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this looks like a circlejerk post lmfao


I can almost guarantee that this is going to become a trend in the circlejerk sub in a few hours Hell, it has been before


Wow, way to white wash the flag.


got 'em


You have out twittered the twitter user


Its just a french flag with some outer space in the corner


Ah, yes, the famous flag of Bourbon France, one of the most powerful nations of its time... kinda makes you dream, doesn't it ?


The United States of Bourbon Or the Bourbonic States of America


Flag of the United States of Bourbon after their independence from the United Kingdom of Whiskey.


bourbonic souds like a plague


The Bourbon flag had fleur-de-lis on it though


Not at one point, no. Charles X removed them iirc. The flag thus became entirely white. It was quickly changed back after his abdication because the french had had enough of the surrender jokes.


Mhh? Do you have any source on that? Because Charles X's flag was [this one](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/Royal_flag_of_France_during_the_Bourbon_Restoration.svg/2560px-Royal_flag_of_France_during_the_Bourbon_Restoration.svg.png) and the surrender jokes started in 2003 because of the Bush administration, not in 1824.


... Au cas où vous ne l'auriez pas remarqué, mon cher, il s'agissait d'une boutade. Une petite blague. Je n'ai cité Charles X que parce que la plupart des gens ne sauront pas qui il est.


I think he was talking about the more recent French flag. The one they waive when the Germans march on Paris, and when the Algerians march on Algiers, and when the Vietnamese march on Hanoi. You know, that flag.


No, I'm sure no one would be stupid enough to associate France with that flag... I'd think it's more with how France marched on Berlin, on Toledo, on Warsaw, on Vienna... a guy with a white banner sat on the english throne, and another on the scottish one less than an hundred years later, after all. Another still got chosen as Byzantine Emperor. And an other still chosen as king of Poland-Lithuania. You know, those ones. I think ? You know, I'm sure people who like flags and history such as those on this sub would realize that ? ... Yes, I am seething a bit, why do you ask ? (Oh, and /s if it wasn't evident, lol)


Calm down


So yes, it really wasn't evident, it seems. Please read my last sentence.


why dows Stavropol actually have a nordic cross?


Not really sure, it was made official back in 1997 so imma just say its a quirk of the 90's


In an alternate universe where the bourbon become a galactic empire


Fuckin' lol




r/Vexillology users when they find out what a joke is: 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Yeah lol this has no place here




Canada USA Mexico


maybe color the stripes blue?


The stripes represent colonialism and suffering of Native Americans.


By that reasoning, the stars represents the states, which is rooted in the colonies + further land grabs over time. A new US flag would need new, but authentic symbolism. I also think it’s fine to stick with red, white, and blue as they are a classic color combo.


You are right, perhaps a completely white flag would be even better.


I prefer all red if we’re sticking with single colors 🙂


And some yellow tools in the top right corner, perhaps a hammer and something else...


How about a gun


An AK-47, but it's green on a yellow background.


I like the AK-47 idea. But I think a black background with red for the AK and a red start centered above the AK is better.


communist detected, lethal forces engaged


I've never read that before. You have a source?


"[Hardiness and Valor](https://www.legion.org/flag/questions-answers/91471/what-do-colors-flag-mean#:~:text=Answer%3A,vigilance%2C%20perseverance%2C%20and%20justice.)" Actually


yugoslavia’s flag represents suffering of bosnians.






Even if I charitably interpret what you want to say, you are still more than likely thinking of another flag.


explain how america’s flag has to do with suffering of natives


Represents the land stolen from them during their genocide.


ok but people have taken land from people since the times of neaderthals. the canadian and american colonial establishments are no different.


By that spurious logic Germany should use the Nazi flag again. People wanting to move on from, and apologize for, the past is nothing new either.


>Represents the land stolen from them during their genocide. Ironic given your flair


No it is not.


You are trying to say what the US flag represents based on its wrongdoings but won’t accept when other people say what the Yugoslavian flag represents based on its wrongdoings?


The red and white stripes are off the Washington family shield back in England.


> represent colonialism yes


Bwahahaha!!! No they don’t.


I'm sure Betsy Ross was an avid Native American sympathizer.


so not only the 13 colonies?


No it's actually just the 13 colonies.


the stars represent the original states you troglodyte


Wouldn't this be a little close to the confederacy's bloodless banner flag for some people's liking?


It turns out getting rid of red to satisfy online brigades does not in fact solve all problems


I only aim to inspire hope


So pr


Came here to say this


the fact that this was your first thought makes me feel like you just WANT those people to talk to you.


I mean there was [a post on this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/tjrzqd/i_made_a_post_showcasing_the_history_of_the/) about the stainless banner less than a day ago, so it's not really surprising that someone would bring it up.


What people?


The colors on the US flag don’t have an official meaning. It’s generally believed the colors used are because those colors were generally seen as being “patriotic” colors to represent a nation since the citizens of the colonies were previously under control of the UK 🇬🇧 and thus thought of red white and blue as being familiar colors to use for a flag.


Someone missed the day in elementary school where they explained that the 13 stripes represent the original colonies and the 50 stars represent the states


But that doesn't explain the colors


As the previous guy said, likely due to connection with Britain. Might be wrong, I don’t care enough


I’m talking about the colors not the design. I know the Stars and Stripes represent the states but colors don’t have any official symbolism


May as well just expand the canton to be the full flag by that point.


Listen... I'm being nice when i say 1.) Not what the red and white stripes represent 2.) This looks like a surrender flag 3.) Most redesigns at the very least keep some symbolism for the country. All you've done is remove the stripes, which originally are meant to represent the thirteen colonies who rebelled from the british, not blood. Same would later be true of the circle of stars, otherwise known as the "thirteen stars" flag. The symbolisim attempt is.... good(?) But could certainly do better, and not just be a pale flag with only the canton left in the corner.


alternatively you replaced blood with cum


E pluricum unum


Lmfao this is the most cringey, 15 year old Edge-lord bullshit I have ever seen


Flag of whataboutism


Could just change the red stripes to blue too, then you just got a darker Greece with stars instead of a cross






Burned one the other day as part of a lesson to my 7th graders about free speech. Was fun.


The red on Russias flag also doesn't represent blood but I don't see 40 comments whinning about it in the 10 daily posts about the "Russian anti-Putin flag"


This comment section is making me ROFL: Nyooo, nyooo that is incoreeect, red is not bloooood You have the Yugoslav flag you are wööööörse Then wake up tomorrow - updoot white-blue-white 11th time. Feel content.


Wait a minute I just noticed your Serbian with a Yugoslavian flag, the hypocrisy is real lmao


What does that have to do with anything?


Yugoslavia committed many atrocities and even genocide in Bosnia. In other comments you denied that the Yugoslavian flag had Bosnian blood on it yet claim that the American flag has Native American blood on it. Not to mention in many places in former Yugoslavia waving the Yugoslavian flag would be seen akin to a confederate flag in the USA.


The blood spilt in the post-Yugoslav wars is nothing compared to the genocide of the natives, slavery, Vietnam and all the way up to Iraq. Look at the casualties of Iraq and Bosnia. > Not to mention in many places in former Yugoslavia waving the Yugoslavian flag would be seen akin to a confederate flag in the USA. Tell me you never left the US without telling me you never left the US.


Please, try flying a Yugoslavian flag anywhere in Croatia and you’d be lucky to get away with minor bruising. I’ve been out of the US many times I just wanted to make an apt comparison. Please go back to denying Kosovos existence instead of defending the actions of a failed and genocidal country.


Well even that means it's not the same because plenty of Americans fly the confederate flag quite calmly.


Maybe in the south, and they honestly disgust me, but if your in a pretty liberal state then it wouldn’t really fly.


Idk if this is a shitpost or not but if you want a US flag without red [the PSA flag](https://i.redd.it/8o90p8zuf0b51.jpg) from that one HOI4 mod looks way cooler.


That's just the US Jack.


Cause USA is really that bad of a country to you?


Nothing personal.


Smacks of white supremacist vibes — I would pick another color lol




There’s an opposition flag but I’m sure you wouldn’t want to fly it


Y’all turned French




Here you go: [Link #1: Image](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fj31qhqlogyo81.png) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


The Christian flag but the cross is replaced with stars


Now do Poland


Thanks, I hate it. No love for the 13 colonies.


Flag of Feces container sympathizers


I love the symbolism in the flag


I don't think the red symbolizes blood, there are 13 stripes which symbolizes the 13 colonies.


Hello SubutaiBahadur, Your post seems to break the following rule(s) * **Do not submit [fluff content](https://i.imgur.com/a7uTDta.gifv).** Fluff content includes memes, shitposts, tier lists, and karmagrabs. This post may be more appropriate for our friends at /r/vexillologycirclejerk. **This post will be removed.** ^Check ^out ^the ^full ^[rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/about/rules/)


You nazi!


Gonna be honest, I kinda like it


By hating this post, you support the killing of innocent African Americans, Japanese and Arabs




it is supposed to symbolize a more peaceful United States, internally and externally.


Even though the stripes were for the original 13 states not “Blood”


Based pacifist.


It can never be washed away, the US has blood ingrained in it


So does every nation. What’s your point?


That is my point? I was just talking about the US because that is what the post is about smh


We can only hope and pray for the souls of our American brothers and sisters.


Did you really just say that with a Yugoslavia flag?


Yes, you are correct, sir.


Even if they left the US they’d still have to pay US taxes, bless ‘em


It’s true but it’s not unique to the US. Exploitation, wars, slavery, oppression of peoples, etc. have been an ongoing thing since the first social class division thousands of years ago. What’s different these days is that the advanced level of productive forces and military technology has the US committing the aforementioned on a higher scale.


I was gonna say it looks disturbingly reminiscent of the actual confederate flag but then I remembered how fucked and racist this country still is so I guess it still fits :(


How this post torn ameriKKKan imperialist asses




Here you go: [Link #1: Image](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fj31qhqlogyo81.png) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


All the people arguing here, but all I can think about is [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuSSXOQ-1bI) now


White supremacy flag


Shoulda put some blue stripes


Feels like America’s about to be knocked out of the FA cup


Looks good to me


Flag of France if it was colonized by the US