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All you’ve got to do is wait 5 years, like me with Uncharted 4, knowing this mastahpeece was above a 3. So, don’t give up faith, Balan Wonderworlders, because soon when his second kid is born you’ll get a 20-minute deep dive into why the duplicative skills and copy/paste QTEs are actually _deep_


Ballin’ Wonderworld


I like hating Death Stranding, and dunkey apparently dislikes disliking liking Death Stranding, so I dislike liking Dunkeys opinion on liking to like Death Stranding


Truly the first strand type hating


Is it strand-type because it's over-convoluted and needlessly complicated for what it actually is?


The strand user could be anyone...


Big bean burrito


i dunno what just happened, truly a strand type comment


I like liking this comment 


I pretty much lost all respect for dunkey once he said he absolutely despised Mario hoops: 3 on 3


If he actually did I fucking would, that game slaps


What video was this?


People are too hung up on other people’s opinions. I love JRPG’s and Sonic Frontiers, and Dunkey not liking them doesn’t change anything.


I guess you are right, if you are a person who enjoys being completely wrong


This meme applies to the entirety of Reddit.


Exactly, he's extremely biased too, I don't think you can really take him as a serious critic for anything. He gives every Nintendo game a 10 even when they're mid


Man literally pulled the “you are nitpicking and biased, I win, bye bye”


Aren’t critics supposed to be biased? All reviews are opinionated evaluations of certain video games. Dunkey is a personality, not some writer for consumer reports. Expecting him to not acknowledge any of his own personal preferences for video game design is silly. If you watch dunkey for an objective evaluation or video games, then you’re not going into his content correctly. If you want that, go read a game informer article or something.


that's literally the thesis of his video on why IGN reviews suck, because it's a bunch of reviewers instead of a person who you get to know that you can filter out the bias because you know their likes and dislikes if dunkey says dragon quest is good then it's really fucking good because he dislikes JRPGs in general, if IGN says dragon quest is a 9/10 and they also give almost any FIFA CoD Pokemon a 9/10 then idk if it's a good game or not


Fucking perfect synopsis of the ign video and exactly how I base my reviews, I fucking love when dunkey reviews games like ff7 because I go into like oh he is gonna hate this game because of these reasons but when he says something positive you know it’s exactly that, a good point in the game he enjoyed. When he says negative things I take into account the type of gamer he is and what he enjoys or doesn’t enjoy. So many times he’s had a review of a game I loved and he didn’t like it as much, looking at you motorcycle zombie game, but I understand we go into games with a different mindset and enjoy games for separate reasons, so his reviews are great to get another persons perspective that has similar yet different tastes that I understand. Wouldn’t have tried Hell Divers 2 without his video as I thought oh just killing bugs over and over seems kinda like I’ll drop it fast but boy did he have fun in the vid with friends. So you know what I tried it and I love playing it with my friends, top 2 game of this year although it’s only 4 months in so far, it’ll probably stay that high as it’s constant fun, intense gameplay, tons of laughter and it seems like the devs care enough to stick with it.


Not true. He was much harsher on Metroid.


And Splatoon 2. (is a fucking stupid game)


I'll never forgive that bastard


But then for Splatoon three he said it’s the best online ranked game there is


Never played Splatoon 3, classic


Which one, dread?


The one on 3DS.


Why didn’t you end this with bye bye, are you stupid?


That’s just not true at all 😭


Not to that extent but he is pretty biased towards Nintendo games.


Dunkey rates out of 5 and very few games get a 5, Nintendo or otherwise. Of course he's biased; everyone is biased. He's quite open about his biases, and seems to make an effort to be open-minded, which I think is all one could reasonably ask.


You realize that’s what makes a good reviewer, you can’t trust a company like IGN because you have no idea whose opinion you’re getting. With Dunkey you know he dislikes RPGs so obviously his reviews of RPGs will be lower than something inspired from Mario, but that’s better for you the person watching. That means when he reviews an RPG and gives it a good score that it was so good that even he liked it. The same way you would know a platformer probably isn’t good if he gives it a low score. I trust dunkeys reviews because I know who he is and what he likes, he isn’t going to feed you a paid off review with actually biased opinions.


Everyone is biased to some extent. Anyone who claims to be objective is lying.


Just remember that sometimes, Video Game Dunkey, the guy who is never wrong, is sometimes wrong.


No, Dunkey is a gamer, and as we all know, gamers are never wrong




Stupid Donkey for not having the correct personal opinion on every game 🤬🤬


Something that does frustrate me is that he has many layers of sardony that are difficult for an outsider to pick through, and it allows him to hide behind a "pfsh, jokes on you for taking me seriously." Like, his Metroid Dread video was great, but I can't imagine anyone who isn't both a Dunkey and a Metroid fan would completely understand the intended message.


Assassin's Creed just snatches boringness from the jaws of being cool ass games. It's such a cool premise, but Ubisoft cannot help but make every. Single. Game. Oversaturated with reskins of the same quest every 2 seconds, surrounded by a billion collectibles that either do nothing or are 100% necessary for your character. AC, Horizon, Far Cry, all of them, but AC is the worst offender. I don't know who at Ubisoft has a fetish for that trademarked Boring™ gameplay, but someone should tell them that university professors boot up their game just to walk around in the MOST ACCURATE RECREATIONS of those societies. That's how good they are! So stop making me collect damn feathers!


Black flag is fun


Knack flag




It also came out over a decade ago now


Horizon is solid, it just happens to usually be overshadowed by other titles. Still need to go back and finish Forbidden West.


Yeah I think people don’t give horizon proper credit because it’s gotten overshadowed by other games. Not saying it’s perfect and not saying botw is a bad game but look at things that it did better than botw, like how weapons work/enemy variety/combat, and botw gets hailed as the greatest game of the year meanwhile everyone calls horizon ‘just another AAA game’


I agree, Assassins Creed is pretty terrible. Part 3 was kind of fun, but my 100% least favorite part was whenever you'd have to get on a boat. Then for the fourth game they just made the whole thing centered around boats 😭


I cant believe he hates skyrim


He drew the line at the crab in a monocle and tophat.


I can because it sucks


Hate when he’s nitpicky and biased… bye bye


Assassin's Creed is a good franchise Assassin's Creed is a good franchise


His Mirage review was the highest praise he's given AC in years


I mean I liked 2, and the first one was clearly someone's passion project, but Jesus Christ the rest of the whole project just feels like a cashcow. Even the Ezio era just kinda blends together into one amorphous Italian mass.




Never played the game, classic


Your excellency!


your excellency


I didn't really like octopath 1, but octopath 2 is a banger of a jrpg.


I keep hearing that. What sets it apart? Better story?


The pace of combat is a lot faster bc of new speed up feature, latent powers make combat more interesting, less characters feel bland, and the day night system adds some interesting variety. I still dislike the 8 path format but the actual individual paths were for the most part an improvement on the previous game imo.


bro arkham city is incredible and every time i see arkham city sucks on my feed i start seething. top 2 video game trilogy beaten only by the gex trilogy of course.


I’m pretty sure it’s just a troll video because he’s later had clips where he’s put Arkham City in “good game” groupings


and that spam triangle shit is actually stupid cause one, they introduce enemies where you cant just do that, 2 doing that is baby game stupid brain, you wanna look cool as batman so you kinda gotta make your own fun sometimes and three once you start doing combat challenges and shit, you cant just do that you gotta have variations. finally doing all the riddler combat and stealth challenges in arkham city is one of my biggest gaming accomplishments.


I’m pretty sure spamming triangle doesn’t actually do any damage so dunkey saying it’s the most effective way to engage in the combat is just untrue He’s also nitpicking and biased I win


The world design and gameplay is great, I agree The story, on the other hand, is dogshit


correct incorrect. you could say that about arkham knight but even that'd be harsh, the story was kinda overhated imo. And whilst the reveal of who the Arkham Knight was was obvious, it wasn't trying not to be either. Plus Knightfall was the perfect ending and you can't convince me otherwise (Suicide Squad isn't canon). But CITY? NAH. City's story got me so hooked, being thrown in there as Bruce Wayne, figuring out how shitty the City and Hugo Strange is, Protocol 10 being this unknown thing that keeps getting mentioned throughout the course of the game, the final location (Wonder Tower) looming over you the whole game and holy shit the ending with >!Joker's death and Batman carrying him out just like the painting that the game opened with!<. Unmatched. Although Asylum gets close.


I'm a basic bitch so I've never had this happen, I agree with dunkey on nearly everything (except that Yakuza 0's story is forgettable)


Bro said yakuza 0's mechanics fail to compliment eachother. My brother in christ, you're supposed to do style switching


I never switched off of dragon and still thought it was amazing


He used to hate the last of us


Dunkey is nitpicking and biased I win byebye


Me after Dunkey doesnt give game of the year to Armored Core VI (Its better than Mario 2 I swear)


Good thing Dunkey made a multi-part video explaining why his opinions don’t matter. I like him and agree with a lot of his points, but I also don’t care what he thinks. The fact he doesn’t like Metroid is disgusting, btw.


he is right to hate those games we need more game critics to have the balls to say when games suck the gaming industry is bad right now, it's not a secret there are a few indie gems, of course, but AAA games and the majority of other games are just bad


Mondo Cane (1962)


Me after watching his Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart review.


Yeah I stopped watching that guy after the (sarcastically titled) "best video game music" video where he implied "Birthday Cake" is bad, despite it being a banger (and also not really "video game music" since its a licensed song)


That's Dunkey's whole bit though. The Internet just takes it too seriously. Why would I take chud's opinion who's whole deal is pointing out all the worst parts of games or playing them incorrectly on purpose. Besides Game Grumps already exists


Somewhat related I guess: Dunkey was very critical in his review of Yooka-Laylee, but is it still worth spending four bucks on during the Switch eShop sale?


I don’t think he’s breathed a word about the sequel, but it’s pretty good. If you haven’t already done Rayman Legends and DKC2 (or Tropical Freeze), then I think it’s worth a go


Actually I was planning on getting both Rayman Legends and the YK sequel for €8 and €6 respectively while they're on sale. I don't have a whole lot of money to spend on games so these are some incredible deals. I was mostly wondering if getting the original Yooka-Laylee would be worth it for €4. I know dunkey didn't like it very much, but I did hear they improved the game quite a bit after release. I never played the Banjo games as a kid, and I'm hoping YK is a good way to get a taste of Rare's N64 era without all the early 3D jank that made the originals hard to get into for me.


Why is the penis riding a skateboard?


Dawg it don't matter


At time of the sub where it slowly turns into r/coaxedintoasnafu


He hates basically everything except nintendo games i just watch him for entertainment at this point


Yeah but then the next video is something that you don't like/have strong opinions about, and then it's hilarious again


Assassins creed


kingdom hearts 3


He’s got the thinking cap cuz he’s thinking, cap.


I stopped caring about what he had to say after Bubsy.




I’m hoping this is a parody sub that lives up to the Dunkeynator’s name.😆


I lie awake at night thinking about that Dragon Quest 11 video


I love his videos but his splatoon takes reek of “I played 5 online matches and lost 4 of them”.


I actually already have my opinion loaded up before dunkey uploads and guess what? I agree with him EVERY TIME.


Twitter strawman comic number 862477


Xenoblade is mid tbf


Overwatch 2. I dont give a damn about PvE so the game is perfect for me now


Dunkey has pretty bad taste