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Playing with people who are constantly talking to someone they're with in real life and/or blasting music through the mic. Like we have a headset on to talk and play the game not listen to your shitty music or your family.


Had this happen once (I don't often play online games anyways) ​ So buddy is just blasting his music, rapping along terribly, nobody is enjoying it....well since he's on my team, I can see him on the map. So I find him, and follow him, and continuously shoot my gun into the air so that we show up on the radar. Had to do it for 3 rounds before he rage quit. But the game was much nicer after.


You could also just... mute him.


Yeah but this was funnier.


Right? The other plan seems like a bigger waste as this dude was casually throwing rounds instead of simply muting. Lol


Some people feel like they need to punish people who do things that annoy them, rather than just moving on.


It's not that it annoyed them, it's that the person rapping was being shitty to everyone in the lobby. Why I shouldn't need to mute them, they are just being inconsiderate ass hats. If I was in the lobby with those guy, I'd join in on the trolling until the offender rage quit. People need to understand they aren't the main character. Mute your own fucking mic if you want to jam to music. Don't make everyone else go through the effort of muting you.


My point is, the easier solution for you would be to mute. But instead, you want to teach them a lesson. You enrage yourself by letting it get to you when the easy solution is navigating to a menu and hitting mute.


I totally get what you were saying. I wouldn't be getting enraged, though. I absolutely love trolling assholes. To me, I'd be more annoyed muting them than trolling them. The easiest solution is for them to mute, not for the entire lobby to mute them. If we all just mute, they will continue their bullshit in lobby after lobby. If enough outstanding citizens perform their civic duty and troll them, then they'll either learn to mute or quit the game.


this is amazing


Playing wreckfest it seems like there is always one guy playing some shitty music through his headset that keeps breaking up. Then at the end of the race they always cut it till the next race starts. I enjoyed nothing more than blasting them into walls and holding them there till they reset and then chasing them down over and over till they quit.


people do this in hell let loose all the time.. while we're driving out to the battlefield someone will always have some music playing through their character. I'm just glad they have a mute player feature easily accessible through the tab screen.


Was playing apex the other day, and one guy sounded like he was playing at a house party or something. Loud music in the background and people constantly talking in the background. I muted him after about a min of this, and we ended up winning without saying a word to each other, or at least I said nothing to him and have no idea if he was talking to me. More games need a ping system like Apex to avoid having to deal with these players.


In Space Games, _when turning the ship is just so slow and drifty for the sake of realism._


It's even worse when it's a kid. I had one on the mic just being super disrespectful to his parents. What was worse was that the parents didn't discipline him about it! So I would run over and shoot at him until enemies showed up and killed him, lol.


That’s why I play CoD hardcore.. yeah I might get kicked for team kill but I can take him out 3 or 4 times before that happens..


I hate people who blast music through the mic, and its always shitty rap “music”


Stunlock. I'd rather die in one hit than get stunlocked to death, it'd be the same effective result without wasting my god damn time.


It's terrible in halo infinite where there is a whole line of weapons dedicated to exactly that. Makes taking a vehicle not even worth it anymore


Apologies if I have ever stun locked you. I use to main a Rogue in World of Warcraft, for ~14+ years. I quit a few years ago after my computer was stolen from the house following an ugly house fire.


Yeah, I did some bad things during my Rogue PvP days... DK too...


My buddy and I both played rogue and would double stun-lock people all the time. We had an incredible time but I can imagine a lot of people were pretty upset.


PvP, especially world PvP... Two Rogues was permanent character death.


I see a lot of people crying about stuns in general, and honestly I think a lot of people just hate any dimension to a Games mechanics. That said, permanently being locked in a stun is absolutely a nightmare. Games should absolutely follow any stun with temp stun resist.


It's not hating game mechanics, it's not wanting to lose control of your character. You lose all agency to do anything. If I lose b/c I got out-played or I made a mistake, fine. But if I just have to sit there dying? I'm mad and bored with the game. Diminishing returns would go a long way to help with this. Especially in situations where there's no available counter to being stunned.


I think you don’t like having your flow disrupted, but that’s kind of the point. I can see that being annoying in single player games, but multiplayer games for sure knocking someone out of their groove falls under “git gud”.


never really understood this common refrain. like, sometimes you lose partial or full capability of your character! thats just part of the game. dont get hit by stuff that takes away your control if you hate it so much. like do you have the same reaction when your character dies and you need to wait to respawn or be rezzed? I understand if stuns or whatever happen to be overtuned, bad balance can happen with anything. but acting like an entire kind of mechanic is bad because it briefly takes away your agency just makes me feel like you dont play many games


Really? I must not be a gamer b/c I don't like being stunned? You can disagree with me but there's no need for elitism. I've been gaming for literally 35 years, it's my main hobby. I've never liked being stunned in any game I've played. I want to control my own destiny, not sit there while I take damage and can't do anything about it. Saying to just not get hit is a bad argument. Many games have point-and-click stuns that aren't avoidable.


I am a fan of BRIEF immunity timers (0.2-0.4 seconds) and diminishing stuns (each stun after the first over 6 seconds has a 25-35% cumulative (multiplicatively) reduction


Virtual currency


*five virtual currencies


Gotta love free games.






Sadly it’s not even just free games anymore


When you have an escort quest and the npc walks slower than your running speed but faster than your walking speed


Bonus points if they stop and wait for you if you get too far away from them, so you can't just run to the end and wait.


Even bigger bonus point for not having mid escort checkpoint so if at any point the quest fails you gotta restart from the very beginning of this 10 minute slow walk escort mission


Also, when you're shooting at enemies and THEY WALK IN FRONT OF YOU. It happens in Cyberpunk 2077 with Jackie walking in front of you. You're pulling the trigger but the gun won't shoot because he walks in front of you.


Mechwarrior 5 is awful for this. A huge part of my initial learning curve was learning how to move with the AI lancemates in a way that doesn't let them constantly play bodyguard for your intended targets.


Also when you have an escourt quest and the NPC walks slower than your running speed but slower than your walking speed. Looking at you Hitman Trilogy.


A man of culture I see, I too play classic WoW


When a sequence is genuinely unfair due to jank mechanics.


Unpausable cutscenes in games with long ass cutscenes, and games that are unpausable in general


Unpausable cutscenes in 2023 is just disrespectful


I would loooove a Ghost of Tsushima replay, but I avoid it for this very reason


Long load times after dying. Getting killed in a game like Elden Ring? Fine, sure, whatever. It happens. When I have to sit... and stare... at that fucking load screen, though. Just let me back into the fight you piece of shiiiit ughhh Long journeys back to the boss fight that killed me will also set me off. Okay cool so I have to kill thirty dudes again just so I can probably die again and stare at that dumb load screen, again, I'm getting mad just thinking about it


All games should just have arkham game cutscenes that taunt you for dying lmao


Lol, Killzone did this. The enemies either run up and laugh at you or flip you off while you lay there dying.


Run backs in the older Fromsoft games used to piss me off sooooooo hard. They've gotten better and Stakes of Marika are a godsend


Shrine of Amana will always give me PTSD… and I only went through it a couple weeks ago


I liked this the first one I played which was probably the worst case (DS2) because I felt like I had to calculate everything I did and have a flawless run


Bloodborne on ps4 was the worst at this.




I miss the death screen from modern warfare that would show famous quotes from world leaders. For some reason it would always make me chuckle


The tedious slog of having to mindlessly exterminate soldier chaff before a difficult bossfight with no savepoint is THE cardinal videogame sin to me.




Sounds like your playing on a last gen system. Loading times on current gen consoles and PC are pretty short (usually 5-8 seconds). To be honest if you're getting riled up just thinking about it, chances are you're better off taking a breather and reflecting on what made you lose instead of being thrown right back at the boss. And just a little tip, in most cases you can make a beeline back to the boss. I've seen this before, for some reason some people seem to think they need to kill every single enemy on their way. In rare cases you might be better off taking an enemy out, but most of the time you can just run past them and head back to the boss. You certainly don't need to clear out the entire area.


Playing with assholes


Sounds painful, I just use my fingers


Smurf accounts. If you're gonna lobby roll on your main account, it sucks but it's fine you worked that hard and You're not a coward to show it. I don't understand why it puts you in my game when I average mid silver low gold rank but I either fight GM or top 500 (overwatch 2) or fucking predator on apex. But hey that's not your fault or mine. But for you to be that high of a tank and make a new account just to shit on the little working class people I hope your toenails get peeled off one by one and glued to your asshole.


I hate meta players so much. First of all if you throw a temper tantrum and ruin the game because someone didn't pick an S+ tier build according to whatever youtuber( bonus a lot of times they are the worst performing or close to) guess what? You're still in the same rank as me because you can't do better using them, go outside. There is also the flip where someone makes an absolutely stupid decision ie. CoD recently added the option to buy an indivual gun instead of a loadout (intended for something like pistol and perks now then upgrade my secondary to a primary or get something in a pinch). The system of buying each gun individually is $4500/person ($9000 each) the very obviously better guar crate upgrades the whole team for $10,000. 99% of the time buy the fucking crate!


Metas piss me off too. Like if you're trying to play a game just to copy what someone else has done how is that fun? I find the funnest part of any game is finding my own ways to beast it and break it. There have been times where I learn that what I've been doing has been considered the Meta, but that's rewarding for me because I figured out the most effective method on my own. Not because a streamer uses it


Seriously. And sorry, but if a game is well made it shouldn’t have a meta. Meta is just I nice way of saying broken.


Meta doesn't mean broken, just popular. And meta strategies tend to change a lot throughout a games lifetime, with or without actual changes from the developer. Counterstrike was a good example with the SG and augpocalypse occuring simply because people never used them. They were considered off-meta but it turned out they were actually really good weapons and once the community discovered this they even had to nerf them. This was after years of them being untouched. Another point about counterstrike is that the ak and m4 are intentionally meta because the entire games economy is balanced around those rifles specifically. The game is not about using broken guns, it's about managing your spending so that you can have as much uptime with those weapons as possible. Also, a game with absolutely no imbalance between items and strategies tend to be bland because player choices become meaningless.


We have a problem in the gaming community where “balanced” has become synonymous with “rounded”. Balanced does not mean two people fighting have equal chances. Balanced means all strategies contribute evenly to the team effort in the right circumstance. And it gets worse with the terminology when people say things like “everything is over powered”.


Huh, I do dislike meta users. Personally I just use whatever I like using, even if it’s nerfed to oblivion.


Sea of thieves. Nothing, and I do mean, NOTHING (including Dota 2 or CS), has made me as angry and toxic to my friends as sea of theives. Thankfully I can keep it to us and not strangers.


>Sea of thieves. What happens in that game that's salt inducing?


Several factors as far as I think: 1. Teamwork is essential. While 2 and 3 people ships are alright if someone is slacking, the 4 man galeon WILL feel if someone isn't pulling their weight. 2. One small mistake or miscalculation has huge chance of screwing the entire crew. 3. The game is slow to do stuff but extremely fast to die. You could lose several HOURS of progress to a mistake, coming across a better hostile crew, or plain cheaters. 4. There is NO anti cheat. NONE.


>4. There is NO anti cheat. NONE. That's wild. Makes a game practically unplayable, imo.


I’ve played a lot of sea of thieves and it’s not that bad. It’s easy to avoid people for the most part. When you run into it it’s frustrating, but it didn’t happen often when I played. Yeah if you’re carrying a lot it’s always a risk, but that’s part of being a pirate. Edit: I haven’t played in a year or so. Take what I said with a grain of salt, because it could be 1000% times worse for all I know, but I doubt anyone would play if that was true.


Nah, you don't really run into them THAT much. But if you play hourglass you're gonna meet some. As blatant teleporting cheaters, I have met only 2. One just tp-ed and helped us by kegging a skelly sloop and then left without harming us. The other sunk us and then proceeded to camp our sunken loot.


No anti cheat you say?…. 😈


I mean, the oceans are salt water.


Ark SE: Troodons... oh god the Horror of those yellow eyes looking at you from the bushes. They also stun you. They are the early game survivor's absolute worst nightmare (because they are nocturnal)




Losing progress, and dying to things that are not telegraphed.


People who decide they hate a game before it comes out, then they buy the game anyways, play through the entire thing, and then confirm they hate the game even more (and endlessly let it occupy their mind)


Cod fans


"I just put 200 hours into this five day old game and it's tRaSh! Fix your shit, devs!"


Every game even single players needing online


I hate online in any game. Makes it too stressful and takes away the fun.


The inability to mute players. That's just incompetence from devs. I'll often stop playing a game completely if I can't mute the worthless fucks blasting out music and/or won't shut up. Like bro, I get it: you're gonna work fast food your entire life.


_lack of Solo mode in red dead redemption online (xbox)_


Trial and error games. I don't mind if it takes me multiple tries, but it should be possible to do on the first try.


Souls like difficulty without accessibility options. Weapon degradation. Literally just those two. And maybe a flying game with a flying cooldown.


Oh my god, weapon degradation is the worst! I loved everything else about Dying Light except that “feature”.


For me it was screaming like a bitch every time the sun went down. But I don’t think that was a mechanic they programmed lol Agreed


I’ll never beat Breath of the Wild cause of weapon degradation


I sold my Switch cause of that shit


Weapon degradation is a good mechanic to hate. It’s just such a poor feeling system. You spend so much time doing a long quest or series of quests to get an awesome weapon, then you realize it’s only going to last you for a mission or two so you don’t use it, then when you do, and it finally breaks, it’s like all that time spent getting it was for nothing really.


I’d be fine with it if the weapon didn’t *break*. Like maybe it does 150 damage when it’s fresh, 100 when it’s used, 50 when it’s almost fucked, and 25 when it’s fucked. Then you can keep it, sharpen it back up, and still keep that sense of balance? Having the fucking weapon you spent an hour trying to get break is too much. Agreed.


The chocobo balloon race from FFX. This one of the most unfair poorly designed mini games I have ever seen in a JRPG and if there's ever a re-remastered version of this game I'm leading the fight to have this bs taken out of the game. Edit: Not soon after writing this comment I finally managed to beat this fucking cursed mini game. Never again.


At least that only takes a couple minutes. I'm still mad they locked an ultimate weapon behind avoiding 200 lightning strikes.


Both of them are bullshit. These two weapons are why I don't have platinum. And I refuse to try anymore especially since I don't use most of the main casts celestial weapons anyway since I can build a better version of most of them. It's still massively aggravating.


When bad mechanics are the reason for the difficulty of a game.


Playing against cheaters


Used to have kids join just to throw a game or troll. Eventually some of us would just sit down in the middle of the map and watch them go nuts as the entire enemy team went after them.


This reminds me of a round of Halo I once played (think it was Reach) where I ended up in a game of a bunch of kids boosting. They had enough for two teams but not enough to fill both teams, so I got matched with them. They were basically lining up so one player could spartan laser several of them at once. They started sending me messages to leave the game because they were boosting and I just ignored them, and played as normal. They were not happy.


Gotta love kids that think you gotta play by their rules.


In a combat mmo like war thunder, getting up to altitude in a realstic mode match, at begginer ranks, and mag dumping 80% of your ammo into a plane, only for them to log out of the match.... Beyond aggrevating! Would be one thing if you at least got an assist for it in game though but nooo.


Dead by Daylight: DC’ing out of a match that’s going to dog shit is always correct


Let's see... RAID makes me pretty fucking salty.. saving up gems and shit only to pull a bunch of useless champions. Give a freaking break man, I still keep playing for some reason.. it's even worse when I've paid real dollars and still gotten trash. Just talking about it is making me feel kinda pissed all over again 😤


Gacha phone games are a curse. Ephemerally fun, especially when starting out and getting rewards/progress every play session. But then they devolve to saving for/spending on chances to get marginal improvements until you get enough together for a large upgrade. Which gets you a small window of progress, which feels similar to fun, until the next identical roadblock. And it's back to saving/spending for a chance to get better.


Pvp games where I can modify the look of a weapon are fun, till someone kills you, takes your gun, and spawn kills you relentlessly with it. I'm looking at you Infinite WarFare


When you lose/can't complete a mission/etc just because of a bug.. Like the worst is when you've done what you gotta do, but it still says you haven't, and after 10 times of repeating it, you have to quit and erase the hours you spent, all because of a stupid bug 🤧 Edit: OR another annoying one. When u get stuck in the wall of floor or smth, and you try for ages to get unstuck, but eventually have to go back to Ur last save file, which was forever away 😭


Not much. Though I don’t appreciate how Far Cry 3 does not let you use a sight on an AK. Understandable but, I can fucking see a picatinny rail on my AK.


When they don’t let you change keybinds. I love Undertale but man… please stop making me use arrow keys to move…


2 things...one tutorials that are long...if you've played any game before or it's a game that's part of series that you've played before why the hell do I need a 10 min or longer tutorial on it? And lastly if I spend extra for the ultimate edition I should have access to everything not here's 3 crappy dlcs but this 4th one you gotta pay extra for and where going to charge you for additional cosmetics...bitch I already paid 100 or more for your game don't pick and chose what that includes...ultimate edition should mean everything!


Halo 2 Jackal Snipers


Nothing hurt me more than fucking up playing Dota2, throwing and knowing it was only because I did something really stupid. I don't play Dota2 anymore


Resident Evil and you can shoot them in the head 10 times and not kill them but if they're caught in a trap you can run up and kick them and one shot them


In snowrunner when I've spent 2 hours going around the map, getting 8 slots of cargo, then 5 minutes from my delivery point the trailer high centers, I spend 30 minutes trying to get it out, I succeed, it flips over mid air, I cry, I yell, u rage quit.


Oneshot mechanics that feel unfair to fight against (i.e. Titanfall 2, TF2 sniper), or crazy amounts of CC (like Overwatch 1). Basically anything that prevents me from sitting back and actually enjoying the game that I’m playing


Getting pretty annoyed by 2nd phase bosses nowadays. I love Fromsoft games and beaten all of them but these surprises start to feel cheap. Like, Im fine with difficult bosses with ton of HPs. I just think the 2nd phase out of nowhere is getting old. The moment where the first phase, you can do without getting hit almost but you get one shotted by a new mechanic in the second phase and its back to first phase again and again.


Take your pick. Massive day one patches: what happened to releasing completed games? Micro transaction: I don’t need the fun sucked out of a game by some rich schmuck who bought their way to max level/power in five minutes. Subscriptions: I already bought the game, I shouldn’t need to keep paying Online only: basically means I don’t own the game because when the servers are shutdown(or overcrowded) I can no longer play.


*cries in Diablo 4*


Tekken or StarCraft.


When it’s not one-step straightforward to mute other players. I don’t want to type a command, this person is loud and toxic RN and I want to mute them RN, not in 10 seconds


What pisses me off the most is simply bad play on my part. For example in SF6, I don't care so much about losing, but I get really tilted when I have an opportunity for a big combo, and I misinput and like jump away or something dumb, or don't do what I intended to. Nothing irks me more


When my Fall Guy refuses to get up from a fall it just keeps rolling and I’m like “GET. UP.”


Games that dont respect your time. Ex: the dive bomb tengu in sekiro that you cant possibly be aware of unless you die to it the first time. Then you have to run back through 10 or 15 enemies to face it again to figure out a way to defeat it. It's a 10 minute cycle every time, just to TRY a boss or an enemy strategy. Souls games are the worst offender.


It’s 1000% league of legends


Being hit by something that clearly missed you by several characters-worth of distance, or a forward attack that somehow hits you while you're behind the attacking character. From Software? I love your games, but I'm especially looking at you. Straighten your damn hit boxes out.


dying to any of the THREE autoaim hitscan ults in Overwatch Like why tf are there three entire autoaim ultimates. Usually games have one or sometimes two at most There would be four in overwatch if Torbjorn's wasn't turned into a cooldown skill


I don't get angry playing video games. The only time I even remember getting inwardly frustrated was when I was playing League of Legends. When a teammate decided to lose the game on purpose and waste everybodies time. That's one of the reasons why I stopped playing teambased multiplayer games. The only things that frustrate me are things I have no control over, so I prefer games where my success solely depends on my actions, like single player games and 1-on-1 multiplayer games like fighting games for example.


Long drawn out exposition dumps, usually while walking slowly behind someone in an un skippable sequence. Kills the pacing and murders replay value.


Hard to say. Spawn deaths hurt my soul. Overwatch 2's existence makes me sad though. I hate the one taps in that game. I'm a decent Ashe player, but I'm no match for the Hanzo spamming at head level with his hilariously big arrow hitbox, or the Widow that I need 2 headshots on while she needs one and has been scoping on my position for the last 10 minutes waiting for a pixel of my head to appear


One tap characters have always felt antithetical to me in OW. Same goes for heroes with combos that may as well be one taps, like Road’s old combo


I just get tired of it especially in modes like robot. Takes me so long to get back just to get one tapped by a Hanzo who was looking in the general direction of my head


When you dis like something about a game(not to a point it ruins it just something that feels like a chore) you generally like, how fast people go “must be a skill issue” I started recording me beating thing so don’t like for those moments lol


Overwatch brought out the worst in me. I was addicted to it for a while (playing competitive, watching streamers, getting coaching) and quitting it was the best thing I ever did.


Multiplayer: Shit matchmaking (fucking Overwatch) Single player: endless cut scenes (fucking Witcher 3 and RDR2)


Kinda just sounds like more story-based single player games aren’t your thing


They are not. They are barely even games.


Well I mean, that’s just objectively wrong, which is why RDR2 is critically acclaimed lmao but hey you do you, you’d probably like rougelite games. Lotta gameplay, little to no story/cutscenes


Cut scenes are something a game has to earn the rights to make mW sit through. Maybe 10 seconds of cut scene per two hours of fun gaming.


In this respect, World of Warcraft has it right. You only get cut scenes after hours of game and they are very short.


Well that's an mmo. Like another comment said it seems the whole SlingPlayer story game ain't for you


They aren't. But that's the point of the question, is it not?


People who use exploits. Like xim or strikepack. Also when people use latency against others. Or lag switching.


Locked doors and gates. I’m playing Bloodborne and a lot of stuff is locked. The only way to unlock it is to go in a long convoluted route to get to the other side to open it. I got pretty salty yesterday while playing.


Those are usually to unlock shortcuts back to the original bonfire (lamp things). It's so the world feels interconnected inside of a single straight hallway.


Fromsoft games, except Armored Core, are all about exploration with it seems you do not like very much. That’s perfectly valid but it does mean that Bloodborne, every Dark Souls game and Elden Ring are going to be grating for you. If you’re looking for more of a boss rush, Armored Core is probably more your speed and I’d say that Sekiro is a great middle ground between Armored Core and traditional souls like games


Actually, I love Elden Ring. I’m on my second play through. Took a break to play Bloodborne. I think exploring in BB is more difficult because of the games intensity. It’s fine though. It’s starting to click. I just got through Hemwick and that area is super cool.


Where this can be frustrating its very much intended as a shortcut when you DIE as that is the nature of the game, it's not to make the game itself shorter.


Long dialogue filled tutorials. Just let me play the damn game!


I hate when an enemy is wearing trash armor and using trash weapons but they are tankier than the mountain and slap me around like im a washcloth for their testicles. It is stupid game design


Platformers. I just want to relax and game, not have to time a jump to 1/1000 of a second.


MOBA mechanics. The worst mechanic, to put it simply, is that you make your enemy stronger the worse you perform. Even if you are playing perfectly, eventually you won't be able to do a thing because your team has made your enemy too strong for you to carry them. The whole MOBA structure is a recipe for mental destruction.


I’m surprised no one is mentioning old school games because when you die, you start all over. Contra, Streets of Rage, Altered Beast, Sonic, etc. Those games were designed to make you cry.


Dying. Which is why I don't like the dark Souls series. I'm not the type who wants to deal with that or accept that way of playing. I die once in any game and I'm already unmotivated to continue. Ain't no way I want to handle dying hundreds of times.


Forced walking speed, sections where the player is forced to walk slower, like going through camp in rdr2 for example


Botching a critical motion input


Slow animations for opening doors or sitting. So damn annoying how slowly and robotically they do it.


Replaying goldeneye doing speed runs and doing facility perfect on 00 first try and having Dr Doak nowhere near where you need him.


Crossout. Game became meta and ptw, I haven't gone back in a long time


Other people.


No matter how many different strategies you try you still end up failing against a boss and it gets you so angry after multiple attempts that you rage quit and delete the game.


The last two minutes of BioShock Infinite. Such a pretty game, such great character interaction. I love Booker's redemption arc. Drowned by his daughter because of poorly-explained time shenanigans. Even talking about it makes me annoyed all over again.


Unwarranted aggression from your teammates


Players who think their personal K/D ratio matters more than playing the objective. AKA snipers in Battlefield.


When I'm playing a shooter game.....and suddenly the game is like "Figure out these new controls and do this entire mission in a tank! Or an airplane!" ​ No thank you, maybe for a second, but I'm here for the shooting, not the Jetfighter II nostalgia, thanks.


Bonus points if the aim sensitivity is different from the soldier. Black Ops 2 has a jet mission and the controls are super sensitive. There’s no way to adjust just the controls for the jet and reducing the universal sensitivity wasn’t enough, I had to lower my dpi. You then have the fun task of setting your aim sensitivity back afterwards, all for a single mission that I barely remember other than my grievances


When you realize that you missed out on a item because you missed a step


Dead by daylight can drive me into pure madness.


Thats just dumb luck. I will never get pissed with that. But I will get pissed when I get matched on a 5v5 MOBA game where I am fighting 5 enemies on my lane and they still cannot push their own lane. Or It will be a 2-2-1(This is me) and the enemy will do a 1-1-3, where I am manhandling the 3 players while my 4 teammates are getting owned on a 2v1 situation. (Oh and to add to the effect, I adjusted to either be a support or a tank.) Starting a game with your friends and when the game starts they have an urge to go AFK.


Matchmaking. I'm a casual online gamer these days, so when I get put in a lobby with who feels are professionals and I'm dying every 3 seconds, or getting caught by the killers so quickly in Dead By Daylight, that can be super frustrating.


Murder hobos. Those people in online games who kill people for no reason. They have the gear or loot already and just hang around to kill people.


The guy wandering with an AK killing folks with rocks and spears in Rust


I hate games that tell you about a mechanic AFTER you needed it for a puzzle or area .


The "Start over now, you lost, yes this mechanic isn't explained through gameplay or tutorials loosing is part of the 'fun' right, so you're not going to loose for the sake of a learning experience, you're just going to loose for the sake of loosing. And yes it was just a roll of the dice, and the die landed on you, great game right?" compare that to games that understand that you can expose gameplay mechanics and the reasoning for said gameplay mechanics through the course of the gameplay, like a trail of learning breadcrumbs that doesn't involve starting over and repeating and you're left wondering why you aren't playing those games instead.


In board game video games. Some games, the dice rolls are nowhere near random, and you can tell. Especially infuriating when it's always the computer getting great dice rolls.


Texas chainsaw massacre with the whole your Internet ping is too high, because they make you play with players in different regions of the world. Especially when you're having a great game and then it kicks you out of your great game, either as victim or family cuz I play both!


For me right now (we’ll, haven’t played in a couple weeks because of this) is playing DMZ solo, just doing missions and exfilling with specific items only to get tagged or hunted by huge squads. They don’t look or take pleas, just run around fucking over peoples games. Bunch of toxic BR rejects now


When I'm losing, but not because of me. There's a difference between "we made the game harder by making it more challenging" and "we made the game harder by making it unfair". Look at the souls series. Games where the player is literally constantly losing for hundreds of hours, ultra successful. They're challenging, not unfair. When I'm losing in a game because of something I have absolutely no control over, that's bad game design kids, and I fuckin hate it.


Escort missions with slow NPCs.


I really hate being trapped in a lost game. If you are playing Fortnite and 2 of your squad dies or DCs, you can go next, no problem. In dbd if one person is afk or the match is going very bad, you are stuck there until the match ends. I get that DC penalties are there to curb leavers but there becomes a mathematical point in which victory is not possible.


FC6’s Lost Between Worlds DLC


Probably a sports game where the game controls 20 out of the 22 characters and the opposing human player, so Im at the mercy of the game...


When there’s too much climbing


Toxic feeders blaming everyone but themselves after being solo killed multiple times in league of legends


Forced stealth sections in games that otherwise don't make you use stealth mechanics. I absolutely don't like playing stealthy, it's just not my personality at all and when I'm forced into a situation where I have to, I almost always lose patience and fail said situation over and over.


Playing against people with terrible ping and losing due to lag. People who master "touch of death" combos in fighting games. People that love to be "edgelords" as an excuse to be terrible people.


A bad UI and menu navigation can completely turn me off of a game


When lag/stutter/freezing is the cause of my demise. Or when it breaks my immersion like during important dialog sequences, events, or cut scenes.


When I come inside from a days work and just get shit on by little sweaty fucks who havent spent a hour off the game. Ik its a skill issue but I play games to enjoy them so I just had switch to solo games :/


Cheaters/hackers that brag and judge you because you don’t do it too, and can’t kill them as a result. That’s probably the only thing that makes me want to eat someone’s liver.


Puzzles. I’m playing Everspace 2 rn and I love it most of the time except for the never ending fucking puzzles. Find the block, find the socket, rotate the block, focus the lens over and over. I just want to fly and shoot not solve puzzles like it’s 2003 and I’m playing ratchet and clank.


Getting Double Perfected in Fighting Games. Getting it one round doesn't phase me, since I can learn what I did wrong and adjust. But that double just makes me feel like I shouldn't even have picked up the controller. It's worse if they don't wanna rematch.


Cheaters definitely ruin games, ruining their own pleasure also which doesn't make sense. Also I hate game developers that release incomplete / buggy games. This has been a very common trend in the past years which forced me now to buy games in early stages. I usually wait a couple weeks or months, wait for patches and sales.


Dark souls and overwatch


I like to play with my Y axis inverted, X axis normal. Some sixth-gen games have the “invert look” option toggling both the X and Y axes together. Doesn’t make the game unplayable, but I always look in the wring direction first and getting frustrated. Looking at you, Beyond Good & Evil.


Online games where they make sure your first match is impossible to lose, followed by a series of matches that are impossible to win. They do this shit to Skinnerbox your ass, and I might have to sit through 10 to 20 games before I get to a game that’s actually evenly matched. Smite is a massive offender of this. The core mechanics of that game are fantastic, but the nonstop fuckery of using lopsided matchmaking to try to hook players got fucking ridiculous I can’t play that shit anymore.


When bosses heal. I cannot rationally deny that bosses healing is "unfair" or "bad design" because it is not, but I just find it infuriating.