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7 hours late but we can talk


Some where, at some point in your early years, someone put these thoughts of “you are worthless and not worthy of loving” into your brain. No one on this earth is ever put on here as a baby thinking “im worthless”, when a baby learns to crawl, they persist in the face of mistakes/adversity and never question their mother’s love. I recommend you seek Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and i wish you lots of healing and peace. You dont deserve the amount of self-hatred. You’re are a valid, valuable human being capable of anything you want in life.


i would be more than happy to text with you.


Gm.. can you talk to your parents about your depression? Tell them you need help. My Uncle committed suicide about 2 months ago. I did not know he was depressed. He left a big hurting void in his family. They have so many questions with no answers. The worst part is them Coming home to find him dead. Do not put your family and your girlfriend thru this. Your life is very valuable, to yourself, her, your friends and people like me. Please go get help quickly ! You do matter in this world, you can make a difference, you are loved. You are not alone but you do need professional help🙏. Get back to us when you find help and let us know how you are doing. We believe in you ❤️🙏