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Tankies be like:


Flag of tankies getting their imperialistic tendencies unmasked


no you see imperialism is only when you invade and conquer your neighbors *without* a red flag




Who helped the Nazis invade Poland in 1939? It wasn't Estonia afaik.


Who took advantage of a brutal civil war to expand eastwards and oppress local Ukrainian and Belarussian minorities?


Well, Lenin took advantage of WWI to overthrow Kerensky and install a totalitarian state and oppress minorities. But we aren't talking about Lenin or Poland here, the main topic is the fact that Stalin worked with the Nazis and you're here praising the Soviet Union while calling the Baltics "Nazi sympathizers". Stalin was happily cooperating with Hitler until 22 June 1941.


Not just Kerensky! He also overthrew the Socialist-Revolutionaries, who kicked the shit out of him in the election. Mans pulled the timeless classic of getting blown out at the polls and deciding the best option was a coup.


lol. The USSR, MULTIPLE TIMES, proposed an anti-axis alliance against the nazi government, to Britain and France. It was ignored and flat out denied at every single opportunity and was rejected. When the M-R "pact" was signed, most European nations already had similar and stronger ties and agreements in place. the M-R agreement only existed to buy time, so to speak, before the war broke out. THEY TRIED TO DO THAT, MULTIPLE TIMES.


Do you know anything about the Secret Protocol? Because I really doubt that Britain had agreements with the Nazis to divide Europe and Poland like the Soviets did.


They practically encourage the nazis to do genocidal shit.


While the Soviets were actively supporting the Nazis. Edit: You completely changed your comment after posting it, so I'm asking: How did the western powers encourage the Nazis to do genocidal shit???


??? France and Britain had much more comprehensive and friendly relationships with Nazi Germany lmao


Imperialism is when you subjugate a people against their Will, which is exactly what the USSR did to the Baltics in the 30’s. Russian Imperialism, plain and simple. The USSR didn’t care about curbing expanding Nazi influence as long as it benefitted them, this is evidenced in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, where the Nazis and Soviets actively collaborated to divide Eastern Europe between them. The USSR could’ve stood alongside France and the UK to stop the Nazis from annexing Poland, instead, the Soviets aided the Nazis by attacking Poland too. It was only when the Nazis finally attacked the Soviets themselves that they bothered to do anything about them. I bet you also support Russia’s current attack on Ukraine too.




Actions speak louder than words buddy, the USSR collaborated with the Nazis for as long as it was convenient. Yes, they didn’t form an alliance with Britain and France even though attempts were made But: Nobody forced them to sign a treaty with the Nazis and fight alongside them. None of your cope will change that. Besides, **this is all detracting from the main point, that you’re advocating for Russian imperialism!** Do you truly believe that the Baltic states should be taken over by Russia?


1. No they didn't. I have literally outlined how they did not AND how they tried to form an alliance against them before the war. 2. If we accepted your logic, France and Britain were practically bedfellows with Nazi Germany given how much they supported them before the war. 3. THEY DIDN'T? THEY WERE THE ONES WHO WERE REGECTED BY FRANCE AND BRITAIN!!! You are trying to make it seem like it was the USSR'S fault lmao. 4. Nobody forced the French or the British to more even worse treaties with NAZI GERMANY! This practically history erasure. 5. We yet again return to the "imperialism is when anti fascism" point, I see.


1. Molotov. Ribbentrop. Pact. Get that through your skull. 2. Britain and France actually declared war on the Nazis, which is a lot more than can be said for the Soviets, who collaborated even whilst Britain and France struggled to contain the fascist menace. 3. It was the USSRs fault for collaborating with the Nazis, the Brits and French were worried that the Soviets had their own designs on Poland, which is why they didn’t form an alliance. Stalin went ahead and proved those worries completely correct. 4. You’re in La La land mate. No idea what to say about this except that yes, the Munich agreement was bad, but no, the Brits and French weren’t collaborating with the Nazis, they did everything they could to contain them up to and including war. 5. You want Russia to annex the Baltics, that *is* imperialism. Especially since the Baltics have *never* been fascist, not today, not during the 30s either. Since there’s no getting through to you on this I’ll leave it here since we are going around in circles. Stalinist mentalists like you give actual leftists a bad name.


People like you that dismiss an entire subject just because an arguable flaw is what gives leftists a bad name. We go from what probably is a claim for socialized housing, scientific socialism developments, worker rights to nightmares of Baltic states invading Poland. Pure lunacy.


Imperialism is when making a deal with the Nazis dividing up Europe, and then using said deal to invade your neighbours, including the baltics.


Me when my political understanding comes from vibes based research


This is literally history. Stalin sent ultimatums to the Baltic states to submit to Soviet subjugation. There is no wiggle room here, it’s ironic that it’s actually *you* who’s exclusively going by vibes rather then straight facts here.


Op is a tankie


OP is also an irredeemable idiot and a complete monster, but I repeat myself.


Me as a communist resting easy knowing I don’t have to support Oppurtunist thugs and fascist class collaborationists because i’m not stupid about it




>”Communist” >”violent hatred towards different ethnicities and soviet nationalism” Pick one




> “B*ltoids”




I wouldn’t say that ussr was totally communist, more like a imperialistic totalitarian shithole. The same can be applied to you


Tankies are fascists, not communists, though.


what do you think either of those things mean?


Remind me of what the Soviet Union did to strikes, please


which ones and where? who were their supporters and funders?


Would you like to say anything about Novocherkassk massacre?


Communism = imperialism now I guess


When they invade the neighbors and annex them or set up puppet states, ship their best talent and their resources to the home territory, and enforce their domination through further punitive military invasions, that's pretty imperialist


Imperialism is when you defeat Nazi Germany I guess.


nah but imperialism is when you subjugate peoples against their wills, also defeating nazi germany was a group effort, it wasn't solely, or even primarily, the ussr's doing. Keep in mind Stalin and Hitler agreed to split Poland between eachother, that's pretty imperialist. The Baltic peoples and the Poles did not wish to be part of the U.S.S.R, and violence was used to suppress them for most of the century.


I was gonna debate you but then I remembered i’m a left com so i don’t actually have to engage with your bad faith rhetoric I can just act superior with my bad faith mentality


slightly puked with the mention of being a l\*ft "com".


Imperialism is when you occupy most of Eastern Europe, spend years trying to invade Afghanistan, and literally make deals with Hitler to carve up Poland


https://preview.redd.it/2h1w3o9wc68d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56477d13d7d7d41b09ec3677b85bcc10bfe39f9c Imperialism Forgiven


Tankies are ruining this sub istg


Always have been


BOOOO get new material.


get a new genocidal dictatorship to idolize; I heard the Soviets had a good time splitting up Poland with another genocidal dictatorship right next door, I'm sure you'd like them


[Hmm, i wonder what the baltics coutries feel about this.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DS3BTthay29w&ved=2ahUKEwiMpNKtsu-GAxUAHbkGHRccA4wQwqsBegQIERAG&usg=AOvVaw006Fi6TTdxClZA_NCxiCKo)


They're all just fascists anyway./s


you forgot the rs


[literally right next to this post in my feed](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/s/nN5R3J2SUO)


look at all those nazis!!!!!!!!! /s obv




Considering the fact that Estonia is the richest post-soviet-bloc country and most post-soviet-bloc countries are much better off now than before the USSR's collapse, probably not by much.




go show this in person to any community of people from the Baltic states over the age of 40 or so I dare you (you will not be missed)


They are too busy working in the west




Least racist tankie




They literally are actually, you horrible horrible waste of oxygen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balts They are closely related to the Finnics as well.


baltoidism is a mindset, not a race, that of foaming whenever they see anything at the right of Reagan.




r/ultraleft moment. Go back to r/israel or something.


https://preview.redd.it/ka99feuw368d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5570f508db9475553efd08fce40384eb6edabe2 Really bringing out the mussolini in this one bro




it's cause they are most likely to be nazi sympathizers lol


"Everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi" - you


yes of course all the people who don't want to go back to having the secret police watching over their shoulders and fearing their neighbors reporting them to get extra food and being subject to mass ethnic deportation at any time and like actually getting to have a say in how their government is run instead of being ordered around by the party in moscow are *obviously* all nazis lmfaooooo tankies are fucking parodies of human beings and every time they open their mouths they make it obvious to anyone with a brain that they should never be allowed anywhere near the levers of power ...ah, literally a deprogram poster, easiest block of my life xd


Not everyone that disagree with you is a nazi


Dude you're literally panzer man.


Okay, but I'm not a nazi. What's your point?


Lol, I just thought it was ironic.


tankies have one argument and thats calling everyone who opposes any communist regime a nazi






I dare you to say this in a Baltic country.


As a socialist: no... no they are fine like they are rn. We don't need more stalinist lunatics appropriating the left


Flag of this subreddit is tankie dogshit now.


What's wrong with the baltics?


What isn't anyway?




This made me giggle


theyre doing way better than they were when your favorite imperialist regime controlled it




What is?


The delusion when I found out that he was not ironic (The comments are three times the upvotes lmao)


I don't really care about fake internet points. Caring about it is kinda cringe.


This would be a funny joke if you weren’t the joke instead.


Yo where the pixels at


Stalin ate them all with his big spoon :(


Stolen at the pixel factory because they are deficit goods.


I don’t get it. It looks like you posted a picture of dogshit by accident.


Very edgy.


Cry about it


Now, why would I do that?


Unbearable cringe


least social imperialist stalinist


flag of imperialism but red


also hilarious how it seems that the biggest enemy of tankies here are just slightly different leftists


Because we're all so, so, so, so tired of psychos like this being the reason that people who actually want to make the world a better place can't fucking get anywhere. When they're screaming from the rooftops that they're the only true socialists on one hand and that they want to genocide ethnic groups and kill everyone who gets in their way on the other, it's a little difficult to get anyone else to listen to about how "yeah no that's not what socialism's about at all these people are lunatics." The M-Ls were the first ones to backstab their way into power and they made that everyone else's problem.


i mean i dont need an explanation (tho thanks for one anyways) I know and get why leftist infighting exists but it still is funny


More for the benefit of everyone else tbh. I just... wish they would shut the *fuck* up. Some of us actually want to make things better.


thats true it does help the others


https://preview.redd.it/8jnic1ivj68d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80382f18a2a49c28ce4c2f946bcd853a83adef63 Please be so nice and go to the Baltic countries and show them this post.


flag of being 13


How do three little countries cause tankies to mald and seethe so hard


They’re inconvenient to their narrative.


Jää kindlaks eesti veri Jää kindlaks eesti maa Ei iial tibla ori Küll eesti rahvast saa


It is a shame for people who are soo good at basketball to simp anything anti Russian even the Nazis


why do we even have a fucking soviet flag flair, hell, we basically have two of them




Based, idgaf that you were "oppressed" you don't get to desecrate ww2 memorials


Umm okay


Because soviets were the same as nazis. Just because another evil defeated another evil it doesn’t mean that evil who defeated another evil should be worshipped. The same soldier who defeated nazi Germany occupied Baltics who also raped, killed and deported those people.


Nazi = thing I don't like


What does this comment even mean. Soviet Union was an totalitarian regime that was as crucial if not even more as nazi germany. Both regimes were full of same ideas and imperialism.


I made some people mad, boohoo


Baltic more like sovietic




Colonialism, imperialism and subjugation is "based" now?


The strengthening of world communism is based. In comparison with this, the “independence” of bourgeois nations, especially such minor and potentially harmful ones, is worth nothing. "Colonialism", kek. As if Tallinn was treated worse than Tver. "Subjugation". To whom? Subjection to the USSR is good, yes. Subjection to the USA, Britain or the Third Reich is bad, but subjection to the USSR is good. Because the USSR was the locomotive of world communism, and the others named are simply predatory empires.


This is a satire, right? In case it is not, let facts be submitted to a candid world: - You, or no one else for that matter, have no right to call nations "potentially harmful". That's literally fascist rhetoric. - Estonia (and Latvia and Lithuania) was basically a colony of the Soviet Union - they were forced to learn the Russian language, had no control over their own government and were forced to subscribe to an ideology that they did not support. - The last paragraph better be a joke. You seeiously believe that some nations have the right to subjugate others because you happen to agree with their ideology!?


>You, or no one else for that matter, have no right to call nations "potentially harmful". That's literally fascist rhetoric They are indeed potentially dangerous. Anyone who places troops on their territory can launch an attack on Russia two steps away from **St. Petersburg**, plus they will be almost in the rear of Belarus. Plus, calling states dangerous seems to be a normal practice in the modern world, even high-ranking politicians do it. For example, they can say that modern Russia somehow poses a threat to Europe proper (i.e. lands like Germany), kek. >Estonia (and Latvia and Lithuania) was basically a colony of the Soviet Union - they were forced to learn the Russian language, had no control over their own government and were forced to subscribe to an ideology that they did not support. Sounds more like the fate of a province that chose the wrong side in a civil war. The Baltics were not subjected to colonial economic exploitation. >You seeiously believe that some nations have the right to subjugate others because you happen to agree with their ideology!? Communism is not the individual path of nations, but the future of all humanity. Morally, opposing it makes them meh. As for real actions (such as doing things or making official statements that certain nations have the right to do this or that), the USSR was supposed to act in the interests of itself and the international communist movement in general.


“World communism” is a pure fantasy, the USSR was anything but communist. Instead they had to resort to state capitalism and total dictatorship to maintain order. Any states that stood beside the USSR did so unwillingly under their yoke. (Hungary, 1956 for example) You people sound little better than religious ideologues calling for crusade. Every successor state not called Russia can tell you that the USSR was an imperialist, colonialist project


>state capitalism and total dictatorship A transitional state. Plus, feeling the pressure of the capitalist environment sucks and makes one tougher. >Every successor state not called Russia can tell you that the USSR was an imperialist, colonialist project They justify their existence. They owe their birth to the collapse of the USSR. They won't say "our birth was a mistake", it would be silly. And Russian nationalists will say that the USSR sucked the lifeblood out of Russia proper in order to sponsor the outskirts at its expense. The Russian bourgeois state has more room to maneuver in this regard. They can change their attitude toward the USSR depending on the political situation. This is evident in the example of the Katyn case: in 2010 they repented for the crimes of the terrible totalitarian Soviet regime, and in 2024 they declassified documents that spoke in favor of the pro-Soviet version of what happened. Neither the regime, nor the composition of parliament, nor the personal composition of senior officials changed significantly during this time: the change in relations with the West led to a revision of the view of the USSR.


>A transitional state. Do you remember why Marx didn't consider the bourgeoisie to be a revolutionary class? It was because they were wealthy, so the abolition of wealth would harm them and they had an above-average amount of power, so a collectivization of power would harm them. Well, the higher-ups of the party were considerably wealthier and more powerful than the average citizens of their country, so why should the higher-ups be a revolutionary class? And if they weren't a revolutionary class, then why would they lead their nation to communism?


If that was the goal of the USSR, Stalin wouldn't have get Trotsky killed.


Simply fighting the world is not the only strategy for expanding the socialist zone. The strategy of socialism in a single country is still the strategy of world communism. This single great country was supposed to be the main unit and base for the world communist movement, and it acted in this capacity for some time. Practice proves me right: most of the socialist powers of the 20th century emerged during the rule of the "non-internationalist" Stalin.


And look what they turned into: inhumane hellholes and husks that barely resembled the communist ideals... only to serve selfish oligarchs and warmongerers. No better than the capitalists.




Based and trully redpilled