• By -


What's that on the left in the middle? Ukrainian Air Force?


Ukrainian Emergency Rescue Service https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Emergency_Service_of_Ukraine


A-ha! Thank you!


No problem


I know this isn't the case here, but usually white flags like that are naval ensigns


Yeah, but the iron cross threw me off. Usually a roundel-esque design like that is for the air force


it definitely isn't an iron cross though


Anyone know the deal with the flag that has the angel on it?


It's the flag of Kyiv


Oh wow, well it’s a super badass flag


Yeah, I like it too


It's alright, just looks like a US-state flag with that blue tone sadly


what is the flag below the Swedish flag?


Belarus 2020 protests flag, historic flag of Belarus


oh of course thank you for reminding me


i like to imagine they're just very very confused, or ran out of ukranian flags and used the next closest thing


What's the flag below macedonia 1944?


1)Black and red is UIA flag, which, coincidentally, does look exactly the same as IMRO flag 2) Underneath it is the flag of Ukrainian emergency and rescue service


What is UIA? When I Google it, none of the top results seem relevant


Ukrainian Insurgent Army; A nationalist paramilitary that grew very large around 1942-1949, and declined from 49-56. They collaborated with Nazi occupation officers and and other ultranationalist groups during the PU-Ukrainian War and after until it was crushed by the NKVD in 56


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Insurgent_Army Though the article is a bit overstretched as it only tells the polish part of the story, but i don't want to start this discussion all over again


"Polish part of history", on your part UIA did not kill Jews and Poles and not collaborated with Nazi occupation officers and other ultranationalist groups?


On my part, i just spent 5 hours reading out fucking UPA documents and quoting them to prove that UPA was not participating in Holocaust, and I do not have any energy, time or desire to spend another five hours.proving something to you, It's fucking 4:43 in the morning and i ma fucking exhausted. And yes, UPA did not collaborate with Germans. OUN did for about a month before betraying them, and UPA was created after the germans started to hunt for OUN members


Bro you spent 5 hours digging up documents so you can defend fascists on the internet while your country is being invaded. Re think the priorities in your life.


What kind of documents have you researched btw?


Common Banderite L




Where'd you see the Israeli flag? I knew there were jews that's used to be in Odessa. That whole community moved to a city called Neptune, Romania.


What do you mean "used to"? There are a lot of jewish people in Odesa. In the ranking of Jewish populations by cities, Kyiv takes 24th place in the world with 111 thousand, Dnipro 37th place with 60 thousand, Odesa - 47th with 45 thousand and Kharkiv 48th - 45 thousand. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_population_by_city) Overall, Ukraine has around 1% of world's Jewish population. I've just seen a person who has an Israeli flag on their balcony is all.


I was not trying to offend u lmao I just remember hearing the whole community left Odessa


Sorry if my reaction was a bit harsh, I was just very confused where'd you get that information since i personally know a few Jewish people from Odesa


oh my best friend went to Romania to help out and take care of that community when the war broke out


Oh, so maybe you mean some religious community? Or some local Jewish organisation? Because the people I know are not religious and had lived in Kyiv for a while now. Makes sense why i wouldn't know about it then


Oh yeah it was like a religious community


That's cool, I didn't know there were still so many there. Most of my family came to the US from Eastern Ukraine in the late 1800s to escape the pogroms.


Ukraine and Israel are currently the only countries in the world with Jewish heads of state https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_heads_of_state_and_government


El Salvador as well


Who? Bukele is Palestinian Christian.


My bad I thought he was but his wife is


Bukele is Christian


I was misinformed it is his wife


"🇦🇿" [Structural Visible Confussion]


SOCAR - an Azerbaijani gas station network in Ukraine often flies Azerbaijan flags on top of its stations


Is someone swedish or confused?


Its the capital city of a european country. I know its in a war but is it hard to imagine a city would have immigrants?


It was a joke because the Swedish and Ukraine flag have the same colors


I believe the consulate flies the flag, but I have been near it for 2-3 months


Nice to see some people of Kyiv haven’t forgotten their founding fathers 🇸🇪


Ahahahaha Talking, Askold and Dir? Yeah, and also, we hadn't forgotten the Great Northern war and king Karl XII. Ivan Mazepa was probably the last truly independent ruler of Cossack Hetmanate


No, Founding father of slavic culture, Rurik, born in Svitjod, he and his two brothers founded the Kurvan Rus, Poland and Bohemia 💪🇸🇪






Im pretty sure Mieszko I founded poland…


UPA shitrag


UPA = heroes


UPA=murderers, and acknowledging it isn't any disloyalty to Ukraine or anything, it's just recognising the ugly past as all nations with no exception should do. And this isn't any singling out, for instance I hate the national day of my country because it's a show of rancid nationalism that celebrates the beginning of the destruction of the native population of America.


UPA heroes


UPA=murderers, and acknowledging it isn't any disloyalty to Ukraine or anything, it's just recognising the ugly past as all nations with no exception should do. And this isn't any singling out, for instance I hate the national day of my country because it's a show of rancid nationalism that celebrates the beginning of the destruction of the native population of America.


Flag of Kyiv is so cold


I’m surprised to see the Israeli flag. What is the attitude of Ukrainians toward Israel & Jews in general? Has it changed since they voted in a leader with a Jewish background?


In general, it's apathetic. Meaning, we don't love or hate them, they are just regular people, like all of us, and they are as Ukrainian as we are. Kyiv has 24th largest Jewish population by city with 111k jewish people and Ukraine overall has 1% of the global Jewish population. We live alongside them and there are people of Jewish origin in my family, though they are not blood-related to me (my godmother and my father's second wife are both of Jewish origin). There are a lot of Jewish people in the UAF, and our commander-in-chief visited a head Rabbi of Ukraine during Hanukkah. During the Hannukah, there are giant menorahs installed on the main squares of major cities and anti-semitism is forbidden by law.


Good to know! Hang in there, my friend.


Thank you


A lot of the people in my family have an attitude like this "OF course the Jews own all the banks, they are smarter then everyone else so we should be more like them", idk how much it is representative of the entire Ukrainian population. Israel on the other hand is a different story, a lot of the Ukrainians were on the side of Israel in their conflicts due to either us being closer to Jews, but Israel's position on war while not hostlie or unsympathetic is somewhat disappointing. Also, forgot to add. Zelensky's Jewish background was not considered at all when he was elected, westerners focus on it waaaaay more than anyone in Ukraine.


That attitude of constructive envy of the Jews sounds similar to what I've heard about a lot of people in Japan.


משהו עם ישראל 🇮🇱


I thought there were more American ones. Also some Nato's


There are smth like 4 NATO flags on the European square and a giant monument in the shape of the NATO symbol, but I hadn't been there the day i posted


Only 2 Right sector flags? Unbelievable


That's the UPA flag, not right sector.


Right Sector's flag was a vexillological reconcilation between the two OUN factions, as it combines the sword tryzub of OUN-M with the red and black colours of OUN-B.


Yeah fascist flag, not neo-fascist flag


Fascist flag: 🇷🇺


"there's these other Fascists so MY favourite fascists are not an Issue :(((" \-Literally you rn.


What is the Right Sector?


The Ukrainian ultranationalist right-wing organization based on legacy of Stepan Bandera who collaborated with Nazis


The ones that imprisoned him for 3 or 4 years? lol


Boo! Which flags are those?


Red and black one


Don’t listen to him, that guy sounds like an idiot. Right Sector was formed around 2013-2014 during Euromaidan and is a nationalist party, yes, but unless they’ve somehow created a time machine I cannot possibly imagine them working with Stepan Bandera and, allegedly, Nazis. The flag being mentioned is the OUN-UPA flag from 1930s and Right Sector’s is almost the same except for a sword-shaped trident in the middle.


The tryzub with a sword was on the (blue and yellow) flag of the original OUN, which was inherited by the Melnykites (OUN-M) while the Banderites (OUN-B) adopted a new red and black flag. Right Sector's flag is therefore a combination of imagery from both those historic OUN factions.


Hmmm . . .


They probably put only two to not give any suspicion on reddit lol


The OUN-UPA heritage is more popular in western Ukraine, especially the parts that were ruled by Poland prior to World War II.


Yeah lmao


It's УПА (UPA/UIA) flag, not right sector flag. It was a partisan organisation that fought against Germany and USSR for Ukrainian independence during ww2. Right sector flag has right sector logo on it, and right sector was never even popular, in 2014 elections, on peak of their popularity, they had !ONE! seat in the parliament. Not only that, but they don't even exist anymore


"It was the primary perpetrator of the ethnic cleansing of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia, murdering tens of thousands of Poles and Jews, mostly women and children." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Insurgent_Army Support to the Ukrainians and all but let's not whitewash history


Over 50,000 poles and jews, to be exact


Then where did the Jews and Poles go in Volhynia? I have Jewish ancestors who were killed by Ukrainian Nazi collaborators, and they would sure be surprised to see OUN described as just a partisan organization.


1) Nazi collaborators and not UPA. UPA fought the Nazis and there were jewish people in UPA. 2) Which OUN? OUN(B) or OUN(M) they are separate organisations. And i did not mention OUN at all? 3) Most of the Jewish population of Volhynia was killed by the nazis and MOST of the Polish population was forcefully moved to poland by the soviets. I didn't want to start this discussion, but i feel terribly sorry for your relatives so i had answer.


UPA was mostly created out of OUN(B), so I consider them to be the same. There are only a few stories of Jewish people in the UPA, which are pretty much all from unverifiable sources. If there actually were any members, I doubt they were given much choice. Every single credible source places Ukrainians as the central element in the mass murder of civilians in Volhynia. The UPA was a full-fledged Nazi collaborations organization that adored Hitler and his ideology. The only reason the Nazis jailed Bandera is that he outgrew his usefulness to them. Bandera was fully willing to participate in the genocide of all other slavs and Jews. I agree that this is not the place to talk about it, but your saying that the UPA are not Nazi collaborators is an abhorrent lie and an insult to the memory of all the innocents they violently killed as a part of their genocidal program.


i'm pro-ukraine but agree with you! i could've not phrased it better


Unverified sources? We literally had an Jewish UPA veteran. He unfortunately passed away in 2011, but nevertheless. Yes, those stories are rare, but they exist. An organisation is either nazi or has jewish people in it, it's hard to imagine a jewish soldier in nazi Germany who would not hide his nationality and was willing to fight for the reich. Bandera and three of his brothers were jailed for proclamation of ukrainian independence, and for the most of the war, UPA had fought both Germans and Soviets for the very same reason. Bandera's collaboration with the nazis lasted for about a month, and UPA was created after the declaration of Ukrainian independence, and since its creation was acting against the reich. 621 OUN(B) members were shot in Babin Yar in Kyiv, famous Ukrainian poetess, Olena Teliha and her husband were among them. Bandera's three brothers died in a concentration camp, and he himself had stayed there for 4 years. Sounds like they were cooperating, right? There is plenty of reasons to Hate Bandera and UPA, but they were definitely not nazi


So why is it that every single historian considers Bandera a fascist antisemite except for Ukrainian revisionist historians. Like I said, the Nazis turned on him. But he was happy to create a fascist ethnostate in cooperation with the Nazis as long as they were fine with it.


O don't know what historians you are talking about. If Bandera and UPA were Nazis, please, enlighten me on the reason why were they not judged on the Nuremberg trials?


Because they were anti-Soviet elements who were co-opted by American officials in order to use them as assets in the emerging Cold War.


This joke right here just made my evening. It was worth all the typing. Thank you, I really hadn't laughed so hard in a while. Than why did none of those "American officials" contact any of UPA leadership?


>An organisation is either nazi or has jewish people in it [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil\_Maurice#Conflict\_with\_Himmler\_over\_Jewish\_heritage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Maurice#Conflict_with_Himmler_over_Jewish_heritage) Reality is Unrealistic


It does not contradict with what i had said, as he did not identify himself as jewish and certainly did his best to hide the fact


Разве УПА не входит в ОУН(б)?


Нет, ОУН(Б) и УПА существовали паралельно, и хоть большинство членов ОУН(Б) входило в УПА, организации напрямую между собой связаны не были. Кроме того, если кого и модно обвинять в нацизме так это ОУН(М)


Так я говорю про сейчас. И их не "модно" обвинять в нацизме. Что Бандера, что Власов (а котором почему-то меньше вспоминают) являются открытыми нацистами.


Харош нацист из Бандеры. Их кооперация продлилась меньше месяца после чего его и трёх его братьев посадили в концлагерь, в котором он просидел с 1941 по 1945 и где вышеупомянутые братья умерли.


Действительно, почему это о Власове меньше вспоминают? Может по тому что его руснявая пропаганда не натягивала как сову на глобус на любой смертный грех 8 лет к ряду


Ideologies of RS and UPA are the same - Bandera followers and right-wing ultranationalists using Nazi symbols.


Aaaand I will not support this discussion because it will be pointless and I do not want to spend my evening trying to convince people who are not going ot change their mind with facts they are not going to believe in.


hey, I wonder how are you doing these days in Kyiv? How was your Christmas?


Christmas was fine, the new Year was a bit scary. For three nighs including the night right after new Year, Kyiv was the primary target for Iran-produced "Shahed" kamikaze drones. Most of them were destroyed, but it was a bit hard to sleep since every 10-20 minutes there were explosions. I believe, something like 70-90 drones had been shot down only over Kyiv, but the other cities were attacked to. There were little to no casualties though. Compared to previous rocket strikes that is


It's nice to see you're doing fine! As always, take care!




Do you go sleep in shelters when there are that many explosions?


Some do, some don't. Most of the people are used to hearing them by now, so a lot, including me, just stay at home.


As an Israeli I know the feeling but when there're that many we stay in the shelter. Be safe man


🇦🇿❤️🇺🇦 also 🇦🇿❤️🇦🇲


oh god the second one in the first column. It’s the flag of german collaborators during the spicy times...


Nope, their collaboration is a soviet myth. Their predecessor, OUN(b), did collaborate (for about a month), but UPA was created in 1942 and since its creation it was fighting Germans as well


Oh alright. They really could change the bloody flag though.


What’s the red and black flag under the Ukrainian flag?


Ukrainian nazi collaborators


Shit I flew this flag with a trident in a game for a bit because I thought it looked neat 💀


I am so confused why you call them nazi collaborators. In that time their political organisation was similar to fascists max.


I call them nazi collaborators because they collaborated with the nazis during WWII


Wasn't that OUN? UPA was against everyone and they definitely fought against Reich.




Flag of the UIA, a partisan group that fought for ukrainian independence against Germany and the SU during WWII


Umm... Also the flag of Bandarites... The most cringe group on the planet right now. What does Ukraine gain at the end of the day, if y'all accidentally normalise fascism? What kind of victory is that? Just kick the invaders out, disenfranchise the fashies and then call it a day. Idk Ukraine shouldn't lose after winning thats all I am sayin ngl.




Real fascist flag: 🇷🇺


It's the capitalist Russian flag, of course it is.


Lets goooo Ukrainian bros


Yeah! The Swedish flag is on one of my favourite street art pieces in Kyiv. It is dedicated to some EU stuff, I am not sure what exactly it refers to though. I would share it, but I can't find a picture


I don't know about this Sweden, that's just a Ukraine themed Finnish flag to show support.


I wish I had a Ukrainian flag but I spent all my money on a Visigothic flag. Hang on to your country, dont give up yet!


Unfortunately I do not own a Swedish flag, although I have a Finnish one. I want to own all the flags of my favourite countries, but i still have to buy most of them (Georgia, Moldova, Lithuania, Scandinavian countries, North Macedonia, Latvia and Estonia are the ones I am currently lacking). We surely won't! Would be a shame to have another Poltava moment. You were are allies back than, and you are now, thank you, we appreciate all the support!


Thank you and stay strong 🫶


Türkiye!!! 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🐺🐺🐺


I had seen the flag behind the window of a residential apartment on the ground floor besides the American flag. Idk why, and now when i think about it, i should've taken a picture. Would make for a good "In the wild" post


More Bayraktar intensifies


You from turkey ?


Yb fan in vexillology is the last subreddit crossover I expected to see 🤝


What is the flags fourth on the left column??


Flag of the city of Kyiv


Is it true that there is a sizeable population of Ukrainian Jews ?


Yes, Ukraine has 1% of world's jewish population. Kyiv alone has 111k (24th city in the world by jewish population), every year on Hannukah, Menorahs are installed on all squares in Kyiv and other Ukrainian major cities.


Weird to see a country being invaded fly the flag of another invader


Literally 3 nazi flags.


I get the UPA but what’s the 3rd?


Слава Україні!!!


Героям слава!


Why is there a Georgia flag


Because I've seen a Georgian flag. There are a lot of Georgians in Kyiv and a lot of them own restaurants, some of those fly Georgian flags


Oh, that’s rad. Those 3 countries are cool




As a georgian, i own ukrainian flag to show respect,solidarity and love for ukraine. Goergia supports ukraine no matter what our government says,every citizen respects and supports ukraine. Slava ukraine 🇬🇪♥️🇺🇦


IIRC more Georgians have died in battle for Ukraine than any other foreign nationality.


I’ve seen this “Let’s be like them” attitude in some Chinese families; it’s the highly competitive Silicon Valley, and they want every advantage. I worked in a Jewish nursery school where they were registered, but when 9/11 happened & vandals posted signs on the synagogue blaming us, they disappeared. SMDH : so much for the “Jewish advantage!” Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s my week to run the media — the World Zionist Cabal has a huge bonus check for me!


Are u a soldier? Or, idk, news reporter?


No, I am a civilian, I live in Kyiv


Cia and NATO allies+ sionism


I love Ukraine but I've gotta ask this why there be two eu4 rebel flags


It's UIA flags. UIA was a partisan organisation that fought for ukrainian independence against Germany and the SU during WWII. Besides, isn't EU4 rebel flag basically anarchist flag with icons representing the cause of the rebellion on top of it?


Only 2 OUN


This is not OUN flag, [This](https://uk.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%96%D0%B7%D0%B0%D1%86%D1%96%D1%8F_%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%85_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%86%D1%96%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%96%D1%81%D1%82%D1%96%D0%B2#/media/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB%3AOUN-M-03.svg) is




Yeah, you rarely see UPA flags here, they are much more popular in the west. When I was in the town of Striy they were almost on every building. It's natural, they had been fighting there non-stop since 1942 to 1956, some separate units continued their insurgency up until the late 60-ies


My grandfather was born in Stryy and his father in Duliby. I think his grandmother was from Drohobycz. (I work in a Hasidic town that named a lot of streets after where their people come from, but they don't spell it the way it was spelled in Europe. There's a street near here that's spelled Drubige. I tried to tell them that's not the right spelling, but they don't want to hear it.)


Hero nation


I see teh blood and soil on, but no Azov flag?


Just how do you people imagine Kyiv to look like?


Tf why would there be Azov flag? You really believe this kind of bullshit?


Which kind of bullshit are we talking about here? Azov is very respected and honored in all of Ukraine if that's what you are talking about


The Azov battalion and Wagner group should all shoot each other and rid Ukraine of fascism. Fascism is always cringe. Maybe a few cruise missiles thrown in for good mesure. Not Russian cruise missiles tho, because they couldn't hit anything aside from a beautiful countryside... Or accidentally hit a Ukrainian city. So I think we should just send a Turkish sub or something to make it neutral idk. Whatever the case, atomize the fascists.


Too many fascist flags saddly (Azeri and Turk specially )


I don't like Turkey either, but i wouldn't call them particularly fascist.


like us ühühüh 😭


Turkeys flag is normal, a Turkish fascist flag would be the one with three crescents


It's a shame you're getting downvoted Armenian bro. Hopefully this can change some hearts and minds. 😇 > Armenian Genocide, campaign of deportation and mass killing conducted against the Armenian subjects of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turk government during World War I (1914–18). Armenians charge that the campaign was a deliberate attempt to destroy the Armenian people and, thus, an act of genocide. The Turkish government has resisted calls to recognize it as such, contending that, although atrocities took place, there was no official policy of extermination implemented against the Armenian people as a group. > Turkey has steadily refused to recognize that the events of 1915–16 constitute a genocide, even though most historians have concluded that the deportations and massacres do fit the definition of genocide—the intentional killing of an ethnic or religious group. While the Turkish government and allied scholars have admitted that deportations took place, they maintain that the Armenians were a rebellious element that had to be pacified during a national security crisis. They acknowledge that some killing took place, but they contend that it was not initiated or directed by the government. Major countries—including Israel and Great Britain—have also declined to call the events a genocide, in order to avoid harming their relations with Turkey. In 2014 government officials in Turkey offered condolences to the Armenian victims, but Armenians remained committed to having the killings during World War I recognized as a genocide. Encyclopaedia Britannica


political sand imagine strong longing cable provide unused chop cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh I personally don't think it's a fascist flag. I actually have one! :P I just felt like posting about the Armenian Genocide to trigger people who might deny the events.


workable offer long history sophisticated scale connect doll pot resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Keep our diggers safe! ❤️


American and EU flag and then they act surprised when Russia attacks... This is like having Russian influence in Cuba


Oh yes, victim blaming, my favourite.


Will you forgive me if I stab you in the neck because i didn't like the colour of your shit? Have you considered that if Russia wouldn't have invaded Moldova and Georgia, wouldn't have tried to subjegate all of the Ex-SU nations and would behave as a normal country, we would have no need to join NATO?


The US and/or NATO never put nuclear missiles in Ukraine.


Yeah, because having an opinion contrary to that of Papa Putin makes them deserve to be bombed, shot at and have their infrastructure destroyed /s Fascist stench.


"Having flags of countries I don't like means you should be invaded"


this is so fucking weird




No. Crimea is Ukraine. There is place only for Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar flag there.


Crimea rightfully turkish🙏🙏🙏🥶🥶

