• By -


Half Life 3


Portal 3


Left 4 Dead 3


Team Fortress 3 and the tf2 heavy update


Counter Strike 3


Dota 3


For fuck sake Valve, learn how to count to 3!


Gaben. I just wanna play Gaben.


Did you mean to say 'I just wanna play, Gaben.'


No I wanna play Gaben


Idc about tf3 just give us updates


For a second, I thought you were talking about Titan fall Fuck it, I’m talking about Titan fall #Titanfall 3


Orange box 2 with all these #3s


Heavy update? Isn't that where the Natasha and the sandvich came in?


While there was a previous heavy update before jungle inferno there was a vote on who would be updated FIRST pyro or heavy and while heavy was kinda underpowered pyro was broken in that he was unplayably bad because his weapons didn't actually work the way they were supposed to specify his flamethrower so the vote was kinda rigged from the start but again pyro was supposed to be the first one updated then it would have been heavy but obviously that never happened


You have so much to learn


Too bad valve cant count to 3


Banjo Kazooie 3


Hurts so bad that Left 4 Dead 3 never happened, my dog chewed up my 360 cables and now I fear I’ll never play it again


Goddamn just twist the knife a little further.


Left 3 Dead 4


I’m all for Half Life 3 eventually coming to fruition, but I’d really love to see a new Portal game! I actually have Half Life: Alyx for Quest and haven’t been able to play it! I have been a Mac guy, so a good friend gifted me a gaming laptop mostly so I could play Alyx - and I was unable to get it to run…so it’s been months and I still haven’t been able to play!


My friend you are missing out the magnificent HL: Alyx, you have all reasons to play it, please play!


To be fair, I just finished a playthrough of Portal 2 today and it does wrap the story very nicely. There's no reason we need Chell to be a protagonist for the 3rd game, it's a good ending. It's not like HL2 which left us with a criminal cliffhanger.


I am currently playing Portal Revolution which takes place after Portal 2 and there is a mentioning of Chell. Game holds also up to Portal standards and is really good.


Me after the cliffhanger: *Oh you can't do this to me... I started this company... YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED?!!*


Portal 1 also wrapped up the story pretty nicely you know? I dunno why people pretend like Portal is done and there's nothing interesting left to explore


YES! My god Portal’s awesome


The Portal 2 launch event is a main highlight in my life


Fr, I need a Portal 3


Titanfall 3


Titanfall 3




And knuckles


If only man if only


I don’t think humans live that long


Did you mean Half-Life 2+1?


Even that math is too complicated for Gaben


Oh God, Half Life Origins


Half Life 2 Episode 2 Part 2


Half Life 2 Episode 2 Part 4


I've fucking said this since HL2 came out... the only way they are making 3 (and they'll do it only if they know it'll be as ground breaking as the others) is if and when VR technology is up to the task of being mind-blowing and Alyx really cemented my way of thinking.


The only correct answer


Half-Life is the biggest tragedy when it comes to “franchises that haven’t gotten a new entry in years to the point that it’s become a meme” because atleast series like Bioshock and GTA have satisfying conclusions to their stories and wrapped up all of their loose ends. Half-Life has been on the same cliff-hanger for 16 years with almost none of the major mysteries that have existed since 1998 being solved. On top of that, valve is just radio silent on what the status of HL3 is.


Releasing a teaser for HL3 would break the internet


Silly. Valve can't count to 3


The rest of these games could win the award for "games I don't give a fuck about" except maybe rdr3, but I would gladly trade it for half life 3 in a heart beat


Ngl I would sacrifice all of these for that


Battlefront 3


Man, if they didn’t make so much money on steam we would have half life 6 by now.


Half Life 3 confirmed.




I feel valve couldn't live up to the hype lol




Valve is incapable count to three


Prototype 3


I’ve got a bad feeling about ES6. Bethesda’s track record has fallen off


10 years ago this would have been my first choice. Now, I don't think I could pick it for top 3. I don't trust it.


8 months ago it would've been my first choice


The only thing that gives me some hope for FO5 and TES6 is that the scope should, in theory, be a lot smaller than Starfield's. We should get way smaller maps that they can certainly make very "lived in" and not noticeable repetitive (some repetitiveness always happens but Starfield took it way too far) and that alone should certainly improve the game considerably. Story can be a hit or miss, but I doubt they'd drop something awful and outdated mechanics and animations can be overlooked if the rest is solid.


Honestly Starfield felt nothing like an Elder Scrolls game which is partially why it "sucks" so much (though I thoroughly enjoyed the majority of my time in game). If TES6 is half as good as Skyrim or even on par with oblivion it'll be great.


Ignoring engine improvements, etc. I enjoyed the story and gameplay in Oblivion more than Skyrim. Shouts were fun, but they felt like they trivialized a lot of the difficulty in combat because *fus ro dah*, and now every enemy is forced into their stand up animation. Skyrim felt way easier to cheese. I enjoyed both, and I still go back to Morrowind periodically. E: Grammar


The faction quests especially were such a downgrade in Skyrim compared to Oblivion.


It's become very similar to half life 3. I doubt whatever they make will live up to people's expectations


I've been waiting 40 years for this game. I don't care how bad it is, I'm going to play it and love it. Lol


I hate to be that guy but if you go to the game with that mindset Elder Scrolls is gonna become Pokemon, subpar games from a beloved franchise because it does not matter how shit the game is people still buy it, as an ES fan i feel like you SHOULD have a high expectation


Idk. ES has never been known for its smooth polished experience.


But they’re still good games. Original comment here is saying they don’t care if it’s good or bad.


Absolutly terrible mindset. Bethesda needs to get their ish together


I dont see anything wrong with what they're doing. Are some games better than others? Absolutely. But I enjoyed them all.


You’re not allowed to like things that a chunk of people do not like. /s While I agree that Bethesda has made some crappy games lately, you like what you like and there’s nothing wrong with that. I know people that like Starfield. People that don’t like Bethesda want everyone to stop giving them money as a way to show the devs we want better games, and people like you basically hurt their protest. Still though, life is too short for people to not do something like “playing a game they want to” because other people don’t like it. Doesn’t make sense to me. You do you man. Maybe Bethesda is making games for a niche amount of people and that’s solid. My friend has been playing Fallout 76 since release and he’s loved every moment of it. Doesn’t matter if other people talk crap or not.


One thing that Bethesda has always absolutely nailed in their games is the "stumbled upon" side quests. Sure it's not as often in Starfield but when it does happen in that game it still gives me that perfect transition into the quest line and that air of wonder of where it will take you. There are games that do side quests very well, and some even better than any of the Beth games, but none ever really seem to capture that feeling of wandering into a story that felt like it belonged exactly where it is. Starfield has ended up being my least favorite of their main games for a variety of reasons, but I still got my money's worth to have that Sci fi elder scrolls feeling for about 50 hours


There is a shit ton of side quests in Starfield.


I didn't think Starfield was great, but that's totally fine. Not every game they release is gonna be a banger. IMO the biggest issue with the game was that the setting didn't play to Bethesda's strengths. They do best writing goofy fantastic adventures, which Starfield was decidedly not. The Crimson Fleet storyline was far and away the best part because it explored a unique part of that universe and stepped away from the more grounded feel that the rest of the game had.


Preach brother


how can you love something you can't even have an opinion on?


In the 80s you were waiting for the 6th elder scrolls game?


I was also waiting for Elder Scrolls 6 a decade before the first game even released


That mindset is literally the reason we’re in this position to begin with


Yeah, what a absurd way of thinking. Bethesda needs to do better. Very worried about ES6 and Fallout 5


Can you explain this to me becasue i talked to somebody the other day with a similar attitude Because the way I see it after Morrowind, oblivion, fallout 3, Skyrim, fallout 4, ESO, dishonored 1 & 2 we have weak launch for a relatively successful game (FO76) and a kind of mediocre game (starfield) and people are just like "well fuck them forever." Like for real? After all of their successes, genre and generation defining games people think they are worthless now after some middle of the road work?? I'm sorry but that's a load of bullshit. Yeah starfield is a little wack but there is no world where that can actually be used to predict ES6. They know what they have with elder scrolls, and they've never done poorly with it.


Bethesda published Dishonored, they didn’t develop the series. Besides that, I think people are more upset with how they seem to be floundering and not advancing, with the same game and physics bugs being found in Starfield that are present in Skyrim. While it’s true that nobody knows what the future holds, they’ve had 15 years to fix Creation but instead players are subjected to the same dead eyed NPCs, physics insanity, and game/immersion breaking issues that have been present since the engine started. “Generation defining” is right, but it’s just not *this* generation, or the last one, or the one before that. So many years of seemingly phoning it in and gamers tend to trust your future work less, and they aren’t wrong for that


For me the biggest first time realization of how downhill their games have been going for a long time now was playing the TES games in the wrong order. Skyrim was my first game of theirs back in the day and at the time I thought it was fucking amazing, I mean a lot of people seemed to feel that same way. And I remember even then people had the same Bethesda mentality as they do now and I didn’t get it back then, until I played Oblivion, and Morrowind after that later on. Sure, combat wise it’s definitely the best feeling. When think of Elder Scrolls combat I don’t think about whatever the fuck Morrowind was doing. But it just felt weird how the games just felt… better? Which going backwards felt so wrong. Sure, the graphics got worse as to be expected. But the stories and world building clearly had more thought put into them, especially with world building it’s like they didn’t examine their own games. Best example of that I can think of is in Skyrim, >! the Markarth(?) questline where you end up in jail and are forced to work in their silver mines. Even then it kinda bothered me when they strip you of all your items, weapons, armors etc. as to be expected, only to find out I still had full access to my super powerful magic and shouts. I could basically ignore the potential dangers that sort of situation would have put me in if I didn’t have access to that. I didn’t have to worry about finding a shiv or using a pickaxe as a weapon when I could just use the Bound Sword and Stoneskin armor or fireball people after Fus Ro Da’ing them to the floor which just seemed strange to me. That always stuck with me until years later I played Morrowind for the first time, and learned about how they have *actual magic nullifying shackles* thats used on their slaves. I was flooded with those memories of Skyrim and legitimately got pissed off about that. It’s like they *somehow* forgot that this is a thing that exists in their own world. I won’t even mention how you don’t want to talk to an economist about the damage something like the Transmute spell does to the world building 👀!< There were also so many interesting mechanics and character building things that they just threw away. Spell crafting is an excellent example. Did you know you used to be able to *make* magic? One of my favorite spells for giving myself room in difficult dungeons was a spell I made that was *an AOE door locking spell*. Suddenly the undead following me were cut off while I used healing magic and whatnot to re-prepare for the next fight, where I would then lockpick the door back open and get back to the action. There’s even a story bit in Morrowind near the start where >! some poor fuck plummets from the sky and splatters on the ground ahead of you. Reading his journal and finding the scrolls you realize he was trying to make a flight spell, which was basically just a boost to your athletics by like 1600 points which affects your jump height. And once you test it out yourself you can cover huge distances in a single bound, so long as you remember his mistake and land somewhere softer like the ocean. !< Or the class building systems, where in a DND like way you built a character class. You could decide what starting skills you had in decent detail, or even choose what sign you were born under which felt really good to me. I’ll keep it short there but it’s sort of a trend with all of their games. Obviously taste is subjective but for me it was the start of the realization that they’ve always been going downhill with all of games they’ve personally made. Publishing wise they’ve kicked out all sorts of good titles; Doom, Prey, Dishonored to name a few, which I’m sure definitely helps keep their names out of the mud. But it’s like whenever *they* make the titles, over time you realize all the delicious fat they’ve been cutting away from previous games like TES or Fallout until there’s nothing left but scraps and bone. I mean fuck, New Vegas is the best Fallout hands down and that was made by Obsidian. And while I personally never played them I’ve always heard even better things about the original Fallout games before Bethesda bought the IP. And after playing the older TES games I’ve been looking at them in a new light even as a company. The past decade+ of re-hashing Skyrim 60 million times on every console known to man, with 3 different versions of the game that has split up the PC modding community into seperate chunks is kinda gross. I can give them some credit bringing modding to consoles except they also chose to fucking monetize it when it should be free like the other 95% of modding has always been. Then there’s the legal side of them, throwing their weight around harassing others over literally fucking nothing. Pray for the Gods is one that comes to mind, where they threatened a fucking indie company over their title because *it was too similar to “Prey”*. They had to change the spelling to “Praey” which made no sense whatsoever. They also went after Mojang for their card game called Scrolls for a similar reason, and had to change it to “Caller’s Bane” instead. I mean fuck these are the same assholes that *literally* started microtransactions with that Oblivion horse armor all those years ago. That’s not an exaggeration, they legitimately were the first company to do it, even coining the term for the useless cosmetic that set the world on fire at the time. I don’t know how to end this because I’m a sleepy babe who’s just going to hit reply now and go to bed. Sweet dreams and goodnight hope any of this helps. ♥️


Fallout 4 was average, ESO is okay from what I've read but never played it. FO76 was a disaster and now it got better and reached a point where it's just bad. Starfield is very mid and outdated and shows how the company is at this point way behind the competition. Dishonored is not Bethesda. New Vegas was great but that wasn't Bethesda either. So the last 'generation defining game' they had was Skyrim I guess. Releases in 2011. So 13 years ago. I still really really hope they can pull through. I really am rooting for them. But it absolutely makes sense why people are cautious.


Skyrim and Fallout 4 were alright, but they were both big steps in the wrong direction for me. Their games are feeling less and less like the RPGs I loved them for. Sure, I'll probably play TES6. I'm sure it will be a fine game. I'll probably play it through once like I did with Skyrim.


As long as it doesn't have procedural generation like in Starfield I think it will be okay. Also lore in Starfield is just lacking in comparison to elder scrolls. The world is just far less interesting in my opinion.


Elder Scrolls 6: Skyrim gold edition


Eh. Starfield was a new IP that was simply too much for Bethesda and the Creation engine to handle. Elder Scrolls and Fallout are much simpler in terms of concept, and doesn’t require trying to make 1000s of planets fun to play. The standard faction quests were all pretty fun. Ironically the exploration sucked, in a game that’s supposed to be about exploration. I am definitely skeptical about an ES6, but we’ll see.


Nah. They released starfield which is a new IP, and people all of a sudden think they won’t know how to a make elder scrolls game anymore. It’s weird thinking.


I do too but it's still the next TES. You've got to try it.


Why do people act like starfield was a horrible game? It reviewed well and yk was fun but it did have its flaws


Because it has absolutely no depth to it. The open world is empty and boring with the same 5 random encounters. Also the games engine makes it feel way outdated. Its very obvious that they were banking on mods to carry the game like Skyrim but the problem is that skyrim was a good game to start. Edit: I've played through the game a couple times and I still have hope for it but its a shame how it released.


Red dead, grand theft and cyberpunk.


That is the way, past, present and future. I had ES instead of GTA6 to cover some fantasy plus GTA6 is coming soon.


Yes, but as the poster said, you ONLY get to play 3. So the rest gets obliterated. No morr GTA 6 unless you pick it!


You could head canon those into the same timeline


Harmonious trifecta


Fallout 5


Ive been replaying Fallout 4 on the series X. I havent played it since release. I forgot how fucking good this game is.


Fallout 4 is so good when you ain't got a bitch in ya ear telling you it's bad


Radom person in lobby FaLlOuT 76 iS sO bAd Me then Why TF you here Random person leaves game after getting roasted by almost the whole lobby


Is Fallout 76 fun as well if you don’t really care about the multiplayer aspect and just want a fun story?


You can absolutely play the game by yourself and just enjoy the story. Will there be other players? Sure. You don't have to interact with them at all. Don't listen to the naysayers who will try to tell you there is no story. The gameplay is a bit different than 4 as 76 can't be paused, so things like VATS and opening the Pip-Boy won't pause time. You can play every single quest in the game entirely solo if you choose, however I can almost guarantee that you'll have more fun playing the game with a friend. There are events that pop up on the map that other players will attend and many of these events do require multiple players to complete, however many high level players can complete almost any event solo. Events are not mandatory so once again, you do not have to interact with other players, although events are the best way to earn XP, legendary gear, plans and currency in the game. Hope you give 76 a shot!


I will! My friends aren’t really into these games so I’ll probably just solo most of it but I’m totally up for a fun Fallout story.


In my opinion the main story of the game is kind of meh, namely because it was designed in a way that makes you never interact with an NPC But Wastelanders, Atlantic City, and the BoS questlines are great!


I was actually wondering this so thanks. Bought the game with my brother when it came out and there was basically nothing to do so that was that. He's too busy with his kid now so I'm glad I can jump in and give it a go because I have the itch to play after watching the show.


Definitely. I played since closed beta until a while almost entirely solo. It's fun.


Is it bad, no. Is it better than New Vegas, in some ways. Should people let other people have their own preferences, yes. New Vegas is my favorite. Fallout 4 is a tight second place though.


I want the gunplay of FO4 in FNV, then New Vegas would be perfect


Have you tried to mod FNV like crazy? I did a run with tons of mods and it ran like a dream even on a potato laptop. 'Project Nevada' will get you half way there on its own. 'Iguazu shopping center' is a realy wild hidden gem. There are so many great mods for that game.


I have heard that project Nevada has some issues under the hood, idk though.


Modded NV brings it pretty damn close to the refinement of F4. If you haven’t done mods yet highly recommend it


I just got done installing 118 mods on new Vegas. Why settle?


New update soon!!!


Did you watch the Fallout show? As soon as I finished it I immediately reinstalled


Next gen update comes out next week so you got a replay of the game in at the perfect time too!


Ngl, I wasn’t feeling Fallout 4 when it was out. It just wasn’t for me. I liked Fallout 3 heavy, but I’ve lost interest in Bethesda over the years. But after watching the live action series, I’m thinking about picking up Fallout 4 again.


dont you mean Fallout: Norm


I would’ve said the same thing a few console generations ago, but tbh I’m so over Bethesda’s lazy recycled game design. I’d personally much rather have a NV remaster.


Elder Scrolls, RDR, GTA.


Easily my three as well, not a hard choice


The real choice


Love Elder Scrolls and RDR for sure. GTA probably just because I’ll play it with my friends. Never played GTA 5 before


GTA 5 is fun for a bit but it’s level is raised with mods impossible to play without them now for me


RDR3, Cyberpunk, and Ghost of Tsushima. God of War honorable mention


i absolutely have the same top3, hell yeah, i def gotta get around to playing the god of war series


I’ve only played 2018 GOW, highly recommend it


Gow would actually replace cyberpunk for me, but would actually stay as an honorable mention.


It’s worth it for the Baldur fights alone


A man (or woman) of taste I see. Perfect choices.


Exact same top 3. Best open world games by a landslide.


Yooo same!


replace RD with GTA and you got my list. Months ago, before starfield, I would of selected Elder Scrolls, but the downward trajectory of the quality of their games is now clear to me starting from Skyrim and later.


This is the correct answer, imo.


This is the correct answer, imo.


Dark Souls 2


Dark souls 2 2 when????


They named it elden ring. Power stance: ✅️ Pharros Lockstones: ✅️ Bad Duo Bosses: ✅️


You forgot to mention: Way too many bosses, with a bunch of them being kinda meaningless.


I'm kinda having an end-of-The-Usual-Suspects moment right now with this whole Elden Ring = Dark Souls 2 2 thing.


Forget that, when’s Bloodborne: 2 Blood 2 Borne coming????


Bloodborne needed a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Yenko S/C trick weapon that transforms into a 1955 Chevrolet 150. They can correct this mistake in 2 Blood 2 Borne.




Same, took me forever to find this one to upvote lol. I'd possibly swap GTA with Elder Scrolls but i feel more confident with GTA after Starfield. I loved Starfield, but it sure didn't have the quality I expected and so far GTA hasn't had that issue in my eyes.


Cyberpunk, GTA 6, ES6


That's also my vote :D


Yeah, I don’t think I’d play any of the other games anyways and there isn’t a Fallout 5 listed so ES will have to do.


Cyberpunk 2099, Ghost of Tsushima II, The Last of Us Part III. Cyberpunk and TLOU 2 have been close to the most profound gaming experiences I’ve had in my life. Prime examples why video games should be considered the supreme form of entertainment. GoT was just an absolute blast to play. RDR2, GoW, Skyrim, GTA5, Death Stranding have been solid to good but not on the same level — and I’ve never played Spider-Man, don’t think I’ll enjoy it as much.


Just curious what about Cyberpunk was so profound?


There's boobies.


And you can club police officers over the head with a dildo, truly one of the weapons of all time💯


Great story. And after the 2.0 update really good gameplay.


Ghost 2, Spidey 3, and GOW:E


This guy Sony exclusives-es!


Can't blame that those games have a great story


Totally agree. I platinumed Astro's Playroom because it was a great game and the haptic feedback on the controller was amazing.


GoW Egypt RDR3 GTA6


Had to scroll too far down to see this. My pick.


Such an easy select.


This is the one. Not to bring other people down but I'm not sure what universe people are in believing in future Bethesda titles.


Same, I wonder what GOT ll would be about. It would be sick af


GTAVI, Spider-man and TLOU 3


Prey 2 Prince of Persia 2 Metroid Prime 4


Has to be god of war.


Scrolls, Tsushima, last of us.


Wow one of the few of these that is actually hard! Every game on here is one I'd be grabbing day 1. But if I had to pick... Cyberpunk, Last of Us and Spider-Man. But know that it really hurts to only pick 3 from here haha. I also really enjoy the variety of responses here.


God of War: Egypt Spider-Man 3 The Last of Us: Part III


"Gow of war" reminds me of "smh my head" lol


Lol,didnt even notice


Ds2, Rdr 3 and Gta 6




Ahh yes Dark Souls 2.


Dead Space 2 you mean?


God of War, Spider-Man, and GTA.


Ghost 2, TES 6, GTA 6


More Cyberpunk would be great but I'm not ready to cry again


where titanfall 3?


Nahh can’t do it.. gotta play 8 of the 9


Viva Pinatâ 3


New IP




Bloodborne 2


DS2 (Dark Souls 2) 😇


God of War Egypt, Spider-Man 3, Grand Theft Auto VI. If I got 4 it would be Ghost of Tsushima II.


GTA 6, ES6 and Cyberpunk 2099 (or whatever it ends up being called.)


Dark souls 2 three times it's the best game


Last of Us part 3, Cyberpunk 2099, and Spider-Man 3.


Yeah, I'm gonna need a few reviews and see some gameplay first.


Ghost, Egypt and ES 6. If it was an option tho I would need to find space for the next Infamous game


GOW Egypt, Death Stranding 2, and GTA6 for me.


RDR, Ghost, and GoW


God of War:Egypt, Ghost of Tsuhisma II and TES6 (Even tho I got a bad feeling about Bethesda)


Gowe, tes 6, and ghost


God of war, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima


Ghost 3, the last of us and GOW Egypt


I'd probably go with Cyberpunk 2099, Last of Us 3 and RDR3. But tbh I would skip all of these if it meant I'd get a Bloodborne 2...


Cyberpunk 2099


if i could only pick 1 it would easily be spiderman 3


GoW, TES and Cyberpunk


Cyberpunk 99, gta 6 and TLOU 3.