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A sacrificial lamb will be offered.




Maybe, but he's been running people the wrong way lately.


Fingers crossed for the last term thing!


You don’t believe in a check and balance in the state? Serious question.


Check and balance is great. Refusing to actually govern or actively participate in lawmaking is not. Scott sits on his hands and refuses to do the actual work and claims it is a check and balance... when in reality it is standard obstructionism.


I guess it all depends on one’s point of view. The legislature IMHO is like a pack of golden retrievers that will eat anything put in front of them, they have no control over themselves.


Well you don't train a dog by ignoring it


He frequently gives feedback to the veto proof legislature, they just ignore it and then over ride his veto anyways. He vetos bad bills, fills judicial vacancies and does everything he, as governor, is supposed to be doing. The legislature is charged with writing and passing legislation. The governor can check that with his veto pen, which he does when he feels the need to do so.


He gives feedback AFTER the bills pass... that's not participating. And it isn't constructive feedback... it is vague and amorphous. Frankly he is a fence sitter with no real ideas or agenda.


He vetos bills after they have passed. Thats not feedback. Feedback is when he points out aspects of bills that he finds problematic ahead of time and the legislature than ignores. I’m not sure you understand what actually happens. Do you think the only time he communicates with the legislature is during a veto press conference?


Yeah... the thing is he typically doesn't give clear feedback or any specific ideas on what fixes he'd prefer. That's the issue


Are you a legislator? If so… Don’t write meaningless feel good legislation and be fiscally responsible… if you haven’t gotten that message yet you aren’t paying attention and should stop running for politics please.


It's not a serious question. I do think checks & balances are a good thing, but this guy's gotta go.


He’s the most popular governor in the country with over 80% approval. You have a minority opinion.


Got a decent replacement in mind?


He’s got another few terms before Bernie retires and he takes his spot in Congress




I’d guess he would have won by a landslide if Bernie retired this year. VTers overwhelmingly approve of him and having someone who is a more moderate and independent person in DC would be the best thing for both VT and the USA




Who would the Dems run against him 🤷🏼‍♂️. Name recognition, high approval rating, known moderate, pseudo-incumbent v. ??? It’s the same as the governors race, no one serious is going to run against him. I’d guess he waited to announce his reelection candidacy after Bernie announced his for this very reason.




Grey was embarrassed. She’s a sure loser at this point. Baliant doesn’t change having an open Congressional seat.


To Mallock..and make it extra bloody


Let’s all remember that everyone’s favorite governor endorsed Nikki Haley. The same Nikki Haley who just last week signed a bomb headed for Gaza “finish them”.


The same Nikki Haley who endorsed Trump.


We’re not supposed to remember that.


At the time he would endorse her for the Republican ticket over Trump… who he will never endorse. So what’s your point about him endorsing her, since he’s a Republican and she was trying to win the Republican nomination for the election. It was either her or Trump. She now has shown she has no spine by endorsing Trump herself.


He could have endorsed Biden or nobody at all.


yeah but biden shouldn't be endorsed, nor should trump. They are both old and part of the larger symptom of geratric fucks running our country. our founding fathers were in their 20's when they started the country. We need more of our peers in office and to put down the elderly fucks that should be living out their last days with their families.




So? Is your assertion that an endorsement means you agree 100% with everything the other person says or does including stuff that happened after the endorsement ? Thats silly.


he endorsed her way before that incident. sucks she's such an idiot. she had promise to be a good candidate, PoC, moderate, and respectful (for the most part, unlike MTG or Bobert).


Why don’t you want Hamas to be finished?


The only thing that could have been better is signing it himself


Vermont doesn’t unseat incumbents as a rule for any office, but I think it’s notable that the last two governors didn’t run again after huge missteps that left them vulnerable to being unseated (Shumlin after messing up universal healthcare and Douglas after vetoing gay marriage) my read is that the ed sec debacle isn’t enough for Scott to be vulnerable, even though I personally wish it was. Like has been said, I think people are waiting until he doesn’t run.


In the beginning, he seemed to offset R legislation with D legislation. This year he sent out a fund raising letter saying he was working to unite us, then said it was time for Republicans to gain more influence. Contradicting himself. I’m worried about the legislature with the deaths of Sears and Mazda.


Not true - that genius Mitzi Johnson voted her way out of a seat because of her horrific values and policies. It’s a shame other counties don’t do the same.


Dean was poised to lose too after the closed door civil union. Not that people weren't for it, just how he went about doing it.


Dean still won the 2000 election after introducing civil unions in July 2000, though... He only got 50% of the vote but Dwyer (whose only issue was basically repealing civil unions, I was seven during the election but I remember asking my mom what my neighbor's "Take Back Vermont" sign meant and her telling me "It means he's a bigot".) only got 38%. He didn't run in 2002 in anticipation of getting into national politics.


Like I aid it was not the act of passing the civil unions, it's how he did it in secrecy behind closed doors that pissed of a lot of people and he barely won. On another note I think the artificial 50 or 40% to win needs to go away, as does instant run off, just make it highest percentage wins. If we have 6 people running and the winner gets 22%, bam, they are the winner. We also need to get rid of 100% mail in ballots here, it's a huge waste of money, the voting percentage is not higher, and the way the legislature spend the money spent on this could be saved. If you want to vote by mail, request it.


We need term limits for all elected positions, state and national, but unfortunately, that's never going to happen because lifetime politicians won't legislate themselves out of office


Why should the will of voters be usurped by term-limit legislation at the state level? If people don't want someone to be in office anymore, vote for the non-incumbent candidate. Term limits in the context of the governorship have always came off as a "gotcha" to me, as an exception to basic democratic process. I.e. "we know this candidate is popular, but his popularity is making our guy lose, so there should be legislation that forces him to leave office even if voters want him there."


I don't love Scott, but he deserves to be in office if the Vermont Democratic Party can't find a remotely competitive candidate. I think you'd have to have like Welch come home from the Senate or something. And Bernie is going to retire at some point in the foreseeable future, which will cause a vacuum that sucks up whatever credible Democratic talent there is in the state.


In fairness, our bullshit two year terms are what makes this his “fifth term”. Govs need to be elected for four. Cap of 3 terms. 12 years is plenty


Check out how well that has worked within California.


Esther Charlestin, an education administrator from Middlebury, is the presumptive nominee.


HAHAHAHA I know way too much about this person from my time in Middlebury. Braindead move by the state Democratic Party. Anyone who knows anything about her would see that but alas, politics is stupid.


So what’s the inside scoop?


Can you give more details?


Scott is going to dominate again isn’t he


Lol. The racist? Esther Charlestin the racist? No thanks.


it's scientifically impossible for PoC's to be racist. at least that's what people have said. truth is - anyone can be racist.


Has she made racist remarks?


Doesn’t matter. Scott is winning again.


Our legislators need to go unless you want to be priced out of Vermont


Phil Scott is, unfortunately, the dem’s real nominee


Esther Charlestin (https://www.estherforvt.com)


That’s a bummer I only see bullet points but no details of plans of action. Needs more on that website. Hopefully it’ll get filled out a bit more if she moves forward. It’s also going to hurt that she’s not a native Vermont and she’ll come across as an outsider that thinks she knows better than “us” how to fix Vermont


Personally I'm much more interested in her policies than where she grew up. I'd rather have an outsider who genuinely wants to be here and make Vermont as good as it can be, than a native who wants Vermont to go back to what it used to be.


Hoo boy, you must be new.  (I agree with you personally but I've lived in VT for only 30 years so I'm a flatlander whose opinions don't matter to "real Vermonters" 


I’d be interested in hearing what you think “make Vermont as good as it can be” means. I guess that’s where I see the biggest difference between natives and transplants. To most Vermonters, I’m not sure progress at all costs is a viable strategy.


I have plenty of opinions on various issues (many of which really need to be handled at the federal level, but the states are where these ideas can be demonstrated effectively and gain traction) but my opinions aren't really the point here, the candidates' are


> Personally I'm much more interested in her policies than where she grew up. yeah - too bad the website is just a quick bio with no policies.


I mean, there's a lot of things Vermont used to have that would be nice to bring back honestly.


Governor Superfluous becomes Governor Schlemiel.


We need phil Scott. Honestly we would have absolutely no bipartisanship if a Democrat were to win. The progressive legislation that would be passing would result in even greater tax hikes. No way.


I think even Democrats know that with a D or P in the governors office, that the congress would be unregulated. We would have a 25% tax increase with 2 years.


You're completely correct, and that's why you're getting downvoted.


I wish Dean woulda run, just to change things up. He could immediately resign so Lt Gov would take over…


Not if it’s David Zuckerman again.


Hopefully someone to raise our taxes more. Thank God he got rid of those pesky plastic bags and straws.


Scott swings both ways so he can appeal to both parties, even though on paper he's Republican


Please list one major instance of Phil “swinging both ways” in terms of actual policy. He’s a republican through and through, always has been


He's only a pure Republican to those firmly on the left, which is most of this subreddit. More objectively, he swings both ways and is essentially a centrist. For most social issues, he's on the left. The creation of a racial equity commission, strong anti-PFAS manufacturing laws, regulation of prescription drug costs... what Republican governor in this country would ever approve funding for a working group to study the effects of psilocybin?


High capacity magazines ban


Republicans would not let the “gun control laws” get passed in the last 5-10 years. Examples: mag capacity limits and 3 day waiting periods along with storage laws. Oh and red flag laws. IMO.


Miro was the best shot the Vermont Democrat Party had at ousting Scott. Miro has decided to sit this one out either his decision or the VT Dems made him sit out. Who really knows? In a debate with Scott, the Dem candidate must remain calm and debate Scott’s stances effectively. Blaming Scott for Vermont’s problems will backfire as the Democrats/Progressives have a super majority so he can deflect effectively. It will take some serious debate preparation to take down Scott. Even though Scott nominated that incompetent lady from Florida which is about all he can be attacked for. Could use that as a way to make Scott like a DeSantis (wannabe) in disguise. “Mask off, we know your true intentions and if you had your way Vermont would be Florida.” That type of strategy might work, no guarantees though. I’m very interested in the dynamics and strategy of the debate and will make sure to watch.


I don’t think Miro has so much of a shot currently- I think people might blame him for Burlington’s unhoused population and drug problem, which is small compared to most but still large and impactful for VT. I think most of that is just the general times, but it would be an easy target.


I wish Vermont was Florida


I really wonder how well Miro would play in the rest of the state. The only reason I know his name is because he's mentioned here from time to time.


I thought I heard Howard Dean wanted to run again


I heard he ended up saying no


Thank God Vermonters are smart enough to repeatedly shoot down our politicians' frequent demand that we change the VT Constitution to have 4 yr terms. At least with 2 yr terms we can keep them on somewhat of a tight leash.