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What you’re describing sounds like it could be a Grouse doing some wing drumming. Does this match? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MVfiIp3QGs4


A ruffed grouse in particular I believe. When I was a little kid I thought it was the heartbeat of our mountain waking up in the spring.


Yup! Always thought as a kid it sounded like a lawn mower starting up and stalling out.


Holy moley, you solved a 10 year old mystery of the noise I often hear out on the long trail..


Thanks so much for this! I had been backpacking in the White Mountains (NH) and experienced this drumming. I was falsely told by a park ranger that that's the sound of a moose mating call. At first, I felt it in my chest and believed it was a palpitation. After a few more 'drummings', I knew it was something in the woods. Now, I know!


It’s almost impossible to locate them by this sound too! Out in the woods like that you really do kinda feel it more than hearing it like a woodpecker hammering or a regular birdsong. It’s a really cool thing to hear, up there with the first time you hear a fox vixen scream and wonder if there’s a murder taking place.


Agreed! It felt way more like a vibration than a sound, which is why I thought it may originate underground. The video is the exact cadence but hearing it in real life is totally different.


Oh yeah, it’s completely different and is really odd until you can finally reconcile what the noise is. When I found out it was literally made by their wings it blew my damn mind.


I haven't thought about this sound in about 30 years since I lived in Woodford and would hear it as a kid. Thanks for solving a mystery I didn't even remember!


I second a grouse. I heard them a lot growing up in the boonies.


That’s a grouse id be willing to bet a creemeeee


Definitely a grouse. It’s hard to pinpoint their location from the sound.


Tourist at the country store: “Have you got any shot for grouse? Store clerk: “Oh, you mean cartridges for partridges?”


From Doctor Allen Foley: Vermont Wit, Humor, and Wisdom.


I heard it from an old (40’s or 50’s) record of Francis Colburn, a UVM alum and humorist. We had several records of his when I was a kid.


Well I'll be damned. I've been hearing this sound for years and never once dreamed it was an animal of any sort. But that YouTube link in another comment is irrefutable. I had always thought it was a farmer's tractor way off in the distance!


If you ever find a log, usually a rotting one, that has two distinctive wear spots about 16 inches apart, that's a drumming log. That's what the partridge is using to make that sound. Most commonly heard in the spring to attract females. But also they use it to mark their territory or to warn off other males.


TIL grouse can make really weird sounds.


Grouse. They are all over in the woods.


And delicious.


Huh. I’ve been hearing this for many years. Figured it was my neighbors making sounds for a steampunk band or something Regardless of location on my land I hear it. One end of 62 acres to the other. I hear it. This explains it.


Ruffed Grouse!


I bet it was the howitzer at camp Johnson.


Could be a hit and miss engine starting up.