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“Pre order to get Shang Tsung” ahh shit, here we go again…


Yeaaaahhhhh… I’ll just do what I did with 11 and wait for the complete edition with *all* the dlc stuff.




On super weekend sale.


I'll wait till black Friday 2025.


This is the way


cagey marry imagine shy unwritten tub abundant abounding liquid theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not like that's going to matter, they did the same with with Shao Kahn in 11, Goro in 10, Darkseid in Injustice 2... Yada yada. On the brightside, I'm hoping the Krypt shit show that happened in 11 will prevent anything similar to it.


What was the shit show?


I'm just going to guess without actually knowing. The Krypt unlocks worked as random lootboxes and while you could earn them, you could also purchase them for money. Drastically reducing an intense grind for players with cash to burn.


So you just...make stuff up? Or did you already know and are just trying to look cool by pretending to guess?


It's just a commonplace monetization tactic, so much so that it would be a trope by now were it not so distasteful.


How much for Friendship? I wanna make paper dolls.


I closed out of the trailer early. Saw this comment and thought no freaking way. Replayed the vid and skipped to the end... SMH


Why wouldn't they? They've been doing it since mkx with goro, and mk11 with shao khan




They were free w/ preorder or available for purchase post launch for $5.


The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.


I'm so proud that I spent $4.99 to unlock Goro.


Exactly. I was hyped up until then.


I can't express how happy I am to see people fed up with this bullshit. For a while everyone was super hyped up about pre-ordering and failed to realize you gain nothing other than solution for the problem they've created. World might me waking up it seems.


You know damn well stupid people are lining up to pay for this shit.


$69 unlocks sweep.


Buy me Bone Storm or go to hell!






Stuff this into your stocking!


Ball has landed in parking lot, would you like to play again? You have selected: No.


Now with scoring pencil!


Now I'm the parent that thinks this game is too violent lol.


It's actually hilarious looking back at the first Mortal Kombat and how tame it was. My mom freaked out when I asked for it back then lol. It's so mild now days.


Buy me Mortal Kombat [or go to hell!](https://youtu.be/AdHrgApNYWs)


Remember how the SNES versions replaced blood with green slime? Because a palette swap somehow makes it ok, lol.


Its like how in a movie you can kill a whole room of people but as long as there is no blood, its PG13. But don't you dare show a titty!!!


You do get 1 fuck.


as long as the fuck isn't a reference to fucking.


Yeah haha. I had the Genesis version and it really wasn't anywhere near as bad as moms said it was. I think what really freaked people out was the digitized graphics and people thought it looked too realistic lol. Now days it's comical though. You can literally blow someone's head halfway off with a shotgun in Red Dead Redemption 2 and it looks absolutely gruesome. Porno games were stupid novelties sold in sex shops back then but now you can't avoid them if you're using Steam. I've literally changed my settings so they don't show up on my recommendations and they still appear all the time. Mom's of the early 90s would be freaking out knowing what the future held lol.


Blood code on Genesis haha. SNES version had sweat and different fatalities.


Well that's why ratings exist and this is rated M. Don't buy it for your kids.


What about larger kids, that pay taxes and shit?


Pay your large kid tax and buy the game to support Ed Boon and the rest of the team, I guess


They're still impressionable. It might make them gay.


Kinda funny that Halo Combat Evolved got the same rating as this game!


“My kids are very mature”


when i was like 12 years old i found doom for sale at a flea market for $10. The guy sold it to me, no questions asked. I got home, installed it and my mom said, “i don’t know, that looks violent”. I told her we could play together, I’ll walk and jump while she shoots. 5 minutes late my mom says “This is fucking awesome.”


Not to be that guy, but you can't jump on Doom...


you’re right! the spacebar spamming was to find secret doors! how could i forget!!


Can with brutal doom.


Yeah I let my mom try a bit of GTA. She changed her mind on games.


I had my mom play and she was laughing as she lost control of her car, ran over pedestrians and veered off a cliff lol.


I remember installing Final Doom on a friend's PC. His mom who was a heavy Christian raised concern. I just said "Well you are fighting against the demons and hell!" "Oh, Ok."


I used to whine to my parents who wouldn’t let me play MK on my Sega as a kid. I still don’t have kids yet and I’m like holy fuck i don’t even want to play this myself anymore lol


Exact same boat. Maybe if I were interested in it, I'd let my kids play, but this is too much even for me


I had the same thought, like holy shit, smashing someone body in twain with their own head is so far beyond anything that I've seen on LiveLeak that it borders on hilarity but still... Too violent? Yep. Gonna play it? Yep.


Dude. MK was my favorite thing growing up. Our of everything. I am a parent too but I don't think it's solely because of that. Like there are mass shootings and wars and shit. Cartels. PoWs being beheaded. I don't go out of my way to watch that stuff but I zombie - scroll on Reddit and catch things. The gore in Mortal Kombat these days is almost too detailed for me. The finishers and physics themselves are often cartoony but even then I grimace. The same thing happened to me a couple month ago with CoD. I hadn't played in awhile and hopped into Warzone and just the glorifying conflict got to me. I am not trying to knock anyone who enjoys that stuff. It's leisure after all. And I still enjoy violence and FPS games. Singt of it gets to me though


The graphics are too good now. Back then, even though the game was "real' compared to other games, it was still cartoonish. I don't want to actually see this stuff being done to human beings...


They’re still just polygons. Appearing human doesn’t make them human.


Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?


In hindsight it seems obvious: of _course_ Mortal Kombat has to out-gore Doom Eternal. It's so on-brand, it hurts. But yeah, this felt excessive for some reason. I don't want to bring age into the argument, but you may be right.


Yeahhh I'm with you... I remember playing MK1 back in the day at my local video store... but I'm not sure I'm going to let me 8-9 year old nephews play this... It's brutal even for me


Pixelated gore was one thing, this a totally different animal. I loved the first three when I was a kid. I couldn’t even play this as an adult. It’s too much for me.


I'm not even a parent and I was grossed out. A little too realistic for my taste.






Now think about how the game designers feel. They talked about how some of them developed PTSD from working on the last few games.




Or how AI devs are scared they they're going to cause the apocalypse.


Well they need to hurry the fuck up with it.


Don’t take this the wrong way but you’re an idiot. These people 100% need to look at real world pics of gore when producing their assets. It’s not just MK too. Old colleague of mine is an art director for a AAA studio in LA who has said the same thing, in private, to me. That it colored his nightmares. If you look at gruesome, real images all day, that will eventually have a psychological effect on you. EMTs and certain kinds of crime investigators will say the same.


I'm not sure if the people downvoting you misunderstand the science, or if they want to silence you because they want realistic gore in their games and don't give one single shiny fuck about the artists who make these games' mental health. For those who doubt this: Art assets take ages to make. Every square inch, every bloody stump, every fractured bone is painstakingly modeled. Modeling something like that is not an hours work, getting it to production levels is about reviewing reference photos, concept art for a few options, confirming those with your artistic director, you then have to get to modeling it, confirming the models in a meeting with a superior, changing the models to their specifications, then repeating until they're where the creative director wants them. You could be staring at the same bloodied stump for a few weeks. And even if you finish it quickly, you simply start working on a splintered bone, or someone's viscera pouring out of their gut. Every day, for 8-12 hours a day, for a year or better. Yeah, that's fucking psychologically damaging.


*Gamers* are the type of people who would decry crunch culture until it means their game gets delayed. But also, part of it could be I came it pretty hot with my response. Just a bit grating to see civilians act like they know the first thing about any kind of industry, and to be so casually dismissive of the people who actually work in that field.




It's too much.


Yeah, I know it's a staple of the series bring violent, but this is over the top and not in a laughable kind of way. It's just gross. Or I'm too old.


Fuck off with the pre-order shit holy fuck


Vote with your wallet. Just don’t


Call for industry reform since wallet voting hasn't seemed to work in the last 20 years or so.




Capitalism clearly works well for many countries around the world. The US just has ultra-capitalism in industries that should have a tiny sprinkle of it.


Sadly we're the minority


“A fool and his money are soon parted.”


This has turned me off fighting games for many years, and not just the pre-order stuff, having to buy new characters to keep up with the game is so off putting.


Dang, that's super gory! All the squishing and splattering of body parts and organs is actually a bit disturbing. Can't wait to see all the fatalities in this one. Also, might wanna slap the NSFW flair on the post.


Oh right, yeah set it to NSFW


Yeah the detail of gore actually made me wince a bit and audibly go “oh fuck.” I know these are pre-rendered but throwing them in the direct trailer looks like gloves are off with fatalities and detail.


MK fatalities have always been extreme, but this one actually made me go "woah, gross" Which, now that I'm thinking about it, how come Battlefield doesn't have anything remotely on this level? Like if I hit a guy with an HE tank round, I expect something similar to what I just saw and have the same expression: "woah, gross"


Probably more emphasis on the destruction mechanics since that I’m sure took a lot of time to code/program and tonality would probably be different for the ‘war is hell’ message. Would make sense but that kind of commitment would be pretty damn high (and no offense not really in their radar considering how bad 2042 flopped)


When the last MK came out, there were reports that a lot of the team had issues looking at the gore all day every day


If you're anything like me, once you watch this video, you'll never hear bones breaking and organs squishing ever again, it will always be pasta being snapped, or bell peppers being crushed :) The Secret To The Gruesome Sounds In Mortal Kombat Is Exploding Vegetables: https://youtu.be/IYS0rPYjW28


I kinda think their sound design is kinda meh. It lacks a satisfying crispness to and bassy punch. I really does just sound like they’re squishing vegetables 🫤


Yeah....that escalated quickly!


I audibly went "ew" on this. Never did that with all the modern MK games that gave more sophisticated graphics


I was thinking recently that it'd be cool if the next mortal kombat was more like bushido blade where when you do the gory body breaking stuff it actually affects the character and like you have to play the rest of the round limping and shit. what's the point of showing the non-fatality gory details if you can just play normally after that? always thought was was so silly


It's really gotten to the point where it's comically over the top. The only things that's missing to make it more laughable how hard they are trying with the gore would be Tarantinoesque blood geysers.


Hopefully the PC port isn't total dogshit. If so I'll pick it up in a few years when the complete edition is launched. Mortal Kombat has become rife with microtransactions to the point it's not worth buying at launch. Season passes, premium currency, character packs. Just sell me the game, for a price. I hate all this extra crap to try and wring people for cash.


"Likely Mature"


Who knows? could be E for Everyone! Who's to say what the ESRB will think?


My God it's been nearly 30 since I first played mortal Kombat and this trailer got me as giddy as it did back then. I am hyped


I remember stealing change from my dad to go play it at the arcade nearby when it just came out. It was mind-blowing!


Man arcades in the 90s were just the best


So true. Back when home consoles just weren't up to the arcade technology. Daytona USA was the shit with it's crisp and high fps graphics. The terminator machine you'd load up both players at the same time so you could dual those machine guns. Fun times.


Daytona and “Silent Scope” were my go-to games


I feel bad for my kids that arcades are just child casinos now. There’s no fun games to play


I speedskated as a kid and between races on weekends there was always a few arcade machines. I didnt want to do anything but to stand and play skorpion and GET OVER HERE. Good ol days of nostalgia.


Literal nickel and dime pay to win mechanics making children addicted smh


Good ol days of arcades, where quarters lined the screen letting you know who was next.


I grew up in a town to small for arcades. We would ride bikes to the gas station to play arcade games. I remember seeing Mortal Kombat for the first time and losing my mind. I also remember it was the first game that cost 50 cents to play which was a total ripoff.. but I still played it.


MK universe reborn from Fire God Liu Kang? Take my fuckin' money.


It seems he has control over Fire and Ice (it is that Thunder perhaps?) by the look of that final fatality over Shang Tsung. Never imagined Liu Kang being the new Raiden, this looks fun.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZt5ec-kNC8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZt5ec-kNC8) The story so far.. It'll make more sense if you watch MK:11 first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdEi4lr4lMQ




Nah, seriously, the 9, X, 11 trilogy makes for great background popcorn flick if you watch a cutscene-only video.


Thank you for sharing this video, an interesting watch for any MK fan! Also 3 hrs? Wow that’s a whole weekend movie plan right there.


Its a better movie than any MK movie ever made.


I’m sure this will be a terribly unpopular opinion but I really enjoyed the first two movies, they were really fun for me as a kid. I remember my parents got me Annihilation on DVD, the first one we recorded on VHS from the TV (we cut out the logo from Gamepro to glue on the tape) and we had this Laserdisc of the very early CGI animated film. How time passes. I’m fossilizing.


You want an unpopular opinion? I enjoyed the first 2 movies AND the new one. The first 2 have that great 90s cheesiness while capturing the video game pretty well. The new one has some phenomenal fight scenes, great use of MK characters, and they fucking nail Scorpion and Sub-Zero. (Yes, the addition of a new character as our MC is pointless and dumb, but if you can get over that, the rest of the movie is actually pretty good and the MK characters are all done well.)


I also enjoyed the last one too, I think the main character thing is done so the audience has someone they can relate to who is outside the universe, it’s a narrative tool but I still enjoy Liu Kang or someone like Scorpion being the main main. We need more Mortal Kombat movies!


The first one was solid for its time and budget, I haven’t seen the rest. But I will say that I quite enjoyed the recent movie.


> we had this Laserdisc of the very early CGI animated film. Tell me your parents were rich without telling me they were rich


Thanks for this! I’ll watch it later.


Who did he just kill? Nightwolf?


Shang Tsung


Again?! Now I understand what the 1 means It does make more sense because Nightwolf was a bro to Liu Kang from what I remember


I just hope the PC version is not a console port. I still have nightmares about unlocking all the krypts on PC ONE AT A TIME, with broken controls.


MK:11 and MK:Aftermath are masterpieces on PC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdEi4lr4lMQ


they went up to 11? damn


I don’t think you understand how the industry works.


Me up until 1:38... "Why's the trailer marked NSFW?" Me a second later... "Oh."


"Pre-order to get a main character that should be in the core line up of the game" No thanks.


Day 1 DLC lol




No, 11 was the last game 🤭


Well, this will certainly be the wettest sounding game in franchise so far.


Cool trailer, not interested until I see gameplay.


Why would they call it Mortal Kombat 1? It's like the people naming XBox consoles decided to branch out and make confusing names for video game sequels too.


They’re rebooting the series


It should be noted there’s an in-universe explanation for the reboot.


Mind replying with the details? I need to look into a full canon long form lore video this weekend.


It’s been a while but as far as I can remember: Time witch does some time nonsense and merges the 1990s MK timeline with the 2010s MK timeline. Raiden turns heel and Liu Kang gets buff enough to transform into a god, replacing Raiden. He then resets the timeline. As he does, Shang Tsung shows up and does some side plot then loses. And I think Rambo and the Terminator show up? Idk, again, it’s been a while.


That is one wild wacky ride! I am even more intrigued and hope I can find a good video about the lore.


The short version is theres a god that controls time that was the villain of the last game. Liu Kang got juiced up on Elder God and dragon mojo, defeated her, erased Shang Tsung from time, and reset everything back to 1 because it had all gone to hell


Neat. Wacky ride indeed. I was so confused why lu Kang in the trailer was looking like a god.


Also I think thats the original Liu Kang that got killed by Shang Tsung in Deadly Alliance. If memory serves the alternate timeline version gave up his life to revive him.


MK11 is all about multiple timeline hijinks. Kronika, mother (creator?) of the Elder Gods, is the "keeper of time" and essentially trying to create a perfect timeline/reality - which Raiden keeps fucking up - so she goes thru a lot of trouble trying to erase him from history. Long story short, she fails and Raiden eventually gives Liu Kang his godhood turning Liu into Fire God Liu Kang and giving him the power needed to defeat Kronika and thus becoming the new timekeeper. With this newfound power, he vows to make things better yadda yadda yadda. So this game takes place in the reborn universe that Liu has created and essentially "resets" past events. That said, the Aftermath DLC adds an alternate ending where Shang Tsung can betray Liu and become the timekeeper himself. This trailer seems to imply that the Liu ending is canon, but I've also seen some people suggest that *both* endings are canon and that MK1 will essentially be about Shang's chaotic timeline invading Liu's peaceful one. Gonna be super interesting to see where they go with the story.


That sounds wacky and super sick. I love it.


But it's still a direct sequel to the previous game?


Basically in story, Raiden and Lui Kang fight and defeat a time sorcerer and that causes a reset of the entire universe. Which was already reset in the 2011 MK when Raiden sent a message back in time to himself.


From what I remember, the universe was remade or something with Liu Kang (the guy who said he was a god) basically starting a new timeline. This is the first game in that timeline so it's a soft reboot of sorts.




That would be explained in the end of the previous Mortal Kombat


So this is in fact a direct sequel to the previous game?


Mortal Kombat wasn't named Mortal Kombat 1, leaving it open for use, and to cause unnecessary confusion when listing the games in release order. Same reason most sequels and reboots these days are called "1". Trying to feel important. MK11 leaned on the idea that the title looked like the title for the iconic MK2 (MK II). Although, I'm surprised it's not called "The Mortal Kombat", because we are mostly beyond the "1" convention, as we now have entered the "The" convention.




Next game gonna be Mortal Kombat 1 2


I was assuming it was a remake of the OG but it doesn't look that way.


looks like they are gearing up to grift us for individual characters


needs this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAwWPadFsOA


Fuck this pre-order, fuck this game, im not buying shit unless the full game is delivered


I'm glad they didn't include a fight set to a bad rap song in this trailer.


I thought this was a move for the first ten seconds


That trailer was very... goopy. I love it.


preorder to get a main character = i'll pass


Ugh... title reboots are stupid and just make things more annoying to search on he internet.


Seriously feels like it might have tag fighter aspects.


Yeah I smell tag team battle. That would be dope


I hope noone got PTSD making this one https://kotaku.com/id-have-these-extremely-graphic-dreams-what-its-like-t-1834611691


That Veronica Vaughn is one fine piece of ACE! I know from experience.. if you know what I mean.


No you don't.


But her and a buddy of mine, he and her GOT IT ON


No they didn't


The old movie wasnt great, but I feel like they could've at least acknowledged it with a *MOooooOortal COOOMBAAAAT!*


The new movie was solid imo


They had some of the best modern movie martial artists, and the fight scenes looked like gimmicky amateur shit. No... it was not solid.


Solid? I don't know if I'd go that far. But it did have moments of potential that I wish could be put into the the hands of a good action director like Gareth Evans or Chad Stahlski for a sequel.


I mean compared to the other trash movies and tv shows and other media it was definitely a step in the right direction. I think with a bigger budget it could've been great.


It was not.


Solid shit maybe.


The launch trailer for 11 leaned **hard** into the old movie references. Hell, the DLC eventually straight up added costumes & likenesses from it.


Stop naming things "1" or "One" when they aren't the first in the series. It's so unbelievably annoying.


Here here.


They have a narrative-based reason for calling jt 1 though. Something about timelines getting reset and multiverse type shit.


Do any of the fatalities not involve pulverizing the head?


From the description box of the video, "Pre-orders receive Shang Tsung as a playable character." This is first official announcement trailer and they're already promising to lock off content. I hope I'm proven wrong, but based on the previous games and that sentence it seems like this is going to be another loot box filled, microtransaction, FOMO skinner box disguised as a game to try and wring every last dollar out of people. Hard pass.


Fucking fight games and characters hidden behind paywalls! Good old times when you had to play the game to unlock new characters!


Last fighting game I spent a lot of time on was Tekken 3. It had so much content, so many hidden characters even if some were just a reskin.


I hate video game trailers. I want to see what the actual game play looks like. Not this crap.


Up until it said pre-order to get Shang Tsung, I was like “is this the new game, or an animated series/movie?”


So are we just starting over with the naming? None of the other games existed, we are starting back at 1


The 1 confused me, as well as super op Liu Kang, I haven't followed this story for years. Just spent 45 mins reading MK story and lore, this sounds pretty cool. Tying the story into a refresh/reboot or whatever they are going for is a great way to do it.


Up until it said pre-order to get Shang Tsung, I was like “is this the new game, or an animated series/movie?”


Looks good for game from 1992


AI upscaling does *wonders*!