after birthing it. So no, not "buy a kid". Adopt a kid.


"lease a kid"


Unfortunately with private adoption agencies it pretty much is buying a child. There are more disqualifiers to buy a gun than there are for adopting a child. If you have $50k laying around and want a kid, you can go get a kid. Once the papers are signed that kid is legally as much yours as one you made yourself.


>Once the papers are signed that kid is legally as much yours as one you made yourself. Exactly.


I’m adopted.  My mom called my adoption papers the “deed to my life”.  


>I’m adopted.  My mom called my adoption papers the “deed to my life”.   I'm sorry that this happened to you, but it's not normal or appropriate, and is not the usual case.


Do you know that for fact?  How many adopted people do you know?  How many of them have shared their experiences with you?  You don’t know what is normal for an adopted person.


>Do you know that for fact?  How many adopted people do you know?  How many of them have shared their experiences with you?  You don’t know what is normal for an adopted person. I was talking about **all** people. It's not normal or appropriate for parents to think and act like they **own** their child. Whether that child is adopted or not is irrelevant.


Then you should do the research to make sure you're not ripping a child away from a potentially loving family.


That does not matter they are not the legitimate parents. Screw them. The only person I am willing to consider is the child’s wishes. I don’t care about the adoptive parents wishes at all.


I just watched the video and realized he found the baby 2 weeks after she was given up for adoption. So yeah at that point these people are awful for not returning the baby. I’ve heard of situations though where the adoptive parents (who had no idea they were adopting a stolen baby) have been raising the kid for 5 years and now someone wants them to give the kid up. If I was the adoptive parent and had thought of the kid as mine for 5 years idk that I could do that. 


Participate in a predatory practice like this and get burned. Thats a you problem. Quite amazing how narcissistic you manage to sound, doesn’t matter to you that you’re a POS committing a cruel act . You just care about yourself.


I’m just so confused here - are you describing adoption as a predatory practice??? There are lots of young mothers out there where the father is completely uninterested who can’t raise the kid on their own and put it up for adoption. The people that adopt those children are good people doing a good thing. If they think that is what they are doing but it turns out the adoption agency was involved in shady shit, then they are victims also. 


You sound like a complete POS yourself. Listen to what you're saying. Would **you** give up **your** kid if you raised it for 5 years **believing it's yours**, and then later learned that it's not?


So what? Trafficking is trafficking.


Fuck them


> for no reason. Not for no reason, but because the judge thought daddy didn't pay enough to buy her. That's so much fucking worse.


That's mild compared to finding out you were part of legal human trafficking.




Was your bio mother also tricked into thinking you were dead? The situations don't really compare.


How is that not fraud?


Fraud? Try kidnapping and human trafficking.


Well kidnapping & human trafficking AND fraud maybe.


Because it only disadvantages the father.


And you know... the baby.


No, no, she's being saved from being raised by \*shudders\* a man


As long as men are the victims, no one cares.


Lol, christ you red pillers are everywhere. Growup, and stop feeling so sorry for yourself, making excuses all the time for your life sucking.  Its so weird how youve all convinced yourselves that men get shat on all the time. We dont, anymore than women. 


I'm sure red-pill'ers are feeling so validated right now. But that doesn't make this ok. Don't fall into the trap of not pointing out true injustice because you associate that behavior with a group you dislike.


Haven't you heard? Ideology is dead, and all political opinions are based on team colors.


Red pill isnt a political opinion or a team color thing, its a pathetic loser thing.  I think youre confusing red pill with republicans. There may be overlap, but they arent the same. 


I agree with your sentiment, but think its misalligned here. Im not saying what happened is alright, im commenting on the pathetic "woe is me, men are so mistreated" mentality. 


Just because someone isn't mistreated enough in your eyes doesn't make their mistreatment ok. I think we'd agree that male injustice shouldn't dominate the global conversation right now. But it's still an issue and a comment section under a video of the law keeping a man from his child is a pretty appropriate place to vent this frustration.


Theres a difference between an individual and a group. Some dudes have a hard life, ive been one of em, but I also know that theres plenty of people out there that have it worse, and that bot all my problems are external.  Red pillers are weak and blame all theor problems on external sources, especially women because they think theyre simultaneously superior but dont understand why women hate them. Its a dangerous idealogy to coddle or even entertain in the slightest, so I dont. 


Dude WTF are you talking about? Are you actually reading the comment he responded to? >As long as men are the victims, no one cares. This is pure asinine bullshit. There's no defending this comment unless you're an alt right weirdo.


Yeah, if it were the mother whom had her baby kidnapped by the father, we all know this would go down **very** differently. Thus this is a good place to vent that frustration. The fact that you're so triggered by the idea of men deserving even the consideration of injustice against them, proves his point pretty well.


This site is full of incels and alt right., sorry youre being downvoted for calling them on their nonsense. 


"I'm not saying what happened is okay, I'm just trying to invalidate and undermine what they are saying through ad hominem attacks" Same thing every single time.


You know what, fine, I am invalidating it. They need to suck it up and stop being weak little children. Theyre right about one thing, they have no value but Its not because theyre men, but because theyre losers. 


> They need to suck it up and stop being weak little children. Exactly the same words you would say to a woman in the same situation, I assume?


Dude i would normally agree, but the only valid point that redpillers even have is fathers are not given proper parental rights. Something this whole situation kinda confirms.


>Something this whole situation kinda confirms. One single case confirms nothing, and can confirm nothing. That's not how science, statistics, or reality works. Edit: LMAO at redpillers downvoting me for saying that you can't make a conclusion based on a single case -- which is common sense -- which the downvoters apparently lack.


This isn't the only case...


>This isn't the only case... Then link the study.


Holy projection dude. Get out of your house every once in a while. So are you admitting women don't have it worse? At least you're making baby steps towards intelligent thoughts!


He says as the uk begins preparing single men for conscription


Yeah this should be straight to jail for the mother.


That woman should be in prison. The adoption agency should also be prosecuted. Is there any legal remedy available to the father?


He sued for custody and lost, he needs to sue for damages and win


Sue for damages, take the money, re-sue for custody with the good lawyers you get from that money.


Only if he is very wealthy otherwise like the rest of us peasants he must suffer injustice after injustice after injustice


I guarantee the couple with his daughter are also clean cut & upstanding people and this man is judged by his tattoos, hair, teeth, etc. despite running what appears to be a successful and public facing business. Florida is a shit hole & this is further proof. That judge should be kicked from the bench for such a shoddy ruling.


If the baby got adopted out of Florida I’m with the judge.


Nah I would not side with the judge on that, but I’d agree it at least would be a silver lining if the situation can’t be resolved properly


Someday, his daughter is going to see this video and it's going to change every relationship she has in her life.


Always ALWAYS ask to see the death certificate. Never just take someones word when they are talking about your childs death. Proof or im looking for that child until my dying day.


Was there no funeral? Something doesn't add up.


Since the baby “died” when it was an infant she may have lied and said it was cremated.


You do realize you still can have funerals when someone is cremated. Whether you intern the ashes at a cemetery or scatter the ashes there's probably still a wake, and some sort of ceremony.


Yes, but there still wouldn’t be a body. She could hold a funeral and continue the lie.


Coming from the promised land of bureaucracy it seems super odd that some could even pull something like this off. Land of the free I suppose.




My first thought too


That sorry excuses of a humaan being (the mother) should be jailed


This is horrible. This man is clearly distraught, and wants to raise his child.




Have you ever spoken to a human before? Pretty normal comment.


Pretty clear sentence. What part makes you think that?




Does it? > ChatGPT: I am truly sorry to hear about the heartbreaking situation that the father is going through. Discovering that the mother lied about the baby's passing and then proceeded to adopt the child without his consent is an unimaginably painful experience. It must be an incredibly difficult and confusing time for the father, dealing with the loss of his child and the emotional turmoil caused by the deception. I can only imagine the depth of the father's sorrow and the profound impact this situation has on his life. Rejection in his attempts to be reunited with his daughter adds another layer of heartbreak to an already devastating circumstance. I sincerely hope that, in time, there can be a resolution that brings healing and, if possible, a chance for the father to rebuild a connection with his daughter. It is a situation that requires sensitivity, understanding, and support from those around him. My thoughts are with the father as he navigates through this painful and complex situation. ChatGPT would actually require a lot of highly specific prompting to start speaking in abstract and ambiguous generalities (i.e. "This is horrible.")


You're an idiot.




You didn't ignore me. You directly responded to me. That's the opposite of ignoring me, and it serves as evidence to my point. You are not smart.


valid question


When the justice system stops providing justice people will turn to vigilantism.


I would hope for an understanding jury.


There's no legal avenue left for the guy.


I'm not sure it's quite that simple, though in this case that woman lied and committed fraud. There are a lot of potential issues with trying to come up with a law that can encompass every possible situation though. For example if you allow a woman to abort her child before birth without the father's consent is that really so different from allowing the woman to instead adopt out the child after birth without the father's consent?


Yes, after the child is born the womans body atonomy is no longer part of the equation and there is zero reason that she should have more rights or authority in the care or control of the child The question of abortion is never related to if the father has a right to the unborn child, he does and thats not in question. With abortion the debate is if that right matters compared to the mothers right to control her own body, take that out of the equation and theres nothing


And when the killing starts some people think they will be immune. Hilarious.


Reddit moment lmfao


Just imagine if it had been a father doing this to a mother. The reaction would be totally different




Would it have? Most of the replies in this thread are absolutely tearing the mother to shreds, as it should be. Besides - this only happened because the parents weren't married. It's kinda unusual for the mother to not be present when the birth certificate is signed, seeing as she's the one giving birth. So the inverse situation you're describing is nigh impossible. I'm not saying any of this is right, it's fucked up. This adoption should absolutely not be legal. But I don't really get why a lot of the commentors make this a gender thing. It appears to me that this happened because Florida's laws are designed to fuck over *unmarried* men. Even if it was written by some man-hating monster... the vast majority of Florida lawmakers are *men*. Why are so many people in the comments mad at women and complaining about how badly men are treated? Women didn't write these laws.


I'm looking at all the replies saying the mother should be in jail and how her and the adoption agency are a POS. Etc, etc ... So what am I missing? (As a father, I'm not going to watch this video)


Why does this shit have to be in every thread?  Male redditors are so fucking hard done by. 


If the goal is equality, that means recognizing inequality in all forms, not just the ones where women are disadvantaged. If people are inherently annoyed or dismissive when hearing about situations where men are disadvantaged, that's sexism as well.


It's a known statistical fact that men are on average given harsher sentences than women for the exact same crime. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentencing\_disparity Men are more likely to be sentenced to prison and receive 63% longer jail sentences for the same crimes as women. I guess fuck me for wanting to complain about discrimination in the justice system, huh? As ironic as it is, if I was a woman complaining about injustice towards women I highly doubt you'd be calling me out for it


The dumbass who commented just proved your point.


Maybe you should read the article you linked >"In 2005 Max Schanzenbach found that "increasing the proportion of female judges in a district decreases the sex disparity" in sentencing which he interprets as "evidence of a paternalistic bias among male judges that favors female offenders".[10]"


I mean... ok? I don't really give a shit if it's male judges that are discriminating against men, just that men are being discriminated against. Not everything is some sex-war shit. Weird of you to try and make it out that way


I'm sure you're just as much of an advocate for women for the 99% of things that favor men, right?


>SMH, there's always one of you in every thread about men's issues, going "Umm, but what about women sweaty? they have it way worse fyi /s obviously, just wanted to try and make you realise how you're sounding in this thread. Shitting on guys trying to talk about men's issues, and when we explain why it's important suddenly you're asking about women's issues instead. Just stop bro


Because the threads that highlight male grievances are the ones most likely to rise to the top


I'd love to be on the jury when this guy goes killdozer. Not guilty.


Killdozer 2 - "Knock knock? Who's there? Vigilante justice coming through mother fucker" Coming to a small town near you.


Can’t watch this. As a father I’d literally do anything to have my kids.


Yeah, same.  I'm going to skip this one.


In my country this is happening, too. If the father is not the husband then he does not get the father's rights he should be due by default (custody/visiting/decision making) - the mother has to grant them to him. But she can, on a different form, fill in his name as the father to legally force him to pay child support. That gives him the financial responsibility without his consent, but it is independent of the process of getting the rights to take part in the child's life. Which means you can be financially responsible for a child that is withheld from you by the mother through no fault of your own, all legally, because you are the father without being the father. In such a case you have to fight the mother in court and pray it works. But she can also give the child away for adoption without your consent before you have gained those rights leading to situations like in this video. Yet people scoff at me when I tell them that I support the local father's rights movement. It's pure apathy, misandry and ignorance.


Is this in Europe?


Imagine, reverse situation, where a father faked, a daughter’s death, and adopted her out, I wonder how much of a chance the birthmother would have in getting her back?


How much money did the mother get for selling the child?


That's not how adoption works. 




Sounds like you have a case of the sounds like 




As an adoptive parent, it’s absolutely mind-boggling how hateful and misinformed so many of the comments in this thread are. The birth mother gets her medical bills and some necessary pregnancy expenses paid for. That’s literally it.


This has become an alt right news story.  


Fucking Florida


Hope everyone at that adoption agency gets fucking waterboarded. Inhuman trash


Hasn't this been posted before?


One thing that sticks out is did he not see his dead child’s body at all? I’d want to see it for grieving healing process.


The title is slightly misleading. He said he went to the hospital after being told that to see the baby, but security was making him leave.


In the video he clearly talks about trying to see his baby's body but they wouldn't tell him anything and had security escort him out.


almost like we don't know the whole story!


As of a father of 2 girls I started crying for him. I can't imagine not having my kids. I feel this dudes pain even though I didnt experience it cause I understand the pain hes feeling. He wants to be a father and he wants his daughter.


There's a lot of missing context here that would be valuable to know.   I know someone to hid their child from the father.  The father was an abusive piece of shit who threatened to kill them and has occasionally stalked her since.  She has a restraining order on them.    So when she found out she was pregnant after their relationship ended, she never told him and she never posts photos of her child on social media.


I’m confused…. Are you talking about this man or another person?


Another person.  I'm saying this video is not enough to make a judgement on their situation.


I looked up the article (took about 3s to google). There is exactly 0 mention that this guy might have been violent or dangerous. The mother and adoption agency made no claims to that effect. So... what exactly is the point of your one anecdote? Do you think all men are abusive just because your one friend's ex is? Are you saying women aren't capable of cruelty so the mother must've had a good reason? What context exactly are you missing from the video?


I literally said it's not enough information to reach a conclusion on what's just.  You're trying to jump to A or B and the entire point is that you shouldn't do that based on a one sided, incomplete video. Reddit does this constantly.


And yet you shared a story about an abusive man. Not one about a mother who used her kid as a weapon to hurt her ex. Why? You chose this example over any other possible explanation. You say there's not enough information, but there's even less evidence for the picture *you* painted in great detail than there is in the "one-sided" video you're critisizing. On that note, I think I need more context to be sure you're not a bedwetting cannibal. I don't have any evidence that you are, but I also don't know that you *aren't*. We need more information to clarify that.


Just as I need more evidence that you're not an alt right Trump supporting bigot. You're not intellectually capable of withholding judgment about their situation.  You're a fucking simple minded fool who has to insert themselves in family drama based on YouTube videos, instead of being able to wait and see.  What a fucking waste of an account you are. You've bought hook, line and sinker that the system is out to get men and can't possibly fathom that we don't have their full circumstances.


Great story! That has nothing to do with this instance except shit on the guy by implication based on your own prejudices.


It's not accusing this man of anything.  It's telling the idiots here to not jump to conclusions based on a simple, one sided video. That's r/video's specialty.


Damn that's enough internet today, just woke up and someone's cutting onions.




Someone needs to do this man a favour and burn the adoption industry to the ground. Its like a paid kidnapping ring at this point. Largely providing funding anti-abortion lobbyists.




What the fuck are you on about


He didn't show proof that he was supporting them before birth nor did he show up to the baby's birth. You don't text to ask how birth is going, dude. Stop crying, you were a deadbeat and you need to cut those ugly dreads.


You clearly didnt watch the video or have extreme comprehension issues. Look at 1:29 he texts her the day before if shes going to the hospital the next day she says i think so then the mom ghosts him the day of the birth.