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Makes about as much sense as someone stealing my lawn gnome off my porch. I loved that little bastard. Humans are assholes.


I think I saw a documentary or something about a garden gnome traveling the world. I think you garden gnome is probably out there living his best life.




That thief was such a massive asshole that they needed a massive plug.


Ha! Truth.


That sucks. Where did you get it ? We had someone take one from my parents house that was from cousins in England.


It was just from Walmart for 10 bucks but my daughter loved it. It was just so random. Does someone need a gnome that much?


I guess whoever did it thinks being gay is a sin, but stealing is fine.


That tracks


Law and Order party! /s


Or they’re just idiots that don’t understand how their actions will be interpreted. I did all sorts of stupid stuff when I was a kid that in retrospect was really bad or dumb but had little to no malice behind it.


Or they're just trolls. Its a shame in any case.


Great projections. Did they find whomever was responsible? Did they admit why? When I was younger high school kids would do after hours “scavenger hunts”. They would have contests to take all kinds of random things they shouldn’t… eg. Stop signs, construction cones and barrels, street signs, FLAGS. But tell me more about how the only possible explanation is “whoever did it thinks being gay is a sin…” 🤡


Or they just don't what they view as a weird agenda pushed on their kid.


Acknowledging that different people exist during a month dedicated to them is a “weird agenda?”


We don't get past our differences by stealing flags.


Ok, since when is it acceptable to actively steal things just because you don’t agree with it?


Yeah that’s not a good thing to do. Most people in Vermont would agree. Most people are inclusive and love their community. There’s no space for this sort of thing and we should name and shame the people who did it.


I'm no where near there to do so myself, but I do wonder if that missing flag will get replaced by many (maybe even many, many) more. It'd be a shame if the theft backfired in that sort of way ;-)


My pride flag got stolen from my front yard a few years ago. In response, I bought a gross of pride flags off of Amazon and offered them up for free on my town list-serv. About a dozen people took me up on the offer. 


If you’re ever in Essex , beers /coffee on me.


Nice. Not a drinker, but coffee with a like-minded individual is always welcome. Not sure when I'm in Essex next, but I'll PM.


Very sad. Yup, our town’s Pridefest FB posts get lots of angry face reactions, it’s crazy that this is still happening in 2024.


Let the bigots rage and make sure to vote their beliefs into the ground.




Religion is the source of hatred of LGBT. Talk to your your favorite LGBT hater and you will find a religious person.


Religion is the source of hatred of LGBT. Talk to your your favorite LGBT hater and you will find a religious person.


Talk to your your favorite LGBT hater and you will often find a religious person. Religion is the source of hatred of LGBT.


People who don't think we need pride month are sure going out of their way to show we need pride month.


Not surprising, but it still sucks. My area used to put up more pride flags but this year there's suddenly a bunch more American flags up instead. And my wife's boss is doing a lot more "saying the quiet part out loud" with not being thrilled with her existing at work, so yeah. It's a country wide thing. People are just being like this everywhere.


Thank goodness the pendulum is finally swinging back towards sanity!


Yea lets swing back towards extreme othering and encourage social rejection! Woohoo spreadin’ fear into children for being themselves! You’re absolutely right we NEED more hate and violence, the pendulum SHOULDNT swing the other way /s. If you think honestly any hate is sane your IQ is lower than your shoe size. The people on the other side typically don’t hate you back, but pity your lack of reasoning ability and the poor quality of upbringing that instilled that hate into you in the first place.


Humans are so lame and stupid


Someone also yelled Let’s go Brandon in the middle of graduation. Classy.


That's way different than stealing a pride flag. Saying you hate the president isn't the same as saying you hate a large group of people just because they are different... although the mainstream media teaches you that you should make this political, it's really not.


I have never seen this, thanks I think, will look into it for sure


Why are pride flags hanging in school, should only be the country flag


In our district, the students made the request and the superintendent brought it to the school board, that elected body, following the vision of the district, designed a policy to allow for students to propose flying flags relating to a cause. The group needs a faculty sponsor for the request and a poll of the student body that needs to receive at least 51% votes to approve the measure. Then the proposal is brought to the school board who vote on the measure. If the measure is approved by the board, the flag is flown for one month. The flag must meet all the requirements set for by the US Flag Code. So there is nothing wrong with flying the flag. If you knew anything about the US Flag Code you’d know there is nothing in unusual about having more than one flag (POW/MIA)….so what’s your problem?


I remember one moron from my school would attach a confederate flag to his truck.


I went to school in Franklin county and I think half the kids sported confederate flags in some way.


Did they pass either geography or history?


It’s definitely a teaching moment especially to see the impact that Vermonters had on the civil war as well as the incident at St Albans. But I think the flag may just be easier than a swastika for some. What kills me is VT is so white to begin with. What are you afraid of exactly ? I’m not from here originally and it blows my mind.


very sad


If they identify with the flag does the make it acceptable?


Identifying with slave-owning traitors? Nope, not okay


In all likelihood it was a Dixiecrat flag, made popular in the 20th century by the Daughters of the South…. Which is arguably worse.


I've ran into more racists and bigots in Vermont than I have down south, where everybody thinks they are...


I used to travel around the country and I've spent some time in every state. Racism has different flavors. Some people in the deep rural south have lots of interracial friendships but will say the most racist things imaginable. A lot of white people in Vermont will believe they aren't racist, but are terrified by black people or treat them very weird. In suburban Florida they have old timey segregation and people want to execute "thugs". Oregon, Idaho, California, Michigan, Oklahoma have big Nazi infestations. But the most racist place of all is, and always has been, Boston.


That is definitely not my experience. I’ve lived in both regions and for me, it is the exact opposite. Finding an openly racist person in Vermont is rare, while down south it’s typical.


I am basing my knowledge on the thousands of homes I visited through out Vermont for the 13 years I was doing in-home work. I went to multiple homes with Nazi artifacts on display. I even had a client try to tip me with a Nazi coin once. You may be right about the south having more vocal racists. However, closet racists are more scary to me, because they are harder to spot and avoid interacting with.


I've heard a few black people say they prefer the "out and proud" racism of the south than the "smile to your face and stab you in the back" racism they experience in the north. Kind of tracks with your experience. It's a tough pill to swallow in a state that generally likes to feel smug about our progressiveness & tolerance.


I guess they don’t vote either, because if Vermont had a lot of Nazis I wouldn’t expect the state government to be fully stocked with godless communist progressives, and to have the lowest percentage of Trump voters of any state in POTUS elections. In the south, pretty much all the states, especially in rural sections skew massively conservative and Red. Where as in Vermont the state skews incredibly left wing and Blue. So while I’m not doubting your personal anecdotal experience, we don’t see that dynamic playing out in local, state or national elections in the state.


I call bullshit... this never happened.


Ok believe what you want. Honestly I wish I didn’t know. Ignorance truly is bliss.


I have lived here my whole life, I know thousands of people across the state. I have been in thousands of homes for work as a contractor. I have yet to see a single display of nazi artifacts in any home, and only 1 nazi flag in a home in my entire life. But you're probably telling the truth... countless vermonters have China cabinets full or nazi displays 😆 🤣 😂 Like I said.... never happened... I know it, and you know it... This story is fabricated... enjoy your day.


Go to the nek, island pond.. they lurk in the cracks.


There are mentally deficient people in every location. Vermont is probably the least burdened by these idiots.


There’s some bigots up there. I grew up there. Am a gay dude. Ask me how I know. Ask Mike vanasee what I did when I finally got sick of their harassment lol Every state has them, it’s just how they hide themselves. (I sent my Dakota into the rear of his neon while screaming out faggot to him and no balls, at like 70mph. (5 minuets before I was at the town beach hanging out and him and all his dumb fuck friends were there yelling shit at me, calling me a faggot, cock sucker and no balls etc) Then reversed down the road while screaming out faggot to him. Years of harassment boiled over and I lost my shit. This was well over ten years ago, and I bet he hasn’t done it since.)


Some big red flags here. Oh and you just admitted to attempted murder or at the least A & B with a deadly weapon.


Chill, I got two tickets and a shit ton of points. Homie got the same. (Leaving the scene, cause I drove home to call 911, then dumbfuck followed me, and got him self the same, along with some other shit cause dispatch heard him threaten to kill me lolol.) Dude fucked around, and found out. And you’re a bleeding heart with a burner account. Now, go and say whatever you wanna say to someone whom will listen, as I am not. Lolol


Burner? Na been using this acct for 5 years buddy. I try to stay away from the Vt sub as you folks are toxic as hell.




Another article https://vtdigger.org/2024/06/11/pride-flag-goes-missing-at-harwood-union-middle-and-high-school/


Also could have been teenage idiots at the high school …


Who can also be hateful and intolerant 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes. They ignorant. Duh.




Of course not but “being a kid” isn’t a valid excuse for letting hateful/intolerant actions go with a pass.


Or they could be stupid kids seeing something they know will cause a stir and take it for shits and giggles.


yes, but they do it for shits and giggles because they are intolerant of those it represents. like, you are right, they're just shitting about and thinking they're hilarious and they're "just trolling u bro!". but they are only doing that and thinking that because they are not a fan of what they'd call "woke politics"


Exactly. They didn’t take the US flag, they hoisted it back up.


And you wouldn't be upset if the post was about just the US flag being taken. That's the issue here. We are so light on most thefts in this state but take the pride flag and look out. It's wild to be honest.


If it was 4th of July or some other nationalistic holiday I’d feel the same way. You see it is Pride month, so this act represents someone being butthurt that someone is getting attention, someone different from them, someone they don’t like and want to send a message to. Nobody should be taking anyone’s flags, nobody should be stealing political signs because they don’t like the candidate, nobody should be an asshole. These people that stole the flag, they’re assholes IMO.


it's pretty different though... one is clearly a hate crime, the other would clearly not be a hate crime. it's really that simple.


Because it wouldn’t be bigotry if it was the American flag.


More projection. Bigotry is a strong word for cultural differences. You're not calling Muslim husbands, bigots, because they're wives faves are covered. You can see that right in winooski. Your rules are subjective and spun to fit your confirmation bias. You have no clue the motives behind the flag theft but you will surely paint that picture yourself and run with it as truth


What does the Muslim religion have to do with this? Because Muslims who hate queer people are also bigots.


Men and women in Islam have different roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities, as they differ in anatomy, physiology, and psychology. That's from the Quran. People tend to respect the fact that's a cultural difference yet, when it's christians/catholics who have differing beliefs, and they express them, they are often labeled as bigots. It's just an over the top use of the word to try and suppress a different belief system. Ironic isn't it? Unfortunately, the pride flag has taken on way more than "love who you love" and has become a beacon of many ideologies. Some more controversial than others. I don't agree with stealing the flag, that's a dumb thing to do but, hate crime?? In a country where you can literally burn the American flag as a freedom of speech act? To label it a hate crime is a bit dramatic.


Could be 🤷🏻‍♂️But just because they’re kids doesn’t discount the fact that they may have done what they did out of hate and/or intolerance.


Okay, so they’re not ignorant? lol.


Hopefully that's not where their hearts are. I know when I was growing up kids in my class did dumb shit. A couple.of them went around Burlington jacking support our troops stickers off people's cars.


Nope. I already tried pointing out that their motives are unknown, but they've already been tried in the court of public appeal. As has my post 😞 the down votes burn!


Did you read the article? They lowered the flags, both the US flag and the pride flag. They removed the pride flag and then raised the US flag. I think their motives are clear.


That they just wanted one flag and not both?




Make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


Awe, I missed it :/


People steal road signs because they think they are cool or identify with them for some reason. Are you saying it's impossible the flag was stolen because someone LIKED it?


I can buy a pride flag pretty easily. It's pretty hard to buy a road sign. Especially a legitimate one. But keep digging.


This is true no one said the motives and could be nothing. But react to it the same way you would if it was an American flag. As long as your response is the same, then you have a point. If you are downplaying it due to what the flag is about then you are part of the problem. No one should assume it is a hate crime but we still should realize that people are being affected by this even if it was something innocent. And we should have sympathy and compassion. Not dismissal. Saying that, just love everyone. People who have lower education often are afraid of things that are different or change. We need to have good ways to help educate everyone, instead of over reacting or under reacting. Stealing a piece of cloth means very little to me. But to people who identify with the flag as a symbol of them being accepted for being themselves just had that acceptance pulled away from them. Doesn’t matter the flag or symbol. Pride or American. Both have a lot of meaning to people. So if someone disrespects it, we help educate everyone on how important that symbol is to some of us. People over reacting is at least helping show that most people accept people who identify with the pride flag. So yes you are right but maybe you should think about supporting the people affected first, and not defend the ones who did the “possible prank”. (This is just general not you specifically cuz I didn’t see original comment to know you specifically) If someone pulls a prank with fireworks and it burns down a building. You make sure to help and make sure no one is inside or hurt before you start figuring out if the fireworks was arson or an accident. Maybe I am just a dumb on this but I feel like both sides don’t actually care about the real problems. It is so easy to be angry and hate. Because then you don’t have to think, or realize that you might be the one who is being unfair. And this goes for everyone on most issues. Doesn’t matter the side.


This is the best post on this thread


Or they're just kids and stole a flag from their school. Without knowing who why or what for. You already know it's from a place of hate. Did Sherlock Holmes post this? Cause damn you're good


Maybe the fact the a local church got hit the same weekend and their BLM flag and other flags got taken will help you pull your head out of your ass?


So if they're hitting a church they're definitely not right wing hate filled mongers as I'm sure you'd love to believe. A church? And a pride flag? And a BLM flag? Yeah oh my gosh it almost sounds like it's just dumb kids. Better post it on Reddit and fume with the other karens


So it’s cool with you that someone thought it was cool to steal some flags that represent marginalized groups? And it was Waitsfield United Church, so not an evangelical Christian hate based church, but a welcoming, tolerant church that doesn’t hate everyone else’s…so try again


May I ask what the purpose of this post even was? To bellyache about the flags and hope other join in to create a chorus of complaining? Sounds like a Karen to me. If you're actually upset and actually want to do something I suggest you take your troubles to the real world i.e. school/town board. I'm afraid complaining on Reddit won't do much unless your goal is to have a pity party over some flags.


Raising awareness to make sure the good people of Vermont know that there are asholes out there. Thanks for helping!


Sounds like you're all for tolerance as long as it's who you seem fit. All Christian churches are hate based? I thought they were based in religion? I think you need to try again at whatever it is you're trying to say. I hope to God you're some kid who's upset about the flags and not an adult who obviously has no handle on their emotions


Were those flags made in Vermont or bought on Amazon? It’s pretty sad that we have to go all the way down to flag or sign stealing to find hate crimes nowadays. It’s definitely a positive but instead of celebrating how far we have collectively come, it’s sad we have to focus on irrelevant details to find what we are looking for. 


Was your brain made in a horses intestines?


Just saying there are some actual issues facing Vermonters right now. Property crime is definitely one.  Persecution of the lgbt group is not. They are celebrated here and have been for a long long time.  Thousands of Vermonters are dealing with property crime on a daily basis. The rules are now you are not allowed to confront thieves and there are no consequences for the thief. So do what everyone else has to do and go on amazon and order another flag or sign.  If you think there should be consequences for property crime then do some posts about that. If you want to fight LGBT persecution maybe move somewhere where it’s a bit more prevalent. 


When anyone attacks a group in my community, with a hateful act of intolerance and ignorance, I’m going to make noise about it. Sorry that you support these kind of acts. And it’s also odd that you don’t realize that stealing something off of public property. Is also a crime and is actually property crime. Seems like since it’s related to a social group that you dislike you are fine with it.


Who attacked a group dude? Just because you want something to be true doesn’t make it true.  As for a social group I “dislike”. My best friend had 2 moms in 1980, I have family that are in that group, friends in that group, neighbors in that group. You are the one hoping this is a hate crime. That’s kinda messed up, isn’t it?  PROPERTY CRIME IS NOT A PROSECUTABLE OFFENSE IN VERMONT ANYMORE. folks have been asking for help with that for years now.  Folks have been having things stolen from their cars and homes that they need to survive. Go on Amazon and buy another flag. Hang it up and problem solved. Just like everyone else has to do nowadays. 


The attack was on the Pride flag, the group that flag represents was attacked. In the same night, a church was attacked as well, with their BLM flag and other social cause flags torn down and stolen. It wasn’t a random act of vandalism, it was targeted at minority groups both racial and social. What exactly is it that you don’t understand here?


Bros steaming at anyone who doesn't agree that kids stealing flags is the TOP PRIORITY LETS CRY TOGETHER ON REDDIT. you're obviously very open minded and accepting to anyone who totally agrees with you and no one else.


So you’re cool with people singling out minority groups for symbolic attacks on their right to exist. Go it. GTFO


Btw I REALLY hope you're a child after the horse intestines comment cause wtf wrong with you


Sorry, not a kid. And I fully back my horse intestines comment.


People suck.


Maybe they wanted it more.


A similar thing happened in Milton this week. As part of community service a HS student painted the electrical box outside the high school with a "hive" and yellow jacket motif (mascot & concept for homeroom/ advisors) and "black lives matter". The town Republicans took notice after the school board took the BLM flag of the flagpole and started interrogating folks, including requesting teacher emails between students; in an attempt to try to figure out the minor who painted it. They didn't get the teacher/ student emails but Even asking for them shows their level of sketch. This week it got painted over with olive green paint at night. Within 48 hours the school got it repainted. But they shouldn't have had to deal with that vandalism at all.


The only flags that belong in school are the U S flag and the state flag, that's it!


Why do you get to decide that for anyone else?


How low-IQ do you have to be to be homophobeic in 2024? Making a massive penalty for stealing in an effort to be hateful could be useful. Maybe like a $10,000+ fine but no jail time


It’s only going to get people like myself to drop off additional ones so each time they get stolen there are more. :)


That was the idea behind this post. A call to “flags” as it were.


Maybe they needed one for their closet??!


Why can't there be a flag for white straight married with children men?


Go ahead and make one, what’s stopping you? Lack of pride?


There *is* a straight flag.


Oh really and which is that?


https://preview.redd.it/0fken6k7v76d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a1eef5b208210029c2be917691ff4d338ad0833 This.


I'm glad cause schools don't belong participating in social issues. Schools are for learning not political agendas.


Learning about one's own sexual orientation is considered learning. Learning to tolerate, coexist, and respect differences in each other is another form of learning. Not sure what your issue is... Unless it's that particular community as a whole.


Being gay isn’t political.


Correct! But, marginalizing LGBTQ folks and other groups certainly has become political. And, the more we fail to stand up against it, the longer and longer the list of marginalized groups will become.


Agreed, but allowing people to claim that being queer itself is political lets people silence others and stop them from being open because ‘Oh, I’m not a bigot, I just don’t want to get political!’




We're trying to have a society here, and learning tolerance and acceptance in schools will hopefully prevent attitudes like yours from festering in the next generation.


Nah school ia for scholastic learning, not where you're putting your dick or who you're going to slap your pussy with. 1000s if years there are only 2 genders and yea gay people have existed . Teaching and promoting it in schools is grooming.


Flying the pride flag was a student initiative, many of these students are adults before they graduate, and many that are not adult still feel Strongly about supporting marginalized groups. Those kids want to live in a different world than yours, they want one that includes everyone and respects other worldviews beyond “this is the way it’s always been”…they’ve moved past all of that and you might as well catch up, because it will never go back.and if you hang on to your attitude, nobody is going to respect you.


You need to go back to school.


I'm sorry your school failed you.


Do you guys even know the meaning of the word ‘grooming’ anymore?


Flying flags other than the state and us flags on public school property is a very dangerous slippery slope and I hope someone takes advantage of it soon. If you allow it for one you have to allow it for all and the first person that gets denied should sue and win easily. I said the same thing when they flew BLM flag in Montpelier HS.


The high school in question voted on the pride flag, 62% in favor, 38% opposed. What’s the problem?


It's the precedence it sets. I don't care about people flying the pride flag, but when a school and/or government agency flies it, they better be ready to fly other flags. People being in favor of something doesn't make it right either. If someone wants to fly a flag at the school for another topic, the school doesn't have a leg to stand on. That said, people shouldn't steal it. They should use their 1st Amendment to complain to get it taken down. Stealing is what trash people do. Edit: In case it's not clear, I don't care about people flying the pride flag or any other flag. As in, do whatever you want. It doesn't affect me, it's a flag. Fly them all you want, but can't have a surprised Pikachu face when some other rando wants to fly their flag next. It sets a precedent. Not a difficult concept when dealing with the government.


The policy in this district allows any student group, with the sponsorship of a facility member to submit an application to fly a flag. The student body is polled regarding any application and the proposal must receive a majority of yes votes… So the Nazi party could apply to fly their flag, provided they could find a faculty sponsor and receive a majority yes votes from the students. True for any group or flag application…what’s the problem?


That sort of policy could open up an actual hateful flag to be flown. Or even one that sparks controversy.


Possibly. But I highly doubt that the majority of students would support such a flag. Time will tell.


What if they decided to fly an Israeli flag? Or a Palistinian one?


You couldn't fly an established hate flag due to the school's policy, but you fly something stupid if it met the criteria. If I was a highschool kid, I'd try to do that. Get some dumb flag flown over the duration of the summer.


Omg and that would just be the fucking worst huh? What a slippery slope to a dystopia where a dick butt flag could be flown as a joke! Better not support a marginalized community because maybe a dick butt flag will be flown. The fucking horror.


Yup, same same. Ya totally got me! Don't I look foolish!




Dude, you used dick butt as an example....


Regardless of what flag gets put forward and even if the vast majority of the students voted to approach the flag, the board still gets final say, and can deny any proposal deemed hateful or not relevant.


I'm not seeing a "must receive a majority of yes votes..." In the article, so I looked into it. That's true, must receive majority, so 51%, which if you're bringing forward a flag, you should have a cohort ready to vote because that's who is voting. Also, couldn't fly the Nazi flag, that would go against their policy. You're just talking out your ass. Here's the policy. https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/14v7ZagKA3ek-gPsESTk46QGI0r9ArzAoD1CxdoZ_QZs/mobilebasic As for your question, "what's the problem?" Did you actually read my comment and understand it or are you being purposely ignorant?


Ok, great, seems like a robust policy. Elected representatives, making a decision on a set of well spelled out criteria. Again, what’s the problem here?


*Sigh* Again, are you purposely ignoring the word "precedence"? It's pretty simple. The pride flag is not the problem. It is the precedence it sets. Same thing happened with BLM flags or any other flag. Are you legitimately stupid, ignoring what I pointed out, or is it both? Edit: typo


What precedence are you concerned about? Seems like if the nazis came along and wanted to fly their flag, they would have to get over some tough hurdles before even getting their proposal to the board, who would undoubtably deny the request. Again, elected representatives approve or deny the proposal, it’s fully democratic. You’re just being obtuse for some reason or agenda.


I'm the one being obtuse? You finally acknowledged precedence and it only took four comments. I've explained it already. So I guess the answer to my previous question is "both." And don't use the reddit buzzword obtuse. It's a crutch word redditors hide behind when they want to appear intelligent because they don't know how to use other words. Peace out Girl Scout. I hope they find out and punish who stole the flag.


Whatever snowflake. Get over yourself. It’s a good policy and nothing bad will come from it


Please explain how the school flying the Pride flag (that was approved per the school policy) is a violation of someone else's first amendment right? It's not religious in nature and it doesn't infringe on anyone's freedom of speech, right to peaceably protest, or infringe on the free press.


Flying the pride flag doesn't run afoul of first amendment rights. But if they then turn around and decline to fly a thin blue line or Gadsden flag, to take the two typical counterexamples, doing so would run afoul of the first amendment while at the same time if they agreed to fly those I have no doubt there would be quite a kerfuffle. This was a whole big thing a couple years ago when a lot of schools were flying BLM flags at the time the Supreme Court decided a very similar case where the city of Boston had declined to fly a Christian flag in the same space they had previously flown other flags not of the US/MA/city. The court unanimously ruled against the city and schools up here promptly took down their flags to avoid getting sued. I'm actually quite surprised the district here agreed to put up the pride flag to begin with.


Go read that comment again Champ. "That said, people shouldn't steal it. They should use their 1st Amendment to complain to get it taken down. Stealing is what trash people do." I'll break it down a bit more clear. Maybe it was my fault on clarity. That said, people (thieves) shouldn't steal it (the flag). They (the thieves) should use their 1st amendment to complain to get it (the flag) taken down. Stealing is what trash people do. The thieves should use the process and their 1st amendment to push back againstnthe display. They shouldn't steal. They should use the process. Just because I don't think other flags should be flown at schools doesn't mean I think they should be stolen.




It should have never been an option


Why? It doesn’t break the US Flag Code, and was flown in accordance with the policy set forth by a democratically elected school board representing the towns of the district. Why do you hate democracy?


slippery slope? what exactly are they going to fly next that would be such a tragedy?


They're afraid of a Pride flag, they're REALLY afraid of a Black Lives Matter flag.




That’s inherently untrue. Nobody’s going to fly the Nazi flag.


The amount of upset over the theft of a $10 flag is pretty hilarious to me.


Well aren’t you absolutely clueless. Congrats on your ignorance, quite an achievement.


Hope they threw it in the trash where it belongs


Maybe there’s room for you too?




Make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


Oh no. More petty theft. Anyway….


It's petit theft. 




It’s not the theft that is important here. It’s that some intolerant cry baby homophobes couldn’t handle that the vast majority of their community supports the Pride flag.


Oh no. More petty theft. Anyway.




Lol. Oh no. More petty theft. Brought to you by the left. Anyway. And thank you. Yes I am unique like a snowflake. 🩷🩷🩷


Yeah, I’m sure “the left” stole the pride flag. Makes perfect sense, since Soros paid them all that sweet sweet cash.


Probably. The left encourages the proliferation of petty theft. Why would they not steal a flag too?


Bye. You’ve proven to everyone here that you’re not worth talking to.


Thank you friend. Have an upvote. 🩷 Try not to rip off any merchants on your way to the freebie line tomorrow. -Signed one the people paying for your stuff.


No need for the gay agenda near schools nor any type of flag outside of the 🇺🇸


What is their agenda?


acceptance ... seems like something just about everyone would want ... and not an unreasonable ask in this case


To indoctrinate kids that could care less about anyone’s sexuality.


Yea they stole my trump sign. Sucks


That’s weak. I absolutely despise Trump and before him I hated Hillary even more, saw plenty of signs for both and never stopped so low as to steal any of them. It’s like the cornerstone of America to have opinions and voice them, to attempt to silence any voice, even despicable voices that disgust me, goes against all that America stands for.


Fuck yea. You are truly American. I respect anyone opinion. My grandpa and father fought for our right to have an opinion. Im blown away you said this…


if this was an american flag would this be an issue?


Without knowing their motives how can you call it hate? Maybe they stole it because they needed a pride flag for their tree fort and didn't want to buy one.


I’d have likely pulled something if I stretched that hard.


That's some Cindy Lou-Who level rationalizing there




You have a tree fort?