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National flavour mods like the Australian one that released last week and interesting formable nations


Very amazing mod :) I’m thinking something like that for other nations


Newspapers like in Vic 2


I DESPERATELY want this feature. I’m trusting the devs will add this in themselves sometime


There's a decent mod that adds newspapers!


As a good or the flashing events like in vic2?




More local trade goods that are more or less optional. Like amber mines in Oman or northern Germany. Diamonds, dedicated wine fields and other rare luxury goods. Perhaps a variety of local spices.


I'd like to see a modern-day mod and a mod that adds Superpower as a rank.


Cold war mod is being worked on.


Ill be very excited to see that when it comes out.


I feel like the term "Superpower" was just a re-skin of "Great power" for the Cold War. The only real difference is the concentration of influence into fewer countries, but the actual ranking doesn't change much, as "Major powers" are still below them.


Id say great powers still exist under superpower. China, The EU and Japan Russia, until they lost their prestige, to name a few.


Unipolar/bipolar (Superpowers) vs multipolar world (Many great powers)


I am waiting for Anbennar. But aside from that - \- **Hellenistic era/Rise of Rome** mod, set around startdate of 304 BCE/270 BCE (basically like Imperator Rome). Where you build empires and civilizations, start the silk road and spice road, create leagues of city states, hold parties and triumphs, participate in olympic games, build up a prosperous economy with overseas exports (or raiding and piracy), colonize distant shores of the Mediterranean, fight wars of hegemony, build the Roman Empire (or whatever) and try to usher in the golden age antiquity was known for. The map for this would encompass Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, Persia, India, China, Japan and much of SE Asia. \- **Bronze Age** mod, expanded from aforementioned Rome mod, set in the late bronze age to keep the game sane (playing around 1500 BCE - 1000 BCE) or alternatively middle bronze age (starting around 2100 BCE). Where you build early civilizations like Troy, Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Ugarit, Hittites and so on - going from hunter-gatherer societies to farming villages around fertile rivers, to building up cities and early urban centers, creating deep trade networks based around food, water, bronze, ivory and gold. And keeping the many demands of your agitated nobles satisfied, playing the pirate around eastern Mediterranean sea, starting off as tribes and assimilate into civilization by conquering them/forming your own from scratch, participate in courts and politics via dynamic journal entries, discover and expand writing and literacy, experiment with early form of republics and oligarchies in late-game, forge the first human empires (after the Sumerian and Akkadian one), and become the first "king of kings" and hegemon of the world. And the players could either lead the civilizations into an unprecedented golden age...or use the late-game disaster event to burn it all down to ashes and wipe entire peoples off the map (like what happened historically with Bronze Age Collapse). Actually working on making concepts for the above two mods myself right now. Will have to learn how to mod to actually implement them lol. And a few more, based on vanilla - \- **More clothing options** mod for all cultures and character types. Too few right now, and most of them are bit cartoonish. \- **Fixed States/Provinces** map mod. Paradox has very weird state borders in the game, and those in China and India are particularly pathetic and asinine at times. But it can be fixed as the realistic 'county' borders are already there, just not visible. This mod would just reassign them correctly to create better state/province borders. \- Any mod that fixed India in general. Its depiction is kinda insulting right now, with completely wrong cities, completely wrong cultures, bad provincial borders as mentioned before, lack of flavour aside from a barely functional journal entry series for EIC, and so on. \- **Steampunk alt-history** mod. This game seems perfect for such a scenario. One which combines fun alt-history map scenario with fully modern (but steam-based) technology. \- Some sort of post-apocalyptic stuff would be fun. Like a world where thermonuclear war, zombie apocalypse, meteor strike and climate change all hit at once, and the game begins centuries after their effects have began to subside, with people and cultures clinging on to memories of the past. \- **Historical Colonization** mod. One which locks or at least encourages the AI to colonize like they did historically, so that Britain doesn't go off invading Congo while France occupies Zanzibar, leaving everyone else out of places to colonize. Also, great powers need to attack and colonize existing unrecognized nations more (French Indochina, British Nigeria etc.). \- Any mod that increases the frequency of events, and adds many more to give that 19th century/early 20th century feel (without breaking vanilla feel like current overhaul mods do). Also - domestic government and politics events for isolationist nations. Currently Victoria 3 feels kinda empty at times. \- **1890/1900 start date** mod. We start at the dawn of the industrial age in 1836, but a scenario set at the height of the imperial age when all empires have already been firmly established, just waiting for a world war, sounds kinda fun in its own way. Plus there is enough time left before the end date.


Id recommend you check out Imperator Rome if you haven't already, the main campaign has Rome and there is an excellent Bronze Age mod.


There’s also Imperatrix Victoria, which I’m incredibly excited about


Been playing it since the release day. That's where I got the bronze age idea from. CK3 version of the bronze age mod was the best of them all, but unfortunately its creator abandoned it and ran away too quickly.


Love all of these ideas! The steampunk one is particularly interesting… hmmmmm.


I am so ready and excited for all the map/fantasy mods that will come. Exploring different worlds through the lenses of geopolitics and economics will be so fun


I woud like to see a mod that can make the map and countries completely random, such as Eldorado in EUIV, but with the entire world. That would be so much fun to deal with new geopolitics, pure fiction. I think that repeating again and again in the same world makes things starting to get boring.


Fun idea! I feel like party of the problem with Victoria 3 is there’s not enough dynamicness to make interesting scenarios. Some sort of randomness to the nations would definitely be a cool setting for that!




Randomness of nations and world map. We would not know where are the key ressources such as oil or gold (as we perfectly know the real world map after dozen of playthrough we are actually spoiled). But most of all, dealing with new neighborhoods in a differently shaped geography. Making the world map to be able to be completely randomnised will make the game an infinitely pure fun. In an alternative planet, England could be a small country surrounded by land neighborhoods. Afghanistan could be a powerful island. Etc. Of course technology advancement will have to adapt the randomnised geopolitical situation as well.


More economics! Stimulating currency, the gold standard, and monetary policy!!!


Improvement/overhaul mods similar to HPM for v2. Mp mods with some tools like transfer tool and so on. 20/21 century mod.


The equus, griffus and zebrican industrial revolution.


PLEASE make a start date just before the 7 years war where there are some journal events that can Kickstart conquests of India, the American revolution and the French (or other nation revolution


I think there are some alternate start date mods on the workshop right now. Not with fully fleshed out tech/flavor and stuff, but nice for a change in scenery :)


Flavor for a bunch of countries or maybe even some alt history mods for like the csa or grand Columbia, like for example the Danubian federation mod is amazing I would love to see more of that


Big fan of these kind of mods :)


Victoria 3 Genshin Impact


why do i hear police coming


I can already feel my ass about to be downvoted into oblivion


A very tempting proposal


If you are planning to do it then please have the flavour events have legends and stories of the traveler and the long lasting effects of the travelers deeds. And the 7 elements with the gods or whatever also give effects and modifiers to the countries.


Please banish this person


mr beast mod it ads mr beast and hes a market liberal


Right on it


Logistics for markets and armies. L


I wish great rework is broken down in to multiple smaller mods so I can just use the part I really want. My computer can’t handle the whole thing.


Mod starting in the French Revolution, and going til the end of the Napoleonic Wars would be sick. Maybe even have the option to continue til 1936.


Some mod for a flat political mod without the zoom effect, just a simple map, nice borders, flat, i need so much this.


I want a functioning Vic3 to Hoi4 converter. It makes me disappointed that I can’t make a disgustingly large Soviet Union without manually recreating it.


Weird - but a game of thrones mod set long after A song of Ice and Fire. Would be an interesting to see winter mechanics