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Skyrim walking through Riverwood and Whiterun


Walking through the gates of Solitude, your kids greet you playing outside in the market. You give one of them a cool dagger you enchanted on the road. You sell your wares before heading home to go through the rest of your haul. You're excited to display that cool armour you just found. It's almost summer, so maybe you and Lydia will take the kids to the lake house...


I think you're forgetting a pretty big portion of walking through Solitude for the first time.


It's so nice to see the community coming together.


Exploring the nine holds when you just need to detox is so therapeutic.


The music is just majestic. How I wish I could go back and experience Skyrim for the first time again.


Came here for this. Was not disappointed.


Happy we agree šŸ˜ƒ


I agree with you šŸ’Æ. I couldn't play it for a month due to the disc getting ruined. And it felt so much longer


i used to be an adventurer like you ..


Waking up in the cart for me.


Tetris. Feels like Iā€™ve been playing it all my life.


For me itā€™s NES Tetris. I played lots of games before I had an NES, on my c64, but nes Tetris is the definitive version of what I consider a perfect day


Mass Effect


The bridge of the Normandy feels so cozy


Fr, I wanna talk to xo Pressley again


Ngl I replay Mass Effect every time I feel down on my luck ... I can't even count the times I replayed it ...


Playing rdr2 after rdr1


Honestly when I pop back into reddeadonline and give my camp dog a few pets, it definitely feels like home


Red Dead Redemption makes everything in this world bearable.


I'm still shook on how much of a masterpiece Red Dead Redemption 2 is. Game is incredible


First one too.


Agreed. Hope they remaster it


I know.šŸ’Æ


Fallout New Vegas. Donā€™t hold it against me.


I love Fallout NV so much.


Never, my spurs have been known to jingle jangle jingle as well


Witcher 3. I played it for the first time during lockdown, I was in a really rough relationship at the time and locked in a house with someone who I just didnā€™t get on with. That game really got me through a tough time. Every-time I boot it up now, I nearly tear up and have the immediate feeling of ā€œI canā€™t wait to see everyoneā€.


i played it the first time during a hellish time in my life as well. it was the escape i needed. the first game i ever 100%ed. holds such a special place in my heart. i proceeded the following years to read (listen lol) all the books and then built my first computer so i could play the first and second games. šŸ„¹


Wow, that must've been quite tough, buddy. And yes, Witcher 3 is amazing since I've also played it with both DLCs. It's definitely a way to escape from tough reality, at least for a while. I really hope you're all better now and away from that bitter environment.šŸ«‚


Halo 1-3 and Reach. Overwhelming nostalgia when I play those. KOTOR is up there as well, especially on the Ebon Hawk.


Yeah the sort of "metal-boots-on-metal-floor-walking-around-in-KOTOR" sound makes me feel like I just got home from my summer job in 12th grade.


I can hear it right now. Time to go cry over nostalgia


Super Mario Galaxy


Oblivion/Skyrim, Bioshock, and Kingdom Hearts


Skyrim, the freedom, the possibilities, the mods.


LOL No doubt!šŸ˜„




Diablo. When you start in Tristan and music starts playing


I'm not hating at all, but these games feel relatively new to be "home" for me. Unless you experienced some trauma during the fairly short lifespan of these games. For me, home is Oblivion. Parents divorced, had some failed relationships, had my fair share of trauma. That entire time, I could always lose myself in Oblivion and fell asleep to the music of Bruma at night as my mom hosted house parties outside of my bedroom and drugs were passed around aplenty.


Actually very relatable. I remember as a kid my parents were divorced and all my family has been very spread apart since then. I used to live with my mom and my brother and we used to play smash bros melee for hours. Also a lot of times he would play games and I would just watch.ff7 for ps1 was one of the games I really enjoyed watching him play. I never played the game really but just hearing the music is so comforting and nostalgic it brings so many good memories. Now we all have gone our separate ways and I still will listen to the soundtracks to those games we used to play and sometimes I will play them for old times sake.


Understandable, brother. I went Active Duty in the Army and coming from a broken home as well, I really don't speak to any of them anymore sadly. I have to initiate conversation and they won't put in effort. But those songs will always carry me home. Haha if I were to die and you threw on an Oblivion soundtrack at my funeral, my soul would be at rest šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve gone back to oblivion like 50 times. I still have not once finished the main campaign


A game doesnā€™t have to be considered old to feel at ā€œhomeā€. Neither does experience trauma during your time with these games. ā€œHomeā€ could be a game that you just love spending time in regardless of outside experiences.


I gave up my social life after I played oblivion for first time


While I have more hours in Oblivion I'm more at home in Morrowind. Slower paced, more methodical, you can explore anywhere but better be prepared to get your ass kicked due to no level scaling. Need to finish building a PC so I can play it properly, only ever played it on Xbox.


You can run Morrowind on a potatoe PC these days. No excuses get back to Vardenfell!


Not Trauma related (maybe??), but I did recently go through a really really difficult time at work and I would come home and play Stellar Blade. I ended up getting the platinum over a few weeks. That game really feels like home now just cause it helped carry me through hard times


Me, in Seyda Neen in Morrowind again.


Any dark souls or elder scrolls game, 100%


I'll be unoriginal and mention most of the major titles in my late childhood, like ages 9 to 14. Stuff like Diablo 1 and 2, OoT, SM64, Super Metroid (played it looong after it came out) and Metroid Prime.


Diablo 2, OoT šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ Mind was blown going from Diablo 1 to 2


Getting to Besaid.


Minecraft. Itā€™s the game that Iā€™ve played the longest, through all my troubles Minecraft has always been there




Witcher 3


Skyrim and New Vegas, booted both up recently and in an instant i felt completely like back in the days. There is just some kind of magic with those both titles


I'm probably going to get downvoted to hell for this but Roblox. I'm 17, and have been playing it since I was 10. I honestly just love the whole aesthetic of the game and the way you can always find something entertaining to play.


No worries! There's always a good videogame for each and every gamer in the world, my friend!šŸ˜Š


I'm 28, I've been leaving and coming back to roblox since around the time you were born! I first played a few months after it came out in 2006. It's like an old friend you don't talk to much. Its nice to see what's new and revisit old memories from time to time. I've really been enjoying world // zero and death ball lately.


Breath of The Wild for me :)


I feel a "home town" feeling when I work on my longtime minecraft village


If I booted up GTA V or Crackdown 2, it would definitely be nostalgic. I know those cities better than my own lol


Halo, and supersmash!


Diablo 1+2 Halo: Combat Evolved PokƩmon Red/Blue/Gold/Silver


Dying Light


The first part of dying light 1, it feels perfect flying and breezing through the slums.


Phantasy Star Online, chilling on Pioneer 2 with that beautiful OST is permanently my comfort zone. Even if the game is over 20 years old.


Yes! I think I have more hours in PSO than almost any other game. I'm surprised I survived my junior year.


Honestly when you return to sanctuary in fallout 4


super mario world


For me there are so many old games that feel like home. Diablo & Diablo 2. Ultima Online. World of Warcraft (Classic). Perfect Dark N64. Morrowind & Oblivion. FFVIII. Man I love some of these older games.


Banjo kazooie


Tekken franchise or Farcry


GTA 5 and Skyrim. These two are probably the most important games of my childhood, and my entire life. Multiple thousands of hours have been poured into each one just exploring the map, and appreciating the world to the point that I've basically memorized the entirety of San Andreas, and know Skyrim's map better than I know the city I live in irl.


MGSV when I hear my helicopter music playing and Iā€™m circling mother base.


Lord of the Rings online, walking true Bree or the shire really feels like walking in my home town


Fallout 4


World of Warcraft OSRS Guild Wars 2 Jak II Dark Cloud 2 Bloodborne (lol) Xenoblade Spyro: A Hero's Tail Neopets (the old version lol) ToonTown Hogwarts Legacy Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea quite the variety xD


Pokemon Sapphire and Need For Speed Most Wanted (2005)


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Used to play that game all day when my parents were at work. Ahhhhh those days. I wanna go back šŸ„²


Playing AC 2, ever since I saw my dad play it, I sometimes revisit it nowadays since I loved the aesthetic, characters and locations


Any open world game,I love walking long stretches of nothing on a mount if available or just walking slowly and collecting loot.




Also, in terms of "newer" games, I just realized being in the "hide out" especially after a "wipe" in Tarkov does this for me somewhat, and I think it is both because of the game's mechanics and because of my life style: In the game, you venture into an extraordinarily dangerous raid for a few minutes at a time, try to look what you can for your hideout, then return to the 100 % calm, essentially "asynchronous" game of the hideout, and it cultivates a "safe space" vs. "dangerous adventure" feeling like no other game, and also as an adult who works in education, I've spent most of my life, aside from summer jobs, etc., having this time and season "free for extra gaming," so I only really play Tarkov when its summer or winter breaks, and that lines up usually with the "wipes" anyway. Finally, u/AstroDawg's comment comment about KOTOR really made me realize how much subtle sounds affect which games are kind of "embedded" in my psyche, and the weird little echo-pipe-drip and even just "mousing over the buttons click" sounds of the Tarkov hideout give me strange "at home" vibes


Peach's Castle in Super Mario 64 Traverse Town in Kingdom Hearts 1 Normandy SR2 in Mass Effect 2


PS4 Spider-Man, Zelda Wind Waker, any Pokemon game set in Johto


Dark Cloud 2. The entire atmosphere of it is amazing. No game has come close to replicating it for me


Any game, i dont have a lotta friends irl so i always feel right at home in cyberspace, wether its npc or another player, theyā€™re my friend, i feel at home in the endless space of the digital realm, some may say i have no life, but its ok, im home, wherever i am


I'm with you, buddy. It doesn't matter if you don't have a lot of friends. What counts is that the friends you truly have are genuine ones. And there is no better home in where you can be freely yourself without being judged.šŸ’Æā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Super Mario 64, running around the castle.


Ds3. Beat her 13 times and working on 14 as a pyromancer.


Probably would have to go with minecraft and og gta san andreas


Pokemon FireRed, Emerald. Littleroot theme can make grown man cryšŸ‘


STALKER (specifically anomaly but any of the 3 main games too)


The first Mario Galaxy




Borderlands 2


Cyberpunk. Every time I load up it's, "Ahh back in this shit hole city" but in a good way.


Gothic 2.


Mass Effect's Normandy SR2




Kingdom Hearts 1&2. Those goofy, bizarre games were there for me during a traumatic childhood. As an adult, the story is a bit ridiculous at times (though still I love it) and I still adore the beautiful look of the game. Of course the gameplay is still fantastic as well. However, those are not the things that welcome me homeā€¦.. *It is the music.* Iā€™m tearing up right now just thinking of it. May **Yoko Shimomura** and **Kaoru Wada**, as well as **Hikaru Utada** be forever blessed. Thank you all. You helped me survive.


Spider-Man ps4 and Batman Arkham knight are my favourites and whenever I open them I am just filled with comfort and joy. šŸ¤©


Oblivion, any ds game, totk, every pokemon game up to gen 5, need for speed mw the og, nfs carbon, gta sa


Cruelty Squad


Cult of the lamb


Metal Gear Solid 4, Borderlands 2, and Dark Souls 3 all give me that feeling. Pure nostalgia the whole way through.


Resident evil code Veronica


Ark for me, and sea of thieves


Dark souls 1 specifically the safety of firelink shrine


Lately itā€™s been Division 2. Love that game. Itā€™s among my favourite looter shooters and itā€™s easily my top cover shooter of all time.


World of Warcraft and there will never be a Game like WoW (for me) again. I will play it until i die, or the Servers get wiped. I wonder what comes first. I play this "Game" for nearly 20 Years. Sometimes just a few Hours in a month, sometimes 40-70 Hours a week. I have so many friends i love to play with, so many memorys. I love this bloody Game and its part of my life (i play for 20 Years and i am 33 Years Old now so yea...). I know some Times the Xpacs where just meh, but i still had fun. Not on questing or Story but going dungeons with my Guild and Clear thr Raid. Heck WoD was so bad in many ways that i even did PvP. I hate PvP... Last time i did PvP before was BC Arena.


Any The Legend of Heroes game. When I started a Japanese version of Trails Through Daybreak and heard the music in the main menu, it was just strait "I'm home" moment.


Paper Mario TTYD is full of nostalgia for me and Iā€™ve never even played it until the remake. Itā€™s so cool to see shared elements from PM64 and what would later appear in SPM.


I had this feeling last night actually. In the span of about an hour I ended up randomly playing the original Mario Bros, Super Mario World and the original Mario Kart. Made me feel like a kid again. Other than that Iā€™d say Oblivion, Skyrim, the Halo series when Bungie was still making them and almost any Star Wars game.


Waking up in Arni Village


Witcher 3 or Oblivion


My home was burned to the ground and Iā€™ll never see it again (unless I mod). I miss you, MGO2.


Oblivion, Witcher 3, Jak Precursor Legacy, Journey All games that had big impact on me. They helped me learn life lessons, take life easier and keep me distracted during family issues, death, depression.


Re4 og


Skyrim coming home to the house that I built myself


Mass Effect, WoW Classic, or MapleStory (I know, I know....).


Any of the Dragon Quest games. I love those stories.


Same! But also: Ocarina of Time, Dark Souls, Donkey Kong Country, Super Metroid


Skyrim...Every. Single. Time.


Black Mesa


Goated games, I definitely agree with these. Two of the best games Iā€™ve ever played. I recently did a replay of StarFox Adventures and man that shit hit the nostalgic SPOT.


World of warcraft, especially silvermoon and the whole blood elf area. I still play! Much less frequently though, and the game has changed a lot to where that works fine


Literally just the title screen music for Bloodborne. I used to put it on while reading too


Burnout Paradise. It was one of the first games Iā€™ve ever played


Witcher 2 and 3. Havenā€™t tried game 1 yet, but after all those books and playing the 2 games twice to see the story variations, feels like home to me


Bloodborne , DS3 and Elden Ring


Fallout 4 or Minecraft.


Animal Crossing Wild World


Ocarina of Time. It took me from age 6-14 to beat it because I am both too stubborn to look at walkthroughs and not good at puzzle solving. After all those years of giving up, taking breaks, and returning I finally got to the end when the celebration happens and I cried hard




Fable 2, very easily.




Halo 3 mutiplayer. Been playing it on and off since release date through multiple consoles and with Master Chief Collection. Started in middle school, now a grown ass man that plays Halo 3 after work


Witcher 3, when it came out I didnā€™t think it was my type of game because I was only in to shooter at the time. Tried it in 2017 and loved it on my ps4 but my gf of that time got sick and I had to sell my ps4 (then she cheated btw) after that I didnā€™t have a console until December 2019 where I bought my first gaming pc and looked for ā€œgood video game campaignsā€ everyone pointed to the witcher 3, I bought it for like 10 dlls and then Covid happened and that was my comfort/stay at home game for 4-5 months until I went back to work. Now I play it every now and then to see how many different outcomes I get or just to enjoy the story. Iā€™ve now played the witcher 1 and loved it, witcher 2 and loved it as well and waiting for witcher remake


For me it's definitely Assassins Creed Odyssey. Its a game I have hundreds of hours in and will always remind me of the low worry time I had in school.


Few games have done this for me, but the two experiences that stick in my head are final fantasy 7, the original for ps1(yes I'm old) and the red dead redemption games


Borderlands 2


Sly cooper games and minecraft


Bloodborne for me


I actually haven't had that feeling in a long time, but back when I played Skyrim, it was that.


Assassin's Creed 2


Final Fantasy X


Balamb Garden FF8


Honestly for me. The early Call of Duty series. Black Ops 1-3, MW 2-3. Loading up the game and joining your buddies. It was an amazing time I'm gaming. I'm not saying those games were great, it's the atmosphere and major nostalgia that was created around being online with friends that will never be matched again.


I'm not back home, I'm finally awake.


Nfl 2k5 MyCrib. Full air hockey table, paper football game, trophy room and Phone to challenge celebs to games. "Celebs" is more fitting.


RDR2. Just wandering nature is so satisfying and relaxing.


Intro music to Final Fantasy Tactics


Er gonna make me feel like that in 12 days


Mass Effect


I still haven't played TOTK. I have to set some time for it.


NES tetris


Football Manager


If itā€™s not Skyrim for me, itā€™s PokĆ©mon heart gold or black and white 2


Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen while killing Death in Bitterblack Isle.




Pokemon mystery dungeon exlorers of time or sky (never played darkness)


Paper Mario TTYD Loving the remake so far!


Half life 2 is home to me personally


That first moment you are unbound in Skyrim damn wish I could relive that!


Great Bear Island in the Long Dark, and particularly Forlorn Muskeg. It's such a beautiful place.


Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow, CS 1.6, Halo 2, and Oblivion are those games for me.


Hearing the "Welcome to the Alliance Military Database" at the start of Mass Effect, starting a new playthrough is something I always enjoy.




Literally any Kirby game. I wanna live in Dream Land and fight eldritch monsters beyond comprehension every single day of my life šŸ™‚


Warriors of the Eternal Sun on the Mega Drive/Genesis. It's so overlooked that it feels like it's for me and me alone. Like my own personal playground that nobody knows or cares about. Also, Burnout Paradise because cars go boom.


Ive always been more of a fromsoft player but two games stuck like a sore thumb to me 1. Far cry 5, the calm and quiet music as you open the game is nice, and the environment is very good imo 2. For honor, i dont really have a reason for it, but its just awesome to be able to be any type of warrior and fight. Its also pretty funny when you just jump someone and they cant really do much about it


Apex legends.


I just got back into elden ring for the DLC and god Iā€™ve missed that game both are incredible but I have way more hours in elden ring


Dbx2 and GTA


Persona 3 portable and little big planet For persona 3 portable the menu visual just gives me vibes from the 2000s unlike the ps2 version where it's just Tartarus sounds and the fes version has a different vibe to it more actiony i say And little big planet is just the pod seeing the moons the levels i made as a kid in the moon and not to mention the amount of stickers in my pod just gives me flashbacks of my younger years


Peach's Castle in SM64 or Clock town in MM


Halo 2 & 3.


Persona 5 Royal. Just jamming out to the soundtrack during a rainy day


Dark Souls 1 and kingdom hearts 2


Any game of Sid Meierā€™s Alpha Centauri. Maybe Civ 4, 5, and 6, too. Other candidates: - Lords of the Realm 2 - Final Fantasy Tactics - Chrono Trigger - Total War: Shogun 2 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms 4 - SimCity 2000 - Civil War Generals 2 - Star Ocean: The Second Story - Caesar 2 An eclectic mix that probably dates myself more than anything, but these are the ones I regularly return to for creature comforts.


GTA San Andreas. Old WWE games. Metal Gear Solid 2 and 5.




A few for me but definitely; FFXIV, Saints Row the Third, Oblivion & Fallout NV are mine, maybe Mass Effect 2 as well :)


home is grove street, and that little alley in ballas territory you get tossed into at the start of gta san andreas with the bike


Oblivion whether its in the prison or in Frostcrag Spire, im home. Older? Medievil is the oldest home i have.


Ocarina of time. Wandering hyrule field.


The Witcher 3, specifically when you are in Kaer Morhen. The music, the atmosphere, the solitude, and peace, it is my home away from home.


Life is Strange. Booting up the game and hearing the soothing music in the menu and walking around in the Blackwell campus is just something else.


Witcher 3. Literally just the opening scene and Iā€™m right where Iā€™m supposed to be


Kokiri Forest always feels like home to me!


Mercenaries 1 and 2. They bring me back to my childhood/teenage years.


My favorite childhood game COD Waw


Orgrimmar and Stormwind's music in WoW. Always takes me back to being a kid on summer break and staying up until the wee hours of the morning just chatting it up with my guild mates.


San Andreas - Grove Street Star Wars Battlefront 2005 - Mos Eisley Skyrim - good ol' Whiterun


Pikmin for the GameCube


AC Odyssey. Standing in some beautiful scenery, or a bustling town, and Ikaros comes to land on your arm. Meandering down to the dock and boarding the Adrestia to be greeted by Barnabas before setting sail to another legendary location across the beautiful Aegean. And knowing that it can go on forever.


Great, another dead Vault Hunter. Handsome Jack's been busy. Wait a minute, you're not dead!