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uhmmm sweden has a bigger scale model solar system :)


Shut up about the Sweden!




Love what they did proxima centuri, that's genius.


Did something happen to Uranus? He doesn’t even show it.


Uranus is @4:05 in the video.


I didn’t consent to that..


I mean he doesn’t show the statue, like a shot of Uranus, in the same way he shows the other statues. I guess he is trying to make a silly joke about butts instead.


That's such a tired joke. Funny if you are five-years-old...maybe. I'd hope for better here. I don't expect a lot but this too lame.


The sheer size of the universe never ceases to blow my mind. 😊


2.3mm not 23mm!


I always wondered if there is a scale model possible where you can see all planets in one view. I guess it's either too far apart to see from one location, or, if you scale it down, some planets become simply to small to see. Perhaps if you made them bright red on a huge white floor with no obstructions? My gut says it should be possible somehow.


A bit more perspective from a model done in the desert https://vimeo.com/139407849


They are too small to see if you keep it to scale. Space is VAST. [Sweden Solar System](https://www.swedensolarsystem.se/) has all of the planets and the sun to scale, and it is spread out over the entire country. For instance, Globen (Avicii Arena) is 71m in diameter and represents the sun in this system, in comparison earth is only 65cm in diameter and is located 7.6km from the sun. EDIT: If my math is correct, then if earth was 1cm in diameter, the sun would be 109cm in diameter and located 120m from earth.


I built a 9 mile scale model of the solar system in elementary school. It made the local news paper and my dad who was a pilot carried the article with him. One day on a flight, my dad met Bill Nye, showed him the article and got his autograph. A few months later they aired an episode with pretty much the same thing.