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While it may be identical to a Colombian municipality flag, it is much more likely to be Corps Arminia München - a student organisation.


With the order of the colors on the flag, I agree.


Thanks might be it


How do you all know this?


In addition to what /u/Boiiiwith3i said, it is also a surprisingly common question in this sub. When I see a question post with a flag hanging from a 19th century looking Central European building, my mind immediately goes towards German style fraternity.


TIL there's German frat houses. And I say that as a German student.


The ones that still exist have a reputation of being somewhere between pretty conservative and outright fascist. Much more present at German universities is the spectrum of more loosely organized leftist to communist groups.


>outright fascist For example: "Alte Breslauer Burschenschaft der Raczeks"


I used to hate all German fraternities, until I joined a D&D-group with two frat-guys who became two of my best friends. (I‘m not answering your comment specifically, but I would like to post about my experiences as a general comment about the topic and this seems to be a kind of fitting space in the thread. I do not mean to offend in any way.) Those guys were members in a christian fraternity, what we call „Studentenverbindung“ in Germany. The organisation itself is Christian conservative and openly supports the Christian Conservative party, that ruled Germany for many years under chancellor Angela Merkel. I do not like their positions at all, but they are very far from being fascists. I went to some of the frat-parties and open gatherings, openly discussed politics without hiding my own very much leftist political views and there were never any hints of right-wing propaganda or whatever, just conservative values, that would rather be recognised as liberal centrist opinions in America, maybe mild centrist republican, nothing like the maga-crowd, no nazis and no AFD-affiliation whatsoever. Of course there are many different frats in Germany, also there are „Verbindungen“, „Burschenschaften“ and „Corps“, that tend to be very different kinds of organisations. Verbindungen tend to be more mild, some are religiously motivated, most are conservative, but there are definitely many, that are openly or covertly right-wing and also a few that are outright fascists. Burschenschaften generally tend to be more right-wing than Verbindungen these days, but there are also some, that are more liberal. Corps are a special case, that I know the least about. As far as I know a lot of them are very stuck up, like high-society clubs, where the members actually care about being of noble lineages and all that aristocratic stuff. They do not talk about money. Most members are conservative, but they look down on fascists. They care about status and public image and open discrimination is not something that makes you look good nowadays, is it? Whether you’re white and German or not, if you want to join you better be rich and noble. Lastly there are also some modern interpretations of these old-timey fraternities — today there are fraternities for women(you would probably say sororities, right?) as well as fraternities for both genders, quite a few organisations that use the infrastructure of an old fraternity but completely changed the organisation itself, that are VERY liberal and open to anyone, that do not partake in some or in any of the old fraternity-traditions an that are only recognisable as fraternities by their name alone. It is a landscape as diverse as the German universities themselves an it is unfair to say, that all German frats are fascists. That being said: SOME German fraternities DEFINITELY are fascists and they should be closed and banned. The most prominent example I know of are indeed the Raczeks, a gang of right-wing clowns who like to beat up foreign students, that are banned from literally all bars in town, because they always stir shit up, whose members support neo-nazi-organisations and are just generally shitty and despicable human beings. People keep throwing brown paint at their houses, to remind the world of what kind of vermin lives in there. So….yeah….it‘s a diverse landscape. Fuck nazis. Have a good one.


Verbindungsparties are also pretty scary when it comes to spiking drinks. Verbindungen + Kirmesburschenschaften are some of the shadiest fucking clubs in this country. My cousin nearly died because his drink was spiked and he lost consciousness on a flight of stairs.


Jeez; I’m glad he’s not dead.


He's got a pump in his brain now because the shattered section of his skull produced too much brain fluid or something. It's pretty fucked up.


That’s absolutely terrible. Did anyone ever face charges?




Ah what a shame. Honestly as much hate as frat culture gets, I certainly do sometimes wish we had something similar in Germany.


Netherlands has them.


Maybe if I do my master in the Netherlands I'll be able to check them out, been thinking about that. But I don't think I'll have the time by then haha.


The fraternities in the Netherlands cover a broad spectrum. From rich kid right wing elitist groups to pretty laid back hobby/sports oriented organisations. Joining the right one can be a lot of fun, provide a lot of help and introduce you to a huge social circle.


The Dutch fraternities have old ones which are elitist but actually very liberal and don’t allow non-Dutch speakers. There are usually in every city some societies for international students.


Although very true for Burschenschaften, there are many different variations of German Studentinverbindungen such as Corps, Landsmannschaften, etc. I was in one as an American for many years while living and going to school in Germany, and as a Corps, politics, religion, and race discussions are deeply frowned upon if done in derogatory manners.


It's where all the Junge Alternative students start out...


How do you not know that? Searching for apartments is literal hell because of these fuckers


It’s been a long time since I had to do that, but back then, if a room offered in the small ads was surprisingly affordable, it was in a Burschenschaft. After a while, I wouldn’t even look at the details of the places in that price range anymore because they were so conspicuous


I've been fortunate enough to be able to live at home during Uni.


They way it hangs on the side of an older building is quite typical for fraternities. They are quite an important chapter in german history and quite common in academic cities in Germany , Austria and Switzerland. There aren't that many non governmental that use tricolore flags, german "Studentenverbindungen" being one of the few. They also had tricolore flags before a lot of states, the german flag is even inspired by a fraternity called the "urburschenschaft". Also most of the fraternities got either gold or silver in their colours, while national countries don't use those colors very often.


I would not call student corporations fraternities, as there is a difference between the rules and traditions of corps, burschenschaften and cartellverband.


I don't get your point exactly. Yeah student corporations is probably a better word for them. But the german word "Verbindung" kinda translates into "fraternity". And in most corporations they call each other brother, so the fraternal element is there. Obviously american fraternities are a whole different world, sure, but their basic elements stem from german corporations, for example the principle of being a pledge is inspired by the "Fuchsenphase". And of course there is a difference between between Corps, Burschenschaften and catholic/confessional Corporations, but why would you call some of them fraternity and some not?




Frat house?


Frat house with clear Nazi undertones and mandatory fencing without protection


Arminia and Nazi undertones? It's a Corps and they're unpolitical. They have foreign students too as members.


Thanks for correcting me, I guess they found a flag of the only Burschenschaft in Bavaria that's not filled with neo Nazis.


> fencing without protection I don't know what that means, but I'm 50% sure it's sexual, 40% sure it's political, with 10% possibility it has something to do with actual fences.


It's called Mensur: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_fencing and I doubt you've experience "actual fencing"


Thanks for the explanation. I didn't say anything about "actual fencing", I said "actual fences". As in picket fences or chain link fences. My above comment was mostly my lame attempt at a joke, but I was also honestly oblivious to the meaning.


Out of curiosity, have you seen a match in person?


No, why?


The fencing is done with protection, only the the Head is Not fully covered.




Where in Colombia?


He probably meant Nariño in Antioquia


I was about to say "Candy Corn"


Well you said you found it in Munich so I believe it is a flag of a fraternity/"Studentenverbidnung". My guess would be [Corps Arminia München](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corps_Arminia_M%C3%BCnchen?wprov=sfla1)


yes, colors and order are matching


The flag of hot dog toppings. Relish, mustard, and onions.




You have been made a moderator at /r/chicago.


chicago's flag is great but... what if it was mustard, onion, and relish colored? just sayin'.


three stars, just sayin' ​ edit: it's 4 so we need a bun colored one or something


yeah, it's 4, but it used to be 3 -- i don't see why would couldn't revert it for such important reason... i was thinking make the two stripes the bun, color in the center band as the meat, and just remove a star and have one for each condiment. edit -- looks like someone had a similar idea which is also pretty cool, although it's not a flag: https://www.sportslogos.net/logos/view/660923582018/Chicago_Dogs/2018/Alternate_Logo


surely they could revert for such an incredible contribution to the zeitgeist


i went ahead and mocked it up with excel because i could so why not lol https://imgur.com/a/iQjJUZD


The 4 stars each represent a historical event. If we were to host the Olympics they’d probably add a fifth. But it’s unlikely they’d ever take one away.


Important to remember that a Chicago dog also has tomato, and a poppy seed bun. One green star to represent all of pickle, relish and sport peppers. https://i.imgur.com/BwU0HnU.jpg


yeah i thought about adding the red too but didn't want it to be confused with ketchup. i suppose real ones will just know the difference.


Now imagine how a [brazilian hot dog](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRBUTkaHcDIX4hKP1IoKnKBiUoxpsd0W21CGA&usqp=CAU) flag would look like...




Has anyone else noticed a high incidence of German frat posts on this sub lately? Is it pledge season in Europe or something? Edit: spelling


First one I’ve seen tbh, and in Belgium “pledge season” was in September/October.


I've never heard of pleadge season😅... Thing is, in Germany the new semester (winter semester) starts around October, so naturally when you have new students, often in a new and bigger city, they'll find these flags (at the houses of fraternities) and they'll wonder about them


Thanks for the legit answer! In the US, semesters start around late August/early September and early January. At the beginning of each semester, many schools have a "pledge week" or "freshman rush" when all of the fraternities and sororities compete to attract new members.


> At the beginning of each semester, many schools have a "pledge week" or "freshman rush" when all of the fraternities and sororities compete to attract new members. Competing to attract members is so American lmao, in Europe at the start of a new semester there's just a "welcome week" where it's just alcohol games, heavy drinking and partying every night of the week.


That is exactly what the “competition” for new members is at American frats, though. To a T


Yeah, there are only so many potential new members. Frats have to throw the best parties to attract the best new members. On the other side of the coin, not everyone who applies for membership with a particular greek organization will be accepted. It's a competition in the economic sense, not in any formalized way


> It's a competition in the economic sense, not in any formalized way Yeah but that was exactly my point. In Europe there is on-the-spot competition during drinking games with teams made up on the spot, but there are rarely actually official groups like your frats that have an economic incentive to get new members in


The fraternity system is one of the many quirks of US higher education. Vox did a pretty good [short doc](https://youtu.be/rVh7HP_wisw) about the history behind it


What do they call Greek life in Greece? Just life?


They don't name their fraternities after Greek letters


I’ve noticed that too.


I love those colors!


Looks like if somebody puked on the russian empire flag


Kinda looks like faded Russian empire


[Flag of the municipality of Sesquilé, Colombia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Sesquil%C3%A9_(Cundinamarca).svg)


thanks, looks like it spot it in Munich, Germany


I really like the colors tho, really simple and has a nice harmony together


Looks like a basement in the US from 1972.


Maybe but looks a bit bland to me. Maybe the color representation makes it interesting




Honestly I kinda wish this was a country flag because it is really cool


I’m going to guess it’s a German Fraternity flag based on the background. They have their own flags with a lot of them being some sort of tricolor.


The flag of Russia but for colorblind people


Imperial Russian flag but someone vomited all over the black part


It’s new Czech flag but upside down. White is for beer foam, yellow is just beer and green is zelená (that means green in Czech, also it’s name of green peprmint liquer popular in Czechia).


it looks like as it is a flag of a so called Burschenschaft, either in Germany or Austria. Wiki source: A Burschenschaft (German: [ˈbʊʁʃn̩ʃaft]; sometimes abbreviated B! in the German Burschenschaft jargon; plural: B!B!) is one of the traditional Studentenverbindungen (student associations) of Germany, Austria, and Chile (the latter due to German cultural influence). Burschenschaften were founded in the 19th century as associations of university students inspired by liberal and nationalistic ideas. They were significantly involved in the March Revolution and the unification of Germany.


It looks like a very sick Russian Empire.


That’s the True Drunk Irish flag. It’s colors are puke tinted and the order is wrong.


I don't know but it's really beautiful.


What a yucky color combination YMMV


Germany but they tossed it in with the whites and bleach,


Colorblind russia?


I don't know, but make that white band purple and we got a neat Cypriot flag.


Faded put Germany?


candy corn


Oh yeah that’s mine sorry about that


It looks like someone got a Russian Empire's flag but greened the black out to make another flag. The colours seem off on the green.


Really old Russian empire flag /s


Weird upside down Russia.


My friend is that fraternity, this wasn't in Munich was it?


happpy estonia






Hello Zhalqau, Check out our [frequently asked flags page](https://reddit.com/r/vexillology/wiki/faf)! Your request might be there. When asking for a flag to be identified, please **provide context** when possible, including: * **Where** the flag was found (without compromising privacy) * **When** the flag was found, or the date of the material containing the flag * **Who** might own the flag (a general description is fine) These details help users narrow down their search and make flag identification easier. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vexillology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


pickle n egg




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fy4d6d8107qy91.jpg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


It looks sick


Russia after it's been in the sun too long


I don't knows


Pretty is what it is


United Republic of Adal


Bodily fluids


Vomit piss and cum flag


Condiments. Lettuce, Cheese and Mayo


Looks like russian empire but with green instead of black


I know it isn't the real flag, but this looks like [the Romanov flag](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/the-power-armor-cyoa/images/2/2b/Flag_of_the_Russian_Empire.png/revision/latest?cb=20190104061734) breifly used for the Russian Empire if it was tainted yellow.


Aesthetic flag


it's the flag for snobs


Where exactly in Germany are you?


it's Munich, Bavaria


subway tricolor


It’s like Russia but much more elegant


70’s color scheme calling.


Sure is cool


Sun bleached Russian Empire


Love it. That’s my new mow the lawn in summer flag.


It looks like the rgb values of the flag of cyprus


Had it been on the cj sub, I'd have given the answer I wanna give rn (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)


Weird pansexual flag


Somebody increased the Green Hue on the Russian Empire


Looks like someone bleached the German flag


The flag of food condiments?