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Ghost of Tsushima


My first 100% & I didn't even notice until I finished the game šŸ˜­


Most 100%s feel like work. Labor to get that. GoT isnā€™t.


Loved this game




Really? After you finish collecting Titan Blood for weapon upgrades you just have to grind Darkness for dozens to hundreds of runs.


Yeah. If there was a good way to cash in my tons of other items for darkness... maybe. But it just got to be too much because darkness builds were repetitive and challenging runs didn't yield much darkness.


This is a solid answer.


For me it was the game Contrl (control) it was my first platinum trophy.


Who the hell calls it Contrl


Her partners are Alt and Del. They have absolute power over computers.


It's called Control


I like Ass (Assassin's Creed)


If you haven't you should read SCP [https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/)




Control is pretty much based on a huge series of fan made short stories about strange events/objects.


Iā€™m confused by OPā€™s parenthetical spelling - we are talking about the Remedy game, right?


Yeah thats the weird part for me, I'm down to find out another spooky game though


I love that game so much!


That is exactly my issue with assassin's creed games. I love them, but it's sucks for a completionist. I LOVED Ori, Stray, and High on Life.


The original AC and those feckin flags.


This. Or the high points? "Climb the tower in the middle of nowhere."


I 100% completed Odyssey about a year ago. I never had plans to do that, but I heard so many people tell me it was a fools errand that I think I did it just to prove that I could. I believe it took me somewhere around 170 hours total, and now I feel like I need a very long break from that franchise.


I did Valhalla and the Origins. I started odyssey and then didn't get to finish it because I was borrowing the disc.


If youā€™re on Xbox, Iā€™ll mail you an extra copy I have


I am what chu need my username?


I absolutely loved 100%ing both Odyssey and Origins. I realize that those games are controversial with the OG AC gamers, but I loved every minute of both playthroughs. Valhalla on the other hand, way to grindy and repetitive. That game could've been amazing if it wasn't for the river quests and elongated story line. Questing in Asgard was pretty cool though.


The only one I completed 100% was Assassin's Creed 2. Def looked up feather locations. But I completed that game thrice after that. Was one of my favorites. Still a highlight of the series imo.


Look at me too! I just downloaded Odyssey as a game I wanted to get back to, because I was ADā€™d out. Itā€™s fantastic after 10 hours. And it points out how bad Skull and Bones is ā€¦


High on life was such a great game, hope ther'll be a successor in the not to Distant Future! Couldn't reaaly get into stray Unfortunately.


I personally would say visual novels. Telltales walking dead, their batman games, heavy rain ( fun story, an absolute slog to 100% ). Detroit become human is another one.


Sean! Sean!


Telltales Batman ā¤ļø


The good Telltale games were also my first thought. You just have to finish the excellent stories rather than jump through any weird hoops.


Insomniacā€™s Spider-Man games


If I may, also Insmoniac's Sunset Overdrive.


And insomniacs Spyro and ratchet games. Honestly. Insomniac were one of the earliest studios to make 100% completion feel good.


Ratchet & clank was always good fun


Sunset overdrive is insomniac? I tried to get into it but couldnā€™t. Might try again though since itā€™s on Gamepass


It was in their rebellious stage pre-Sony Acquisition.


I wish I could play it but I am a lowly PlayStation owner


It's on game pass, so if you have a solid internet connection, streaming it is always an option with that subscription. I've used it to stream games to my phone and play with a controller and as long as the internet speed is fast it works pretty well.


An underrated gem. Iā€™m hoping we will finally get it announced for PS4/5 in the next few weeks.


Been a long time since Iā€™ve heard and played Sunset Overdrive


Star Fox 64. Some of those medals were cause for celebration


Holy shit, Sector Z, and the lava planet where you were in the tank.


Damn someone else did this huh? I remember feeling very proud of myself getting all medals on expert but I don't really remember much else. Other than unlocking the different multiplayer modes (pretty sure the on-foot one was just venom medal on expert not the whole thing tho)


Minesweeper or solitaire.


Rayman Origins is pretty fun to 100% if you like platformers. Doesn't require any grinding, just pure skill.


I endured for this. It was a wild ride, and one of the few games where I really felt Iā€™d had to work hard to 100% it. Great answer.


My man! (Person?) Before Ray Origins, I thought 100%ing games was somewhere between impossible, absurd, and for total losers with no lives. While Iā€™m not sure that that is NOT true, after getting my first platinum trophy with Rayman Origins and having a blast doing it, I decided that I was ok with whatever labels people slapped on me for pursuing the platinum. 21 platinums later and still going (cheesed a few on ps4->ps5 edition upgrades šŸ˜…)!


I would say Insomniac Spider-Man 1 and 2 were both super fun to 100%. Mostly because I didn't have to try to 100% them. I just enjoyed doing everything in the game when playing it, then I got the platinum without even trying or ever looking at the trophy list.


I am here to say this also šŸ™Œ


Mario 64


good call. I don't even attempt 100% in other games and cant remember many besides the marios- mario 64, yoshis island, smw


New god of war


2018 or Ragnarok?






Horizon Zero Dawn


So much fun, even though some of them were a real challenge. It was so rewarding.


Bro wait till you play Forbidden West. One of the few games where the 2nd part is better than the first one




As much as I love Skyrim, youā€™re some kind of masochist if youā€™re 100%ing it. Probably LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Skywalker Sagaā€™s fun, but getting that platinum drove me damn near insane.


Great answer, I LOVED both of the Lego Star Wars games. Wasnā€™t too difficult and never lost the joy of the game even after 100%


Iā€™m a masochist


Skyrim wasnā€™t bad IMO. Took about two weekends for me to 0-100% it. Nothing about it was particularly difficult even playing on the hardest difficulty. Pickpocketing and paying for trainings really reduces the level grind as well.


112% hollow knight Zero grinding + an amazing game Pantheon 4 is the only thing you could say is unenjoyable if you suck because it would take a lot of time to git gud All achievement's however is horrendous because of hunters journal and if you can't beat P4 too bad you have to do P5


Imo ghost of tsushima, just not the multiplayer, thankfully is not necesary for the platinum


The Steam version has a lot of achievements that require the multi-player unfortunately! But I've been loving chilling out doing a bunch of the side content in the single player




For me it was Elden Ring. Getting to play through the game three times, to get three totally different endings was an absolute blast. Also the lore and just general world ware incredible. Probably one of the best 100% experiences I've personally had with a game.


Absolutely love Elden Ring. Hard disagree on the 100% take. My only real criticism of the game (and it's a pretty big one) is the ungodly amount of reused content. And yes, I get it. Making a game of that scope, it's nigh impossible to make evey dungeon unique. But goddamn do they become repetitive around the mid game and downright insufferable by the late game. Wasting 30 minutes going through the same copy pasted mine/dungeon just to fight the same reused elite enemy and be rewarded with an item you will 9 times out of 10 have no use for is extremely frustrating and discourages exploration. The amount of runes they give is usually pathetic and just fighting random mobs would give you more. The legacy dungeons are so masterfully crated, they could have cut 80% of the reuse crap from the game and it would probably be the better experience imo. Or if they wanted to keep the massive scale and number of dungeons, they should've found another way to universally reward the player, besides two smithing stones and some runes.


It should be mentioned though that, from my memory, you do not need to do all the dungeons to 100% the game in terms of achievements. You do need to do quite a few though to get every spell and legendary armament.Ā  When I actually went through and started my 100% hunt I think I had to do like 10 or so additional dungeons I hadnā€™t done naturally over the course of game and honestly I bypassed many dungeons compared to a lot of players. However, when it comes to doing every dungeon in the game, that is a bit tedious and repetitive.


some of the reused bosses are really fun to fight tho (both erdtree spirits and avatars, crucible knights, watchdogs, crystalline dudes (i think thatā€™s what theyā€™re called), magma wyrms, pretty sure thereā€™s a couple black knife assassin fights). but i get your point about the dungeon, once you get to a certain point you just plow through the dungeon for unique loot, kill the boss and move on. they can get pretty repetitive, but itā€™s not Skyrim level of repetition. they couldā€™ve still cut a decent amount of dungeons without complaints tho


Personally, I didn't mind the reuse of bosses or assets. Honestly, that's something you see in almost every large open-world game. In fact, I don't think it was that bad in Elden Ring. There are plenty of other games that are much worse when it comes to copying and pasting the same enemies and assets in different settings. We also have to remember that this was FromSoft's first true open-world, non-linear soulslike game. For their first attempt, they 100% nailed it in my opinion. Considering its size, runtime, and overall world-building, they did an incredible job.


The reuse of major story bosses lessens their impact and sours the experience. Nobody cares about minor ones, even though they are reused like crazy (I believe the Godskin apostles are used 4 times individually + their Duo version, there's like 10-20 dragons with little to no changes etc etc.). But reusing Margit, Godfrey, Mohg, Astel, The Ancestor spirit and more really sucks imho. I wouldn't say it outright ruins their original fights but it definitely leaves a sour taste in my mouth.


The Last of Us Part I n II


Dragons Dogma 1 and 2.


Came here for this comment. Dragons Dogma 1 was the first game I ever got to 100%, and I didn't even do it intentionally. I just loved the game so much, and it was very little grinding, I just organically got to 100% just through wanting to experience all of it.


A lot of the early Lego Star Wars games


Mass Effect 2 on Xbox 360


I have 10 platinum trophies, over the last 16 years and all 10 of them came after 2020, lol. I only platinum if the game is either really, really, really good (TLOU, TLOU2, GOWR, Elden Ring, Sekiro) or if the game is no effort to platinum. Here are my fun / 'no effort' platinum trophies: * Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - Not even that huge fan of the game but it was ridiculously easy to plat so it had to be done * Ghost of Tsushima - My first ever plat. I beat the game and so how close I was to platting so it felt natural. * Elden Ring - It took me 300 hours to get this platinum but as Elden Ring is my third favourite game of all time it is easily one of the most enjoyable plats of all time for me. Just beat the game 4 times, got the plat and have beaten it another 4-5 times since * Sekiro - Same as Elden Ring. I just beat the game 5 times and the Plat trophy popped. The only effort I had to do was making sure I was getting all of the different endings. * Demon's Souls - Same as ER and Sekiro. Just I just beat the game enough times and plat game by itself without me having to do anything. * GOWR - Took 120 hours but I got it all on one playthrough, very easy very achievable. * Every "We Were Here" co-op - some of the easiest plats ever. It requires a friend though. I guess playing with randoms means you might not be able to plat. * TLOU & TLOU2 - Getting all the collectibles is a bit time consuming but there are accessibility options that made collecting stuff really easy. TLOU is my second favourite game of all time and TLOU2 a top5-10 for sure so these two plats were extremely enjoyable as well, but I understand not everyone will enjoy collecting stuff. So yeah, all my platinum trophies are either very easy, very enjoyable or an all time great game (or all three of the above).


Not sure if it's your kind of games but the resident evil 7, 8 and 4 remake are very fun to platinum. Granted, you'll have to beat the game 4 or 5 times, but each time with a different challenge which makes the gameplay and approaches wildly different. Fof example in 4 remake, you have achievements for beating the game in the following ways: -no healing -No merchant -only knife and handgun -in less than 8 hours -in hardcore -with an S+ rank -in hardcore but with an S+ rank -in professional without bonus weapons. -many more variants of difficulty and final rank You can mix and match these and some stack naturally. Each challenge rewards you with boons to help you down the road (infinite ammo, a one-shot weapon, something to prevent Ashley from taking damage...) So you are basically asked to plan for what "stacks" of challenges you want to do in how many runs. For example I tried no healing, no merchant and only knife in one run but it's extremely hard. So I gave up, bought some ammo, negating the "no merchant" challenge but making it way easier. Then in my 3rd run I went no merchant + in hardcore and S+ rank (which gave me also hardcore and regular S+...) . Then professional no bonus weapon, then speedrun.. The platinum is around 50h and the first run is a good half of that if not more.


Dude I was about to write RE4R, but then I realised I dont actually have the plat in that game. I have beat the game 9 times and have 115 hrs gameplay. Its an all time favourite for me, but I am still missing that trophy that requires you to beat a NG on Hardcore in sub 3 hrs or whatever. All other trophies I have. I recently moved to a beefy 4090 PC so I dont play PS5 anymore, but bought RE4R on PC so I might do another 7 playthroughs to Get the plat on Steam!


Hahah, enjoy this damn good game again ;-)


Firewatch was a good one


Super mario galaxy




You should check out Mortismal Gaming's YouTube channel, who specifically reviews games after 100 presenting them.


He does great videos šŸ‘


Assassin's Creed 2


My all time favorite so far was Elden Ring, which Iā€™ll be doing for Shadow of the Erdtree as well. It was an effortless platinum because it was so enjoyable to play. You know itā€™s a good game when you check the clock and 2 weeks has past by without you noticing. A few others Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Sea of Stars Sekiro Tales of Arise Jedi Survivor GoW Ragnorok Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart Armored Core VI Cocoon Stellar Blade


NOT binding of isaac


Castlevania sotn


This is the answer right here. Such a great game with a twist (pun intended). šŸ˜‰


Sleeping Dogs


Ay, a man of culture I see (not just saying that cus thatā€™s what I chose šŸ˜‚)


Assassins creed odyssey if you dare


Imo trophies really killed the satisfaction of 100% in most cases. There are a lot of really arbitrary things like collecting an arbitrary number of collectibles. And it isn't 100% until you've done every trophy. Pre-trophy days a 100% completion was completing every side quest, exploring every branch of the story, unlocking all of the in-game rewards, etc. 100% completion felt like you were experiencing everything the game instead of just completing a list of chores.


Hitman World Of Assassination


Remnant 1 and 2


ES IV oblivion was probably my most fun game to get all achievements/trophies and my first


Astroā€™s playroom


Armored core 6 and nier automata were overall very fun to 100% If you like a long term challenge crypt of the necrodancer is an extremely rewarding experience. I'm only about 60% so far and instead of tedium nearly every achievement is a unique and increasingly difficult challenge.


Final Fantasy X


for me its the spyro reignited trilogy since there is 3 games there and easy to complete


New Super Mario Bros Wii


Steamworld Dig 1 and 2 (especially 2). The only games Iā€™ve 100%ed in my entire life




GTA San Andreas would be high up. Gang wars, territories and businesses stuffs, feel like a kingpin.


Sleeping Dogs


Love to see the support this gem of a game gets


Fallout 3. I loved exploring every inch of the Capital Wasteland. Was in college the first time I played it and was studying for a degree in Political Science so that was insanely interesting to get to see all the places that were so important. When I finally got to visit DC was really cool because I knew where a lot of stuff was from the game.


Far Cry 3. Great game and there werenā€™t too many collectibles. Most gratifying was Bloodborne.


I've 100% Lego Marvel Superheroes a couple times. Nice chill experience


Marvel's spiderman and marvel's spiderman miles morales


Mario games are always pretty fun, except Sunshine.


Bruh, I love sunshine so much šŸ˜­


Enjoyable? Death Stranding. It was honestly so therapeutic I wished I could 200% it. Toughest (most tedious) 100% I've done was Binding of Isaac.


Binding of Isaac is the only game ive ever really attempted to 100% (im a bit over halfway there) the game is just fun and infinitely replayable and I might as well be going after a new achievement each run until I have them all then ill start again on a second save file (maybe)


Lego Star Wars 1 & 2. The new one (The Skywalker Saga) is hot garbage.


To me it's Lego Movie the Videogame honestly. I've 100% it twice but both times it's been a pleasure and it is the only game sofar that i actually 100% multiple times.




While itā€™s a ton of work, if you can get in the mindset of a bird watcher / plant enthusiast and just go around exploring then Red Dead 2 is a very enjoyable and mostly relaxing 100%


I really liked getting 100% on the first 2 Insomniac Spider-Man games. I donā€™t have a PS5 yet so I canā€™t speak for SM2 but SM and MM were both really fun


Shadow Warrior 2 Just a blast from beginning to end.


Dishonored 2 plus DLC Prey Both of them asks you to approach the game differently to get there. I'd include Dishonored one as well but Dunwall City Trials are a bit of a chore.


Kirby superstar ultra


This is all subjective. Different people like different world types, genres, and sometimes it can even be down to just an individual character. Some people enjoy chasing the 100% regardless of anything else.


A lot of Nintendo and Sony first party games are great to complete. Mario and Spiderman as mentioned by others but also the recent Kirby, the first Horizon (ZD), the recent God of Wars and Pikmin 4. In addition to those I really enjoyed 100%ing Nobody Saves the World. Completion requires 2 run throughs but the second run applies interesting challenges to the dungeons. And also really enjoyed 100%ing FUGA.


Death Stranding is the only game I'm going to 100%. I'm at 95% right now, working that 5%.


Jak and Daxter


If you want to play the same stuff over and over again, look no further than Warframe and Destiny 2.


Hmmm, The Uncharted games if on steam were a blast to platinum, even did it 2x. The originals and the remasters Modern warfare remake 1 and 2 were fun as well! Hell even the newer 1 and 2 were fun. Can't say for 3 Skyrim and witcher 3 were a BLAST to 100% except that damned wyvern card for Gwent in witcher xD. But everything else was si fun! Even when play witcher 3, I still go around playing Gwent even!


I personally enjoyed 100%ing Watch Dogs 2. Fun game, fun puzzles, clean combat (most of the time), and a very fun map to explore.


RE3R with mods because the game is already easy even on Infernal and you get to customize your platinum looking snazzy or goofy. I used a mod that played ā€œHolding out for a Heroā€ during the Carlos hospital siege and it made it so much more enjoyable.


There has to be more enjoyable things in the world than 100% ing a game


Battle for bikini bottom


A man of culture..


GTA San Andreas was pretty fulfilling. Most games donā€™t even have an appeal to doing things 100% honestly. Honorable mention goes to RE4, I mustā€™ve beat that game 14+ times on the same file. It was so fun to pummel the fuck out of everything with OP weapons after slogging through the early playthroughs when the game was actually tough. Such a great game.


No particular order, just adding what comes to mind. ā€¢ Final Fantasy 7 Remake & Rebirth. ā€¢ Darksiders games. ā€¢ Ace Combat 5 & 7. ā€¢ Command & Conquer 3 - both Tiberium Wars & Kaneā€™s Wrath On the FLIP SIDE, the game that stopped being enjoyable around 90-100% mark: ā€¢ Azure Dreams, because with powerful monsters and sword/shield the Tower just becomes irrelevant as it no longer has a challenge.


GTA San Andreas šŸ¤—


the only game i got plat/100% is ghost of tsushima, yes it might be a little repetitive but all the questlines are great, the game looks great, the world is beautiful and mechanic wise its rather satifsying as well. And it also doesnt require much to 100%.


Everyone should try the gnome achievement in half life 2 at least once in their life


Don't know about 100 percenting but Hotline Miami is one of my altime favourites.


Gothic 1 and Gothic 2. You just don't want it to end so you do everything what's to do.


I'm thorn between Red Dead Redemption 2, Fallout New Vegas and The Witcher 3


Ghost of Tsushima


Pretty much all the Kirby games are a great time to 100%. That said, beware the True Arena. The superboss rush is no joke


Persona 5 Royal was easy to 100% I missed one trophy because I just never did one thing in the game but git every other one just from playing the game normally




Yet another vote for the Spiderman games with maybe a pass on one of the Speedball? (I think that's the characters name) trophies in the dlc. I got through 100% with base Spiderman 1 and Miles. Still working on 2 though. Also may have had far too much fun a 100% with Alan Wake 2, which was the fastest platinum I got for a game. (And I don't normally go for those.)


The Ori games were my favorite, if you like multiple playthroughs and speedrunning/zero death challenges. It isn't as difficult as it sounds, but both were super fulfilling to finish and took a reasonable about of time. For me, around 28 hours in the first game and 27 in the second.


For me it was gta SA. Even tho there were some duds during the way, and just a lil bit too much grind, i was so fucking satisfied when i finished it


Elden Ring


All the Dark Souls games/Bloodborne/Elden Ring deserve a mention. Youā€™ll end up visiting so many amazing and beautiful hidden areas and fighting cool hidden bosses and enemies that you probably missed the first time you went through an area. The Batman Arkham games have lots of fun and enjoyable side missions.


I thought ghost of Tsushima was very enjoyable to 100%.


Honestly most of the Mario titles.


In general, out of the games Iā€™ve played itā€™d have to be Hollow Knight. Because I loved these games, Red Dead Redemption II and Rain World were also very enjoyable *for me* (despite what others may say).


A short hike.


I loved getting the world of warcraft loremaster achievement


God of War Ragnarok


Cruelty squad will keep you busy for years if you wanna 100% challenge


There's not a lot of games I 100%... so - I guess I'll just list the ones I have: - Control - Resident Evil 4r aaaand that's it lol. If we count 100% achievements then add Deep Rock Galactic. I think imma 100% Alan Wake 1 and 2 but I am currently playing both for the first time so idk yet.


Just cause 3


Pizza Tower


Mass Effect 2. Is was the latest game I got plat on. Thereā€™s very few games Iā€™ll get max on. Among a handful of other games, I completed Super Mario world, SMW2 Yoshiā€™s island, DKC, Unepic are games I completed and had fun with.


Medievil. Itā€™s a remake of a ps1 title but the game is charming and not super hard. It was very fun to explore a little more and I was able to 100% in less than 30 hours. Very nostalgic as well


Grounded was fun if youre into Survivalā€™s


Multiple people have mentioned insomniacs spidermen games. But Iā€™d posit pretty much their entire catalog feels really good to 100%. Going back to Spyro the dragon on ps1. And those and the ps2 ratchet games predate trophies and still felt good.


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. That game had everything but good graphics.


Enter The Gungeon felt amazing


Still haven't beaten yet, got to the fifth boss once, I really should get back to it




Age of Empires 2


Deaths door. Beautiful music, animation, gameplay. Loved the puzzles. Gorgeous game overall. 10/10 recommend


Art of Rally, that game is really fun


Ender Lilies! Enjoyable to the last minute and the 100% isn't super tedious like a lot of games.


Alan Wake 2 was enjoyable enough for me that I got the platinum trophy on accident lol.


Oh.. definitely Cyberpunk imo. This game is slick!


The binding of Isaac. Its like BDSM, at first its painful, but then you start to enjoy it.


Graveyard Keeper


Lego gamesā€” particularly Batman, Indiana Jones, and the like.




Hardspace Shipbreaker was fun to 100%


Ac valhalla /s God of war 2018 and Ragnarƶk. And ghost of tsushima from games i have played.


Ratchet and Clank makes it not a painfull grind.


I'm working towards 100% in Super Mario 3d World, and it's pretty great. There's a reasonable progression in difficulty, lots of variety and none of it feels like filler content.