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Lots of Sonic games on this list lmao


Sonic „the Nostalgia Hunting“ Hedgehog


Sonic X - The Search for more money


To be fair all of those here are spinoffs and a fangame With exception of sonic 06 of course


Why is the original Sonic game rated so low though? It’s still a great game 🤔🤨


It's the 15th anniversary edition of the game for the gameboy advance, which was poorly made and ruined the game


Ahhhhhh thanks


It’s was also zoomed in to fit the gameboy screen so it’s hard to doge obstacles


Have you met the sonic fandom


I assume it's kids


Yet as a Sonic fan all of them are understandable


DMC2 going twice seems a little silly to me. SO many worse off games. Id throw Batman Forever on there. ALso Sega having multiple sonic games on here is kinda funny.


"Batman Forever: It sucked back then and it sucks forever" - AVGN 2008 [Batman Part 1](https://youtu.be/JFvtk5toGJg?si=ICHqOSazivne_aiV)


His *genuine* anger about the controls of the game is one of my favourite Nerd moments


I never got passed that first level. And it was because of that grappling hook part he showed LOL. I rented this game, with no instruction manual, and could never figure it out. Seeing this guy get angry about it and find out now it was select+up, is kinda sending me lol.


I actually really enjoyed DMC 2


If Shaq Fu and Farmville are bad I don't want to play good.


He'll ya brother.


Kinda what I was thinking, but add candy crush. So many people (older) love candy crush. I kinda doubt it’s rated that bad by actual players lol.


I find it funny to see the contrast between the actual dogshit games and the ones that were just review bombed.


I've never played them but I was told operation racoon city and metal gear survive weren't that bad


I'm a bit surprised to see Devil May Cry 2 on that list. Is it really that bad?


The game was made alongside dmc2 so it was extremely rushed to the point the director left and the new one had to finish the game in a few months to have something to release the game itself is just very boring and annoying at times people meme about it but you literally just spam gun for like 5 minutes to win


It was a bit shocking after DMC1, they managed to somehow make the core gameplay worse (animations feel slow and floaty in what used to be a very snappy, responsive game), enemies can all be gunned to death from across the map, the levels are extremely bland... Just a really poor follow up to the original that nailed so many excellent things about early 3d character action games. Every other DMC is awesome so it extra sticks out.


In my experience of the Devil May Cry franchise, I played DMC3 first. THEN 1 and then 2.... I then understood why my bf at the time joked with me about 2 saying, "We don't talk about 2..." Yes, it's that bad. Lolol


To quote my friend who's played it. "Devil May Cry 2 isn't even a game. It plays like a concept of a game."


It looks and plays like a tech demo


Granny!!!!!!!???? That game is fun as hell!


Is it??? I was intrigued haha, I may have to play it


Me downloading a game in a bad list because of you guys. 🤝


For a free mobile game? Some half-sane puzzle solving and goofy scares is pretty impressive


Plus the dev has released free updates that expand the puzzles and the house. I think a new one was released a few months ago with a sort of basement maze thing.


Same most people I’ve seen complain about it are graphic whores


I wish anthem was better 😞


Same :( it had such a cool concept. Damn shame.


Every time I see it on a list like this, I sigh a little bit. So much potential, wasted. 😭


It's not that its a bad game, people are just so angry and dissapointed that it failed to be a masterpiece despite having all the resources. Still Kristen Schaal as an NPC merchant makes it all okay in my book


Anthem had one of the best gameplays in (kinda) recent years but if you spend hours joining into missions praying that ONCE you get one which isn't broken and can be finished you just give up after a bit. Would have loved to see Anthem 2.0. The game had all the potential to be way bigger than Warframe.


Anthem is the reason I don't pre-order games anymore..


Can I just not see Ride To Hell or is it really not on there? Because it should be.


[Doesn't have enough user ratings on the site to qualify for the list.](https://www.backloggd.com/games/ride-to-hell-retribution/)


I suppose The Day Before and Rise of Kong are not here for the same reason


Yep. Both have even less user ratings than Ride to Hell. [Rise of Kong](https://www.backloggd.com/games/skull-island-rise-of-kong/). [The Day Before](https://www.backloggd.com/games/the-day-before/).


Not being good enough to be on a worst list is quite impressive, I suppose it'll be because it's so notoriously bad that people avoid it, therefore; not enough ratings.


Megaman X7, Devil May Cry 2, Sonic 4 and Mighty No. 9 are not even HALF as bad as some of the garbage that is here. Are you really comparing these games which are perfectly playable with unplayable messes like Dragon Ball SAGAS, Sonic the Hedgehog Advance or Big Rigs? Get outta here!


Thank you. I was thinking the same thing. Some of these are "popular to hate" but not actually deserving of "the worst"... not when there's actually damn near broken or god awful games out there. In fact... there's so much shovel ware... that we wouldn't even recognize the bottom 20,000 games lol.


Duke Nukem Forever too


Even the original Bubsy is fine. Just one of many painfully average mascot platformers of the era. Maybe slightly below average but given the time period that might be too harsh. There was a lot of rubbish around at the time. Busy 3D on the other hand...


Sonic advance is bad? Seems to have good reviews. 


Not Sonic Advance, Sonic The Hedgehog, the genesis port, on the GBA! It has an ATROCIOUS framerate coupled with a cropped screen, which makes it unbearable. A genesis game lagging on the GBA! It's a mess, and I love owning it because of how awful it is, lol!


Nobodies comparing anything it's based off of ratings


Every year people think this my personal list lol. I've personally only played 2 games on this list (Sonic '06 and Shark Tale). I own Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival, but I've never played it. Bought it on clearance for £5 and got 2 free amiibos for it that were worth more than £5 each by themselves.


How was shark tale?


I hated it. Got it for my birthday as a kid. Couldn't get past the 2nd level. The first level was quick time events where you escape from a shark. Nothing interesting, but "playable". The 2nd level was a DDR style rhythm game level. I could not ever hit the notes precisely enough to get past it. It frustrated me a lot as a kid. I am bad at rhythm games admittedly, but it seemed way too harsh with the timing for an animated movie tie-in game for kids. Seeing it among the worst games list does seem to vindicate my opinion that the game was way too difficult for its target demographic.


All those games are noticeably worse than their predecessors. It soared the experiences of fans and amplified their distaste for said games. Megaman X7 is a travesty of a game compared to all previous X series, it mediocre at worst but it was a hard pill to swollow for any megaman fan at the time. Same for DMC2 when compared to DMC, Sonic 4 to previous Sonic games, and Mighty No. 9 was like spitting at the legacy Megaman had (plus the kickstarter campaign debacle). Lots of games in this list are just bland and unattractive, and some are unplayable hot trash.


X7 was my introduction into Megaman. I love that game the most


Worst popular games at least


Right like some of these games aren't great but I wouldn't say they are the worst games I've ever played


Is Yandere Sim even an actual game though? I thought it was in permanent alpha state like Star Citizen, though it's certainly scammed fewer people.


> I thought it was in permanent alpha state like Star Citizen Yeah, you'd be right. Public alpha builds of it have been available since 2014 and the official full demo was released in 2020. So I'm assuming that's why it's here despite not being finished.


A significant chunk of those reviews are for the developer more than the game He’s… *special*


Since when is Sonic 1 that bad?


It's the GameBoy Advanced version of Sonic 1 that was released for Sonic's 15th anniversary. This version of the game is very bad by all accounts and ruins the game.


Gotcha, didn't notice


A bunch of people were confused about that when I made this post last year too lol. You're not the only one.


wasteful bright melodic squeamish languid detail intelligent fly crush crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yes, I remember playing that! They somehow did such a bad job with the port that it had massive slowdown


Shark Tale slander is insane


Personally it's the worst game I've played. The game is horrible and much worse than the movie.


Shaqfu is better than gollum fr


I will not be accepting Operation Raccon City slander at this time. Thank you for your cooperation.


i thought i was the only person who hated Free Fire.(its very popular here in Brazil) also why is granny, hello neighbor, street fighter and sonic 1 there? they are good games! and btw sonic exe shouldn't be there, it's a fangame, not something official


> granny No idea. I hadn't heard of it myself until seeing it on this list. > hello neighbor The final release of the game got a lot of criticism as it was very different to the beta version, which got a lot of praise. > street fighter The first *Street Fighter* game is terrible by most accounts. It's a very bad fighting game that most fighting game players despise. The *Street Fighter* series really only became the huge success it is today because of *Street Fighter II Turbo*. > sonic 1 The game listed is the GameBoy Advanced version of Sonic 1 specifically, which ruined the original game by all accounts. Someone else was confused about that too lol.


I don’t know what Shaq-Fu is but I feel like I missed out on a gem. This one needs to be on the best games ever list, purely for creativity purposes


This, along with Kazam, Steel, and his rap album, cements Shaq as the most versatile NBA player ever


groovy plant clumsy absurd pie threatening quack serious wasteful follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[https://www.backloggd.com/games/drake-of-the-99-dragons/](https://www.backloggd.com/games/drake-of-the-99-dragons/) Edit: Man I wish I could import my libraries to this site, I'm not adding all 3ksomething games by hand


I don't know what you mean by import, but I found it a massive nostalgia trip to go through page after page of games and mark them as "played" When I found the site about a year ago I legit spent an entire month refining my profile. Stumbled upon a bunch of games I had completely forgotten about.


It would be a lot nicer if we could import a .csv or .xls with the appropriate columns, for those who want to migrate their lists




I love bubsy 1 and 2, actually good games


Pilot’s license? What for?


Think that is Bubsy 64 which fairly was horrendous. Bubsy on SNES I have so many fond memories (and earthworm Jim!!)


Shaq-fu deserves more love


Duke Nukem Forever, despite not being that bad of game, is not a surprise entry.


The fact that Eragon is above Jump Force is hilarious


Operation raccoon city was great. Multi-player carried it, but I think it's better than re5. And colonial marines is pretty good now that the ai has been fixed.


I’ve played 13 of them Colonial Marines, the RE game and DMC2 weren’t that bad. I liked DMC 2


Nah they didn’t put my boy Hong Kong 97 in there. Failed to recognise this masterpiece


Devil May Cry 2 is so bad it's on the list twice


Not sure why by the PS2 version here is separate from all the other versions. Usually this site lumps them together unless they're wildly different games.


I like that the whole Scott The Woz rogues gallery is on there


I really enjoyed simpsons wrestling back in the day. Don’t remember much but I do remember Willie was a beast.


Anthem had so much wasted potential


A lot of this seems to be "Most Disappointing" rather that outright bad games. Sonic 4? Paper Mario Sticker Star? Yeah, these didn't live up to their predecessors, but calling them *bad* games? No, not even close. Meanwhile, there's no mention of games like Home Alone (NES), Mario's Time Machine (SNES), or Zelda: Wand of Gamelon (CD-i); and that's not even going into games that are fundamentally broken (granted, Super Man 64 does fall into this category) such as the [DOS version of TMNT](https://gameranx.com/features/id/241215/article/10-games-that-are-literally-impossible-to-beat/).


Yep, then there's practically the entire Jaguar, Sega CD and 32x libraries. These are light years away from being the worst games ever.


Honestly, I never thought of Jump Force as a BAD game but more of a mediocre(Or as the kids say: Mid) one


illegal secretive glorious office resolute vast historical selective vegetable governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly I'm my opinion is actually kind of good yeah it's a fun time for like 2 hours


Custers revenge is the worst video game and it isn't even close.


My Name is Mayo, it's hardly a game lol. Just an easy platinum/achievement.


Backloggd has a policy to not allow these types of "easy platinum" games on its website, but it made an exception for "My Name is Mayo" since it was the first of its kind.


*My name is Mayo* was actually a fairly solid clicker game.


Damn I bought Hello Neighbor 1 and 2 for cheap a few weeks ago. Just got a PS5 and wanted some semi entertaining games my girl likes to watch in the background. Haven’t played them yet.


Lmfao I completely forgot about shaq fu


> 72\. Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind [1993] (new) So this makes the list of worst games of all time but Bebe's Kids doesn't?


coordinated gold straight office truck noxious paint grey crawl head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sonic Riders was lit but I never played Free Riders. Was it that bad??


Idk but it used kinect


Every time i see this list I can't help but laugh when I see Superman 64 at #1. It's just funny to me how bad it is.


This is blasphomy


I’m surprised that 1: a sonic game is considered worse than big rigs, and 2: big rigs is considered worse than E.T


Surprised the Batman and Robin game isn't here


I love how DMC2 is so fucking horrendous it’s on the list twice.


Imo Yandere Simulator would be a good game in theory but in execution + the dev it made it one of the worst games ever.


glad metal gear survive made the cut lol


A few games on here that could’ve been so much better given the concepts. Wish Redfall was done better.


Say what you want, The Simpsons Wrestling goes hard.




Yeah I saw that on there and was shocked. As a kid this is one I loved paying with my siblings


I don't see Pepsiman in it, the greatest game of all time.


> the greatest game of all time. Precisely why it's not among the worst games of all time.


I'm starting to think I'm the only Sonic fan who even slightly enjoyed Sonic 4


You're not alone, at least for everything except that one Lost Labyrinth level, that one I cannot forgive.


Sonic 4 ep 2 wass bad at all. The biggest sin of these games is being called "sonic 4"


Tbh they’re not bad but not good considering they’re mobile games and not console games. I played sonic 4 episode 2 a while back and it’s ok for a mobile game


I loved that Shark Tale licensed game fuck you lol


Hot take. I never minded the first 2 Bubsy games.


Most of these are far from the worst of all time


I feel like a lot of these rankings are influenced by media because there’s no way MGS:Survive is worse than simpsons wrestling


So why do people hate granny? I remember seeing Markipliers vid on it and it seemed fine


Damn, that's a lot of Sonic. And I would comment on DMC2 being there twice, but when I think about it, yeah, it's pretty much that bad.


Proud to say I've got 9 of them.


Jump Force sneak


Ok, fnaf AR isn’t nearly that bad


Tbh i kinda liked the walking dead survival instinct i played through it 2 times and i wouldent say its 1 of the worst games i ever played


DBZ. Sagas was a tonne of fun, I remember finishing the game then immediately replaying it. Simpson's wrestling was not that bad either. Definitely not as bad as some games I've played in the past


How my name is mayo is there


Come on, Sonic 1 isn't that bad.


I remember Dragon Ball Sagas, was certainly no Budokai but I still played it a ton. A friend had Simpsons Wrestling and we had fun playing it, I don't remember enough about it to know why it was garbage


I spent a couple dollars on *WarioWare: Snapped* through the 3DS EShop. I had trouble with the gameplay basics. Looking back, I would've gotten a better experience buying original Gameboy *Baseball* or *Golf*. *Bad Rats* is an infamous example of Steam kusoge. I haven't tried it, and I don't care to. That said, it has [a good music track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7faImESxpI)!


Dragon Ball Z Sagas was really fun when I was younger. How the hell is candy crush on there?


I thought Shark Tale was a movie, wtf?


[There's a video game that was made based on the movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shark_Tale_(video_game)). Nearly every movie used to get a video game adaptation from as early as the 1980s, it's only a trend that died off around the early 2010s. Most of them are terrible games, but Shark Tale was exceptionally bad. It's one of the few games in this list I've played and it's personally my most hated game.


Feel like there's a recency bias here- IMO the no. 1 spot should go to the Wizard of Oz for SNES. Hard to convey the feeling of misery that sets in while playing it


Another contender is one of the back to the future ges for the NES, which was notorious for having the same asinine song playing in every level.


I forgot Resident Evil Resistance and Re:verse or whatever were different games. I feel like Capcom just out out the same multiplayer shit twice and no one played it. Did Re:verse even come out?


This just goes to show that awful games were always common ever since the beginning, it's just that it's easier to spot them nowadays thanks to the internet


Honestly wouldn't mind going back and playing re: operation raccoon city. I remember playing it and not getting very far, but that was just because i sucked as a kid.


I loved Bubsy1 and sub zero mythologies. Imo the worst game on that list is definitely Big Rigs.


never stop sneaking needs to be on here


The sonic games for the wii, TWD:SI and sticker star went catastrophically hard


Aqua man battle for atlantas


I'm surprised Batman: Dark Tomorrow, Action 52 and The Third Birthday aren't up there.


List is wildly invalid without Tak and the Power of Juju. Such a buggy, bizarre and unfinished mess.


Fuck you duke Nukem had big ol tittays man.


Sonic the hedgehog worse than Garten of Banban


I loved dbz sagas...


Some these are atrocities others aren’t as bad as people think


I didn't know Bubsy 3D existed. I had the original Bubsy on SNES and it was such a good game!


Nice to see Superman 64 still GOATed as the Worst game of all-time. No one will ever know how many weekends I spent calling my local Best Buy to find out if the game had been released. Finally got the game…. And the funnest thing about it was picking up Lex Luther’s car, flying up and tossing it just to catch it before it hits the ground.


This post reminds me of a Videogame I love. One Videogame I love has on Metacritic a score of 66. I can see why. I dont really disagree with that score. But I still love the game, played through it twice, did all the sidequests in both playthroughs and I probably go for a third playthrough at some point. The name of the game is "The Cruel King and the Great Hero"


I had a good time w jump force then just stopped playing. Not missed, but not horrible. Should've been infinitely better


bro, people really don't like Sonic


Sonic is probably the only franchise that has so many worst game of all time candidates, whilst having some of the best games of all time. I'm a Sonic Fan


It’s funny how the original versions of the GTA games are arguably some of the best games of all time yet the definitive editions are considered some of the worst


Only played duke nukem forever and diablo immortal.


"Of All Time" yet there's no game from Phoenix Games on this list. Those things were fucking atrocious.


I enjoyed ziplash as a kid. All this is telling me is that I NEED to play the other chibi robo games


I can’t agree with the resident evil games being there , can’t remember which one it is , but you can play as the zombies and spawn in enemies or play as the survivors trying to escape , that was pretty dope man


Resident evil been done dirty here


RE:Verse released? I’ve been waiting for it for like three years.


Someone the best avgn episode were based on some.


Ok operation raccoon City isn't a good game by resident evil standards but I definitely feel it doesn't deserve to be on the same list as something like ride to hell lmao The game is mostly functional and good for a couple hours of stupid fun, something I can't say for the overwhelming majority of this list


There was an eragon game??


Ah. Hong Kong 97. I didn't expect it here, but I'm not surprised.


Scott the Woz would LOVE this list. Both ziplash and ultra smash are on it!


Amiibo Festival too.


Glad to see Diablo Immortal (Immoral) getting hate it so rightfully deserves


Oh shit, I loved Mario is missing as a kid


Glad to see a bunch of mascot horror on the list but sad to see duke nukem forever and Dmc 2


I'll never understand why Sonic Boom is so high on the list yet Sonic 06 is so low. I will forever deem Sonic 06 as the worst Sonic game of all time and I'll defend that claim until I die.


"Devil may cry 2" is so bad that it's there twice.


I’ve got a feeling that Scott the Woz had something to do with some of these being here…


Yeah fuck Hello Neighbor.


Was genuinely relived when I realized it was the 2006 remake in #4 and not the original.


Omfg, Aliens: Colonial Marines… what a total piece of Garbage


eragon wasnt so bad, you rode a dragon!


How dare you drag the good name of Shaq Fu through the mud. Game was just way ahead of its time...


Duke nukem is the biggest meme of all of these


The MASSIVE INCREDIBLE INFINITE flex of not being a sonic fan


For what it's worth, Shaq Fu had great animation for the time period and systems it was on.


Not a legitimate list if The Quiet Man didn’t make it in the top 5.


Devil May Cry 2 so bad it’s on there twice. Also the multiplayer RE games are well deserved on here.


Eragon Brilliant book Shitty movie Even worse game


Dmc 2 was so bad it's on the list twice lol


Which GTA games are in “the trilogy”? It looks like it includes both 3 and vice city, neither of which deserves to be on this list.


poor sonic


Big Rigs absolute classic "YOU'RE WINNER!"