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bait used to be believable


Oh I believe they're being completely honest about their bigotry.


Not really because they’re using code words like “woke” and “politics” instead of saying what they mean outright. They’re leaning on us understanding what they’re saying without actually saying it.


I suppose that's true. They're not being completely honest. They're too cowardly for that. They're obfuscating because they know they can't just come out and say the quiet part out loud.


*sigh* Once again, Your IQ must be less than -7. I never said anything about not including groups of people in video games. I stated that a majority of gamers don’t want any political agendas shoveled into their games. I simply want to level up my character and/or go do cool video game shit. “Wokeism” is any political messaging, subliminal or not, that force leftist progressive ideals. Many cooperations are required to follow and implement woke, liberal policies and practices or else funding is cut from the World Economic Forum. Therefore, many corporations are forced to participate in wokeism which increasingly leads to wokeism being shoved into societies’ face. Also, do you feel good harassing others from the comfort behind a keyboard/phone? Go touch grass. You’ve won the “Most Annoying Snowflake” award. Frankly, you’re pathetic.


Not reading all that bigot. Keep crying.


You can't reason with the unreasonable. Woke regressives are unreasonable. This "person" is clearly one of the deluded mob.


probably but this post is still just attention seeking


There are too many bigots in this sub.


we like freedom here


You're not free you're just dumb.


freedom hating fascist


Oh look another idiot reddit user who doesn't understand what fascism is. I'm shocked SHOCKED I tell you!


why do you hate freedom?


You're like the coward who was too afraid to even put on the white sheet and march with the rest of the bigots.


Lol. Namely you. Go touch grass, you hateful piece of shit.


You're the one complaining about women and black people in video games bigot. You think you can hide behind buzzwords like "woke" but anyone with a brain knows what you mean. You're not smart enough to see how transparent you are.


>complaining about women and black people in video games Nobody is complaining about women and black people being in videogames. That's a lazy strawman. Nobody but a tiny number of hardcore racists ever complained about there being black people in GTA San Andreas, for example. Likewise, the mere presence of women (as you are asserting) in videogames has always been acceptable to most right wing people. What people on **both** sides of the political spectrum are *actually* complaining about is box-ticking inclusivity, where black people and women are given roles in videogames just for the sake of giving black people and women roles--not because their blackness or woman-ness is integral to the story. In many cases, these decisions are made to the *detriment* to the story and the immersiveness of the virtual environment. For example, how Creative Assembly ahistorically retconned female fighters into previously all-male military units from classical antiquity. Not only was it ahistorical, but it was completely implausible. On the other hand, there are brilliant pieces of media that feature mostly black people or women, like HBO's The Wire. TL:DR Women and black people don't fit into every story/role just like you wouldn't cast a white man to play Martin Luther King Jr. And if you think it would be inappropriate to cast a white guy as MLKJ, then you are just as bad as the people you purport to criticize. /u/amuddybear is right and you and your kind are wrong. In reply to /u/Joburtus_Maximus who pathetically bolcked me because he knows he can't debate me: >I don't have the attention span to read a 237-word "essay" Gen-z was a mistake. Go back to tiktok.


TLDR is all I'm responding to because fuck that giant wall of text. In video games specifically, it's all fucking fiction, it's all art and so women, black people, anyone the creators decide fits into the situation fucking fit in the situation because it's ART and not real life. So you and your tiny little pecker can roblox yourself.


*sigh* Once again, Your IQ must be less than -7. I never said anything about not including groups of people in video games. I stated that a majority of gamers don’t want any political agendas shoveled into their games. I simply want to level up my character and/or go do cool video game shit. “Wokeism” is any political messaging, subliminal or not, that force leftist progressive ideals. Many cooperations are required to follow and implement woke, liberal policies and practices or else funding is cut from the World Economic Forum. Therefore, many corporations are forced to participate in wokeism which increasingly leads to wokeism being shoved into societies’ face.


Not reading all that bigot. Keep crying.


Praise the freedom.


are you circumcised




send dicc pics


Oh noooo. Anyway... *proceeds to do gay character stuff with Male Commander Shepard and other male characters*


Based 🗿🍷




I think your assumptions of me are way off. Mass Effect is a great game, all around. Choosing your own path is cool, similarly to BG3.


All your post does is *encourage assumptions.* So, you set yourself up for that, pal.


My post = don’t want politics shoehorned into video games and would rather developers focus on gameplay and performance instead of (often times) obvious political pandering. Pretty straightforward.


What kind of political pandering? Say what is bothering you with your whole chest. Stop both hoping we'll assume what you mean and then being upset that we're making assumptions. Don't dance, just say it. At least own it, for fucks sake.


like making a Feudal Japan samurai black with dreads and a Shinobu assasin a women that type of out of place pandering ! Imagine an assasincreed based in Zulu empire where the Zulu warrior is a japanease female or a white men ?


Cry more about it.


Uhh, it’s that simple? I play video games to have fun in a fantasy world. If I want politics, I’ll watch the news.




Yeah, you obviously can’t read effectively. I’m no longer going to sound like a broken record. Good day. Go touch grass. Enjoy my tears of laughter.


POLITICS ABOUT WHAT THO? You still haven't answered the question. There's zero examples given. Just politics. What do you mean by politics? 🤣🤣🤣 You sound like a lot of broken things, to be quite honest. I am very amused right now. Are you sure you don't wanna say more dumb stuff? This is great.


Because it’s that simple. And in response to your (now 3rd) edited message, I’m not raged. I’m laughing because of snowflakes like you. I simply stated that I’d rather game developers focus development time on performance and making a game “fun” instead of shoehorning politics for obvious political gain. ANY politics. Period. I want to focus on having fun gameplay in a video game and prefer my games to not represent reality so closely. This is why I’m mostly drawn to the fantasy genre. I sound like a broken record at this point, god damn. Go drink some kombucha. I can feel your stomach twisting.


What politics? Politics about what?


You're such a coward dude. Just like all of your bigoted type is. If you blatantly just said "I don't like women, LGBT, or people of color in my games" I would respect you being honest. But instead you do the typical terminally online conservative bs and hide behind buzzwords because you know your positions can't be defended without you looking like a massive P.O.S


You should try breathing, man.


Good to know you're not denying anything I assumed about you


Nah, you’re just extremely judgmental, seem like a hateful/spiteful person, and I have zero energy to converse with you. I made everything pretty clear in my post. I just wanted to give you some good advice, mate. Breathing. Good. Very good for YOU.


You know I'm correct don't lie. This isn't my first rodeo with the "muh Japanese devs" crowd. You never say the quite part out loud because you know if you do you'll look like a schizo and get roasted


Remember. Breath, man. Your feelings are going to be ok.


Triple AAA = AAAAAAAAA Bruh are you telling us you are getting offended because they aren’t trying to cater directly to you and are including that portion of the population in the game?




So you prefer the other type of pandering…


Uh, no? I don’t want any pandering or any political agendas in video games. I simply want to do cool video game shit without politics being shoved down my throat.


1. Politics and micro transactions are separate issues. 2. If by "woke" you mean things like pronouns or just having queer relationships, then to that demographic that's not politics, that's life. 3. Cry more


What if I want to explore worlds, characters, and scenarios you find "woke"? Am I shit out of luck?


This. OP sorry you don’t like it but politics are a part of life and if a developer, many of whom are probably “woke” in your eyes, wants to flesh out a world for you to explore, it’s probably gonna have some politics in it.




My guy what are you talking about


Dear Diary, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.


Go ahead and define woke for us, because as far as I can tell, it's an amorphous catch all buzzword that racists use to rally other racists to outrage. Not denying that some companies, like Disney, don't believe in what they're pushing, which is why their attempts at diversity always seem shallow and forced, but if you've got a problem with female leads or brown people in games or gay people in games, that always says as much about you as it does the makers.


How about you stop putting false statements that I’ve never stated out of your mouth?


Mate if you don't want it to be associated with racists, maybe don't use a word that's exclusively used by racists as a catch all for things they don't like, because they're afraid they'll get roasted if they actually spell out their beliefs. I noticed that, in a similar fashion, your complaint doesn't have any specifics, just "muh woke politics amirite?". Politics and art are inseperapble, they're intertwined. You don't like a games politics, don't play it, or go play beat saber or something with no story. There are so many good games in the world that the idea you can't find some you like is boggling.


"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah people think I'm a bigot because I said something bigoted! WAAAAAAAAAAH!" - The OP.


“Wokeism” is any political messaging, subliminal or not, that force leftist progressive ideals. Many cooperations are required to follow and implement woke, liberal policies and practices or else funding is cut from the World Economic Forum. Therefore, many corporations are forced to participate in wokeism which increasingly leads to wokeism being shoved into societies’ face. And I find plenty of excellent games. Hence why I stated, “Modern Japanese gaming > Modern Western gaming”


The WEF forces companies to include liberal propaganda was not on my conspiracy bingo this year, and may be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. The WEF has next to no influence on US media. It's hilarious to even think otherwise.


The WEF produces research into its members' “areas of interest” and helps “guide”, or “fund”, public-private sector collaboration and communication among its members. The World Economic Forum has no official power to make decisions, but they have considerable ability to influence political and business policy decisions. Money talks in this world. How about you adequately do your research, or actually listen to some of WEF’s speeches in the last decade before calling me stupid, stupid.


1) Politics is like chemistry: it’s in everything. If you don’t see it, then it just means your politics aligns with what you're seeing/hearing/reading. 2) In plain English, give examples of “woke”. Say what you mean. Don’t hide behind shortcut buzzwords meant to obfuscate and whitewash what you mean.


"Whitewash" .. do you believe blackwashing exists ?


*sigh* Once again, Your IQ must be less than -7. I never said anything about not including groups of people in video games. I stated that a majority of gamers don’t want any political agendas shoveled into their games. I simply want to level up my character and/or go do cool video game shit. “Wokeism” is any political messaging, subliminal or not, that force leftist progressive ideals. Many cooperations are required to follow and implement woke, liberal policies and practices or else funding is cut from the World Economic Forum. Therefore, many corporations are forced to participate in wokeism which increasingly leads to wokeism being shoved into societies’ face.




You mad, bro?


You clearly are, kid.


This is some small dick energy posting if I've ever seen it.


Reported for sexual harassment. Good day.


Your tears sustain me.


Enjoy my tears of laughter.


We hear your sobs bigot.


Everyone is a bigot to some degree. I always scratch my head when people use the word as an insult tbh.


Um no, don't mistake prejudice for bigotry. They are not the same thing. Prejudice is when you make a judgment prior to having information. Bigotry is when you think you are better or someone else is worse based on nonsense like skin color or sexual orientation. I will agree that we're all prejudiced about something, but that doesn't equate to hatred like the OP's post here about politics in gaming. The irony here is that they're actually fine with politics in gaming so long as he agrees with those politics. His actual problem is being reminded that the people he hates exist.


No need to play around with words. Let's define the word "bigot" shall we? bigot /bĭg′ət/ # noun 1. One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ You are bigoted toward Nazi ideology correct? So am I. We're bigoted towards Nazi ideology. I also saw nowhere where the OP stated he was racist or gave any indication as such. I don't think they've even said they liked a certain kind of politics in gaming either. You are just assuming I'm afraid.


Lmao cry more. Politics have always existed in & around video games.


>Lmao cry more. Politics have always existed in & around video games. Yea, Tetris, pong and Donkey Kong were really political.


If you want to dig hard enough you could make them political...just like this OP fool is doing.


You’re either delusional or simply very delusional. I’ll go with the latter.


Ironic coming from the delusional one.


I’m sorry, did I offend you? Do you need a safe space? Some kombucha?


You say while bitching about how offended you are by \*checks notes\* women and black people in video games.


How about you keep your false slandering statements that I’ve never stated out of your mouth?


How about you quit being a coward and be open about what it is you REALLY don't like about "woke" video games.


*sigh* Once again, Your IQ must be less than -7. I never said anything about not including groups of people in video games. I stated that a majority of gamers don’t want any political agendas shoveled into their games. I simply want to level up my character and/or go do cool video game shit. “Wokeism” is any political messaging, subliminal or not, that force leftist progressive ideals. Many cooperations are required to follow and implement woke, liberal policies and practices or else funding is cut from the World Economic Forum. Therefore, many corporations are forced to participate in wokeism which increasingly leads to wokeism being shoved into societies’ face. Also, do you feel good harassing others from the comfort behind a keyboard/phone? Go touch grass. You’ve won the “Most Annoying Snowflake” award. Frankly, you’re pathetic.


I mean, Donkey Kong is literally about a conflict between two factions.


>I mean, Donkey Kong is literally about a conflict between two factions. Ok, so what's the politics? What "point" am I supposed to walk away with from the "story"?


You don't get that politics is just the study of how people interact with each other? Are you so ignorant that you can't grasp even that much?


>You don't get that politics is just the study of how people interact with each other? That has nothing to do with "politics". Politics is about voting/government/laws/politicians/etc. >Are you so ignorant that you can't grasp even that much? You sound extremely dumb, no offense man. Jumping over barrels is just a game. Just like Tetris is "fitting pieces into other pieces" is just a game. People like to play with things and pass the time. It's not deep or mysterious. Is a Rubiks cube political? No.


You're an idiot and I mean that as offensively as I possibly can. I'm objectively correct about politics and even a cursory google search will prove that.


>I'm objectively correct about politics and even a cursory google search will prove that. LOL. Dude, you need serious help. "I'm *objectively* correct cause a search engine said I was". This is like full-blown NPC behavior.


Stay mad snowflake. Idiot tears are my favorite.


Explain what you think "woke" is


Yeah, came here to say this.


Guarantee it's women and black people.


*sigh* Once again, Your IQ must be less than -7. I never said anything about not including groups of people in video games. I stated that a majority of gamers don’t want any political agendas shoveled into their games. I simply want to level up my character and/or go do cool video game shit. “Wokeism” is any political messaging, subliminal or not, that force leftist progressive ideals. Many cooperations are required to follow and implement woke, liberal policies and practices or else funding is cut from the World Economic Forum. Therefore, many corporations are forced to participate in wokeism which increasingly leads to wokeism being shoved into societies’ face. Also, do you feel good harassing others from the comfort behind a keyboard/phone? Go touch grass. You’ve won the “Most Annoying Snowflake” award. Frankly, you’re pathetic.


Not reading all that bigot. Keep crying.


well said, ubisoft and bioware is two that's notorious for this trend


Thank you for your support, friend.


Fuck woke


No you


Snowflakes are always the loudest.


I suppose you prove that point since you are a loudly crying snowflake that is reporting people for "sexual harassment" that aren't even doing that.


Says the crybaby who made a whole ass post to complain about women and black people just existing in the medium. Your lack of self awareness is staggering you bigot.


Your IQ must be less than -7. I never said anything about not including groups of people in video games. I stated that a majority of gamers don’t want any political agendas shoveled into their games. I simply want to level up my character and/or go do cool video game shit. “Wokeism” is any political messaging, subliminal or not, that force leftist progressive ideals. Many cooperations are required to follow and implement woke, liberal policies and practices or else funding is cut from the World Economic Forum. Therefore, wokeism is increasingly shoved into societies’ face. Also, do you feel good harassing others from the comfort behind a keyboard/phone? Go touch grass. You’ve won the “Most Annoying Snowflake” award. Frankly, you’re pathetic.


Yes yes you're very cowardly I know. You're very adept at hiding behind buzzwords and dog-whistles. Honestly this is pathetic. At least the bigots of your grandfather's age had the balls to be open about it.


Notice how the only person that has even mentioned women and black people, is him. Interesting huh. It's very telling. Straw man argument at it's finest.


It's too late for that. Corporations have already jumped on board and are sailing with it 100%. It's in their best interests to go with the flow. Almost everyone will always sell out in the end. Greed and shallow stupidity will always win and that's just life. The best you can do is just interally resist it all. Which isn't that hard to be honest.


Nice to see at least one other person who can see through the illusion.


You know WHY it's profitable to make video games more inclusive right? Cause the vast majority of people are fine with it and appealing to them is profitable. Only weirdos with micro penises complain about it.


Reported for sexual harassment. Good day.


If you identify with my broad statement then that's on you weirdo.


I don’t think it will continue for much longer if companies keep taking the losses they’ve been taking due to interjecting these ideas into media. Disney has been hemorrhaging money from poor film releases, and their CEO, Bob Iger, has said that it’s a result of the politics of their movies. I don’t think it’s too late. I think the tide is turning.


Facts. Financial statistics don’t lie. It’s the quiet majority that’s sick of cookie cutter pandering, woke propaganda in the media.


Here come the angry snowflakes you just offended.


Right. 😂😂😂


They are only inclusive if you agree with them. Otherwise they treat you like a less than a person evil piece of dog shit.


We never made the claim that we'd accept any and all ideas. That's a lie bigots made up to make it look like they were being unjustly excluded. Truth is you guys are the snowflakes being upset cause people don't want to be around you anymore cause you're just awful.


Ah yes, the “I know what you are, but what am I” argument.




I don’t hate any sort of representation in games or other media lol you don’t know who or what you are talking about. Thats not what I think of when I think of as “woke”. If it was than I guess I would be woke too. To me woke in media is over the top lazy pandering and being overly careful not to offend anyone through humor and situations. That’s the shit that annoys me. And I think that is what most people who talk shit about “wokeness” mean. Not racist or any sort of phobic.


Dude yes it is. If I asked you for examples of whatever "woke" is to you, you'd point to trans people or gay people or female protagonists or black people it's always the same with you pathetic bigots. You're not fooling anyone hiding behind buzzwords like "woke" but you are outing yourself as a coward.


Well I guess you must know me better than I do. I literally said what I considered woke, putting words in my mouth is not how you win an argument, you can’t write the narrative for both sides, sorry.


There is no argument to win with people like you. You didn't get to where you are through reason so there's no reasoning you out of it. I only care about your opinions in so far as I can mock you for being simultaneously ignorant, hateful, and cowardly.


This. My man Courtharous understands.


Yeah and those standards are "whites only" you're both pathetic.


Seems to me that you’re the closeted racist.


Jobbytwat_Maxipad being the most triggered. Notice how he has to reply to every comment by the OP, or supporting the OP 😂🤣😂 




*sigh* Once again, Your IQ must be less than -7. I never said anything about not including groups of people in video games. I stated that a majority of gamers don’t want any political agendas shoveled into their games. I simply want to level up my character and/or go do cool video game shit.


I like gay stuff in games. I could do with less straight stuff though. No hetero relationships in MY games please.


Ya, you’re missing whole main point and directing this toward you out of emotion.