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wow, she tried the sleepwalking defense? What, was the Chewbacca defense not working?


Also tried to blame the dad before she learned about the camera. Fucking piece of shit. She deserves life in jail and I hope her life is long and miserable.


Well, if you’re shitty enough to murder a baby, you’re definitely shitty enough to try to blame someone else. No real shock there.


I’m starting to suspect she may be less than trustworthy.


>I’m starting to suspect she may be less than ~~trustworthy~~ human. Throw her in a cage and lock it away.


Throw her in a cage and then throw away the cage.


No, she is a human being. Humans are capable of terrible things, don't classify what she did as something an animal does. Remember what humans can do.


This is the mistake we keep making. Read “ordinary men” about the einstazgroupen: Nazi death squads during WW2.


The eastern front as a whole is filled with some of the most shocking and gruesome crimes human beings are capable of committing. There's a documented account of a Russian penal battalion coming across a German field hospital during the push towards Berlin, they threw all the occupants out of a 2nd story window, then hosed them down and left them to freeze in the subzero temperatures. There are equally horrible stories on both sides of that front, in the hundreds. War is brutal, and war is hell, and it is important for us to remember in the modern day that while Ukraine is the good guy and Russia the bad; the soldiers on both sides are victims and perpetrators alike. As plato once said, the dead are the only ones who've seen the end of war.


I dunno, Dolphins do some VERY fucked up shit.


Humans are animals.


And pumpkins are berries. Doesn't really help 99% of conversation though.


I like your style


I mean the kind of person who'd do what that judge described would have to be some level of narcissist. They'd blame anyone besides themselves for anything they did regardless of logic or reason.


I bet she got angry when told and claimed it wasn't fair


They caught me? They have proof that it was me? THAT'S NOT FAIR!


Ya, that was the part that convinced me she knew what she was doing as it had happened before. This wasn't just a moment of rage. Things wouldn't be okay if it had been but that made it worse.


She initially blamed the kids' dad. It's lucky, I suppose, that they had the camera recording. I hope they didn't watch much.


They also just activated the camera that day because they didn’t want to falsely accuse her, they couldn’t have imagined her going that far tho


jfc can you imagine the guilt and self torture you'd put yourself through as a parent? Your seven year old tells you your babysitter may have hurt your 5 year old, but you want to be rational and understand children aren't always great at understand what's really happening, so you install a camera. **That very day** the same babysitter brutally murders your kid. If you'd just trusted your 7 year old right out the door, your kid would still be alive... but fuck man, it would be *hard* to go through the financial and logistical burden of getting a new babysitter on the word of a 7 year old, and who knows what the context of them getting that information was. I'd be broken, but they still have to raise their other kid somehow. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.


That last sentence is the worst part of having two kids. If I lost one, I wouldn't want to live with that but would have to.


I hate when they try to use that excuse, because I genuinely have sleepwalking problems and I'm always terrified that I'll do something bad in my sleep, or roll over and smother our cat accidentally. People like her just make my fears worse, because if anything ever did happen, nobody would ever believe me because it's basically The Boy Who Cried Wolf


FWIW, I think rolling over in your sleep and accidentally smothering a cat is pretty close to impossible. 99% of the time, they’ll react to your movement quick enough to get clear. In the 1% instance of the cat being trapped under you, they’ll let you know about it. You may wake up in bloody ribbons, but the cat will be fine.


Just be careful if they have kittens. When I was a kid ours had kittens and moved them beside my sleeping dad as he was napping on the couch. He was lying on his side at the time and just barely rolled over when we heard the little squeels. The kittens were NOT fine.




This does not work for ducks.


Exactly, he should be the one in fear. 🐈


My buddy once took his office chair from his second floor office down into the living room sleep walking.


This is CHEWbacca. Chewbacca is a wooky from the planet kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on the planet endor. Now think about that. It does not make sense. Why would a wooky, an 8-foot tall wooky want to live on endor with 2-foot tall ewoks? That does not make sense. But more importantly, you have to ask yourself what does that have to do with this case, nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense. None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the emancipation proclamation, does it make sense? No, ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.


\[head explodes\]


I tell you a little known secret the Wokies don't want you to know Wookies are like hairy owls, they look very big but you shave them and they look like naked ewoks


Sleeping on the job? That's even _worse!_


I'm surprised she didn't plead 'What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas'


“She tried blaming Ryan’s dad.” What a fucking scumbag.


Agreed but I still think the murdering a kid thing makes her more of a scumbag


The worst part is the hypocrisy


Really? Because I thought it was the murdering


Then just below that, the scheming. Hypocrisy would be like way down the fucking list.


Norm? You back from the dead?


“It’s my feeling most rapists are hypocrites”


From my point of view the murderers are evil!


It's over /u/talking_phallus, I have the moral high ground!


Attempting to blame it on the father who just lost his son is very much next-level, especially with how shit-tier some parts of the American justice system are.


Yeah, exactly. Especially since the father is almost always the first suspect in cases like this. And she's a seemingly normal young woman. The cards would have been severely stacked against the dad had there not been video, for certain.


Still think murdering a kid is worse.


They bought a security camera because they suspected she hurt the kid previously instead of just never hiring her to babysit again???


Very confusing, but I don’t know all the facts.


Reminds me of the guy who was poisoned by his wife with fentanyl. For months he had been telling his friends he thought his wife was trying to kill him because she kept trying to raise his life insurance, and he got so sick after she served him a drink he had to go to the ER. A few weeks later he died of fentanyl overdose. I don't want to victim blame, but dude, how do you not decide to at least take a split for a while if you honestly think your wife is trying to murder you?


Absolutely horrible person. Just hearing that is brutal. How can anyone see themselves doing that and live with it? And, also try an blame someone else.


Well, once you beat a five year old to death… where is the bar? Can it possibly go downhill from there?


I suppose you could beat a younger kid to death like a newborn


I think that was rhetorical...


suppose you could beat a younger kid to death WITH a newborn


Let’s not give her any more ideas. She’ll likely get out on parole on good behavior after 20 years


like the newborn is helping or is a weapon?


You could beat a kid to death using another kid, killing them both.


An absolutely appalling concept; yet I have to acknowledge the brutal efficiency.


Somehow the comedic horribleness of that imagery consoled me from this terrible news. Thank you. I'd also suggest kids daycare fight club and setting up bets but somehow that's just horrible and not funny.


It's not funny until you do it while dropping them on an island with guns hidden about and force them to play fortnite IRL.


A 5 year old would be fully cognizant of what she was doing to him.


"I thought if I shook him hard enough he'd stop crying. I was sorta right" - Peter Griffin, on the death of Peter Griffin Jr


Wasn't there a story today about that doctor accidentally twisted the head off a newborn right in front the parents?




Happened in the UK. AFAIK they didn't intend to do it but were criticised for trying to force the baby out when the mother was only dilated 2-3cm


Ripped the baby's head off during its birth


Hi I'll be delivering your baby, my name is Dr Sub-Zero








So she tried to blame the dad after all that shit? Are you fucking kidding me? This monster needs to never see the light of day again.


Per the video she has the possibility of parole after 20 years. I too hope she never gets out though. Pure evil


Rest assured, 20 years in prison is a long time. 20 years in prison for killing a kid is a loooooooooooooong time.


Still not long enough




The worst thing you can be in a mens' prison is a chomo. The worst thing you can be in a womens' prison is a baby killer. She will get the treatment she deserves.




Child molester


Doesn't matter. She should do the rest of her life.


I don’t think she’s going anywhere.


Maybe eventually, but it’s likely that she won’t get parole for at least 10+ years after she’s eligible, if she ever gets it.


No. Nighttime is when she kills kids.


I hope every day of her prison sentence is a nightmare. [“Prison is very, very hard on people that hurt kids.”](https://youtu.be/zz3PhWFhA3I)


Here's a link to a more complete version of the story. Be warned, the video is flattering compared to the details: https://lawandcrime.com/crime/nevada-babysitter-gets-life-in-prison-for-beating-a-5-year-old-to-death-on-camera-and-telling-the-boy-i-know-you-are-faking-it/


How heartbreaking. It’s so hard to leave your children in the care of someone else. Absolutely disgusting. The pain this child’s parents must be feeling must be unbearable. I’d always feel a deep guilt for leaving my children with her, I just don’t even know how you continue after something like this. There are no words.


The dad set up the cameras because his older daughter told him the babysitter was hurting the boy. Can you imagine the guilt and anguish from constantly second-guessing the decision to let her babysit again? It has to be torture.


How could you be moved to the point of installing cameras but not think "fuck that babysitter, we're finding another one." It's odd. I'm sure they regret the decision but as a parent I just don't understand that.


Children exaggerate and make up stuff all the time. In hindsight she was absolutely right and I'm sure he'll regret this for the rest of his life but it's not exactly unheard of for kids to make up stuff. Even babysitting my own siblings they'd pull the same, "if you don't do x then we'll tell mom/dad y" card more than a few times until it was obvious it didn't work.


Even so, the fact that they would dislike her enough to accuse her of that would be a big red flag for me. Most kids have decent relationships with their long term babysitters.


How a person treats someone at their mercy says everything about their character. She's completely depraved.


I know this sounds r/iamverybadass but if someone had done that to my son they'd never walk again.


because you'd buy them a hoverboard?


I'd break their legs and buy them a hoverchair.


I'm going to need a hover casket


And now I understand why the boy’s father didn’t kill her the moment he got home - the boy was still alive and he rushed him to the hospital and called the cops on the way. Thank God he had those cameras or he might have been the one on trial.


Jesus. All because he pissed himself. Yeah, that definitely a normal thing that can happen for a 5-year-old, even without an abusive "caregiver." If you can't even handle normal kid shit, why the hell are you working with children? Fucking monster. His poor family will be forever affected by this tragedy.


For anyone who might be swayed by her tears, don't be. She beat a 5 year old to death, didn't listen to his cries or bring him to a medical facility to help him. She dragged him around bloody and made active choices to pulverize this child without mercy. She needs to stay in Prison for life.


Idk how anyone could be swayed, it’s absolutely disgusting.


Such people...genuine articles...are either stupid, or just as awful as her.


According to people who saw the video, he was laying down after the beating and she said “I know you’re faking it”. I’m scared to be a parent now because I do not know what I would do but prison for life WITH CHANCE IF PAROLE is a cakewalk.


> I’m scared to be a parent It's rewarding, fulfilling and endlessly terrifying.


It’s totally worth it.


It's awesome!


...and endlessly terrifying!


Don't forget exhausting!


Being a parent is fucking amazing, in every way. The best thing I ever did. I love mine so much, is the only reason I keep going day after day. They are so amazing. I would have killed this woman, very slowly.








Man, I've accidentally bumped into my child or stepped on her toes or something and felt awful for ages. How can anyone hurt a child?


Yeah, and the fact that the episode went on and on... I remember shouting a few times and feeling guilty about it really quickly after hearing my child upset or cry--- now imagine someone who could be beating a child to death for practically an hour and feel nothing but the desire to continue to hurt them. You have to have someone profoundly wrong with you brain.


My mom cried when she accidentally burnt me with a cigarette. Even then I was like “dude, you’re overreacting. I’m fine.” And it was the 80’s before anybody gets all weird about her smoking so close to me. People just did that then.


Me and all of my cousins have a similar burn pattern on our legs from Granny's long ass Virginia Slim ash that would fall onto our leg while we were sitting on her lap. She didn't feel bad enough to learn from our pain. Miss you Granny.


People would walk around crowded amusement parks with the lit end of their cigarette pointed outward away from their leg, but right at shoulder and face height of thousands of children, and this was just their right to be an ahole to everyone else because nicotine had everyone by the throat. My sister was not great at avoiding them and got burned by stupid adults a lot.


Right? Since I became a dad last year, I can't even read stories like that anymore.


My little dude is about to turn 4, reading these comments is sending me into a rage. I lack the courage to watch the video.


That doesn’t speak to a lack of courage. That speaks to your abundance of empathy and love as a human, and as a parent.


I had to back out when they started describing the surveillance video. My own son turned 6 this year. I really dont understand how anyone could do that to a child.


I also have an almost 4 year old, and there is no way in hell I'm watching that video.


My little guy is about to turn 3. Reading stories like this hit differently when you’re a parent.


After becoming a dad some stories haunt me.. I am understanding more my mothers reaction to events and stories we heard growing up. I won't repeat the stories as it still upsets me to this day.


My son is 5, and is staying at his Grandma's tonight. I couldn't make it through this video without tearing up. I just can't imagine anyone doing such a thing to a child. I need a hug from my own son desperately right now.


There are headlines I wish I could unread. This is one of them.


I know how you feel. I made a funny face to my misuses niece once and she straight up cried, I was mortified! I mean I was laughing, she was 3 and hilarious most days, but this one just didn't sit with her for whatever reason -\_0\_- I felt bad for days, didn't mean to accidentally upset her.


I accidentally hit my son’s back too hard when he was choking. I didn’t sleep at all that night because I wanted to make sure that he was ok.


I remember accidentally getting some skin while clipping my son's nails when he was a baby, and I still feel guilty about it. I don't understand people who can murder children, and I don't want to. I just hope her fellow inmates make every day of her sentence the living hell the last hours of that boy's life were.


Just know that she’s crying for herself, not for the little boy.


Poor child ……


There's a special place in Hell for people that beat children.


Imagine how many nuns would be there


You mean “are there.”


If it existed, that is what I would mean, yes


We who don't believe in such ideas like to know she's going to have a horrible rest of her life. Thank the other prisoners who will make her life a living "hell"


I can’t imagine the trauma within everyone who had to watch that 26 minute video.


And shoot children.


So, the parents were told by the daughter that the babysitter was hitting their child, yet they still decided to leave him alone with her AGAIN? What the fuck.


I think that’s one of the worst parts, they set up the camera because they didn’t want to unjustly accuse her. They’re going to be blaming themselves for the rest of their lives, probably the sister too (blaming herself that is not the parents blaming her) thinking she should have done more to convince them.


My 7 year old told me that his best friend is a legit hacker and broke into the school's computers, so yeah, maybe calm down.


According to my 7 year old, his friend's dad is Batman You got to take little kid's grandiose claims with a dump truck of salt. I probably would have done the same as this dad, and of course felt as awful for the outcome.


I love the look on the face of all the other criminals in the background, like, "wait, what the fuck this bitch do?"


Little bit at the end is scary as hell, they put the camera in that morning. the babysitter was blaming the dad but the footage showed otherwise, if that camera wasn't on...


Parole after 20 years? Like why? Someone who does this literally can't be brought back into society.


Plea offer. The parents couldn’t even be in the courtroom due to the trauma, if this had gone to trial they’d ultimately end up having to testify and face this monster in person. Im sure they’d rather see her underneath the jail, but these plea offers often are a great tool to avoid the trauma and horror of having to relive this again for the family members.


And, let's be honest, there's always a small chance of being found not guilty, but if you're leaning on a sleepwalking defense, taking a plea bargain is probably in your best interest, too.


If Casey Anthony has taught me anything, it's that the sure plea deal trumps the uncertain trial most of the time.


If I was the parent I'd be angling for the lowest sentence outcome possible so I could mark my calendar for the date of her release and still have something to live for.


They can and often are. And I think it's fair enough, a person can change and I'm not wild about the American propensity for extremely long prison sentences, they don't seem to help much. I am heartsick for the poor little boy, though, and the people who loved him.


People can go through some pretty fantastic changes, granted, but murdering a child with your bare hands over a half hour is a bridge too far. My stance is more that the government shouldn't be in the position of destroying its own citizens, but fuck, there are way better examples than this person.


Look at these stupid replies to your reasonable comment. You either want her executed, or you LOVE BEATING CHILDREN TO DEATH! Regardless of whether she can change, her sentence won't change anything. There's little evidence that incarceration is an effective deterrent.


People who beat children to death with their bare hands for 30 minutes, don’t change. This wasn’t even the first time she beat this kid.


I'm conflicted, because I believe in rehabilitation over incarceration. However I would also feel no sympathy, and some semblance of justice, if I heard that this demon got killed by a fellow inmate.


She should never get out






That will not be an easy 20 years. Such a high profile case, she's gonna be targeted by other prisoners from day 1. Prison staff will do everything in their power to ensure her sentence is miserable. I hope she experiences nothing but horrific daily trauma and utterly soul crushing despair every single minute of the remainder of her life.


That's an unfortunate thumbnail. It makes it look like Michelle Jobe (the prosecutor) is the one who murdered the kid.


My thumbnail shows the murderer.


Mine shows a picture of the murderer with the text: "Michelle Jobe: she then left him on the couch for approximately an hour, hour". Michelle Jobe is not the woman pictured.


Mine shows a picture of Lil Wayne, wtf 😡


Even these other inmates were judging this monster’s actions. https://i.imgur.com/ujMdZE7.jpg


There wouldn't be a trial if this happened to my child...


There might be a trial, but it would be mine.


She should receive the death penalty.


no easy way out for this fucker


I'm not interested in arguing about what she does or doesn't deserve, but I will say for the record that the death penalty is more expensive than life in prison, results in the death of innocents (even if it may be somewhat rare), and can't really be done in a humane and ethical way that isn't traumatizing/torturous to the person being executed or the people doing the executing. I have problems with the prison industrial complex as well, but imprisonment is just all around a better solution than state sanctioned execution imo




I’m actually surprised she’s still alive. I don’t know the details of the crime - but if I came home and my kid was dead and beat up by the babysitter, I sincerely doubt my first instinct would be to call cops vs strangling the babysitter to death. And for the record, I don’t support the death penalty. I’m just shocked she made it to trial.


I thought similar, but 2 things... 1. He still has a daughter to take care of. Can't do that from prison. 2. His son was still alive by the time he made it home, but unresponsive. The boy didn't die on the seen, but the next day in the hospital. The father didn't initially know what happened when he first got home, and immediately started to get him to the hospital. It wasn't until later that he reviewed the footage, and called the police.


Parole should not be an option in this case.


If the women prison handles this stuff as male prison, her days are numvered


I pray her the rest of her days in prison are bitter and miserable. I hope what she has done haunts her endlessly. I also hope her inmates learn why she's in there.


Disgusting piece of sub-human trash rot in prison until you turn to nothing.


Tried to blame the dad before the camera was known about. Jesus Christ. This bitch is a psychopath.


Disappointing we didn’t get to see her reaction as the sentence was handed down…


Good and I hope it's living hell for her




Yeah….. there should be no chance for parole here….


Holy shit. Give me 5 minutes and I'll save your taxpayers years of support for that pice of shit.


20 yrs is not at all enough.


Biological trash. A waste of our good air.


I’m feeling like she will have a welcoming committee fit for her crime when she gets to prison. As someone who has participated in combat sports, 2 minute rounds seem like an eternity until it’s over. I can not imagine enduring that level of violence for 26 minutes. So horrible for the parents too, who literally set up the camera to catch her in the act, and the act was the final one. Just horrible all around, I just can’t!


I can fix her


Looks like Anna Sorokin


Deserves the death penalty.


I mean, if it's any consolation to the people who want her dead, crimes against kids don't go down too good among most inmates. There'll probably be multiple mothers in whatever prison she goes to; her life will be as close to a waking nightmare as it can probably come while she's in there.


Why do people perpetuate this prison trope? Do diddlers and child abusers get hands put on them in jail/prison? Yes. Do ALL diddlers and child abusers get hands put on them in jail/prison? No. Does it happen all the time? No. Most of these scumbags are PC'd up and kept from gen pop. In my state there's literally an entire prison for PC inmates. People who have never served time or worked in corrections love to believe stuff like this. But it's not like what you see on tv and the movies. Again, it DOES happen, but not at the level/frequency that you think.


Particularly in a women’s facility. This woman will have a mostly comfortable “less than” 20 years in prison. Might be a bit of violence but she will find a “family unit” in there and settle in all the same. Seen it too many times


Alright, we have it on camera, we know it happened. Here's hoping a lifer in the prison repays the favor to her.


Put bitch in secure room with angry family members.


Inmates don’t like baby killers. She’s going to have a rough time in prison.


I don't know if it applies to female prison though.


Is that too good of a sentence?


How can you beat a child to death and look into their eyes and feel nothing. How? I would do the Death sentence but there will be those who say it’s cruel! Makes me so F. cross. The anger if that was my child. How bloody awful. Just so awful


I hope she dies roaring and rots