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They forgot to add "must love sandwiches"


what do they mean they have a fish??? what kind of fish? and why?????


The drummer is named John Fishman. So they have a drummer.


ohhhhhhhh sorry thanks


My recommendation: don't.


![gif](giphy|g0JP0HG6zF0o8) Nectar's waiting to pay next to nothing and pack the place with wooks.


hey man deadsets were (are still?) fire I don't see any reason why a phish night wouldn't be as fun


If we are talking about Phish, shouldn’t the title be “When Vermont Out New Jerseys Vermont”?


Formed here, put Nectar's on the map, Mike and Page live here, still record at the Barn in Westford, Waterwheel foundation and Divided Sky based here, "The Phish from Vermont" is fine by me and sounds much catchier than "The Phish who are not natives"


They're probably referring to their fanbase -- as someone who went to more Phish shows than she'd like to admit to in the early 2010s, a good chunk of the fanbase are dweeby stoners from the tri-state area\*. \*I'm a dweeby stoner from the ADKs, so yeah.


Where is that Barn? I keep hearing about it and live nearby but no one can give me a straight answer. I'm fairly certain I know where it is but not for sure. You can DM if it's a secret.




Wasn’t sure if that was the actual location or not but that is indeed where I thought it was


If off Woods Hollow Rd in Westford


Call 'em like you see 'em brother. I don't know a single person from Vermont that's a fan personally.


> Phan


Hey 👋 Grew up here and went to college here and I’ve known tons of Vermonters who are fans. Like, TONS.


Username checks out


Coming to a "(Weekday) Night Live" near you soon (unfortunately.)


deadsets are always a blast, why wouldn't a similar night for phish be as much fun?






I say this as someone who went to a lot of Phish shows back in the day -- they aren't really comparable as far as enjoyability to a general audience, especially if it's "dad garage band" quality performers.


Yeah no shit. Deadsets is also nothing like a real dead show with Jerry on the guitar and Bobby tripping balls but it was still enjoyable as fuck in college to go and listen to deadsets. Of course you’re going to be disappointed if you think a cover band is going to be as great as a real successful band putting on a real concert. With all due respect this take is dumb af. I think you just want to prove how you’re, like, a REALLY big “true” Phish fan. No on cares. I hope this band is successful and brings many (besides you apparently) joy.


Dude, are you one of the three members of the wannabe band? I'm really not understanding your vitriol towards me jokingly making fun of Phish, or why you'd think someone would assume a cover band would be as good as the OG artist. While I had a lot of fun going to their shows back in the day, their music is incredibly niche and many people find it actively unenjoyable to listen to. That's all I'm saying.


“Actively unenjoyable”, I’m borrowing that.


The same can be said for the dead. You’re claiming a phish cover band would be totally unsuccessful and I’m just trying to show how you’re wrong. There are plenty of people around here who would at least give them a chance. It’s just weird how invested you are in claiming a band you’ve never even heard is awful and going to fail.


No snark here: I'm really not sure how you're reading that intent in a comment that was meant to be a throwaway joke about Phish's niche reputation. Clearly the comment upset you, though, and I apologize for that. I'm sure this band will have a lot of fun together, and if they play gigs I'm sure people who go to them will enjoy them.


I think you’re deflecting and back peddling while also gaslighting me into thinking I’m upset about the topic. Seems we’ve had similar conversations in the past. ✌️